resolve_utils <- function() {
#' Converts a class vector (integers) to binary class matrix.
#' @details
#' E.g. for use with [loss_categorical_crossentropy()].
#' @param y Class vector to be converted into a matrix (integers from 0 to num_classes).
#' @param num_classes Total number of classes.
#' @param dtype The data type expected by the input, as a string
# (`float32`, `float64`, `int32`...)
#' @return A binary matrix representation of the input.
#' @export
to_categorical <- function(y, num_classes = NULL, dtype = "float32") {
args <- list(
y = y,
num_classes = as_nullable_integer(num_classes)
if (keras_version() >= "2.2.3")
args$dtype <- dtype$to_categorical, args)
#' Downloads a file from a URL if it not already in the cache.
#' Passing the MD5 hash will verify the file after download as well as if it is
#' already present in the cache.
#' @param fname Name of the file. If an absolute path `/path/to/file.txt` is
#' specified the file will be saved at that location.
#' @param origin Original URL of the file.
#' @param file_hash The expected hash string of the file after download. The
#' sha256 and md5 hash algorithms are both supported.
#' @param cache_subdir Subdirectory under the Keras cache dir where the file is
#' saved. If an absolute path `/path/to/folder` is specified the file will be
#' saved at that location.
#' @param hash_algorithm Select the hash algorithm to verify the file. options
#' are 'md5', 'sha256', and 'auto'. The default 'auto' detects the hash
#' algorithm in use.
#' @param extract True tries extracting the file as an Archive, like tar or zip.
#' @param archive_format Archive format to try for extracting the file. Options
#' are 'auto', 'tar', 'zip', and None. 'tar' includes tar, tar.gz, and
#' files. The default 'auto' is ('tar', 'zip'). None or an empty list will
#' return no matches found.
#' @param cache_dir Location to store cached files, when `NULL` it defaults to
#' the Keras configuration directory.
#' @param untar Deprecated in favor of 'extract'. boolean, whether the file should
#' be decompressed
#' @return Path to the downloaded file
#' @export
get_file <- function(fname, origin, file_hash = NULL, cache_subdir = "datasets",
hash_algorithm = "auto", extract = FALSE,
archive_format = "auto", cache_dir = NULL,
untar = FALSE) {
fname = fname,
origin = origin,
file_hash = file_hash,
cache_subdir = cache_subdir,
hash_algorithm = hash_algorithm,
extract = extract,
archive_format = archive_format,
cache_dir = normalize_path(cache_dir),
untar = untar
#' Representation of HDF5 dataset to be used instead of an R array
#' @param datapath string, path to a HDF5 file
#' @param dataset string, name of the HDF5 dataset in the file specified in datapath
#' @param start int, start of desired slice of the specified dataset
#' @param end int, end of desired slice of the specified dataset
#' @param normalizer function to be called on data when retrieved
#' @return An array-like HDF5 dataset.
#' @details
#' Providing `start` and `end` allows use of a slice of the dataset.
#' Optionally, a normalizer function (or lambda) can be given. This will
#' be called on every slice of data retrieved.
#' @export
hdf5_matrix <- function(datapath, dataset, start = 0, end = NULL, normalizer = NULL) {
if (tensorflow::tf_version() >= "2.4")
stop("This function have been removed in TensorFlow version 2.4 or later.")
if (!have_h5py())
stop("The h5py Python package is required to read h5 files")
datapath = normalize_path(datapath),
dataset = dataset,
start = as.integer(start),
end = as_nullable_integer(end),
normalizer = normalizer
#' Normalize a matrix or nd-array
#' @param x Matrix or array to normalize
#' @param axis Axis along which to normalize. Axis indexes are 1-based
#' (pass -1 to select the last axis).
#' @param order Normalization order (e.g. 2 for L2 norm)
#' @return A normalized copy of the array.
#' @export
normalize <- function(x, axis = -1, order = 2) {
x = x,
axis = as_axis(axis),
order = as.integer(order)
#' Provide a scope with mappings of names to custom objects
#' @param objects Named list of objects
#' @param expr Expression to evaluate
#' @details
#' There are many elements of Keras models that can be customized with
#' user objects (e.g. losses, metrics, regularizers, etc.). When
#' loading saved models that use these functions you typically
#' need to explicitily map names to user objects via the `custom_objects`
#' parmaeter.
#' The `with_custom_object_scope()` function provides an alternative that
#' lets you create a named alias for a user object that applies to an entire
#' block of code, and is automatically recognized when loading saved models.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # define custom metric
#' metric_top_3_categorical_accuracy <-
#' custom_metric("top_3_categorical_accuracy", function(y_true, y_pred) {
#' metric_top_k_categorical_accuracy(y_true, y_pred, k = 3)
#' })
#' with_custom_object_scope(c(top_k_acc = sparse_top_k_cat_acc), {
#' # ...define model...
#' # compile model (refer to "top_k_acc" by name)
#' model %>% compile(
#' loss = "binary_crossentropy",
#' optimizer = optimizer_nadam(),
#' metrics = c("top_k_acc")
#' )
#' # save the model
#' save_model_hdf5("my_model.h5")
#' # loading the model within the custom object scope doesn't
#' # require explicitly providing the custom_object
#' load_model_hdf5("my_model.h5")
#' })
#' }
#' @export
with_custom_object_scope <- function(objects, expr) {
objects <- objects_with_py_function_names(objects)
with(resolve_utils()$custom_object_scope(objects), expr)
objects_with_py_function_names <- function(objects) {
objects <- list(objects)
object_names <- rlang::names2(objects)
# try to infer missing names or raise an error
for (i in seq_along(objects)) {
name <- object_names[[i]]
o <- objects[[i]]
if (name == "") {
if (inherits(o, "keras_layer_wrapper"))
o <- attr(o, "Layer")
if (inherits(o, "python.builtin.object"))
name <- o$`__name__`
else if (inherits(o, "R6ClassGenerator"))
name <- o$classname
else if (is.character(attr(o, "py_function_name", TRUE)))
name <- attr(o, "py_function_name", TRUE)
stop("object name could not be infered; please supply a named list",
call. = FALSE)
object_names[[i]] <- name
# add a `py_function_name` attr for bare R functions, if it's missing
objects <- lapply(1:length(objects), function(i) {
object <- objects[[i]]
if (is.function(object) &&
!inherits(object, "python.builtin.object") &&
is.null(attr(object, "py_function_name", TRUE)))
attr(object, "py_function_name") <- object_names[[i]]
names(objects) <- object_names
#' Keras array object
#' Convert an R vector, matrix, or array object to an array that has the optimal
#' in-memory layout and floating point data type for the current Keras backend.
#' Keras does frequent row-oriented access to arrays (for shuffling and drawing
#' batches) so the order of arrays created by this function is always
#' row-oriented ("C" as opposed to "Fortran" ordering, which is the default for
#' R arrays).
#' If the passed array is already a NumPy array with the desired `dtype` and "C"
#' order then it is returned unmodified (no additional copies are made).
#' @param x Object or list of objects to convert
#' @param dtype NumPy data type (e.g. float32, float64). If this is unspecified
#' then R doubles will be converted to the default floating point type for the
#' current Keras backend.
#' @return NumPy array with the specified `dtype` (or list of NumPy arrays if a
#' list was passed for `x`).
#' @export
keras_array <- function(x, dtype = NULL) {
# reflect NULL
if (is.null(x))
# reflect HDF5
if (inherits(x, "keras.utils.io_utils.HDF5Matrix"))
# reflect tensor for keras v2.2 or TF implementation >= 1.12
if (is_tensorflow_implementation()) {
if (
tf_version() >= "1.12" &&
is_keras_tensor(x) || is.list(x) && all(vapply(x, is_keras_tensor, logical(1)))
) {
} else {
if ((keras_version() >= "2.2.0") && is_keras_tensor(x)) {
# error for data frames
if ( {
x <- as.list(x)
# allow passing things like pandas.Series(), for workarounds like
if(inherits(x, "python.builtin.object"))
# recurse for lists
if (is.list(x))
return(lapply(x, keras_array))
# convert to numpy
if (!inherits(x, "numpy.ndarray")) {
# establish the target datatype - if we are converting a double from R
# into numpy then use the default floatx for the current backend
if (is.null(dtype) && is.double(x))
dtype <- backend()$floatx()
# convert non-array to array
if (!is.array(x))
x <- as.array(x)
# do the conversion (will result in Fortran column ordering)
x <- r_to_py(x)
# if we don't yet have a dtype then use the converted type
if (is.null(dtype))
dtype <- x$dtype
# ensure we use C column ordering (won't create a new array if the array
# is already using C ordering)
x$astype(dtype = dtype, order = "C", copy = FALSE)
#' Check if Keras is Available
#' Probe to see whether the Keras Python package is available in the current
#' system environment.
#' @param version Minimum required version of Keras (defaults to `NULL`, no
#' required version).
#' @return Logical indicating whether Keras (or the specified minimum version of
#' Keras) is available.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # testthat utilty for skipping tests when Keras isn't available
#' skip_if_no_keras <- function(version = NULL) {
#' if (!is_keras_available(version))
#' skip("Required keras version not available for testing")
#' }
#' # use the function within a test
#' test_that("keras function works correctly", {
#' skip_if_no_keras()
#' # test code here
#' })
#' }
#' @export
is_keras_available <- function(version = NULL) {
implementation_module <- resolve_implementation_module()
if (reticulate::py_module_available(implementation_module)) {
if (!is.null(version))
keras_version() >= version
} else {
#' Keras implementation
#' Obtain a reference to the Python module used for the implementation of Keras.
#' There are currently two Python modules which implement Keras:
#' - keras ("keras")
#' - tensorflow.keras ("tensorflow")
#' This function returns a reference to the implementation being currently
#' used by the keras package. The default implementation is "keras".
#' You can override this by setting the `KERAS_IMPLEMENTATION` environment
#' variable to "tensorflow".
#' @return Reference to the Python module used for the implementation of Keras.
#' @export
implementation <- function() {
is_backend <- function(name) {
identical(backend()$backend(), name)
is_windows <- function() {
identical(.Platform$OS.type, "windows")
is_osx <- function() {["sysname"] == "Darwin"
is_layer <- function(object) {
inherits(object, "keras.engine.topology.Layer")
relative_to <- function(dir, file) {
# normalize paths
dir <- normalizePath(dir, mustWork = FALSE, winslash = "/")
file <- normalizePath(file, mustWork = FALSE, winslash = "/")
# ensure directory ends with a /
if (!identical(substr(dir, nchar(dir), nchar(dir)), "/")) {
dir <- paste(dir, "/", sep="")
# if the file is prefixed with the directory, return a relative path
if (identical(substr(file, 1, nchar(dir)), dir))
file <- substr(file, nchar(dir) + 1, nchar(file))
# simplify ./
if (identical(substr(file, 1, 2), "./"))
file <- substr(file, 3, nchar(file))
is_keras_tensor <- function(x) {
if (is_tensorflow_implementation()) {
if (tensorflow::tf_version() >= "2.0") tensorflow::tf$is_tensor(x) else tensorflow::tf$contrib$framework$is_tensor(x)
} else {
split_dots_named_unnamed <- function(dots) {
nms <- names(dots)
if (is.null(nms))
return(list(unnamed = dots, named = list()))
named <- nzchar(nms)
list(unnamed = dots[!named], named = dots[named])
assert_all_dots_named <- function(envir = parent.frame(), cl) {
x <- eval(quote(list(...)), envir)
x <- names(x)
if(is.character(x) && !anyNA(x) && all(x != ""))
stop("All arguments provided to `...` must be named.\n",
"Call with unnamed arguments in dots:\n ",
paste(deparse(cl, 500L), collapse = "\n"))
# TODO: should there be some default modifiers in capture_args() for standard layer args
# like, input_shape, batch_input_shape, etc.
capture_args <- function(cl, modifiers = NULL, ignore = NULL,
envir = parent.frame(), fn = sys.function(-1)) {
## bug: resolves incorrectly if dots are from not the default sys.parent()
## e.g, this fails if dots originate from the callers caller:
# cl <- eval(quote(, parent.frame())
## workaround: caller must call from the correct frame
## note: capture_args() must always be called at the top level of the intended function body.
## sys.function(-1) resolves to the incorrect function if the capture_args()
## call is itself a promise in another call. E.g.,:
##, capture_args( fails because fn resolves to
fn_arg_nms <- names(formals(fn))
known_args <- intersect(names(cl), fn_arg_nms)
known_args <- setdiff(known_args, ignore)
names(known_args) <- known_args
cl2 <- c(quote(list), lapply(known_args, as.symbol))
if("..." %in% fn_arg_nms && !"..." %in% ignore) {
assert_all_dots_named(envir, cl)
# this might reorder args by assuming ... are last, but it doesn't matter
# since everything is supplied as a keyword arg to the Python side anyway
cl2 <- c(cl2, quote(...))
args <- eval(, envir)
# check `ignore` again, since arg might have been in `...`
for(nm in intersect(names(args), ignore))
args[[nm]] <- NULL
nms_to_modify <- intersect(names(args), names(modifiers))
for (nm in nms_to_modify)
args[nm] <- list(modifiers[[nm]](args[[nm]]))
# list() so if modifier returns NULL, don't remove the arg
is_scalar <- function(x) identical(length(x), 1L)
is_mac_arm64 <- function() {
sys_info <-
sys_info[["sysname"]] == "Darwin" &&
sys_info[["machine"]] == "arm64"
#' Plot a Keras model
#' @param x A Keras model instance
#' @param to_file File name of the plot image. If `NULL` (the default), the
#' model is drawn on the default graphics device. Otherwise, a file is saved.
#' @param show_shapes whether to display shape information.
#' @param show_dtype whether to display layer dtypes.
#' @param show_layer_names whether to display layer names.
#' @param ... passed on to `keras$utils$plot_model()`. Used for forward and
#' backward compatibility.
#' @param rankdir a string specifying the format of the plot: `'TB'` creates a
#' vertical plot; `'LR'` creates a horizontal plot. (argument passed to PyDot)
#' @param expand_nested Whether to expand nested models into clusters.
#' @param dpi Dots per inch. Increase this value if the image text appears
#' excessively pixelated.
#' @param layer_range `list` containing two character strings, which is the
#' starting layer name and ending layer name (both inclusive) indicating the
#' range of layers for which the plot will be generated. It also accepts regex
#' patterns instead of exact name. In such case, start predicate will be the
#' first element it matches to `layer_range[1]` and the end predicate will be
#' the last element it matches to `layer_range[2]`. By default `NULL` which
#' considers all layers of model. Note that you must pass range such that the
#' resultant subgraph must be complete.
#' @param show_layer_activations Display layer activations (only for layers that
#' have an `activation` property).
#' @return Nothing, called for it's side effects.
#' @section Raises: ValueError: if `plot_model` is called before the model is
#' built, unless a `input_shape = ` argument was supplied to
#' `keras_model_sequential()`.
#' @section Requirements:
#' This function requires pydot and graphviz.
#' `pydot` is by default installed by `install_keras()`, but if you installed
#' tensorflow by other means, you can install pydot directly with :
#' ````
#' reticulate::py_install("pydot", pip = TRUE)
#' ````
#' In a conda environment, you can install graphviz with:
#' ```
#' reticulate::conda_install(packages = "graphviz")
#' # Restart the R session after install.
#' ```
#' Otherwise you can install graphviz from here:
#' <>
#' @export <-
show_shapes = FALSE,
show_dtype = FALSE,
show_layer_names = TRUE,
rankdir = "TB",
expand_nested = FALSE,
dpi = 96,
layer_range = NULL,
show_layer_activations = FALSE,
to_file = NULL) {
args <- capture_args(, ignore = "x")
args$model <- x
if (is.null(to_file)) {
args$to_file <-
tempfile(paste0("keras_", x$name), fileext = ".png")
on.exit(unlink(args$to_file), add = TRUE)
if(is_windows() && identical(.Platform$GUI, "RStudio")) {
# need to patch subprocess.Popen to avoid an OSError exception.
.patched_subprocess_Popen <-
on.exit(.patched_subprocess_Popen$`__exit__`(NULL, NULL, NULL),
add = TRUE)
tryCatch($utils$plot_model, args),
error = function(e) {
message("See ? for ",
" instructions on how to install graphviz and pydot")
e$call <-
img <- png::readPNG(args$to_file, native = TRUE)
graphics::plot.window(xlim = c(0, ncol(img)), ylim = c(0, nrow(img)),
asp = 1, yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i")
graphics::rasterImage(img, 0, 0, ncol(img), nrow(img), interpolate = FALSE)
#' zip lists
#' This is conceptually similar to `zip()` in Python, or R functions
#' `purrr::transpose()` and `data.table::transpose()` (albeit, accepting
#' elements in `...` instead of a single list), with one crucial difference: if
#' the provided objects are named, then matching is done by names, not
#' positions.
#' All arguments supplied must be of the same length. If positional matching is
#' required, then all arguments provided must be unnamed. If matching by names,
#' then all arguments must have the same set of names, but they can be in
#' different orders.
#' @param ... R lists or atomic vectors, optionally named.
#' @return A inverted list
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gradients <- list("grad_for_wt_1", "grad_for_wt_2", "grad_for_wt_3")
#' weights <- list("weight_1", "weight_2", "weight_3")
#' str(zip_lists(gradients, weights))
#' str(zip_lists(gradient = gradients, weight = weights))
#' names(gradients) <- names(weights) <- paste0("layer_", 1:3)
#' str(zip_lists(gradients, weights[c(3, 1, 2)]))
#' names(gradients) <- paste0("gradient_", 1:3)
#' try(zip_lists(gradients, weights)) # error, names don't match
#' # call unname directly for positional matching
#' str(zip_lists(unname(gradients), unname(weights)))
zip_lists <- function(...) {
dots <- list(...)
if(length(dots) == 1)
dots <- dots[[1L]]
nms1 <- names(dots[[1L]])
if (is.character(nms1))
if (!anyDuplicated(nms1) && !anyNA(nms1) && !all(nzchar(nms1)))
stop("All names must be unique. Call `unname()` if you want positional matching")
for(i in seq_along(dots)[-1L]) {
d_nms <- names(dots[[i]])
if(identical(nms1, d_nms))
if(setequal(nms1, d_nms)) {
dots[[i]] <- dots[[i]][nms1]
stop("All names of arguments provided to `zip_lists()` must match.",
" Call `unname()` on each argument if you want positional matching")
ans <- .mapply(list, dots, NULL)
names(ans) <- nms1
drop_nulls <- function(x, i = NULL) {
return(x[!vapply(x, is.null, FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)])
drop <- logical(length(x))
names(drop) <- names(x)
drop[i] <- vapply(x[i], is.null, FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
as_r_value <- function (x) {
if (inherits(x, "python.builtin.object"))
else x
# internal `[` method that ensures functions in this namespace use one-based
# indexing in case user has a global option set for zero-based indexing.
# `[.tensorflow.tensor` <-
# getS3method("[", "tensorflow.tensor", envir = asNamespace("tensorflow"))
# formals(`[.tensorflow.tensor`)$style <- "R"
# formals(`[.tensorflow.tensor`)$options <-
# tensorflow::tf_extract_opts(
# one_based = TRUE,
# inclusive_stop = TRUE,
# disallow_out_of_bounds = TRUE,
# warn_tensors_passed_asis = FALSE,
# warn_negatives_pythonic = FALSE
# )
standard_layer_arg_modifiers <- list(
input_shape = normalize_shape,
batch_input_shape = normalize_shape,
batch_size = as_nullable_integer,
seed = as_nullable_integer
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