
Defines functions ivmodel

Documented in ivmodel

### ivmodel: Generates an instance of ivmodel
###          In this package, our IV model is
###          Y_i = beta_0 + D_i * beta_1 + X_i^T * gamma + epsilon_i
###          E(epsilon_i | Z_i, X_i) = 0
### INPUT: Y, outcome (n * 1 vector)
###        D, exposure (n * 1 vector)
###        Z, instruments (n * L matrix)
###        X, baseline and exogenous covariates (n * p matrix)
###        intercept, should we include the intercept term?
###        beta0: null value for beta
###        alpha: 1 - alpha confidence interval
###        k: values for the k-class estimator
###        heteroSE: heteroskedastic SE?
###        clusterSE: clustered SE?
###        clusterID, if clusterSE is TRUE, then one must provide a vector of
###                   length that's identical to the sample size.
###                   For example, if n = 6 and clusterID = c(1,1,1,2,2,2),
###                   there would be two clusters where the first cluster
###                   is formed by the first three observations and the
###                   second cluster is formed by the last three observations
###                   clusterID can be numeric, character, or factor.
###        deltarange: for sensitivity analysis.
### OUTPUT: ivmodel object which contains a clean-up version of Y,D,Z,X (if available)
ivmodel <- function(Y,D,Z,X,intercept=TRUE,
                    manyweakSE = FALSE, heteroSE = FALSE, clusterID = NULL,
                    deltarange = NULL, na.action = na.omit) {

  # Error checking: check to see if necessary inputs are there!
  if(missing(Y)) stop("Y is missing!")
  if(missing(D)) stop("D is missing!")
  if(missing(Z)) stop("Z is missing!")

  # Error checking: check Y and D
  if( (!is.vector(Y) && !is.matrix(Y) && !is.data.frame(Y)) || (is.matrix(Y) && ncol(Y) != 1) || (is.data.frame(Y) && ncol(Y) != 1) || (!is.numeric(Y))) stop("Y is not a numeric vector.")
  if( (!is.vector(D) && !is.matrix(D) && !is.data.frame(Y)) || (is.matrix(D) && ncol(D) != 1) || (is.data.frame(D) && ncol(D) != 1) || (!is.numeric(D))) stop("D is not a numeric vector.")
  Y = as.numeric(Y); D = as.numeric(D)
  if(length(Y) != length(D)) stop("Dimension of Y and D are not the same!")

  # Error checking: check Z and convert "strings" into factors
  #                 convert logical Z to numeric Z
  Z = data.frame(Z); stringIndex = sapply(Z,is.character); Z[,stringIndex] = lapply(Z[,stringIndex],as.factor)
  logicalIndex = sapply(Z,is.logical); Z[,logicalIndex] = Z[,logicalIndex] + 0;
  if(nrow(Z) != length(Y)) stop("Row dimension of Z and Y are not equal!")
  colnames(Z) = paste("Z",colnames(Z),sep="")

  # Error checking: check X and convert "strings" into factors
  #                 convert logical X to numeric X
  if(!missing(X)) {
    X = data.frame(X); stringIndex = sapply(X,is.character); X[,stringIndex] = lapply(X[,stringIndex],as.factor)
    logicalIndex = sapply(X,is.logical); X[,logicalIndex] = X[,logicalIndex] + 0
	  if(nrow(X) != length(Y)) stop("Row dimension of X and Y are not equal!")
	  colnames(X) = paste("X",colnames(X),sep="")
  # Add intercept as X
  if(intercept && !missing(X)) {
    constantXTrue = apply(X,2,function(x){length(unique(x)) == 1})
    if(any(constantXTrue)) {
      warning("Trying to add the intercept term of ones, 
                    but X already contains a constant covariate! Check your X. For now,
                    we'll not add an intercept term in X to avoid rank deficiency.")
    } else {
      X = data.frame(X,intercept=rep(1,nrow(X)))
  if(intercept && missing(X)) X = data.frame(intercept=rep(1,length(Y)))

  # Coalesce all data into one data.frame
  if(!missing(X)) {
    allDataOrig = cbind(Y,D,Z,X)
  } else {
    allDataOrig = cbind(Y,D,Z)

  # NA handling
  if(identical(na.action, na.fail) | identical(na.action, na.omit) | identical(na.action, na.pass)){
    allDataOrig = na.action(allDataOrig)
    naindex = rep(TRUE, nrow(allDataOrig))
	naindex[apply(is.na(allDataOrig), 1, any)] = NA
  }else if(identical(na.action, na.exclude)){
    naindex = rep(TRUE, nrow(allDataOrig))
	naindex[apply(is.na(allDataOrig), 1, any)] = NA
	allDataOrig = na.action(allDataOrig)
    stop("Wrong input of NA handling!")

  # Fit adjustment model
  ff = terms(Y ~ D + . -1,data=allDataOrig)
  mf = model.frame(ff,allDataOrig)

  # Declare Y and D
  Y = as.matrix(mf$Y); colnames(Y) = "Y"
  D = as.matrix(mf$D); colnames(D) = "D"

  # Extract Z and X
  allData = sparse.model.matrix(ff,allDataOrig); attr(allData,"assign") = NULL; attr(allData,"contrasts") = NULL
  Zindex = grep(paste("^",colnames(Z),sep="",collapse="|"),colnames(allData))
  Z = allData[,Zindex,drop=FALSE]; colnames(Z) = sub("^Z","",colnames(Z))
  if(!missing(X)) {
    Xindex = grep(paste("^",colnames(X),sep="",collapse="|"),colnames(allData)); X = allData[,Xindex,drop=FALSE]; colnames(X) = sub("^X","",colnames(X))
  # Check to see if there's enough data points after removing missing values
  if(nrow(Y) <= 1) stop("Too much missing data!")

  n = length(Y)
    ### clean X and project Y, D, Z
    p = qrrank(qrX)
      stop("vector in X are all 0")
      #X<-qr.Q(qrX)[, 1:p]%*%qrRM(qrX)[1:p, 1:p]
    Yadj = as.matrix(qr.resid(qrX,Y)); Dadj = as.matrix(qr.resid(qrX,D)); Zadj = as.matrix(qr.resid(qrX,Z))
    ### clean Zadj
    ZadjQR = qr(Zadj)
    L = qrrank(ZadjQR)
      stop("No useful instrumental variables")
    if(L==1) {
      Zadj = qr.Q(ZadjQR)[, 1:L] * as.numeric(qrRM(ZadjQR)[1:L,1:L])
    if(L<ncol(Z) && L> 1){
      Zadj<-qr.Q(ZadjQR)[, 1:L]%*%qrRM(ZadjQR)[1:L, 1:L]  ### shall we update the Z by doing qr(X, Z)?
      #qrXZ<-qr(cbind(X, Z))
      #Z<-(qr.Q(qrXZ)[, 1:(p+L)]%*%qrRM(qrXZ)[1:(p+L), 1:(p+L)])[,(p+1):(p+L)]
    ZXQR = qr(cbind(Z,X))
    ivmodelObject = list(call = match.call(),n=n,L=L,p=p,Y=Y,D=D,Z=Z,X=X,ZXQR=ZXQR,Yadj=Yadj,Dadj=Dadj,Zadj=Zadj, ZadjQR = ZadjQR)

    p = 0
    Yadj = Y; Dadj = D; Zadj = as.matrix(Z)
    ### only need to clean Z
    ZadjQR = qr(Zadj)
    L = qrrank(ZadjQR)
      stop("No useful instrumental variables")
    if(L == 1) {
      Z <- Zadj <-qr.Q(ZadjQR)[, 1:L] * as.numeric(qrRM(ZadjQR)[1:L, 1:L])
    if(L<ncol(Z) && L > 1)
      Z<-Zadj<-qr.Q(ZadjQR)[, 1:L]%*%qrRM(ZadjQR)[1:L, 1:L]

    ZXQR = qr(Z)
    ivmodelObject = list(call = match.call(),n=n,L=L,p=p,Y=Y,D=D,Z=Z,X=NA,ZXQR=ZXQR,Yadj=Yadj,Dadj=Dadj,Zadj=Zadj, ZadjQR = ZadjQR)

  class(ivmodelObject) = "ivmodel"

  ivmodelObject$naindex = naindex
  ivmodelObject$alpha = alpha
  ivmodelObject$beta0 = beta0
  ivmodelObject$deltarange = deltarange

  ivmodelObject$AR = AR.test(ivmodelObject,beta0=beta0,alpha=alpha)
  ivmodelObject$ARsens = ARsens.test(ivmodelObject,beta0=beta0,alpha=alpha,deltarange=deltarange)
  ivmodelObject$kClass = KClass(ivmodelObject,beta0=beta0,alpha=alpha,k=k,heteroSE=heteroSE,clusterID=clusterID) ## Don't use many weak IV asymptotics for OLS and TSLS
  ivmodelObject$LIML = LIML(ivmodelObject,beta0=beta0,alpha=alpha,manyweakSE=manyweakSE,heteroSE=heteroSE,clusterID=clusterID)
  ivmodelObject$Fuller = Fuller(ivmodelObject,beta0=beta0,alpha=alpha,manyweakSE=manyweakSE,heteroSE=heteroSE,clusterID=clusterID)
  ivmodelObject$CLR = CLR(ivmodelObject,beta0=beta0,alpha=alpha)


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ivmodel documentation built on April 9, 2023, 5:08 p.m.