
# Module DT editable #
# Permet d'afficher un tableau
# et d'editer les valeurs
# ui.R : editableDTUI("montableau")
# server.R :
# mon_tableau_modifie <- callModule(editableDT, id = "montableau", DTdata = mon_tableau, disableCol = c("colonnes","non","modifiable"))
# observeEvent(mon_tableau_modifie$data, { message("mon tableau a ete modifie") })
## !!! ATTENTION !!!
## DT input$ retourne les indices de colonnes en commençant par 0
## Cela est du au faite qu'on n'affiche pas le nom de la ligne rownames = FALSE
## donc l'indice 2 dans R sera à 1 pour DT

# Ajout un bouton de suppression a chaque ligne du DT
# Param df le data.frame
# Param id un id pour le boutton
# Param mns le ns du module avec l'event id "module_clickbutton"
deleteButton <- function(df, id, mns, ...) {
  f <- function(i) {
        paste(id, i, sep = "_"),
        label = NULL,
        icon = shiny::icon("trash"),
        onclick = paste0('Shiny.setInputValue(\"', mns, '\",, {priority: \"event\"})')

  deleteCol <- character(0)
  if (nrow(df) > 0) {
    deleteCol <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(nrow(df)), f))

  return(data.frame(delete = deleteCol))

# UI Part
editableDTUI <- function(id) {
  ns <- shiny::NS(id)
  DT::DTOutput(outputId = ns("tableEDT"))

# Server Part
# Param DTdata a reactive data.frame
# Param disableCol reactiveVal for colnames not editable
# Param canRM reactiveVal TRUE add delete button otherwise not
# Param rownames TRUE if show rownames FALSE otherwise
# Param tooltips header tooltips message
# Param row.default a default row (when adding a new line) depending of row.cols if not all cols existing
# Param row.colsid list of columns that apply row.default
# Param list of columns to incremente value at new line
# Param col.hidden index of columns to hide.
editableDTServer <- function(id, DTdata, disableCol = shiny::reactiveVal(c()), canRm = shiny::reactiveVal(TRUE), rownames = FALSE, tooltips = NULL, row.default = NULL, row.colsid = NULL, = NULL, col.hidden = c()) {
    function(input, output, session) {
      ns <- session$ns
      # la donnee devient reactive pour pouvoir la retourner et l'invalider
      # en gros on peut utiliser rv en sortie de editableDT
      # et surveiller rv$data coté serveur pour voir les modifs
      # rv <- shiny::reactiveValues(data = isolate({DTdata()}), value = "", row = NA, col = NA)
      rv <- shiny::reactiveValues(data = NULL, value = NULL, row = NA, col = NA)
      # render DT pour UI
      output$tableEDT <- DT::renderDT(
          #rv$data <- DTdata()
          if (canRm()) {
            rv$data <- cbind(DTdata(), deleteButton(DTdata(), "button", ns("deletePressed")))
          } else {
            rv$data <- DTdata()
        rownames = rownames,
        ## if show rownames cols indice start at 0
        ## otherwise it start at 1
        editable = { if( rownames ) {
          if(canRm()) temp = list(target = "cell", disable = list(columns = c(0,(match(disableCol(), names(DTdata()))), ncol(DTdata())+1)))
          else temp = list(target = "cell", disable = list(columns = c(0,match(disableCol(), names(DTdata())))))
        else {
          if(canRm()) temp = list(target = "cell", disable = list(columns = c((match(disableCol(), names(DTdata()))-1), ncol(DTdata()))))
          else temp = list(target = "cell", disable = list(columns = c(match(disableCol(), names(DTdata()))-1)))
          #editable = list(target = "cell"),
        selection = "none",
        escape = FALSE,
        server = TRUE,
        #extensions = list('FixedColumns'=NULL, 'Buttons'=NULL),
        extensions = list( 'FixedColumns'=NULL, 'Buttons'=NULL),
        options = list(
          dom = if (canRm()) { 'tB'} else "t",
          scrollX = TRUE,
          fixedColumns = TRUE,
          columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE, targets=col.hidden)),
          buttons = list(list( extend = "collection", text="Add line", icon = shiny::icon("plus"),
                                action = DT::JS(paste0("function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
                                      Shiny.setInputValue('",id,"-addLine","', true,{priority: 'event'});
        callback = if( !is.null(tooltips)) {
          JS(paste0("var tips = ['",paste0(tooltips,sep='',collapse='\',\''),"'],
                    header = table.columns().header();
                    for (var i = 0; i < tips.length; i++) {
                    $(header[i]).attr('title', tips[i]);
        else {JS("")}

      # Le proxy pour les MAJ
      proxy <- DT::dataTableProxy(outputId = "tableEDT", session = session)
      # Une cellule est édité
      shiny::observeEvent(input$tableEDT_cell_edit, {
        thecell <- input$tableEDT_cell_edit

          i <- thecell$row
            j <- thecell$col
            if(j == 0) rownames(rv$data)[i] <- thecell$value
            else rv$data[i, j] <-  DT::coerceValue(thecell$value, rv$data[i, j])
            rv$value <- thecell$value
            rv$row <- i
            rv$col <- j
          else {
            j <- thecell$col + 1 ### ATTENTION DT retourne les indices de columns en JS ca commence à 0
            rv$data[i, j] <- DT::coerceValue(thecell$value, rv$data[i, j])
            rv$value <- rv$data[i, j]
            rv$row <- i
            rv$col <- j
        # on met à jour rv$data pour être à jour coté serveur
        # shiny::isolate({
        #   rv$data[i, j] <- DT::coerceValue(thecell$value, rv$data[i, j])
        #   rv$value <- rv$data[i, j]
        #   rv$row <- i
        #   rv$col <- j
        # })
        ## force reactive value return
        #shiny::observe({ rv$value <- rv$data[i, j]})
        # on met a jour le tableau cote client (normalement il n'y a pas de changement mais ca sera à jour)
        #DT::replaceData(proxy = proxy, data = rv$data, resetPaging = TRUE, rownames = rownames)
      # On assume que du moment qu'on peut ajouter une ligne on peut en supprimer une via la 
      # colonne delete
      shiny::observeEvent(input$addLine, {

        nbcol <-  ncol( rv$data)
        namecol <- colnames(rv$data)
        if(! 'delete' %in% names(rv$data) )
          nbcol <-  nbcol+1
          namecol <- c(colnames(rv$data),"delete")
        newline <- matrix(rep(c("0"), nbcol), byrow = TRUE, ncol = nbcol)
        # if default value exists
        if( !is.null(row.default) ){
          if( is.null(row.colsid)) newline <- row.default
          else {
            j <- 1
            lapply(row.colsid, FUN = function(x){newline[x] <<- row.default[j];j<<-j+1;})
        newline[nbcol] <- as.character(
            paste("button", nrow(rv$data)+1, sep = "_"),
            label = NULL,
            icon = shiny::icon("trash"),
            onclick = paste0('Shiny.setInputValue(\"', ns("deletePressed"), '\",, {priority: \"event\"})')
        newline <-
        colnames(newline) <- namecol
        # incremente cols
        if( !is.null( ) {
          lapply(, function(x){
            if([x])) ) {
              j <- nrow(rv$data)+1
              while( paste0(newline[x],j) %in% rv$data[,x] ) j <- j+1
              newline[x] <<- paste0(newline[x],j)
            } else {
              val <- max(sort(as.numeric(rv$data[,x]))) +1
              newline[x] <<- val
        sapply(1:nbcol, function(i){class(newline[,i]) <<- class(rv$data[,i]); mode(newline[,i]) <<- mode(rv$data[,i]); })
        #DT::addRow(proxy,newline) # addRow bug, du coup on met a jour tout le tableau "server=FALSE"
        shiny::isolate(rv$data <- rbind(rv$data, newline))
        # if (canRm() == TRUE) {
        #   proxy %>%
        #     DT::replaceData(data = cbind(rv$data, deleteButton(rv$data, "button", ns("deletePressed"))), resetPaging = FALSE, rownames = FALSE)
        # } else {
          proxy %>%
            DT::replaceData(data = rv$data, resetPaging = TRUE, rownames=rownames)
        # }
      shiny::observeEvent(input$deletePressed, {
        id <- as.integer(sub(".*_([0-9]+)", "\\1", input$deletePressed))
          paste0("-> Remove line ",id," !"),
          paste0("Values : ", paste(rv$data[id,-ncol(rv$data)],collapse = " | "), "\n\nAre you sure ?"),
          type = "warning",
          closeOnEsc = FALSE,
          showCancelButton = TRUE,
          size = "m",
          callbackR = function(x) {
            if (x == TRUE) {
              rv$row <- id
              rv$value <- rv$data[rv$row, ]
              rv$data <- rv$data[-rv$row, ,drop = FALSE]
              rv$col <- 0
              shiny::isolate(rv$data <- cbind(rv$data[,-ncol(rv$data), drop=FALSE], deleteButton(rv$data, "button", ns("deletePressed"))))
              proxy %>%
                DT::replaceData(data = rv$data, resetPaging = TRUE, rownames=rownames)
      #return(reactive({c(rv$data, rv$row, rv$col, rv$value)}))

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landsepi documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:36 p.m.