#' @title Convert predicted suitability to presence-absence map.
#' @description Use threshold-based, logistic or linear conversion method to
#' convert predicted suitability map to presence-absence map.
#' @param suitability (`stars` or `RasterLayer`) The suitability raster.
#' @param method (`character`) The conversion method, must be one of
#' 'threshold', 'logistic', and 'linear'. The default is 'logistic'.
#' @param beta (`numeric`) Works for 'threshold' or 'logistic' method.
#' If `method` is threshold, then `beta` is the threshold value to cutoff.
#' If `method` is logistic, it is the sigmoid midpoint. The default is `0.5`.
#' @param alpha (`numeric`) Works for logistic method.
#' It is the logistic growth rate or steepness of the curve.
#' The default is `-.05`.
#' @param a (`numeric`) Works for linear method. It is the slope of the line.
#' The default is `1`.
#' @param b (`numeric`) Works for linear method.
#' It is the intercept of the line. The default is `0`.
#' @param species_prevalence (`numeric` or `NA`) Works for all three methods.
#' It is the species prevalence to classify suitability map.
#' It could be `NA`, when the will be calculated automatically
#' based on other arguments. The default is `NA`.
#' @param threshold (`numeric`) The threshold used to convert probability of
#' occurrence to presence-absence map. It ranges in `[0, 1]`. The default is 0.5.
#' @param seed (`integer`) The seed for random progress. The default is `10L`
#' @param visualize (`logical`) If `TRUE`, plot map of suitability,
#' probability of occurrence, and presence-absence together.
#' The default is `TRUE`.
#' @return (`PAConversion`) A list of
#' \itemize{
#' \item{suitability (`stars`) The input suitability map}
#' \item{probability_of_occurrence (`stars`) The map of occurrence probability}
#' \item{pa_conversion (`list`) A list of conversion arguments}
#' \item{pa_map (`stars`) The presence-absence map}}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{plot.PAConversion}}
#' @details
#' Multiple methods and arguments could be used as a combination to do
#' the conversion.
#' @references
#' \href{}{c
#' onvertToPA in package `virtualspecies`}
#' @importFrom stars st_as_stars
#' @importFrom dplyr case_when
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using a pseudo presence-only occurrence dataset of
#' # virtual species provided in this package
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(sf)
#' library(stars)
#' library(itsdm)
#' # Prepare data
#' data("occ_virtual_species")
#' obs_df <- occ_virtual_species %>% filter(usage == "train")
#' eval_df <- occ_virtual_species %>% filter(usage == "eval")
#' x_col <- "x"
#' y_col <- "y"
#' obs_col <- "observation"
#' # Format the observations
#' obs_train_eval <- format_observation(
#' obs_df = obs_df, eval_df = eval_df,
#' x_col = x_col, y_col = y_col, obs_col = obs_col,
#' obs_type = "presence_only")
#' env_vars <- system.file(
#' 'extdata/bioclim_tanzania_10min.tif',
#' package = 'itsdm') %>% read_stars() %>%
#' slice('band', c(1, 5, 12, 16))
#' # With imperfect_presence mode,
#' mod <- isotree_po(
#' obs_mode = "imperfect_presence",
#' obs = obs_train_eval$obs,
#' obs_ind_eval = obs_train_eval$eval,
#' variables = env_vars, ntrees = 5,
#' sample_size = 0.8, ndim = 1L,
#' nthreads = 1,
#' seed = 123L, response = FALSE,
#' spatial_response = FALSE,
#' check_variable = FALSE)
#' # Threshold conversion
#' pa_thred <- convert_to_pa(mod$prediction,
#' method = 'threshold', beta = 0.5, visualize = FALSE)
#' pa_thred
#' plot(pa_thred)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Logistic conversion
#' pa_log <- convert_to_pa(mod$prediction, method = 'logistic',
#' beta = 0.5, alpha = -.05)
#' # Linear conversion
#' pa_lin <- convert_to_pa(mod$prediction, method = 'linear',
#' a = 1, b = 0)
#' }
convert_to_pa <- function(suitability, # prediction from isotree_sdm
method = "logistic",
beta = 0.5, # could be NA, for threshold or logistic
alpha = -.05, # only for logistic
a = 1, # for linear
b = 0, # for linear
species_prevalence = NA, # could be NA, for all
threshold = 0.5, # threshold to convert to PA
seed = 10L,
visualize = TRUE) {
# Check inputs - level 1
suitability, c('RasterLayer', 'stars'))
# Convert suitability if it is a raster
if (is(suitability, 'RasterLayer')){
suitability <- st_as_stars(suitability)}
method, c('threshold', 'logistic', 'linear'))
suit_min <- .min_value(suitability)
suit_max <- .max_value(suitability)
checkmate::assert_number(beta, lower = suit_min,
upper = suit_max, na.ok = T)
checkmate::assert_number(alpha, na.ok = T)
checkmate::assert_number(a, na.ok = T)
checkmate::assert_number(b, na.ok = T)
checkmate::assert_number(species_prevalence, lower = 0,
upper = 1, na.ok = T)
checkmate::assert_number(threshold, lower = 0, upper = 1)
# Check inputs - level 2
# threshold - beta or species_prevalence
if (method == 'threshold' & ( & {
stop('Must set beta or species prevalence for threshold conversion.')
# logistic - two of alpha, beta, and species_prevalence
# or just species_prevalence
if (method == 'logistic') {
if (sum(, alpha, species_prevalence))) == 3){
stop(paste0('No beta, alpha, or species_prevalence',
' is set for logistic conversion.'))
} else if (sum(, alpha, species_prevalence))) == 2){
if ( {
stop('species_prevalence must be set if beta and alpha is missing.')}
# linear - a and b or species_prevalence, could be all NAs, so skip check.
# Convert arguments
## threshold conversion: if both set, just use prevalence
if (method == 'threshold') {
if (! & ! {
warning('Both beta and species_prevalence are set. Ignore beta.')
beta <- NA}
## logistic conversion
## if all set, set beta to NA
## just prevalence, choose alpha randomly and decide beta programmatically
## keep two of three non-NA
if (method == 'logistic') {
if (length(na.omit(c(beta, alpha, species_prevalence))) == 1){
if (! {
paste0('Neither alpha or beta set. Randomly select alpha and',
' adjust beta programmatically to the desired prevalence.'))
alpha <- -sample(c(seq((suit_max - suit_min)/1000,
(suit_max - suit_min)/100, length = 10),
seq((suit_max - suit_min)/100,
(suit_max - suit_min)/10, length = 100),
seq((suit_max - suit_min)/10,
(suit_max - suit_min)*10, length = 10)),
size = 1)
} else if (length(na.omit(c(beta, alpha, species_prevalence))) == 3) {
beta <- NA}
# Provide necessary message
if (! {
if (! {
message(paste0('species_prevalence and beta are set,',
' choose alpha automatically.'))
} else {
message(paste0('species_prevalence and alpha are set,',
' choose beta automatically.'))
} else {
message(paste0('alpha and beta are set,',
' choose species_prevalence automatically.'))
## linear conversion
## Nothing set, use a = 1 and b = 0 instead
## if species_prevalence set, just use it
## if not, must set a and b to get a linear conversion.
if (method == 'linear') {
if ( & & {
message(paste0('No arguments set, set slope = 1 and intercept = 0',
' for linear conversion.'))
a <- 1; b <- 0
if ( {
if ( | {
stop('Must set a and b if no species_prevalence provided.')
} else {
message('a and b are set, choose species_prevalence automatically.')
} else {
message(paste0('Ignore a and b if set, search for a linear conversion',
' that fits species_prevalence.'))
a <- NA; b <- NA
# Start conversion
## threshold conversion
if (method == 'threshold') {
if(! {
beta <- .quantile_stars(suitability, 1 - species_prevalence)
names(beta) <- NULL}
pa_map <- suitability %>%
mutate(prediction = case_when(prediction < beta ~ 0,
prediction >= beta ~ 1))
prob_of_occurrence <- pa_map
# Convert to binary
pa_map <- pa_map == 1
## logistic conversion
if (method == 'logistic') {
if (! {
if (! {
alpha_test <-, lapply(
c((.max_value(suitability) - .min_value(suitability))/1000,
(.max_value(suitability) - .min_value(suitability)) * 10),
function(alpha) {
if(alpha > 0) alpha <- -alpha
prob_of_occurrence <- .logistic(
suitability, beta = beta, alpha = alpha)
pa_map <- .binary_convert(prob_of_occurrence, threshold = threshold)
c(alpha, .mean_value(pa_map))}))
epsilon <- species_prevalence - alpha_test[, 2]
if(all(epsilon > 0)){
'The desired species prevalence cannot be obtained, ',
'because of the chosen beta and available environmental',
' conditions.\n',
sprintf("The closest possible estimate of prevalence was %s.",
round(alpha_test[2, 2], 2)),
"\nPerhaps you can try a lower beta value."))
alpha <- alpha_test[2, 1]
} else if (all(epsilon < 0)){
'The desired species prevalence cannot be obtained, ',
'because of the chosen beta and available environmental',
' conditions.\n',
sprintf("The closest possible estimate of prevalence was %s.",
round(alpha_test[1, 2], 2)),
"\nPerhaps you can try a higher beta value."))
alpha <- alpha_test[1, 1]
} else {
while (all(abs(epsilon) > 0.01)){
alpha <- (alpha_test[which(epsilon == max(epsilon[epsilon < 0])), 1] +
alpha_test[which(epsilon == min(epsilon[epsilon > 0])), 1]) / 2
prob_of_occurrence <- .logistic(suitability, beta = beta, alpha = alpha)
pa_map <- .binary_convert(prob_of_occurrence, threshold = threshold)
alpha_test <- rbind(alpha_test, c(alpha, .mean_value(pa_map)))
epsilon <- species_prevalence - alpha_test[, 2]
} else {
# We define the upper and lower boundaries for beta.
# We choose to be able to define beta values beyond the boundaries of
# our probability of occurrence raster, so we can have a larger range
# of prevalence
aa <- .min_value(suitability) -
diff(c(.min_value(suitability), .max_value(suitability))) / 2
bb <- .max_value(suitability) +
diff(c(.min_value(suitability), .max_value(suitability))) / 2
beta_test <-, lapply(c(aa, bb), function(beta) {
prob_of_occurrence <- .logistic(suitability,
beta = beta, alpha = alpha)
pa_map <- .binary_convert(prob_of_occurrence, threshold = threshold)
c(beta, .mean_value(pa_map))}))
epsilon <- data.frame(epsi = species_prevalence - beta_test[, 2],
prevalence = beta_test[, 2])
if(all(epsilon$epsi > 0)) {
'The desired species prevalence cannot be obtained, ',
'because of the chosen alpha and available environmental',
' conditions.\n',
sprintf("The closest possible estimate of prevalence was %s.",
round(beta_test[1, 2], 2)),
"\nPerhaps you can try an alpha value closer to 0."))
beta <- beta_test[1, 1]
} else if (all(epsilon$epsi < 0)) {
'The desired species prevalence cannot be obtained, ',
'because of the chosen alpha and available environmental',
' conditions.\n',
sprintf("The closest possible estimate of prevalence was %s.",
round(beta_test[2, 2], 2)),
"\nPerhaps you can try an alpha value closer to 0."))
beta <- beta_test[2, 1]
} else {
while (all(apply(
epsilon, 1, function(x) {
ifelse(abs(x[1]) > 0.001, TRUE,
ifelse(x[2] == 0, TRUE, FALSE))}
beta <- (beta_test[which(epsilon$epsi == max(epsilon$epsi[epsilon$epsi < 0])), 1][1] +
beta_test[which(epsilon$epsi == min(epsilon$epsi[epsilon$epsi > 0])), 1][1]) / 2
prob_of_occurrence <- .logistic(suitability, beta = beta, alpha = alpha)
pa_map <- .binary_convert(prob_of_occurrence, threshold = threshold)
beta_test <- rbind(beta_test, c(beta, .mean_value(pa_map)))
epsilon <- data.frame(epsi = species_prevalence - beta_test[, 2],
prevalence = beta_test[, 2])
# Convert
prob_of_occurrence <- .logistic(suitability, beta = beta, alpha = alpha)
pa_map <- .binary_convert(prob_of_occurrence, threshold = threshold)
# Adjust result for very low prevalence
if (.max_value(suitability) == 0){
while (.max_value(suitability) == 0) {
prob_of_occurrence <- .logistic(suitability, beta = beta, alpha = alpha)
pa_map <- .binary_convert(prob_of_occurrence, threshold = threshold)
# linear conversion
if (method == 'linear') {
if (! {
tmp <- .find_linear_conversion(
suitability, species_prevalence,
a <- tmp$a
b <- tmp$b
prob_of_occurrence <- tmp$prob_of_occurrence
pa_map <- tmp$distribution
} else {
prob_of_occurrence <- .linear_convert(suitability, c(a, b))
pa_map <- .binary_convert(prob_of_occurrence, threshold = threshold)
# summarize results
species_prevalence <- .mean_value(pa_map)
if(method == "threshold") {
pa_conversion <- list(cutoff = beta,
conversion_method = method,
species_prevalence = species_prevalence)
} else if(method == "logistic") {
pa_conversion <- list(conversion_method = method,
alpha = alpha,
beta = beta,
species_prevalence = species_prevalence)
} else if(method == "linear") {
pa_conversion <- list(conversion_method = method,
a = a,
b = b,
species_prevalence = species_prevalence)
out <- list(suitability = suitability,
probability_of_occurrence = prob_of_occurrence,
pa_conversion = pa_conversion,
pa_map = pa_map)
class(out) <- append("PAConversion", class(out))
if (visualize) {
# Return
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