
Defines functions plot.simulate.gp simulate.gp

Documented in plot.simulate.gp simulate.gp

##  DO NOT ROXYGENIZE THIS! This is a skeleton for the .Rd
##  file that might have been edited later because 'kergp' does not
##  Roxygenize its man.
##' Simulation of paths from a \code{gp} object.
##' @title Simulation of paths from a \code{gp} object.
##' @param object An object with class \code{"gp"}.
##' @param nsim Number of paths wanted.
##' @param seed Not used yet.
##' @param newdata A data frame containing the inputs values used for
##' simulation as well as the required trend covariates, if any. This
##' is similar to the \code{newdata} formal in
##' \code{\link{predict.gp}}.
##' @param cond Logical. Should the simulations be conditional on
##' the observations used in the object or not?
##' @param trendKnown Logical. If \code{TRUE} the vector of trend
##' coefficients will be regarded as known so all simulated paths
##' share the same trend. When \code{TRUE}, the trend must have been
##' estimated so that its estimation covariance is known. Then each
##' path will have a trend
##' @param newVarNoise Variance of the noise for the "new" simulated
##' observations. For the default \code{NULL}, the noise variance
##' found in \code{object} is used. Note that if a very small positive
##' value is used, each simulated path is the sum of the trend the
##' smooth GP part and an interval containing say \eqn{95}\% of the
##' simultated responses can be regarded as a confidence interval
##' rather than a prediction interval.
##' @param output The type of output wanted. A simple matrix as in
##' standard simulation methods may be quite poor, since interesting
##' intermediate results are then lost.
##' @param label A label that will be attached to the object if
##' \code{output} is \code{"list"}.
##' @param unit A unit that will be attached to the object if
##' \code{output} is \code{"list"}.
##' @return A matrix with the simulated paths as its columns or a more
##' complete list with more results. This list which is given the S3 class
##' \code{"simulate.gp"} has the following elements.
##' \itemize{
##' \item{\code{X}, \code{F}, \code{y}}{
##' Inputs, trend covariates and response.
##' }
##' \item{\code{XNew}, \code{FNew}}{
##' New inputs, new trend covariates.
##' }
##' \item{\code{sim}}{
##' Matrix of simulated paths.
##' }
##' \item{\code{trend}}{
##' Matrix of simulated trends.
##' }
##' \item{\code{trendKnown}, \code{noise}, \code{newVarNoise}}{
##' Values of the formals.
##' }
##' \item{\code{Call}}{
##' The call.
##' }
##' }
##' @note When \code{betaKnown} is \code{FALSE}, the simulated
##' \emph{trend} and the \emph{smooth GP} parts of a simulation are
##' usually correlated, and their sum will show less dipersion than
##' each of the two components. The covariance of the vector
##' \eqn{\widehat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}}{\beta} can be regarded as the
##' posterior distribution corresponding to a non-informative prior,
##' and the distribution from which a new path is drawn is the
##' predictive distribution.
##' @author Yves Deville
##' @examples
##' set.seed(314159)
##' n <- 40
##' x <- sort(runif(n))
##' y <- 2 + 4 * x  + 2 * x^2 + 3 * sin(6 * pi * x ) + 1.0 * rnorm(n)
##' nNew <- 60; xNew <- sort(runif(nNew))
##' df <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)
##' ##=========================================================================
##' ## use a Matern 3/2 covariance
##' ##=========================================================================
##' myKern <- k1Matern3_2
##' inputNames(myKern) <- "x"
##' mygp1 <- gp(formula = y ~ x + I(x^2) + sin(6 * pi * x),
##'             data = df, inputs = "x",
##'             parCovLower = c(0.01, 0.01), parCovUpper = c(10, 100),
##'             cov = myKern, estim = TRUE, noise = TRUE)
##' mygp2 <- gp(formula = y ~ sin(6 * pi * x),
##'             data = df, inputs = "x",
##'             parCovLower = c(0.01, 0.01), parCovUpper = c(10, 100),
##'             cov = myKern, estim = TRUE, noise = TRUE)
##' ##=========================================================================
##' ## New data
##' ##=========================================================================
##' nNew <- 300
##' xNew <- seq(from = -0.2, to= 1.2, length.out = nNew)
##' dfNew <- data.frame(x = xNew)
simulate.gp <- function(object, nsim = 1L, seed = NULL,
                        newdata = NULL,
                        cond = TRUE,
                        trendKnown = FALSE,
                        newVarNoise = NULL,
                        nuggetSim = 1e-8,
                        checkNames = TRUE,
                        output = c("list", "matrix"),
                        label = "y", unit = "",
                        ...) {
    mc <- match.call()
    output <- match.arg(output)
    noise <- object$noise

    ## This avoids problems for conditional simulation because
    ## a noisy 'gp' can have varNoise = 0.0 
    if (noise && object$varNoise == 0.0) noise <- FALSE

    newNoise <- FALSE
    if (is.null(newVarNoise)) {
        if (noise) {
            newVarNoise <- object$varNoise
            newNoise <- TRUE
    } else {
        if (newVarNoise < 0.0) stop("'varNoise' must be >= 0.0")
        newNoise <- (newVarNoise > 0.0) 
    N <- nsim
    n <- nrow(object$F)
    p <- ncol(object$F)
    d <- ncol(object$X)
    nms <- object$inputNames
    if (missing(newdata)) {
        XNew <- object$X
        FNew <- object$F
    } else {
        XNew <- newdata[ , nms, drop = FALSE]
        nms <- object$inputNames   
        New <- newdata[ , nms, drop = FALSE]
        tt <- delete.response(terms(object))
        mf <- model.frame(tt, data = data.frame(newdata))
        FNew <- model.matrix(tt, data = mf)
    nNew <- nrow(XNew)
    if (!cond) {

        if (!trendKnown) {
            ## Simulate 'beta'...
            Znorm <- array(rnorm(p * N), dim = c(p, N))
            dBetaSim <- backsolve(object$RStar, Znorm)
            trendNewSim <-  FNew %*% sweep(x = dBetaSim, MARGIN = 1,
                                           STATS = object$betaHat, FUN = "+")
        }  else {
            ## ... or not.
            trend <- FNew %*% object$betaHat
            trendNewSim <-  array(trend, dim = c(nNew, N))

        ## simulate the smooth GP part
        zetaNewSim <- simulate(object = object$covariance,
                               nsim = nsim,
                               seed = seed,
                               X = XNew, checkNames = checkNames, ...)
        yNewSim <- trendNewSim + zetaNewSim   
    } else {
        smallNoise <- (object$varNoise < 1e-10)
        ## compute matrices that will be required in any conditional simulation
        ## =====================================================================
        kNew <- covMat(object$covariance, X = object$X, Xnew = XNew,
                       compGrad = FALSE)
        KNew <- covMat(object$covariance, X = XNew, Xnew = XNew,
                       compGrad = FALSE)
        kNewStar <- forwardsolve(object$L, kNew)

        KNewCond <- KNew - crossprod(kNewStar)
        diag(KNewCond) <- diag(KNewCond) + nuggetSim
        LNewCond <- t(chol(KNewCond))
        if (noise) {

            smallNoise <- (object$varNoise < 1e-8)
            ## compute 'KCond' and its Cholesky root as needed in step 2. 'K'
            ## could be retreived from its Cholesky root?
            ## Note that 'KCond' would be zero in the non-noisy case
            ## so two cases are needed. When 'object' embdeds a small
            ## variance noise, computing the Cholesky of 'KCond' is
            ## hazardous, and but then 'KCond' is close to 'object$varNoise'
            ## times the identity matrix.
            ## Many Thanks to Julien Pelamatti for signaling this issue!
            ## ===================================================================
            K <- covMat(object$covariance, X = object$X, checkNames = checkNames,
                        compGrad = FALSE)
            KStar <- forwardsolve(object$L, K)
            if (!smallNoise) {
                KCond <- K - crossprod(KStar)
                diag(KCond) <- diag(KCond) + nuggetSim
                LCond <- t(chol(KCond))
            if (!trendKnown) {
                ## STEP 1 simulate 'beta - betaHat'.  'dBetaSim' is a matrix
                ## with random (betaSim - betaHat) as its columns
                ## ==============================================================
                Znorm <- array(rnorm(p * N), dim = c(p, N))
                dBetaSim <- backsolve(object$RStar, Znorm)
                trendNewSim <-  FNew %*% sweep(x = dBetaSim, MARGIN = 1,
                                               STATS = object$betaHat, FUN = "+")
                ## STEP 2 simulate 'zeta' conditional on 'beta' and 'y'
                ## 'dBetaSim' -> the 2nd part of L^{-1} [y - F betaSim]
                E <- -object$FStar %*% dBetaSim
                ## add the 1st part of L^{-1} [y - F betaSim], i.e.  'eStar'
                E <- sweep(x = E, MARGIN = 1, STATS = object$eStar, FUN = "+")
                ## left mutliply by t(KStar) = K %*% L^{-T}
                E <- t(KStar) %*% E
                ## now, find the 'zetaSim' conditional on 'y' and 'betaSim' 
                ZSim <- array(rnorm(n * N), dim = c(n, N))
                if (smallNoise) {
                    ZSim <- E + sqrt(object$varNoise) * ZSim
                } else {
                    ZSim <- E + LCond %*% ZSim
            } else {
                trend <- FNew %*% object$betaHat
                trendNewSim <-  array(trend, dim = c(nNew, N))
                ## now, find the 'zetaSim' conditional of 'y' with 'beta' fixed
                ZSim <- array(rnorm(n * N), dim = c(n, N))
                if (smallNoise) {
                    ZSim <- sqrt(object$varNoise) * ZSim
                } else {   
                    ZSim <- LCond %*% ZSim
                eStarMod <- t(KStar) %*% object$eStar
                ZSim <- sweep(x = ZSim, MARGIN = 1, STATS = eStarMod, FUN = "+")
            ## STEP 3: now krige the N columns to find 'ZNewSim'
            ZNewSim <- array(rnorm(nNew * N), dim = c(nNew, N))
            ZNewSim <- LNewCond %*% ZNewSim
            ZNewSim <- ZNewSim + t(kNewStar) %*% forwardsolve(object$L, ZSim)
            yNewSim <- trendNewSim + ZNewSim
        } else {
            if (!trendKnown) {
                ## ============================================================
                ## In this case both the "new" trend and the kriging mean vary
                ## across paths.
                ## =============================================================

                Znorm <- array(rnorm(p * N), dim = c(p, N))
                BetaSim <- backsolve(object$RStar, Znorm)
                BetaSim <- sweep(x = BetaSim, MARGIN = 1, STATS = object$betaHat,
                                 FUN = "+")
                trendSim <- object$F %*% BetaSim
                ZSim <- sweep(x = -trendSim, MARGIN = 1, STATS = object$y,
                              FUN = "+")
                trendNewSim <-  FNew %*% BetaSim
                ZNewSim <- array(rnorm(nNew * N), dim = c(nNew, N))
                ZNewSim <- LNewCond %*% ZNewSim
                ZNewSim <- ZNewSim + t(kNewStar) %*% forwardsolve(object$L, ZSim)
                yNewSim <- trendNewSim + ZNewSim
            }  else {
                ## ============================================================
                ## In this case both the "new" trend and the kriging
                ## mean are constant across paths. Note that the kriging mean
                ## is no longer included in 'ZNewSim'
                ## =============================================================
                trendNew <-  FNew %*% object$betaHat
                trendNewSim <- array(trendNew, dim = c(nNew, N))          
                shift <- trendNew + t(kNewStar) %*% object$eStar
                ZNewSim <- array(rnorm(nNew * N), dim = c(nNew, N))
                ZNewSim <- LNewCond %*% ZNewSim
                yNewSim <- sweep(ZNewSim, MARGIN = 1, STATS = shift, FUN = "+")

    if (newNoise) {
        yNewSim <- yNewSim + sqrt(newVarNoise) *
            array(rnorm(nNew * N), dim = c(nNew, N)) 
    if (output == "list") {
        yNewSim <- list(X = object$X, F = object$F, y = object$y,
                        XNew = XNew, FNew = FNew,
                        sim = yNewSim,
                        trend = trendNewSim,
                        trendKnown = trendKnown,
                        noise = noise,
                        newVarNoise = newVarNoise,
                        label = label,
                        unit = unit,
                        Call = mc)
        class(yNewSim) <- "simulate.gp"
    } else {
        attr(yNewSim, "trendKnown") <- trendKnown
##' Function to plot simulations form a \code{gp} object.
##' @title  Function to plot simulations form a \code{gp} object
##' @param x An object containing simulations, produced by 'simulate'
##' with \code{output = "list"}.
##' @param y Not used yet.
##' @param col Named list of colors to be used, with elements
##' \code{"sim"} and \code{"trend"}.
##' @param show A logical vector telling which elements must be shown.
##' @param ... Further argument passed to \code{plot}.
##' @return Nothing
##' @note For now, this function can be used only when the number of
##' inputs is one.
##' @seealso \code{\link{simulate.gp}}.
plot.simulate.gp <- function(x, y,
                             col = list("sim" = "SpringGreen3", "trend" = "orangered"),
                             show = c("sim" = TRUE, "trend" = TRUE, "y" = TRUE),
                             ...) {
    if (ncol(x$X) > 1L) {
        stop("For now, this function only for the one-dimensional case")
    X <- drop(as.matrix(x$X))
    XNew <- drop(as.matrix(x$XNew))

    ylab <- x$label
    if (nchar(x$unit)) ylab <- sprintf("%s (%s)", ylab, x$unit)
    plot(X, x$y, type = "n",
         xlim = range(X, XNew),
         ylim = range(x$sim, x$trend, x$y),
         ylab = ylab,

    ## find a value of the opacitiy level 'alpha'
    nSim <- ncol(x$sim)
    alpha <- exp(-sqrt(((nSim - 1)/ 200)))
    if (show["trend"]) {
        matlines(XNew, x$trend, pch = 16,
                 col = translude(col[["trend"]], alpha = alpha))
    if (show["sim"]) {
        matlines(XNew, x$sim, pch = 16,
                 col = translude(col[["sim"]], alpha = alpha))
    if (show["y"]) {
        points(X, x$y, pch = 21, bg = "white", lwd = 2)

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