#' Prepare data for IDR modeling with given orders
#' @usage
#' prepareData(X, groups, orders)
#' @param X \code{data.frame} of covariates.
#' @param groups vector of groups.
#' @param orders named vector of orders for groups.
#' @return
#' Transformed data \code{X} with covariates modified according to the given
#' order.
#' @keywords internal
prepareData <- function(X, groups, orders) {
grNames <- names(groups)
ordNames <- names(orders)
for (group in unique(groups)) {
M <- grNames[groups == group]
if (length(M) > 1) {
if (ordNames[orders == group] == "comp")
if (!all(sapply(X[, M], is.numeric)))
stop("grouping is only possible for numeric variables")
tmp <- apply(X[, M], 1, sort, decreasing = TRUE)
if (ordNames[orders == group] == "sd")
X[, M] <- t(tmp)
X[, M] <- t(apply(tmp, 2, cumsum))
#' Fit IDR to training data
#' @description Fits isotonic distributional regression (IDR) to a training
#' dataset.
#' @usage idr(y, X, groups = setNames(rep(1, ncol(X)), colnames(X)), orders =
#' c("comp" = 1), stoch = "sd", pars = osqpSettings(verbose = FALSE, eps_abs =
#' 1e-5, eps_rel = 1e-5, max_iter = 10000L), progress = TRUE)
#' @param y numeric vector (the response variable).
#' @param X data frame of numeric or ordered factor variables (the regression
#' covariates).
#' @param groups named vector of length \code{ncol(X)} denoting groups of
#' variables that are to be ordered with the same order (see 'Details'). Only
#' relevant if \code{X} contains more than one variable. The same names as in
#' \code{X} should be used.
#' @param orders named vector giving for each group in \code{groups} the order
#' that will be applied to this group. Only relevant if \code{X} contains more
#' than one variable. The names of \code{orders} give the order, the entries
#' give the group labels. Available options: \code{"comp"} for componentwise
#' order, \code{"sd"} for stochastic dominance, \code{"icx"} for increasing
#' convex order (see 'Details). Default is \code{"comp"} for all variables.
#' The \code{"sd"} and \code{"icx"} orders can only be used with numeric
#' variables, but not with ordered factors.
#' @param stoch stochastic order constraint used for estimation. Default is
#' \code{"sd"} for first order stochastic dominance. Use \code{"hazard"} for
#' hazard rate order (experimental).
#' @param pars parameters for quadratic programming optimization (only relevant
#' if \code{X} has more than one column), set using
#' \code{\link[osqp]{osqpSettings}}.
#' @param progress display progressbar (\code{TRUE}, \code{FALSE} or \code{1},
#' \code{0})?
#' @details This function computes the isotonic distributional regression (IDR)
#' of a response \emph{y} on on one or more covariates \emph{X}. IDR estimates
#' the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of \emph{y} conditional on
#' \emph{X} by monotone regression, assuming that \emph{y} is more likely to
#' take higher values, as \emph{X} increases. Formally, IDR assumes that the
#' conditional CDF \eqn{F_{y | X = x}(z)} at each fixed threshold \emph{z}
#' decreases, as \emph{x} increases, or equivalently, that the exceedance
#' probabilities for any threshold \code{z} \eqn{P(y > z | X = x)} increase
#' with \emph{x}.
#' The conditional CDFs are estimated at each threshold in \code{unique(y)}.
#' This is the set where the CDFs may have jumps. If \code{X} contains more
#' than one variable, the CDFs are estimated by calling
#' \code{\link[osqp]{solve_osqp}} from the package \pkg{osqp}
#' \code{length(unique(y))} times. This might take a while if the training
#' dataset is large.
#' Use the argument \code{groups} to group \emph{exchangeable} covariates.
#' Exchangeable covariates are indistinguishable except from the order in
#' which they are labelled (e.g. ensemble weather forecasts, repeated
#' measurements under the same measurement conditions).
#' The following orders are available to perform the monotone regression in
#' IDR: \itemize{ \item Componentwise order (\code{"comp"}): A covariate
#' vector \code{x1} is greater than \code{x2} if \code{x1[i] >= x2[i]} holds
#' for all components \code{i}. This is the \emph{standard order used in
#' multivariate monotone regression} and \emph{should not be used for
#' exchangeable variables (e.g. perturbed ensemble forecasts)}. \item
#' Stochastic dominance (\code{"sd"}): \code{x1} is greater than \code{x2} in
#' the stochastic order, if the (empirical) distribution of the elements of
#' \code{x1} is greater than the distribution of the elements of \code{x2} (in
#' first order) stochastic dominance. The \code{"sd"} order is invariant under
#' permutations of the grouped variables and therefore \emph{suitable for
#' exchangeable covariables}. \item Increasing convex order (\code{"icx"}):
#' The \code{"icx"} order can be used for groups of exchangeable variables. It
#' should be used if the variables have increasing variability, when their
#' mean increases (e.g. precipitation forecasts or other variables with
#' right-skewed distributions). More precisely, \code{"icx"} uses the
#' increasing convex stochastic order on the empirical distributions of the
#' grouped variables. }
#' @return An object of class \code{"idrfit"} containing the following
#' components:
#' \item{\code{X}}{data frame of all distinct covariate combinations used for
#' the fit.}
#' \item{\code{y}}{list of all observed responses in the training data for
#' given covariate combinations in \code{X}.}
#' \item{\code{cdf}}{matrix containing the estimated CDFs, one CDF per row,
#' evaluated at \code{thresholds} (see next point). The CDF in the \code{i}th
#' row corredponds to the estimated conditional distribution of the response
#' given the covariates values in \code{X[i,]}.}
#' \item{\code{thresholds}}{the thresholds at which the CDFs in \code{cdf} are
#' evaluated. The entries in \code{cdf[,j]} are the conditional CDFs evaluated
#' at \code{thresholds[j]}.}
#' \item{\code{groups}, \code{orders}}{ the groups and orders used for
#' estimation.}
#' \item{\code{diagnostic}}{list giving a bound on the precision of the CDF
#' estimation (the maximal downwards-step in the CDF that has been detected)
#' and the fraction of CDF estimations that were stopped at the iteration
#' limit \code{max_iter}. Decrease the parameters \code{eps_abs} and/or
#' \code{eps_rel} or increase \code{max_iter} in \code{pars} to improve the
#' precision. See \code{\link[osqp]{osqpSettings}} for more optimization
#' parameters.}
#' \item{\code{indices}}{ the row indices of the covariates in \code{X} in the
#' original training dataset (used for in-sample predictions with
#' \code{\link{predict.idrfit}}).}
#' \item{\code{constraints}}{ (in multivariate IDR, \code{NULL} otherwise)
#' matrices giving the order constraints for optimization. Used in
#' \code{\link{predict.idrfit}}.}
#' @note The function \code{idr} is only intended for fitting IDR model for a
#' training dataset and storing the results for further processing, but not
#' for prediction or evaluation, which is done using the output of
#' \code{\link{predict.idrfit}}.
#' @seealso The S3 method \code{\link{predict.idrfit}} for predictions based on
#' an IDR fit.
#' @author
#' Code for the Pool-Adjacent Violators Algorithm (PAVA) is adapted from
#' R code by Lutz Duembgen (available on
#' \url{}).
#' @export
#' @importFrom osqp osqp
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @references Henzi, A., Moesching, A., & Duembgen, L. (2020). Accelerating the
#' pool-adjacent-violators algorithm for isotonic distributional regression.
#' arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.05527.
#' Stellato, B., Banjac, G., Goulart, P., Bemporad, A., & Boyd, S. (2020).
#' OSQP: An operator splitting solver for quadratic programs. Mathematical
#' Programming Computation, 1-36.
#' Bartolomeo Stellato, Goran Banjac, Paul Goulart and Stephen Boyd (2019).
#' osqp: Quadratic Programming Solver using the 'OSQP' Library. R package
#' version
#' @examples
#' data("rain")
#' ## Fit IDR to data of 185 days using componentwise order on HRES and CTR and
#' ## increasing convex order on perturbed ensemble forecasts (P1, P2, ..., P50)
#' varNames <- c("HRES", "CTR", paste0("P", 1:50))
#' X <- rain[1:185, varNames]
#' y <- rain[1:185, "obs"]
#' ## HRES and CTR are group '1', with componentwise order "comp", perturbed
#' ## forecasts P1, ..., P50 are group '2', with "icx" order
#' groups <- setNames(c(1, 1, rep(2, 50)), varNames)
#' orders <- c("comp" = 1, "icx" = 2)
#' fit <- idr(y = y, X = X, orders = orders, groups = groups)
#' fit
idr <- function(y, X, groups = setNames(rep(1, ncol(X)), colnames(X)),
orders = c("comp" = 1), stoch = "sd", pars = osqpSettings(verbose = FALSE,
eps_abs = 1e-5, eps_rel = 1e-5, max_iter = 10000L), progress = TRUE) {
# Check input
if (!is.vector(y, mode = "numeric"))
stop("'y' must be a numeric vector")
if (!
stop("'X' must be a data.frame")
if (!all(sapply(X, function(col) is.numeric(col) || is.ordered(col))))
stop("'X' must contain numeric or ordered factor variables")
if (nrow(X) <= 1)
stop("'X' must have more than 1 rows")
if (nrow(X) != length(y))
stop("length(y) and nrow(X) must match")
if (anyNA(X) || anyNA(y))
stop("'X' and 'y' must not contain NAs")
if (!all(names(orders) %in% c("comp", "sd", "icx")))
stop("orders must be in 'comp', 'sd', 'icx'")
if (length(orders) != length(unique(orders)))
stop("multiple orders specified for some group(s)")
M <- match(colnames(X), names(groups), nomatch = 0)
if (any(M == 0))
stop("the same variable names must be used in 'groups' and in 'X'")
if (!identical(sort(unique(unname(orders))), sort(unique(groups))))
stop("different group labels in 'groups' and 'orders")
thresholds <- sort(unique(y))
if ((nThr <- length(thresholds)) == 1)
stop("'y' must contain more than 1 distinct value")
# if (ncol(X) > 1 & !identical(stoch, "sd"))
# stop("only first order stochastic dominance for multivariate X available")
if (!identical(stoch, "sd") & ! identical(stoch, "hazard"))
stop("only 'sd' or 'hazard' allowed as stochastic order constraints")
if (isTRUE(progress == 1)) progress <- TRUE
if (isTRUE(progress == 0)) progress <- FALSE
if (!isTRUE(progress) & !isFALSE(progress))
stop("'progress' must be TRUE/FALSE or 1/0")
X <- prepareData(X, groups, orders)
# Aggregate input data
nVar <- ncol(X)
oldNames <- names(X)
names(X) <- NULL
x <- data.frame(y = y, ind = seq_along(y))
X <- stats::aggregate(x = x, by = X, FUN = identity, simplify = FALSE)
cpY <- X[["y"]]
indices <- X[["ind"]]
X <- X[, 1:nVar, drop = FALSE]
names(X) <- oldNames
weights <- sapply(indices, length)
if (nVar == 1) {
# One-dimensional IDR using PAVA
constr <- NULL
diagnostic <- list(precision = 0, convergence = 0)
if (stoch == "sd") {
cdf <- isoCdf_sequential(
w = weights,
W = rep(1, length(y)),
Y = sort(y),
posY =,lengths(indices))[order(unlist(cpY))],
y = thresholds
} else {
cdf <- idrHazardCpp(
w = weights,
W = rep(1, length(y)),
Y = sort(y),
posY =,lengths(indices))[order(unlist(cpY))],
y = thresholds
} else {
# Multivariate IDR using osqp
if (stoch == "hazard") {
tmp <- multivHazardLoop(X, thresholds, nThr, weights, cpY, pars)
constr <- tmp$constr
cdf <- tmp$cdf
diagnostic <- tmp$diagnostic
} else {
constr <- compOrd(X)
N <- nrow(X)
cdf <- matrix(ncol = nThr - 1, nrow = N)
A <- trReduc(constr$paths, N)
nConstr <- nrow(A)
l <- rep(0, nConstr)
A <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = rep(seq_len(nConstr), 2), j = as.vector(A),
x = rep(c(1, -1), each = nConstr), dims = c(nConstr, N))
P <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:N, j = 1:N, x = weights)
i <- 1
I <- nThr - 1
conv <- vector("logical", I)
q <- - weights * sapply(cpY, FUN = function(x) mean(thresholds[i] >= x))
qp <- osqp::osqp(P = P, q = q, A = A, l = l, pars = pars)
sol <- qp$Solve()
cdf[, 1] <- pmin(1, pmax(0, sol$x))
conv[1] <- identical(sol$info$status, "maximum iterations reached")
if (I > 1) {
if (progress) {
cat("Estimating cdf...\n")
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(style = 1)
for (i in 2:I) {
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/I)
qp$WarmStart(x = cdf[, i - 1L])
q <- -weights * sapply(cpY, FUN = function(x) mean(thresholds[i] >= x))
qp$Update(q = q)
sol <- qp$Solve()
cdf[, i] <- pmin(1, pmax(0, sol$x))
conv[i] <- identical(sol$info$status, "maximum iterations reached")
} else {
for (i in 2:I) {
qp$WarmStart(x = cdf[, i - 1L])
q <- -weights * sapply(cpY, FUN = function(x) mean(thresholds[i] >= x))
qp$Update(q = q)
sol <- qp$Solve()
cdf[, i] <- pmin(1, pmax(0, sol$x))
conv[i] <- identical(sol$info$status, "maximum iterations reached")
diagnostic <- list(
precision = ifelse(I > 1, abs(min(diff(t(cdf)))), 0),
convergence = mean(conv)
# Apply pava to estimated CDF to ensure monotonicity
if (nVar > 1) cdf <- cbind(pavaCorrect(cdf), 1)
structure(list(X = X, y = cpY, cdf = cdf, thresholds = thresholds,
groups = groups, orders = orders, diagnostic = diagnostic,
indices = indices, constraints = constr), class = "idrfit")
#' Predict method for IDR fits
#' @description Prediction based on IDR model fit.
#' @method predict idrfit
#' @param object IDR fit (object of class \code{"idrfit"}).
#' @param data optional \code{data.frame} containing variables with which to
#' predict. In-sample predictions are returned if this is omitted. Ordered
#' factor variables are converted to numeric for computation, so ensure that
#' the factor levels are identical in \code{data} and the training data for
#' \code{fit}.
#' @param digits number of decimal places for the predictive CDF.
#' @param interpolation interpolation method for univariate data. Default is
#' \code{"linear"}. Any other argument will select midpoint interpolation (see
#' 'Details'). Has no effect for multivariate IDR.
#' @param ... included for generic function consistency.
#' @details If the variables \code{x = data[j,]} for which predictions are
#' desired are already contained in the training dataset \code{X} for the fit,
#' \code{predict.idrfit} returns the corresponding in-sample prediction.
#' Otherwise monotonicity is used to derive upper and lower bounds for the
#' predictive CDF, and the predictive CDF is a pointwise average of these
#' bounds. For univariate IDR with a numeric covariate, the predictive CDF is
#' computed by linear interpolation. Otherwise, or if
#' \code{interpolation != "linear"}, midpoint interpolation is used, i.e.
#' default weights of \code{0.5} for both the lower and the upper bound.
#' If the lower and the upper bound on the predictive cdf are far apart (or
#' trivial, i.e. constant 0 or constant 1), this indicates that the prediction
#' based on \code{x} is uncertain because either the training dataset is too
#' small or only few similar variable combinations as in \code{x} have been
#' observed in the training data. However, \emph{the bounds on the predictive
#' CDF are not prediction intervals and should not be interpreted as such. They
#' only indicate the uncertainty of out-of-sample predictions for which the
#' variables are not contained in the training data.}
#' If the new variables \code{x} are greater than all \code{X[i, ]} in the
#' selected order(s), the lower bound on the cdf is trivial (constant 0) and the
#' upper bound is taken as predictive cdf. The upper bound on the cdf is trivial
#' (constant 1) if \code{x} is smaller than all \code{X[i, ]}. If \code{x} is
#' not comparable to any row of \code{X} in the given order, a prediction based
#' on the training data is not possible. In that case, the default forecast is
#' the empirical distribution of \code{y} in the training data.
#' @return A list of predictions. Each prediction is a \code{data.frame}
#' containing the following variables:
#' \item{\code{points}}{the points where the predictive CDF has jumps.}
#' \item{\code{cdf}}{the estimated CDF evaluated at the \code{points}.}
#' \item{\code{lower}, \code{upper}}{ (only for out-of-sample predictions)
#' bounds for the estimated CDF, see 'Details' above.}
#' The output has the attribute \code{incomparables}, which gives the indices
#' of all predictions for which the climatological forecast is returned because
#' the forecast variables are not comparable to the training data.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @importFrom stats approx
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{idr}} to fit IDR to training data.
#' \code{\link{cdf}}, \code{\link{qpred}} to evaluate the CDF or quantile
#' function of IDR predictions.
#' \code{\link{bscore}}, \code{\link{qscore}}, \code{\link{crps}},
#' \code{\link{pit}} to compute Brier scores, quantile scores, the CRPS and the
#' PIT of IDR predictions.
#' \code{\link[isodistrreg:plot.idr]{plot}} to plot IDR predictive CDFs.
#' @examples
#' data("rain")
#' ## Fit IDR to data of 185 days using componentwise order on HRES and CTR and
#' ## increasing convex order on perturbed ensemble forecasts (P1, P2, ..., P50)
#' varNames <- c("HRES", "CTR", paste0("P", 1:50))
#' X <- rain[1:185, varNames]
#' y <- rain[1:185, "obs"]
#' ## HRES and CTR are group '1', with componentwise order "comp", perturbed
#' ## forecasts P1, ..., P50 are group '2', with "icx" order
#' groups <- setNames(c(1, 1, rep(2, 50)), varNames)
#' orders <- c("comp" = 1, "icx" = 2)
#' fit <- idr(y = y, X = X, orders = orders, groups = groups)
#' ## Predict for day 186
#' predict(fit, data = rain[186, varNames])
predict.idrfit <- function(object, data = NULL, digits = 3,
interpolation = "linear", ...) {
cdf <- object$cdf
thresholds <- object$thresholds
if (is.null(data)) {
# In-sample predictions
indices <- object$indices
preds <- structure(vector("list", length(unlist(indices))),
class = c("idr"))
for (i in seq_along(indices)) {
edf <- round(cdf[i, ], digits)
sel <- c(edf[1] > 0, diff(edf) > 0)
tmp <- data.frame(points = thresholds[sel], cdf = edf[sel])
for (j in indices[[i]]) {
preds[[j]] <- tmp
# Out-of-sample predictions
if (!
stop("'data' must be a data.frame")
X <- object$X
M <- match(colnames(X), colnames(data), nomatch = 0)
if (any(M == 0))
stop("some variables of the idr fit are missing in 'data'")
data <- prepareData(data[, M, drop = FALSE], groups = object$groups,
orders = object$orders)
nVar <- ncol(data)
nx <- nrow(data)
# Prediction method for univariate IDR
if (nVar == 1) {
X <- X[[1]]
x <- data[[1]]
fct <- is.ordered(X)
if (fct) {
X <- as.integer(X)
x <- as.integer(x)
smaller <- findInterval(x, X)
smaller[smaller == 0] <- 1
wg <- stats::approx(x = X, y = seq_along(X), xout = x, yleft = 1,
yright = length(X), rule = 2)$y - seq_along(X)[smaller]
greater <- smaller + as.integer(wg > 0)
m <- length(thresholds)
if (identical(interpolation, "linear") & !fct) {
ws <- 1 - wg
} else {
wg <- ws <- rep(0.5, length(x))
preds <- Map(
function(l, u, ws, wg) {
ind <- (c(0, l[-m]) < l) | (c(0, u[-m]) < u)
l <- l[ind]
u <- u[ind]
cdf <- round(l * wg + u * ws, digits)
points = thresholds[ind],
lower = l,
cdf = cdf,
upper = u
l = asplit(round(cdf[greater, , drop = FALSE], digits), 1),
u = asplit(round(cdf[smaller, , drop = FALSE], digits), 1),
ws = ws,
wg = wg
return(structure(preds, class = "idr", incomparables = integer(0)))
# Prediction Method for multivariate IDR
preds <- structure(vector("list", nx), class = c("idr"))
nPoints <- neighborPoints(x = data.matrix(data), X = data.matrix(X),
orderX = object$constraints)
smaller <- nPoints$smaller
greater <- nPoints$greater
# Climatological forecast for incomparable variables
incomparables <- sapply(smaller, length) + sapply(greater, length) == 0
if (any(incomparables)) {
y <- unlist(object$y)
edf <- round(stats::ecdf(y)(thresholds), digits)
sel <- edf > 0
edf <- edf[sel]
points <- thresholds[sel]
upr <- which.max(edf == 1)
if (upr < length(edf)) {
points <- points[-((upr + 1):length(edf))]
edf <- edf[-((upr + 1):length(edf))]
dat <- data.frame(points = points, lower = edf, cdf = edf, upper = edf)
for (i in which(incomparables)) preds[[i]] <- dat
# Predictions for comparable variables
for (i in which(!incomparables)) {
# Case distinction: Existence of lower and/or upper bound on CDF
if (length(smaller[[i]]) > 0 && length(greater[[i]]) == 0) {
upper <- round(apply(cdf[smaller[[i]], , drop = FALSE], 2, min), digits)
sel <- c(upper[1] != 0, diff(upper) != 0)
upper <- estimCdf <- upper[sel]
lower <- rep(0, length(upper))
} else if (length(smaller[[i]]) == 0 && length(greater[[i]]) > 0) {
lower <- round(apply(cdf[greater[[i]], , drop = FALSE], 2, max), digits)
sel <- c(lower[1] != 0, diff(lower) != 0)
lower <- estimCdf <- lower[sel]
upper <- rep(1, length(lower))
} else {
lower <- round(apply(cdf[greater[[i]], , drop = FALSE], 2, max), digits)
upper <- round(apply(cdf[smaller[[i]], , drop = FALSE], 2, min), digits)
sel <- c(lower[1] != 0, diff(lower) != 0) |
c(upper[1] != 0, diff(upper) != 0)
lower <- lower[sel]
upper <- upper[sel]
estimCdf <- round((lower + upper) / 2, digits)
preds[[i]] <- data.frame(points = thresholds[sel], lower = lower,
cdf = estimCdf, upper = upper)
attr(preds, "incomparables") <- which(incomparables)
#' @export
print.idr <- function(x, ...) {
# Print only head of first prediction
cat(paste("IDR predictions: list of", length(x), "prediction(s)\n\n"))
#' @export
print.idrfit <- function(x, ...) {
# Print diagnostic information
cat("IDR fit: \n")
cat(paste("CDFs estimated:", nrow(x$cdf), "\n"))
cat(paste("Thresholds for estimation:", ncol(x$cdf), "\n"))
prec <- signif(x$diagnostic$precision, 2)
conv <- signif(x$diagnostic$convergence, 4) * 100
cat(paste("CDF estimation precision:", prec, "\n"))
cat(paste0("Estimations stopped after max_iter iterations: ", conv, "% \n"))
#' @importFrom osqp osqpSettings
#' @export
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