
Defines functions wildcard nrefs totalpvar makePmatrix makeDmatrix rankDefic diammatrix diamgraph mkgraph ftest nazero pinv cholsolve cholx pinvx wvar wcov wmean unnamed orthonormalize crowsum scalecols setdimnames

Documented in diammatrix makeDmatrix

# Author: Simen Gaure
# Copyright: 2011, Simen Gaure
# Licence: Artistic 2.0

# this call changes or adds the dimnames of obj without duplicating it
# it should only be used on objects with a single reference
# Our use of it is safe, and we don't export it.
setdimnames <- function(obj, nm) {
  .Call(C_setdimnames, obj, nm)

scalecols <- function(obj, vec) {
  .Call(C_scalecols, obj, vec)

crowsum <- function(x, f, mean = FALSE) .Call(C_rowsum, x, f, mean)

orthonormalize <- function(V) {
  structure(V %*% solve(chol(crossprod(V))), ortho = TRUE)

# This function sets an attribute 'inplace' on the argument
# It is checked in the C-function demeanlist, and then removed
# If set, the centering will be inplace. It can mess things
# up seriously if used in the wrong manner, so it's not public
# except as in an argument to demeanlist (through eval-trickery).
unnamed <- function(x) {
  .Call(C_inplace, x)

wmean <- function(x, w) sum(w * x) / sum(w)
wcov <- function(x, y, w) {
  sw <- w / sum(w)
  mx <- sum(sw * x)
  my <- sum(sw * y)
  cx <- x - mx
  cy <- y - my
  sum(sw * cx * cy) / (1 - sum(sw^2))
wvar <- function(x, w) wcov(x, x, w)

pinvx <- function(X) {
  #    return(pinv(nazero(X)))
  ch <- cholx(nazero(X))
  badvars <- attr(ch, "badvars")
  inv1 <- chol2inv(ch)
  if (is.null(badvars)) {
  inv <- matrix(0, nrow(X), ncol(X))
  inv[-badvars, -badvars] <- inv1
  structure(inv, badvars = attr(ch, "badvars"))

# Do a Cholesky to detect multi-collinearities
cholx <- function(mat, eps = 1e-6) {
  if (is.null(dim(mat))) dim(mat) <- c(1, 1)
  N <- dim(mat)[1]
  if (N == 1) {
    return(structure(sqrt(mat), badvars = if (mat <= 0) 1 else NULL))

  # first, try a pivoted one
  tol <- N * getOption("lfe.eps")
  chp <- chol(mat, pivot = TRUE, tol = tol)
  rank <- attr(chp, "rank")
  if (rank == N) {
  pivot <- attr(chp, "pivot")
  oo <- order(pivot)
  badvars <- pivot[((rank + 1):N)]
  ok <- (1:N)[-badvars]
  ch <- chol(mat[ok, ok])
  return(structure(ch, badvars = badvars))

cholsolve <- function(A, b) {
  ch <- chol(A)
  backsolve(ch, backsolve(ch, b, transpose = TRUE))

pinv <- function(X, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
  if (length(dim(X)) > 2L || !(is.numeric(X) || is.complex(X))) {
    stop("'X' must be a numeric or complex matrix")
  if (!is.matrix(X)) {
    X <- as.matrix(X)
  Xsvd <- svd(X)
  badvars <- integer(0)
  Positive <- Xsvd$d > max(tol * Xsvd$d[1L], 0)
  Positive <- ifelse(is.na(Positive), FALSE, Positive)
  badvars <- which(!Positive)
  if (all(Positive)) {
    res <- Xsvd$v %*% (1 / Xsvd$d * t(Xsvd$u))
  } else if (!any(Positive)) {
    res <- array(0, dim(X)[2L:1L])
  } else {
    res <- Xsvd$v[, Positive, drop = FALSE] %*% ((1 / Xsvd$d[Positive]) *
      t(Xsvd$u[, Positive, drop = FALSE]))
  structure(res, badvars = badvars)

nazero <- function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), 0, x)

ftest <- function(z, zr = NULL, vcov = z$vcv) {
  rdf <- z$df # z$N - z$p - 1
  if (is.null(zr)) {
    # we should do F-test vs. model with intercept.
    # but the intercept in z is implicit.
    F <- (t(coef(z)) %*% pinvx(vcov) %*% coef(z)) / z$p
    return(c(F = F, p = pf(F, z$p, rdf, lower.tail = FALSE), df1 = z$p, df2 = rdf))
  #  df1 <- length(coef(z)) - length(coef(zr))
  df1 <- z$p - zr$p
  c1 <- coef(z)
  c2 <- rep(0, length(c1))
  names(c2) <- names(c1)
  c2[names(coef(zr))] <- coef(zr)
  F <- (t(c1 - c2) %*% pinvx(vcov) %*% (c1 - c2)) / df1
  return(c(F = F, p = pf(F, df1, rdf, lower.tail = FALSE), df1 = df1, df2 = rdf))

mkgraph <- function(f1, f2) {
  if (!requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) stop("Package igraph not found")
  #  graph.edgelist(cbind(paste('f1',f1),paste('f2',f2)), directed=FALSE)
  #  graph.edgelist(cbind(500000000+as.integer(f1),f2), directed=FALSE)
  igraph::graph.adjacency(tcrossprod(makeDmatrix(list(f1, f2))) > 0,
    diag = FALSE

diamgraph <- function(flist, approx = TRUE) {
  if (!requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) stop("Package igraph not found")
  gr <- mkgraph(flist[[1]], flist[[2]])
  # find largest cluster
  cl <- igraph::clusters(gr)$membership
  lcl <- which(cl == which.max(table(cl)))
  if (approx) {
    max(igraph::shortest.paths(gr, v = sample(lcl, 10), to = sample(lcl, 10)))
  } else {
    igraph::diameter(igraph::induced.subgraph(gr, lcl))

#' Find diameters of mobility graphs
#' 'diammatrix' computes the diameters of certain graphs related to convergence
#' speed of `felm`.
#' Each pair of factors (f1,f2) from `flist` defines a bipartite graph in
#' which the vertices are the levels of the factors, and two vertices are
#' adjacent if they are observed simultaneously. The connected components of
#' this graph are important for identification of the coefficients for the
#' factor levels, i.e. for `getfe`. But experience and some trials have
#' led the author to speculate that the diameter of the graph (or its largest
#' component) is also important for the convergence rate.  Specifically, the
#' author suspects that under some assumptions, time to convergence goes like
#' the square of the diameter.  At least in the case of two factors.  This
#' function computes the diameter for each pair of factors.  If the graph is
#' disconnected, the largest connected component is used. If `accel=TRUE`
#' (the default), the diameter is approximated from below by drawing two sets
#' of 10 random vertices and finding the maximum length of the shortest paths
#' between them.
#' @param flist a list of factors defining the dummies.
#' @param approx logical. Approximate diameters are computed.
#' @return A matrix of dimension K x K where K is `length(flist)`.
#' @note This function is not important to the operation of the package, it is
#' included for easy experimentation with the convergence rate.  It requires
#' that the suggested package \pkg{igraph} is attached.
#' @keywords internal
diammatrix <- function(flist, approx = TRUE) {
  flen <- length(flist)
  if (flen < 2) {
  val <- matrix(0, flen, flen)
  colnames(val) <- names(flist)
  rownames(val) <- names(flist)
  for (if1 in 1:(flen - 1)) {
    for (if2 in (if1 + 1):flen) {
      val[if1, if2] <- diamgraph(flist[c(if1, if2)], approx)

  # fill in lower triangle:
  val[row(val) > col(val)] <- t(val)[row(val) > col(val)]

# if(!exists('fixef')) fixef <- function(object,...) UseMethod('fixef')

# compute rank deficiency of D-matrix
rankDefic <- function(fl, method = "cholesky", mctol = 1e-3) {
  eps <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
  if (length(fl) == 1) {
  if (length(fl) == 2) {
  if (method == "cholesky") {
    D <- makeDmatrix(fl)
    Ch <- as(Cholesky(crossprod(D), super = TRUE, perm = TRUE, Imult = eps), "sparseMatrix")
    sum(diag(Ch) < eps^(1 / 4))
  } else if (method == "mc") {
    totlev <- sum(sapply(fl, nlevels))
    N <- length(fl[[1]])
    len <- length(fl) + 1
    # now, we will use the rank deficiency d to compute
    # degrees of freedom corrections. I.e. (tr+totlev)+len should
    # be within a certain relative tolerance, which translates
    # to an absolute tolerance of tr
    tolfun <- function(tr) -mctol * abs((tr + totlev) + len)
    init <- 0
    N - (mctrace(fl, tol = tolfun, init = init) + totlev) + len
  } else {
    D <- makeDmatrix(fl)
    as.integer(ncol(D) - rankMatrix(crossprod(D), method = "qr.R"))

# in makeDmatrix/makePmatrix, the weights argument should be the
# square root of the weights. This is what is stored in internal structures.

#' Make sparse matrix of dummies from factor list
#' Given a list of factors, return the matrix of dummies as a sparse matrix.
#' The function returns the model matrix for a list of factors. This matrix is
#' not used internally by the package, but it's used in some of the
#' documentation for illustrative purposes.
#' @param fl list of factors.
#' @param weights numeric vector. Multiplied into the rows.
#' @return Returns a sparse matrix.
#' @examples
#' fl <- lapply(1:3, function(i) factor(sample(3, 10, replace = TRUE)))
#' fl
#' makeDmatrix(fl, weights = seq(0.1, 1, 0.1))
#' @export makeDmatrix
makeDmatrix <- function(fl, weights = NULL) {
  # make the D matrix
  # for pure factors f, it's just the t(as(f,'sparseMatrix'))
  # if there's a covariate vector x, it's t(as(f,'sparseMatrix'))*x
  # for a covariate matrix x, it's the cbinds of the columns with the factor-matrix
  ans <- do.call(mycbind, lapply(fl, function(f) {
    x <- attr(f, "x", exact = TRUE)
    fm <- t(as(f, "sparseMatrix"))
    if (is.null(x)) {
    if (!is.matrix(x)) {
      return(fm * x)
    do.call(mycbind, apply(x, 2, "*", fm))
  nm <- names(fl)
  if (is.null(nm)) nm <- paste("f", seq_along(fl), sep = "")
  levnm <- unlist(sapply(seq_along(fl), function(i) xlevels(nm[i], fl[[i]])))
  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    ans <- Diagonal(length(weights), weights) %*% ans
  colnames(ans) <- levnm

makePmatrix <- function(fl, weights = NULL) {
  D <- makeDmatrix(fl, weights)
  DtD <- crossprod(D)
  DtDi <- pinvx(as.matrix(DtD))
  badvars <- attr(DtDi, "badvars")
  if (is.null(badvars)) {
    return(D %*% DtDi %*% t(D))
  D <- D[, -badvars, drop = FALSE]
  return(D %*% pinvx(as.matrix(crossprod(D))) %*% t(D))
# total number of variables projected out
totalpvar <- function(fl) {
  if (length(fl) == 0) {
  sum(sapply(fl, function(f) {
    x <- attr(f, "x", exact = TRUE)
    if (is.null(x) || !is.matrix(x)) {
    return(ncol(x) * nlevels(f))

nrefs <- function(fl, cf, exactDOF = FALSE) {
  if (length(fl) == 0) {
  if (missing(cf)) cf <- compfactor(fl)
  numpure <- sum(sapply(fl, function(f) is.null(attr(f, "x", exact = TRUE))))
  if (numpure == 1) {
  if (numpure == 2) {
  if (identical(exactDOF, "rM")) {
    return(rankDefic(fl, method = "qr"))
  } else if (identical(exactDOF, "mc")) {
    return(rankDefic(fl, method = "mc"))
  } else if (exactDOF) {
    return(rankDefic(fl, method = "cholesky"))
  return(nlevels(cf) + numpure - 2)

wildcard <- function(formula, s = ls(environment(formula)), re = FALSE,
                     nomatch.failure = TRUE) {
  env <- environment(formula)
  F <- as.Formula(formula)
  lenlhs <- length(F)[1]
  lenrhs <- length(F)[2]
  if (lenlhs == 1 && lenrhs == 1) {
    return(swildcard(formula, s, re, nomatch.failure = nomatch.failure))
  # do the parts separately
  lhs <- lapply(seq_len(lenlhs), function(lh) {
    swildcard(formula(F, lhs = lh, rhs = 0), s, re, nomatch.failure = nomatch.failure)[[2]]
  rhs <- lapply(seq_len(lenrhs), function(rh) {
    swildcard(formula(F, lhs = 0, rhs = rh), s, re, nomatch.failure = nomatch.failure)[[2]]
  if (length(lhs) > 0) {
    LHS <- lhs[[1]]
    for (s in lhs[-1]) {
      LHS <- bquote(.(LHS) | .(s))
  } else {
    LHS <- NULL

  RHS <- rhs[[1]]
  for (s in rhs[-1]) {
    RHS <- bquote(.(RHS) | .(s))
  if (is.null(LHS)) {
    return(as.Formula(substitute(~R, list(R = RHS)), env = env))
  } else {
    as.Formula(substitute(L ~ R, list(L = LHS, R = RHS)), env = env)

swildcard <- function(formula, s = ls(environment(formula)), re = FALSE,
                      nomatch.failure = TRUE) {
  av <- all.vars(formula)
  if (!re) {
    rchars <- c("*", "?")
    wild <- unique(unlist(sapply(rchars, grep, av, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)))
    if (length(wild) > 0) {
      rewild <- utils::glob2rx(wild, trim.tail = FALSE)
    } else {
      rewild <- NULL
    # quote some regexp-specials
    rewild <- lapply(seq_along(rewild), function(i) structure(rewild[i], orig = wild[i]))
  } else {
    rchars <- c(".", "*", "|", "\\", "?", "[", "]", "(", ")", "{", "}")
    wild <- unique(unlist(sapply(rchars, grep, av, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)))
    rewild <- lapply(wild, function(w) structure(w, orig = w))
  wsub <- lapply(rewild, function(w) {
    mtch <- grep(paste("^", w, "$", sep = ""), s, value = TRUE, perl = TRUE)
    if (length(mtch) == 0) {
      if (nomatch.failure) {
        stop("Couldn't match wildcard variable `",
          attr(w, "orig"), "`",
          call. = FALSE
      mtch <- attr(w, "orig")
    as.list(parse(text = paste("`", mtch, "`", collapse = "+", sep = "")))[[1]]
  names(wsub) <- wild
    as.Formula(do.call(substitute, list(formula, wsub)),
      env = environment(formula)
    update = T, collapse = TRUE, drop = FALSE

# prettyprint a list of integers
ilpretty <- function(il) {
    il, cumsum(c(1, diff(il)) != 1),
    function(x) {
      if (length(x) == 1) {
      } else {
        paste(x[[1]], x[[length(x)]], sep = ":")
  ), collapse = " ")

makefitnames <- function(s) gsub("`(Intercept)(fit)`", "(Intercept)", paste("`", s, "(fit)`", sep = ""), fixed = TRUE)
delete.icpt <- function(x) {
  asgn <- attr(x, "assign")
  icpt <- asgn == 0
  if (!length(icpt)) {
  asgn <- asgn[!icpt]
  ctr <- attr(x, "contrasts")
  x <- x[, !icpt, drop = FALSE]
  attr(x, "assign") <- asgn
  attr(x, "contrasts") <- ctr

# do an ls on env, and the parent and all the way up to top
rls <- function(env, top = .GlobalEnv) {
  ret <- character()
  e <- env
  repeat {
    if (identical(e, emptyenv())) break
    ret <- c(ret, ls(e))
    if (identical(e, top)) break
    e <- parent.env(e)

limlk <- function(mm) {
  #  find the kappa for computing k-class liml
  # it's the smallest eigenvalue of the matrix
  # [y endog]' M_i [y endog] ([y endog]' M [y endog])^{-1}
  # where M is projection out of instruments
  # and M_i is projection out of both instruments and exogenous
  # variables
  ye <- cbind(mm$y, mm$ivy)
  H1 <- crossprod(ye, newols(list(y = ye, x = mm$x), nostats = TRUE)$residuals)
  H <- crossprod(ye, newols(list(y = ye, x = cbind(mm$ivx, mm$x)), nostats = TRUE)$residuals)
  mat <- solve(H, H1)
  min(eigen(mat, only.values = TRUE)$values)

resample <- function(cluster, return.factor = FALSE, na.action = NULL, fill = FALSE) {
  if (is.list(cluster)) {
    if (is.factor(cluster[[1]])) {
      if (length(cluster) > 1) warning("List of factors not supported in resample, using first only (", names(cluster)[1], ")")
      cluster <- cluster[[1]]
  # resample entire levels of a factor
  if (length(na.action) > 0) cluster <- factor(cluster[-na.action])
  iclu <- as.integer(cluster)
  cl <- sort(sample(nlevels(cluster), replace = TRUE))
  if (fill) {
    tb <- table(cluster)
    while (sum(tb[cl]) < length(cluster)) {
      cl <- c(cl, sample(nlevels(cluster), 1))
    cl <- sort(cl)
  # find a faster way to do this:
  # s <- sort(unlist(sapply(cl, function(ll) which(clu==ll))))
  s <- NULL
  while (length(cl) > 0) {
    s <- c(s, which(iclu %in% cl))
    cl <- cl[c(1L, diff(cl)) == 0]
  if (return.factor) {

getcomp <- function(est, alpha = NULL) {
  if (nlevels(est$cfactor) == 1) {
    return(list(est = est, alpha = alpha))
  ok <- which(est$cfactor == 1)
  res <- est
  res$cfactor <- factor(res$cfactor[ok])
  if (!is.null(res$X)) {
    res$X <- res$X[ok, ]
  res$residuals <- res$residuals[ok, ]
  res$response <- res$response[ok, ]
  res$fitted.values <- res$fitted.values[ok, ]
  res$r.residuals <- res$r.residuals[ok, ]
  res$fe <- lapply(est$fe, function(f) factor(f[ok]))
  if (alpha != NULL) {
    # of the two first factors, remove the components beyond the first
    # if there are more than two factors, the remaining are assumed to be ok
    # so find those with 'fe' among the two first, and comp > 1

    bad <- which((alpha[, "fe"] %in% names(est$fe)[1:2]) & (alpha[, "comp"] > 1))
    if (length(bad) > 0) alpha <- alpha[-bad, ]
  return(est = res, alpha = alpha)

#' Chain subset conditions
#' @param ... Logical conditions to be chained.
#' @param out.vars character. Variables not in data.frame, only needed if you use variables which
#' are not in the frame.  If `out.vars` is not specified, it is assumed to match all variables
#' starting with a dot ('.').
#' @return Expression that can be `eval`'ed to yield a logical subset mask.
#' @details
#' A set of logical conditions are chained, not and'ed. That is, each argument to
#' `chainsubset` is used as a filter to create a smaller dataset. Each subsequent
#' argument filters further.
#' For independent conditions this will be the same as and'ing them. I.e.
#' `chainsubset(x < 0 , y < 0)` will yield  the same subset as `(x < 0) & (y < 0)`.
#' However, for aggregate filters like `chainsubset(x < mean(y), x > mean(y))`
#' we first find all the observations with `x < mean(y)`, then among these we
#' find the ones with `x > mean(y)`.  The last `mean(y)` is now conditional on
#' `x < mean(y)`.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(48)
#' N <- 10000
#' dat <- data.frame(y = rnorm(N), x = rnorm(N))
#' # It's not the same as and'ing the conditions:
#' felm(y ~ x, data = dat, subset = chainsubset(x < mean(y), y < 2 * mean(x)))
#' felm(y ~ x, data = dat, subset = chainsubset(y < 2 * mean(x), x < mean(y)))
#' felm(y ~ x, data = dat, subset = (x < mean(y)) & (y < 2 * mean(x)))
#' lm(y ~ x, data = dat, subset = chainsubset(x < mean(y), x > mean(y)))
#' @note
#' Some trickery is done to make this work directly in the subset argument of functions like
#' `felm()` and `lm()`. It might possibly fail with an error message in some situations.
#' If this happens, it should be done in two steps: `ss <- eval(chainsubset(...),data);
#' lm(...,data=data, subset=ss)`. In particular, the arguments are taken literally,
#' constructions like \code{function(...) {chainsubset(...)}} or `a <- quote(x < y); chainsubset(a)` do
#' not work, but `do.call(chainsubset,list(a))` does.
#' @export
chainsubset <- function(..., out.vars) {
  if (sys.parent() != 0) {
    cl <- sys.call(sys.parent())
    mc <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
    if (cl[[1]] == quote(eval)) {
      # we are called from eval, probably inside lm. let's replace it with a evalq and a direct call, then
      # evaluation of the result
      ecaller <- parent.frame(3)
      cl[[1]] <- quote(evalq)
      cl[[2]] <- match.call()
      cl[[2]] <- eval(cl, ecaller)
      return(eval(cl, ecaller))

  args <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))[-1]
  args[["out.vars"]] <- NULL
  if (length(args) < 1) {
  if (length(args) == 1) {
    return(structure(args[[1]], filter = args))
  group <- list(as.name("{"))
  miss <- missing(out.vars)
  R <- as.name(sprintf("R%x", RR <- sample(.Machine$integer.max, 1)))
  FF <- as.name(sprintf("F%x", RR))
      .(R) <- logical(length(.(FF) <- .(args[[1]])))
      .(R)[.(Reduce(function(f1, f2) {
        nm <- all.vars(f2)
        nm <- lapply(if (miss) {
          grep("^\\.", nm, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
        } else {
          nm[!(nm %in% out.vars)]
        }, as.name)
        recod <- as.call(c(group, lapply(nm, function(n) bquote(.(n) <- .(n)[.(FF), drop = TRUE]))))
          .(FF) <- .(f1)
      }, args[-1], init = bquote(base::which(.(FF)))))] <- TRUE
    filter = args

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