# This code was contributed by Myrsini Katsikatsou (LSE) -- September 2016
# compute_uniCondProb_based_on_bivProb()
# pairwiseExpProbVec_GivenObs()
# LongVecTH.Rho.Generalised()
# pairwiseExpProbVec_GivenObs_UncMod()
compute_uniCondProb_based_on_bivProb <- function(bivProb, nvar,
idx.Gy2,, {
bivProb.split <- split(bivProb, idx.pairs)
lngth <- 2 * length(bivProb)
idx.vec.el <- 1:lngth
ProbY1Gy2 <- rep(NA, lngth)
no.pairs <- nvar * (nvar - 1) / 2
idx2.pairs <- combn(nvar, 2)
for (k in 1:no.pairs) {
y2Sums <- tapply(bivProb.split[[k]],[[k]], sum)
y2Sums.mult <- y2Sums[[[k]]]
Y1Gy2 <- bivProb.split[[k]] / y2Sums.mult
tmp.idx.vec.el <- idx.vec.el[(idx.Y1 == idx2.pairs[1, k]) &
(idx.Gy2 == idx2.pairs[2, k])]
ProbY1Gy2[tmp.idx.vec.el] <- Y1Gy2
for (k in 1:no.pairs) {
y1Sums <- tapply(bivProb.split[[k]],[[k]], sum)
y1Sums.mult <- y1Sums[[[k]]]
Y2Gy1 <- bivProb.split[[k]] / y1Sums.mult
reordered_Y2Gy1 <- Y2Gy1[order([[k]])]
tmp.idx.vec.el <- idx.vec.el[(idx.Y1 == idx2.pairs[2, k]) &
(idx.Gy2 == idx2.pairs[1, k])]
ProbY1Gy2[tmp.idx.vec.el] <- reordered_Y2Gy1
# The input of the function is a lavobject, which, in turn, is the output of the
# sem function having specified estimator="PML", missing="available.cases"
# The output of the function is a list of two lists: the pairwiseProbGivObs list and
# the univariateProbGivObs list. Each of the two lists consists of G matrices where G
# is the number of groups in a multigroup analysis. If G=1 each of the lists
# contains only one matrix that can be called as pairwiseProbGivObs[[1]], and
# univariateProbGivObs[[1]].
# Each of the matrices in the pairwiseProbGivObs list is of dimension: nrow=sample size,
# ncol=sum of the number of response categories for all pairs of variables
# (i.e. the length of the vector pxixj.ab where i<j=1,...,p, a=1,...,Ci, b=1,...,Cj;
# a which is the index for the response category for yi variable runs the fastest,
# then b which is the index for the response category for yj variable,
# then j, and last i.)
# The cells in a matrix of the pairwiseProbGivObs list have the value 0 except for
# those cells that correspond to the pairs of variables where both variables
# are missing. Those cells have the value of the bivariate conditional probability
# for the given pair for all their response categories. The bivariate
# probabilities are computed as follows:
# the information in the observed variables is summarised in a factor score
# for each individual and the bivariate probability given the estimated factor
# scores is computed.
# Each of the matrices in the univariateProbGivObs list is of dimension:
# nrow=sample size, ncol=sum of the number of response categories for all
# variables. The columns are indexed with i and a, where i=1,...,p, and
# a=1,...,Ci, the response categories for yi variable; a runs faster than i.
# The cells in a matrix of the univariateProbGivObs list have the value 0 except for
# those cells that correspond to variables with missing values.
# Those cells have the value of the univariate conditional probability for the
# given variable for all its response categories. The univariate conditional
# probabilities are computed as follows:
# given that the bivariate conditional probabilities have been computed we sum over
# the response categories of each variable at a time (i.e. we compute the marginals).
# Version 3 - first compute univariate and then bivariate probabilities
pairwiseExpProbVec_GivenObs <- function(lavobject) {
# compute yhat where yaht=nu + Lamda*eta + K*x where the parameter estimates are
# used and the factor scores for eta
# Below yhat is a list if lavobject@Data@ngroups >1, it is a list of G matrices
# where G the number of groups and the matrices are fo dimension
# nrow=sample size and ncol=number of items.
# If lavobject@Data@ngroups=1 then yhat is a matrix.
yhat <- lavPredict(object = lavobject, type = "yhat")
# compute bivariate probabilities
ngroups <- lavobject@Data@ngroups
univariateProb <- vector("list", length = ngroups)
pairwiseProb <- vector("list", length = ngroups)
# save the indices of the Theta matrices for the groups stored in GLIST
idx.ThetaMat <- which(names(lavobject@Model@GLIST) == "theta")
for (g in seq_len(ngroups)) { # g<-1
if (ngroups > 1L) {
yhat_group <- yhat[[g]]
} else {
yhat_group <- yhat
nsize <- lavobject@Data@nobs[[g]]
nvar <- lavobject@Model@nvar[[g]]
Data <- lavobject@Data@X[[g]]
TH <- lavobject@Fit@TH[[g]]
th.idx <- lavobject@Model@th.idx[[g]]
Theta <- lavobject@Model@GLIST[idx.ThetaMat[g]]$theta
error.stddev <- diag(Theta)^0.5
# for the computation of the univariate probabilities
nlev <- lavobject@Data@ov$nlev
idx.uniy <- rep(1:nvar, times = nlev)
# indices vectors for the computation of bivariate probabilities
idx.pairs.yiyj <- combn(1:nvar, 2)
no_biv_resp_cat_yiyj <- sapply(1:ncol(idx.pairs.yiyj), function(x) {
prod(nlev[idx.pairs.yiyj[, x]])
idx.y1 <- unlist(
mapply(rep, idx.pairs.yiyj[1, ], each = no_biv_resp_cat_yiyj)
idx.y2 <- unlist(
mapply(rep, idx.pairs.yiyj[2, ], each = no_biv_resp_cat_yiyj)
univariateProb[[g]] <- matrix(0, nrow = nsize, ncol = sum(nlev))
pairwiseProb[[g]] <- matrix(0,
nrow = nsize,
ncol = length(lavobject@Cache[[g]]$bifreq)
idx.MissVar.casewise <- apply(Data, 1, function(x) {
for (i in 1:nsize) {
idx.MissVar <- idx.MissVar.casewise[[i]]
noMissVar <- length(idx.MissVar)
if (noMissVar > 0L) {
# compute the univariate probabilities
TH.list <- split(TH, th.idx)
tmp.TH <- TH.list[idx.MissVar]
tmp.lowerTH <- unlist(lapply(tmp.TH, function(x) {
c(-Inf, x)
tmp.upperTH <- unlist(lapply(tmp.TH, function(x) {
c(x, Inf)
idx.items <- rep(c(1:noMissVar), times = nlev[idx.MissVar])
tmp.mean <- yhat_group[i, idx.MissVar]
tmp.mean.extended <- tmp.mean[idx.items]
tmp.stddev <- error.stddev[idx.MissVar]
tmp.stddev.extended <- tmp.stddev[idx.items]
tmp.uniProb <- pnorm((tmp.upperTH - tmp.mean.extended) /
tmp.stddev.extended) -
pnorm((tmp.lowerTH - tmp.mean.extended) /
idx.columnsUni <- which(idx.uniy %in% idx.MissVar)
univariateProb[[g]][i, idx.columnsUni] <- tmp.uniProb
# compute the bivariate probabilities
if (noMissVar > 1L) {
idx.pairsMiss <- combn(idx.MissVar, 2)
no.pairs <- ncol(idx.pairsMiss)
idx.pairsV2 <- combn(noMissVar, 2)
idx.columns <- unlist(lapply(1:no.pairs, function(x) {
which((idx.y1 == idx.pairsMiss[1, x]) &
(idx.y2 == idx.pairsMiss[2, x]))
if (all(Theta[t(idx.pairsMiss)] == 0)) { # items independence given eta
tmp.uniProb.list <- split(tmp.uniProb, idx.items)
pairwiseProb[[g]][i, idx.columns] <-
unlist(lapply(1:no.pairs, function(x) {
tmp.uniProb.list[[idx.pairsV2[1, x]]],
tmp.uniProb.list[[idx.pairsV2[2, x]]]
} else { # when correlation between measurement errors <- th.idx[th.idx %in% idx.MissVar]
# recode so that it is always 1,1,..,1, 2,...,2, etc. <- rep(c(1:noMissVar), times = table(
tmp.TH <- TH[th.idx %in% idx.MissVar]
tmp.ind.vec <- LongVecInd(
no.x = noMissVar,
all.thres = tmp.TH,
index.var.of.thres =
) <- LongVecTH.Rho.Generalised(
no.x = noMissVar,
TH = tmp.TH,
th.idx =,
cov.xixj = Theta[t(idx.pairsMiss)],
mean.x = yhat_group[i, idx.MissVar],
stddev.x = error.stddev[idx.MissVar]
tmp.bivProb <- pairwiseExpProbVec(
ind.vec = tmp.ind.vec,
th.rho.vec =
pairwiseProb[[g]][i, idx.columns] <- tmp.bivProb
} # end of else of if( all( Theta[t(idx.pairsMiss)]==0 ) )
# which checks item local independence
} # end of if( noMissVar>1L )
# cat(i, "\n")
} # end of if(noMissVar>0L)
} # end of for(i in 1:nsize)
} # end of for(g in seq_len(lavobject@Data@ngroups))
univariateProbGivObs = univariateProb,
pairwiseProbGivObs = pairwiseProb
} # end of the function pairwiseExpProbVec_GivenObs
# LongVecTH.Rho.Generalised function is defined as follows
LongVecTH.Rho.Generalised <- function(no.x, TH, th.idx,
cov.xixj, mean.x, stddev.x) {
all.std.thres <- (TH - mean.x[th.idx]) / stddev.x[th.idx]
id.pairs <- utils::combn(no.x, 2)
cor.xixj <- cov.xixj / (stddev.x[id.pairs[1, ]] * stddev.x[id.pairs[2, ]])
no.x = no.x,
all.thres = all.std.thres,
index.var.of.thres = th.idx,
rho.xixj = cor.xixj
# LongVecTH.Rho.Generalised is a generalisation of the function
# lavaan:::LongVecTH.Rho . The latter assumes that all y* follow standard
# normal so the thresholds are automatically the standardised ones.
# LongVecTH.Rho.Generalised does not assume that, each of y*'s can follow
# a normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma.
# LongVecTH.Rho.Generalised has the following input arguments:
# no.x (same as in lavaan:::LongVecTH.Rho),
# TH (similar to the TH in lavaan:::LongVecTH.Rho but here they are the unstandardised thresholds, i.e. of the normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma)
# th.idx (same as index.var.of.thres in lavaan:::LongVecTH.Rho)
# cov.xixj which are the polychoric covariances of the pairs of underlying variables provided in a similar fashion as rho.xixj in lavaan:::LongVecTH.Rho)
# mean.x is a vector including the means of y*'s provided in the order mean.x1, mean.x2, ...., mean.xp
# stddev.x is a vector including the standard deviations of y*'s provided in the order stddev.x1, stddev.x2, ...., stddev.xp
# The output of the new function is similar to that of lavaan:::LongVecTH.Rho#############################################
# lavobject is the output of lavaan function where either the unconstrained
# or a hypothesized model has been fitted
pairwiseExpProbVec_GivenObs_UncMod <- function(lavobject) {
ngroups <- lavobject@Data@ngroups
TH <- lavobject@implied$th # these are the standardized thresholds
# mean and variance of y* have been taken into account
TH.IDX <- lavobject@SampleStats@th.idx
Sigma.hat <- lavobject@implied$cov
univariateProb <- vector("list", length = ngroups)
pairwiseProb <- vector("list", length = ngroups)
for (g in 1:ngroups) {
Sigma.hat.g <- Sigma.hat[[g]]
# is Sigma.hat always a correlation matrix?
Cor.hat.g <- cov2cor(Sigma.hat.g)
cors <- Cor.hat.g[lower.tri(Cor.hat.g)]
if (any(abs(cors) > 1)) {
"some model-implied correlations are larger than 1.0"))
nvar <- nrow(Sigma.hat.g)
MEAN <- rep(0, nvar)
TH.g <- TH[[g]]
th.idx.g <- TH.IDX[[g]]
nlev <- lavobject@Data@ov$nlev
# create index vector to keep track which variable each column of
# univariateProb matrix refers to
idx.uniy <- rep(1:nvar, times = nlev)
# create index vector to keep track which variables each column of
# pairwiseProb matrix refers to
idx.pairs.yiyj <- combn(1:nvar, 2)
no_biv_resp_cat_yiyj <- sapply(1:ncol(idx.pairs.yiyj), function(x) {
prod(nlev[idx.pairs.yiyj[, x]])
idx.y1 <- unlist(
mapply(rep, idx.pairs.yiyj[1, ], each = no_biv_resp_cat_yiyj)
idx.y2 <- unlist(
mapply(rep, idx.pairs.yiyj[2, ], each = no_biv_resp_cat_yiyj)
Data <- lavobject@Data@X[[g]]
nsize <- nrow(Data)
# create the lists of matrices
univariateProb[[g]] <- matrix(0, nrow = nsize, ncol = sum(nlev))
pairwiseProb[[g]] <- matrix(0,
nrow = nsize,
ncol = length(lavobject@Cache[[g]]$bifreq)
idx.MissVar.casewise <- apply(Data, 1, function(x) {
for (i in 1:nsize) {
idx.MissVar <- idx.MissVar.casewise[[i]]
noMissVar <- length(idx.MissVar)
if (noMissVar > 0L) {
# compute the denominator of the conditional probability
TH.VAR <- lapply(1:nvar, function(x) c(-Inf, TH.g[th.idx.g == x], +Inf))
lower <- sapply(1:nvar, function(x) TH.VAR[[x]][Data[i, x]])
upper <- sapply(1:nvar, function(x) TH.VAR[[x]][Data[i, x] + 1L])
lower.denom <- lower[-idx.MissVar]
upper.denom <- upper[-idx.MissVar]
MEAN.i <- MEAN[-idx.MissVar]
Corhat.i <- Cor.hat.g[-idx.MissVar, -idx.MissVar, drop = FALSE]
denom <- sadmvn(lower.denom, upper.denom, mean = MEAN.i, varcov = Corhat.i)[1]
} # end of if( noMissVar>0L )
if (noMissVar == 1L) { # only univariate probabilities for one item
# compute the numerator
TH.MissVar <- c(-Inf, TH.g[th.idx.g == idx.MissVar], +Inf)
# for all response categories of the missing item <- nlev[idx.MissVar]
numer <- sapply(, function(x) {
lower[idx.MissVar] <- TH.MissVar[x]
upper[idx.MissVar] <- TH.MissVar[x + 1L]
sadmvn(lower, upper, mean = MEAN, varcov = Cor.hat.g)[1]
idx.columnsUni <- which(idx.uniy %in% idx.MissVar)
univariateProb[[g]][i, idx.columnsUni] <- numer / denom
} # end of if( noMissVar==1L )
if (noMissVar > 1L) {
# compute the bivariate probabilities and based on them
# calculate the univariate ones
# form all possible pairs of items with missing values
idx.pairsMiss <- combn(idx.MissVar, 2)
no.pairs <- ncol(idx.pairsMiss)
for (j in 1:no.pairs) {
idx.Missy1y2 <- idx.pairsMiss[, j]
idx.Missy1 <- idx.Missy1y2[1]
idx.Missy2 <- idx.Missy1y2[2]
idx.MissRestItems <- idx.MissVar[!(idx.MissVar %in% idx.Missy1y2)]
TH.Missy1 <- c(-Inf, TH.g[th.idx.g == idx.Missy1], +Inf)
TH.Missy2 <- c(-Inf, TH.g[th.idx.g == idx.Missy2], +Inf) <- nlev[idx.Missy1] <- nlev[idx.Missy2]
no.bivRespCat <- *
mat_bivRespCat <- matrix(1:no.bivRespCat,
nrow =,
ncol =
numer <- sapply(1:no.bivRespCat, function(x) {
idx_y1_cat <- which(mat_bivRespCat == x, arr.ind = TRUE)[1]
idx_y2_cat <- which(mat_bivRespCat == x, arr.ind = TRUE)[2]
lower[idx.Missy1y2] <-
c(TH.Missy1[idx_y1_cat], TH.Missy2[idx_y2_cat])
upper[idx.Missy1y2] <-
c(TH.Missy1[idx_y1_cat + 1L], TH.Missy2[idx_y2_cat + 1L])
lower.tmp <- lower
upper.tmp <- upper
MEAN.tmp <- MEAN
Cor.hat.g.tmp <- Cor.hat.g
if (length(idx.MissRestItems) > 0) {
lower.tmp <- lower[-idx.MissRestItems]
upper.tmp <- upper[-idx.MissRestItems]
MEAN.tmp <- MEAN[-idx.MissRestItems]
Cor.hat.g.tmp <- Cor.hat.g[-idx.MissRestItems, -idx.MissRestItems]
sadmvn(lower.tmp, upper.tmp,
mean = MEAN.tmp, varcov = Cor.hat.g.tmp
idx.columns <- which((idx.y1 == idx.Missy1) &
(idx.y2 == idx.Missy2))
tmp_biv <- numer / denom
pairwiseProb[[g]][i, idx.columns] <- tmp_biv
# compute the univariateProb based on the above bivariate
# probabilities
if (j == 1L) {
univariateProb[[g]][i, which(idx.uniy %in% idx.Missy1)] <-
apply(mat_bivRespCat, 1, function(x) {
univariateProb[[g]][i, which(idx.uniy %in% idx.Missy2)] <-
apply(mat_bivRespCat, 2, function(x) {
if (j > 1L & j < noMissVar) {
univariateProb[[g]][i, which(idx.uniy %in% idx.Missy2)] <-
apply(mat_bivRespCat, 2, function(x) {
} # end of for(j in 1:no.pairs ) #no.pairs is that of missing items
} # end of if( noMissVar>1L )
} # end of for(i in 1:nsize)
} # end of for(g in 1:ngroups)
univariateProbGivObs = univariateProb,
pairwiseProbGivObs = pairwiseProb
} # end of function
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