
Defines functions is.lfobj lfcheck time.lfobj as.lfobj.zoo as.lfobj.xts as.lfobj.data.frame as.lfobj createlfobj.data.frame createlfobj.ts createlfobj.lfobj createlfobj

Documented in as.lfobj as.lfobj.xts as.lfobj.zoo createlfobj createlfobj.data.frame createlfobj.lfobj createlfobj.ts is.lfobj

if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1"){
  utils::globalVariables(c("day", "month", "year", "flow", "tp", "baseflow",
                           ".warned"), add = TRUE)

# Different methods to create a lfobj:
# Data.frame with named columns
# ts + start date (does vector work?)

createlfobj <- function(x, ...){

createlfobj.lfobj <- function(x, hyearstart = NULL, baseflow = NULL,
                              meta = NULL, ...){
    baseflow <- "baseflow" %in% names(x)

    meta <- attr(x, "lfobj")

  dat <- createlfobj.data.frame(x = x, hyearstart = hyearstart,
                                baseflow = baseflow,
                                meta = meta, ...)

# Create a lfobj from a vector of daily flow data and the startdate
createlfobj.ts <- function(x, startdate, dateformat = "%d/%m/%Y", ...){

  start <- as.Date(startdate, dateformat)
  time <- seq(from = start, along.with = x, by = "days")
  df <- data.frame(strsplit_date(time), flow = as.vector(x))

  dat <- createlfobj(x = df, ...)

# Create a lfobj from a data frame with cols named "flow", "day", "month", "year"
createlfobj.data.frame <- function(x, hyearstart = NULL, baseflow = TRUE,
                                   meta = list(), ...){

  cols <- c("day", "month", "year", "flow")
  if(!all(cols %in% names(x))) {
    stop("Your data frame must contain colums named",
         paste(shQuote(cols), collapse = ", "),
         "! Please look at the help files for more information.")

  notNumeric <- names(which(!sapply(x[, cols], is.numeric)))
  for(i in notNumeric) {
    xx <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(x[, i])))
    if(sum(is.na(xx)) > sum(is.na(x[, i]))) {
      stop("column '", i, "' must be numeric.")
    x[, i] <- xx

  if(!(is.null(hyearstart) || hyearstart %in% 1:12)){
    stop("if set, hyearstart must be an integer between 1 and 12")

  # try to guess from attributes or column hyear, otherwise default to January
    hyearstart <- hyear_start(x)

  meta <- as.list(meta)

  # allow flowunit as an alias for unit
  idx <- which(names(meta) == "flowunit")
  if(length(idx)) {
    names(meta)[idx] <- "unit"

  meta[["hyearstart"]] <- hyearstart
  x <- as.data.frame(x)

  dat <- x[, cols]
  time <- time.lfobj(x)

  fullseq <- seq(from = min(time), to = max(time), by = "day")
  missing <- fullseq[!fullseq %in% time]
  if(length(missing)) {
    warning("Irregular time series provided. Missing obervations were padded with NAs.")
    gaps <- data.frame(strsplit_date(missing), flow = NA)
    dat <- rbind(dat, gaps)

  # hydrological year is kept as numeric for backwards compatibility
  dat$hyear <- as.numeric(as.character(water_year(time.lfobj(dat),
                                                  origin = hyearstart)))

  # reorder if necessary
  if(is.unsorted(time) || length(missing)) dat <- dat[order(c(time, missing)), ]
  rownames(dat) <- NULL

  if(baseflow) dat$baseflow <- baseflow(dat$flow, ...)

  # Meta-Information
  attr(dat, "lfobj") <- meta

  class(dat) <- c("lfobj", "data.frame")

as.lfobj <- function(x, ...){

as.lfobj.data.frame <- function(x, ...) {
# todo: detect time column, detect dmy colums, detect discharge


as.lfobj.xts <- function(x, ...) {
  if(!is.null(ncol(x)) && ncol(x) != 1) stop("object with one column expected.")
  df <- data.frame(strsplit_date(time(x)), flow = as.vector(x))

  dat <- createlfobj(x = df, ...)

as.lfobj.zoo <- function(x, ...) {
  as.lfobj.xts(x, ...)

# hack to make attributes sticky
# otherwise subsetting would loose attributes
"[.lfobj" <- function (x, i, j, drop = TRUE) {

  y <- "[.data.frame"(x, i, j, drop)
  attr(y, "lfobj") <- attr(x, "lfobj")


time.lfobj <- function(x) {
  with(x, as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-")))

lfcheck <- function(lfobj){
    stop("This functions is designed for objects of the class 'lfobj'. ",
         "Please use 'createlfobj()' or see '?createlfobj' for more information")

is.lfobj <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "lfobj") &
    all(c("day", "month", "year", "flow", "hyear") %in% colnames(x))

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lfstat documentation built on Nov. 10, 2022, 5:42 p.m.