#' plot a legend for a pedigree
#' circular legend for a pedigree as a key to the affection statuses
#' @param ped Pedigree data frame with ped (pedigree id), id (id of individual),
#' father (id of father), mother (id of mother), sex, affected (affection status),
#' and avail (DNA availability).
#' @param labels names for the affected indicators
#' @param edges Number of edges for each polygon. Higher numbers give better
#' resolution for the circle
#' @param radius radius (inches) of the circle
#' @param location similar to how the location of a base-R legend is given,
#' used only if new=TRUE. A character string indicating which of the four corners
#' to plot the legend, given by "bottomright", "bottomleft", "topleft", or "topright".
#' @param new Logical. If TRUE, plot the legend on the current plot. Otherwise, plot
#' on a separate plot.
#' @param density Density of lines shaded in sections of the circle. These match the
#' density settings for the plot.pedigree function.
#' @param angle The angle at which lines are shaded in sections of the circle. These
#' match the angles for the plot.pedigree function.
#' @param ... optional parameters for the plot function that apply to text
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(sample.ped)
#' fam1 <- sample.ped[sample.ped$ped==1,]
#' ped1 <- with(fam1, pedigree(id, father, mother, sex,
#' affected=cbind(avail,affected)))
#' plot(ped1)
#' pedigree.legend(ped1, location="bottomright", radius=.8)
#' pedigree.legend(ped1, location="topleft", radius=.6, cex=1.2)
#' pedigree.legend(ped1, new=FALSE)
#' }
#' @author Jason Sinnwell
#' @seealso \code{\link{pedigree}}, \code{\link{plot.pedigree}}
#' @name pedigree.legend
#' @rdname pedigree.legend
#' @export
pedigree.legend <- function (ped, labels = dimnames(ped$affected)[[2]],
edges = 200, radius=NULL, location="bottomright", new=TRUE,
density=c(-1, 35,65,20), angle = c(90, 65, 40, 0), ...)
naff <- max(ncol(ped$affected),1)
x <- rep(1,naff)
# Defaults for plotting on separate page:
## start at the top, always counter-clockwise, black/white
init.angle <- 90
twopi <- 2 * pi
col <- 1
default.labels <- paste("affected-", 1:naff, sep='')
if (is.null(labels)) labels <- default.labels
## assign labels to those w/ zero-length label
whichNoLab <- which(nchar(labels) < 1)
labels[whichNoLab] <- paste("affected-", whichNoLab, sep='')
x <- c(0, cumsum(x)/sum(x))
dx <- diff(x)
nx <- length(dx)
## settings for plotting on a new page
if(!new) {
pin <- par("pin")
# radius, xylim, center, line-lengths set to defaults of pie()
radius <- 1
xlim <- ylim <- c(-1, 1)
center <- c(0,0)
llen <- 0.05
if (pin[1L] > pin[2L])
xlim <- (pin[1L]/pin[2L]) * xlim
else ylim <- (pin[2L]/pin[1L]) * ylim
plot.window(xlim, ylim, "", asp = 1)
} else {
## Settings to add to pedigree plot
## y-axis is flipped, so adjust angle and rotation
init.angle <- -1*init.angle
twopi <- -1*twopi
## track usr xy limits. With asp=1, it re-scales to have aspect ratio 1:1
usr.orig <- par("usr")
plot.window(xlim=usr.orig[1:2], ylim=usr.orig[3:4], "", asp=1)
usr.asp1 <- par("usr")
## also decide on good center/radius if not given
radius <- .5
## set line lengths
llen <- radius*.15
## get center of pie chart for coded
pctusr <- .10*abs(diff(usr.asp1[3:4]))
center = switch(location,
"bottomright" = c(max(usr.asp1[1:2])-pctusr,max(usr.asp1[3:4])-pctusr),
"topright" = c(max(usr.asp1[1:2])-pctusr, min(usr.asp1[3:4]) + pctusr),
"bottomleft" =c(min(usr.asp1[1:2]) + pctusr, max(usr.asp1[3:4])-pctusr),
"topleft" = c(min(usr.asp1[1:2]) + pctusr, min(usr.asp1[3:4]) + pctusr))
col <- rep(col, length.out = nx)
border <- rep(1, length.out = nx)
lty <- rep(1, length.out = nx)
angle <- rep(angle, length.out = nx)
density <- rep(density, length.out = nx)
t2xy <- function(t) {
t2p <- twopi * t + init.angle * pi/180
list(x = radius * cos(t2p), y = radius * sin(t2p))
for (i in 1L:nx) {
n <- max(2, floor(edges * dx[i]))
P <- t2xy([i], x[i + 1], length.out = n))
P$x <- P$x + center[1]
P$y <- P$y + center[2]
polygon(c(P$x, center[1]), c(P$y, center[2]), density = density[i],
angle = angle[i], border = border[i], col = col[i],
lty = lty[i])
P <- t2xy(mean(x[i + 0:1]))
if(new) {
## not centered at 0,0, so added center to x,y
P$x <- P$x + center[1]
P$y <- center[2] + ifelse(new, P$y, -1*P$y)
lab <- as.character(labels[i])
if (! && nzchar(lab)) {
## put lines
lines(x=c(P$x, P$x + ifelse(P$x<center[1], -1*llen, llen)),
y=c(P$y, P$y + ifelse(P$y<center[2], -1*llen, llen)))
## put text just beyond line-length away from pie
text(x=P$x + ifelse(P$x < center[1], -1.2*llen, 1.2*llen),
y=P$y + ifelse(P$y < center[2], -1.2*llen, 1.2*llen),
labels[i], xpd = TRUE,
adj = ifelse(P$x < center[1], 1, 0), ...)
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