options(encoding = "latin1", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
words <- vapply(seq_len(5e3), function(w) paste0(sample(letters, 5), collapse = ""), "")
test_that("term.weights work", {
words <- vapply(seq_len(5e3), function(w) paste0(sample(letters, 7), collapse = ""), "")
words <- words[!duplicated(substr(words, 1, 6))]
category <- structure(rnorm(100), names = sample(words, 100))
dtm <- matrix(rpois(100 * 10, 1), 100, dimnames = list(NULL, sample(names(category), 10)))
score <- (dtm %*% category[colnames(dtm)])[, 1]
names(category) <- paste0(substr(names(category), 1, 6), "*")
sepcat <- data.frame(terms = names(category), weights = as.numeric(category))
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, category)[, 1], score)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, list(a = category), list(a = category))[, 1], score)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, sepcat$terms, sepcat$weights)[, 1], score)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, paste0("_", sepcat$terms), sepcat$weights)[, 1], numeric(100))
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, sepcat, "weights")[, 1], score)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, sepcat, "weights")[, 1], score)
s2 <- lma_termcat(dtm, sepcat$terms, data.frame(a = sepcat$weights, b = sepcat$weights))
expect_equal(s2[, 1], score)
expect_equal(s2[, 1], s2[, 2])
sepcat$value <- sepcat$weights * 2
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, structure(sepcat[, -1], row.names = as.character(sepcat$terms)))[, 1], score)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, rbind(sepcat, sepcat[1:4, ]))[, 2], score * 2)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, sepcat$terms, as.matrix(unname(sepcat[, -1])))[, 2], score * 2)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, list(cat = sepcat$terms), list(sepcat$weights))[, 1], score)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, list(weights = sepcat$terms), as.list(sepcat[, -1]))[, 1], score)
test_that("bias works", {
category <- c(`_intercept` = 5, structure(rep(1, 100), names = sample(words, 100)))
sepcat <- list(terms = names(category), weights = as.numeric(category))
dtm <- matrix(rpois(100 * 10, 1), 100, dimnames = list(NULL, sample(names(category)[-1], 10)))
score <- (dtm %*% category[colnames(dtm)])[, 1] + 5
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, category)[, 1], score)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, category[-1], bias = 5)[, 1], score)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, list(a = category), list(a = category))[, 1], score)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, sepcat$terms, sepcat$weights)[, 1], score)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, sepcat$terms[-1], sepcat$weights[-1], 5)[, 1], score)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm,[, 1], score)
test_that("escape works", {
dtm <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0), 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("aba", "a.a", ":[")))
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, list("a.a"), escape = FALSE)[, 1], c(1, 1))
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, list("a.a"))[, 1], c(0, 1))
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, list(":["), escape = FALSE)[, 1], c(1, 0))
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, list(":["))[, 1], c(1, 0))
test_that("partial/glob works", {
dtm <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("aba", "ababb")))
expect_equal(as.numeric(lma_termcat(dtm, list("aba", "aba*"))), c(1, 0, 1, 1))
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, list("aba*"))[, 1], c(1, 1))
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, list("aba*"), glob = FALSE)[, 1], c(0, 0))
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, list("aba"))[, 1], c(1, 0))
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, list("aba"), partial = TRUE)[, 1], c(1, 1))
expect_equal(as.numeric(lma_termcat(dtm, list("aba.*", "aba[b]*", "aba.?.?", "aba.{0,2}"))), rep(1, 8))
test_that("case conversion works", {
text <- vapply(1:5, function(i) paste0(sample(gsub("\\b(\\w)", "\\U\\1", words, perl = TRUE), 50), collapse = " "), "")
dtm <- lma_dtm(text, to.lower = FALSE)
dict <- colnames(dtm)
wc <- rowSums(dtm)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, dict)[, 1], wc)
expect_equal(lma_patcat(text, dict)[, 1], wc)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, tolower(dict))[, 1], wc)
expect_equal(lma_patcat(text, tolower(dict))[, 1], wc)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(text, toupper(dict))[, 1], wc)
expect_equal(lma_patcat(text, toupper(dict))[, 1], wc)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, dict, to.lower = FALSE)[, 1], wc)
expect_equal(lma_patcat(text, dict, to.lower = FALSE)[, 1], wc)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, tolower(dict), to.lower = FALSE)[, 1], wc)
wc <- numeric(nrow(dtm))
expect_equal(lma_patcat(text, tolower(dict), to.lower = FALSE)[, 1], wc)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(tolower(text), dict, to.lower = FALSE)[, 1], wc)
expect_equal(lma_patcat(tolower(text), dict, to.lower = FALSE)[, 1], wc)
expect_equal(lma_termcat(toupper(text), dict, to.lower = FALSE)[, 1], wc)
expect_equal(lma_patcat(toupper(text), dict, to.lower = FALSE)[, 1], wc)
test_that("term.filter works", {
dtm <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("aba_", "abaaa_dwe")))
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, list("aba"), term.filter = "_.*")[, 1], c(1, 0))
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, list("aba"), partial = TRUE, term.filter = "_.*")[, 1], c(1, 1))
test_that("term.break works", {
dict <- list(short = c("1", "2"), long = words)
dtm <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c(dict$long[1], "1")))
full <- lma_termcat(dtm, dict)
expect_equivalent(full, lma_termcat(dtm, dict, term.break = 1e3))
expect_equal(full[, 2], lma_termcat(dtm, dict$long, term.break = 1e3)[, 1])
expect_equal(as.numeric(full), c(0, 1, 1, 0))
test_that("wide dict format works", {
dict <- data.frame(term = c("a", "b", "c"), w1 = c(1, 2, 3), w2 = c(.1, .2, .3))
dtm <- matrix(rep(1:5, 3), 5, 3, dimnames = list(NULL, c("a", "b", "c")))
manual <- cbind(dtm %*% dict$w1, dtm %*% dict$w2)
expect_equivalent(lma_termcat(dtm, dict), manual)
expect_equivalent(lma_termcat(dtm, dict$term, dict), manual)
expect_equivalent(lma_termcat(dtm, dict$term, dict[, -1]), manual)
expect_equivalent(lma_termcat(dtm, structure(dict[, -1], row.names = dict$term)), manual)
expect_equivalent(lma_termcat(dtm, data.frame(c("a", "a", "b"), dict)), manual)
test_that("text input works", {
words <- unique(sample(words, 150))
dict <- paste(words[1:50], words[51:100])
text <- vapply(1:10, function(i) paste(sample(dict, 100, TRUE), collapse = " "), "")
dtm <- lma_dtm(text)
expect_equal(suppressWarnings(lma_termcat(text, dict)[, 1]), rowSums(dtm) / 2)
suppressWarnings(lma_termcat(text, paste0(dict, "*"),
term.weights = rep(.1, length(dict)),
bias = 10, glob = TRUE, partial = FALSE, dir = ""
)[, 1]),
rowSums(dtm) / 2 * .1 + 10
suppressWarnings(lma_termcat(text, dict)[, 1]),
lma_patcat(text, dict)[, 1]
dict <- unlist(strsplit(dict, " "))
expect_equal(lma_termcat(as.factor(text), dict)[, 1], rowSums(dtm))
expect_equal(lma_termcat(dtm, dict)[, 1], rowSums(dtm))
test_that("coverage works", {
dict <- list(
a = paste0("a", letters[1:4]),
b = paste0("b", letters[1:4]),
c = paste0("c", letters[1:4])
text <- c(
a = "aa ab ac ad ba ba ba ba ca",
b = "ba bb bc bd aa ca ca ca ca",
c = "ca cb cc cd aa aa aa aa ba"
res <- lma_termcat(text, dict, coverage = TRUE)
expect_identical(as.numeric(res[, "coverage_b"]), c(1, 4, 1))
res <- lma_process(text, dict = dict, coverage = TRUE, meta = FALSE, exclusive = TRUE)
expect_identical(as.numeric(res[, "coverage_b"]), c(1, 4, 1))
test_that("lma_termcat and lma_patcat are accurate", {
terms <- sample(words, 50)
dict <-, lapply(c("a", "b", "c"), function(cat) {
term = sample(terms, 30),
category = cat,
weight = rnorm(30)
text <- vapply(1:10, function(i) paste(sample(terms, sample(50:150, 1), TRUE), collapse = " "), "")
dtm <- lma_dtm(text)
bias <- c(a = .23, b = 1.2, c = 3)
manual <- vapply(names(bias), function(cat) {
cd <- dict[dict$category == cat, -2]
as.numeric(dtm[, cd$term] %*% cd$weight) + bias[[cat]]
}, numeric(nrow(dtm)))
dict <- rbind(dict, data.frame(term = "_intercept", category = names(bias), weight = bias))
expect_equal(as.numeric(as.matrix(lma_process(text, dict = dict)[, names(bias)])), as.numeric(manual))
expect_equal(as.numeric(lma_termcat(text, dict)), as.numeric(manual))
expect_identical(as.numeric(lma_patcat(text, dict)), as.numeric(manual))
dict[dict$category == "a", "category"] <- ""
expect_equal(as.numeric(lma_termcat(text, dict)), as.numeric(manual))
expect_identical(as.numeric(lma_patcat(text, dict)), as.numeric(manual))
weights <- split(dict$weight, dict$category)
dict <- split(dict$term, dict$category)
expect_equal(as.numeric(lma_termcat(text, dict, weights)), as.numeric(manual))
expect_identical(as.numeric(lma_patcat(text, dict, weights)), as.numeric(manual))
textdir <- "../"
if (!file.exists(paste0(textdir, "texts.txt"))) textdir <- paste0("../../", textdir)
skip_if(!file.exists(paste0(textdir, "texts.txt")), paste("texts.txt not found in", normalizePath(textdir)))
dicts <- list.files("~/Dictionaries", "(?:csv|dic)$", full.names = TRUE)
skip_if(!length(dicts), paste("no .csv or .dic files in", path.expand("~/Dictionaries")))
test_that("applied dictionaries work", {
text <- sample(readLines(paste0(textdir, "texts.txt")), 10)
dtm <- lma_dtm(text)
expect_identical(as.numeric(lma_termcat(dtm, read.dic(dicts[1]))), as.numeric(lma_termcat(dtm, dicts[1])))
expect_identical(as.numeric(lma_patcat(text, read.dic(dicts[1]))), as.numeric(lma_patcat(text, dicts[1])))
for (d in dicts) {
dict <- read.dic(d)
opt <- lma_termcat(dtm, dict)
opp <- lma_patcat(text, dict)
expect_equal(dim(opt), dim(opp))
expect_true(all(colnames(opt) %in% colnames(opp)))
if (any(grepl(" ", if (is.null(dim(dict))) dict$term else unique(unlist(dict)), fixed = TRUE))) {
expect_equal(as.numeric(suppressWarnings(lma_termcat(text, dict))), as.numeric(opp))
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