
Defines functions cat_sim_fast cat_sim create_cat_design

Documented in cat_sim cat_sim_fast create_cat_design

  fixed_theta = list(par_names = c("theta")),
  theta_range = list(par_names = c("min_theta", "max_theta"))

  random = list(par_names = NULL),
  mfi = list(par_names = NULL),
  # b_optimal = list(par_names = NULL),
  fixed = list(par_names = c("item_id")),
  mepv = list(par_names = c("var_calc_method"))

  eap = list(par_names = c("prior_dist", "prior_par", "min_theta",
                           "max_theta", "no_of_quadrature")),
  map = list(par_names = c("prior_dist", "prior_par", "min_theta",
                           "max_theta", "tol")),
  map_ml = list(par_names = c("prior_dist", "prior_par", "min_theta",
                           "max_theta", "tol")),
  ml = list(par_names = c("min_theta", "max_theta", "criterion")),
  # "eap_ml" = list(par_names = c("prior_dist", "prior_par", "min_theta",
  #                               "max_theta", "no_of_quadrature")),
  # "sum_score" = list(par_names = NULL),
  owen = list(par_names = c("prior_mean", "prior_var")),
  sum_score = list(par_names = NULL)

  randomesque  = list(par_names = c("num_items")),
  `sympson-hetter` = list(par_names = NULL)

# content_bal_rule <- c("max_discrepancy")

  min_item = list(par_names = "min_item"),
  max_item = list(par_names = "max_item"),
  min_se = list(par_names = "min_se"),
  sprt = list(par_names = c("theta_0", "theta_1", "alpha", "beta"))

  # "multi_theta", "cdm", "raw_score",

  next_item_rule = c("none", "mfi"),
  termination_rule = c("max_item", "min_se"),
  termination_par = c("max_item", "min_se")

########################### create_cat_design ##################################
#' Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT) Simulation Design
#' @description
#' \code{create_cat_design} is a helper function for
#' \code{\link{cat_sim}} and \code{\link{cat_sim_fast}} functions. It
#' defines the simulation design.
#' Ideally, there is a design element for each item. So within this design
#' (which is a list), there are $k$ design elements for each potentially
#' administered item. Each of these sub-design elements are also a list.
#' @param ip An \code{\link{Itempool-class}} object containing item parameters,
#'          content information, etc.
#'          If \code{ip = NULL} this means this is an infinite item pool,
#'          where b is on demand, c = 0 and a = 1, D = 1.7.
#'          If \code{true_ip} argument is \code{NULL}, this item pool will
#'          be used to generate item responses.
#' @param title A string value representing the title of this CAT design.
#' @param true_ip An \code{\link{Itempool-class}} object which holds the true
#'          values of item pool parameters that will be used to generate item
#'          responses. This is an optional argument. If it is \code{NULL}
#'          and \code{ip} is not missing, then, item responses will be
#'          generated using \code{ip}.
#'          \strong{Default}: \code{NULL}
#' @param first_item_rule The method how the first item is administered.
#'          The main effect of this is to select the first item administered
#'          to an examinee. If, for example, first item is desired to be a
#'          fixed one or randomly selected from the item pool, then set that
#'          rule in \code{next_item_rule}.
#'          \strong{Default}: \code{'fixed_theta'}
#'          Possible values and required parameters:
#'          \describe{
#'            \item{\strong{NULL}}{If no separate first item selection rule is
#'              necessary, the first item will be selected using the
#'              \code{next_item_rule} and it's parameters \code{next_item_par}.
#'            }
#'            \item{\strong{"fixed_theta"}}{Fixed starting value.
#'              Required parameters for \code{first_item_par} argument if
#'              this rule is selected:
#'              \describe{
#'                \item{theta}{The value of the initial theta estimate.}
#'              }
#'            }
#'            \item{\strong{"theta_range"}}{An initial theta estimate within
#'              \code{min_theta} and \code{max_theta} will be randomly selected.
#'              Required parameters for \code{first_item_par} argument if
#'              this rule is selected:
#'              \describe{
#'                \item{min_theta}{Minimum theta value of the interval.}
#'                \item{max_theta}{Maximum theta value of the interval.}
#'              }
#'            }
#'          }
#' @param first_item_par Parameters for the first item rule.
#'          \strong{Default}: \code{list(theta = 0)}
#' @param next_item_rule A vector of length one or length maximum test length
#'          which is designating the next item selection rules.
#'          \strong{Default}: \code{'mfi'}
#'          Note that, currently, if there are testlets in an item pool and a
#'          testlet is selected for administration using one of the methods
#'          below, all items within that testlet will be administered regardless
#'          of the next item selection rule.
#'          Possible values and required parameters:
#'          \describe{
#'            \item{\strong{random}}{
#'              Randomly select items from the item pool.
#'              Exposure control rules and parameters will be ignored for this
#'              selection rule.
#'              Required parameters: None.
#'            }
#'            \item{\strong{mfi}}{
#'              Maximum Fisher Information.
#'              Required parameters: None.
#'            }
#'            \item{\strong{mepv}}{
#'              Minimum Expected Posterior Variance.
#'              Required Parameters:
#'              \describe{
#'                \item{"var_calc_method"}{
#'                  Which method to use to calculate the posterior variance.
#'                  See Equation (4) of Choi and Swartz (2009), Comparison of
#'                  CAT Criteria for Polytomous Items.
#'                  Available options are:
#'                  \describe{
#'                    \item{\code{"eap"}}{
#'                      Use the variance from expected a posteriori estimation.
#'                    }
#'                    \item{\code{"owen"}}{
#'                      Use the variance from Owen's Bayesian estimation.
#'                      For \code{"Rasch"}, \code{"1PL"}, \code{"2PL"},
#'                      \code{"3PL"} models this is much faster than
#'                      \code{"eap"} option above.
#'                    }
#'                  }
#'                }
#'              }
#'            }
#'            \item{\strong{b_optimal}}{
#'              Select item which has item difficulty that is close to the
#'              current ability estimate.
#'              Required parameters: None.
#'            }
#'            \item{\strong{fixed}}{
#'              Administer a fixed set of items from the item pool. This is
#'              basically a linear fixed length test where the order of items
#'              are predefined. Exposure control rules and parameters will be
#'              ignored for this selection rule.
#'              Required Parameters:
#'              \describe{
#'                \item{item_id}{
#'                  A vector of the item IDs that should be administered.
#'                }
#'              }
#'            }
#'          }
#' @param next_item_par A list of length one or length maximum test length
#'          that sets the parameters of next item selection rules. It can also
#'          be \code{NULL}, in which case no parameters necessary for that
#'          next item selection procedure.
#'          \strong{Default}: \code{NULL}
#' @param ability_est_rule A vector of length one or length maximum test length
#'          which is designating the next item selection rules.
#'          \strong{Default}: \code{"eap"}
#'          Possible values and required parameters:
#'          \describe{
#'            \item{\strong{"eap"}}{
#'            Expected-a-posteriori.
#'              Required parameters:
#'              \describe{
#'                \item{prior_dist}{
#'                  Distribution of the prior distribution.
#'                  Available values:
#'                  * \code{norm} for normal distribution,
#'                  * \code{unif} for uniform distribution.
#'                  The default value is \code{norm}.
#'                }
#'                \item{prior_par}{
#'                  A vector of prior parameters.
#'                  * For normal distribution \code{c(0, 1)}, see \code{?dnorm}
#'                  * For uniform distribution \code{c(-3, 3)}, see
#'                    \code{?dunif}
#'                  The default value is \code{c(0, 1)}.
#'                }
#'                \item{min_theta}{
#'                  Minimum possible value of theta. It is a lower bound.
#'                  The default value is \code{-4}.
#'                }
#'                \item{max_theta}{
#'                  Maximum possible value of theta. It is an upper bound.
#'                  The default value is \code{4}.
#'                }
#'                \item{no_of_quadrature}{
#'                  The number of quadrature, more specifically the number of
#'                  bins the theta range should be divided. The more bins, the
#'                  more precise (and slower) the estimates will be.
#'                  The default value is \code{50}.
#'                }
#'              }
#'            }
#'            \item{\strong{"map"}}{
#'            Maximum-a-posteriori (Bayes Modal).
#'              Required parameters:
#'              \describe{
#'                \item{prior_dist}{
#'                  Distribution of the prior distribution. Currently only
#'                  available value is:
#'                  * \code{norm} for normal distribution,
#'                  The default value is \code{norm}.
#'                }
#'                \item{prior_par}{
#'                  A vector of prior parameters.
#'                  * For normal distribution \code{c(0, 1)}, see \code{?dnorm}
#'                  * For uniform distribution \code{c(-3, 3)}, see
#'                    \code{?dunif}
#'                  The default value is \code{c(0, 1)}.
#'                }
#'                \item{min_theta}{
#'                  Minimum possible value of theta. It is a lower bound.
#'                  The default value is \code{-4}.
#'                }
#'                \item{max_theta}{
#'                  Maximum possible value of theta. It is an upper bound.
#'                  The default value is \code{4}.
#'                }
#'                \item{tol}{
#'                  The tolerance (precision) level of the estimate.
#'                  The default value is \code{0.00001}.
#'                }
#'              }
#'            }
#'            \item{\strong{"owen"}}{
#'            Owen's Bayesian Estimation
#'              Required parameters:
#'              \describe{
#'                \item{prior_mean}{Prior mean value. The default value is
#'                  \code{0}.}
#'                \item{prior_var}{Prior variance value.The default value is
#'                  \code{1}.}
#'              }
#'            }
#'            \item{\strong{"ml"}}{
#'              Maximum likelihood estimation using Newton-Raphson algorithm.
#'              If this method is used, the standard error of ability estimates
#'              are calculated using the inverse information value at this
#'              theta estimate.
#'              Required parameters:
#'              \describe{
#'                \item{min_theta}{Minimum possible value of theta. It is a
#'                  lower bound. The default value is -4.
#'                }
#'                \item{max_theta}{Maximum possible value of theta. It is an
#'                  upper bound. The default value is 4.
#'                }
#'                \item{criterion}{This value determines the accuracy of
#'                  estimates. Smaller values lead more accuracy but the
#'                  speed of estimation reduces as the value of \code{criterion}
#'                  decreases. The default value is 0.001.
#'                }
#'              }
#'            }
#'            \item{\strong{"eap_ml"}}{
#'              Expected-a-posteriori until an imperfect item response string,
#'              then switch to Maximum Likelihood estimation.
#'              Required parameters:
#'              \describe{
#'                \item{prior_dist}{
#'                  Distribution of the prior distribution.
#'                  Available values:
#'                  \code{norm} for normal distribution,
#'                  \code{unif} for uniform distribution.
#'                }
#'                \item{prior_par}{
#'                  A vector of prior parameters.
#'                  For normal distribution \code{c(0, 1)}, see \code{?dnorm}
#'                  For uniform distribution \code{c(-3, 3)}, see \code{?dunif}
#'                }
#'                \item{min_theta}{
#'                  Minimum possible value of theta. It is a lower bound.
#'                }
#'                \item{max_theta}{
#'                  Maximum possible value of theta. It is an upper bound.
#'                }
#'                \item{no_of_quadrature}{
#'                  The number of quadrature, more specifically the number of
#'                  bins the theta range should be divided. The more bins, the
#'                  more precise (and slower) the estimates will be.
#'                }
#'              }
#'            }
#'            \item{\strong{"map_ml"}}{
#'              Maximum-a-posteriori until an imperfect item response string,
#'              then switch to Maximum Likelihood estimation.
#'              Required parameters:
#'              \describe{
#'                \item{prior_dist}{
#'                  Distribution of the prior distribution.
#'                  Available values:
#'                  \code{norm} for normal distribution,
#'                }
#'                \item{prior_par}{
#'                  A vector of prior parameters.
#'                  For normal distribution \code{c(0, 1)}, see \code{?dnorm}
#'                }
#'                \item{min_theta}{
#'                  Minimum possible value of theta. It is a lower bound.
#'                }
#'                \item{max_theta}{
#'                  Maximum possible value of theta. It is an upper bound.
#'                }
#'                \item{tol}{
#'                  The tolerance (precision) level of the estimate.
#'                  The default value is \code{0.00001}.
#'                }
#'              }
#'            }
#'            \item{\strong{"sum_score"}}{
#'              Simple sum score.
#'              Required parameters: \code{NULL}
#'            }
#'          }
#' @param ability_est_par A list of length one or length maximum test length
#'          that sets the parameters of ability estimation rules. It can also
#'          be \code{NULL}.
#'          * If \code{ability_est_rule = "eap"} then the default is
#'          \code{list(prior_dist = "norm", prior_par = list(mean = 0, sd = 2),
#'                     min_theta = -4, max_theta = 4)}
#'          * If \code{ability_est_rule = "owen"} then the default is
#'          \code{list(prior_mean = 0, prior_var = 1)}
#'          If it is \code{NULL}, either no parameters necessary for that
#'          ability estimation rule or the defaults of that ability selection
#'          rule will be selected.
#'          If it is a list of one, it means that the parameters will be the
#'          same throughout the test. The names of the list elements will
#'          represent the parameter types.
#'          A list of lists with length of maximum test length designate
#'          different parameters for different items in the test progress.
#' @param final_ability_est_rule The ability estimation method that will be
#'          used to calculate the final ability estimate. The methods and
#'          the parameters are the same as \code{ability_est_rule} and
#'          \code{ability_est_par}. Please see those for details.
#'          \strong{Default}: \code{NULL}
#' @param final_ability_est_par A list of parameters that will be used
#'          for the method designated by the \code{final_ability_est_rule}.
#'          \strong{Default}: \code{NULL}
#' @param termination_rule This parameter determines how CAT algorithm decides
#'          terminate the test.
#'          The order of termination rules is important. The algorithm will
#'          check the rules in that order. If for example
#'          \code{termination_rule = c('min_se', 'max_item')}, first whether
#'          the SE smaller than a certain value checked and if it is smaller,
#'          then even the maximum number of items haven't been administered,
#'          test will terminate.
#'          The \code{"min_item"} and \code{"max_item"} has a special property
#'          where, for \code{"min_item"}, if the number of items administered
#'          smaller than \code{min_item}, then test will not terminate
#'          regardless of whether other rules satisfied. Similarly, for
#'          \code{"max_item"}, if the number of items is larger than
#'          \code{max_item}, the test will terminate regardless of whether other
#'          conditions satisfied or not. If both \code{"min_item"} and
#'          \code{"max_item"} are in termination rules, then, test will end when
#'          both conditions satisfied, i.e. when the number of items
#'          administered is equal to or larger than \code{max_item} value in
#'          \code{termination_par}.
#'          The "test length" refers to "Item" objects, i.e. individual items
#'          not testlets. For example, if an item pool has 10 testlets each
#'          having 2 items and 15 standalone items which are not within a
#'          testlet, then the test length can go up to 35 (2 x 10 + 15).
#'          \strong{Default}: \code{c("min_item", "min_se", "max_item")}
#'          \code{"termination_rule"} should be a vector that composed of the
#'          following termination rules:
#'          \describe{
#'            \item{\code{"min_item"}}{The minimum number of items should be
#'                  satisfied. If the number of administered items are equal to
#'                  or larger than this number test ends. }
#'            \item{\code{"max_item"}}{The maximum number of items should not be
#'                  exceeded.}. If this is missing, then the item pool
#'                  size will be set as maximum length.
#'            \item{\code{"min_se"}}{If the standard error exceeds \code{min_se}
#'                  value, then the test will terminate.}
#'            \item{\code{"sprt"}}{Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT).
#'            SPRT tests two hypotheses:
#'            \eqn{H_0}: Examinee's ability \eqn{\hat \theta = \theta_0}
#'            \eqn{H_1}: Examinee's ability \eqn{\hat \theta = \theta_1}
#'            After the administration of each item, the likelihood (or
#'            log-likelihood) of the response string is calculated at
#'            \eqn{\theta_0} and \eqn{\theta_1}. The ratio of this likelihood is
#'            then compared to two decision points, \eqn{A} and \eqn{B}.
#'            \deqn{LR = \frac{L(\theta = theta_1)}{\theta = theta_0}}
#'            In order to calculate the lower (\eqn{A}) and upper (\eqn{B})
#'            decision points, one needs to set \eqn{\alpha} and \eqn{\beta}.
#'            \eqn{\alpha} represents the rate of false positive classification
#'            errors \eqn{(0 < \alpha < 1)}, i.e. examinees whose true
#'            classification is fail but passed at the end of test. \eqn{\beta}
#'            is the rate of false negative classification errors \eqn{(0 <
#'            \beta < 1)}, i.e. examinees whose true classification is pass but
#'            failed at the end of test. \eqn{A} and \eqn{B} can be calculated
#'            as:
#'            \deqn{A = \frac{1 - \beta}{\alpha}}
#'            \deqn{B = \frac{\beta}{1 - \alpha}}
#'            If \eqn{LR > A}, examinee passes the test and if \eqn{LR < B}
#'            examinee fails the test. If \eqn{B < LR < A}, test continues
#'            until the maximum number of items reached (or some other test
#'            termination criteria satisfied.)
#'            \code{"sprt"} termination rule needs \code{termination_par}, where
#'            the following parameters should be given in a list:
#'            \describe{
#'              \item{\code{"theta_0"}}{The highest theta value that the
#'                test developer is willing to fail an examinee. }
#'              \item{\code{"theta_1"}}{The lowest theta value that the
#'                test developer is willing to pass an examinee.}
#'              \item{\code{"alpha"}}{The rate of false positive classification
#'                errors (0 < \code{alpha} < 1), i.e. examinees whose true
#'                classification is fail but passed at the end of test.}
#'              \item{\code{"beta"}}{The rate of false negative classification
#'                errors (0 < \code{beta} < 1), i.e. examinees whose true
#'                classification is pass but failed at the end of test.}
#'              }
#'            Example: \code{termination_par = list(sprt = list(theta_0 = -.9,
#'                                                              theta_1 = -.1,
#'                                                              alpha = 0.05,
#'                                                              beta = 0.05))}
#'            }
#'          }
#' @param termination_par A list of termination rule parameters. This
#'          is a named list with length equal to the length of
#'          \code{termination_rule} argument. The names of the list elements
#'          should correspond to the elements of \code{termination_rule}
#'          argument.
#'          \strong{Default}: \code{list(min_item = 10, min_se = 0.33,
#'                                       max_item = 20)}
#' @param testlet_rules A \code{list} containing arguments that specify the
#'          rules that will be used within a testlet.
#'          The default value is \code{NULL} where the following rules will
#'          be applied if there is a testlet:
#'          \code{list(next_item_rule = "none", termination_rule = "max_item",
#'                     termination_par = list(max_item = 999))} where if a
#'          testlet is selected all items of this testlet is selected (unless
#'          the a testlet has more than 999 items.). Each item is selected
#'          with the order it appears in the testlet.
#'          It is assumed that items within testlet are administered together.
#'          In other words, an item that does not belong to a selected testlet
#'          cannot be administered between two items that belong to the same
#'          testlet.
#'          The following list elements are available:
#'          \describe{
#'            \item{\code{next_item_rule}}{The way item selection is performed
#'              within a testlet. Following options are available:
#'              \describe{
#'                \item{\code{"none"}}{Items are selected with the order of
#'                  observed in the testlet.}
#'                \item{\code{"mfi"}}{Maximum Fisher Information. The most
#'                  informative unadministered item within the testlet at
#'                  the current ability estimate is selected.}
#'              }
#'            }
#'            \item{\code{"termination_rule"}}{The rule that should be
#'              satisfied to stop administering items from a testlet. If
#'              there are more than one rule, the termination rules will
#'              be applied as the order they appear in the
#'              \code{termination_rule} vector. For example, if
#'              \code{termination_rule = c("max_item", "min_se")}, then if
#'              \code{max_item} criteria is met testlet will be terminated
#'              without checking for \code{min_se} value.
#'              Following options are available:
#'              \describe{
#'                \item{\code{"max_item"}}{An integer representing the maximum
#'                  number of items administered for each testlet. The test will
#'                  terminate when maximum number of items is reached or there
#'                  are no items left in the testlet.}
#'                \item{\code{"min_se"}}{A numeric value representing the
#'                  standard error of ability estimate value to terminate the
#'                  test. If the standard error exceeds \code{min_se}
#'                  value, then the testlet will terminate. This testlet
#'                  termination criteria will only be checked if at least one
#'                  item from the testlet has already been selected.}
#'              }
#'            }
#'            \item{\code{"termination_par"}}{The test termination parameters.
#'              See the \code{"termination_par"} above in the main function for
#'              available options.
#'            }
#'          }
#' @param exposure_control_rule A vector of length one or length maximum test
#'          length which is designating the next item selection rules. It can
#'          be \code{NULL} in which case there won't be any exposure control.
#'          \strong{Default}: \code{NULL}, No exposure control will be imposed
#'            on item selection.
#'          Possible values and required parameters:
#'          \describe{
#'            \item{\code{NULL}}{No exposure control.}
#'            \item{"randomesque"}{
#'              Select one of the most informative \code{num_items} items.
#'              \describe{
#'                \item{\code{num_items}}{The number of items to select from.}
#'              }
#'            }
#'            \item{\code{"sympson-hetter"}}{
#'              The algorithm of Sympson-Hetter exposure control is explained in
#'              Sympson and Hetter (1985).
#'              This method does not require any additional
#'              "exposure_control_par" but each item/testlet should have
#'              a "misc" slot like the following
#'              \code{misc = list(sympson_hetter_k = .75)}.
#'              When using 'sympson-hetter' exposure control rule, please ensure
#'              that there are sufficient number of items with
#'              'sympson_hetter_k' values 1. Otherwise, examinees might not
#'              get a complete test and an error might be raised by the
#'              simulation function.
#'            }
#'          }
#' @param exposure_control_par A list of length one or maximum test length
#'          designating the exposure control for each item. If there are no
#'          parameters it will be \code{NULL}.
#'          \strong{Default}: \code{NULL}
#' @param content_bal_rule Whether a content balancing is imposed on item
#'          selection. Default value is \code{NULL}, where no content balancing
#'          will be imposed on item selection.
#'          \strong{Default}: \code{NULL}
#'          Possible values and required parameters:
#'          \describe{
#'            \item{\code{NULL}}{No content balancing.}
#'            \item{\strong{max_discrepancy}}{Given a target content
#'              distribution, the content with maximum discrepancy with target
#'              discrepancy will be administered.
#'              Required parameters:
#'              \describe{
#'                \item{target_dist}{Target content ratios.
#'                  For example, suppose there are three content areas:
#'                  Geometry, Algebra and Arithmetic. If the plan for the test
#'                  is to include 30% Geometry items, 50% Algebra items and 20%
#'                  Arithmetic items, then, the \code{target_dist} should be:
#'                  c(Geometry = .3, Arithmetic = .2, Algebra = .5). The names
#'                  in the vector should correspond to the names of the content
#'                  areas in the item pool. \code{target_dist} should include
#'                  each content area within the item pool for it to work
#'                  properly. If the sum of the \code{target_dist} is larger
#'                  than 1, it will be converted to ratios.
#'                }
#'              }
#'            }
#'          }
#' @param content_bal_par Parameters of \code{content_bal_rule}. A list, a
#'          list of lists or \code{NULL}.
#'          \strong{Default}: \code{NULL}
#' @param ability_type The type of ability the test is measuring. By default
#'          it is IRT based single 'theta'.
#'          \describe{
#'            \item{\code{"theta"}}{Theta for unidimensional IRT models}
#'            \item{\code{"multi_theta"}}{Theta vector for multidimensional IRT
#'              models (Not Implemented Yet).}
#'            \item{\code{"cdm"}}{An attribute vector (Not Implemented Yet).}
#'            \item{\code{"raw_score"}}{Raw score (i.e. total score) of an
#'              examinee.}
#'            }
#'          \strong{Default}: \code{"theta"}
#' @return A \code{cat_design} object that holds the test specifications of a
#'         CAT.
#' @export
#' @author Emre Gonulates
#' @seealso \code{\link{cat_sim}}
#' @references
#'   Sympson, J., & Hetter, R. D. (1985). Controlling item-exposure rates in
#'   computerized adaptive testing. 973–977.
#' @examples
#' ### Example Designs ###
#' # Fixed length test IRT test with ability estimation EAP-ML
#' n_items <- 30
#' ip <- itempool(data.frame(a = runif(n_items, .5, 1.5), b = rnorm(n_items)))
#' cd <- create_cat_design(ip = ip, next_item_rule = 'random',
#'                         termination_rule = 'min_item',
#'                         termination_par = list('min_item' = n_items))
#' cd
#' create_cat_design(ip = ip, next_item_rule = 'random')
#' n_ip <- 55
#' ip <- itempool(data.frame(a = runif(n_ip, .5, 1.5), b = rnorm(n_ip)))
#' # Check the default:
#' create_cat_design()
#' create_cat_design(ip = ip)
#' ### Termination Rule ###
#' create_cat_design(
#'   termination_rule = c('min_item', 'min_se', 'max_item'),
#'   termination_par = list(min_item = 10, min_se = .33, max_item = 20))
#' cd <- create_cat_design(ip = ip, termination_rule = c('min_item', 'min_se'),
#'                         termination_par = list(min_item = 10, min_se = .33))
#' ### Next Item Rule ###
#' create_cat_design(ip = ip, next_item_rule = 'random', next_item_par = NULL)
#' create_cat_design(
#'   ip = ip, termination_rule = c('min_item', 'max_item'),
#'   termination_par = list(min_item = 20, max_item = 20),
#'   next_item_rule = 'fixed',
#'   next_item_par = list(item_id = ip$item_id[1:20]))
#' # Linear test where all of the items in the item pool administered in the
#' # same order as item pool
#' ip <- generate_ip(n = 15)
#' create_cat_design(
#'   ip = ip, termination_rule = c('max_item'),
#'   termination_par = list(max_item = 15),
#'   next_item_rule = 'fixed')
#' # Generate an item pool with two testlets and three standalone items and
#' # administer first seven items as a linear test.
#' ip <- c(generate_testlet(n = 2, testlet_id = "t1"), generate_ip(n = 3),
#'         generate_testlet(n = 5, testlet_id = "t2"))
#' create_cat_design(
#'   ip = ip, termination_rule = c('max_item'),
#'   termination_par = list(max_item = 7),
#'   next_item_rule = 'fixed')
#' # A linear test where the item order is predefined.
#' ip1 <- itempool(data.frame(b = rnorm(5)), item_id = paste0("i",1:5))
#' cd <- create_cat_design(
#'   ip = ip1,
#'   next_item_rule = 'fixed',
#'   next_item_par = list(item_id = c("i3", "i2", "i4", "i5", "i1")),
#'   ability_est_rule = "eap",
#'   termination_rule = 'max_item', termination_par = list(max_item = 5))
#' ### Ability Estimation Rule ###
#' create_cat_design(
#'   ability_est_rule = 'eap',
#'   ability_est_par = list(prior_dist = 'unif',
#'                          prior_par = list(min = -2, max = 2),
#'                          min_theta = -4, max_theta = 4,
#'                          no_of_quadrature = 31))
#' create_cat_design(
#'   ability_est_rule = 'ml',
#'   ability_est_par = list(min_theta = -4, max_theta = 4, criterion = 0.01))
#' ### Exposure Control ###
#' create_cat_design(exposure_control_rule = 'randomesque',
#'                 exposure_control_par = list(num_items = 1))
#' # 5-4-3-2-1 exposure control
#' create_cat_design(
#'   exposure_control_rule = 'randomesque',
#'   exposure_control_par = lapply(c(5:1, rep(1, 15)),
#'                                 function(x) list(num_items = x)))
#' ### Content Balancing ###
#' create_cat_design(
#'   content_bal_rule = 'max_discrepancy',
#'   content_bal_par = list(target_dist = c(
#'     Geometry = .3, `Rational Numbers` = .2, Algebra = .5)))

create_cat_design <- function(
  ip = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  true_ip = NULL,
  first_item_rule = "fixed_theta",
  first_item_par = list(theta = 0),
  next_item_rule = "mfi",
  next_item_par = NULL,
  ability_est_rule = "eap",
  ability_est_par = NULL,
  final_ability_est_rule = NULL,
  final_ability_est_par = NULL,
  termination_rule = c("min_item", "min_se", "max_item"),
  termination_par = list(min_item = 10, min_se = .33, max_item = 20),
  testlet_rules = NULL,
  exposure_control_rule = NULL,
  exposure_control_par = NULL,
  content_bal_rule = NULL,
  content_bal_par = NULL,
  ability_type = "theta"
  ) {

  # ip = NULL
  # title = NULL
  # true_ip = NULL
  # first_item_rule = "fixed_theta"
  # first_item_par = list(theta = 0)
  # next_item_rule = "mfi"
  # next_item_par = NULL
  # ability_est_rule = "eap"
  # ability_est_par = NULL
  # final_ability_est_rule = NULL
  # final_ability_est_par = NULL
  # termination_rule = c("min_item", "min_se", "max_item")
  # termination_par = list(min_item = 10, min_se = .33, max_item = 20)
  # exposure_control_rule = NULL
  # exposure_control_par = NULL
  # content_bal_rule = NULL
  # content_bal_par = NULL
  # ability_type = "theta"

                        ### Implemented Rules ###

  is_single_string <- function(x) length(x) && is.character(x)

                        ### Item Pool Checks ###
  check_itempool <- function() {
    # This function check item pool for possible errors
    # ip should be an Itempool object.
    if (!is.null(ip)) {
      # Check whether 'ip' is a valid 'itempool' object
      if (!inherits(ip, "Itempool") || !is(ip, "Itempool"))
        stop("'ip' should be an 'Itempool' object. ")
      # Check validity of ip
      # Rule: item pool should have unique ID's
      if (any(duplicated(ip$id)))
        stop("Items in the item pool should have unique IDs.")
      # Rule: item pool size should not be smaller than the maximum test length.
      if (get_itempool_size(ip)["items"] < max_test_length)
        stop("Item pool size should not be smaller than the maximum test ",

    # Check true_ip.
    # It should have the same length of ip:
    if (!is.null(true_ip)) {
      if (!inherits(true_ip, "Itempool"))
        stop("'true_ip' should be an 'Itempool' object. ")
      if (length(ip) != length(true_ip))
        stop("'true_ip' should have the same length as 'ip'.")
      if (!all(true_ip$id %in% ip$id))
        stop("ID's of 'ip' and 'true_ip' should be the same. ")

                        ### First Item Rule Checks ###
  check_first_item_rule <- function() {
    # This function checks whether first item rule and parameters are valid.
    # First item rule can be NULL, if so, the next_item_parameter will be used.
    if (!is.null(first_item_rule)) {
      # check whether the rule is a single string
      if (!is_single_string(first_item_rule))
        stop(paste0("'first_item_rule' should be a string like:\n",
                    paste0("'", names(CAT_FIRST_ITEM_RULES), "'",
                           collapse = ", ")))
      if (!first_item_rule %in% names(CAT_FIRST_ITEM_RULES))
        stop(paste0("'first_item_rule' should be a string with a value ",
                    "either: ", paste0("'", names(CAT_FIRST_ITEM_RULES),
                                       "'", collapse = ", "), "."))
      # Check first_item_pars
      par_names <- CAT_FIRST_ITEM_RULES[[first_item_rule]]$par_names
      if (!is.null(par_names) &&
          !(names(first_item_par) %in% par_names &&
          par_names %in% names(first_item_par))
        stop(paste0("Invalid 'first_item_par'. The correct specification ",
                    "should look like this:\nfirst_item_par = list(",
                    paste0(par_names, " = ....", collapse = ", "), ")"

                        ### Next Item Rule Checks ###
  get_next_item_par_structure <- function() {
    # At the end, the next item parameter should be formed in two ways:
    # Structure "0":
    #   No next_item_par necessary, it can be NULL
    # Structure "1":
    #   next_item_par = list(list(item_id = 'i3'), list(item_id = 'i2'),
    #                        list(item_id = 'i4'), list(item_id = 'i5'),
    #                        list(item_id = 'i1'))
    # Structure "2":
    #   next_item_par = list(item_id = c("i3", "i2", "i4", "i5", "i1"))
    # Structure "3":
    #   next_item_par = list(var_calc_method = "eap")

    if (is.null(CAT_NEXT_ITEM_RULES[[next_item_rule]]$par_names)) {
      next_item_par_structure = 0
    } else if (
      is.list(next_item_par) &&
      length(next_item_par) == max_test_length &&
      all(sapply(next_item_par, names) ==
      ) {
      next_item_par_structure = 1
    } else if (
        is.list(next_item_par) &&
        length(next_item_par) == 1 &&
        names(next_item_par) == CAT_NEXT_ITEM_RULES[[
          next_item_rule]]$par_names &&
        # Either the length of next_item_par is equal to the max_test_length or
          next_item_par[[CAT_NEXT_ITEM_RULES[[next_item_rule]]$par_names]]) ==
        max_test_length ||
        # or there are testlets in the item pool and the "fixed" specifies the
        # test lengths of the testlet items and standalone items.
         next_item_rule == "fixed" &&
         "item_id" %in% names(next_item_par) &&
         !is.null(ip) &&
         any(sapply(ip@item_list, is, "Testlet")) &&
         ip[unique(next_item_par$id)]$n$items >= max_test_length &&
           # Sometimes there is only one testlet so, the selection raises error
           unique(next_item_par$id))]) == 0 ||
             unique(next_item_par$id))]]$n$items <= max_test_length
      ) {
      next_item_par_structure = 2
    } else if (
      is.list(next_item_par) &&
      length(next_item_par) == 1 &&
      names(next_item_par) == CAT_NEXT_ITEM_RULES[[next_item_rule]]$par_names &&
        next_item_par[[CAT_NEXT_ITEM_RULES[[next_item_rule]]$par_names]]) == 1
      ) {
      next_item_par_structure = 3
    } else
      stop("'next_item_par' does not have an acceptable format. Please see ",
           "?create_cat_design for examples.")
  check_next_item_rule <- function() {
    # This function checks whether next item rule and parameters are valid.
    # Next item rule cannot be empty and it should be a vector of
    # valid rules.
    if (!all(next_item_rule %in% names(CAT_NEXT_ITEM_RULES)))
      stop(paste0("next_item_rule should be a vector with elements either: ",
                  paste0("'", names(CAT_NEXT_ITEM_RULES), "'", collapse = ", "),

    next_item_par_structure <- get_next_item_par_structure()

    # Make sure that the length of next_item_par and next_item_rule are the
    # same.
    if ((!is.null(next_item_par)) &&
        # check if it is a list of lists.
        all(sapply(next_item_par, is, "list")) &&
        (length(next_item_rule) != 1) &&
        (length(next_item_rule) != length(next_item_par)))
      stop("The length of next_item_rule should be equal to the length of
    next_item_missing_par_error_text <- paste0(
      "'next_item_par' should be a list object. \n", ifelse(
        is.null(CAT_NEXT_ITEM_RULES[[next_item_rule]]$par_names), "",
        paste0("When you specify 'next_item_rule' = '", next_item_rule,
               "', you need to add the following argument: \n ",
               "next_item_par = list(",
                      collapse = " = ...,"), " = ...)\n")
    # If there should be a next item parameters, raise an error.
    if (!is.null(CAT_NEXT_ITEM_RULES[[next_item_rule]]$par_names) &&
    if (!is.null(next_item_par)  && !is(next_item_par, "list"))

    # If next_item_rule is a vector with length larger than one, it's size
    # should be equal to the max_test_length (maximum test length)
    if ((length(next_item_rule) > 1) &&
        (length(next_item_rule) != max_test_length))
      stop("The length of next_item_rule should be equal to the maximum item
    if (!is.null(next_item_par) &&
        all(sapply(next_item_par, is, "list")) &&
        (length(next_item_par) > 1) &&
        (length(next_item_par) != max_test_length))
      stop("The length of next_item_par should be equal to the maximum item

    # Check the validity of Parameter values
    # The item selection algorithm expects this.
    if (next_item_rule == "fixed") {
      # If the next item selection method is "fixed", there should be a
      # valid item pool (ip) argument.
      if (is.null(ip) || !is(ip, "Itempool"))
        stop("There should be a valid item pool (argument) for next item ",
             "rule 'fixed' to work. ")
      # next_item_par should be a list of item_id's
      if (!is(next_item_par, "list"))
        stop("next_item_par should be a list object.")
      # Check which structure does the paramters obey:

      # All of the next_item_par elements should have a parameter named
      # "item_id"
      # The following check might be redundant but the error is informative so
      # keep it.
      if (any(sapply(next_item_par, "names") != "item_id") && !(# Structure 1
        # Or it can be something like: # Structure 2
        # next_item_par = list(item_id = c("i3", "i2", "i4", "i5", "i1"))
        is.list(next_item_par) &&
        length(next_item_par) == 1 &&
        names(next_item_par) ==
          CAT_NEXT_ITEM_RULES[[next_item_rule]]$par_names &&
        # Either the length of next_item_par is equal to the max_test_length or
          next_item_par[[CAT_NEXT_ITEM_RULES[[next_item_rule]]$par_names]]) ==
        max_test_length ||
        # or there are testlets in the item pool and the "fixed" specifies the
        # test lengths of the testlet items and standalone items.
        (any(sapply(ip@item_list, is, "Testlet")) &&
         ip[next_item_par$id]$n$items >= max_test_length &&
         (length(next_item_par$id[-length(next_item_par$id)])  == 0 ||
          ip[next_item_par$id[-length(next_item_par$id)]]$n$items <=
          "If 'next_item_rule' = 'fixed', the 'next_item_par' should be ",
          "like:\n   ",
          "next_item_par = list('item_id' = c(<THE ORDERED ITEM IDs>))",
          "\nAlso, the length of the 'item_id' vector should be ",
      # All elements should be unique
      if (
        (next_item_par_structure == 1 &&
         any(duplicated(sapply(next_item_par, "[[", "item_id")))) ||
        (next_item_par_structure == 2 &&
        stop("All item_id's should be unique. Please check 'next_item_par'.")
      # All of the item_id field's should be within the item_id's of
      # item pool (ip)

      # print("1------------------------")
      # print(next_item_par)
      # print("2------------------------")
      # print(ip)
      # print("3------------------------")
      # print(CAT_NEXT_ITEM_RULES[[next_item_rule]]$par_names)
      # print("4------------------------")
      # print(next_item_par_structure == 1 &&
      #          !all(sapply(next_item_par, "[[", "item_id") %in% ip$item_id))
      # print("5------------------------")
      # print(next_item_par[[
      #        CAT_NEXT_ITEM_RULES[[next_item_rule]]$par_names]] %in% ip$id)
      # print("6------------------------")

      if ((next_item_par_structure == 1 &&
           !all(sapply(next_item_par, "[[", "item_id") %in% ip$item_id)) ||
          (next_item_par_structure == 2 &&
             CAT_NEXT_ITEM_RULES[[next_item_rule]]$par_names]] %in% ip$item_id))
        stop("All of the ID's in 'item_id' field of next_item_par should be ",
             "also in the item pool (ip) ID's. Some of the 'item_id's are not",
             "valid.", call. = FALSE)

                        ### Ability Estimation Checks ###
  check_ability_est_rule <- function(ae_rule, ae_par, final_ae = FALSE) {
    # This function checks whether ability estimation rule and parameters are
    # valid.
    # @param final_ae If TRUE, the checks will be performed for
    #   final_ability_est_rule and final_ability_est_par.
    # Ability estimation rule cannot be empty and it should be a vector of
    # valid rules
    if (!all(ae_rule %in% names(CAT_ABILITY_EST_RULES)))
      stop(paste0(ifelse(final_ae, "'final_", "'"),
                  "ability_est_rule' should be a vector with elements either: ",
                  paste0("'", names(CAT_ABILITY_EST_RULES), "'",
                         collapse = ", "), "."))

    # If ability_est_rule is a vector with length larger than one, it's size
    # should be equal to the max_test_length (maximum test length)
    if (!final_ae &&
        (length(ability_est_rule) > 1) &&
        (length(ability_est_rule) != max_test_length))
      stop("The length of ability_est_rule should be equal to the maximum ",
           "item length.")

    # Make sure that the length of ability_est_rule and ability_est_par are the
    # same.
    if (!is.null(ae_par)) {
      # Make sure the ae_par is a list object
      if (!is(ae_par, "list"))
        stop(ifelse(final_ae, "'final_", "'"),
             "ability_est_par' should be a list object.")
      # check if it is a list of lists.
      par_names <- CAT_ABILITY_EST_RULES[[ae_rule]]$par_names
      if (!all(sapply(ae_par, is.list))) { # if it is not a list of lists:
        if (!all(names(ae_par) %in% par_names) ||
            !all(par_names %in% names(ae_par)))
          stop(paste0("Invalid ", ifelse(final_ae, "'final_", "'"),
                      "ability_est_par'. Please provide parameter names ",
                      "like:\n'", ifelse(final_ae, "final_", ""),
                      "ability_est_par = list(",
                      paste0(par_names, collapse = " = , "), " = )"))
      } else if (!final_ae &&  # If parameters of a list of lists
                 length(ae_par) == max_test_length &&
                 # All elements of ae_par is list
                 all(sapply(ae_par, is.list))
                 ) {
        for (i in ae_par) {
          if (!all(names(i) %in% par_names) ||
              !all(par_names %in% names(i)))
            stop(paste0("Invalid ", ifelse(final_ae, "'final_", "'"),
                        "ability_est_par'. Please provide parameter names ",
                        "like:\n'", ifelse(final_ae, "final_", ""),
                        "ability_est_par = list(",
                        paste0(par_names, collapse = " = , "), " = )"))
      } else {
        stop("The length of ability_est_rule should be equal to the length of ",
      # if (all(sapply(ability_est_par, is, "list")) &&
      #     (length(ability_est_par) > 1) &&
      #     (length(ability_est_par) != max_test_length))
      #   stop("The length of ability_est_par should be equal to the maximum ",
      #        "item length.")

                        ### Final Ability Estimation Checks ###
  # check_final_ability_est_rule <- function() {
  #   # This function checks whether the final ability estimation rule and
  #   # parameters are valid.
  #   if (is.null(final_ability_est_rule)) return(TRUE)
  #   # final_ability_est_rule should be a string.
  #   if (!is_single_string(final_ability_est_rule) ||
  #       (!final_ability_est_rule %in% names(final_ability_est_rules))
  #       )
  #     stop(paste0("'final_ability_est_rule' should be a string with ",
  #                 "elements ",
  #                 "either: \n", paste0("'", names(CAT_ABILITY_EST_RULES), "'",
  #                                    collapse = ", ")))
  #   # if ((!is.null(ability_est_par)) &&
  #   #     # check if it is a list of lists.
  #   #     all(sapply(ability_est_par, is, "list")) &&
  #   #     (length(ability_est_rule) != 1) &&
  #   #     (length(ability_est_rule) != length(ability_est_par)))
  #   #   stop("The length of ability_est_rule should be equal to the length of
  #   #        ability_est_par.")
  #   # if (!is.null(ability_est_par)  && !is(ability_est_par, "list"))
  #   #   stop("ability_est_par should be a list object.")
  #   # if (!is.null(ability_est_par) &&
  #   #     all(sapply(ability_est_par, is, "list")) &&
  #   #     (length(ability_est_par) > 1) &&
  #   #     (length(ability_est_par) != max_test_length))
  #   #   stop("The length of ability_est_par should be equal to the maximum ",
  #   #        " item length.")
  #   return(TRUE)
  # }
                        ### Exposure Control Checks ###
  check_exposure_control_rule <- function() {
    # This function checks whether exposure control rule and parameters are
    # valid.
    # Exposure control rule is either NULL or a vector of valid rules

    if (!is.null(exposure_control_rule) &&
        !all(exposure_control_rule %in% names(CAT_EXPOSURE_CONTROL_RULES)))
        "exposure_control_rule should be a vector with elements either: ",
        paste0("'", names(CAT_EXPOSURE_CONTROL_RULES), "'", collapse = ", "),
        "."), call. = FALSE)
    if (!is.null(exposure_control_rule))
      # Make sure that the length of exposure_control_rule and
      # exposure_control_par are the same.
      if ((!is.null(exposure_control_par)) &&
          # check if it is a list of lists.
          all(sapply(exposure_control_par, is, "list")) &&
          (length(exposure_control_rule) != 1) &&
          (length(exposure_control_rule) != length(exposure_control_par)))
        stop("The length of exposure_control_rule should be equal to the ",
             "length of exposure_control_par.", call. = FALSE)
      if (!is.null(exposure_control_par) &&
          !is(exposure_control_par, "list"))
        stop("exposure_control_par should be a list object.", call. = FALSE)
      # If exposure_control_rule is a vector with length larger than one, it's
      # size should be equal to the max_test_length (maximum test length)
      if ((length(exposure_control_rule) > 1) &&
          (length(exposure_control_rule) != max_test_length))
        stop("The length of exposure_control_rule should be equal to the ",
             "maximum item length.", call. = FALSE)
      if (!is.null(exposure_control_par) &&
          all(sapply(exposure_control_par, is, "list")) &&
          (length(exposure_control_par) > 1) &&
          (length(exposure_control_par) != max_test_length))
        stop("The length of exposure_control_par should be equal to the ",
             "maximum item length.", call. = FALSE)
      ### "sympson-hetter" checks
      # If the exposure_control_rule is "sympson-hetter", then each Item/testlet
      # of the "ip" should have a parameter for "sympson-hetter" method.
      if (any(exposure_control_rule %in% "sympson-hetter")) {
        if (is.null(ip) || !is(ip, "Itempool"))
          stop("For 'sympson-hetter' exposure control rule, there should be a ",
               "valid item pool (ip) in the arguments.", call. = FALSE)
        for (item in ip@item_list)
          if (!"sympson_hetter_k" %in% names(item@misc) ||
              item@misc[["sympson_hetter_k"]] < 0 ||
              item@misc[["sympson_hetter_k"]] > 1)
            "For 'sympson-hetter' exposure control rule, there should be ",
            "valid 'sympson_hetter_k' values for each item. Make sure to ",
            "check for each item 'item$misc' and ensure that it has an",
            " element named 'sympson_hetter_k' which is between 0 and 1. For ",
            "an item, you can use ",
            "'add_misc(item, list(sympson_hetter_k = .75))', to add that ",
            "value."), call. = FALSE)
        if (sum(sapply(ip, function(k) k@misc$sympson_hetter_k) == 1) <
            "When using 'sympson-hetter' exposure control rule, ",
            "please ensure that there are at least ",
            max_test_length, " items with 'sympson_hetter_k' ",
            "values 1. Otherwise, examinees might not get a ",
            "complete test and an error might be raised by ",
            "the simulation function."), call. = FALSE)

                        ### Content Balancing Rule Checks ###
  check_content_balancing_rule <- function() {
    # This function checks whether content balancing rule and parameters are
    # valid.
    # Content balancing rule is either NULL or a vector of valid rules

    if (!is.null(content_bal_rule) &&
        !all(content_bal_rule %in% content_bal_rule))
      stop(paste0("content_bal_rule should be a vector with elements either: ",
                  paste0("'", content_bal_rule, "'", collapse = ", "),
    # Make sure that the length of content_bal_rule and exposure_control_par
    # are the same.
    if ((!is.null(content_bal_rule)) &&
        (!is.null(content_bal_par)) &&
        # check if it is a list of lists.
        all(sapply(content_bal_par, is, "list")) &&
        (length(content_bal_rule) != 1) &&
        (length(content_bal_rule) != length(content_bal_par)))
      stop("The length of content_bal_rule should be equal to the length of
    if (!is.null(content_bal_par)  && !is(content_bal_par, "list"))
      stop("content_bal_par should be a list object.")
    # If content_bal_rule is a vector with length larger than one, it's size
    # should be equal to the max_test_length (maximum test length)
    if ((!is.null(content_bal_rule)) && (length(content_bal_rule) > 1) &&
        (length(content_bal_rule) != max_test_length))
      stop("The length of content_bal_rule should be equal to the maximum item
    if (!is.null(content_bal_par) &&
        all(sapply(content_bal_par, is, "list")) &&
        (length(content_bal_par) > 1) &&
        (length(content_bal_par) != max_test_length))
      stop("The length of content_bal_par should be equal to the maximum item

                        ### Termination Rule Checks ###
  # Function to determine the input structure of the termination_par.
  # There are two structures each element of 'termination_par' can have:
  #   Structure (1):
  #     termination_par = list(min_item = 10)
  #   Structure (2):
  #     termination_par = list(min_item = list(min_item = 10))
  #     # For "sprt" only one option is available
  #     termination_par = list(min_item = 10,
  #                            sprt = list(theta_0 = -1, theta_1 = 1,
  #                                        alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.05))
  # This function determines which structure it has and returns either 1 or 2
  # or NULL if neither structures fit.
  # @param tr Individual termination rule such as "min_se", "min_item"
  #   or "sprt"
  get_termination_par_structure <- function(tr) {
    tp_structure <- NULL
    # Get the parameter count
    pars <- CAT_TERMINATION_RULES[[tr]]$par_names
    if (length(pars) == 1) { # either min_se, min_item or max_item
      if (is.list(termination_par[[tr]]) &&
          names(termination_par[[tr]]) == pars) {
        tp_structure = 2
      } else if (is.numeric(termination_par[[tr]])) {
        tp_structure = 1
    } else if (length(pars) > 1 &&
               is.list(termination_par[[tr]]) &&
               all(pars %in% names(termination_par[[tr]]))
               ) {
      tp_structure = 2
  check_termination_rule <- function() {
    # The available termination rules:
    # Make sure that the length of termination_par and termination_rule are the
    # same.
    if (!is(termination_rule, "character")) # This includes NULL too.
      stop("termination_rule should be a vector of 'character'.")
    if (!is(termination_par, "list"))
      stop("termination_par should be a list object.")
    if (length(termination_rule) != length(termination_par))
      stop("The length of termination_rule should be equal to the length of
    # The elements of the termination_rule should be valid
    if (!all(termination_rule %in% names(CAT_TERMINATION_RULES)))
      stop(paste0("termination_rule should be a vector with elements either: ",
                  paste0(names(CAT_TERMINATION_RULES), collapse = ", "), "."))
    # The elements of the termination_par should be valid
    if (!all(names(termination_par) %in% names(CAT_TERMINATION_RULES)))
      stop(paste0("The names of the elements of the termination_par should ",
                  "match one of the following: ",
                  paste0(CAT_TERMINATION_RULES, collapse = ", "), "."))

    if (!all(names(termination_par) %in% termination_rule))
        stop("The names of the elements of termination_par should match the
              the elements of 'termination_rule'.")
    if (!"max_item" %in% termination_rule && is.null(ip))
      stop("If max_item is not found in termination_rule, then the
      max_item will be set to the size of the item pool (ip). Make sure
      'ip' is present if 'max_item' is missing. ")
    # Further check the termination_par:
    # If the length of the CAT_TERMINATION_RULES$termination_rule$par_names
    # is 1, then there are two structures:
    for (tr in termination_rule) { # tr: individual termination rule
      tr_structure <- get_termination_par_structure(tr)
      if (is.null(tr_structure))
        stop(paste0("'termination_par' element ", tr, " does not have ",
                    "acceptable value. Please see ?create_cat_design."))

                        ### Ability Types Checks ###
  if (is.null(ability_type) || (!ability_type %in% CAT_ABILITY_TYPES))
    stop(paste0("'ability_type' should be one of the following:\n",
                paste0("'", CAT_ABILITY_TYPES, "'", collapse = ", ")))

                        ### Testlet Rules Check ###
  if (!is.null(testlet_rules) && is.list(testlet_rules)) {
    if (!all(names(testlet_rules) %in% names(CAT_TESTLET_RULES))) {
      stop(paste0("Invalid 'testlet_rules'. The elements of 'testlet_rules' ",
                  " should be one of the following:\n",
                  paste0("'", names(CAT_TESTLET_RULES), "'", collapse = ", "),
                  "\n\nSee '?create_cat_design' for details."))
    if (!"next_item_rule" %in% names(testlet_rules) ||
                         class = "character") ||
        !all(testlet_rules[["next_item_rule"]] %in%
             CAT_TESTLET_RULES[["next_item_rule"]])) {
      stop(paste0("Invalid 'testlet_rules'. 'next_item_rule' ",
                  " should be one of the following:\n",
                  paste0("'", CAT_TESTLET_RULES[["next_item_rule"]], "'",
                         collapse = ", "),
                  "\n\nSee '?create_cat_design' for details."))
    if (!"termination_rule" %in% names(testlet_rules) ||
                              class = "character")) ||
        !all(testlet_rules[["termination_rule"]] %in%
             CAT_TESTLET_RULES[["termination_rule"]])) {
      stop(paste0("Invalid 'testlet_rules'. 'termination_rule' ",
                  " should be one of the following:\n",
                  paste0("'", CAT_TESTLET_RULES[["termination_rule"]], "'",
                         collapse = ", "),
                  "\n\nSee '?create_cat_design' for details."))
    if (!"termination_par" %in% names(testlet_rules) ||
        !all(names(testlet_rules[["termination_par"]]) %in%
             CAT_TESTLET_RULES[["termination_par"]])) {
      stop(paste0("Invalid 'testlet_rules'. The elements of 'termination_par' ",
                  " should be one of the following:\n",
                  paste0("'", CAT_TESTLET_RULES[["termination_par"]], "'",
                         collapse = ", "),
                  "\n\nSee '?create_cat_design' for details."))
    if (!all(names(testlet_rules[["termination_par"]]) %in%
             testlet_rules[["termination_rule"]]) ||
        !all(testlet_rules[["termination_rule"]] %in%
             names(testlet_rules[["termination_par"]])) ||
        !all(sapply(testlet_rules[["termination_par"]], is_single_value,
                    class = "numeric")))
      stop(paste0("Invalid 'testlet_rules'. The names of the elements in ",
                  "'termination_par' should match the elements of ",
                  "'termination_rule'. i.e., 'testlet_rules' should have an ",
                  "list element named 'termination_par' with the following ",
                  "named elements:\n'list(..., termination_par = list(",
                         collapse = " = ..., "), " = ...))'"))
  } else testlet_rules <- NULL

  ######################### Start Function #################################@###
  # Convert ip to Itempool object
  if (!is.null(ip) && !is(ip, "Itempool"))
    stop(paste0("\nInvalid item pool. Please provide an 'Itempool' object ",
                "for 'ip' argument. See 'itempool()' function. \n"))
    # tryCatch(
    #   ip <- itempool(ip),
    #   error = function(cond) {
    #     message(paste0("\nInvalid item pool. ip cannot be converted to ",
    #                    "an 'Itempool' object. \n"))
    #     stop(cond, call. = FALSE)
    #   })

  # Check whether termination_rule and termination_par are valid. These
  # arguments will be used for finding the max_test_length, maximum possible
  # length of the test. There are instances where this parameter cannot be set,
  # for example, when there is an infinite item pool (i.e. ip = NULL) and the
  # stopping rule is minimum standard error ("min_se") there cannot be a
  # max_test_length. For those instances, max_test_length is set to 10,000 in
  # order the test to converge.
  # max_test_length is based on individual items within testlets and standalone
  # items.
  max_test_length <- ifelse(is.null(ip), 10000, ip$n$items)
  # Find the maximum number of items, i.e. maximum test length:
      # This checks whether termination_par is a list of lists
  if (all(sapply(termination_par, is, "list")) &&
      # if max_item is not within the rule then set the max_item as the size of
      # the item pool
      all(sapply(termination_rule, FUN = function(x) "max_item" %in% x))
      ) {
      max_test_length <- max(sapply(termination_par,
                               FUN = function(x) x[["max_item"]]))
  } else if ("max_item" %in% names(termination_par))
    max_test_length <- termination_par[["max_item"]]

  ################## Set Defaults for Parameters if Missing ################@###
  ### ability_est_rule ###
  if (is.null(ability_est_rule)) ability_est_rule <- "eap"

  ### ability_est_par ###
  if (is.null(ability_est_par)) {
    ability_est_par <- switch (ability_est_rule,
      "eap" = list(prior_dist = "norm", prior_par = c(0, 1),
                   min_theta = -4, max_theta = 4, no_of_quadrature = 50),
      "map" = list(prior_dist = "norm", prior_par = c(0, 1),
                   min_theta = -4, max_theta = 4, tol = 0.00001),
      "map_ml" = list(prior_dist = "norm", prior_par = c(0, 1),
                      min_theta = -4, max_theta = 4, tol = 0.00001),
      "owen" = list(prior_mean = 0, prior_var = 1),
      "ml" = list(min_theta = -4, max_theta = 4, criterion = 0.001)
  ### final_ability_est_par ###
  if (!is.null(final_ability_est_rule) && is.null(final_ability_est_par)) {
    final_ability_est_par <- switch (final_ability_est_rule,
      "eap" = list(prior_dist = "norm", prior_par = c(0, 1),
                   min_theta = -4, max_theta = 4, no_of_quadrature = 50),
      "map" = list(prior_dist = "norm", prior_par = c(0, 1),
                   min_theta = -4, max_theta = 4, tol = 0.00001),
      "map_ml" = list(prior_dist = "norm", prior_par = c(0, 1),
                      min_theta = -4, max_theta = 4, tol = 0.00001),
      "owen" = list(prior_mean = 0, prior_var = 1),
      "ml" = list(min_theta = -4, max_theta = 4, criterion = 0.001)

  ### next_item_par ###
  # if the next_item_rule selected is "mepv" but the next_item_par has not
  # been set, set a default value to it.
  if (length(next_item_rule) == 1 && next_item_rule == "mepv" &&
    next_item_par <- list(var_calc_method = rep("eap", max_test_length))

  # if next_item_rule is "fixed" and next_item_par = NULL and ip is not NULL
  # then use first n items in the item pool such that number of items in the
  # first n items in the item pool is just larger than the test length.
  if (next_item_rule == "fixed" && is.null(next_item_par) &&
      is(ip, "Itempool")) {
    next_item_par <- list(item_id = ip$item_id[1:which(sapply(
      1:length(ip), function(i) ip[1:i]$n$items) >= max_test_length)[1]])

  ### testlet_rules ###
  if (is.null(testlet_rules)) {
    testlet_rules <-  list(next_item_rule = "none",
                           termination_rule = "max_item",
                           termination_par = list(max_item = 999))

  cd <- list()
  # Check the title
  if (is.null(title) || (is.character(title) && length(title) == 1)) {
    cd$title <- title
  } else
    stop("Invalid 'title'. Please provide a valid string value.")

  cd$ability_type <- ability_type
  cd$max_test_length <- max_test_length

  cd$ip <- ip
  if (!is.null(true_ip)) cd$true_ip = true_ip
  # design_list$step will hold information regarding each step of the adaptive
  # test.
  cd$step <- replicate(max_test_length, list())
  names(cd$step) <- paste0(1:max_test_length)

  # Check whether next item rule makes sense. These functions needs
  # max_test_length.
  check_ability_est_rule(ae_rule = ability_est_rule, ae_par = ability_est_par,
                         final_ae = FALSE)
  check_ability_est_rule(ae_rule = ability_est_rule, ae_par = ability_est_par,
                         final_ae = TRUE)

  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # Set the First Item criteria
  cd$first_item_rule <- first_item_rule
  cd$first_item_par <- first_item_par

  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # Set the Next Item criteria

  # If next_item_rule is "fixed" and there are testlets in the "item_ids", then
  # repeat the testlets
  if (next_item_rule == "fixed" &&
      length(next_item_par$id) != max_test_length)
    next_item_par$id <- rep(next_item_par$id, times = sapply(
      ip[next_item_par$id]$item_list, length))

  for (i in 1:length(cd$step)) {
    ### Set next_item_rule for each step ###
    if (length(next_item_rule) > 1) {
      cd$step[[i]]$next_item_rule = next_item_rule[i]
    } else if (length(next_item_rule) == 1) {
      cd$step[[i]]$next_item_rule = next_item_rule
    } else
      stop("The length of next_item_rule should be larger than 0.")
    ### Set next_item_par for each step  ###
    # Determine the structure of the next_item_par
    next_item_par_structure <- get_next_item_par_structure()
    if (!is.null(next_item_par))
      # The following test assumes that if all elements of the next_item_par is
      # a list object, then it's length should be equal to the max_test_length.
      # In other words, there is a new parameter set for each item at each CAT
      # step. In a rare occasion, there is a possibility that this assumption
      # may not hold. All elements are a list object but the given list is
      # for all elements, and it should be replicated for max_test_length.
      if (next_item_par_structure == 1) {
        # if (length(next_item_par) != max_test_length)
        #   stop("The length of the next_item_par should equal to max
        #   test length.!")
        cd$step[[i]]$next_item_par = next_item_par[[i]]
        # If the next_item_par is something like:
        # next_item_par = list(item_id = c("i3", "i2", "i4", "i5", "i1"))
      } else if (next_item_par_structure == 2) {
          CAT_NEXT_ITEM_RULES[[next_item_rule]]$par_names]] =
      } else if (next_item_par_structure == 3) {
          CAT_NEXT_ITEM_RULES[[next_item_rule]]$par_names]] =
      } else cd$step[[i]]$next_item_par = next_item_par
  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # Set the Ability Estimation Rules
  for (i in 1:length(cd$step)) {
    if (length(ability_est_rule) > 1) {
      cd$step[[i]]$ability_est_rule = ability_est_rule[i]
    } else if (length(ability_est_rule) == 1) {
      cd$step[[i]]$ability_est_rule = ability_est_rule
    } else
      stop("The length of ability_est_rule should be larger than 0.")
    if (!is.null(ability_est_par))
      # The following test assumes that if all elements of the ability_est_par
      # is a list object, then it's length should be equal to the
      # max_test_length. In other words, there is a new parameter set for each
      # item at each CAT step.
      if (all(sapply(ability_est_par, is, "list"))) {
        cd$step[[i]]$ability_est_par = ability_est_par[[i]]
      } else cd$step[[i]]$ability_est_par = ability_est_par

  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # Set the final_ability_est_rule and final_ability_est_par
  if (is.null(final_ability_est_rule)) {
    cd$final_ability_est_rule <- NULL
    cd$final_ability_est_par <- NULL
  } else {
    cd$final_ability_est_rule <- final_ability_est_rule
    cd$final_ability_est_par <- final_ability_est_par

  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # Set the Termination Criteria
  cd$termination_rule <- termination_rule
  # All termination_par element should follow structure 2 above (see function
  # description of 'get_termination_par_structure()')
  for (tr in termination_rule) { # tr: individual termination rule
    tr_structure <- get_termination_par_structure(tr)
    if (tr_structure == 1) {
      termination_par[[tr]] <- list(termination_par[[tr]])
      names(termination_par[[tr]]) <- tr
  cd$termination_par <- termination_par

  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # Set the Testlet Rules
  cd$testlet_rules <- testlet_rules

  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # Set Exposure Control Rules
  for (i in 1:length(cd$step)) {
    if (!is.null(exposure_control_rule)) {
      if (length(exposure_control_rule) > 1) {
        cd$step[[i]]$exposure_control_rule = exposure_control_rule[i]
      } else if (length(exposure_control_rule) == 1) {
        cd$step[[i]]$exposure_control_rule = exposure_control_rule
      } else
        stop("The length of exposure_control_rule should be larger than 0.")
    if (!is.null(exposure_control_par))
      # The following test assumes that if all elements of the
      # exposure_control_par are a list object, then it's length should be equal
      # to the max_test_length. In other words, there is a new parameter set for
      # each item at each CAT step.
      if (all(sapply(exposure_control_par, is, "list"))) {
        cd$step[[i]]$exposure_control_par = exposure_control_par[[i]]
      } else cd$step[[i]]$exposure_control_par = exposure_control_par

    # Randomesque Checks
    # If it is randomesque, there should be a parameter for it.
    if (!is.null(exposure_control_rule) &&
        cd$step[[i]]$exposure_control_rule == "randomesque" &&
        !("num_items" %in% names(cd$step[[i]]$exposure_control_par)))
      stop("For randomesque exposure control, 'num_items' parameter should be


  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # Set Content Balancing Rules
  for (i in 1:length(cd$step)) {
    if (!is.null(content_bal_rule)) {
      if (length(content_bal_rule) > 1) {
        cd$step[[i]]$content_bal_rule = content_bal_rule[i]
      } else if (length(content_bal_rule) == 1) {
        cd$step[[i]]$content_bal_rule = content_bal_rule
      } else
        stop("The length of content_bal_rule should be larger than 0.")
    if (!is.null(content_bal_par))
      # The following test assumes that if all elements of the content_bal_par
      # is a list object, then it's length should be equal to the
      # max_test_length. In other words, there is a new parameter set for each
      # item at each CAT step.
      if (all(sapply(content_bal_par, is, "list"))) {
        cd$step[[i]]$content_bal_par = content_bal_par[[i]]
      } else cd$step[[i]]$content_bal_par = content_bal_par

  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  class(cd) <-  c("cat_design", class(cd))

############################# cat_sim ##########################################
#' Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT) Simulation
#' @description
#' \code{cat_sim} function simulates computerized adaptive test (CAT) for
#' one or more simulees. For long simulations, \code{\link{cat_sim_fast}}
#' function can be used.
#' @param true_ability True ability vector to generate item responses.
#' @param cd A \code{cat_design} object that is created by function
#'          \code{create_cat_design}.
#' @param verbose This is an integer that will print the stage of the test.
#'   For example, if the value verbose = 10, a message will be printed at
#'   each tenth iteration of the cat_simulation. Default value is \code{-1},
#'   where no message will be printed. If the value is \code{0}, only the
#'   start time and end time of the simulation will be printed.
#' @return If the length of \code{true_ability} vector is one a
#'   \code{"cat_output"} class output will be returned.
#'   This is a list containing following elements:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{true_ability}{True ability (theta) value to generate item
#'       responses.}
#'     \item{est_history}{A list where each element represent a step of the
#'       CAT test. It has following elements:
#'       \describe{
#'         \item{est_before}{The estimated ability before the administration
#'           of the item. }
#'         \item{se_before}{The standard error of the estimated ability before
#'           the administration of the item. }
#'         \item{testlet}{\code{TRUE} if the item belongs to a testlet.}
#'         \item{item}{\code{\link{Item-class}} object that is administered at
#'           this step.}
#'         \item{resp}{The simulated response of the simulee for the item
#'           administered at this step using simulee's \code{true_ability}
#'           value.}
#'         \item{est_after}{The estimated ability after the administration
#'           of the item.}
#'         \item{se_after}{The standard error of the estimated ability after
#'           the administration of the item. }
#'        }
#'     }
#'   }
#'   If the length of the \code{true_ability} is more than 1, a list of
#'   \code{cat_output} objects will be returned for each value of
#'   \code{true_ability}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{create_cat_design}}
#' @export
#' @author Emre Gonulates
#' @examples
#' ip <- generate_ip(n = 50)
#' # Check the default:
#' cd <- create_cat_design(ip = ip)
#' cat_sim(true_ability = rnorm(1), cd = cd)
#' # Multiple theta, optionally set names to the the vector to give examinee IDs
#' true_theta <- setNames(c(-2, 0.4, 1.5), c("Jimmy", "Ali", "Mirabel"))
#' cd <- create_cat_design(
#'   ip = ip,
#'   ability_est_rule = 'ml',
#'   termination_rule = c('min_item', 'min_se', 'max_item'),
#'   termination_par = list(min_item = 10, min_se = .33, max_item = 20))
#' cat_sim(true_ability = true_theta, cd = cd)
cat_sim <- function(true_ability, cd, verbose = -1)
  # Make sure that cat_design is a cat_design object.
  if (!inherits(cd, "cat_design")) {
    # Check if a different cat_design per simulee provided. If so, enforce
    # equal length for true_ability and cat_design.
    if (is.list(cd) && all(sapply(cd, inherits, "cat_design"))) {
      if (length(cd) != length(true_ability)) {
        stop("Invalid 'cd'. When a list of 'cat_design' objects provided, ",
             "it means each simulee will have their own cat_design. ",
             "Consequently, the length of 'cat_design' object should be ",
             "equal to the length of 'true_ability'.")
    } else {
      stop("'cd' should be a 'cat_design' object. Please run ",
           "'create_cat_design' function to create a CAT design.")
  # Convert true_ability to list in case it is numeric. This is to take care
  # of future expansion for possible representation of ability of an examinee
  # using multiple values (like MIRT or CDM)
  if (!is(true_ability, "list"))
    true_ability <- lapply(true_ability, function(x) x)
  if (!all(sapply(true_ability, is.numeric))) {
    stop("Invalid 'true_ability'. 'true_ability' should be a numeric vector ",
         "or a list of numeric vectors.")
  if (anyNA(true_ability, recursive = TRUE)) {
    stop("Invalid 'true_ability'. 'true_ability' should not contain any ",
         "missing (NA) values.")
  started <- Sys.time()
  result <- cat_sim_cpp(true_ability, cd, verbose = as.integer(max(0, verbose)))

  # Print start and end time of the simulation
  if (verbose >= 0) {
    now <- Sys.time()
    cat(paste0("\nSimulation started at ", format(started, format = "%X"), " (",
               format(started, format = "%x"), ") and ended at ",
               ifelse(as.Date(now) == as.Date(started),
                      format(now, format = "%X"), now), ".\n"))

############################# cat_sim_fast #####################################
#' Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT) Simulation (Parallel Computing)
#' @description
#' \code{cat_sim_fast} function simulates computerized adaptive test (CAT) for
#' one or many simulees. This function uses parallel computing, so, for large
#' number of simulees, it might be significantly faster than
#' \code{\link{cat_sim}} function.
#' @param true_ability True ability vector to generate item responses.
#' @param cd A \code{cat_design} object that is created by function
#'          \code{create_cat_design}.
#' @param verbose This is an integer that will print the stage of the test.
#'   For example, if the value verbose = 10, a message will be printed at
#'   each tenth iteration of the cat_simulation. Default value is \code{-1},
#'   where no message will be printed. If the value is \code{0}, only the
#'   start time and end time of the simulation will be printed.
#' @param n_cores an integer specifying the number of cores to be used.
#'   The value should be 1 or larger. The default is \code{NULL} where
#'   the maximum number of cores of the processor will be used.
#' @return If the length of \code{true_ability} vector is one a
#'   \code{"cat_output"} class output will be returned.
#'   This is a list containing following elements:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{true_ability}{True ability (theta) value to generate item
#'       responses.}
#'     \item{est_history}{A list where each element represent a step of the
#'       CAT test. It has following elements:
#'       \describe{
#'         \item{est_before}{The estimated ability before the administration
#'           of the item. }
#'         \item{se_before}{The standard error of the estimated ability before
#'           the administration of the item. }
#'         \item{testlet}{\code{TRUE} if the item belongs to a testlet.}
#'         \item{item}{\code{\link{Item-class}} object that is administered at
#'           this step.}
#'         \item{resp}{The simulated response of the simulee for the item
#'           administered at this step using simulee's \code{true_ability}
#'           value.}
#'         \item{est_after}{The estimated ability after the administration
#'           of the item.}
#'         \item{se_after}{The standard error of the estimated ability after
#'           the administration of the item. }
#'        }
#'     }
#'   }
#'   If the length of the \code{true_ability} is more than 1, a list of
#'   \code{cat_output} objects will be returned for each value of
#'   \code{true_ability}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{create_cat_design}}
#' @author Emre Gonulates
#' @examples
#' cd <- create_cat_design(ip = generate_ip(n = 30),
#'                         termination_rule = c('max_item'),
#'                         termination_par = list(max_item = 7))
#' cat_sim_fast(true_ability = rnorm(1), cd = cd, n_cores = 1)
#' cat_sim_fast(true_ability = rnorm(2), cd = cd, n_cores = 1)
cat_sim_fast <- function(true_ability, cd, verbose = -1, n_cores = NULL)
  # Make sure that cat_design is a cat_design object.
  if (!inherits(cd, "cat_design"))
    stop("'cd' should be a 'cat_design' object. Please run
         'create_cat_design' function.")
  # Convert true_ability to list in case it is numeric. This is to take care
  # of future expansion for possible representation of ability of an examinee
  # using multiple values (like MIRT or CDM)
  if (!is(true_ability, "list"))
    true_ability <- lapply(true_ability, function(x) x)
  if (!all(sapply(true_ability, is.numeric))) {
    stop("Invalid 'true_ability'. 'true_ability' should be a numeric vector ",
         "or a list of numeric vectors.")
  if (anyNA(true_ability, recursive = TRUE)) {
    stop("Invalid 'true_ability'. 'true_ability' should not contain any ",
         "missing (NA) values.")
  started <- Sys.time()
  n_theta <- length(true_ability)
  max_cores <- parallel::detectCores()
  n_cores <- ifelse(is.null(n_cores), max_cores, min(max(n_cores, 1),
  # Use parallel processing only when there are rather large number of
  # thetas.
  if (n_theta > max_cores) {
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(n_cores)
    result <- parallel::parLapply(cl = cl, true_ability, cat_sim_single_cpp,
                                  cd = cd)
  } else
    return(cat_sim_cpp(true_ability, cd, verbose = as.integer(max(0, verbose))))

  # Print start and end time of the simulation
  if (verbose >= 0) {
    now <- Sys.time()
    cat(paste0("\nSimulation started at ", format(started, format = "%X"), " (",
               format(started, format = "%x"), ") and ended at ",
               ifelse(as.Date(now) == as.Date(started),
                      format(now, format = "%X"), now), ".\n"))

  if (length(true_ability) == 1) {
  } else return(result)

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irt documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:02 p.m.