
Defines functions lav_constraints_lambda_pre lav_constraints_R2K lav_constraints_check_simple lav_constraints_check_linear lav_constraints_nonlinear_idx lav_constraints_linear_idx lav_constraints_parse

Documented in lav_constraints_parse

lav_constraints_parse <- function(partable = NULL, constraints = NULL,
                                  theta = NULL,
                                  debug = FALSE) {

    # just in case we do not have a $free column in partable
    if(is.null(partable$free)) {
        partable$free <- seq_len(length(partable$lhs))

    # from the partable: free parameters
    if(!is.null(theta)) {
        # nothing to do
    } else if(!is.null(partable$est)) {
        theta <- partable$est[ partable$free > 0L ]
    } else if(!is.null(partable$start)) {
        theta <- partable$start[ partable$free > 0L ]
    } else {
        theta <- rep(0, length(partable$lhs))

    # number of free (but possibliy constrained) parameters
    npar <- length(theta)

    # parse the constraints
    if(is.null(constraints)) {
        LIST <- NULL
    } else if(!is.character(constraints)) {
        stop("lavaan ERROR: constraints should be a string")
    } else {
        FLAT <- lavParseModelString( constraints )
        CON <- attr(FLAT, "constraints")
        LIST <- list()
        if(length(CON) > 0L) {
            lhs = unlist(lapply(CON, "[[", "lhs"))
             op = unlist(lapply(CON, "[[",  "op"))
            rhs = unlist(lapply(CON, "[[", "rhs"))
            LIST$lhs        <- c(LIST$lhs,        lhs)
            LIST$op         <- c(LIST$op,         op)
            LIST$rhs        <- c(LIST$rhs,        rhs)
        } else {
            stop("lavaan ERROR: no constraints found in constraints argument")

    # simple equality constraints?
    ceq.simple <- FALSE
    if(!is.null(partable$unco)) {
        ceq.simple <- TRUE

    # variable definitions
    def.function <- lav_partable_constraints_def(partable, con = LIST,
                                                 debug = debug)

    # construct ceq/ciq functions
    ceq.function <- lav_partable_constraints_ceq(partable, con = LIST,
                                                 debug = debug)
    # linear or nonlinear?
    ceq.linear.idx <- lav_constraints_linear_idx(func = ceq.function,
                                                 npar = npar)
    ceq.nonlinear.idx <- lav_constraints_nonlinear_idx(func = ceq.function,
                                                       npar = npar)

    # inequalities
    cin.function <- lav_partable_constraints_ciq(partable, con = LIST,
                                                 debug = debug)

    # linear or nonlinear?
    cin.linear.idx <- lav_constraints_linear_idx(func = cin.function,
                                                 npar = npar)
    cin.nonlinear.idx <- lav_constraints_nonlinear_idx(func = cin.function,
                                                       npar = npar)

    # Jacobians
    if(!is.null(body(ceq.function))) {
        ceq.JAC <- try(lav_func_jacobian_complex(func = ceq.function,
                                                 x = theta), silent=TRUE)
        if(inherits(ceq.JAC, "try-error")) { # eg. pnorm()
            ceq.JAC <- lav_func_jacobian_simple(func = ceq.function, x = theta)

        # constants
        # do we have a non-zero 'rhs' elements? FIXME!!! is this reliable??
        ceq.rhs <- -1 * ceq.function( numeric(npar) )

        # evaluate constraints
        ceq.theta <- ceq.function(theta)
    } else {
        ceq.JAC <- matrix(0, nrow = 0L, ncol = npar)
        ceq.rhs <- numeric(0L)
        ceq.theta <- numeric(0L)

    if(!is.null(body(cin.function))) {
        cin.JAC <- try(lav_func_jacobian_complex(func = cin.function,
                                                 x = theta), silent=TRUE)
        if(inherits(cin.JAC, "try-error")) { # eg. pnorm()
            cin.JAC <- lav_func_jacobian_simple(func = cin.function, x = theta)

        # constants
        # do we have a non-zero 'rhs' elements? FIXME!!! is this reliable??
        cin.rhs <- -1 * cin.function( numeric(npar) )

        # evaluate constraints
        cin.theta <- cin.function(theta)
    } else {
        cin.JAC <- matrix(0, nrow = 0L, ncol = npar)
        cin.rhs <- numeric(0L)
        cin.theta <- numeric(0L)

    # shortcut flags
    ceq.linear.flag    <- length(ceq.linear.idx) > 0L
    ceq.nonlinear.flag <- length(ceq.nonlinear.idx) > 0L
    ceq.flag           <- ceq.linear.flag || ceq.nonlinear.flag

    cin.linear.flag    <- length(cin.linear.idx) > 0L
    cin.nonlinear.flag <- length(cin.nonlinear.idx) > 0L
    cin.flag           <- cin.linear.flag || cin.nonlinear.flag

    ceq.only.flag      <- ceq.flag && !cin.flag
    cin.only.flag      <- cin.flag && !ceq.flag

    ceq.linear.only.flag <- (  ceq.linear.flag    &&
                              !ceq.nonlinear.flag &&
                              !cin.flag )

    ceq.simple.only    <- ceq.simple && !ceq.flag && !cin.flag

    # additional info if ceq.linear.flag
    if(ceq.linear.flag) {
        ## NEW: 18 nov 2014: handle general *linear* constraints
        ## see Nocedal & Wright (2006) 15.3
        ## - from x to x.red:
        ##       x.red <- MASS::ginv(Q2) %*% (x - Q1 %*% solve(t(R)) %*% b)
        ##   or
        ##       x.red <- as.numeric((x - b %*% qr.coef(QR,diag(npar))) %*% Q2)
        ## - from x.red to x
        ##       x <- as.numeric(Q1 %*% solve(t(R)) %*% b + Q2 %*% x.red)
        ##   or
        ##       x <- as.numeric(b %*% qr.coef(QR, diag(npar))) +
        ##                       as.numeric(Q2 %*% x.red)
        ## we write eq.constraints.K = Q2
        ##          eq.constraints.k0 = b %*% qr.coef(QR, diag(npar)))

        # compute range+null space of the jacobion (JAC) of the constraint
        # matrix
        #JAC <- lav_func_jacobian_complex(func = ceq.function,
        #           x = lavpartable$start[lavpartable$free > 0L]
        QR <- qr(t(ceq.JAC))
        ranK <- QR$rank
        Q <- qr.Q(QR, complete = TRUE)
        # Q1 <- Q[,1:ranK, drop = FALSE]         # range space
        # Q2 <- Q[,-seq_len(ranK), drop = FALSE] # null space
        # R <- qr.R(QR)
        ceq.JAC.NULL <- Q[,-seq_len(ranK), drop = FALSE]

        if(all(ceq.rhs == 0)) {
            ceq.rhs.NULL <- numeric(npar)
        } else {
            tmp <- qr.coef(QR, diag(npar))
            NA.idx <- which(is.na(rowSums(tmp))) # catch NAs
            if(length(NA.idx) > 0L) {
                tmp[NA.idx,] <- 0
            ceq.rhs.NULL <- as.numeric(ceq.rhs %*% tmp)
    } else {
        ceq.JAC.NULL <- matrix(0,0L,0L)
        ceq.rhs.NULL <- numeric(0L)

    # if simple equalities only, create 'K' matrix
    ceq.simple.K <- matrix(0,0,0)
    if(ceq.simple.only) {
        n.unco <- max(partable$unco)
        n.free <- max(partable$free)
        ceq.simple.K <- matrix(0, nrow = n.unco, ncol = n.free)
        #####     FIXME !
        idx.free <- partable$free[ partable$free > 0 ]
        for(k in 1:n.unco) {
            c <- idx.free[k]
            ceq.simple.K[k, c] <- 1

    # dummy jacobian 'function'
    ceq.jacobian <- function() NULL
    cin.jacobian <- function() NULL

    OUT <- list(def.function         = def.function,

                ceq.function         = ceq.function,
                ceq.JAC              = ceq.JAC,
                ceq.jacobian         = ceq.jacobian,
                ceq.rhs              = ceq.rhs,
                ceq.theta            = ceq.theta,
                ceq.linear.idx       = ceq.linear.idx,
                ceq.nonlinear.idx    = ceq.nonlinear.idx,
                ceq.linear.flag      = ceq.linear.flag,
                ceq.nonlinear.flag   = ceq.nonlinear.flag,
                ceq.flag             = ceq.flag,
                ceq.linear.only.flag = ceq.linear.only.flag,
                ceq.JAC.NULL         = ceq.JAC.NULL,
                ceq.rhs.NULL         = ceq.rhs.NULL,
                ceq.simple.only      = ceq.simple.only,
                ceq.simple.K         = ceq.simple.K,

                cin.function         = cin.function,
                cin.JAC              = cin.JAC,
                cin.jacobian         = cin.jacobian,
                cin.rhs              = cin.rhs,
                cin.theta            = cin.theta,
                cin.linear.idx       = cin.linear.idx,
                cin.nonlinear.idx    = cin.nonlinear.idx,
                cin.linear.flag      = cin.linear.flag,
                cin.nonlinear.flag   = cin.nonlinear.flag,
                cin.flag             = cin.flag,
                cin.only.flag        = cin.only.flag)


lav_constraints_linear_idx <- function(func = NULL, npar = NULL) {

    if(is.null(func) || is.null(body(func))) return(integer(0L))

    # seed 1: rnorm
    A0 <- lav_func_jacobian_complex(func = func, x = rnorm(npar))

    # seed 2: rnorm
    A1 <- lav_func_jacobian_complex(func = func, x = rnorm(npar))

    A0minA1 <- A0 - A1
    linear <- apply(A0minA1, 1,  function(x) all(x == 0))

lav_constraints_nonlinear_idx <- function(func = NULL, npar = NULL) {

    if(is.null(func) || is.null(body(func))) return(integer(0L))

    # seed 1: rnorm
    A0 <- lav_func_jacobian_complex(func = func, x = rnorm(npar))

    # seed 2: rnorm
    A1 <- lav_func_jacobian_complex(func = func, x = rnorm(npar))

    A0minA1 <- A0 - A1
    linear <- apply(A0minA1, 1,  function(x) all(x == 0))

# FIXME: is there a more elegant/robust way to do this??
lav_constraints_check_linear <- function(model) {

     # seed 1: rnorm
     A.ceq <- A.cin <- matrix(0, model@nx.free, 0)
         A.ceq <- t(lav_func_jacobian_complex(func=model@ceq.function, x=rnorm(model@nx.free)))
         A.cin <- t(lav_func_jacobian_complex(func=model@cin.function, x=rnorm(model@nx.free)))
     A0 <- cbind(A.ceq, A.cin)

     # seed 2: rnorm
     A.ceq <- A.cin <- matrix(0, model@nx.free, 0)
         A.ceq <- t(lav_func_jacobian_complex(func=model@ceq.function, x=rnorm(model@nx.free)))
         A.cin <- t(lav_func_jacobian_complex(func=model@cin.function, x=rnorm(model@nx.free)))
     A1 <- cbind(A.ceq, A.cin)

     A0minA1 <- all.equal(A0, A1)
     if(is.logical(A0minA1) && A0minA1 == TRUE)

# check if the equality constraints are 'simple' (a == b)
lav_constraints_check_simple <- function(lavmodel = NULL) {

    ones <- (lavmodel@ceq.JAC == 1 | lavmodel@ceq.JAC == -1)
    simple <- all(lavmodel@ceq.rhs == 0) &&
              all(apply(lavmodel@ceq.JAC != 0, 1, sum) == 2) &&
              all(apply(ones, 1, sum) == 2) &&
              length(lavmodel@ceq.nonlinear.idx) == 0

    # TRUE or FALSE

lav_constraints_R2K <- function(lavmodel = NULL, R = NULL) {

    # constraint matrix
    if(!is.null(lavmodel)) {
        R <- lavmodel@ceq.JAC

    npar.full <- NCOL(R)
    npar.red  <- npar.full - NROW(R)

    K <- diag(npar.full)
    for(i in 1:NROW(R)) {
        idx1 <- which(R[i,] == 1)
        idx2 <- which(R[i,] == -1)
        K[idx2, idx1] <- 1

    # remove redundant columns
    neg.idx <- which(colSums(R) < 0)
    K <- K[,-neg.idx]


lav_constraints_lambda_pre <- function(lavobject = NULL, method = "Don") {

    # compute factor 'pre' so that pre %*% g = lambda
    method <- tolower(method)

    R <- lavobject@Model@con.jac[,]
    if(is.null(R) || length(R) == 0L) {
        return( numeric(0L) )

    INFO <- lavTech(lavobject, "information.first.order")
    npar <- nrow(INFO)

    # Don 1985
    if(method == "don") {
        R.plus <- MASS::ginv(R)

        # construct augmented matrix
        Z <- rbind( cbind(INFO, t(R)),
                    cbind(R, matrix(0,nrow=nrow(R), ncol=nrow(R))) )
        Z.plus <- MASS::ginv(Z)
        P.star <- Z.plus[1:npar, 1:npar]
        PRE <- t(R.plus) %*% (diag(npar) - INFO %*% P.star)

    # Bentler EQS manual
    } else if(method == "bentler") {
        INFO.inv <- solve(INFO)
        PRE <- solve( R %*% INFO.inv %*% t(R) ) %*% R %*% INFO.inv


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lavaan documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:08 p.m.