# - 0.6-13: fix multiple-group UG^2 bug (reported by Gronneberg, Foldnes and
# Moss) when Satterthwaite = TRUE, ngroups > 1, and eq constraints.
# Use ug2.old.approach = TRUE to get the old result
lav_test_satorra_bentler <- function(lavobject = NULL,
lavsamplestats = NULL,
lavmodel = NULL,
lavimplied = NULL,
lavoptions = NULL,
lavdata = NULL,
TEST.unscaled = NULL,
E.inv = NULL,
Delta = NULL,
Gamma = NULL,
test = "satorra.bentler",
mimic = "lavaan",
method = "original",
ug2.old.approach = FALSE,
return.u = FALSE,
return.ugamma = FALSE) {
TEST <- list()
if (!is.null(lavobject)) {
lavsamplestats <- lavobject@SampleStats
lavmodel <- lavobject@Model
lavoptions <- lavobject@Options
lavimplied <- lavobject@implied
lavdata <- lavobject@Data
TEST$standard <- lavobject@test[[1]]
} else {
TEST$standard <- TEST.unscaled
npar <-
# ug2.old.approach
if (missing(ug2.old.approach)) {
if (!is.null(lavoptions$ug2.old.approach)) {
ug2.old.approach <- lavoptions$ug2.old.approach
} else {
ug2.old.approach <- FALSE
# E.inv ok?
if (length(lavoptions$information) == 1L &&
length(lavoptions$h1.information) == 1L &&
length(lavoptions$observed.information) == 1L) {
E.inv.recompute <- FALSE
} else if (
(lavoptions$information[1] == lavoptions$information[2]) &&
(lavoptions$h1.information[1] == lavoptions$h1.information[2]) &&
(lavoptions$information[2] == "expected" ||
(lavoptions$observed.information[1] ==
lavoptions$observed.information[2]))) {
E.inv.recompute <- FALSE
} else {
E.inv.recompute <- TRUE
# change information options
lavoptions$information[1] <- lavoptions$information[2]
lavoptions$h1.information[1] <- lavoptions$h1.information[2]
lavoptions$observed.information[1] <- lavoptions$observed.information[2]
if (!is.null(E.inv) && !is.null(WLS.V) && !is.null(Delta)) {
E.inv.recompute <- FALSE # user-provided
# check test
if (!all(test %in% c(
))) {
"test must be one of `satorra.bentler', `scaled.shifted' or
`mean.var.adjusted'; will use `satorra.bentler' only"))
test <- "satorra.bentler"
if (return.u) {
method <- "original"
# check method
if (!all(method %in% c("original", "orthogonal.complement", "ABA"))) {
lav_msg_warn(gettext("method must be one of `original', `ABA',
`orthogonal.complement'; will use `ABA'"))
method <- "original"
# do we have E.inv, Delta, WLS.V?
if (npar > 0L &&
(is.null(E.inv) || is.null(Delta) || is.null(WLS.V) || E.inv.recompute)) {
if (mimic == "Mplus" && lavoptions$estimator == "ML") {
E <- lav_model_information_expected_MLM(
lavmodel = lavmodel,
augmented = FALSE, inverted = FALSE,
lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats, extra = TRUE
} else {
E <- lav_model_information(
lavmodel = lavmodel,
lavimplied = lavimplied,
lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats, lavdata = lavdata,
lavoptions = lavoptions, extra = TRUE
E.inv <- try(lav_model_information_augment_invert(lavmodel,
information = E, inverted = TRUE
), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(E.inv, "try-error")) {
if (return.ugamma) {
"could not invert information matrix needed for UGamma"))
} else if (return.u) {
"could not invert information matrix needed for UfromUGamma"))
} else {
TEST$standard$stat <- as.numeric(NA)
TEST$standard$ <- rep(as.numeric(NA), lavdata@ngroups)
TEST$standard$pvalue <- as.numeric(NA)
TEST[[test[1]]] <- c(TEST$standard,
scaling.factor = as.numeric(NA),
shift.parameter = as.numeric(NA),
label = character(0)
lav_msg_warn(gettext("could not invert information matrix needed for
robust test statistic"))
TEST[[test[1]]]$test <- test[1] # to prevent lavTestLRT error when robust test is detected for some but not all models
Delta <- attr(E, "Delta")
WLS.V <- attr(E, "WLS.V")
# catch df == 0
if ((TEST$standard$df == 0L || TEST$standard$df < 0) &&
!return.u && !return.ugamma) {
TEST[[test[1]]] <- c(TEST$standard,
scaling.factor = as.numeric(NA),
label = character(0)
TEST[[test[1]]]$test <- test[1] # to prevent lavTestLRT error when robust test is detected for some but not all models
# Gamma
if (is.null(Gamma)) {
Gamma <- lavsamplestats@NACOV
# still NULL? (perhaps estimator = ML)
if (is.null(Gamma[[1]])) {
if (!is.null(lavobject)) {
Gamma <- lav_object_gamma(lavobject, model.based = FALSE)
} else {
Gamma <- lav_object_gamma(
lavobject = NULL,
lavdata = lavdata,
lavoptions = lavoptions,
lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats,
lavh1 = NULL,
lavimplied = NULL,
model.based = FALSE
if (mimic == "Mplus" && lavmodel@categorical) {
for (g in 1:lavsamplestats@ngroups) {
Ng <- lavsamplestats@nobs[[g]]
Gamma[[g]] <- Gamma[[g]] / Ng * (Ng - 1L)
# ngroups
ngroups <- lavsamplestats@ngroups
# mean and variance adjusted?
Satterthwaite <- FALSE
if (any(test %in% c("mean.var.adjusted", "scaled.shifted"))) {
Satterthwaite <- TRUE
if (npar == 0) {
# catch npar == 0 (eg baseline model if correlation structure)
trace.UGamma <- trace.UGamma2 <- U.all <- UG <- as.numeric(NA)
fg <- unlist(lavsamplestats@nobs) / lavsamplestats@ntotal
Gamma.f <- Gamma
for (g in 1:ngroups) {
Gamma.f[[g]] <- 1 / fg[g] * Gamma[[g]]
Gamma.all <- lav_matrix_bdiag(Gamma.f)
UG <- Gamma.all
trace.UGamma <- sum(diag(Gamma.all))
trace.UGamma2 <- sum(UG * t(UG))
out <- list(
trace.UGamma = trace.UGamma, trace.UGamma2 = trace.UGamma2,
UGamma = UG, UfromUGamma = U.all
} else if (method == "original") {
out <- lav_test_satorra_bentler_trace_original(
Gamma = Gamma,
Delta = Delta, WLS.V = WLS.V, E.inv = E.inv,
ngroups = ngroups, nobs = lavsamplestats@nobs,
ntotal = lavsamplestats@ntotal, return.u = return.u,
return.ugamma = return.ugamma,
ug2.old.approach = ug2.old.approach,
Satterthwaite = Satterthwaite
} else if (method == "orthogonal.complement") {
out <- lav_test_satorra_bentler_trace_complement(
Gamma = Gamma,
Delta = Delta, WLS.V = WLS.V, lavmodel = lavmodel,
ngroups = ngroups, nobs = lavsamplestats@nobs,
ntotal = lavsamplestats@ntotal,
return.ugamma = return.ugamma,
ug2.old.approach = ug2.old.approach,
Satterthwaite = Satterthwaite
} else if (method == "ABA") {
out <- lav_test_satorra_bentler_trace_ABA(
Gamma = Gamma,
Delta = Delta, WLS.V = WLS.V, E.inv = E.inv,
ngroups = ngroups, nobs = lavsamplestats@nobs,
ntotal = lavsamplestats@ntotal,
return.ugamma = return.ugamma,
ug2.old.approach = ug2.old.approach,
Satterthwaite = Satterthwaite
} else {
lav_msg_stop(gettextf("method `%s' not supported", method))
trace.UGamma <- out$trace.UGamma
trace.UGamma2 <- out$trace.UGamma2
if ("satorra.bentler" %in% test) {
# same df
df.scaled <- TEST$standard$df
# scaling factor
scaling.factor <- trace.UGamma / df.scaled
if (scaling.factor < 0) scaling.factor <- as.numeric(NA)
# scaled test statistic per group <- TEST$standard$ / scaling.factor
# scaled test statistic global
stat <- sum(
# label
if (mimic == "Mplus") {
if (lavoptions$estimator == "ML") {
label <-
"Satorra-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)"
} else if (lavoptions$estimator == "DWLS") {
label <-
"Satorra-Bentler correction (WLSM)"
} else if (lavoptions$estimator == "ULS") {
label <-
"Satorra-Bentler correction (ULSM)"
} else {
label <- "Satorra-Bentler correction"
TEST$satorra.bentler <-
test = "satorra.bentler",
stat = stat, =,
df = df.scaled,
pvalue = 1 - pchisq(stat, df.scaled),
trace.UGamma = trace.UGamma,
scaling.factor = scaling.factor,
scaled.test.stat = TEST$standard$stat,
scaled.test = TEST$standard$test,
label = label
if ("mean.var.adjusted" %in% test) {
if (mimic == "Mplus") {
df.scaled <- floor(trace.UGamma^2 / trace.UGamma2 + 0.5)
} else {
# more precise, fractional df
df.scaled <- trace.UGamma^2 / trace.UGamma2
# scaling factor
scaling.factor <- trace.UGamma / df.scaled
if (scaling.factor < 0) scaling.factor <- as.numeric(NA)
if (ug2.old.approach) {
# scaled test statistic per group <- TEST$standard$ / scaling.factor
# scaled test statistic global
stat <- sum(
} else {
# scaled test statistic per group <- TEST$standard$ / scaling.factor
# scaled test statistic global
stat <- TEST$standard$stat / scaling.factor
# label
if (mimic == "Mplus") {
if (lavoptions$estimator == "ML") {
label <-
"mean and variance adjusted correction (MLMV)"
} else if (lavoptions$estimator == "DWLS") {
label <-
"mean and variance adjusted correction (WLSMV)"
} else if (lavoptions$estimator == "ULS") {
label <-
"mean and variance adjusted correction (ULSMV)"
} else {
label <- "mean and variance adjusted correction"
TEST$mean.var.adjusted <-
test = "mean.var.adjusted",
stat = stat, =,
df = df.scaled,
pvalue = 1 - pchisq(stat, df.scaled),
trace.UGamma = trace.UGamma,
trace.UGamma2 = trace.UGamma2,
scaling.factor = scaling.factor,
scaled.test.stat = TEST$standard$stat,
scaled.test = TEST$standard$test,
label = label
if ("scaled.shifted" %in% test) {
# this is the T3 statistic as used by Mplus 6 and higher
# see 'Simple Second Order Chi-Square Correction' 2010
# same df
df.scaled <- TEST$standard$df
# scaling factor
fg <- unlist(lavsamplestats@nobs) / lavsamplestats@ntotal
a <- sqrt(df.scaled / trace.UGamma2)
if (isTRUE(a < 0) || is.nan(a)) a <- as.numeric(NA)
scaling.factor <- 1 / a
if (isTRUE(scaling.factor < 0)) scaling.factor <- as.numeric(NA)
if (ug2.old.approach) {
# scaling factor
shift.parameter <- fg * (df.scaled - a * trace.UGamma)
# scaled test statistic per group <- (TEST$standard$ * a + shift.parameter)
# scaled test statistic global
stat <- sum(
} else {
shift.parameter <- df.scaled - a * trace.UGamma
stat <- TEST$standard$stat * a + shift.parameter <- TEST$standard$ * a + fg * shift.parameter
# label
if (mimic == "Mplus") {
if (lavoptions$estimator == "ML") {
label <-
"simple second-order correction (MLMV)"
} else if (lavoptions$estimator == "DWLS") {
label <-
"simple second-order correction (WLSMV)"
} else if (lavoptions$estimator == "ULS") {
label <-
"simple second-order correction (ULSMV)"
} else {
label <- "simple second-order correction"
TEST$scaled.shifted <-
test = "scaled.shifted",
stat = stat, =,
df = df.scaled,
pvalue = 1 - pchisq(stat, df.scaled),
trace.UGamma = trace.UGamma,
trace.UGamma2 = trace.UGamma2,
scaling.factor = scaling.factor,
shift.parameter = shift.parameter,
scaled.test.stat = TEST$standard$stat,
scaled.test = TEST$standard$test,
label = label
if (return.ugamma) {
TEST$UGamma <- out$UGamma
if (return.u) {
TEST$UfromUGamma <- out$UfromUGamma
# using the `classical' formula
# UG = Gamma * [V - V Delta E.inv Delta' V']
lav_test_satorra_bentler_trace_original <- function(Gamma = NULL,
Delta = NULL,
E.inv = NULL,
ngroups = NULL,
nobs = NULL,
ntotal = NULL,
return.u = FALSE,
return.ugamma = FALSE,
ug2.old.approach = FALSE,
Satterthwaite = FALSE) {
# this is what we did <0.6-13: everything per group
if (ug2.old.approach) {
UfromUGamma <- UG <- vector("list", ngroups)
trace.UGamma <- trace.UGamma2 <- rep(as.numeric(NA), ngroups)
for (g in 1:ngroups) {
fg <- nobs[[g]] / ntotal
Gamma.g <- Gamma[[g]] / fg ## ?? check this
Delta.g <- Delta[[g]]
if (is.matrix(WLS.V[[g]])) {
WLS.Vg <- WLS.V[[g]] * fg
} else {
WLS.Vg <- diag(WLS.V[[g]]) * fg
U <- (WLS.Vg - WLS.Vg %*% Delta[[g]] %*% E.inv %*%
t(Delta[[g]]) %*% WLS.Vg)
trace.UGamma[g] <- sum(U * Gamma.g)
if (return.u) {
UfromUGamma[[g]] <- U
if (Satterthwaite || return.ugamma) { <- U %*% Gamma.g
trace.UGamma2[g] <- sum( * t(
UG[[g]] <-
} # g
# sum over groups
trace.UGamma <- sum(trace.UGamma)
trace.UGamma2 <- sum(trace.UGamma2)
U.all <- UfromUGamma # group-specific
} else {
trace.UGamma <- trace.UGamma2 <- U.all <- UG <- as.numeric(NA)
fg <- unlist(nobs) / ntotal
if (Satterthwaite || return.ugamma || return.u) {
# for trace.UGamma2, we can no longer compute the trace per group
V.g <- WLS.V
for (g in 1:ngroups) {
if (is.matrix(WLS.V[[g]])) {
V.g[[g]] <- fg[g] * WLS.V[[g]]
} else {
V.g[[g]] <- fg[g] * diag(WLS.V[[g]])
V.all <- lav_matrix_bdiag(V.g)
Gamma.f <- Gamma
for (g in 1:ngroups) {
Gamma.f[[g]] <- 1 / fg[g] * Gamma[[g]]
Gamma.all <- lav_matrix_bdiag(Gamma.f)
Delta.all <-"rbind", Delta)
U.all <- V.all - V.all %*% Delta.all %*% E.inv %*% t(Delta.all) %*% V.all
UG <- U.all %*% Gamma.all
trace.UGamma <- sum(U.all * Gamma.all)
trace.UGamma2 <- sum(UG * t(UG))
} else {
# we only need trace.UGamma - this can be done group-specific <- numeric(ngroups)
for (g in 1:ngroups) {
Gamma.g <- Gamma[[g]] / fg[g]
Delta.g <- Delta[[g]]
if (is.matrix(WLS.V[[g]])) {
WLS.Vg <- WLS.V[[g]] * fg[g]
} else {
WLS.Vg <- diag(WLS.V[[g]]) * fg[g]
U <- (WLS.Vg - WLS.Vg %*% Delta[[g]] %*% E.inv %*%
t(Delta[[g]]) %*% WLS.Vg)[g] <- sum(U * Gamma.g)
trace.UGamma <- sum(
trace.UGamma = trace.UGamma, trace.UGamma2 = trace.UGamma2,
UGamma = UG, UfromUGamma = U.all
# using the orthogonal complement of Delta: Delta.c
# UG = [ (Delta.c' W Delta.c)^{-1} (Delta.c' Gamma Delta.c)
lav_test_satorra_bentler_trace_complement <- function(Gamma = NULL,
Delta = NULL,
lavmodel = NULL,
ngroups = NULL,
nobs = NULL,
ntotal = NULL,
return.ugamma = FALSE,
ug2.old.approach = FALSE,
Satterthwaite = FALSE) {
# this is what we did <0.6-13: everything per group
# does not work when ngroups > 1 + equality constraints
if (ug2.old.approach) {
UG <- vector("list", ngroups)
trace.UGamma <- trace.UGamma2 <- rep(as.numeric(NA), ngroups)
for (g in 1:ngroups) {
fg <- nobs[[g]] / ntotal
Gamma.g <- Gamma[[g]] / fg ## ?? check this
Delta.g <- Delta[[g]]
if (is.matrix(WLS.V[[g]])) {
WLS.Vg <- WLS.V[[g]] * fg
} else {
WLS.Vg <- diag(WLS.V[[g]]) * fg
# handle equality constraints
# FIXME: inequality constraints are ignored!
if (lavmodel@eq.constraints) {
Delta.g <- Delta.g %*% lavmodel@eq.constraints.K
} else if (.hasSlot(lavmodel, "ceq.simple.only") &&
lavmodel@ceq.simple.only) {
Delta.g <- Delta.g %*% lavmodel@ceq.simple.K
# orthogonal complement of Delta.g
Delta.c <- lav_matrix_orthogonal_complement(Delta.g)
### FIXME: compute WLS.W directly, instead of using solve(WLS.V)
tmp1 <- solve(t(Delta.c) %*% solve(WLS.Vg) %*% Delta.c)
tmp2 <- t(Delta.c) %*% Gamma.g %*% Delta.c
trace.UGamma[g] <- sum(tmp1 * tmp2)
if (Satterthwaite || return.ugamma) { <- tmp1 %*% tmp2
trace.UGamma2[g] <- sum( * t(
UG[[g]] <-
# sum over groups
trace.UGamma <- sum(trace.UGamma)
trace.UGamma2 <- sum(trace.UGamma2)
} else {
trace.UGamma <- trace.UGamma2 <- UG <- as.numeric(NA)
fg <- unlist(nobs) / ntotal
V.g <- WLS.V
for (g in 1:ngroups) {
if (is.matrix(WLS.V[[g]])) {
V.g[[g]] <- fg[g] * WLS.V[[g]]
} else {
V.g[[g]] <- fg[g] * diag(WLS.V[[g]])
V.all <- lav_matrix_bdiag(V.g)
Gamma.f <- Gamma
for (g in 1:ngroups) {
Gamma.f[[g]] <- 1 / fg[g] * Gamma[[g]]
Gamma.all <- lav_matrix_bdiag(Gamma.f)
Delta.all <-"rbind", Delta)
# handle equality constraints
# FIXME: inequality constraints are ignored!
if (lavmodel@eq.constraints) {
Delta.all <- Delta.all %*% lavmodel@eq.constraints.K
} else if (.hasSlot(lavmodel, "ceq.simple.only") &&
lavmodel@ceq.simple.only) {
Delta.all <- Delta.all %*% lavmodel@ceq.simple.K
# orthogonal complement of Delta.g
Delta.c <- lav_matrix_orthogonal_complement(Delta.all)
tmp1 <- solve(t(Delta.c) %*% solve(V.all) %*% Delta.c)
tmp2 <- t(Delta.c) %*% Gamma.all %*% Delta.c
UG <- tmp1 %*% tmp2
trace.UGamma <- sum(tmp1 * tmp2)
trace.UGamma2 <- sum(UG * t(UG))
trace.UGamma = trace.UGamma, trace.UGamma2 = trace.UGamma2,
UGamma = UG
# using the ABA form
# UG = Gamma %*% [V - V %*% Delta %*% E.inv %*% tDelta %*% V]
# = Gamma %*% V - Gamma %*% V %*% Delta %*% E.inv %*% tDelta %*% V
# = Gamma %*% A1 - Gamma %*% A1 %*% Delta %*% E.inv %*% tDelta %*% A1
# (define AGA1 := A1 %*% Gamma %*% A1)
# Note this is not identical to 'B1', (model-based) first-order information
# = A1.inv %*% A1 %*% Gamma %*% A1 -
# A1.inv %*% A1 %*% Gamma %*% A1 %*% Delta %*% E.inv %*% tDelta %*% A1
# = A1.inv %*% AGA1 -
# A1.inv %*% AGA1 %*% Delta %*% E.inv %*% tDelta %*% A1
# if only the trace is needed, we can use reduce the rhs (after the minus)
# to AGA1 %*% Delta %*% E.inv %*% tDelta (eliminating A1 and A1.inv)
# we write it like this to highlight the connection with MLR
lav_test_satorra_bentler_trace_ABA <- function(Gamma = NULL,
Delta = NULL,
E.inv = NULL,
ngroups = NULL,
nobs = NULL,
ntotal = NULL,
return.ugamma = FALSE,
ug2.old.approach = FALSE,
Satterthwaite = FALSE) {
# this is what we did <0.6-13: everything per group
if (ug2.old.approach) {
UfromUGamma <- UG <- vector("list", ngroups)
trace.UGamma <- trace.UGamma2 <- rep(as.numeric(NA), ngroups)
for (g in 1:ngroups) {
fg <- nobs[[g]] / ntotal
Gamma.g <- Gamma[[g]] / fg ## ?? check this
Delta.g <- Delta[[g]]
# diagonal WLS.V? we check for this since 0.5-17
diagonal <- FALSE
if (is.matrix(WLS.V[[g]])) {
A1 <- WLS.V[[g]] * fg
AGA1 <- A1 %*% Gamma.g %*% A1
} else {
diagonal <- TRUE
a1 <- WLS.V[[g]] * fg # numeric vector!
AGA1 <- Gamma.g * tcrossprod(a1)
# note: we have AGA1 at the end, to avoid ending up with
# a transposed matrix (both parts are non-symmetric)
if (diagonal) {
UG <- t(Gamma.g * a1) -
(Delta.g %*% tcrossprod(E.inv, Delta.g) %*% AGA1)
} else {
UG <- (Gamma.g %*% A1) -
(Delta.g %*% tcrossprod(E.inv, Delta.g) %*% AGA1)
trace.UGamma[g] <- sum(diag(UG))
if (Satterthwaite) {
trace.UGamma2[g] <- sum(UG * t(UG))
# sum over groups
trace.UGamma <- sum(trace.UGamma)
trace.UGamma2 <- sum(trace.UGamma2)
} else {
trace.UGamma <- trace.UGamma2 <- UG <- as.numeric(NA)
fg <- unlist(nobs) / ntotal
if (Satterthwaite || return.ugamma) {
# for trace.UGamma2, we can no longer compute the trace per group
V.g <- WLS.V
for (g in 1:ngroups) {
if (is.matrix(WLS.V[[g]])) {
V.g[[g]] <- fg[g] * WLS.V[[g]]
} else {
V.g[[g]] <- fg[g] * diag(WLS.V[[g]])
V.all <- lav_matrix_bdiag(V.g)
Gamma.f <- Gamma
for (g in 1:ngroups) {
Gamma.f[[g]] <- 1 / fg[g] * Gamma[[g]]
Gamma.all <- lav_matrix_bdiag(Gamma.f)
Delta.all <-"rbind", Delta)
AGA1 <- V.all %*% Gamma.all %*% V.all
UG <- (Gamma.all %*% V.all) -
(Delta.all %*% tcrossprod(E.inv, Delta.all) %*% AGA1)
trace.UGamma <- sum(diag(UG))
trace.UGamma2 <- sum(UG * t(UG))
} else { <- numeric(ngroups)
for (g in 1:ngroups) {
fg <- nobs[[g]] / ntotal
Gamma.g <- Gamma[[g]] / fg ## ?? check this
Delta.g <- Delta[[g]]
# diagonal WLS.V? we check for this since 0.5-17
diagonal <- FALSE
if (is.matrix(WLS.V[[g]])) {
A1 <- WLS.V[[g]] * fg
AGA1 <- A1 %*% Gamma.g %*% A1
} else {
diagonal <- TRUE
a1 <- WLS.V[[g]] * fg # numeric vector!
AGA1 <- Gamma.g * tcrossprod(a1)
# note: we have AGA1 at the end, to avoid ending up with
# a transposed matrix (both parts are non-symmetric)
if (diagonal) {
UG <- t(Gamma.g * a1) -
(Delta.g %*% tcrossprod(E.inv, Delta.g) %*% AGA1)
} else {
UG <- (Gamma.g %*% A1) -
(Delta.g %*% tcrossprod(E.inv, Delta.g) %*% AGA1)
}[g] <- sum(diag(UG))
} # g
trace.UGamma <- sum(
if (!return.ugamma) {
trace.UGamma = trace.UGamma, trace.UGamma2 = trace.UGamma2,
UGamma = UG
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