
Defines functions interactSplines parenthBoolean constructConstant funEval genBasisSplines genGammaSplines uSplineBasis uSplineInt removeSplines monoIntegral genGamma polyProduct polyparse vecextract whichforlist

Documented in constructConstant funEval genBasisSplines genGamma genGammaSplines interactSplines monoIntegral parenthBoolean polyparse polyProduct removeSplines uSplineBasis uSplineInt vecextract whichforlist

#' Auxiliary function: \code{which} for lists
#' Auxiliary function that makes it possible to use \code{which} with
#' a list.
#' @param vector the vector for which we want to check the entries of
#' @param obj the value for which we want the vector to match on.
#' @return a vector of positions where the elements in \code{vector}
#'     are equal to \code{obj}.
whichforlist <- function(vector, obj) {
    which(vector == obj)

#' Auxiliary function: extracting elements from strings
#' This auxiliary function extracts the (string) element in the
#' \code{position} argument of the \code{vector} argument.
#' @param vector the vector from which we want to extract the
#'     elements.
#' @param position the position in \code{vector} to extract.
#' @param truncation the number of characters from the front of the
#'     element being extracted that should be dropped.
#' @return A chracter/string.
vecextract <- function(vector, position, truncation = 0) {
    elem <- vector[position]
    elem <- substr(elem, truncation + 1, nchar(elem))

#' Parsing marginal treatment response formulas
#' This function takes in an MTR formula, and then parses the formula
#' such that it becomes a polynomial in the unobservable \code{u}. It
#' then breaks these polynomials into monomials, and then integrates
#' each of them with respect to \code{u}. Each integral corresponds to
#' E[md | D, X, Z].
#' @param formula the MTR.
#' @param data \code{data.frame} for which we obtain E[md | D, X, Z]
#'     for each observation.
#' @param uname variable name for unobservable used in declaring the
#'     MTR.
#' @param env environment, the original environment in which
#'     the formula was declared.
#' @param as.function boolean, if \code{FALSE} then a list of the
#'     polynomial terms are returned; if \code{TRUE} then a list of
#'     functions corresponding to the polynomials are returned.
#' @return A list (of lists) of monomials corresponding to the
#'     original MTR (for each observation); a list (of lists) of the
#'     integrated monomials; a vector for the degree of each of the
#'     original monomials in the MTR; and a vector for the names of
#'     each variable entering into the MTR (note \code{x^2 + x} has
#'     only one term, \code{x}).
#' @examples
#' dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito()
#' ## Declare MTR functions
#' formula1 = ~ 1 + u
#' formula0 = ~ 1 + u
#' ## Construct MTR polynomials
#' polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0,
#'                           data = dtm,
#'                           uname = u,
#'                           as.function = FALSE)
#' polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula0,
#'                           data = dtm,
#'                           uname = u,
#'                           as.function = FALSE)
#' @export
polyparse <- function(formula, data, uname = "u", env = parent.frame(),
                      as.function = FALSE) {
    ## update formula parsing
    formula <- Formula::as.Formula(formula)
    environment(formula) <- env
    ## Convert uname into a string
    uname <- deparse(substitute(uname))
    uname <- gsub("~", "", uname)
    uname <- gsub("\\\"", "", uname)
    ## Include redundant variable u, so monomials in m0, m1
    ## specifications correspond to polynomial coefficients on u
    ## monomials
    data[[uname]] <- 1
    dmat <- design(formula, data)$X
    oterms <- colnames(dmat)
    ## Separate and parse the original terms
    nterms <- oterms
    ## Address booleans and their splitting
    for (op in c("==", "!=", ">", ">=", "<", "<=")) {
        nterms <- sapply(nterms, gsub,
                         pattern = paste0(" ", op, " "),
                         replacement = op)
    for (sep in c("I\\(", "\\)", "\\*", ":", "  ", "  ")) {
              nterms <- lapply(nterms, gsub, pattern = sep, replacement = " ")
    nterms <- strsplit(trimws(unlist(nterms)), " ")
    ## Correct the spltting for factors
    nterms <- lapply(nterms, function(x) {
        factorPos <- grep("factor\\(" , x = x)
        if (length(factorPos) > 0) {
            for (i in factorPos) {
                x[i] <- paste0(x[i], ")")
    ## Correct the spltting for booleans
    nterms <- lapply(nterms, function(x) {
        for (op in c("==", "!=", ">=", "<=", ">",  "<")) {
            boolPos <- grep(op, x = x)
            if (length(boolPos) > 0) {
                for (i in boolPos) {
                    x[i] <- gsub(op,
                                 paste0(" ", op, " "), x[i])
        for (op in c(" < =", " > =")) {
            boolPos <- grep(op, x = x)
            if (length(boolPos) > 0) {
                for (i in boolPos) {
                    x[i] <- gsub(op,
                                 gsub(" ", "", op) ,
    ## Find monomials of degree 1 ('degree' is with respect to u)
    u_pos <- lapply(nterms, whichforlist, obj = uname)
    u_pos <- which(u_pos > 0)
    ## Find monomials of degree exceeding 1, and determine their degree
    trunc_nterms <- lapply(nterms, substr, 0, nchar(uname) + 1)
    uexp_pos     <- lapply(trunc_nterms, whichforlist, obj = paste0(uname, "^"))
    uexp_pos     <- which(uexp_pos > 0)
    uexp_subpos  <- lapply(trunc_nterms[uexp_pos],
                           whichforlist, obj =  paste0(uname, "^"))
    deggtr2      <- FALSE
    if (length(unlist(uexp_subpos)) > 0) deggtr2 <- TRUE
    ## Create a matrix stating the degree for each monomial with degree >= 1
    if(length(u_pos) == 0){
        exptab1 <- NULL
    } else {
        exptab1 <- cbind(u_pos, 1)
    if (deggtr2) {
        uexpStr <- mapply(vecextract,
                          position = uexp_subpos,
                          truncation = nchar(uname) + 1)
        uexp <- sapply(uexpStr, function(x) eval(parse(text = x), envir = env))
        exptab2 <- cbind(uexp_pos, uexp)
        exptab  <- rbind(exptab1, exptab2)
    } else {
        exptab <- exptab1
    if(!is.null(exptab)) {
        colnames(exptab) <- c("term", "degree")
    ## Determine which terms do not involve u
    if (length(oterms) > 0) {
        nonuterms    <- unlist(oterms[!seq(1, length(oterms)) %in% exptab[, 1]])
        nonutermspos <- which(oterms %in% nonuterms)
    } else {
        nonuterms    <- NULL
        nonutermspos <- NULL
    if (length(nonuterms) > 0) {
        exptab0 <- cbind(nonutermspos, replicate(length(nonutermspos), 0))
        rownames(exptab0) <- oterms[nonutermspos]
    } else {
        exptab0  <- NULL
    exptab <- rbind(exptab0, exptab)
    if (!is.null(dim(exptab))) exptab <- exptab[order(exptab[, 1]), ]
    if (is.matrix(exptab)) {
        exporder <- exptab[, 2]
        colnames(exptab) <- c("term", "degree")
    } else if (!is.matrix(exptab) & length(exptab) > 0) {
        exporder <- exptab[2]
        names(exptab) <- c("term", "degree")
    } else {
        exporder <- NULL
    names(exporder) <- NULL
    polymat <- as.matrix(dmat)
    if (is.null(dim(polymat))) {
        polymat <- matrix(polymat, ncol = 1)
        rownames(polymat) <- rownames(data)
    ## Construct a dictionary of non-u terms, where the entry name is
    ## each term, and the entries are the list of non-u terms that are
    ## interacted with the u term.
    xterms <- lapply(seq(length(exporder)), function(x) {
        if (exporder[x] == 0) {
        } else {
            splitTerms <- unlist(strsplit(oterms[x], split = ":"))
            if (length(splitTerms) == 1) {
            } else {
                if (exporder[x] == 1) {
                    rmPos <- which(splitTerms == uname)
                    if (length(rmPos) == 0) {
                        rmPos <- which(splitTerms == paste0("I(", uname, "^1)"))
                    splitTerms <- splitTerms[-rmPos]
                    paste(splitTerms, collapse = ":")
                } else {
                    rmPos <- which(splitTerms ==
                                   paste0("I(", uname, "^",
                                          exporder[x], ")"))
                    splitTerms <- splitTerms[-rmPos]
                    paste(splitTerms, collapse = ":")
    names(xterms) <- oterms
    return(list(polymat = polymat,
                exporder = exporder,
                terms = oterms,
                xterms = xterms))

#' Function to multiply polynomials
#' This function takes in two vectors characterizing polynomials. It
#' then returns a vector characterizing the product of the two
#' polynomials.
#' @param poly1 vector, characerizing a polynomial.
#' @param poly2 vector, characerizing a polynomial.
#' @return vector, characterizing the product of the two polynomials
#'     characterized \code{poly1} and \code{poly2}.
polyProduct <- function(poly1, poly2) {
    poly1 <- c(1, 2, 3)
    poly2 <- c(2, 0, -1)
    degreeAdd <- seq(0, length(poly2) - 1)
    maxAdd <- max(degreeAdd)
    prodMat <- sapply(poly2, function(x) x * poly1)
    prodMat <- sapply(degreeAdd, function(x) c(rep(0, x),
                                               prodMat[, x + 1],
                                               rep(0, maxAdd - x)))

#' Estimating expectations of terms in the MTR (gamma objects)
#' This function generates the gamma objects defined in the paper,
#' i.e. each additive term in E[md], where md is a MTR.
#' @param monomials [UPDATE DESCRIPTION] object containing list of
#'     list of monomials. Each element of the outer list represents an
#'     observation in the data set, each element in the inner list is
#'     a monomial from the MTR. The variable is the unobservable u,
#'     and the coefficient is the evaluation of any interactions with
#'     u.
#' @param lb vector of lower bounds for the interval of
#'     integration. Each element corresponds to an observation.
#' @param ub vector of upper bounds for the interval of
#'     integration. Each element corresponds to an observation.
#' @param multiplier a vector of the weights that enter into the
#'     integral. Each element corresponds to an observation.
#' @param subset The row names/numbers of the subset of observations
#'     to use.
#' @param means logical, if TRUE then function returns the terms of
#'     E[md]. If FALSE, then function instead returns each term of
#'     E[md | D, X, Z]. This is useful for testing the code,
#'     i.e. obtaining population estimates.
#' @param late.rows Boolean vector indicating which observations to
#'     include when conditioning on covariates X.
#' @return If \code{means = TRUE}, then the function returns a vector
#'     of the additive terms in Gamma (i.e. the expectation is over D,
#'     X, Z, and u). If \code{means = FALSE}, then the function
#'     returns a matrix, where each row corresponds to an observation,
#'     and each column corresponds to an additive term in E[md | D, X,
#'     Z] (i.e. only the integral with respect to u is performed).
#' @examples
#' dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito()
#' ## Declare MTR formula
#' formula0 = ~ 1 + u
#' ## Construct MTR polynomials
#' polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0,
#'                 data = dtm,
#'                 uname = u,
#'                 as.function = FALSE)
#' ## Construct propensity score model
#' propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z,
#'                             data = dtm,
#'                             link = "linear")
#' ## Generate gamma moments, with S-weight equal to its default value
#' ## of 1
#' genGamma(monomials = polynomials0,
#'          lb = 0,
#'          ub = propensityObj$phat)
#' @export
genGamma <- function(monomials, lb, ub, multiplier = 1,
                     subset = NULL, means = TRUE, late.rows = NULL) {
    if (is.null(late.rows)) late.rows <- rep(TRUE, nrow(monomials$polymat))
    exporder <- monomials$exporder
    polymat <- monomials$polymat
    if (!is.null(subset)) {
        polymat <- as.matrix(polymat[subset, ])
        late.rows <-
            late.rows[which(rownames(polymat) %in% as.integer(subset))]
    nmono <- length(exporder)
    ## Determine bounds of integrals (i.e. include weights)
    if (length(ub) == 1) ub <- replicate(nrow(polymat), ub)
    if (length(lb) == 1) lb <- replicate(nrow(polymat), lb)
    uLbMat <- NULL
    uUbMat <- NULL
    for (exp in exporder) {
        uLbMat <- cbind(uLbMat, monoIntegral(lb, exp) * multiplier)
        uUbMat <- cbind(uUbMat, monoIntegral(ub, exp) * multiplier)
    preGamma <- polymat * (uUbMat - uLbMat)
    preGamma <- preGamma[late.rows, ]
    if (means) {
        if (is.matrix(preGamma)) {
            gstar <- colMeans(preGamma)
        } else {
            gstar <- mean(preGamma)
        names(gstar) <- monomials$terms
    } else {
        if (!is.matrix(preGamma)) preGamma <- matrix(preGamma, ncol = 1)
        colnames(preGamma) <- monomials$terms

#' Integrating and evaluating monomials
#' Analytically integrates monomials and evalates them at a given
#' point. It is assumed that there is no constant multiplying the
#' monomial.
#' @param u scalar, the point at which to evaluate the integral. If a
#'     vector is passed, then the integral is evaluated at all the
#'     elements of the vector.
#' @param exp The exponent of the monomial.
#' @return scalar or vector, depending on what \code{u} is.
monoIntegral <- function(u, exp) {
    return((u ^ (exp + 1)) / (exp + 1))

#' Separating splines from MTR formulas
#' This function separates out the function calls \code{uSpline()} and
#' \code{uSplines()} potentially embedded in the MTR formulas from the
#' rest of the formula. The terms involving splines are treated
#' separately from the terms that do not involve splines when creating
#' the gamma moments.
#' @param formula the formula that is to be parsed.
#' @param env environment in which to formulas. This is necessary as
#'     splines may be declared using objects, e.g. \code{knots = x},
#'     where \code{x = c(0.3, 0.64, 0.9)}.
#' @return a list containing two objects. One object is \code{formula}
#'     but with the spline components removed. The second object is a
#'     list. The name of each element is the
#'     \code{uSpline()}/\code{uSplines()} command, and the elements
#'     are a vector of the names of covariates that were interacted
#'     with the \code{uSpline()}/\code{uSplines()} command.
#' @examples
#' ## Declare and MTR with a sline component.
#' m0 = ~ x1 + x1 : uSpline(degree = 2,
#'                           knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) +
#'             x2 : uSpline(degree = 2,
#'                           knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) +
#'             x1 : x2 : uSpline(degree = 2,
#'                                knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) +
#'             uSpline(degree = 3,
#'                      knots = c(0.2, 0.4),
#'                      intercept = FALSE)
#' ## Now separate the spline component from the non-spline component
#' removeSplines(m0)
#' @export
removeSplines <- function(formula, env = parent.frame()) {
    fterms <- attr(terms(formula), "term.labels")
    fterms <- gsub("\\s+", " ", fterms)
    finter <- attr(terms(formula), "intercept")
    if (length(fterms) == 0) {
        whichspline <- 0
    } else {
        whichspline1 <- sapply(fterms,
                               function(y) grepl(x = y,
                                                 pattern = "uSplines\\("))
        whichspline2 <- sapply(fterms,
                               function(y) grepl(x = y,
                                                 pattern = "uSpline\\("))
        whichspline <- as.logical(whichspline1 + whichspline2)
    if (max(whichspline) == 1) {
        ftobj <- terms(formula)
        splinepos <- which(whichspline == TRUE)
        if (length(splinepos) == length(fterms)) {
            if (finter == 0) nosplines <- NULL
            if (finter == 1) nosplines <- ~ 1
        } else {
            nosplineterms <- fterms[-splinepos]
            nosplineterms <- parenthBoolean(nosplineterms)
            nosplines <- paste("~", paste(nosplineterms,
                                          collapse = " + "))
            if (finter != 1) {
                nosplines <- paste0(nosplines, " + 0")
            nosplines <- Formula::as.Formula(nosplines)
        splineterms <- fterms[whichspline]
        splineterms <- parenthBoolean(splineterms)
        splineslist <- list()
        splinescall <- list()
        for (splineobj in splineterms) {
            splinepos1 <- regexpr("uSplines\\(", splineobj)
            splinepos2 <- regexpr("uSpline\\(", splineobj)
            if (splinepos1 == -1) {
                splinepos <- splinepos2
                splineposadd <- 7
            } else {
                splinepos <- splinepos1
                splineposadd <- 8
            ## Check if vectors or sequences are declared to adjust parsing
            firstopen  <- regexpr("\\(",
                                         splinepos + splineposadd + 1,
            firstclose <- regexpr("\\)",
                                         splinepos + splineposadd + 1,
            secondclose <- regexpr("\\)",
                                          splinepos + splineposadd + 1 +
            ## For the case where knots are explcitly declared
            if ((firstopen < firstclose) & (secondclose != - 1)) {
                splinecmd <- substr(splineobj,
                                    splinepos + splineposadd + firstclose +
            } else { ## For the case where knots are passed as an object
                splinecmd <- substr(splineobj,
                                    splinepos + splineposadd + 1 +
                                    firstclose - 1)
            ## Separate uSpline/uSplines command from terms
            ## interacting with the spline
            splinecmdstr <- gsub("\\)", "\\\\)",
                                 gsub("\\(", "\\\\(", splinecmd))
            splinecmdstr <- gsub("\\$", "\\\\$", splinecmdstr)
            splinecmdstr <- gsub("\\.", "\\\\.", splinecmdstr)
            splinecmdstr <- gsub("\\+", "\\\\+", splinecmdstr)
            splinecmdstr <- gsub("\\*", "\\\\*", splinecmdstr)
            splinecmdstr <- gsub("\\^", "\\\\^", splinecmdstr)
            interobj <- gsub(paste0(":", splinecmdstr), "", splineobj)
            interobj <- gsub(paste0(splinecmdstr, ":"), "", interobj)
            interobj <- gsub("::", ":", interobj)
            if (interobj == splinecmd) interobj <- "1"
            if (splinecmd %in% names(splineslist)) {
                splineslist[[splinecmd]] <- c(splineslist[[splinecmd]],
            } else {
                splineslist[[splinecmd]] <- c(interobj)
            ## Recover original spline names
            interobjStr <- gsub("\\)", "\\\\)",
                                gsub("\\(", "\\\\(", interobj))
            interobjStr <- gsub("\\^", "\\\\^", interobjStr)
            if (interobjStr != "1") {
                vlist <- unlist(strsplit(interobjStr, ":"))
                for (v in vlist) {
                    if (grepl(paste0("^", v, ":"), splineobj)) {
                        splineobj <- gsub(paste0("^", v, ":"), "", splineobj)
                    if (grepl(paste0(":", v, ":"), splineobj)) {
                        splineobj <- gsub(paste0(":", v, ":"), ":", splineobj)
                    if (grepl(paste0(":", v, "$"), splineobj)) {
                        splineobj <- gsub(paste0(":", v, "$"), "", splineobj)
            splinescall[[splinecmd]] <- unique(c(splinescall[[splinecmd]],
        ## Now construct spline dictionary and spline keys
        splinesDict <- list()
        splinesKey <- NULL
        for (i in 1:length(splineslist)) {
            inDict <- FALSE
            splinesSpecCmd <- gsub("uSplines\\(",
            splinesSpecCmd <- gsub("uSpline\\(",
            splinesSpec <- eval(parse(text = splinesSpecCmd),
                                envir = env)
            if (! "intercept" %in% names(splinesSpec)) {
                splinesSpec$intercept = TRUE
            ## Check if the spline is already in the dictionary
            if (length(splinesDict) > 0) {
                j <- 1
                while (j <= length(splinesDict) & inDict == FALSE) {
                    inDict <-
                                   splinesSpec$knots) == TRUE) &
                        (splinesDict[[j]]$intercept == splinesSpec$intercept) &
                        (splinesDict[[j]]$degree == splinesSpec$degree)
                    j <- j + 1
            ## Update dictionary and key
            if (inDict == FALSE) {
                splinesDict[[length(splinesDict) + 1]] <-
                splinesDict[[length(splinesDict)]]$gstar.index <- i
                splinesKey <- rbind(splinesKey, c(i, length(splinesDict)))
            } else {
                splinesKey <- rbind(splinesKey, c(i, j - 1))
        colnames(splinesKey) <- c("spline", "dictKey")
        ## Using dictionary, generate new condensed splines list. In
        ## addition, store all the original calls for each spline
        ## (this will be used to determine which variables interact
        ## with splines).
        splinesList2 <- list()
        splinesCall2 <- list()
        for (j in 1:length(splinesDict)) {
            dictKey <- paste0("uSpline(degree = ",
                              ", knots = c(",
                                    collapse = ", "),
                              "), intercept = ",
            newEntry <- sort(unlist(splineslist[splinesKey[splinesKey[, 2] == j,
            origNameEntry <- unlist(splinescall[splinesKey[splinesKey[, 2] == j,
            names(origNameEntry) <- NULL
            splinesCall2[[dictKey]] <- origNameEntry
            ## Convert I() as-is declarations to interactions, if possible
            newEntry <- sapply(newEntry, function(x) {
                multiply <- grepl("*", x)
                asis <- substr(x, 1, 2) == "I("
                if (! multiply * asis) {
                } else {
                    othops <- 0
                    for (j in c("\\^", "\\+", "-", "/")) {
                        othops <- max(othops, grepl(j, x))
                    if (othops == 1) {
                    } else {
                        x <- substring(x, 3, nchar(x) - 1)
                        x <- gsub("\\*", ":", x)
                        x <- gsub(" ", "", x)
            names(newEntry) <- NULL
            splinesList2[[dictKey]] <- newEntry
    } else {
        nosplines <- formula
        splinesList2 <- NULL
        splinesCall2 <- NULL
        splinesDict <- NULL
    return(list(formula = nosplines,
                splineslist = splinesList2,
                splinescall = splinesCall2,
                splinesdict = splinesDict))

#' Integrated splines
#' This function integrates out splines that the user specifies when
#' declaring the MTRs. This is to be used when generating the gamma
#' moments.
#' @param x the points to evaluate the integral of the the splines.
#' @param knots the knots of the spline.
#' @param degree the degree of the spline; default is set to 0
#'     (constant splines).
#' @param intercept boolean, set to TRUE if intercept term is to be
#'     included (i.e. an additional basis such that the sum of the
#'     splines at every point in \code{x} is equal to 1).
#' @return a matrix, the values of the integrated splines. Each row
#'     corresponds to a value of \code{x}; each column corresponds to
#'     a basis defined by the degrees and knots.
#' @examples
#' ## Since the splines are declared as part of the MTR, you will need
#' ## to have parsed out the spline command. Thus, this command will be
#' ## called via eval(parse(text = .)). In the examples below, the
#' ## commands are parsed from the object \code{splineslist} generated
#' ## by \code{\link[MST]{removeSplines}}. The names of the elements in
#' ## the list are the spline commands, and the elements themselves are
#' ## the terms that interact with the splines.
#' ## Declare MTR function
#' m0 = ~ x1 + x1 : uSpline(degree = 2,
#'                           knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) +
#'     x2 : uSpline(degree = 2,
#'                   knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) +
#'     x1 : x2 : uSpline(degree = 2,
#'                        knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) +
#'     uSpline(degree = 3,
#'              knots = c(0.2, 0.4),
#'              intercept = FALSE)
#' ## Separate the spline components from the MTR function
#' splineslist <- removeSplines(m0)$splineslist
#' ## Delcare the points at which we wish to evaluate the integrals
#' x <- seq(0, 1, 0.2)
#' ## Evaluate the splines integrals
#' eval(parse(text = gsub("uSpline\\(",
#'                        "ivmte:::uSplineInt(x = x, ",
#'                        names(splineslist)[1])))
#' eval(parse(text = gsub("uSpline\\(",
#'                        "ivmte:::uSplineInt(x = x, ",
#'                        names(splineslist)[2])))
uSplineInt <- function(x, knots, degree = 0, intercept = TRUE) {
    ## Note: warning below is suppressed since it will be provided
    ## when uSplineBasis is run.
    if (any(knots < 0) || any(knots > 1)) {
        stop(gsub("\\s+", " ",
                  "When defining splines, each knot must be inside the
                   [0, 1] interval."))
    splines2::ibs(x = x,
                  knots = knots,
                  degree = degree,
                  intercept = intercept,
                  Boundary.knots = c(0, 1))

#' Spline basis function
#' This function evaluates the splines that the user specifies when
#' declaring the MTRs. This is to be used for auditing, namely when
#' checking the boundedness and monotonicity conditions.
#' @param x the points to evaluate the integral of the the splines.
#' @param knots the knots of the spline.
#' @param degree the degree of the spline; default is set to 0
#'     (constant splines).
#' @param intercept boolean, set to TRUE if intercept term is to be
#'     included (i.e. an additional basis such that the sum of the
#'     splines at every point in \code{x} is equal to 1).
#' @return a matrix, the values of the integrated splines. Each row
#'     corresponds to a value of \code{x}; each column corresponds to
#'     a basis defined by the degrees and knots.
#' @examples
#' ## Since the splines are declared as part of the MTR, you will need
#' ## to have parsed out the spline command. Thus, this command will be
#' ## called via eval(parse(text = .)). In the examples below, the
#' ## commands are parsed from the object \code{splineslist} generated
#' ## by \code{\link[MST]{removeSplines}}. The names of the elements in
#' ## the list are the spline commands, and the elements themselves are
#' ## the terms that interact with the splines.
#' ## Declare MTR function
#' m0 = ~ x1 + x1 : uSpline(degree = 2,
#'                           knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) +
#'     x2 : uSpline(degree = 2,
#'                   knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) +
#'     x1 : x2 : uSpline(degree = 2,
#'                        knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) +
#'     uSpline(degree = 3,
#'              knots = c(0.2, 0.4),
#'              intercept = FALSE)
#' ## Extract spline functions from MTR function
#' splineslist <- removeSplines(m0)$splineslist
#' ## Declare points at which we wish to evaluate the spline functions
#' x <- seq(0, 1, 0.2)
#' ## Evaluate the splines
#' eval(parse(text = gsub("uSpline\\(",
#'                        "ivmte:::uSplineBasis(x = x, ",
#'                         names(splineslist)[1])))
#' eval(parse(text = gsub("uSpline\\(",
#'                        "ivmte:::uSplineBasis(x = x, ",
#'                        names(splineslist)[2])))
uSplineBasis <- function(x, knots, degree = 0, intercept = TRUE) {
    if (any(knots < 0) || any(knots > 1)) {
        stop(gsub("\\s+", " ",
                  "When defining splines, each knot must be inside the
                   [0, 1] interval."))
    splines2::bSpline(x = x,
                      knots = knots,
                      degree = degree,
                      intercept = intercept,
                      Boundary.knots = c(0, 1))

#' Generate Gamma moments for splines
#' The user can declare that the unobservable enters into the MTRs in
#' the form of splines. This function generates the gamma moments for
#' the splines. The specifications for the spline must be passed as an
#' element generated by \code{\link{removeSplines}}. This function
#' accounts for the interaction between covariates and splines.
#' @param splinesobj a list generated by \code{\link{removeSplines}}
#'     applied to either the \code{m0} and \code{m1} argument.
#' @param data a \code{data.frame} object containing all the variables
#'     that interact with the spline components.
#' @param lb vector of lower bounds for the interval of
#'     integration. Each element corresponds to an observation.
#' @param ub vector of upper bounds for the interval of
#'     integration. Each element corresponds to an observation.
#' @param multiplier a vector of the weights that enter into the
#'     integral. Each element corresponds to an observation.
#' @param subset Subset condition used to select observations with
#'     which to estimate gamma.
#' @param d either 0 or 1, indicating the treatment status.
#' @param means boolean, default set to \code{TRUE}. Set to
#'     \code{TRUE} if estimates of the gamma moments should be
#'     returned. Set to \code{FALSE} if the gamma estimates for each
#'     observation should be returned.
#' @param late.rows Boolean vector indicating which observations to
#'     include when conditioning on covariates X.
#' @return a matrix, corresponding to the splines being integrated
#'     over the region specified by \code{lb} and \code{ub},
#'     accounting for the interaction terms. The number of rows is
#'     equal to the number of rows in \code{data}. The number of
#'     columns depends on the specifications of the spline. The name
#'     of each column takes the following form: "u[d]S[j].[b]", where
#'     "u" and "S" are fixed and stand for "unobservable" and
#'     "Splines" respectively. "[d]" will be either 0 or 1, depending
#'     on the treatment status. "[j]" will be an integer indicating
#'     which element of the list \code{splines} the column pertains
#'     to. "[b]" will be an integer reflect which component of the
#'     basis the column pertains to.
genGammaSplines <- function(splinesobj, data, lb, ub, multiplier = 1,
                            subset, d = NULL, means = TRUE,
                            late.rows = NULL) {
    if (is.null(late.rows)) late.rows <- rep(TRUE, nrow(data))
    splines <- splinesobj$splineslist
    inters  <- splinesobj$splinesinter
    if (is.null(splines)) {
        return(list(gamma = NULL,
                    interactions = NULL))
    } else {
        if (!hasArg(subset)) {
            subset <- replicate(nrow(data), TRUE)
        } else {
            late.rows <- late.rows[as.integer(subset)]
        if (length(lb) == 1) lb <- replicate(nrow(data[subset, ]), lb)
        if (length(ub) == 1) ub <- replicate(nrow(data[subset, ]), ub)
        splinesGamma <- NULL
        splinesNames <- NULL
        splinesInter <- NULL
        for (j in 1:length(splines)) {
            ## Construct design matrix for each interaction at a
            ## time. Only include the interactions contained in the
            ## 'inters' object.
            inters[[j]][which(inters[[j]] == "1")] <- "(Intercept)"
            nonSplinesDmat <- NULL
            for (k in 1:length(splines[[j]])) {
                if (splines[[j]][k] != "1") {
                    tmpDmat <- design(as.formula(paste("~ 0 +",
                    nonSplinesDmat <- cbind(nonSplinesDmat, tmpDmat)
                } else {
                    nonSplinesDmat <- cbind(nonSplinesDmat,
                                            design(~ 1, data)$X)
            colnames(nonSplinesDmat) <- parenthBoolean(colnames(nonSplinesDmat))
            currentNames <- colnames(nonSplinesDmat)
            keepPos <- colnames(nonSplinesDmat) %in% inters[[j]]
            nonSplinesDmat <- as.matrix(nonSplinesDmat[, keepPos])
            colnames(nonSplinesDmat) <- currentNames[keepPos]
            ## Fill in the gstar with any missing variables---if
            ## assigned values of 0, they will not affect the LP
            ## optimization
            missingVars <- inters[[j]][!inters[[j]] %in%
            if (length(missingVars) > 0) {
                nonSplinesDmat <- data.frame(nonSplinesDmat)
                for (mv in missingVars) {
                    nonSplinesDmat[, mv] <- 0
                nonSplinesDmat <- nonSplinesDmat[, inters[[j]]]
                nonSplinesDmat <- as.matrix(nonSplinesDmat)
                rownames(nonSplinesDmat) <- rownames(data)
            ## Spline integral matrices
            splinesLB <- eval(parse(text = gsub("uSpline\\(",
                                                "uSplineInt(x = lb, ",
            splinesUB <- eval(parse(text = gsub("uSpline\\(",
                                                "uSplineInt(x = ub, ",
            splinesInt <- splinesUB - splinesLB
            ## Combine the design and integral matrices
            for (l in 1:length(colnames(nonSplinesDmat))) {
                tmpGamma <- sweep(splinesInt,
                                  MARGIN = 1,
                                  STATS = nonSplinesDmat[subset, l],
                                  FUN = "*")
                tmpGamma <- sweep(x = tmpGamma,
                                  MARGIN = 1,
                                  STATS = multiplier,
                                  FUN = "*")
                splinesNames <- c(splinesNames,
                                  paste0(paste0("u", d, "S", j, "."),
                                         seq(1, ncol(tmpGamma)),
                splinesGamma <- cbind(splinesGamma, tmpGamma)
                splinesInter <- c(splinesInter,
        splinesNames <- gsub(":\\(Intercept\\)", ":1", splinesNames)
        splinesNames <- gsub("\\(Intercept\\):", "1:", splinesNames)
        splinesGamma <- splinesGamma[late.rows, ]
        if (is.null(dim(splinesGamma))) {
            if (length(late.rows) > 1) {
                splinesGamma <- matrix(splinesGamma, ncol = 1)
            } else {
                splinesGamma <- matrix(splinesGamma, nrow = 1)
        if (means == TRUE) {
            splinesGamma <- colMeans(splinesGamma)
            names(splinesGamma) <- splinesNames
        } else {
            colnames(splinesGamma) <- splinesNames
        return(list(gamma = splinesGamma,
                    interactions = splinesInter))

#' Generate basis matrix for splines
#' The user can declare that the unobservable enters into the MTRs in
#' the form of splines. This function generates the basis matrix for
#' the splines. The specifications for the spline must be passed as
#' the \code{$splineslist} object generated by
#' \code{\link{removeSplines}}. Note that this function does not
#' account for any interactions between the splines and the
#' covariates. Interactions can be added simply by sweeping the basis
#' matrix by a vector for the values of the covariates.
#' @param splines a list. The name of each element should be the
#'     spline command, and each element should be a vector. Each entry
#'     of the vector is a covariate that the spline should be
#'     interacted with. Such an object can be generated by
#'     \code{\link{removeSplines}}, and accessed using
#'     \code{$splineslist}.
#' @param x the values of the unobservable at which the splines basis
#'     should be evaluated.
#' @param d either 0 or 1, indicating the treatment status.
#' @return a matrix. The number of rows is equal to the length of
#'     \code{x}, and the number of columns depends on the
#'     specifications of the spline. The name of each column takes the
#'     following form: "u[d]S[j].[b]", where "u" and "S" are fixed and
#'     stand for "unobservable" and "Splines" respectively. "[d]" will
#'     be either 0 or 1, depending on the treatment status. "[j]" will
#'     be an integer indicating which element of the list
#'     \code{splines} the column pertains to. "[b]" will be an integer
#'     reflect which component of the basis the column pertains to.
genBasisSplines <- function(splines, x, d = NULL) {
    if (is.null(splines)) {
    } else {
        bmatList <- list()
        for (j in 1:length(splines)) {
            splinesBasis <- NULL
            splinesNames <- NULL
            bmat <- eval(parse(text = gsub("uSpline\\(",
                                           "uSplineBasis(x = x, ",
            colnames(bmat) <- paste0(paste0("u", d, "S", j, "."),
                                     seq(1, ncol(bmat)))
            bmatList[[j]] <- bmat

#' Evaluate a particular function
#' This function evaluates a single function in a list of functions.
#' @param fun the function to be evaluated.
#' @param values the values of the arguments to the function. Ordering
#'     is assumed to be the same as in \code{argnames}.
#' @param argnames the argument names corresponding to \code{values}.
#' @return the output of the function evaluated.
funEval <- function(fun, values = NULL, argnames = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(values) & !is.null(argnames)) {
        args <- as.list(values)
        names(args) <- argnames
        do.call(fun, args)
    } else {
        do.call(fun, list())

#' Construct constant function
#' This function constructs another function that returns a
#' constant. It is used for constructing weight/knot functions.
#' @param x scalar, the constant the function evaluates to.
#' @return a function.
constructConstant <- function(x) {
    fun <- function(...) {

#' Correct boolean expressions in terms lists
#' This function takes a vector of terms and places parentheses around
#' boolean expressions.
#' @param termsList character vector, the vector of terms.
#' @return character vector.
parenthBoolean <- function(termsList) {
    termsList <- lapply(termsList, function(x) {
        tmpTerms <- unlist(strsplit(x, ":"))
        for (op in c("==", "!=", ">", ">=", "<", "<=")) {
            boolPos <- grep(op, tmpTerms)
            if (length(boolPos > 0)) {
                for (j in boolPos) {
                    if (substr(tmpTerms[j], 1, 1) != "(") {
                        if (substr(tmpTerms[j], 1, 2) != "I(") {
                            tmpTerms[j] <- paste0("(", tmpTerms[j], ")")
                            tmpTerms[j] <- gsub("TRUE)",
                            tmpTerms[j] <- gsub("FALSE)",
        paste(tmpTerms, collapse = ":")
    termsList <- unlist(termsList)

#' Update splines object with list of interactions
#' Certain interactions between factor variables and splines should be
#' dropped to avoid collinearity. Albeit collinearity in the MTR
#' specification will not impact the bounds, it can substantially
#' impact how costly it is to carry out the estimation. What this
#' function does is map each spline to a temporary variable. A design
#' matrix is then constructed using these temporary variables in place
#' the splines. If an interaction involving one of the temporary
#' variables is dropped, then one knows to also drop the corresponding
#' interaction with the spline. Note that only interaction terms need
#' to be omitted, so one does not need to worry about the formula
#' contained in removeSplines$formula.
#' @param splinesobj list, consists of two elelments. The first is
#'     \code{removeSplines(m0)}, the second is
#'     \code{removeSplines(m1)}.
#' @param m0 one-sided formula for the marginal treatment response
#'     function for the control group. This should be the full MTR
#'     specificaiton (i.e. not the specification after removing the
#'     splines).
#' @param m1 one-sided formula for the marginal treatment response
#'     function for the treated group. This should be the full MTR
#'     specificaiton (i.e. not the specification after removing the
#'     splines).
#' @param data data.frame, restricted to complete observations.
#' @param uname string, name of the unobserved variable.
#' @return An updated version of \code{splinesobj}.
#' @export
interactSplines <- function(splinesobj, m0, m1, data, uname) {
    tmpInterName <- "..t.i.n"
    for (d in 0:1) {
        if (!is.null(splinesobj[[d + 1]]$splineslist)) {
            mdata <- unique(data)
            mdata[, uname] <- 1
            if (d == 0) md <- m0
            if (d == 1) md <- m1
            md <- gsub("\\s+", " ", Reduce(paste, deparse(md)))
            altNames <- list()
            splineKeys <- names(splinesobj[[d + 1]]$splinescall)
            for (i in 1:length(splinesobj[[d + 1]]$splinescall)) {
                tmpName <- paste0(tmpInterName, i)
                mdata[, tmpName] <- 1
                altNames[splineKeys[i]] <- tmpName
                for (j in 1:length(splinesobj[[d + 1]]$splinescall[[i]])) {
                    origCall <- splinesobj[[d + 1]]$splinescall[[i]][j]
                    origCall <- gsub("\\)", "\\\\)",
                                     gsub("\\(", "\\\\(", origCall))
                    origCall <- gsub("\\$", "\\\\$", origCall)
                    origCall <- gsub("\\.", "\\\\.", origCall)
                    origCall <- gsub("\\+", "\\\\+", origCall)
                    origCall <- gsub("\\*", "\\\\*", origCall)
                    origCall <- gsub("\\^", "\\\\^", origCall)
                    md <- gsub(origCall, tmpName, md)
            tmpColNames <- colnames(design(as.formula(md), mdata)$X)
            for (k in 1:length(altNames)) {
                tmpName <- paste0(tmpInterName, k)
                inter1 <- grep(paste0(":", altNames[[k]], "$"),
                inter2 <- grep(paste0("^", altNames[[k]], ":"),
                inter3 <- grep(paste0(":", altNames[[k]], ":"),
                inter4 <- altNames[[k]] %in% tmpColNames
                interpos <- c(inter1, inter2, inter3)
                if (length(interpos) > 0) {
                    ## The case where there are interactions with splines
                    altNames[[k]] <- parenthBoolean(tmpColNames[interpos])
                    altNames[[k]] <- gsub(paste0(":", tmpName), "",
                    altNames[[k]] <- gsub(paste0(tmpName, ":"), "",
                if (inter4) {
                    if (length(interpos) == 0) {
                        altNames[[k]] <- "1"
                    } else {
                        altNames[[k]] <- c("1", altNames[[k]])
            splinesobj[[d + 1]]$splinesinter <- altNames
        } else {
            splinesobj[[d + 1]]$splinesinter <- NULL

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