### Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Deepayan Sarkar <>
### This file is part of the lattice package for R.
### It is made available under the terms of the GNU General Public
### License, version 2, or at your option, any later version,
### incorporated herein by reference.
### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
### useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
### PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
### details.
### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
### License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
### Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
### MA 02110-1301, USA
col.whitebg <- function()
list(background = list(col="transparent"),
plot.polygon = list(col="#c8ffc8"),
box.rectangle = list(col="darkgreen"),
box.umbrella = list(col="darkgreen"),
dot.line = list(col="gray90"),
dot.symbol = list(col="darkgreen"),
plot.line = list(col="darkgreen"),
plot.symbol = list(col="darkgreen"),
##regions=list(col=rev(hsv(h=250:349/1000, v=30:129/150,s=.5,
##gamma = .6)))
regions = list(col = heat.colors(100)),
strip.shingle = list(col = c("#ff7f00", "#00ff00", "#00ffff",
"#0080ff", "#ff00ff", "#ff0000", "#ffff00")),
strip.background = list(col = c("#ffe5cc", "#ccffcc", "#ccffff",
"#cce6ff", "#ffccff", "#ffcccc", "#ffffcc")),
reference.line = list(col="gray90"),
superpose.line = list(col = c("darkgreen","red","royalblue",
"brown","orange","turquoise", "orchid"),
lty = 1:7),
superpose.symbol = list(pch = c(1,3,6,0,5,16,17), cex = rep(.7, 7),
col = c("darkgreen","red","royalblue",
"brown","orange","turquoise", "orchid")))
## this function is used to make the superpose.polygon colors less
## saturated versions of the symbol and line colors
lower.saturation <-
function(x, f = 0.2, space = c("RGB", "HCL"))
## lower saturation in RGB or HCL space?
space <- match.arg(tolower(space), c("rgb", "hcl"))
## for HCL space ideally colorspace::lighten() should be used
if((space == "hcl") && requireNamespace("colorspace")) {
return(colorspace::lighten(x, amount = 1 - f))
## for RGB space the old implementation from lattice is used,
## for HCL space (if colorspace is unavailable) an approximation in LUV is used
RGB <- col2rgb(x)
if(space == "rgb") {
RGB[] <- 255 - RGB
RGB[] <- round(f * RGB)
RGB[] <- 255 - RGB
} else {
## adjust L coordinate of HCL/LUV only, chroma is left as it is
LUV <- convertColor(t(RGB), from = "sRGB", to = "Luv", = 255)
Lold <- pmin(100, pmax(0, LUV[, "L"]))
LUV[, "L"] <- 100 - (100 - Lold) * f
RGB[] <- t(convertColor(LUV, from = "Luv", to = "sRGB", scale.out = 255))
rgb(RGB["red", ],
RGB["green", ],
RGB["blue", ],
maxColorValue = 255)
## make a 'shading' function from region colors, for use in
## wireframe(shade = TRUE). 'pref' controls the amount of matte /
## glossy-ness.
makeShadePalette <- function(col.regions, ..., min = 0.05, pref = 0.75)
cramp <- colorRamp(col.regions, ...)
function(irr, ref, height)
## All arguments will be scalars currently.
## Better alternative: use colorspace::darken()
RGB <- cramp(height)
RGB[] <- (min + (1-min) * irr * ref^pref) * RGB # darken
rgb(RGB[, 1], RGB[, 2], RGB[, 3], maxColorValue = 255)
## Construct a custom theme based on supplied colors (originally in
## latticeExtra).
custom_theme <-
function(symbol, fill, region,
reference = "gray90", bg = "transparent", fg = "black", = rep("gray95", 7), strip.fg = rep("gray70", 7),
theme <-
list(plot.polygon = list(col = fill[1], border = fg[1]),
box.rectangle = list(col= symbol[1]),
box.umbrella = list(col= symbol[1]),
dot.line = list(col = reference),
dot.symbol = list(col = symbol[1]),
plot.line = list(col = symbol[1]),
plot.symbol = list(col= symbol[1]),
reference.line = list(col = reference),
superpose.line = list(col = symbol),
superpose.symbol = list(col = symbol),
superpose.polygon = list(col = fill, border = fg),
regions = list(col = colorRampPalette(region)(100)),
shade.colors = list(palette = makeShadePalette(region)),
strip.background = list(col =,
strip.shingle = list(col = strip.fg),
strip.border = list(col = fg),
background = list(col = bg),
add.line = list(col = fg),
add.text = list(col = fg), = list(col = fg),
axis.line = list(col = fg),
axis.text = list(col = fg),
strip.border = list(col = fg),
box.3d = list(col = fg),
par.xlab.text = list(col = fg),
par.ylab.text = list(col = fg),
par.zlab.text = list(col = fg),
par.main.text = list(col = fg),
par.sub.text = list(col = fg))
modifyList(modifyList(classic.theme("pdf"), theme),
## (v0.21-7) Extended to make it easy to provide user-supplied colors.
## Default symbol colors are from Okabe-Ito, reordered to match classic theme somewhat better.
## Default fill colors are lightened versions of the symbol colors.
## Default region colors are the sequential HCL palette "YlGnBu" (approximating the one from ColorBrewer).
## Old standard.theme() / canonical.theme() renamed to classic.theme()
canonical.theme <- function(...) standard.theme(...)
standard.theme <- function(name, color = TRUE,
symbol = palette.colors(palette = "Okabe-Ito")[c(6, 2, 4, 7, 3, 5, 8)],
fill = NULL,
region = hcl.colors(14, palette = "YlGnBu", rev = TRUE),
reference = "gray90",
bg = "transparent",
fg = "black",
if (is.null(fill))
fill <- if (!missing(symbol)) lower.saturation(symbol, 0.4, space = "HCL")
else c("#94C6FF", "#FFD6AD", "#76E3B8", "#FFBBA9", "#BCE1FF", "#FFF691", "#FFC1E1")
if (!missing(name))
classic.theme(name = name, color = color)
else if (!color)
classic.theme(color = FALSE)
custom_theme(symbol = symbol, fill = fill, region = region,
reference = reference, bg = bg, fg = fg, ...)
classic.theme <- function(name = .Device, color = name != "postscript")
## For the purpose of this function, the only differences in the
## settings/themes arise from the difference in the default
## colors. So, I will first set up the appropriate colors
## according to 'name', and then use those to create the
## theme. The first 16 colors correspond to trellis.settings
## colors, the 17th is the background color.
if (color)
## color colors
can.col <-
if (name %in% c("windows", "X11"))
c("#000000", "#00ffff", "#ff00ff", "#00ff00",
"#ff7f00", "#007eff", "#ffff00", "#ff0000",
"#c6ffff", "#ffc3ff", "#c8ffc8", "#ffd18f",
"#a9e2ff", "#ffffc3", "#ff8c8a", "#aaaaaa",
else if (name %in% c("postscript", "pdf", "xfig"))
c("#000000", "#00ffff", "#ff00ff", "#00ff00",
"#ff7f00", "#0080ff", "#ffff00", "#ff0000",
"#ccffff", "#ffccff", "#ccffcc", "#ffe5cc",
"#cce6ff", "#ffffcc", "#ffcccc", "#e6e6e6",
else ## default, same as X11 for now
c("#000000", "#00FFFF", "#FF00FF", "#00FF00",
"#FF7F00", "#007EFF", "#FFFF00", "#FF0000",
"#C6FFFF", "#FFC3FF", "#C8FFC8", "#FFD18F",
"#A9E2FF", "#FFFFC3", "#FF8C8A", "#AAAAAA",
else ## b&w colors, same for all devices (8:15 mostly unnecessary)
can.col <-
c("#000000", "#999999", "#4C4C4C", "#E6E6E6", "#F2F2F2",
"#B2B2B2", "#000000", "#030303", "#050505", "#080808",
"#0A0A0A", "#0D0D0D", "#0F0F0F", "#121212", "#151515",
"#AAAAAA", "transparent")
## The following is the canonical definition of what elements are
## valid in any setting. Adding something here should be necessary
## and sufficient.
## Note: For any component with a $font entry, more general
## specifications using $fontfamily and $fontface is also allowed
## (see ?grid::gpar for details). If set, fontsize$text will
## override get.gpar("fontsize") (which in turn usually defaults
## to the device pointsize).
## color settings, modified later if postscript or color = FALSE
ans <-
list( = list(), ## set globally at the beginning
fontsize = list(text = 12, points = 8),
background = list(alpha = 1, col = can.col[17]),
panel.background = list(col = "transparent"),
clip = list(panel = "on", strip = "on"),
add.line = list(alpha = 1, col = can.col[1], lty = 1, lwd = 1),
add.text = list(alpha = 1, cex = 1, col = can.col[1], font = 1, lineheight = 1.2),
plot.polygon = list(alpha = 1, col = can.col[2], border = "black", lty = 1, lwd = 1), = list(alpha = 1, col = can.col[1], cex = 1, font = 1, pch = 16),
box.rectangle = list(alpha = 1, col = can.col[2], fill = "transparent", lty = 1, lwd = 1),
box.umbrella = list(alpha = 1, col = can.col[2], lty = 2, lwd = 1),
dot.line = list(alpha = 1, col = can.col[16], lty = 1, lwd = 1),
dot.symbol = list(alpha = 1, cex = 0.8, col = can.col[2], font = 1, pch = 16),
plot.line = list(alpha = 1, col = can.col[2], lty = 1, lwd = 1),
plot.symbol = list(alpha = 1, cex = 0.8, col = can.col[2], font = 1, pch = 1, fill = "transparent"),
reference.line = list(alpha = 1, col = can.col[16], lty = 1, lwd = 1),
strip.background = list(alpha = 1, col = can.col[c(12, 11, 9, 13, 10, 15, 14)]),
strip.shingle = list(alpha = 1, col = can.col[c(5, 4, 2, 6, 3, 8, 7)]),
strip.border = list(alpha = 1, col = rep(can.col[1], 7), lty = rep(1, 7), lwd = rep(1, 7)),
superpose.line = list(alpha = 1, col = can.col[2:8], lty = rep(1, 7), lwd = rep(1, 7)),
superpose.symbol = list(alpha = rep(1, 7), cex = rep(0.8, 7), col = can.col[2:8],
fill = lower.saturation(can.col[2:8]),
## WAS: fill = rep("transparent", 7),
font = rep(1, 7), pch = rep(1, 7)),
superpose.polygon= list(alpha = rep(1, 7),
col = lower.saturation(can.col[2:8]), ## WAS can.col[2:8]
border = rep("black", 7), lty = rep(1, 7), lwd = rep(1, 7)),
regions = list(alpha = 1, col = rev(cm.colors(100))),
shade.colors = list(alpha = 1, palette = function(irr, ref, height, saturation = .9) {
hsv(h = height, s = 1 - saturation * (1 - (1-ref)^0.5), v = irr)
axis.line = list(alpha = 1, col = can.col[1], lty = 1, lwd = 1),
axis.text = list(alpha = 1, cex = .8, col = can.col[1], font = 1, lineheight = 1),
## NEW: controls widths of tick marks and padding of labels
axis.components = list(left = list(tck = 1, pad1 = 1, pad2 = 1),
top = list(tck = 1, pad1 = 1, pad2 = 1),
right = list(tck = 1, pad1 = 1, pad2 = 1),
bottom = list(tck = 1, pad1 = 1, pad2 = 1)),
## NEW: controls widths of basic layout's components
layout.heights = list(top.padding = 1,
main = 1,
main.key.padding = 1, = 1, = 1,
key.axis.padding = 1, = 1,
strip = 1,
panel = 1, ## shouldn't be changed
axis.panel = 1, ## can be useful
between = 1,
axis.bottom = 1,
axis.xlab.padding = 1,
xlab = 1,
xlab.key.padding = 1,
key.bottom = 1,
key.sub.padding = 1,
sub = 1,
bottom.padding = 1),
layout.widths = list(left.padding = 1,
key.left = 1,
key.ylab.padding = 1,
ylab = 1,
ylab.axis.padding = 1,
axis.left = 1,
axis.panel = 1, ## can be useful
strip.left = 1,
panel = 1, ## shouldn't be changed
between = 1,
axis.right = 1,
axis.key.padding = 1,
ylab.right = 1,
key.right = 1,
right.padding = 1),
box.3d = list(alpha = 1, col = can.col[1], lty = 1, lwd = 1),
par.title.text = list(alpha = 1, cex = 1.2, col = can.col[1], font = 1, lineheight = 1), # legend title (not used for key yet)
par.xlab.text = list(alpha = 1, cex = 1, col = can.col[1], font = 1, lineheight = 1),
par.ylab.text = list(alpha = 1, cex = 1, col = can.col[1], font = 1, lineheight = 1),
par.zlab.text = list(alpha = 1, cex = 1, col = can.col[1], font = 1, lineheight = 1),
par.main.text = list(alpha = 1, cex = 1.2, col = can.col[1], font = 2, lineheight = 1),
par.sub.text = list(alpha = 1, cex = 1, col = can.col[1], font = 2, lineheight = 1))
if (color)
if (name == "postscript" || name == "pdf")
ans$plot.symbol$col <- can.col[6]
ans$plot.line$col <- can.col[6]
ans$dot.symbol$col <- can.col[6]
ans$box.rectangle$col <- can.col[6]
ans$box.umbrella$col <- can.col[6]
ans$superpose.symbol$col <- c(can.col[c(6, 3, 4, 8)],
"orange", "darkgreen", "brown")
ans$superpose.symbol$col[c(3, 6)] <- ans$superpose.symbol$col[c(6, 3)]
ans$superpose.line$col <- ans$superpose.symbol$col
else {
## black and white settings
ans$plot.polygon$col <- can.col[5]
### ans$$col <- can.col[1]
ans$box.rectangle$col <- can.col[1]
ans$box.umbrella$col <- can.col[1]
### ans$box.umbrella$lty <- 2
ans$dot.line$col <- can.col[4]
ans$dot.symbol$col <- can.col[1]
### ans$dot.symbol$cex <- 0.85
ans$plot.line$col <- can.col[1]
ans$plot.symbol$col <- can.col[1]
## changing this to be like barplot
## ans$regions$col <- gray(29:128/128)
ans$regions$col <- grey(seq(0.3^2.2, 0.9^2.2, length.out = 100)^(1/2.2))
ans$shade.colors$palette <-
function(irr, ref, height, w = .5)
grey(w * irr + (1 - w) * (1 - (1-ref)^.4))
### ans$reference.line$col <- can.col[4]
ans$strip.background$col <- can.col[rep(5, 7)]
ans$strip.shingle$col <- can.col[rep(6, 7)]
ans$superpose.line$col <- can.col[rep(1, 7)]
ans$superpose.line$lty <- 1:7
ans$superpose.symbol$col <- can.col[rep(1, 7)]
ans$superpose.symbol$cex <- rep(0.7, 7)
ans$superpose.symbol$pch <- c(1,3,6,0,5,16,17)
ans$superpose.polygon$col <- grey( (c(6, 12, 7, 11, 8, 10, 9)/15)^.8 )
##ans$superpose.symbol$pch <- c("o","+",">","s","w","#","{")
## trellis.par.grep <-
## function(pattern,
## theme = trellis.par.get(),
## ...)
## {
## nms <- names(theme)
## id <- grep(pattern, nms)
## ## if match, leave in return value, o.w. apply recursively
## if (length(id)) id <- -id ## id now non-matches
## for (nm in nms[id])
## {
## print(nm)
## theme[[nm]] <-
## if (is.list(theme[[nm]]))
## trellis.par.grep(pattern, theme[[nm]], ...)
## else
## }
## if (all(sapply(theme, is.null))) NULL else theme
## }
trellis.par.get <-
function(name = NULL)
## the default device is opened if none already open
if (is.null(dev.list())) trellis.device()
lattice.theme <- get("lattice.theme", envir = .LatticeEnv)
## just in case settings for the current device haven't been
## created yet, which may happen if the device is opened by x11(),
## say, (i.e., not by trellis.device()) and no trellis object has
## been printed on this device yet.
if (is.null(lattice.theme[[.Device]])) {
trellis.device(device = .Device, new = FALSE)
lattice.theme <- get("lattice.theme", envir = .LatticeEnv)
if (is.null(name))
else if (name %in% names(lattice.theme[[.Device]]))
else NULL
trellis.par.set <-
function(name, value, ..., theme, warn = TRUE, strict = FALSE)
## the default device is opened if none already open
if (is.null(dev.list()))
if (warn)
warning("Note: The default device has been opened to honour attempt to modify trellis settings")
## if (name %in% names(lattice.theme[[.Device]])) NEEDED as a safeguard ?
## if (!is.list(value)) stop("value must be a list")
lattice.theme <- get("lattice.theme", envir = .LatticeEnv)
## make sure a list for this device is present
if (is.null(lattice.theme[[.Device]]))
trellis.device(device = .Device, new = FALSE)
lattice.theme <- get("lattice.theme", envir = .LatticeEnv)
## WAS: lattice.theme[[.Device]][[name]] <- value
if (missing(theme))
if (!missing(value))
theme <- list(value)
names(theme) <- name
else if (!missing(name) && is.list(name))
theme <- name
else theme <- list(...)
if (is.character(theme)) theme <- get(theme)
if (is.function(theme)) theme <- theme()
if (!is.list(theme))
warning("Invalid 'theme' specified")
theme <- NULL
if (strict)
if (strict > 1L) lattice.theme[[.Device]] <- theme
else lattice.theme[[.Device]][names(theme)] <- theme
lattice.theme[[.Device]] <- updateList(lattice.theme[[.Device]], theme)
assign("lattice.theme", lattice.theme, envir = .LatticeEnv)
trellis.device <-
function(device = getOption("device"),
color = !( == "postscript"),
theme = lattice.getOption("default.theme"),
new = TRUE,
retain = FALSE,
## Get device function
if (is.character(device))
## to make sure this works even if package grDevices is not attached
if (new || is.null(dev.list()))
{ <- try(get(device), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(, "try-error")) <-
try(utils::getFromNamespace(device, "grDevices"),
silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(, "try-error"))
stop(gettextf("Could not find device function '%s'", device))
} <- device
{ <- device <- deparse(substitute(device))
## Start the new device if necessary.
## new = FALSE ignored if no devices open.
## FIXME: remove this warning in some future version
if ("bg" %in% names(list(...)))
warning("'trellis.device' has changed, 'bg' may not be doing what you think it is")
if (new || is.null(dev.list()))
lattice.setStatus(print.more = FALSE)
## In the olden days, the defaults were device specific, and given
## by 'canonical.theme(name = .Device, color = color)'. From R
## 2.3.0, this was changed so that all (color) devices now have
## the same defaults, namely 'canonical.theme(name = "pdf", color
## = color)'. The old default can be reinstated by putting
## 'options(lattice.theme = "canonical.theme")' during startup, or
## 'lattice.options(default.theme = "canonical.theme")' after
## loading lattice.
## Update: From lattice 0.21, canonical.theme has been updated to
## use a HCL based color palette by default, and
## 'canonical.theme()' has been renamed to 'classic.theme()'.
## Make sure there's an entry for this device in the theme list
lattice.theme <- get("lattice.theme", envir = .LatticeEnv)
if (!(.Device %in% names(lattice.theme)))
lattice.theme[[.Device]] <- standard.theme(color = color)
assign("lattice.theme", lattice.theme, envir = .LatticeEnv)
## If retain = FALSE, overwrite with default settings for device
if (!retain) trellis.par.set(standard.theme(color = color))
## get theme as list
if (!is.null(theme) && !is.list(theme))
if (is.character(theme)) theme <- get(theme)
if (is.function(theme)) theme <- theme()
if (!is.list(theme))
warning("Invalid 'theme' specified")
theme <- NULL
## apply theme
if (!is.null(theme)) trellis.par.set(theme)
lset <- function(theme = col.whitebg())
show.settings <- function(x = NULL)
old.settings <- trellis.par.get()
if (!is.null(x)) trellis.par.set(x)
theme <- trellis.par.get()
d <- c("superpose.symbol",
"dot.[symbol, line]",
"box.[dot, rectangle, umbrella]",
"add.[line, text]",
"plot.[symbol, line]",
d <- factor(d, levels = d)
## We only draw a border box for some panels. To do this, we make
## axis.line globally transparent, and then draw the border on a
## case-by-case basis. But to do that, we need to store the
## original axis.line settings. <- trellis.par.get("axis.line") <- function()
panel.fill(col = "transparent",
border = adjustcolor($col,$alpha),
lty =$lty,
lwd =$lwd)
xyplot(d ~ d | d,
prepanel = function(x, y) {
list(ylim = c(0, 1),
xlim = as.character(x),
xat = 1)
panel = function(x, y) {
cpl <- current.panel.limits() # ylim = c(0, 1)
rsx <- function(u) # (ReScaleX) map from [0,1]
cpl$xlim[1] + u * diff(cpl$xlim)
"superpose.symbol" = {
superpose.symbol <- trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol")
len <- max(2, sapply(superpose.symbol, length))
panel.superpose(x = rep(rsx(ppoints(len)), len),
y = rep(ppoints(len), each = len),
groups = gl(len, len),
subscripts = 1:(len*len))
"superpose.line" = {
superpose.line <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line")
len <- max(2, sapply(superpose.line, length))
panel.superpose(x = rep(rsx(c(0,1)), len),
y = rep(ppoints(1:len), each = 2),
groups = gl(len, 2),
subscripts = 1:(2*len),
type = "l")
"strip.background" = {
strip.background <- trellis.par.get("strip.background")
strip.border <- trellis.par.get("strip.border")
len <-
max(2, sapply(strip.background, length),
sapply(strip.border, length))
panel.rect(y = ppoints(len), height = 0.5 / len,
xleft = cpl$xlim[1], xright = cpl$xlim[2],
col = adjustcolor(strip.background$col, strip.background$alpha),
border = strip.border$col,
lty = strip.border$lty,
lwd = strip.border$lwd)
"strip.shingle" = {
strip.shingle <- trellis.par.get("strip.shingle")
len <- max(2, sapply(strip.shingle, length))
panel.rect(y = ppoints(len), height = 0.5 / len,
xleft = cpl$xlim[1], xright = cpl$xlim[2],
col = adjustcolor(strip.shingle$col, strip.shingle$alpha),
border = "transparent")
"dot.[symbol, line]" = {
panel.dotplot(x = rsx(ppoints(5, a = 0)), y = ppoints(5, a = 0))
"box.[dot, rectangle, umbrella]" = {
panel.bwplot(x = rsx(ppoints(5)), y = rep(0.5, 5), box.width = 0.15)
"add.[line, text]" = {
add.line <- trellis.par.get("add.line")
xx <- seq(0.1, 0.9, length.out = 50)
yy <- 0.5 + .45 * sin(0.1 + 11 * xx)
panel.lines(x = rsx(xx), y = yy,
col = add.line$col, lty = add.line$lty, lwd = add.line$lwd)
panel.text(labels = c("Hello", "World"),
x = rsx(c(.25, .75)), y = c(0.25, 0.75))
"reference.line" = {
"plot.[symbol, line]" = {
## plot.symbol <- trellis.par.get("plot.symbol")
## plot.line <- trellis.par.get("plot.line")
## x <- seq(.1, .9, length.out = 20)
## y <- .9 * sin(.1+11*x)
xx <- seq(0.1, 0.9, length.out = 20)
yy <- 0.5 + .4 * sin(0.1 + 11 * xx)
panel.xyplot(x = rsx(xx + 0.05), y = yy + 0.01, type = "l")
panel.xyplot(x = rsx(xx - 0.05), y = yy - 0.01)
"plot.shingle[plot.polygon]" = {
xx <- seq(0.1, 0.4, length.out = 5)
yy <- ppoints(5)
panel.barchart(x = rsx(xx + 0.5), y = yy, origin = rsx(xx),
reference = FALSE, horizontal = TRUE,
box.width = 1/10)
"histogram[plot.polygon]" = {
xx <- ppoints(7, 0)
panel.barchart(x = rsx(xx), y = (2:8)/9, horizontal = FALSE,
origin = 1/18, box.width = diff(rsx(xx))[1],
reference = FALSE)
"barchart[plot.polygon]" = {
xx <- ppoints(6)
panel.barchart(x = rev(rsx(xx)), y = xx,
origin = cpl$xlim[1], box.width = 1/12)
"superpose.polygon" = {
superpose.polygon <- trellis.par.get("superpose.polygon")
len <- max(2, sapply(superpose.polygon, length))
xx <- ppoints(len)
panel.barchart(x = rsx(rev(xx)), y = rep(0.5, len),
groups = gl(len, 1),
subscripts = seq_len(len),
stack = FALSE,
box.width = 0.9)
"regions" = {
panel.levelplot(x = do.breaks(cpl$xlim, 98),
y = rep(0.5, 99),
z = 1:99 + 0.5,
at = 1:100,
region = TRUE,
subscripts = 1:99)
## layout = c(4, 4),
par.settings = modifyList(theme,
list(axis.line = list(col = "transparent"),
clip = list(panel = "off"))),
as.table = TRUE, strip = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "",
between = list(x = 1, y = 0.5),
scales = list(relation = "free",
y = list(draw = FALSE, axs = "i"),
x = list(tck = 0, axs = "r")))
## show.settings.old <- function(x = NULL)
## {
## old.settings <- trellis.par.get()
## on.exit(trellis.par.set(old.settings))
## if (!is.null(x)) trellis.par.set(x)
## theme <- trellis.par.get()
## n.row <- 13
## n.col <- 9
## heights.x <- rep(1, n.row)
## heights.units <- rep("lines", n.row)
## heights.units[c(2, 5, 8, 11)] <- "null"
## widths.x <- rep(1, n.row)
## widths.units <- rep("lines", n.row)
## widths.units[c(2, 4, 6, 8)] <- "null"
## page.layout <-
## grid.layout(nrow = n.row, ncol = n.col,
## widths = unit(widths.x, widths.units),
## heights = unit(heights.x, heights.units))
## if (!lattice.getStatus("print.more")) grid.newpage()
## lattice.setStatus(print.more = FALSE)
## grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = theme$background$col,
## col = "transparent"))
## pushViewport(viewport(layout = page.layout,
## gp = gpar(fontsize = theme$fontsize$text)))
## <-
## gpar(col = theme$axis.line$col,
## lty = theme$axis.line$lty,
## lwd = theme$axis.line$lwd,
## alpha = theme$axis.line$alpha,
## fill = "transparent")
## ## superpose.symbol
## superpose.symbol <- theme$superpose.symbol
## len <- max(2, sapply(superpose.symbol, length))
## pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 2,
## layout.pos.col = 2,
## yscale = c(0,len+1),
## xscale = c(0,len+1)))
## panel.superpose(x = rep(1:len, len),
## y = rep(1:len, each = len),
## groups = gl(len, len),
## subscripts = 1:(len*len))
## popViewport()
## grid.text(label = "superpose.symbol",
## vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 3, layout.pos.col = 2))
## ## superpose.line
## superpose.line <- theme$superpose.line
## len <- max(2, sapply(superpose.line, length))
## pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 2,
## layout.pos.col = 4,
## yscale = c(0,len+1),
## xscale = c(0, 1)))
## panel.superpose(x = rep(c(0,1), len),
## y = rep(1:len, each = 2),
## groups = gl(len, 2),
## subscripts = 1:(2*len),
## type = "l")
## popViewport()
## grid.text(label = "superpose.line",
## vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 3, layout.pos.col = 4))
## ## strip.background
## strip.background <- theme$strip.background
## strip.border <- theme$strip.border
## len <-
## max(sapply(strip.background, length),
## sapply(strip.border, length))
## pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 2,
## layout.pos.col = 6,
## yscale = c(0, len+1),
## xscale = c(0, 1)))
## grid.rect(y = unit(1:len, "native"),
## height = unit(0.5, "native"),
## gp =
## gpar(fill = strip.background$col,
## alpha = strip.background$alpha,
## col = strip.border$col,
## lty = strip.border$lty,
## lwd = strip.border$lwd))
## popViewport()
## grid.text(label = "strip.background",
## vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 3, layout.pos.col = 6))
## ## strip.shingle
## strip.shingle <- theme$strip.shingle
## len <- max(sapply(strip.shingle, length))
## pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 2,
## layout.pos.col = 8,
## yscale = c(0,len+1),
## xscale = c(0,1)))
## grid.rect(y = unit(1:len, "native"),
## height = unit(0.5, "native"),
## gp =
## gpar(fill = strip.shingle$col,
## alpha = strip.shingle$alpha,
## col = "transparent", lwd = 0.0001))
## popViewport()
## grid.text(label = "strip.shingle",
## vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 3, layout.pos.col = 8))
## ## dot.[symbol, line]
## pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 5,
## layout.pos.col = 2,
## yscale = extend.limits(c(0,6)),
## xscale = c(0,6)))
## panel.dotplot(x = 1:5, y = 1:5)
## grid.rect(gp =
## popViewport()
## grid.text(label = "dot.[symbol, line]",
## vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 6, layout.pos.col = 2))
## ## box.[dot, rectangle, umbrella]
## pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 5,
## layout.pos.col = 4,
## yscale = c(-2, 2),
## xscale = c(0,6)))
## panel.bwplot(x = 1:5, y = rep(0, 5))
## grid.rect(gp =
## popViewport()
## grid.text(label = "box.[dot, rectangle, umbrella]",
## vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 6, layout.pos.col = 4))
## ## add.[line, text]
## add.text <- theme$add.text
## add.line <- theme$add.line
## pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 5,
## layout.pos.col = 6,
## yscale = c(-1,1),
## xscale = c(0,1)))
## x <- seq(.1, .9, length.out = 50)
## y <- .9 * sin(.1+11*x)
## llines(x = x, y = y, type = "l", col = add.line$col,
## lty = add.line$lty, lwd = add.line$lwd)
## ltext(labels = c("Hello", "World"),
## x = c(.25, .75), y = c(-.5, .5))
## grid.rect(gp =
## popViewport()
## grid.text(label = "add.[line, text]",
## vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 6, layout.pos.col = 6))
## ## reference.line
## pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 5,
## layout.pos.col = 8,
## yscale = c(0,4),
## xscale = c(0,4)))
## panel.grid()
## grid.rect(gp =
## popViewport()
## grid.text(label = "reference.line",
## vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 6, layout.pos.col = 8))
## ## plot.[symbol, line]
## plot.symbol <- theme$plot.symbol
## plot.line <- theme$plot.line
## pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 8,
## layout.pos.col = 2,
## yscale = c(-1.1,1.1),
## xscale = c(-.1,1.1)))
## x <- seq(.1, .9, length.out = 20)
## y <- .9 * sin(.1+11*x)
## panel.xyplot(x = x+.05, y = y+.1, type = "l")
## panel.xyplot(x = x-.05, y = y-.1)
## grid.rect(gp =
## popViewport()
## grid.text(label = "plot.[symbol, line]",
## vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 9, layout.pos.col = 2))
## ## plot.shingle[plot.polygon]
## plot.polygon <- theme$plot.polygon
## pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 8,
## layout.pos.col = 4,
## yscale = extend.limits(c(0,6)),
## xscale = extend.limits(c(1,10))))
## grid.rect(x = c(3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5), width = rep(5,5),
## y = c(1,2,3,4,5), height = rep(.5, ,5),
## default.units = "native",
## gp =
## gpar(fill = plot.polygon$col,
## col = plot.polygon$border,
## alpha = plot.polygon$alpha,
## lty = plot.polygon$lty,
## lwd = plot.polygon$lwd))
## grid.rect(gp =
## popViewport()
## grid.text(label = "plot.shingle[plot.polygon]",
## vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 9, layout.pos.col = 4))
## ## histogram[plot.polygon]
## pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 8,
## layout.pos.col = 6,
## yscale = extend.limits(c(0,7)),
## xscale = extend.limits(c(0.5,7.5))))
## panel.histogram(x = rep(1:7, 1:7), breaks = 0:7 + 0.5, type = "count")
## grid.rect(gp =
## popViewport()
## grid.text(label = "histogram[plot.polygon]",
## vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 9, layout.pos.col = 6))
## ## barchart[plot.polygon]
## pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 8,
## layout.pos.col = 8,
## yscale = extend.limits(c(0.5,6.5)),
## xscale = c(-1,7)))
## panel.barchart(x = 6:1, y = 1:6)
## grid.rect(gp =
## popViewport()
## grid.text(label = "barchart[plot.polygon]",
## vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 9, layout.pos.col = 8))
## ## superpose.polygon
## superpose.polygon <- trellis.par.get("superpose.polygon")
## len <- max(2, sapply(superpose.polygon, length))
## pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 11,
## layout.pos.col = 2,
## yscale = extend.limits(c(-.45, .45)),
## xscale = c(-1, len+1)))
## panel.barchart(x = len:1, y = rep(0, len),
## groups = gl(len, 1),
## subscripts = 1:len,
## stack = FALSE)
## grid.rect(gp =
## popViewport()
## grid.text(label = "superpose.polygon",
## vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 12, layout.pos.col = 2))
## ## regions
## regions <- theme$regions
## len <- length(regions$col)
## pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 11,
## layout.pos.col = 4,
## xscale = c(0,len+1)))
## grid.rect(x = 1:len, width = 1,
## default.units = "native",
## gp =
## gpar(col = "transparent",
## fill = regions$col,
## alpha = regions$alpha))
## grid.rect(gp =
## popViewport()
## grid.text(label = "regions",
## vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 12, layout.pos.col = 4))
## invisible()
## }
## non-graphical options and layout defaults (in terms of grid units)
lattice.getOption <- function(name)
get("lattice.options", envir = .LatticeEnv)[[name]]
## FIXME: lattice.options(foo == 1) doesn't work?
lattice.options <- function(...)
## this would have been really simple if only forms allowed were
## lattice.options("foo", "bar") and
## lattice.options(foo=1, bar=2). But it could also be
## lattice.options(foo=1, "bar"), which makes some juggling necessary
new <- list(...)
if (is.null(names(new)) && length(new) == 1 && is.list(new[[1]])) new <- new[[1]]
old <- .LatticeEnv$lattice.options
## any reason to prefer get("lattice.options", envir = .LatticeEnv)?
## if no args supplied, returns full options list
if (length(new) == 0) return(old)
nm <- names(new)
if (is.null(nm)) return(old[unlist(new)]) ## typically getting options, not setting
isNamed <- nm != "" ## typically all named when setting, but could have mix
if (any(!isNamed)) nm[!isNamed] <- unlist(new[!isNamed])
## so now everything has non-"" names, but only the isNamed ones should be set
## everything should be returned, however
retVal <- old[nm]
names(retVal) <- nm
nm <- nm[isNamed]
## this used to be
## modified <- updateList(retVal[nm], new[nm])
## .LatticeEnv$lattice.options[names(modified)] <- modified
## but then calling lattice.options(foo = NULL) had no effect
## because foo would be missing from modified. So, we now do:
.LatticeEnv$lattice.options <- updateList(old, new[nm])
## return changed entries invisibly
.defaultLatticeOptions <- function()
list(save.object = TRUE,
panel.error = "panel.error",
drop.unused.levels = list(cond = TRUE, data = TRUE),
default.theme = getOption("lattice.theme"), ## for back compatibility, usually NULL
legend.bbox = "panel", ## for key$space = "inside"
banking = banking,
histogram.breaks = NULL,
default.args =
list(as.table = FALSE,
aspect = "fill",
auto.key = FALSE,
between = list(x=0, y=0),
grid = FALSE,
##page = NULL,
##main = NULL,
##sub = NULL,
##par.strip.text = NULL,
##layout = NULL,
skip = FALSE,
strip = strip.default,
xscale.components = xscale.components.default,
yscale.components = yscale.components.default,
axis = axis.default),
## extends limits by this amount, to provide padding for
## numeric and factor scales respectively. Note that the
## value for numeric is multiplicative, while factor is
## additive
axis.padding = list(numeric = 0.07, factor = 0.6),
## ticks too close to the limits will not be drawn unless
## explicitly requested. Limits will be contracted by this
## proportion, and anything outside will be skipped.
skip.boundary.labels = 0.02,
## separator for interaction when generating artificial
## factor (see 'allow.multiple' argument in ?xyplot)
interaction.sep = " * ",
## default panel functions
panel.contourplot = "panel.contourplot",
panel.levelplot = "panel.levelplot",
panel.levelplot.raster = "panel.levelplot.raster",
panel.parallel = "panel.parallel",
panel.densityplot = "panel.densityplot",
panel.splom = "panel.splom",
panel.wireframe = "panel.wireframe",
panel.dotplot = "panel.dotplot",
panel.qq = "panel.qq",
panel.stripplot = "panel.stripplot",
panel.xyplot = "panel.xyplot",
panel.qqmath = "panel.qqmath",
panel.barchart = "panel.barchart",
panel.bwplot = "panel.bwplot",
panel.histogram = "panel.histogram", = "",
panel.pairs = "panel.pairs",
## default prepanel functions
prepanel.default.bwplot = "prepanel.default.bwplot", = "",
prepanel.default.densityplot = "prepanel.default.densityplot",
prepanel.default.histogram = "prepanel.default.histogram",
prepanel.default.levelplot = "prepanel.default.levelplot",
prepanel.default.parallel = "prepanel.default.parallel",
prepanel.default.qq = "prepanel.default.qq",
prepanel.default.qqmath = "prepanel.default.qqmath",
prepanel.default.splom = "prepanel.default.splom",
prepanel.default.xyplot = "prepanel.default.xyplot",
prepanel.default.dotplot = "prepanel.default.bwplot",
prepanel.default.barchart = "prepanel.default.bwplot",
prepanel.default.wireframe = "",
prepanel.default.contourplot = "prepanel.default.levelplot",
## Complicated grid unit calculations can be slow. Sometimes
## these can be optimized at the cost of potential loss of
## accuracy. This option controls whether such optimization
## should be applied.
## Currently, the only situation where this applies is for
## relation != free (which can be slow for multi-page output
## because the same calculations involving the height of
## multiple strings are repeated). Optimizing converts into
## absolute units, which may give wrong results when the plot
## is replayed on a different device.
optimize.grid = FALSE,
## Axis units. Rather than messing with these, end-users
## should manipulate corresponding settings via
## trellis.par.set()
axis.units =
list(outer =
list(left =
list(tick = list(x = 2, units = "mm"),
pad1 = list(x = 2, units = "mm"),
pad2 = list(x = 2, units = "mm")),
top =
list(tick = list(x = 2, units = "mm"),
pad1 = list(x = 2, units = "mm"),
pad2 = list(x = 2, units = "mm")),
right =
list(tick = list(x = 2, units = "mm"),
pad1 = list(x = 2, units = "mm"),
pad2 = list(x = 2, units = "mm")),
bottom =
list(tick = list(x = 2, units = "mm"),
pad1 = list(x = 2, units = "mm"),
pad2 = list(x = 2, units = "mm"))),
inner =
list(left =
list(tick = list(x = 2, units = "mm"),
pad1 = list(x = 2, units = "mm"),
pad2 = list(x = 2, units = "mm")),
top =
list(tick = list(x = 2, units = "mm"),
pad1 = list(x = 2, units = "mm"),
pad2 = list(x = 2, units = "mm")),
right =
list(tick = list(x = 2, units = "mm"),
pad1 = list(x = 2, units = "mm"),
pad2 = list(x = 2, units = "mm")),
bottom =
list(tick = list(x = 2, units = "mm"),
pad1 = list(x = 2, units = "mm"),
pad2 = list(x = 2, units = "mm")))),
## axis.units =
## list(outer =
## list(left =
## list(tick = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc"),
## pad1 = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc"),
## pad2 = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc")),
## top =
## list(tick = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc"),
## pad1 = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc"),
## pad2 = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc")),
## right =
## list(tick = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc"),
## pad1 = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc"),
## pad2 = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc")),
## bottom =
## list(tick = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc"),
## pad1 = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc"),
## pad2 = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc"))),
## inner =
## list(left =
## list(tick = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc"),
## pad1 = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc"),
## pad2 = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc")),
## top =
## list(tick = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc"),
## pad1 = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc"),
## pad2 = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc")),
## right =
## list(tick = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc"),
## pad1 = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc"),
## pad2 = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc")),
## bottom =
## list(tick = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc"),
## pad1 = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc"),
## pad2 = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc")))),
layout.heights =
## list(top.padding = list(x = 2, units = "mm", data = NULL),
## main = list(x = 0, units = "grobheight", data = textGrob(label="")),
## main.key.padding = list(x = 2, units = "mm", data = NULL),
## = list(x = 0, units = "grobheight", data = textGrob(label="")),
## key.axis.padding = list(x = 2, units = "mm", data = NULL),
## = list(x = 0, units = "mm", data = NULL),
## strip = list(x = 1, units = "lines", data = NULL),
## panel = list(x = 1, units = "null", data = NULL),
## axis.panel = list(x = 0, units = "mm", data = NULL),
## between = list(x = 5, units = "mm", data = NULL),
## axis.bottom = list(x = 0, units = "mm", data = NULL),
## axis.xlab.padding = list(x = 2, units = "mm", data = NULL),
## xlab = list(x = 0, units = "grobheight", data = textGrob(label="")),
## xlab.key.padding = list(x = 2, units = "mm", data = NULL),
## key.bottom = list(x = 0, units = "grobheight", data = textGrob(label="")),
## key.sub.padding = list(x = 2, units = "mm", data = NULL),
## sub = list(x = 0, units = "grobheight", data = textGrob(label="")),
## bottom.padding = list(x = 2, units = "mm", data = NULL)),
## layout.widths =
## list(left.padding = list(x = 2, units = "mm", data = NULL),
## key.left = list(x = 0, units = "grobwidth", data = textGrob(label="")),
## key.ylab.padding = list(x = 2, units = "mm", data = NULL),
## ## changed in 2.1.0
## ylab = list(x = 0, units = "grobwidth", data = textGrob(label="")),
## ylab.axis.padding = list(x = 2, units = "mm", data = NULL),
## axis.left = list(x = 0, units = "mm", data = NULL),
## axis.panel = list(x = 0, units = "mm", data = NULL),
## panel = list(x = 1, units = "null", data = NULL),
## between = list(x = 5, units = "mm", data = NULL),
## axis.right = list(x = 0, units = "mm", data = NULL),
## axis.key.padding = list(x = 2, units = "mm", data = NULL),
## key.right = list(x = 0, units = "grobwidth", data = textGrob(label="")),
## right.padding = list(x = 2, units = "mm", data = NULL)),
list(top.padding = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc", data = NULL),
main = list(x = 0, units = "grobheight", data = textGrob(label="")),
main.key.padding = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc", data = NULL), = list(x = 0, units = "grobheight", data = textGrob(label="")), = list(x = 0, units = "grobheight", data = textGrob(label="")),
key.axis.padding = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc", data = NULL), = list(x = 0, units = "mm", data = NULL),
strip = list(x = 1, units = "lines", data = NULL),
panel = list(x = 1, units = "null", data = NULL),
axis.panel = list(x = 0, units = "mm", data = NULL),
between = list(x = 5, units = "mm", data = NULL),
axis.bottom = list(x = 0, units = "mm", data = NULL),
axis.xlab.padding = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc", data = NULL),
xlab = list(x = 0, units = "grobheight", data = textGrob(label="")),
xlab.key.padding = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc", data = NULL),
key.bottom = list(x = 0, units = "grobheight", data = textGrob(label="")),
key.sub.padding = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc", data = NULL),
sub = list(x = 0, units = "grobheight", data = textGrob(label="")),
bottom.padding = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc", data = NULL)),
layout.widths =
list(left.padding = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc", data = NULL),
key.left = list(x = 0, units = "grobwidth", data = textGrob(label="")),
key.ylab.padding = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc", data = NULL),
ylab = list(x = 0, units = "grobwidth", data = textGrob(label="")),
ylab.axis.padding = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc", data = NULL),
axis.left = list(x = 0, units = "mm", data = NULL),
axis.panel = list(x = 0, units = "mm", data = NULL),
strip.left = list(x = 1, units = "lines", data = NULL),
panel = list(x = 1, units = "null", data = NULL),
between = list(x = 5, units = "mm", data = NULL),
axis.right = list(x = 0, units = "mm", data = NULL),
axis.key.padding = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc", data = NULL),
ylab.right = list(x = 0, units = "grobwidth", data = textGrob(label="")),
key.right = list(x = 0, units = "grobwidth", data = textGrob(label="")),
right.padding = list(x = 0.01, units = "snpc", data = NULL)),
highlight.gpar = list(col = "red", lwd = 2, fill = "transparent")
## Interface to internal storage for use by plot.trellis,
## trellis.focus, etc. The optional argument prefix allows one level
## of nesting for storing plot-specific settings (for example,
## multiple plots in a page, or the panel function of one plot calling
## plot.trellis() again).
lattice.getStatus <- function(name, prefix = NULL)
if (is.null(prefix))
get("lattice.status", envir = .LatticeEnv)[[name]]
get("lattice.status", envir = .LatticeEnv)[[prefix]][[name]]
lattice.setStatus <- function (..., prefix = NULL, clean.first = FALSE)
## if clean.first = TRUE, remove previously existing things. This
## is done whenever a new page is started, as otherwise crud from
## previous calls may keep piling up.
dots <- list(...)
if (is.null(names(dots)) && length(dots) == 1 && is.list(dots[[1]]))
dots <- dots[[1]]
if (length(dots) == 0) return()
lattice.status <-
if (clean.first) list()
else get("lattice.status", envir = .LatticeEnv)
if (is.null(prefix))
lattice.status[names(dots)] <- dots
lattice.status[[prefix]][names(dots)] <- dots
assign("lattice.status", lattice.status, envir = .LatticeEnv)
.defaultLatticeStatus <- function()
list(print.more = FALSE,
plot.index = 1) ## keeps track of multiple plots in a page
.defaultLatticePrefixStatus <- function()
list(current.plot.saved = FALSE,
current.plot.multipage = FALSE,
current.focus.row = 0,
current.focus.column = 0,
vp.highlighted = FALSE) ## keeps track of multiple plots in a page
simpleTheme <-
function(col, alpha,
cex, pch, lty, lwd, font, fill, border,
col.points, col.line,
alpha.points, alpha.line)
ans <-
list(plot.symbol = list(),
plot.line = list(),
plot.polygon = list(),
superpose.symbol = list(),
superpose.line = list(),
superpose.polygon = list())
setValue <- function(value, name, targets)
for (t in targets) ans[[t]][[name]] <<- value
if (!missing(col)) setValue(col, "col", 1:6)
if (!missing(alpha)) setValue(alpha, "alpha", 1:6)
if (!missing(cex)) setValue(cex, "cex", c(1, 4))
if (!missing(pch)) setValue(pch, "pch", c(1, 4))
if (!missing(lty)) setValue(lty, "lty", 1:6)
if (!missing(lwd)) setValue(lwd, "lwd", 1:6)
if (!missing(font)) setValue(font, "font", c(1, 4))
if (!missing(fill)) setValue(fill, "fill", c(1, 3, 4, 6))
if (!missing(border)) setValue(border, "border", c(3, 6))
if (!missing(col.points)) setValue(col.points, "col", c(1, 4))
if (!missing(col.line)) setValue(col.line, "col", c(2, 5))
if (!missing(alpha.points)) setValue(alpha.points, "alpha", c(1, 4))
if (!missing(alpha.line)) setValue(alpha.line, "alpha", c(2, 5))
## ensure first three only have scalars
for (nm in c("plot.symbol", "plot.line", "plot.polygon"))
ans[[nm]] <- lapply(ans[[nm]], head, 1)
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