
Defines functions .plt.main

.plt.main <-
function(x, y, by=NULL, n_cat=getOption("n_cat"),
         cat.x=FALSE, num.cat.x=FALSE, cat.y=FALSE, num.cat.y=FALSE,
         object="point", stat="data",


      #  if NULL, set default values
         pts_trans=0, col.segment=getOption("segment_color"),

         xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, main=NULL, main_cex=NULL, sub=NULL,
         rotate_x=0, rotate_y=0, offset=0.5, prop=FALSE, origin_x=NULL,

         size=NULL, ln.width=1, shape=21, means=TRUE,
         segments=FALSE, segments_y=FALSE, segments_x=FALSE,

         smooth=FALSE, smooth_points=100, smooth_size=1,
         smooth_exp=0.25, smooth_bins=128,

         radius=0.15, power=0.6, size_cut=TRUE,
         col.low=NULL, col.hi=NULL,

         ID=NULL, ID_color="gray50", ID_size=0.60, out_ind=NULL,
         out_fill, out_color, out_shape, out_shape.miss,

         fit.line="off", fit_power=1, fit_color="gray55",
         fit_se=1, se_fill="gray80", plot_errors=FALSE,

         ellipse=FALSE, ellipse_color="lightslategray",
         ellipse_fill="off", ellipse_lwd,

         run=FALSE, center_line="off", show_runs=FALSE, stack=FALSE,

         jitter_x=0, j.x.miss=TRUE, jitter_y=0, j.y.miss=TRUE,

         xlab_adj=0, ylab_adj=0, bm.adj=0, lm.adj=0,
         tm.adj=0, rm.adj=0,
         scale_x=NULL, scale_y=NULL, pad_x=c(0,0), pad_y=c(0,0),

         add=NULL, x1=NULL, x2=NULL, y1=NULL, y2=NULL,
         add_cex=NULL, add_lwd=1, add_lty="solid",
         add_color=NULL, add_fill=NULL, add_trans=NULL,

         quiet=FALSE, want.labels=TRUE, bubble.title=TRUE, ...)  {

  # preliminaries
  # -------------------------

  fill_bg <- getOption("panel_fill")
  date.var <- ifelse (.is.date(x[,1]), TRUE, FALSE)
  if (is.null(size)) size <- 1
  size.pt <- size * .9  # size is set in Plot.R, reduce a bit for here
  theme <- getOption("theme")

  # by.bub means that size is a variable to be plotted in by levels
  if(length(size) > 1  &&  !is.null(by)) {
    by.bub <- TRUE
    object <- "point"  # change from bubble to plot to get to by code
    by.bub <- FALSE

  # x and y come across here in their natural state, within each data frame
  # a time series has dates for x and numeric for y, factors are factors, etc

  # want labels set just for ttestPower, which provides its own labels
  # both x and y are plotted, even if only a single variable
  # for a 1-D bubble plot of a single factor var, y.call was set to 0's
  bubble1 <- ifelse (length(unique(y[,1])) == 1, TRUE, FALSE)

  unique.x <- ifelse(length(unique(x[,1])) == length(x[,1]), TRUE, FALSE)
  unique.y <- ifelse(length(unique(y[,1])) == length(y[,1]), TRUE, FALSE)

  do.ellipse <- ifelse(ellipse[1] > 0, TRUE, FALSE)

  # all processing in terms of numeric variables
  # convert factors to numeric, save levels, so x and y are always numeric
  # x will always be a matrix
  x.lvl <- NULL; y.lvl <- NULL  # if remain null, then not factors
  nm.x <- names(x)
  if (is.factor(x[,1])) {
    x.lvl <- levels(x[,1])
    if (!is.null(value_labels))
      value_labels <- gsub(" ", "\n", x.lvl)
    x <- as.matrix(as.integer(unclass(x[,1])))
  else if (!date.var) {
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    colnames(x) <- nm.x

  nm.y <- names(y)
  if (is.factor(y[,1])) {
    y.lvl <- levels(y[,1])  #  put into alphabetical order
    y <- as.matrix(as.integer(unclass(y[,1])))
  else if (!date.var) {
    nm.y <- names(y)
    y <- as.matrix(y)
    colnames(y) <- nm.y

  # dimensions
  n.xcol <- ncol(x)
  n.ycol <- ncol(y)
  n_col <- max(n.xcol, n.ycol)
  nrows <- nrow(x)

  if (date.var) {
    x.val <- x[,1]
    x <- as.matrix(x.val, ncol=1)

  if (n_col > 1) center_line <- "off"   # no center_line for multiple plots

  if (is.null(x.lvl) && !is.null(y.lvl) && unique.y ||
      is.null(y.lvl) && !is.null(x.lvl) && unique.x) {
    cleveland <- TRUE
    cleveland <- FALSE

  # set title for bubble plot if proportions
  if (object == "bubble"  &&  prop  &&  is.null(main)  &&  cat.y) {
    main.lab <- paste("Percentage of", y.name, "\nwithin each level of", x.name)
    main <- "not null"

  # size is a variable, these values passed to .plt.main
  # bubble.title=FALSE passed from .plt.bins to suppress title
  # bubble plot can be directly from object="point"
  if (length(size) > 1  &&  bubble.title) {
    sz.nm <- getOption("sizename")
    main.lab <- bquote(paste(italic(.(sz.nm)), ": Bubble size from ",
      .(min(size)), " to ", .(max(size)), sep=""))
    main.lab <- NULL

  # get lab_x_cex  lab_y_cex   # Synchronize with Plot() code, put in own sub
  lab_cex <- getOption("lab_cex")
  lab_x_cex <- getOption("lab_x_cex")
  lab_y_cex <- getOption("lab_y_cex")
  lab_x_cex <- ifelse(is.null(lab_x_cex), lab_cex, lab_x_cex)
  # adj <- .RSadj(lab_cex=lab_x_cex); lab_x_cex <- adj$lab_cex
  lab_y_cex <- ifelse(is.null(lab_y_cex), lab_cex, lab_y_cex)
  # adj <- .RSadj(lab_cex=lab_y_cex); lab_y_cex <- adj$lab_cex

  # get x.lab and y.lab
  if (date.var) xx.lab <- xlab
  if (want.labels) {
    gl <- .getlabels(xlab, ylab, main, lab_x_cex=lab_x_cex,
    x.name <- gl$xn; x.lbl <- gl$xl; x.lab <- gl$xb
    y.name <- gl$yn; y.lbl <- gl$yl; y.lab <- gl$yb
    if (is.null(main.lab)) main.lab <- gl$mb
    sub.lab <- gl$sb
    by.name <- getOption("byname")
  else {
    x.lab <- xlab
    y.lab <- ylab
    if (is.null(main.lab)) main.lab <- main
    sub.lab <- sub
    x.name <- NULL
  if (!is.null(x.lab)) if (n.xcol > 1  &&  substr(x.lab, 1, 2) == "c(")
      x.lab <- NULL  # e.g., get rid of == "c(Female,Male)"
  if (date.var && is.null(xx.lab)) x.lab <- ""

  if (!is.null(x.name)) if (x.name == "Index") {
    if (n.ycol > 1) y.lab <- ""
    if (!is.null(x.lbl)) y.lab <- paste(x.name, ": ", x.lbl, sep="")

  # decimal digits
  digits_d <- .max.dd(y[,1]) + 1

  # -------------------------
  # plot
  # -------------------------

  # graphic system parameters
  # x.val is either any value_labels or x.lvl, or NULL if x is numeric
  mx.x.val.ln <- 1
  mx.y.val.ln <- 1
  if (!date.var) {
    x.val <- NULL
    y.val <- y.lvl  # if not reset to x value labels
    max.lbl.y <- NULL
    if (!is.null(value_labels)) {
      x.val <- value_labels
      if (length(unique(y[,1])) > 1) {  # see if set y axis values to those of x
        if (length(unique(na.omit(x[,1]))) == length(unique(na.omit(y[,1])))) {
          if (all(sort(unique(x[,1])) == sort(unique(y[,1])))) {
            y.val <- value_labels
            v <- unlist(strsplit(value_labels, "\n", fixed=TRUE))
            max.lbl.y <- max(nchar(v))
    else {  # is date.var, null value_labels
      x.val <- x.lvl  # x.val is NULL if x is numeric, ignored
      y.val <- y.lvl  # y.val ignored if y is numeric
  else {  # time series
    max.lbl.y <- NULL
    y.val <- NULL

  # set margins
  # -----------

  # get max number of lines in x value labels
  if (!is.null(x.val)) {
    stuff <- .get.val.ln(x.val, x.name)
    x.val <- stuff$val.lab
    mx.x.val.ln <- stuff$mx.val.ln

  # get max number of lines in y value labels
  if (!is.null(y.val)  &&  y.name != "row.names"  && !cleveland) {
    stuff <- .get.val.ln(y.val, y.name)
    y.val <- stuff$val.lab
    mx.y.val.ln <- stuff$mx.val.ln

  # --------- get size of y-axis labels
  axis_y_cex <- ifelse(is.null(getOption("axis_y_cex")),
    getOption("axis_cex"), getOption("axis_y_cex"))

  if (!is.null(y.val)) {  # y-axis labels are characters
    yv <- unlist(strsplit(y.val, "\n", fixed=TRUE))
    max.y.width <- max(strwidth(yv, units="inches", cex=axis_y_cex))
    if (options("device") != "RStudioGD")  # not work in R, only RStudio
      max.y.width <- .09 * axis_y_cex * max(nchar(yv))
  else {  # y-axis labels are numeric
    mn.y <- min(y, na.rm=TRUE)
    mx.y <- max(y, na.rm=TRUE)
    prety <- pretty(c(mn.y, mx.y))
    ind <- which(nchar(prety) == max(nchar(prety)))[1]  # get largest nchar
    mx.num <-  ifelse (!prop, as.character(prety[ind]), .fmt(prety, 2))
    max.y.width <- max(strwidth(mx.num, cex=axis_y_cex, units="inches"))
  # ---------

  margs <- .plt.marg(max.y.width, y.lab, x.lab, main.lab, sub.lab,
                rotate_x, mx.x.val.ln, mx.y.val.ln,
                lab_x_cex=lab_x_cex, lab_y_cex=lab_y_cex)
  mm <- margs$lm  # left margin, lm is linear model
  tm <- margs$tm
  rm <- margs$rm
  bm <- margs$bm
  n.lab_x.ln <- margs$n.lab_x.ln
  n.lab_y.ln <- margs$n.lab_y.ln

  # room in rm for the vertical legend
  if (n.xcol > 1  ||  n.ycol > 1  ||  !is.null(by)) {
    if (n.xcol > 1) nm.v <- nm.x
    if (n.ycol > 1) nm.v <- nm.y
    if (!is.null(by)) nm.v <- by.name
    big.nm <- max(nchar(nm.v))
    if (big.nm > 6) rm <- rm + (.05 * (big.nm - 6))
    rm <- rm + .25  + (.65 * axis_y_cex)
    if (axis_y_cex > 1) if (!is.null(by)) rm <- rm + .1  # kludge

  if (center_line != "off") rm <- rm + .4  # room for center_line label
  rm <- rm + 0.10  # make room when the last axis date > last data value
  if ((options("device") != "RStudioGD")  &&  !is.null(by)) rm <- rm + .3

  if (offset > 0.5) bm <- bm + (-0.05 + 0.2 * offset)  # offset kludge

  # user manual adjustment
  bm <- bm + bm.adj
  mm <- mm + lm.adj
  tm <- tm + tm.adj
  rm <- rm + rm.adj

  orig.params <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)

  par(mai=c(bm, mm, tm, rm))

  # setup coordinate system only with plot and type="n"
  # non-graphical parameters in ... Generate warnings when no plot
  # -----------------------

  mn.x <- ifelse(is.null(x.lvl), min(x, na.rm=TRUE), 1)
  mx.x <- ifelse(is.null(x.lvl), max(x, na.rm=TRUE), length(x.lvl))
  mn.y <- ifelse(is.null(y.lvl), min(y, na.rm=TRUE), 1)
  mx.y <- ifelse(is.null(y.lvl), max(y, na.rm=TRUE), length(y.lvl))

  # re-calibrate y-axis if stacking
  n.by <- ifelse (is.null(by), 0, nlevels(by))
  if (stack  &&  n.ycol > 1) {  # data in wide format, one col for each y
    y.tot <- apply(y, 1, sum, na.rm=TRUE)
    mx.y <- max(y.tot)
  if (stack  &&  (n.ycol == 1 &&  n.by > 1)) {  # data in tidy format
    for (i in 1:n.by) {
      if (i > 1) yo <- yl
      yl <- subset(y, by==levels(by)[i])
      if (i > 1) yl[,1] <- yl[,1] + yo[,1]
    mx.y <- max(yl)
  if (!is.null(scale_x)) {
     mn.x <- min(mn.x, scale_x[1])
     mx.x <- max(mx.x, scale_x[2])
  if (!is.null(scale_y)) {
     mn.y <- min(mn.y, scale_y[1])
     mx.y <- max(mx.y, scale_y[2])

  if (!do.ellipse) {

    if (cat.x) {
      mn.x <- mn.x - .2
      mx.x <- mx.x + .2
    if (cat.y) {
      mn.y <- mn.y - .2
      mx.y <- mx.y + .2

    if (is.null(origin_x)) {  # set default for minimum x-value displayed
      if (stat %in% c("count", "proportion", "%"))
        origin_x <- 0
        origin_x <- mn.x
    if (stat != "data" && (!all(y == 0))) mx.y <- mx.y + (.08 * (mx.y-mn.y))

    region <- matrix(c(origin_x, mx.x, mn.y, mx.y), nrow=2, ncol=2)

  }  # end no ellipse

  else {  # set plot with sufficient room for ellipse and data
    cxy <- cor(x[,1],y[,1], use="complete.obs")
    s.x <- sd(x[,1], na.rm=TRUE); s.y <- sd(y[,1], na.rm=TRUE)
    m.x <- mean(x[,1], na.rm=TRUE); m.y <- mean(y[,1], na.rm=TRUE)
    lvl <- max(ellipse)
    region <- ellipse(cxy, scale=c(s.x, s.y), centre=c(m.x, m.y), level=lvl)
    region <- rbind(region, c(mn.x, mn.y), c(mx.x, mx.y))

  # revise min and max for x and y axes considering the ellipse
  mx.x <- max(region[,1])
  mn.x <- min(region[,1])
  mx.y <- max(region[,2])
  mn.y <- min(region[,2])

  if (is.null(origin_x)) {
    origin_x <- mn.x
    if (stat %in% c("count", "proportion", "%")) origin_x <- 0

  # add padding to x and y axes
  add.pad_lab <- FALSE
  if (all(pad_x == 0)) {  # pad extra for labels in 2-D plot
    if (!is.null(add)) {
      add.pad_lab <- ifelse ("labels" %in% add, TRUE, FALSE)
    if (add.pad_lab || (length(out_ind) > 0)) {
      if (all(pad_x == 0)) pad_x <- c(0.05, 0.05)
      if (all(pad_y == 0)) pad_y <- c(0.03, 0.03)

  # get plot region
  xp <- pretty(c(mn.x, mx.x))
  yp <- pretty(c(mn.y, mx.y))
  xP <- pad_x[2] * (xp[length(xp)] - xp[1])
  yp <- pretty(c(mn.y, mx.y))
  xN <- pad_x[1] * (xp[length(xp)] - xp[1])
  yP <- pad_y[2] * (yp[length(yp)] - yp[1])
  yN <- pad_y[1] * (yp[length(yp)] - yp[1])
  region <- rbind(region, c(mn.x-xN, mn.y-yN), c(mx.x+xP, mx.y+yP))

  # plot: setup the coordinate system
  plot(region, type="n", axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE, ...)

  usr <- par("usr")

  # set up plot background
  # ----------------------

  # axis ticks and values
  if (cat.x) {
    if (!is.null(x.lvl)) axT1 <- 1:length(x.lvl)   # mark category values
    if (num.cat.x) axT1 <- sort(unique(x))  # x.lvl or x.val are NULL
  else {
    if (!date.var) {
      if (stat == "count") {
        if (mx.x <= 3)  # just want integers for count axis
          n.best <- 3
        else if (mx.x > 3  &&  mx.x < 100)
          n.best <- 4
          n.best <- 5
        axT1 <- pretty(origin_x:mx.x, n=n.best)
      else {
        if (is.null(scale_x))
          axT1 <- pretty(c(origin_x, x))  # else numeric, so all the ticks
        else {
          if (!run)
            axT1 <- axTicks(1, axp=scale_x)
            axT1 <- seq(scale_x[1], scale_x[2], by=scale_x[3])
    else  # is date.var
      axT1 <-axTicks(1)

  if (cat.y) {
    if (!is.null(y.lvl)) axT2 <- 1:length(y.lvl)
    if (num.cat.y) axT2 <- sort(unique(y))
  else {
    if (is.null(scale_y))
      axT2 <- pretty(c(mn.y, mx.y))  # more extreme values than axTicks
      axT2 <- axTicks(2, axp=scale_y)

  if (bubble1) {  # 1-D scatter plot of categorical variable
    axT2 <- NULL
    y.val <- NULL
    y.lab <- ""

  .plt.bck(usr, axT1, axT2, do.h=!bubble1)

  # axes value labels
  if (xy_ticks) {
    if (!date.var) {  # get ticks for both axes
      .axes(x.val, y.val, axT1, axT2,
            rotate_x=rotate_x, rotate_y=rotate_y, offset=offset, ...)
    else {  # date.var, y-axis
      .axes(NULL, y.val, axT1, axT2, rotate_x=rotate_x, rotate_y=rotate_y,
            offset=offset, y.only=TRUE, ...)  # y-axis
      # x-axis, use base R axis.Date
      my.mgp <- par("mgp")  # save to restore
      ax <- .axes_dim()  # get axis value parameters
      mgp2 <- -0.275 + (0.9 * ax$axis_x_cex)  # adjust label to axis distance
      par(mgp = c(my.mgp[1], mgp2, my.mgp[3]))  # labels closer to axis
      adj <- .RSadj(axis_cex=ax$axis_x_cex); axis_x_cex <- adj$axis_cex
      axis.Date(1, x.val, col=ax$axis_x_color, cex.axis=axis_x_cex,
                col.axis=ax$axis_x_text_color, tck=-.02, ...)  # x-axis
      par(mgp = my.mgp)  # restore back to previous value
    }  # end date.var
  }  # end xy_ticks

  .axlabs(x.lab, y.lab, main.lab, sub.lab,
          x.val, xy_ticks, offset=offset,
          lab_x_cex=lab_x_cex, lab_y_cex=lab_y_cex, main_cex,
          n.lab_x.ln, n.lab_y.ln, xlab_adj, ylab_adj, ...)

  # ---------------
  # plot the values
  # ---------------

  # colors
  # ------

  n.clrs <- max(n_col, n.by)

  ltype <- character(length=n.clrs)
  for (i in 1:length(ltype)) ltype[i] <- "solid"

  # plot lines (and area_fill)
  # --------------------------

  if (object %in% c("point", "both")) {

    if (object == "both") {

      if (n.xcol == 1  &&  n.ycol == 1) {
        if (n.by <= 1) {  # pure single panel, data in wide format

          if (ln.width > 0) {  # plot line(s)
            if (date.var || freq.poly)  # object == "both"
              lines(as.numeric(x[,1]), y[,1], col=color[1], lwd=ln.width, ...)

          if (area_fill[1] != "transparent") # fill area
            polygon(c(x[1],x,x[length(x)]), c(mn.y,y[,1],mn.y),
                col=area_fill, border="transparent")
        }  # n.by is 1

        else {  # n.by > 1,  tidy format, all y data in same column
          for (i in 1:n.by) {  # only stack=TRUE makes sense
            xl <- subset(x, by==levels(by)[i])
            if (i > 1) yo <- yl
            yl <- subset(y, by==levels(by)[i])

            if (stack) {
              if (i == 1) {
                xx <- c(xl[1],xl,xl[length(xl)])
                yy <- c(min(yl[,1]),yl[,1],min(yl[,1]))
                if (fill[1] != "transparent")
                  polygon(xx, yy, col=area_fill[1], border="transparent")
              if (i > 1) {
                yl[,1] <- yl[,1] + yo[,1]
                xx <- c(c(xl[1],xl,xl[length(xl)]),
                yy <- c(c(min(yl[,1]),yl[,1],min(yl[,1])),
                if (fill[1] != "transparent")
                 polygon(xx, yy, col=area_fill[i], border="transparent")

            if (ln.width > 0) {
              if (stack)  # set line properties here, no option for user
                ln.width <- 1
              lines(xl, yl[,1], col=color[i], lty=ltype[i], lwd=ln.width, ...)
            }  # end ln.width > 0
      }  # end n.xcol and n.ycol = 1

      if (n.ycol > 1) {
        for (i in 1:n.ycol) {

          if (stack) {
            if (i == 1) {
              xx <- c(x[1],x,x[length(x)])
              yy <- c(mn.y,y[,1],mn.y)  # starts at the scale_y setting
              if (fill[1] != "transparent") 
                polygon(xx, yy, col=area_fill[1], border="transparent")
            if (i > 1) {
              y[,i] <- apply(y[,(i-1):i], 1, sum, na.rm=TRUE)  # sum to stack
              xx <- c( c(x[1],x,x[length(x)]), rev(c(x[1],x,x[length(x)])) )
              yy <- c( c(min(y[,i]),y[,i],min(y[,i])),
                         rev(c(min(y[,i-1]),y[,i-1],min(y[,i-1]))) )
              if (fill[1] != "transparent")
                polygon(xx, yy, col=area_fill[i], border="transparent")

          if (ln.width > 0) {
            lines(x[,1], y[,i], col=color[i], lty=ltype[i], lwd=ln.width, ...)
          }  # end ln.width > 0

        }  # end i loop

      }  # end n.ycol > 1

      if (n.xcol > 1) {
        if (ln.width > 0) for (i in 1:n.xcol)
          lines(as.numeric(x.val),y[,1], col=fill[i], lwd=ln.width, ...)

    }  # end both

    # -----------
    # plot points
    if (object %in% c("point", "both")) {

      # --- process jitter, NULL implies set default values ---
     if (is.null(jitter_x)) jitter_x <- (diff(range(x[,1], na.rm=TRUE)) / 50)
     if (is.null(jitter_y)) jitter_y <- (diff(range(y[,1], na.rm=TRUE)) / 50)

      if (jitter_x > 0) {
        x.temp <- x[,1]
        x[,1] <- x + runif(length(x[,1]), -jitter_x, jitter_x)
      if (jitter_y > 0) {
        y.temp <- y[,1]
        y[,1] <- y + runif(length(y[,1]), -jitter_y, jitter_y)
      # ----------------------

      # no grouping variable
      if (is.null(by)) {

        if (smooth) {  # 2-D kernel density plot
          # grid lines only plot after the sp
          clr.den <- colorRampPalette(c(getOption("window_fill"),
          smoothScatter(x, y, nrpoints=smooth_points, nbin=smooth_bins,
                        transformation=function(x) x^(smooth_exp),
                        colramp=clr.den, cex=smooth_size, add=TRUE)

        else if (size.pt[1] > 0) {  # plot points, plus means, segments, etc.

          # --- plot points, segments, means with no by ---
          # -----------------------------------------------

          # plot points
          if (n.xcol == 1  &&  n.ycol == 1) {  # one x and one y variable
            if (length(out_ind) == 0)  # no outliers
              points(x[,1], y[,1], pch=shape, col=color[1], bg=fill[1],
                       cex=size.pt, ...)
            else {  # display outliers separately
              points(x[-out_ind,1], y[-out_ind,1],
                 pch=shape, col=color[1], bg=fill[1], cex=size.pt, ...)
              points(x[out_ind,1], y[out_ind,1],
                 pch=out_shape, col=out_color, bg=out_fill, cex=size.pt, ...)
              text(x[out_ind], y[out_ind], labels=ID[out_ind],
                 pos=1, offset=0.4, col=ID_color, cex=ID_size)

          else if (n.ycol == 1) {  # one y
            for (i in 1:n.xcol) {  # one to many x's
                if (theme %in% c("gray", "white"))
                  if (n.clrs == 2  &&  i == 2) fill[i] <- "transparent"
                points(x[,i], y[,1], pch=shape, col=color[i], bg=fill[i],
                       cex=size.pt, ...)

          else  if (n.xcol == 1) {  # one x
            for (i in 1:n.ycol) {  # one to many y's
                if (theme %in% c("gray", "white"))
                  if (n.clrs == 2  &&  i == 2) fill[i] <- "transparent"
                points(x[,1],y[,i], pch=shape, col=color[i], bg=fill[i],
                       cex=size.pt, ...)  # one x

          # plot segments to axis
          if (segments_y) {
            if (n.xcol == 1) # line segments from points to axis
              segments(x0=0, y0=y, x1=x, y1=y,
                       lty=1, lwd=.75, col=col.segment)
              #segments(x0=min(pretty(x)), y0=y, x1=x, y1=y,
                       #lty=1, lwd=.75, col=color)
            else if (n.xcol == 2)  # line segments between points
              segments(x0=x[,1], y0=y[,1], x1=x[,2], y1=y[,1],
                       lty=1, lwd=.75, col=col.segment)

          if (!(stat %in% c("count", "prop", "%"))) {
            if (segments_x)
              segments(y0=par("usr")[3], x0=x, y1=y, x1=x, lty=1, lwd=.75,
          else {
            if (segments_x)
              if (n.xcol == 1)
                segments(y0=0, x0=x, y1=y, x1=x, lty=1, lwd=1, col=col.segment)

          # plot means
          # ---------

          if (means  &&  stat == "data") {

          # get colors
            pch.avg <- ifelse (theme!="gray", 21, 23)
            bck.g <- ifelse (theme!="gray", rgb(130,90,70,
                            maxColorValue=255), "gray40")
            if (grepl(".black", theme, fixed=TRUE))
              bck.g <- "gray85"

            # restore un-jittered data
            if (jitter_x > 0) {
              x[,1] <- x.temp
            if (jitter_y > 0) {
              y[,1] <- y.temp

            m.lvl <- numeric(length = 0)

            # plot means for num y across levels of factor x
            if (!is.null(x.lvl) && is.null(y.lvl) && !unique.x) {
              for (i in (1:length(x.lvl)))
                m.lvl[i] <- mean(y[x==i], na.rm=TRUE)
              abline(h=m.lvl, col="gray50", lwd=.5)
              points(m.lvl, pch=pch.avg, bg=bck.g, col=bck.g, cex=size.pt*1.5)

            # plot means for num x across levels of factor y
            if (is.null(x.lvl) && !is.null(y.lvl) && !unique.y) {
              for (i in (1:length(y.lvl)))
                m.lvl[i] <- mean(x[y==i], na.rm=TRUE)
              abline(v=m.lvl, col="gray50", lwd=.5)
              points(m.lvl, 1:length(y.lvl), pch=pch.avg, bg=bck.g, col=bck.g,
          }  # end means

        }  # end not smooth, plot points with no by
        # -----------------------------------------

        # plot center line

        if (center_line != "off") {
          if (center_line == "mean") {
            m.y <- mean(y[,1], na.rm=TRUE)
            lbl <- " mean"
            lbl.cat <- "mean:"
          else if (center_line == "median") {
            m.y <- median(y[,1], na.rm=TRUE)
            lbl <- " medn"
            lbl.cat <- "median:"
          else if (center_line == "zero") {
            m.y <- 0
            lbl <- ""
            lbl.cat <- "zero:"

          abline(h=m.y, col="gray50", lty="dashed")  # draw center line
          mtext(lbl, side=4, cex=.9, col="gray50", las=2, at=m.y, line=0.1)

          if (center_line == "zero") m.y <- median(y[,1], na.rm=TRUE)  # runs

        }  # end center_line

        else {
          lbl.cat <- "median: "
          m.y <- median(y[,1], na.rm=TRUE)

        if (segments) {  # interaction means plot, ts with non-Date x var 
          if (!is.null(ylab))  # thin line for ANOVA interaction plot
            if (grepl("Cell Means of", ylab, fixed=TRUE)) ln.width <- 0.75 
          for (j in 1:(nrow(x)-1)) {
            segments(x0=x[j,1], y0=y[j,1],
                     x1=x[j+1,1], y1=y[j+1,1],
                     lty="solid", lwd=ln.width, col=fill[i])
        }  # end segments

      }  # end is.null by

      # by grouping variable
      # --------------------

      else {

        clr <- character(length(n.by))
        clr.tr <- character(length(n.by))  # translucent version of clr

        if (length(color) == 1)
          for (i in 1:n.by) clr[i] <- color  # all levels get same color
          clr <- color

        shp <- integer(length(n.by))
        if (length(shape) == 1)
          for (i in 1:n.by) shp[i] <- shape
          shp <- shape
#       if (length(color)==1 && length(fill)==1 && length(shape)==1) {
#         if (n.by <= 5)  # R presents only five filled points
#           shape.dft <- c(21,23,22,24,25)  # shape defaults
#         else
#           shape.dft <- c(1,0,5,2,6,8,7,9,10,12:14,11)  # shape defaults
#         for (i in 1:n.by) shp[i] <- shape.dft[i]  #  default shapes
#       }
        # plot points and segments for each group
        for (i in 1:n.by) {
          x.lv <- subset(x, by==levels(by)[i])
          y.lv <- subset(y, by==levels(by)[i])
          if (!by.bub)  {
            if (size.pt > 0)
              points(x.lv, y.lv[,1], pch=shp[i], col=clr[i], bg=fill[i],
                     cex=size.pt, lwd=0.75, ...)
          else {  # size is a variable
            size.lv <- subset(size, by==levels(by)[i])
            fill[i] <- .maketrans(fill[i], (1-pts_trans)*256)
            # size is a var and a by var
            .plt.bubble(x.lv, y.lv, size.lv, radius, power, fill[i], clr[i],
                        size_cut, prop, bubble_text, object)

          # interaction means plot, ts without a date var and segments=TRUE
          if (segments) {
            if (!is.null(ylab))  # thin line for ANOVA interaction plot
              if (grepl("Cell Means of", ylab, fixed=TRUE)) ln.width <- 0.75 
            for (j in 1:(nrow(x.lv)-1)) {
              segments(x0=x.lv[j,1], y0=y.lv[j,1],
                       x1=x.lv[j+1,1], y1=y.lv[j+1,1],
                       lty="solid", lwd=ln.width, col=fill[i])
          }  # end segments

        }  # end 1:n.by

        # legend
        if (fill[1] == "transparent") fill <- color
        if (stack) {  # default pt.size is 0
          point.size <- ifelse (size > 0, 2.5 * axis_x_cex, 0)
          .plt.by.legend(levels(by), color, area_fill, shp=22, pts_trans,
                         fill_bg, usr, pt.size=point.size,  # 22 is a rectangle
        else {  # not stack
          if (n.by > 1) { 
#           for (i in 1:length(shp)) shp[i] <- 21  # circle
            .plt.by.legend(levels(by), color, fill, shp, pts_trans,
                           fill_bg, usr, legend_title=legend_title)

      }  # end by

    }  # end plot points object is point or both

    # legend
    # ------

    if (fill[1] == "transparent") fill <- color

    if (n.xcol > 1)  # horizontal legend, on x-axis
      .plt.legend(colnames(x), FALSE, color, fill, shape, fill_bg, usr,
                  lab_cex=lab_x_cex, pt.size=1.25, legend_title)

    if (n.ycol > 1) {  # vertical legend, on y-axis
      if (stack) 
        .plt.legend(colnames(y), FALSE, color, area_fill, shape, fill_bg, usr,
                    lab_cex=lab_y_cex, pt.size=1.25, legend_title)
        .plt.legend(colnames(y), FALSE, color, fill, shape, fill_bg, usr,
                    lab_cex=lab_y_cex, pt.size=1.25, legend_title)

  }  # object is point, line, both

  # --- bubble or sunflower plot -  no by var
  # ----------------------------

# else if ((object %in% c("bubble", "sunflower"))  &&  length(size)==1) {
  else if ((object %in% c("bubble", "sunflower"))) {
    if (!is.null(by)) {
      cat("\n"); stop(call.=FALSE, "\n","------\n",
        "Parameter  by  not valid for bubble plot\n\n")

    n.clrs <- 1  # for fit.line

    # colors
    if (is.null(col.low) || is.null(col.hi) || !bubble1) {
      if (fill[1] != "#46505A")  # default
        clr <- fill
        clr <- getOption("bar_fill_cont")
      clr_color <- color
    else {  # 1-var bubble plot and BPFM can have a color gradient
      color_palette <- colorRampPalette(c(col.low, col.hi))
      clr <- color_palette(length(unique(x)))
      clr_color <- "gray70"

    # no value for size specified, do counts

    if (length(size) == 1) {
      mytbl <- table(x, y)  # get the counts, all x-y combinations
      n.count <- nrow(mytbl) * ncol(mytbl)
      if (prop) {
        count <- numeric(length=n.count)
        if (!is.null(y.lvl))
          mytbl <- prop.table(mytbl, 1)
          mytbl <- mytbl / sum(mytbl)
        count <- integer(length=n.count)

      # melt the table of counts to a data frame with xx, yy, count
      xx <- integer(length=n.count)
      yy <- integer(length=n.count)
      k <- 0
      for (i in 1:nrow(mytbl)) {
        for (j in 1:ncol(mytbl)) {
          k <- k + 1
          count[k] <- mytbl[i,j]
          if (count[k] == 0) count[k] <- NA  # 0 count not plotted
          xx[k] <- as.numeric(rownames(mytbl)[i])  # row names are factors
          yy[k] <- as.numeric(colnames(mytbl)[j])
      if (prop) count <- round(count, 2)

      # for categorical vars, size not a var
      if (object == "bubble") {
        .plt.bubble(xx, yy, count, radius, power, clr, clr_color,
                    size_cut, prop, bubble_text, object)
      else if (object == "sunflower") {
        cords <- data.frame(xx, yy, count, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
        cords <- na.omit(cords)
        sunflowerplot(cords$xx, cords$yy, number=cords$count,
            seg.col=clr_color, col=clr,
            col.axis=getOption("axis_x_color"), add=TRUE)

    }  # end length(size) == 1

    # size is a variable (unless size is constant and bubble specified)
    # no by var 
    else {
      .plt.bubble(x, y, size, radius, power, clr, clr_color,
                  size_cut, prop, bubble_text, object)
  }  # end bubble/sunflower
  # -----------------------

  # ellipse option
  # --------------

  if (do.ellipse) {

    for (i in 1:n.clrs) {

      if (n.clrs == 1) {  # one plot, all the data
          x.lv <- x[,1]
          y.lv <- y[,1]

      else {  # multiple, pull out subset

        if (!is.null(by)) {  # multiple by plots
#         x.lv <- subset(x, by==levels(by)[i])
#         y.lv <- subset(y, by==levels(by)[i])
          ind <- which(by == levels(by)[i])
          x.lv <- x[ind]
          y.lv <- y[ind]

        if (n_col > 1) {  # multiple variable plots
          if (n.xcol > 1) {
            x.lv <- x[,i]
            y.lv <- y[,1]
          else {
            x.lv <- x[,1]
            y.lv <- y[,i]

        clr <- ifelse (length(color) == 1, color, color[i])

      }  # end multiple

      # ellipse stats
      cxy <- cor(x.lv, y.lv, use="pairwise.complete.obs")
      m.x <- mean(x.lv, na.rm=TRUE)
      m.y <- mean(y.lv, na.rm=TRUE)
      s.x <- sd(x.lv, na.rm=TRUE)
      s.y <- sd(y.lv, na.rm=TRUE)

      for (j in 1:length(ellipse)) { # for each ellipse for this by group 
        e <- ellipse::ellipse(cxy, scale=c(s.x, s.y), centre=c(m.x, m.y),
        ln.type <- "solid"
        col.border <- ifelse (n.clrs == 1, ellipse_color, clr)
        polygon(e, border=col.border, col=ellipse_fill,
                lwd=ellipse_lwd, lty=ln.type)
      }  # jth ellipse
    }  # ith pattern
  }  # do.ellipse

  # fit line option
  # ---------------

  if (fit.line != "off") {

    # if outliers noted then also do line w/o outliers
    fit.remove <- ifelse (length(out_ind) > 0, TRUE, FALSE)
    do.remove <- FALSE
    n.loops <- ifelse (n.clrs > 1, 1, as.numeric(fit.remove)+1) 
    for (i.remv in 1:n.loops) {
      if (fit.remove) {
        fit_se[1] <- 0  # for line w/o outliers, no se band
        fit_lwd <- 1.5
        if (i.remv == 2) do.remove <- TRUE  # 2nd pass

      sse <- double(length=n.clrs)
      mse <- double(length=n.clrs)
      b0 <- double(length=n.clrs)
      b1 <- double(length=n.clrs)
      Rsq <- double(length=n.clrs)
      by.cat <- character(length=n.clrs)

      for (i.clr in 1:n.clrs) {  # note: double looping with i.remv and i

        if (n.clrs == 1) {  # one plot, all the data
          if (!date.var) {
            x.lv <- x[,1]
            y.lv <- y[,1]
          else {  # date.var
            x.lv <- as.numeric(x.val)
            y.lv <- as.numeric(y[,i.clr])
          clr <- fit_color
        }  # end n.clrs == 1

        else {  # multiple clrs, pull out subset

          if (!is.null(by)) {  # multiple by plots
            x.lv <- subset(x, by==levels(by)[i.clr])
            y.lv <- subset(y, by==levels(by)[i.clr])

          if (n_col > 1) {  # multiple variable plots
            if (n.xcol > 1) {
              x.lv <- x[,i.clr]
              y.lv <- y[,1]
            else {
              x.lv <- x[,1]
              y.lv <- y[,i.clr]

          clr <- ifelse (length(color) == 1, color, color[i.clr])
        }  # end multiple

        ln.type <- "solid"

        if (!is.null(out_ind)) if (do.remove) {
          x.lv <- x.lv[-out_ind]
          y.lv <- y.lv[-out_ind]
          ln.type <- ifelse (ln.type != "dashed", "dashed", "solid")

        col.ln <- ifelse (n.clrs == 1, fit_color, fill[i.clr]) 
        pf <- .plt.fit (x.lv, y.lv, fit.line, fit_power)

        x.lv <- pf$x.lv  # x and y get reduced in .plt.fit if NA
        y.lv <- pf$y.lv
        f.ln <- pf$f.ln
        l.ln <- pf$l.ln
        if (i.remv == 1) {  # if outlier removal, only outlier line reported
          mse[i.clr] <- pf$mse
          b0[i.clr] <- pf$b0
          b1[i.clr] <- pf$b1
          Rsq[i.clr] <- pf$Rsq

        if (n.by > 0)
          by.cat[i.clr] <- levels(by)[i.clr]

        if (fit.line %in% c("exp", "quad", "log", "null"))
          fit_se[1] <- 0

        # se bands about each eligible fit line
        if (fit_se[1] != 0) {
          for (j in 1:length(fit_se)) {
            p.ln <- predict(l.ln, se=TRUE)
            prb <- (1 - fit_se[j]) / 2
            nrows <- length(y.lv)
            up.ln <- f.ln + (qt(prb,nrows-1) * p.ln$se.fit)
            dn.ln <- f.ln - (qt(prb,nrows-1) * p.ln$se.fit)
            polygon(c(x.lv, rev(x.lv)), c(up.ln, rev(dn.ln)),
                    col=se_fill, border="transparent")
          }  # end for each se plot

        # plot fit line(s) on top of se bands
        if (!("transparent" %in% clr)) {
          if (n.clrs ==2  &&  (color[1] == color[2]))
            ln.type <- ifelse (i == 2, "dashed", "solid")
          lines(x.lv, f.ln, col=clr, lwd=fit_lwd, lty=ln.type)
        else {
          lines(x.lv, f.ln, col=col.ln, lwd=fit_lwd, lty=ln.type)

        # plot residuals option
        if (plot_errors) { 
          red <- rgb(130,40,35, maxColorValue=255) 
          pe.clr <- ifelse (theme %in% c("gray", "white"), "gray58", red)
          segments(y0=f.ln, y1=y.lv, x0=x.lv, x1=x.lv, 
                   col=pe.clr, lwd=1) 

      }  # ith pattern (clr)
    }  # fit.remove

    if (!quiet) cat ("\n")
  }  # fit.line

  # annotations
  # -----------

  if (!is.null(add)) if (add[1] == "means") {
    add[1] <- "v_line"
    add[2] <- "h_line"
    x1 <- "mean_x"
    y1 <- "mean_y"

  if (!is.null(x1)) {
    if (date.var) x1 <- julian(x1)  # dates to date serial numbers
    if (length(which(x1 == "mean_x")) > 0) {
      x1[which(x1 == "mean_x")] <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
      x1 <- as.numeric(x1)
  if (!is.null(y1)) {
    if (length(which(y1 == "mean_y")) > 0) {
      y1[which(y1 == "mean_y")] <- mean(y, na.rm=TRUE)
      y1 <- as.numeric(y1)

  if (!is.null(add)) {
      if (add[1] == "labels")
        text(x, y, labels=ID, pos=1, offset=0.4,
           pch=shape, col=getOption("add_color"), cex=getOption("add_cex"))
        .plt.add(add, x1, x2, y1, y2,
             add_cex, add_lwd, add_lty, add_color, add_fill, add_trans)
  # end annotations

  if (fit.line != "off"  &&  !quiet) 
    return(list(mse=mse, b0=b0, b1=b1, Rsq=Rsq, by.cat=by.cat))

}  # end plt.main

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