fixNodes: Standard Node Numbering in Phylo Objects

View source: R/fixNodes.R

fixNodesR Documentation

Standard Node Numbering in Phylo Objects


The function (re-)establishes the standard numbering of terminal and internal nodes in phylogenies represented as objects of class phylo.





An object of class phylo.


When reading phylogenetic trees from a NEXUS file that contains a translate section, it can happen that the terminal nodes (tips, leaves) of the corresponding phylo object are not numbered consecutively, which can be a problem in some downstream applications. You can use fixNodes to get the correct order of terminal node numbers.

fixNodes is also intended to re-establish the standard numbering of internal nodes and reorder all node value elements (e.g. node.label, posterior, ...) if a phylo object has been modified by either root, ladderize, or rotate.


An object of class phylo.


fixNodes has been completely rewritten for ips version 1.0-0. It should now run absolutely stable and is much quicker. Nevertheless, I recommend checking carefully the results of fixNodes, until the function has been tested by a number of users. Then this comment will be removed.


Christoph Heibl

See Also

read.tree,, read.beast for reading trees in NEWICK and NEXUS format; ladderize and rotate for tree manipulation; for plotting node support values has been moved to package viper.

ips documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:39 a.m.