
context("Test of case involving splines.")

## Run MST estimator

dtsf <- ivmte:::gendistSplines()$data.full
dts <- ivmte:::gendistSplines()$data.dist
ivlike <- c(ey ~ d,
            ey ~ d + x,
            ey ~ d + x | z + x)
components <- l(c(intercept, d), d, c(d, x))
result <- ivmte(ivlike = ivlike,
                data = dtsf,
                components = components,
                propensity = p,
                treat = d,
                m1 = ~ x + uSplines(degree = 2,
                                    knots = c(0.3, 0.6),
                                    intercept = FALSE),
                m0 = ~ 0 + x : uSplines(degree = 0,
                                        knots = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8),
                                        intercept = TRUE) +
                    uSplines(degree = 1,
                             knots = c(0.4),
                             intercept = TRUE) +
                    I(u ^ 2),
                uname = u,
                target = "att",
                criterion.tol = 0.01,
                initgrid.nu = 25,
                initgrid.nx = 3,
                audit.nu = 25,
                audit.nx = 3,
                m1.ub = 55,
                m0.lb = 0,
                mte.inc = TRUE,
                solver = "lpSolveAPI")

## Perform tests

## Construct additional variables for which we need means of
dts$ey  <- dts$ey1 * dts$p + dts$ey0 * (1 - dts$p)
dts$eyd <- dts$ey1 * dts$p
varlist <- ~  eyd + ey + ey0 + ey1 + p + x + z +
    I(ey * p) + I(ey * x) + I(ey * z) +
    I(ey0 * p) + I(ey0 * x) + I(ey0 * z) +
    I(ey1 * p) + I(ey1 * x) + I(ey1 * z) +
    I(p * p) + I(p * x) + I(p * z) +
    I(x * p) + I(x * x) + I(x * z) +
    I(z * p) + I(z * x) + I(z * z)
mv <- popmean(varlist, dts)
m <- as.list(mv)
names(m) <- rownames(mv)

## Construct OLS estimate 1

exx <- symat(c(1, m[["p"]], m[["x"]],
               m[["p"]], m[["I(p * x)"]],
               m[["I(x * x)"]]))
exy <- matrix(c(m[["ey"]], m[["eyd"]], m[["I(ey * x)"]]))
ols1 <- solve(exx[1:2, 1:2]) %*% exy[1:2]

## Construct OLS estimate 2

ols2 <- solve(exx) %*% exy

## Construct TSLS estimate

exz <- matrix(c(1, m[["p"]], m[["x"]],
                m[["z"]], m[["I(z * p)"]], m[["I(z * x)"]],
                m[["x"]], m[["I(x * p)"]], m[["I(x * x)"]]),
              nrow = 3)
ezz <- symat(c(1, m[["z"]], m[["x"]],
               m[["I(z * z)"]], m[["I(z * x)"]],
               m[["I(x * x)"]]))
pi <- exz %*% solve(ezz)
ezy <- matrix(c(m[["ey"]], m[["I(ey * z)"]], m[["I(ey * x)"]]))
tsls <- (solve(pi %*% t(exz)) %*% pi %*% ezy)

## Test equivalence of IV-like estimates

test_that("IV-like estimates", {
    expect_equal(as.numeric(result$s.set$s1$beta), as.numeric(ols1[1]))
    expect_equal(as.numeric(result$s.set$s2$beta), as.numeric(ols1[2]))
    expect_equal(as.numeric(result$s.set$s3$beta), as.numeric(ols2[2]))
    expect_equal(as.numeric(result$s.set$s4$beta), as.numeric(tsls[2]))
    expect_equal(as.numeric(result$s.set$s5$beta), as.numeric(tsls[3]))

## Generate gamma terms

## Spline integrals for target etimand
t1s1 <- t(sapply(X = dts$p,
                 FUN = splineInt,
                 lb = 0,
                 degree = 2,
                 knots = c(0.3, 0.6),
                 intercept = FALSE))
t0s1 <- t(sapply(X = dts$p,
                 FUN = splineInt,
                 lb = 0,
                 degree = 0,
                 knots = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8),
                 intercept = TRUE))
t0s2 <- t(sapply(X = dts$p,
                 FUN = splineInt,
                 lb = 0,
                 degree = 1,
                 knots = c(0.4),
                 intercept = TRUE))

## Spline integrals for IV-like estimands
u1s1 <- t(sapply(X = dts$p,
                 FUN = splineInt,
                 lb = 0,
                 degree = 2,
                 knots = c(0.3, 0.6),
                 intercept = FALSE))
u0s1 <- t(sapply(X = dts$p,
                 FUN = splineInt,
                 ub = 1,
                 degree = 0,
                 knots = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8),
                 intercept = TRUE))
u0s2 <- t(sapply(X = dts$p,
                 FUN = splineInt,
                 ub = 1,
                 degree = 1,
                 knots = c(0.4),
                 intercept = TRUE))

## Target Gamma terms
gstar <- genGammaSplinesTT(distr = dts,
                            u1s1 = t1s1,
                            u0s1 = t0s1,
                            u0s2 = t0s2,
                            weight = wAttSplines,
                            ed = m[["p"]],
                            target = TRUE)
gstar$g0 <- - gstar$g0

## S-set Gamma terms
g1 <- genGammaSplinesTT(distr = dts,
                         u1s1 = u1s1,
                         u0s1 = u0s1,
                         u0s2 = u0s2,
                         weight = sOlsSplines,
                         j = 1,
                         exx = exx[1:2, 1:2])
g2 <- genGammaSplinesTT(distr = dts,
                         u1s1 = u1s1,
                         u0s1 = u0s1,
                         u0s2 = u0s2,
                         weight = sOlsSplines,
                         j = 2,
                         exx = exx[1:2, 1:2])
g3 <- genGammaSplinesTT(distr = dts,
                         u1s1 = u1s1,
                         u0s1 = u0s1,
                         u0s2 = u0s2,
                         zvars = "x",
                         weight = sOlsSplines,
                         j = 2,
                         exx = exx)
g4 <- genGammaSplinesTT(distr = dts,
                         u1s1 = u1s1,
                         u0s1 = u0s1,
                         u0s2 = u0s2,
                         zvars = c("z", "x"),
                         weight = sTslsSplines,
                         j = 2,
                         exz = exz,
                         pi = pi)
g5 <- genGammaSplinesTT(distr = dts,
                         u1s1 = u1s1,
                         u0s1 = u0s1,
                         u0s2 = u0s2,
                         zvars = c("z", "x"),
                         weight = sTslsSplines,
                         j = 3,
                         exz = exz,
                         pi = pi)

## Update names
for (i in 1:5) {
    tmp.g <- get(paste0('g', i))
    names(tmp.g$g0) <- paste0('[m0]', names(tmp.g$g0))
    names(tmp.g$g1) <- paste0('[m1]', names(tmp.g$g1))
    assign(paste0('g', i), tmp.g)

## Test equivalence of Gamma moments

test_that("Gamma moments", {
    expect_equal(result$gstar[c("g0", "g1")], gstar)
    expect_equal(list(g0 = result$s.set$s1$g0,
                      g1 = result$s.set$s1$g1), g1)
    expect_equal(list(g0 = result$s.set$s2$g0,
                      g1 = result$s.set$s2$g1), g2)
    expect_equal(list(g0 = result$s.set$s3$g0,
                      g1 = result$s.set$s3$g1), g3)
    expect_equal(list(g0 = result$s.set$s4$g0,
                      g1 = result$s.set$s4$g1), g4)
    expect_equal(list(g0 = result$s.set$s5$g0,
                      g1 = result$s.set$s5$g1), g5)

## Minimize observational equivalence

estimates <- c(ols1, ols2[2], tsls[c(2, 3)])
## Construct A matrix components
A <- rbind(c(g1$g0, g1$g1),
           c(g2$g0, g2$g1),
           c(g3$g0, g3$g1),
           c(g4$g0, g4$g1),
           c(g5$g0, g5$g1))
Aextra <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(A), ncol = 2 * nrow(A))
for (i in 1:nrow(A)) {
    Aextra[i, (i * 2 - 1)] <- -1
    Aextra[i, (i * 2)] <- 1

uGrid <- unique(result$audit.grid$initial[, "u"])
maxy <- max(c(dts$ey0, dts$ey1))
miny <- min(c(dts$ey0, dts$ey1))

## Construct monotonicity matrix components
auGrid <- result$audit.grid$audit.u
axMat <- unname(cbind(1, rep(unlist(result$audit.grid$audit.x),
                             each = length(auGrid))))
au1s1 <- splines2::bSpline(x = auGrid,
                           degree = 2,
                           knots = c(0.3, 0.6),
                           intercept = FALSE)
au1s1 <- do.call("rbind", rep(list(au1s1), 3))
au0s1 <- splines2::bSpline(x = auGrid,
                           degree = 0,
                           knots = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8),
                           intercept = TRUE)
au0s1 <- do.call("rbind", rep(list(au0s1), 3))
au0s1 <- sweep(x = au0s1,
               MARGIN = 1,
               STATS = axMat[, 2],
               FUN = "*")
au0s2 <- splines2::bSpline(x = auGrid,
                           degree = 1,
                           knots = c(0.4),
                           intercept = TRUE)
au0s2 <- do.call("rbind", rep(list(au0s2), 3))
au2Mat <- rep(auGrid ^ 2, 3)
amono0 <- cbind(au2Mat, au0s2, au0s1)
amono1 <- cbind(axMat, au1s1)
colnames(amono0) <- c("I(u^2)",
                      "u0S1.1:1", "u0S1.2:1", "u0S1.3:1",
                      "u0S2.1:x", "u0S2.2:x", "u0S2.3:x", "u0S2.4:x")
colnames(amono1) <- c("(Intercept)", "x",
                      "u1S1.1:1", "u1S1.2:1", "u1S1.3:1", "u1S1.4:1")
amonoA0 <- amono0[seq(1, 3 * length(auGrid))[-seq(1,
                                                  3 * length(auGrid),
                                                  by = length(auGrid))], ] -
    amono0[seq(1, 3 * length(auGrid))[-seq(length(auGrid),
                                           3 * length(auGrid),
                                           by = length(auGrid))], ]
amonoA1 <- amono1[seq(1, 3 * length(auGrid))[-seq(1,
                                                  3 * length(auGrid),
                                                  by = length(auGrid))], ] -
    amono1[seq(1, 3 * length(auGrid))[-seq(length(auGrid),
                                           3 * length(auGrid),
                                           by = length(auGrid))], ]
aAzeroes <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(Aextra), nrow = nrow(amonoA0))
amtemono <- cbind(aAzeroes, -amonoA0, amonoA1)

## Construct boundedness matrix components
aBzeroes <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(Aextra), 3 * length(auGrid))
ab0zeroes <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(amono0), nrow = 3 * length(auGrid))
ab1zeroes <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(amono1), nrow = 3 * length(auGrid))
am0bound <- cbind(aBzeroes, amono0, ab1zeroes)
am1bound <- cbind(aBzeroes, ab0zeroes, amono1)
amtebound <- cbind(aBzeroes, -amono0, amono1)

## Construct the audit matrices
arhs <- c(replicate(nrow(am0bound), 0),
          replicate(nrow(am1bound), miny),
          replicate(nrow(amtebound), miny - maxy),
          replicate(nrow(am0bound), maxy),
          replicate(nrow(am1bound), 55),
          replicate(nrow(amtebound), 55 - 0),
          replicate(nrow(amtemono), 0))
asense <- c(replicate(nrow(am0bound), ">="),
            replicate(nrow(am1bound), ">="),
            replicate(nrow(amtebound), ">="),
            replicate(nrow(am0bound), "<="),
            replicate(nrow(am1bound), "<="),
            replicate(nrow(amtebound), "<="),
            replicate(nrow(amtemono), ">="))
aA <- rbind(am0bound,

## Obtain minimum criterion

modelO <- list()
modelO$obj <- c(replicate(ncol(Aextra), 1),
                replicate(ncol(amonoA0) + ncol(amonoA1), 0))
modelO$rhs <- c(estimates,
modelO$sense <- c(replicate(length(estimates), "="),
modelO$A <- rbind(cbind(Aextra, A),
modelO$ub <- c(replicate(ncol(Aextra), Inf),
               replicate(ncol(amonoA0) + ncol(amonoA1), Inf))
modelO$lb <- c(replicate(ncol(Aextra), 0),
               replicate(ncol(amonoA0) + ncol(amonoA1), -Inf))
## Minimize observational equivalence deviation
lpsolver.options <- list(epslevel = "tight")
minobseq <- runLpSolveAPI(modelO, 'min', lpsolver.options)$objval

## Obtain the bounds for the ATT

tolerance <- 1.01
Atop <- c(replicate(ncol(Aextra), 1),
          replicate(ncol(amonoA0) + ncol(amonoA1), 0))
modelF <- list()
modelF$obj <- c(replicate(ncol(Aextra), 0),
modelF$rhs <- c(tolerance * minobseq,
modelF$sense <- c("<=",
modelF$A <- rbind(Atop,
modelF$ub <- c(replicate(ncol(Aextra), Inf),
               replicate(ncol(amono0) + ncol(amono1), Inf))
modelF$lb <- c(replicate(ncol(Aextra), 0),
               replicate(ncol(amono0) + ncol(amono1), -Inf))

## Find bounds with threshold
minAtt <- runLpSolveAPI(modelF, 'min', lpsolver.options)
maxAtt <- runLpSolveAPI(modelF, 'max', lpsolver.options)
bound <- c(lower = minAtt$objval, upper = maxAtt$objval)

## Test bounds

test_that("LP problem", {
    expect_equal(result$bound, bound)

## Alternative, where custom spline weights are declared

## Declare weight functions and knots
weight11 <- function(z) {
    1 / (1 + z)
weight01 <- function(z, x) {
    - 1 / (1 + z + abs(x))
weight02 <- function(z) {
    - (1 / (1 + z)) * 1.33
knots01 <- function(z, x) {
    0.3 + 0.3 * z + 0.1 * x
## Custom weight estimate using smaller sample
resultAlt <- ivmte(ivlike = ivlike,
                   data = dtsf,
                   components = components,
                   propensity = p,
                   treat = d,
                   m1 = ~ x + uSplines(degree = 2,
                                       knots = c(0.3, 0.6),
                                       intercept = FALSE),
                   m0 = ~ 0 + x : uSplines(degree = 0,
                                           knots = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8),
                                           intercept = TRUE) +
                       uSplines(degree = 1,
                                knots = c(0.4),
                                intercept = TRUE) +
                       I(u ^ 2),
                   uname = u,
                   target.weight0 = c(weight01, weight02),
                   target.weight1 = weight11,
                   target.knots0 = knots01,
                   criterion.tol = 0.01,
                   m1.ub = 55,
                   m0.lb = 0,
                   mte.inc = TRUE,
                   mte.ub = 10,
                   solver = "lpSolveAPI")

## Reconstruct target gamma moments

## Construct weights
dts$weight11 <- 1 / (1 + dts$z)
dts$weight01 <- - 1 / (1 + dts$z + abs(dts$x))
dts$weight02 <- - (1 / (1 + dts$z)) * 1.33
dts$knots01 <- 0.3 + 0.3 * dts$z + 0.1 * dts$x
## Construct control group, nonsplines term
u2vecA <- sapply(dts$knots01, function(x) (1 / 3) * x ^ 3)
u2vecB <- sapply(rep(1, nrow(dts)), function(x) (1 / 3) * x ^ 3) - u2vecA
u2vecA <- u2vecA * dts$weight01 * dts$f
u2vecB <- u2vecB * dts$weight02 * dts$f
gstarCustomNS0 <- sum(u2vecA + u2vecB)
## Construct control group, splines 1
splineMat0a <- t(mapply(splines2::ibs,
                        x = dts$knots01,
                        MoreArgs = list(degree = 0,
                                        knots = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8),
                                        intercept = TRUE,
                                        Boundary.knots = c(0, 1))))
splineMat0b <- t(mapply(splines2::ibs,
                        x = rep(1, nrow(dts)),
                        MoreArgs = list(degree = 0,
                                        knots = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8),
                                        intercept = TRUE,
                                        Boundary.knots = c(0, 1))))
splineMat01a <- sweep(splineMat0a, MARGIN = 1, STATS = dts$x, FUN = "*")
splineMat01a <- sweep(splineMat01a, MARGIN = 1, STATS = dts$weight01, FUN = "*")
splineMat01a <- sweep(splineMat01a, MARGIN = 1, STATS = dts$f, FUN = "*")
splineMat01b <- splineMat0b - splineMat0a
splineMat01b <- sweep(splineMat01b, MARGIN = 1, STATS = dts$x, FUN = "*")
splineMat01b <- sweep(splineMat01b, MARGIN = 1, STATS = dts$weight02, FUN = "*")
splineMat01b <- sweep(splineMat01b, MARGIN = 1, STATS = dts$f, FUN = "*")
gstarCustomS01 <- colSums(splineMat01a + splineMat01b)
## Construct control group, splines 2
splineMat0c <- t(mapply(splines2::ibs,
                        x = dts$knots01,
                        MoreArgs = list(degree = 1,
                                        knots = c(0.4),
                                        intercept = TRUE,
                                        Boundary.knots = c(0, 1))))
splineMat0d <- t(mapply(splines2::ibs,
                        x = rep(1, nrow(dts)),
                        MoreArgs = list(degree = 1,
                                        knots = c(0.4),
                                        intercept = TRUE,
                                        Boundary.knots = c(0, 1))))
splineMat01c <- sweep(splineMat0c, MARGIN = 1, STATS = dts$weight01, FUN = "*")
splineMat01c <- sweep(splineMat01c, MARGIN = 1, STATS = dts$f, FUN = "*")
splineMat01d <- splineMat0d - splineMat0c
splineMat01d <- sweep(splineMat01d, MARGIN = 1, STATS = dts$weight02, FUN = "*")
splineMat01d <- sweep(splineMat01d, MARGIN = 1, STATS = dts$f, FUN = "*")
gstarCustomS02 <- colSums(splineMat01c + splineMat01d)
## Construct treated  group, nonsplines term
gstarCustomNS1 <- c(sum(dts$weight11 * dts$f),
                    sum(dts$x * dts$weight11 * dts$f))
## Construct treated  group, splines
splineMat1 <- t(mapply(splines2::ibs,
                        x = rep(1, nrow(dts)),
                        MoreArgs = list(degree = 2,
                                        knots = c(0.3, 0.6),
                                        intercept = FALSE,
                                        Boundary.knots = c(0, 1))))
splineMat1 <- sweep(splineMat1, MARGIN = 1, STATS = dts$weight11, FUN = "*")
splineMat1 <- sweep(splineMat1, MARGIN = 1, STATS = dts$f, FUN = "*")
gstarCustomS11 <- colSums(splineMat1)
## Group terms
gstarCustom0 <- c(gstarCustomNS0,
gstarCustom1 <- c(gstarCustomNS1,
## Begin testing
test_that("Custom weights", {
    expect_equal(as.numeric(gstarCustom0), as.numeric(resultAlt$gstar$g0))
    expect_equal(as.numeric(gstarCustom1), as.numeric(resultAlt$gstar$g1))

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