with_custom_object_scope: Provide a scope with mappings of names to custom objects

View source: R/utils.R

with_custom_object_scopeR Documentation

Provide a scope with mappings of names to custom objects


Provide a scope with mappings of names to custom objects


with_custom_object_scope(objects, expr)



Named list of objects


Expression to evaluate


There are many elements of Keras models that can be customized with user objects (e.g. losses, metrics, regularizers, etc.). When loading saved models that use these functions you typically need to explicitily map names to user objects via the custom_objects parmaeter.

The with_custom_object_scope() function provides an alternative that lets you create a named alias for a user object that applies to an entire block of code, and is automatically recognized when loading saved models.


## Not run: 
# define custom metric
metric_top_3_categorical_accuracy <-
  custom_metric("top_3_categorical_accuracy", function(y_true, y_pred) {
    metric_top_k_categorical_accuracy(y_true, y_pred, k = 3)

with_custom_object_scope(c(top_k_acc = sparse_top_k_cat_acc), {

  # ...define model...

  # compile model (refer to "top_k_acc" by name)
  model %>% compile(
    loss = "binary_crossentropy",
    optimizer = optimizer_nadam(),
    metrics = c("top_k_acc")

  # save the model

  # loading the model within the custom object scope doesn't
  # require explicitly providing the custom_object

## End(Not run)

keras documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:20 a.m.