
Defines functions getStartVal checkStop extractMoments calcDist opt iterLap resample rmvtAdapt IMH IS samplingMixDist LSfitgeq0 dmvnormAdaptedC dmvtAdaptedC print.summary.mixDist summary.mixDist print.mixDist GRApprox iterLap.control nlopt nlm.control

Documented in calcDist checkStop dmvnormAdaptedC dmvtAdaptedC extractMoments getStartVal GRApprox IMH IS iterLap iterLap.control LSfitgeq0 nlm.control nlopt opt print.mixDist print.summary.mixDist resample samplingMixDist summary.mixDist

nlm.control <- function(d, typsize = rep(1, d), fscale = 1, print.level = 0,
                ndigit = 12, gradtol = 1e-6, stepmax = max(1000 * sqrt(sum((d/typsize)^2)), 1000),
                steptol = 1e-6, iterlim = 200, check.analyticals = TRUE){
  list(typsize = typsize, fscale = fscale, print.level = print.level,
       ndigit = ndigit, gradtol = gradtol, stepmax = stepmax,
       steptol = steptol, iterlim = iterlim,
       check.analyticals = check.analyticals)

nlopt <- function(par, fn, ...,   method = c("nlminb", "nlm", "Nelder-Mead", "BFGS"),
                  control = list(), hesscontrol = list(), lower = -Inf, upper = Inf){
  ## optimizer
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if(method == "nlm"){
    if (!is.null(control)) {
      if (!is.list(control)) {
        stop("when specified, 'nlmcontrol' must be a list")
      pardim <- length(par)
      nlmctrl <- do.call("nlm.control", c(d = pardim, control))
    nlmcall <- list(f = fn, p = par, ..., hessian = TRUE)
    nlmcall <- c(nlmcall, nlmctrl)
    optres <- do.call(nlm, nlmcall)
    par <- optres$estimate
    hess <- optres$hessian
    minimum <- optres$minimum
    if(optres$code < 3){
      conv <- 0
    } else {
      conv <- 1
  } else {
    if(method == "nlminb"){
      optres <- nlminb(start = par, objective = fn, ..., control=control,
                       lower=lower, upper=upper)
      par <- optres$par
      hess <- optimHess(par, fn, gr=NULL, ..., control = hesscontrol)
      hess <- 0.5 * (hess + t(hess))
      minimum <- optres$objective
    } else {
      optres <- optim(par, fn, ..., method = method,
                      control = control, hessian = TRUE)
      par <- optres$par
      hess <- optres$hessian
      minimum <- optres$value
    conv <- optres$convergence
  list(par=par, hessian=hess, minimum=minimum, conv = conv)

iterLap.control <- function(pardim, gridSize = ceiling(50*pardim^1.25),
                            delta = 0.01, maxDim = 20, info = 0, eps = 0.005){
  ## gridSize - number of grid points for new components
  ## delta - stopping criterion based on maximum error on the grid
  ## maxDim - Maximum dimension for iterative process
  ## info - Plot information during function execution (possible values 0,1,2)
  ## eps - percentage for stopping criterion based on normalization constant
  list(gridSize=gridSize, delta=delta, maxDim=maxDim, eps=eps, info=info)

GRApprox <- function(post, start, grad, 
                     method = c("nlminb", "nlm", "Nelder-Mead", "BFGS"),
                     control = list(), ...){
  ## post - (non-normalized) log-posterior density
  ## start - vector of starting values if dimension=1
  ##         otherwise matrix of starting values with
  ##         the starting values in the rows
  ## grad - gradient (currently not implemented)
  ## control - control parameters for nlopt
  ## ... - additional arguments for post function
  method <- match.arg(method)
    start <- as.matrix(start, ncol=1)
  nStart <- nrow(start)
  d <- ncol(start)
  post2 <- function(pars, ...){
    -post(pars, ...)
  obj <- list()
  for(j in 1:nStart){
    nlcall <- list(par=start[j,], fn = post2, ..., method = method)
    nlcall <- c(nlcall, control)
    obj[[j]] <- do.call(nlopt, nlcall)
  means <- matrix(0, nrow = nStart, ncol = d)
  sigmainv <- sigmas <- eigenHess <- list()
  weights <- dets <- numeric(nStart)
  z <- 1
  for(j in 1:nStart){
    eg <- eigen(obj[[j]]$hessian, symmetric = TRUE)
    detSig <- 1/prod(eg$values)
    if(all(eg$values > 0)){ # only include maxima of posterior
      m <- obj[[j]]$par
      sw <- sweep(means, 2, m) # check whether found optimum coincides with already found optimum
      mabs <- max(sum(abs(m)), 1)
      an <- apply(sw, 1, function(x) sum(abs(x)))
      ind1 <- j == 1
      ind2 <- all(an[1:z] > 0.01*mabs)
      if( ind1 | (ind2 & ind2) ){
        means[z,] <- m
        sigmas[[z]] <- solve(obj[[j]]$hessian)
        sigmainv[[z]] <- obj[[j]]$hessian
        eigenHess[[z]] <- eg
        dets[z] <- detSig
        weights[z] <- detSig^0.5*exp(-obj[[j]]$minimum)
        z <- z + 1
  means <- means[1:(z-1), , drop=FALSE]
  weights <- weights[1:(z-1)]/sum(weights[1:(z-1)])
  out <- list(weights=weights, means=means,
              sigmas=sigmas, eigenHess=eigenHess,
              dets = dets[1:(z-1)], sigmainv = sigmainv)
  class(out) <- "mixDist"

print.mixDist <- function(x, digits = 4, ...){
  dims <- dim(x$sigmas[[1]])[1]
  ncomp <- length(x$weights)
  cat("Mixture Approximation\n\n")
  cat("Dimensions:", dims, "\n")
  cat("Number of Components:", ncomp, "\n")
  mns <- x$means
  nams <- paste("Component ", 1:ncomp, ":", sep="")
  dimnames(mns) <- list(nams, 1:dims)  
  print(round(mns, digits))

summary.mixDist <- function(object, digits = 4, ...){
  class(object) <- "summary.mixDist"

print.summary.mixDist <- function(x, digits = 4, ...){
  dims <- dim(x$sigmas[[1]])[1]
  ncomp <- length(x$weights)
  cat("Mixture Approximation\n\n")
  cat("Number of Components:", ncomp, "\n")
  for(m in 1:ncomp){
    cat("Component", m, "\n")
    cat("Weight:", signif(x$weights[m], digits), "\n")
    cat("Means and Standard Variations:\n")
    mns <- x$means[m,]
    sdev <- sqrt(diag(x$sigmas[[m]]))
    pmat <- rbind(means=mns, sdevs = sdev)
    dimnames(pmat) <- list(c("means", "sdev"), 1:dims)
    print(round(pmat, digits))
    if(dims > 1){
      cat("Correlation Matrix:\n")
      corMat <- cov2cor(x$sigmas[[m]])
      dimnames(corMat) <- list(1:dims, 1:dims)
      corMat <- round(corMat, digits)
      cf <- format(corMat, digits = digits)
      cf[row(cf) > col(cf)] <- ""
      print(cf, quote = FALSE)

getGrid <- function (n, mean, eigenSigma, hess = TRUE,
                     method = c("Pseudo-Rand", "Quasi-Rand"),
                     df = Inf, ctrl = list(seed=4711, scrambling=1)){
    if (length(mean) != nrow(eigenSigma$vectors)) {
        stop("mean and sigma have non-conforming size")
      ord <- order(eigenSigma$values)
      eg <- eigenSigma
      eigenSigma$values <- 1/eg$values[ord]
      eigenSigma$vectors <- eg$vectors[,ord]
    dim <- length(mean)
    method <- match.arg(method)
    if(method == "Pseudo-Rand"){
      if(df == Inf){
        vals <- rnorm(n * dim)
      } else {
        vals <- rt(n * dim, df = df)
      Mat <- matrix(vals, nrow = n)
    if(method == "Quasi-Rand"){
      if(method == "Quasi-Rand")
        Mat <- sobol(n, dim = dim, 
                     scrambling = ctrl$scrambling,
                     seed = ctrl$seed)
      if(df == Inf){      
        Mat <- qnorm(Mat)
      } else {
        Mat <- qt(Mat, df = df)
    ev <- eigenSigma
    retval <- ev$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(ev$values), length(ev$values)) %*% t(ev$vectors)
    retval <- Mat %*% retval
    retval <- sweep(retval, 2, mean, "+")

dmvtAdapted <- function (x, obj, ind = NULL, mat = FALSE, df = 4){
  if (is.vector(x)) {
    x <- matrix(x, nrow = length(x))
  dm <- length(obj$sigmas)
    ind <- 1:dm
  } else {
      stop("Cannot calculate density.")
  out <- matrix(nrow = nrow(x), ncol = length(ind))
  z <- 1
  for(i in ind){
    sigmaInv <- obj$sigmainv[[i]]
    detSigma <- obj$dets[i]
    mean <- obj$means[i,]
    m <- NCOL(sigmaInv)
    centr <- sweep(x, 2, mean)
    distval <- rowSums((centr %*% sigmaInv) * centr)
    logdet <- log(detSigma)
    logretval <- lgamma((m + df)/2) - (lgamma(df/2) + 0.5 * (logdet + 
        m * logb(pi * df))) - 0.5 * (df + m) * logb(1 + distval/df)
    out[,z] <- exp(logretval)
    z <- z + 1
  } else {

dmvtAdaptedC <- function(x, obj, df){
  mns <- as.double(t(obj$means))
  sigmainv <- as.double(unlist(obj$sigmainv))
  dets <- as.double(obj$dets)
  weights <- as.double(obj$weights)
  ncomp <- as.integer(length(weights))
  dm <- as.integer(length(mns)/ncomp)
  df <- as.integer(df)

  out <- .C("calcmixtdens", as.double(x), dm, ncomp, mns,
            sigmainv, dets, weights, df, double(dm), double(1))[[10]]

dmvnormAdapted <- function (x, obj, ind = NULL, mat = FALSE){
  if (is.vector(x)) {
    x <- matrix(x, ncol = length(x))
  dm <- length(obj$sigmas)
    ind <- 1:dm
  } else {
      stop("Cannot calculate density.")
  out <- matrix(nrow = nrow(x), ncol = length(ind))
  z <- 1
  for(i in ind){
    sigmaInv <- obj$sigmainv[[i]]
    detSigma <- obj$dets[i]
    mean <- obj$means[i,]
    m <- NCOL(sigmaInv)
    centr <- sweep(x, 2, mean)
    distval <- rowSums((centr %*% sigmaInv) * centr)
    logdet <- log(detSigma)
    logretval <- -m/2*log(2*pi)-0.5*logdet-0.5*distval
    out[,z] <- exp(logretval)
    z <- z + 1
  } else {

dmvnormAdaptedC <- function(x, obj){
  mns <- as.double(t(obj$means))
  sigmainv <- as.double(unlist(obj$sigmainv))
  dets <- as.double(obj$dets)
  weights <- as.double(obj$weights)
  ncomp <- as.integer(length(weights))
  dm <- as.integer(length(mns)/ncomp)

  out <- .C("calcmixmvdens", as.double(x), dm, ncomp, mns,
            sigmainv, dets, weights, double(dm), double(1))[[9]]

LSfitgeq0 <- function(y, X){
  D <- crossprod(X)
  d <- crossprod(y, X)
  Amat <- diag(dim(X)[2])
  bvec <- numeric(dim(X)[2])
  out <- try(solve.QP(D, d, Amat, bvec)$solution, silent = TRUE)
  if(!inherits(out, "try-error")){
  } else { # if solve.QP does not work use heuristic approach
    cf <- qr.coef(qr(X), y)
    ind <- cf < 0
      cf <- qr.coef(qr(X[,!ind]), y)
      out <- numeric(ncol(X))
      out[!ind] <- cf
      out[out < 0] <- 0

samplingMixDist <- function(nSim, obj, df = 4){
  ## nSim - number of simulations
  ## obj - mixDist object
  if(!inherits(obj, "mixDist"))
    stop("obj needs to be of class mixDist")
  weights <- obj$weights
  means <- obj$means
  egHess <- obj$eigenHess
  k <- length(weights)
  kmat <- rmultinom(1, nSim, weights)
  samples <- NULL
  for(i in 1:k){
    if(kmat[i,1] > 0){
      mat0 <- rmvtAdapt(kmat[i,1], means[i,], egHess[[i]], df = df)
      samples <- rbind(samples, mat0)
  ind <- sample(1:nSim)

IS <- function(obj, nSim, df = 4, post, vectorized = FALSE,
               cores = 1, ...){
  if(!inherits(obj, "mixDist"))
    stop("obj needs to be of class mixDist")
  samp <- samplingMixDist(nSim, obj, df = df)
    vals1 <- post(samp,...)
  } else {
    sampList <- split(samp, 1:nSim)
    if(cores == 1){
      vals1 <- lapply(sampList, function(x) post(x, ...))
    } else {
      vals1 <- mclapply(sampList, function(x) post(x, ...), mc.cores = cores)
    vals1 <- unlist(vals1)
  scal <- max(vals1)
  vals1 <- exp(vals1 - scal)
  if(df == Inf){
    vals2 <- dmvnormAdapted(samp, obj)    
  } else {
    vals2 <- dmvtAdapted(samp, obj, df = df)
  w <- vals1/vals2
  const <- sum(w)
  w <- w/const
  out <- list(samp = samp, w = w, normconst = const/nSim*exp(scal),
              ESS = 1/sum(w^2))
  class(out) <- "IS"

IMH <- function(obj, nSim, df = 4, post, vectorized = FALSE, cores = 1, ...){
  if(!inherits(obj, "mixDist"))
    stop("obj needs to be of class mixDist")
  samp <- samplingMixDist(nSim, obj, df = df)
    samp <- matrix(samp, nrow = length(samp))
    vals1 <- post(samp,...)
  } else {
    sampList <- split(samp, 1:nSim)#as.list(data.frame(t(samp)))
    if(cores == 1){
      vals1 <- lapply(sampList, function(x) post(x, ...))
    } else {
      #vals1 <- mclapply(sampList, function(x) post(x, ...), mc.cores = cores)
      stop("currently only cores = 1 possible")      
    vals1 <- unlist(vals1)
  scal <- max(vals1)
  vals1 <- exp(vals1 - scal)
  vals2 <- dmvtAdapted(samp, obj, df = df)
  w <- vals1/vals2
  sampOut <- sampOut <- matrix(0, nrow = nSim, ncol = ncol(samp))
  wcur <- w[1]
  sampCur <- sampOut[1,] <- samp[1,]
  u <- runif(nSim)
  z <- 1
  for(i in 2:nSim){
    if(u[i] < w[i]/wcur){
      sampOut[i,] <- sampCur <- samp[i,]
      wcur <- w[i]
      z <- z + 1
    } else {
      sampOut[i,] <- sampCur
  const <- sum(w)
  w <- w/const
  out <- list(samp = sampOut, w = w, normconst = const/nSim*exp(scal),
              accept = z/nSim)
  class(out) <- "IMH"

rmvtAdapt <- function(n, mean = NULL, eigenSigma = NULL, df){
  ## random numbers from multivariate t-distribution
  dm <- length(eigenSigma$values)
  grd <- getGrid(n, mean = rep(0, dm), eigenSigma, hess = TRUE,
                 method = "Pseudo-Rand")
  if(df != Inf){
    sqchsq <- sqrt(rchisq(n, df)/df)
  } else {
    sqchsq <- rep(1,n)
  grd <- grd/sqchsq 
  mnmat <- matrix(mean, byrow = T, nrow = n, ncol = dm)
  grd + mnmat

resample <- function(n, obj){
  if(!inherits(obj, "IS"))
    stop("obj needs to be of class IS")
  samples <- obj$samp
  wgts <- obj$w
  ## performs residual resampling
    samples <- matrix(samples, nrow = length(samples))
  nS <- nrow(samples)
  reps <- floor(wgts*n)
    inds <- rep(1:nS, reps)
    probAdjusted <- (wgts*n-reps)/(n-sum(reps))
    inds2 <- sample(1:nS, n-sum(reps), prob=probAdjusted, replace=TRUE)
    inds <- c(inds, inds2)
  } else {
    inds <- sample(1:nS, n, prob=wgts, replace=TRUE)

iterLap <- function(post, ..., GRobj = NULL, 
                 vectorized = FALSE, startVals = NULL,
                 method = c("nlminb", "nlm", "Nelder-Mead", "BFGS"),
                 control = NULL, nlcontrol = list()){
  ## GRobj - object of class mixDist
  ## post - log-posterior
  ## control - control parameters for iterated Laplace approximation
  ## nlcontrol - control parameters for nlm

  method <- match.arg(method)
  ## extract dimension and convert startVals to matrix
      startVals <- as.matrix(startVals, ncol=1)
    pardim <- ncol(startVals)

  ## calculcate (or extract) GR object
      stop("need to specify starting matrix if GRobj is missing")
    GRobj <- GRApprox(post, startVals, method = method, control=nlcontrol, ...)
  obj <- GRobj # obj contains current approximation
  pardim <- ncol(obj$means)

  ## check control list
  if (!is.null(control)) {
    if(!is.list(control)) {
      stop("when specified, 'control' must be a list")
    ctrl <- do.call("iterLap.control", c(pardim=pardim,control))
  } else {
    ctrl <- iterLap.control(pardim = pardim)
  propnorm <- numeric(ctrl$maxDim)
  ## calculate starting grid (from GR approximation)
  dm <- length(obj$weights)  
  grid <- NULL
  for(i in 1:dm){
    grd <- getGrid(ctrl$gridSize, obj$means[i,], obj$eigenHess[[i]], hess = TRUE,
                   method = "Quasi-Rand", df=Inf)
    grid <- rbind(grid, grd)

  ## evaluate kernel and mixture of t-distributions at starting grid
    vals <- post(grid, ...)
  } else {
    vals <- apply(grid, 1, function(x) post(x, ...))
  lgMax <- max(vals)
  X <- dmvnormAdapted(grid, obj, mat = TRUE)
  z <- dm
  ## determine weights
  obj$weights <- LSfitgeq0(exp(vals-lgMax), X)
  propnorm[z] <- sum(obj$weights)*exp(lgMax)

  ## iterate number of components
  while(z < ctrl$maxDim){
    if(ctrl$info > 0){
      cat("Add Component: ", z+1, "\n")

    pred <- X%*%obj$weights   # calculate predictions 
    if(checkStop(vals, lgMax, pred, ctrl, propnorm, z)){ # check stop criterion
    } else { # calculate starting values for optimizer of residual
      startOpt <- getStartVal(vals, lgMax, pred, grid, obj$means[z,], z)

    ## run optimizer
    optres <- opt(obj, z, startOpt, method, ctrl, nlcontrol, post, lgMax, ...)
    if(!optres$add){ # optimizer output does not contain local optimum
      if(ctrl$info > 0){
        cat("Cannot improve approximation.\n")
    } else {
      ## add component to approximation
      obj <- optres$obj      
      z <- z + 1

      ## evaluate new component on current grid (ind = z)
      Xgrd <- dmvnormAdapted(grid, obj, ind = z, mat = TRUE)
      X <- cbind(X, Xgrd)
      ## calculate grid of new component
      grdNew <- getGrid(ctrl$gridSize, obj$means[z,], obj$eigenHess[[z]],
                        hess = TRUE, method = "Quasi-Rand", df = Inf)
      ## evaluate all components on new grid
      Xnew2 <- dmvnormAdapted(grdNew, obj, mat = TRUE)
      X <- rbind(X, Xnew2)
      grid <- rbind(grid, grdNew)
      ## evaluate target function at new component
        valsnew <- post(grdNew, ...)
      } else {
        valsnew <- apply(grdNew, 1, function(x) post(x, ...)) 
      if(any(is.na(valsnew)) | any(abs(valsnew)==Inf)){
        warning("Inf/NA produced.")
      vals <- c(vals, valsnew)
      lgMax <- max(vals)      
      obj$weights <-  LSfitgeq0(exp(vals-lgMax), X)
      propnorm[z] <- sum(obj$weights)*exp(lgMax)
      if(ctrl$info > 0){
        cat("Norm. Constant of Approx.: ", signif(propnorm[z], 5), "\n\n")
  obj$weights <- abs(obj$weights/sum(abs(obj$weights)))
  class(obj) <- "mixDist"

opt <- function(obj, z, start, method, control, nlcontrol, post, lgMax, ...){
  ## optimizer
  post2 <- function(pars, obj, eps = 0.0001, ...){
    val <- exp(post(pars, ...)-lgMax)-dmvnormAdaptedC(pars, obj)
    if(val < eps | is.na(val)){
      val <- exp(val-eps)*eps

  j <- 0
  while(j < nrow(start)){
    j <- j + 1
    nlcall <- list(par=start[j,], fn = post2, ...,
                   method = method, obj = obj, control = nlcontrol)
    optobj <- do.call(nlopt, nlcall)
    eg <- eigen(optobj$hessian, symmetric = TRUE)
    detSig <- 1/prod(eg$values)
    if(all(eg$values > 0)){ # only include maxima of posterior
      m <- optobj$par
      sw <- sweep(obj$means, 2, m) # check whether found optimum coincides with already found optimum
      mabs <- sum(abs(m))
      an <- apply(sw, 1, function(x) sum(abs(x)))
      ind2 <- all(an[1:z] > 0.005*mabs)
        if(control$info > 1){
          cat("Added Component:", signif(m,5), "\n")
        obj$means <- rbind(obj$means, m)
        obj$sigmas[[z+1]] <- solve(optobj$hessian)
        obj$sigmainv[[z+1]] <- optobj$hessian
        obj$eigenHess[[z+1]] <- eg
        obj$dets <- c(obj$dets, detSig)
        add <- TRUE
      } else {
        if(control$info > 1){        
          cat("Too close to already used components\n")
        add <- FALSE
    } else {
      if(control$info > 1){
        cat("Negative Eigenvalues\n")
      add <- FALSE
  list(obj = obj, add = add)

calcDist <- function(start, oldVal){
  dfs <- sweep(start, 2, oldVal)

extractMoments <- function(obj){
  mn <- obj$weights%*%obj$means
  sigm <- mn2 <- matrix(0, nrow = ncol(obj$means), ncol = ncol(obj$means))
  for(j in 1:length(obj$weights)){
    sigm <- sigm + obj$weights[j]*obj$sigmas[[j]]
    mn2 <- mn2 + obj$weights[j]*obj$means[j,]%*%t(obj$means[j,])
  sigm <- sigm + mn2 - t(mn)%*%mn
  list(mean = as.numeric(mn), sigma = sigm)

checkStop <- function(vals, scal, pred, control, propnorm, z){
  out <- FALSE
  if(max(exp(vals-scal) - pred) < control$delta){
    out <- TRUE
    if(control$info > 0){
      cat("Maximum Error on grid smaller than delta\n")
  if(z >= 3){
    dif <- abs(propnorm[z]-mean(propnorm[(z-1):(z-2)]))
    std <- propnorm[z]
    if(dif/std < control$eps){
      if(control$info > 0){
        cat("Approximation of normalization constant does not improve\n")
      out <- TRUE

getStartVal <- function(vals, scal, pred, grid, oldVal, init){
  ## determine 10 grid point with largest importance weight
  ind <- rev(order(exp(vals-scal) / pred))[1:10]
  ## select starting values for k-means
  vals <- c(1,9,3,7,2,8,4,6,5,6,1,5,8,4,7,3,9,2,4,6,5,2,8,3,7,1,9)
  val <- vals[(init-1)%%27+1]        # emulate some randomness for ind0
  ind0 <- c(val, val+3, val+6)%%10+1 # this increases diversity
  startkm <- grid[ind[ind0],]        
  ## reduce this to 3 possibly distinct values
  start <- kmeans(grid[ind,], startkm)$centers
  ## sort those 3 values according to their distance to last point
  ind2 <- calcDist(start, oldVal)
  start[ind2, , drop=FALSE]

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