#' Bootstrap standard errors for the group fixed effects
#' Bootstrap standard errors for the group fixed effects which were swept out
#' during an estimation with [felm()].
#' The bootstrapping is done in parallel if `threads > 1`.
#' [btrap()] is run automatically from [getfe()] if
#' `se=TRUE` is specified. To save some overhead, the individual
#' iterations are grouped together, the memory available for this grouping is
#' fetched with `getOption('lfe.bootmem')`, which is initialized upon
#' loading of \pkg{lfe} to `options(lfe.bootmem=500)` (MB).
#' If `robust=TRUE`, heteroskedastic robust standard errors are estimated.
#' If `robust=FALSE` and `cluster=TRUE`, clustered standard errors
#' with the cluster specified to `felm()` are estimated. If `cluster`
#' is a factor, it is used for the cluster definition. `cluster may` also
#' be a list of factors.
#' @param alpha data frame returned from [getfe()]
#' @param obj object of class `"felm"`, usually, a result of a call to
#' [felm()]
#' @param N integer. The number of bootstrap iterations
#' @param ef function. An estimable function such as in [getfe()].
#' The default is to use the one used on `alpha`
#' @param eps double. Tolerance for centering, as in getfe
#' @param threads integer. The number of threads to use
#' @param robust logical. Should heteroskedastic standard errors be estimated?
#' @param cluster logical or factor. Estimate clustered standard errors.
#' @param lhs character vector. Specify which left hand side if `obj` has
#' multiple lhs.
#' @return A data-frame of the same size as alpha is returned, with standard
#' errors filled in.
#' @examples
#' oldopts <- options("lfe.threads")
#' options(lfe.threads = 2)
#' ## create covariates
#' x <- rnorm(3000)
#' x2 <- rnorm(length(x))
#' ## create individual and firm
#' id <- factor(sample(700, length(x), replace = TRUE))
#' firm <- factor(sample(300, length(x), replace = TRUE))
#' ## effects
#' id.eff <- rlnorm(nlevels(id))
#' firm.eff <- rexp(nlevels(firm))
#' ## left hand side
#' y <- x + 0.25 * x2 + id.eff[id] + firm.eff[firm] + rnorm(length(x))
#' ## estimate and print result
#' est <- felm(y ~ x + x2 | id + firm)
#' summary(est)
#' ## extract the group effects
#' alpha <- getfe(est)
#' head(alpha)
#' ## bootstrap standard errors
#' head(btrap(alpha, est))
#' ## bootstrap some differences
#' ef <- function(v, addnames) {
#' w <- c(v[2] - v[1], v[3] - v[2], v[3] - v[1])
#' if (addnames) {
#' names(w) <- c("id2-id1", "id3-id2", "id3-id1")
#' attr(w, "extra") <- list(note = c("line1", "line2", "line3"))
#' }
#' w
#' }
#' # check that it's estimable
#' is.estimable(ef, est$fe)
#' head(btrap(alpha, est, ef = ef))
#' options(oldopts)
#' @export btrap
btrap <- function(alpha, obj, N = 100, ef = NULL, eps = getOption("lfe.eps"),
threads = getOption("lfe.threads"), robust = FALSE,
cluster = NULL, lhs = NULL) {
# bootstrap the stuff. The name 'btrap' is chosen to instill a feeling of being trapped
# (in some long running stuff which will never complete)
# bootstrapping is really to draw residuals over again, i.e. to change
# the outcome. Predictions of the estimated system are adjusted by
# drawing from the residuals. We need a new r.h.s to replace
# the current (I-P)(Y-Xbeta), i.e. (I-P)(Y-Xbeta+delta) where delta is resampled from
# the residuals PY-PXbeta. Then we adjust for degrees of freedom, which is component specific.
if (is.logical(cluster)) {
if (cluster) cluster <- obj$clustervar else cluster <- NULL
} else if (!is.null(cluster)) {
if (is.list(cluster)) {
cluster <- lapply(cluster, factor)
} else {
cluster <- list(factor(cluster))
if (is.null(ef)) {
# use the one used with alpha
ef <- attr(alpha, "ef")
} else {
if (is.character(ef)) ef <- efactory(obj, opt = ef)
# redo the point estimates
v <- ef(alpha[, "effect"], TRUE)
alpha <- data.frame(effect = v)
rownames(alpha) <- names(v)
if (!is.null(attr(v, "extra"))) alpha <- cbind(alpha, attr(v, "extra"))
if (is.null(lhs)) {
R <- obj$r.residuals - obj$residuals
smpdraw <- as.vector(obj$residuals)
} else {
R <- obj$r.residuals[, lhs] - obj$residuals[, lhs]
smpdraw <- as.vector(obj$residuals[, lhs])
w <- obj$weights
# if there are weights, smpdraw should be weighted
if (!is.null(w)) smpdraw <- smpdraw * w
# Now, we want to do everything in parallel, so we should allocate up a set
# of vectors, but we don't want to blow the memory. Stick to allocating two
# vectors per thread. The threaded stuff can't be interrupted, so this is
# an opportunity to control-c too.
# hmm, up to 500 MB of vectors, we say, but no less than two per thread
# (one per thread is bad for balance, if time to completion varies)
# divide by two because we use a copy in the demeanlist step.
maxB <- getOption("lfe.bootmem") * 1e6 / 2
vpt <- max(2, as.integer(min(maxB / (length(R) * 8), N) / threads))
vpb <- vpt * threads
blks <- as.integer(ceiling(N / vpb))
newN <- blks * vpb
vsum <- 0
vsq <- 0
start <- last <- as.integer(Sys.time())
if (is.null(lhs)) {
predy <- obj$fitted.values
} else {
predy <- obj$fitted.values[, lhs]
if (!is.null(cluster)) {
# now, what about multiway clustering?
# try the Cameron-Gelbach-Miller stuff.
# make the interacted factors, with sign
iac <- list()
d <- length(cluster)
for (i in 1:(2^d - 1)) {
# Find out which ones to interact
iab <- as.logical(intToBits(i))[1:d]
# odd number is positive, even is negative
sgn <- 2 * (sum(iab) %% 2) - 1
iac[[i]] <- list(sgn = sgn / choose(d, sum(iab)), ib = iab)
X <- model.matrix(obj, centred = NA)
cX <- attr(X, "cX")
for (i in 1:blks) {
if (robust) {
# robust residuals, variance is each squared residual
# rsamp <- rnorm(vpb*length(smpdraw))*abs(smpdraw)
rsamp <- lapply(1:vpb, function(i) rnorm(length(smpdraw)) * abs(smpdraw))
} else if (!is.null(cluster)) {
# Wild bootstrap with Rademacher distribution
rsamp <- lapply(1:vpb, function(i) {
if (length(cluster) == 1) {
smpdraw * sample(c(-1, 1), nlevels(cluster[[1]]), replace = TRUE)[cluster[[1]]]
} else {
# draw a Rademacher dist for each single cluster
rad <- lapply(cluster, function(f) sample(c(-1, 1), nlevels(f), replace = TRUE)[f])
Reduce("+", lapply(iac, function(ia) ia$sgn * smpdraw * Reduce("*", rad[ia$ib])))
} else {
# IID residuals
rsamp <- lapply(1:vpb, function(i) sample(smpdraw, replace = TRUE))
if (!is.null(w)) rsamp <- lapply(rsamp, function(x) x / w)
if (length(cX) > 0) {
newr <- lapply(rsamp, function(rs) {
newy <- predy + rs
newbeta <- obj$inv %*% crossprod(cX, newy)
newbeta[] <- 0
as.vector(newy - X %*% newbeta)
} else {
newr <- lapply(rsamp, function(rs) as.vector(predy) + rs)
v <- kaczmarz(obj$fe, demeanlist(unnamed(newr), obj$fe,
eps = eps, threads = threads,
means = TRUE, weights = w
eps = eps, threads = threads
efv <- lapply(v, ef, addnames = FALSE)
vsum <- vsum + Reduce("+", efv)
vsq <- vsq + Reduce("+", Map(function(i) i^2, efv))
now <- as.integer(Sys.time())
if (now - last > 300) {
cat("...finished", i * vpb, "of", newN, "vectors in", now - start, "seconds\n")
last <- now
if (robust) {
sename <- "robustse"
} else if (!is.null(cluster)) {
sename <- "clusterse"
} else {
sename <- "se"
fSEname <- SEname <- "se"
fsename <- sename
if (!is.null(lhs)) {
fsename <- paste(sename, lhs, sep = ".")
fSEname <- paste(SEname, lhs, sep = ".")
alpha[, fsename] <- sqrt(vsq / newN - (vsum / newN)**2) / (1 - 0.75 / newN - 7 / 32 / newN**2 - 9 / 128 / newN**3)
if (sename != "se") alpha[, fSEname] <- alpha[, fsename]
return(structure(alpha, sename = sename))
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