
Defines functions linpkApp generateETA blockdiag cor2cov LTmat points.pkprofile lines.pkprofile plot.pkprofile print.pkprofile as.data.frame.pkprofile halflife Tmax.oral1cpt AUC.by.trapezoid secondary dose.frame finaltime finalstate pkprofile.matrix pkprofile.default pkprofile.pkprofile pkprofile

Documented in as.data.frame.pkprofile blockdiag cor2cov dose.frame finalstate finaltime generateETA halflife lines.pkprofile linpkApp LTmat pkprofile pkprofile.default pkprofile.matrix pkprofile.pkprofile plot.pkprofile points.pkprofile print.pkprofile secondary

#' Generate a concentration-time profile.
#' This function generates concentration-time profiles from a linear
#' pharmacokinetic (PK) system, possibly with first-order absorption or
#' zero-order infusion, possibly with one or more peripheral compartments, and
#' possibly under steady-state conditions. Single or multiple doses may be
#' specified.
#' @param t.obs A numeric vector of times at which to observe concentrations.
#' @param cl Central clearance parameter.
#' @param vc Central volume parameter.
#' @param q Inter-compartmental clearance. Can be a vector for more than one
#' peripheral compartment, or empty for none. Must match \code{vp} in length.
#' @param vp Peripheral volume. Can be a vector for more than one
#' peripheral compartment, or empty for none. Must match \code{q} in length.
#' @param ka First-order absorption rate parameter. Set to 0 to indicate
#' that there is no first-order absorption (i.e. bolus or infusion).
#' @param dose A \code{list} or \code{data.frame} containing dose information.
#' May contain the following elements:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{t.dose}}{Dose time (default 0).}
#'   \item{\code{amt}}{Dose amount (default 1).}
#'   \item{\code{rate}}{Rate of zero-order infusion, or 0 to ignore (default 0).
#'   Only one of \code{rate} and \code{dur} should be specified unless \code{amt} is missing.}
#'   \item{\code{dur}}{Duration of zero-order infusion, or 0 to ignore (default 0).
#'   Only one of \code{rate} and \code{dur} should be specified unless \code{amt} is missing.}
#'   \item{\code{ii}}{Interdose interval (default 24). Only used if addl or ss are used.}
#'   \item{\code{addl}}{Number of \emph{additional} doses (default 0). The
#'   total number of doses given is \code{addl + 1}.}
#'   \item{\code{ss}}{Indicates that a dose is given under steady-state
#'   conditions (default 0 or FALSE; converted to \code{logical} internally).}
#'   \item{\code{cmt}}{The number of the compartment into which the dose is
#'   administered. The default value is 0, which indicates the depot
#'   compartment for first-order absorption (i.e. \code{ka > 0}), and central
#'   compartment otherwise.}
#'   \item{\code{lag}}{Time lag (default 0).}
#'   \item{\code{f}}{Bioavailable fraction (default 1).}
#' }
#' @param sc A scaling constant for the central compartment. Concentrations are
#' obtained by dividing amounts by this constant.
#' @param A A matrix of first-order rate constants between the compartments.
#' @param defdose The default dose compartment when the compartment is
#' missing or 0.
#' @param initstate A numeric vector containing values to initialize the
#' compartments.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed along to other methods.
#' @return An object of class "pkprofile", which is simply a numeric vector of
#' concentration values with some attributes attached to it.
#' This object has its own methods for \code{print}, \code{plot}, \code{lines} and \code{points}.
#' @section Warning:
#' Pay attention to the default arguments. They are there for convenience, but
#' may lead to undesired results if one is not careful.
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{\link{halflife}}
#'   \item \code{\link{secondary}}
#'   \item \code{\link{print.pkprofile}}
#'   \item \code{\link{plot.pkprofile}}
#'   \item \code{\link{lines.pkprofile}}
#'   \item \code{\link{points.pkprofile}}
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Default values, a bolus injection
#' y <- pkprofile()
#' plot(y)
#' t.obs <- seq(0, 24, 0.1)
#' dur <- 1
#' amt <- 1
#' ka <- 1
#' cl <- 0.25
#' vc <- 5
#' q <- 2.5
#' vp <- 10
#' # One-compartment model with first-order absorption, single dose
#' y <- pkprofile(t.obs, cl=cl, vc=vc, ka=ka, dose=list(amt=amt))
#' plot(y)
#' # Two-compartment model with first-order absorption, single dose
#' y <- pkprofile(t.obs, cl=cl, vc=vc, vp=vp, q=q, ka=ka, dose=list(amt=amt))
#' plot(y)
#' # One-compartment model with zero-order infusion, single dose
#' y <- pkprofile(t.obs, cl=cl, vc=vc, dose=list(dur=dur, amt=amt))
#' plot(y)
#' # Two-compartment model with zero-order infusion, single dose
#' y <- pkprofile(t.obs, cl=cl, vc=vc, vp=vp, q=q, dose=list(dur=dur, amt=amt))
#' plot(y)
#' # Two-compartment model with bolus injection, single dose
#' y <- pkprofile(t.obs, cl=cl, vc=vc, vp=vp, q=q, dose=list(amt=amt))
#' plot(y)
#' # Two-compartment model with bolus injection into the peripheral compartment, single dose
#' y <- pkprofile(t.obs, cl=cl, vc=vc, vp=vp, q=q, dose=list(amt=amt, cmt=2))
#' plot(y)
#' # Two-compartment model with zero-order infusion into the peripheral compartment, single dose
#' y <- pkprofile(t.obs, cl=cl, vc=vc, vp=vp, q=q, dose=list(amt=amt, cmt=2, dur=dur))
#' plot(y)
#' t.obs <- seq(0, 24*6, 1)
#' # One-compartment model with first-order absorption, multiple doses
#' y <- pkprofile(t.obs, cl=cl, vc=vc, ka=ka, dose=list(t.dose=seq(0, 24*5, 12), amt=amt))
#' plot(y)
#' # One-compartment model with first-order absorption, multiple doses specified by addl and ii
#' y <- pkprofile(t.obs, cl=cl, vc=vc, ka=ka, dose=list(t.dose=0, amt=amt, addl=9, ii=12))
#' plot(y, type="b")
#' points(y, col="blue")
#' # One-compartment model with first-order absorption, multiple doses under steady-state conditions
#' yss <- pkprofile(t.obs, cl=cl, vc=vc, ka=ka, dose=list(t.dose=0, amt=amt, addl=9, ii=12, ss=1))
#' lines(yss, col="red")
#' points(yss, col="green")
#' # One-compartment model with zero-order infusion, multiple doses specified by addl and ii
#' y <- pkprofile(t.obs, cl=cl, vc=vc, dose=list(dur=dur, amt=amt, addl=9, ii=12))
#' plot(y, log="y")
#' # One-compartment model with zero-order infusion, multiple doses  under steady-state conditions
#' yss <- pkprofile(t.obs, cl=cl, vc=vc, dose=list(dur=dur, amt=amt, addl=9, ii=12, ss=1))
#' lines(yss, col="red")
#' @export
pkprofile <- function(...) UseMethod("pkprofile")

#' Continue an existing concentration-time profile.
#' This method can be used to append to an existing PK profile, for instance to
#' simulate a PK profile with parameters that change over time. Each time the
#' parameters change, a new call to this method is used to advance the system
#' with the new parameter values.
#' @param obj An object returned from a previous call to \code{\link{pkprofile}}.
#' @param t.obs A numeric vector of times at which to observe concentrations.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed along.
#' @param append Should the new profile be appended to the current samples?
#' Otherwise, only the new samples are returned.
#' @return An object of class "pkprofile".
#' @section Warning:
#' The new parameters take effect at the time when the previous profile ends.
#' If the previous profile ends before the new sampling starts, the \emph{new}
#' parameters will be used to advance the system to the start of the new
#' sampling.
#' Any ongoing zero-order infusion at the end of the previous profile is
#' dropped. The remaining infusion amount will NOT be carried forward.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pkprofile}}
#' @examples
#' t.obs <- seq(0, 24, 0.1)
#' amt <- 1
#' ka <- 1
#' cl <- 0.25
#' vc <- 5
#' # One-compartment model with first-order absorption
#' # First dose at time 0
#' y <- pkprofile(t.obs, cl=cl, vc=vc, ka=ka, dose=list(t.dose=0, amt=amt))
#' # Second dose at 24h with a lower clearance
#' y <- pkprofile(y, t.obs+24, cl=0.5*cl, vc=vc, ka=ka, dose=list(t.dose=24, amt=amt))
#' # Third dose at 48h with a higher clearance
#' y <- pkprofile(y, t.obs+48, cl=2*cl, vc=vc, ka=ka, dose=list(t.dose=48, amt=amt))
#' plot(y)
#' @export
pkprofile.pkprofile <- function(obj, t.obs=finaltime(obj) + seq(0, 24, 0.1), ..., append=TRUE) {
    args <- list(...)
    newargs <- args

    t.last <- finaltime(obj)
    if (length(t.last) == 0) {
        newargs$t.obs <- t.obs
        newargs$initstate <- NULL
        t.last <- 0
    } else {
        newargs$t.obs <- (t.obs - t.last)
        newargs$initstate <- finalstate(obj)

    if (!is.null(args$dose)) {
        if (!is.list(args$dose)) {
            stop("dose must be given as a list or data.frame")
        args$dose <- as.data.frame(args$dose)
        if (!is.null(args$dose$t.dose)) {
            newargs$dose$t.dose <- (args$dose$t.dose - t.last)
        } else {
            warning("No t.dose provided. Assuming last time point of obj.")
            newargs$dose$t.dose <- rep(0, length.out=nrow(args$dose))
        if (any(newargs$dose$t.dose < 0)) {
            warning("Doses before the end of the previous profile. Expect strange behavior.")
    } else {
        # Zero dose to avoid warning
        newargs$dose <- data.frame(t.dose=0, amt=0)

    if (any(newargs$t.obs < 0)) {
        warning("Observations before the end of the previous profile requested. Expect strange behavior.")

    obj2 <- do.call(pkprofile, newargs)
    attr(obj2, "t.obs") <- attr(obj2, "t.obs") + t.last
    attr(obj2, "dose")$t.dose <- attr(obj2, "dose")$t.dose + t.last

    if (append) {
        obj3 <- c(obj, obj2)
        attributes(obj3) <- attributes(obj2)
        attr(obj3, "t.obs") <- c(attr(obj, "t.obs"), attr(obj2, "t.obs"))
        attr(obj3, "state") <- cbind(attr(obj, "state"), attr(obj2, "state"))
        dose1 <- dose.frame(obj)
        dose2 <- dose.frame(obj2)
        dose1[,setdiff(names(dose2), names(dose1))] <- NA
        dose2[,setdiff(names(dose1), names(dose2))] <- NA
        attr(obj3, "dose") <- rbind(dose1, dose2[,names(dose1)])
    } else {

#' @describeIn pkprofile Default method.
#' @export
pkprofile.default <- function(t.obs=seq(0, 24, 0.1), cl=1, vc=5, q=numeric(0), vp=numeric(0), ka=0,
    dose=list(t.dose=0, amt=1, rate=0, dur=0, ii=24, addl=0, ss=0, cmt=0, lag=0, f=1),
    sc=vc, initstate=NULL, ...) {

    if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
        warning(sprintf("Unexpected argument(s): %s",
            paste(names(list(...)), collapse=", ")))

    # Check arguments
    if (!(is.numeric(cl) && length(cl) == 1 && !is.na(cl) && cl > 0)) {
        stop("cl must be a single positive numeric value")
    if (!(is.numeric(vc) && length(vc) == 1 && !is.na(vc) && vc > 0)) {
        stop("vc must be a single positive numeric value")
    if (!(is.numeric(q) && is.numeric(vp) && length(q) == length(vp) &&
            all(!is.na(q) & q > 0) && all(!is.na(vp) & vp > 0))) {
        stop("q and vp must be positive numeric vectors of the same length")
    if (!(is.numeric(ka) && length(ka) == 1 && !is.na(ka) && ka >= 0)) {
        stop("ka must be a single non-negative numeric value (set to 0 for no first-order absorption)")
    oral <- (ka > 0)

    ncomp <- 1 + length(q)
    n <- ncomp + oral
    A <- matrix(0, n, n)
    ke <- cl/vc
    A[1,1] <- -ke
    for (j in seq_along(q)) {
        # Peripheral compartment(s)
        k1. <- q[j]/vc
        k.1 <- q[j]/vp[j]
        A[1,1] <- A[1,1] - k1.
        A[1,j+1] <- k.1
        A[j+1,1] <- k1.
        A[j+1,j+1] <- -k.1
    if (oral) {
        A[1,n] <- ka
        A[n,n] <- -ka
        defdose <- n
    } else {
        defdose <- 1

        pkprofile.matrix(A, t.obs=t.obs, dose=dose, defdose=defdose, sc=sc, initstate=initstate, call=match.call(), ...),
        pkpar=list(cl=cl, vc=vc, q=q, vp=vp, ka=ka))

#' @describeIn pkprofile Matrix method.
#' @export
pkprofile.matrix <- function(A, t.obs=seq(0, 24, 0.1),
    dose=list(t.dose=0, amt=1, rate=0, dur=0, ii=24, addl=0, ss=0, cmt=0, lag=0, f=1),
    defdose=1, sc=1, initstate=NULL, ...) {

    call <- if (!is.null(list(...)$call)) list(...)$call else match.call()

    if (nrow(A) < 1 | nrow(A) != ncol(A)) {
        stop("A must be a square matrix")

    if (!is.list(dose)) {
        stop("dose must be given as a list or data.frame")
    dose <- as.data.frame(dose)
    if (nrow(dose) == 0) {
        warning("No dose given")
        dose <- data.frame(t.dose=0, amt=0)

    if (!is.null(dose$amt) && any(dose$addl < 0)) {
        warning("Negative amt. Expect strange behavior.")
    if (!is.null(dose$addl) && any(dose$addl > 0) && is.null(dose$ii)) {
        stop("addl requires that ii be specified")
    if (!is.null(dose$ss) && any(dose$ss > 0) && is.null(dose$ii)) {
        stop("ss requires that ii be specified")
    if (!is.null(dose$rate) & !is.null(dose$dur) & !is.null(dose$amt)) { 
        if (any(!is.na(dose$rate) & !is.na(dose$dur) & !is.na(dose$amt) &
                dose$rate > 0 & dose$dur > 0 & dose$rate != (dose$amt / dose$dur))) {
            stop("amt, rate and dur are inconsistent for infusion")

    # Defaults
    if (is.null(dose$t.dose)) dose$t.dose <- 0
    if (is.null(dose$amt))    dose$amt    <- 1
    if (is.null(dose$rate))   dose$rate   <- 0
    if (is.null(dose$dur))    dose$dur    <- 0
    if (is.null(dose$ii))     dose$ii     <- 24
    if (is.null(dose$addl))   dose$addl   <- 0
    if (is.null(dose$ss))     dose$ss     <- 0
    if (is.null(dose$cmt))    dose$cmt    <- 0
    if (is.null(dose$lag))    dose$lag    <- 0
    if (is.null(dose$f))      dose$f      <- 1

    dosecols <- c("t.dose", "amt", "rate", "dur", "ii", "addl", "ss", "cmt", "lag", "f")
    if (!all(names(dose) %in% dosecols)) {
        warning(sprintf("Unrecognized dose item(s): %s",
            paste(setdiff(names(dose), dosecols), collapse=", ")))
    dose <- dose[, dosecols]

    dose$t.dose [is.na(dose$t.dose)] <- 0
    dose$amt    [is.na(dose$amt   )] <- 1
    dose$rate   [is.na(dose$rate  )] <- 0
    dose$dur    [is.na(dose$dur   )] <- 0
    dose$ii     [is.na(dose$ii    )] <- 24
    dose$addl   [is.na(dose$addl  )] <- 0
    dose$ss     [is.na(dose$ss    )] <- 0
    dose$cmt    [is.na(dose$cmt   )] <- 0
    dose$lag    [is.na(dose$lag   )] <- 0
    dose$f      [is.na(dose$f     )] <- 1

    dose$amt <- dose$amt * dose$f  # Bioavailable fraction

    dose$ss <- as.logical(dose$ss) # Steady state

    dose$conc <- NA  # Keep track of the concentration at time of dose (Ctrough)

    # Zero-order infusion
    i1 <- dose$rate == 0 & dose$dur > 0
    i2 <- dose$rate > 0  & dose$dur == 0
    i3 <- dose$rate > 0  & dose$dur > 0
    dose$rate[i1] <- dose$amt[i1] / dose$dur[i1]
    dose$dur[i2] <- dose$amt[i2] / dose$rate[i2]
    dose$amt[i3] <- dose$rate[i3] * dose$dur[i3]

    # Expand addl
    if (any(dose$addl > 0)) {
        expand.addl <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_len(nrow(dose)), function(j) {
                        data.frame(t.dose=seq(t.dose, by=ii, length.out=addl+1), j=j))
        dose <- dose[expand.addl$j,]
        dose$t.dose <- expand.addl$t.dose
        dose$addl <- NULL

    dose <- dose[order(dose$t.dose),] # Time order

    n <- nrow(A)
    eigenA <- eigen(A)
    L <- eigenA$value
    if (any(L == 0)) {
        stop("The solution to the system of ODE could not be found (singular matrix)")
    if (length(unique(L)) != length(L)) {
        stop("Repeated eigenvalues. Solving these types of systems is not implemented in `linpk`")
    V <- eigenA$vector
    qrV <- qr(V)
    qrA <- qr(A)
    if (qrV$rank < ncol(V)) {
        stop("The solution to the system of ODE could not be found (singular matrix)")

    t.aug <- c(t.obs, dose$t.dose)
    evid <- c(rep(0, length(t.obs)), rep(1, nrow(dose)))
    if (any(dose$rate > 0)) {
        dose$t.eoi <- dose$t.dose + dose$dur
        t.aug <- c(t.aug, dose$t.eoi)
        evid <- c(evid, rep(2, nrow(dose)))
    y <- matrix(0, n, length(t.aug))

    if (!is.null(initstate)) {
        if (!is.numeric(initstate)) {
            stop("initstate must be a numeric vector")
        if (length(initstate) != n) {
            stop("initstate must contain one value for each compartment")
        C <- solve(qrV, initstate)
        y <- V %*% (C * exp(L %o% t.aug))

    for (j in seq_len(nrow(dose))) {
        t.dose <- dose$t.dose[j]
        amt    <- dose$amt   [j]
        rate   <- dose$rate  [j]
        dur    <- dose$dur   [j]
        ii     <- dose$ii    [j]
        ss     <- dose$ss    [j]
        cmt    <- dose$cmt   [j]
        lag    <- dose$lag   [j]

        # Default dose compartment
        if (cmt == 0) cmt <- defdose

        tad <- t.aug - t.dose - lag

        t1 <- tad
        if (all(t1 < 0)) break

        if (rate > 0) {
            # Zero-order infusion
            b <- rep(0, n)
            b[cmt] <- rate
            ystat <- -solve(qrA, b)
            if (ss) {
                y[,t1 >= 0] <- 0  # Reset
                Q1 <- exp(L * ii) / (1 - exp(L * ii))
                Q2 <- exp(L * dur) / (1 - exp(L * dur))
                y0 <- drop(V %*% (solve(qrV, ystat) * Q1 / Q2))
                if (lag > 0) {
                    i <- tad < 0 & tad >= -lag
                    t1[i] <- t1[i] %% ii
            } else {
                y0 <- rep(0, n)
            Cinf <- solve(qrV, y0 - ystat)
            if (any(t1==0)) {
                y[,t1==0] <- y[,t1==0] + y0
            i <- t1 > 0 & t1 < dur 
            y[,i] <- y[,i] + V %*% (Cinf * exp(L %o% t1[i])) + ystat
            y0 <- drop(V %*% (Cinf * exp(L * dur)) + ystat) # At EOI
            t1 <- tad - dur    # Advance time to EOI
            if (all(t1 < 0)) break
        } else {
            delta <- rep(0, n)
            delta[cmt] <- amt
            if (ss) {
                y[,t1 >= 0] <- 0  # Reset
                y0 <- drop(V %*% (solve(qrV, delta) / (1 - exp(L * ii))))
                if (lag > 0) {
                    i <- tad < 0 & tad >= -lag
                    t1[i] <- t1[i] %% ii
            } else {
                y0 <- delta

        C <- solve(qrV, y0)
        if (any(t1==0)) {
            y[,t1==0] <- y[,t1==0] + y0
        i <- t1 > 0
        y[,i] <- y[,i] + V %*% (C * exp(L %o% t1[i]))

    state.all <- Re(y)
    conc.all <- state.all[1,]/sc[1]
    state <- state.all[, evid==0, drop=FALSE]
    conc <- conc.all[evid==0]

    # Keep track of the concentration at time of dose (Ctrough), and EOI
    dose$conc <- conc.all[evid==1]
    if (any(dose$rate > 0)) {
        dose$conc.eoi <- conc.all[evid==2]
        dose$conc.eoi[dose$rate == 0] <- NA
        dose$t.eoi[dose$rate == 0] <- NA

        class      = c("pkprofile", class(conc)),
        call       = call,
        t.obs      = t.obs,
        state      = state,
        dose       = dose,
        defdose    = defdose,
        sc         = sc,
        A          = A,
        L          = L,
        V          = V)

#' Get the final state or time of a PK profile.
#' @param x A object of class \code{\link{pkprofile}}.
#' @return A \code{numeric} vector containing the state of each compartment at
#' the final observation time (\code{finalstate}), or the final observation
#' time itself (\code{finaltime}).
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{\link{pkprofile}} for generating a PK profile.
#'   \item \code{\link{pkprofile.pkprofile}} for appending to an existing PK profile.
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Administer a dose at time 0 and a second dose using the final state
#' # from the first dose (at 12h) as the initial state for the second dose.
#' t.obs <- seq(0, 12, 0.1)
#' y <- pkprofile(t.obs, cl=0.25, vc=5, ka=1, dose=list(t.dose=0, amt=1))
#' finalstate(y)
#' y2 <- pkprofile(t.obs, cl=0.25, vc=5, ka=1, dose=list(t.dose=0, amt=1), initstate=finalstate(y))
#' plot(y, xlim=c(0, 24), ylim=c(0, max(y2)), col="blue")  # First dose
#' lines(t.obs+12, y2, col="red")                          # Second dose
#' # Add a vertical line to show where the first profile ends.
#' abline(v=finaltime(y), col="gray75", lty=2)
#' @export
finalstate <- function(x) {
    state <- attr(x, "state")
    finalstate <- state[, ncol(state), drop=FALSE]

#' @rdname finalstate
#' @export
finaltime <- function(x) {
    t.obs <- attr(x, "t.obs")

#' Get the doses from a PK profile.
#' @param x A object of class \code{\link{pkprofile}}.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} containing the realized doses, one per row. The
#' \code{data.frame} has all the columns described in \code{\link{pkprofile}},
#' except \code{addl}, since all additional doses have been expanded to
#' individual rows. It also has a \code{conc} column with the simulated
#' concentration at the time of the dose.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pkprofile}}
#' @examples
#' t.obs <- seq(0, 6*24, 0.5)
#' y <- pkprofile(t.obs, cl=0.5, vc=11, ka=1.3,
#'     dose=list(t.dose=c(0, 24*2 + 14), amt=c(100, 50), addl=c(4, 0), ii=24))
#' dose.frame(y)
#' @export
dose.frame <- function(x) {
    attr(x, "dose")

#' Derive secondary PK parameters.
#' @param x A object of class \code{\link{pkprofile}}.
#' @param From A vector of interval start times. The defaults is the times of the doses.
#' @param To A vector of interval end times. The defaults is the time of the next dose,
#' or last observation time.
#' @param include.dose.times Should dose times (and end of infusion times) be
#' considered in addition to the simulation times?
#' @return A \code{data.frame} with one row for each time interval and with the
#' following columns:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{From}}{The time of the start of the interval. Can differ from
#'   the specified start time because it always corresponds to an actual data
#'   point.}
#'   \item{\code{To}}{The time of the end of the interval. Can differ from the
#'   specified end time because it always corresponds to an actual data point.}
#'   \item{\code{N}}{The number of distinct data points in the interval used to
#'   derive \code{AUC}, \code{Cmax}, etc.}
#'   \item{\code{Ctrough}}{Concentration at the time of dose (i.e. just prior
#'   to the dose). Only present if the start of the interval corresponds to a
#'   dose time.}
#'   \item{\code{Cmin}}{Minimum concentration over the interval.}
#'   \item{\code{Tmin}}{Time of the minimum concentration over the interval.}
#'   \item{\code{Cmax}}{Maximum concentration over the interval.}
#'   \item{\code{Tmax}}{Time of the maximum concentration over the interval.}
#'   \item{\code{Cave}}{Average concentration over the interval (calculated by
#'   the trapezoid rule).}
#'   \item{\code{AUC}}{Area under the concentration-time curve over the
#'   interval (calculated by the trapezoid rule).}}
#' @examples
#' t.obs <- seq(0, 24*4, 0.1)
#' y <- pkprofile(t.obs, cl=0.25, vc=5, ka=1, dose=list(t.dose=0, amt=1, addl=6, ii=12))
#' secondary(y)
#' secondary(y, 0, 48)
#' secondary(y, 0, Inf)
#' sum(secondary(y)$AUC)  # Same as above
#' plot(y)
#' with(secondary(y), points(Tmax, Cmax, pch=19, col="blue"))
#' with(secondary(y), points(Tmin, Cmin, pch=19, col="red"))
#' with(secondary(y), points(From, Ctrough, pch=19, col="green"))
#' with(secondary(y), points(From + 6, Cave, pch=19, col="purple", cex=2))
#' @export
secondary <- function(x, From=NULL, To=NULL, include.dose.times=T) {
    conc <- as.numeric(x)
    time <- attr(x, "t.obs")
    dose <- attr(x, "dose")

    if (include.dose.times) {
        time <- c(time, dose$t.dose)
        conc <- c(conc, dose$conc)
        if (!is.null(dose$t.eoi)) {
            i <- !is.na(dose$t.eoi)
            time <- c(time, dose$t.eoi[i])
            conc <- c(conc, dose$conc.eoi[i])
    o <- order(time)
    time <- time[o]
    conc <- conc[o]
    duplicate <- c(FALSE, diff(time) == 0 & diff(conc) == 0)
    time <- time[!duplicate]
    conc <- conc[!duplicate]

    remove.equal <- (is.null(From) && is.null(To))
    if (is.null(From)) {
        From <- dose$t.dose
    if (is.null(To)) {
        To <- c(dose$t.dose[-1], max(time))

    d <- data.frame(From=From, To=To)
    if (remove.equal) {
        d <- subset(d, From != To)
    k <- nrow(d)

    d$N       <- numeric(k)
    d$Ctrough <- numeric(k)
    d$Cmin    <- numeric(k)
    d$Cmax    <- numeric(k)
    d$Cave    <- numeric(k)
    d$AUC     <- numeric(k)
    d$Tmin    <- numeric(k)
    d$Tmax    <- numeric(k)

    for (j in seq_len(k)) {
        d$From[j] <- min(time[time >= d$From[j]])
        d$To[j] <- max(time[time <= d$To[j]])
        i <- time >= d$From[j] & time <= d$To[j]
        d$N[j] <- sum(i)
        d$Ctrough[j] <- dose$conc[dose$t.dose == d$From[j]][1]
        d$Cmin[j] <- min(conc[i])
        d$Cmax[j] <- max(conc[i])
        d$Tmax[j] <- time[i][which.max(conc[i])]
        d$Tmin[j] <- time[i][which.min(conc[i])]
        d$AUC[j] <- AUC.by.trapezoid(time[i], conc[i])
        d$Cave[j] <- if (diff(range(time[i])) == 0) {
        } else {

AUC.by.trapezoid <- function(x, y) {
    i <- order(x)
    x <- x[i]
    y <- y[i]
    sum(0.5 * (y[-1] + y[-length(y)]) * diff(x))

Tmax.oral1cpt <- function(cl, vc, ka, ss=FALSE, ii) {
    ke <- cl/vc
    if (ss) {
        if (missing(ii) || is.null(ii)) {
            stop("ss requires that ii be specified")
        log((ka * (1 - exp(-ke*ii)))/(ke*(1 - exp(-ka*ii))))/(ka - ke)
    } else {
        log(ka/ke)/(ka - ke)

#' Half-lives of a linear PK system.
#' @param x A object of class \code{\link{pkprofile}}.
#' @return A \code{numeric} vector containing the half-lives for the different
#' phases of the system. The number of phases generally equal the number of
#' compartments, plus one for the absorption phase if the system has first
#' order absorption (i.e. if \code{ka} is specified). The values are returned
#' sorted in ascending order, so the first corresponds to the alpha phase,
#' the second beta, the third gamma, and so on. The absorption half-life, if
#' present, comes last (it can also be identified by comparing it to the value
#' of \code{log(2)/ka}).
#' @examples
#' y <- pkprofile(0, cl=0.25, vc=5, ka=1.1)
#' halflife(y)
#' log(2)/1.1
#' y <- pkprofile(0, cl=0.25, vc=5, ka=0.01)  # Flip-flop kinetics
#' halflife(y)
#' log(2)/0.01
#' # Three-compartment model
#' y <- pkprofile(0, cl=2, vc=10, q=c(0.5, 0.3), vp=c(30, 40))
#' halflife(y)
#' # The terminal half-life can be used to obtain the terminal slope of the
#' # concentration-time curve on the semi-log scale:
#' t.obs <- seq(0, 36, 0.1)
#' y <- pkprofile(t.obs, cl=0.25, vc=5, ka=1, dose=list(t.dose=0, amt=1))
#' plot(log2(y))
#' abline(-2.247927, -1/halflife(y)[1], col=adjustcolor("blue", 0.2), lwd=12)
#' @export
halflife <- function(x) {
    L <- attr(x, "L")
    HL <- log(2)/(-Re(L))
    HL[HL < 0] <- Inf
    HL <- sort(HL)
    names(HL) <- paste0("HL.", seq_along(HL))
    ka <- as.list(attr(x, "pkpar"))$ka
    if (!is.null(ka)) {
        if (ka > 0) {
            absorp <- which.min(abs((log(2)/ka) - HL))
            HL <- HL[c(seq_along(HL)[-absorp], absorp)] # Put it last
            names(HL) <- paste0("HL.", seq_along(HL))
            names(HL)[length(HL)] <- "HL.a"

#' Coerce a \code{pkprofile} to a \code{data.frame}
#' @param x An object of class \code{pkprofile}.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed along.
#' @param col.names Character vector of length 2 giving the names for the time and concentration columns.
#' @param .state Include the complete state along with \code{time} and \code{conc}?
#' @return A \code{data.frame} with columns \code{time} and \code{conc} (or the
#' names specified in \code{col.names}). If \code{.state == TRUE}, then the
#' complete state is appended (as a matrix column).
#' @export
as.data.frame.pkprofile <- function(x, ..., col.names=c("time", "conc"), .state=FALSE) {
    df <- data.frame(time=attr(x, "t.obs"), conc=as.numeric(x), ...)
    if (!is.character(col.names) | length(col.names) != 2) {
        warning("There should be 2 column names specified, for time and concentration respectively")
    names(df)[1:2] <- col.names
    if (.state) {
        df$state=t(attr(x, "state"))

#' Printing and plotting methods for class \code{pkprofile}.
#' @param x An object of class \code{pkprofile}.
#' @param y Any other object. Specifying \code{y} causes the default method to
#' be called instead (effectively overriding the class-specific behaviour).
#' @keywords internal
#' @name pkprofile-methods

#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @rdname pkprofile-methods
#' @export
print.pkprofile <- function(x, ...) {
    t.obs <- attr(x, "t.obs")
    tt <- head(t.obs, 5)
    if (length(t.obs) > 6) {
        tt <- c(tt, "...")
    tt <- c(tt, tail(t.obs, 1))
    tt <- paste0(tt, collapse=", ")
    cat("PK concentration-time profile at times: ", tt, "\n")

#' @importFrom graphics plot.default
#' @rdname pkprofile-methods
#' @export
plot.pkprofile <- function(x, y, ...) {
    if (!missing(y)) {
    } else {
        args <- list()
        args$x <- attr(x, "t.obs")
        args$y <- as.numeric(x)
        args <- c(args, list(...))
        if (is.null(args$xlab)) {
            args$xlab <- "Time"
        if (is.null(args$ylab)) {
            args$ylab <- "Concentration"
        if (is.null(args$type)) {
            args$type <- "l"
        do.call(plot.default, args)

#' @importFrom graphics lines.default
#' @rdname pkprofile-methods
#' @export
lines.pkprofile <- function(x, y, ...) {
    if (!missing(y)) {
    } else {
        args <- list()
        args$x <- attr(x, "t.obs")
        args$y <- as.numeric(x)
        args <- c(args, list(...))
        do.call(lines.default, args)

#' @importFrom graphics points.default
#' @rdname pkprofile-methods
#' @export
points.pkprofile <- function(x, y, ...) {
    if (!missing(y)) {
    } else {
        args <- list()
        args$x <- attr(x, "t.obs")
        args$y <- as.numeric(x)
        args <- c(args, list(...))
        do.call(points.default, args)

#' Construct a symmetric matrix from its lower triangle.
#' @param LT A numeric vector giving the elements of the lower triangle of the
#' matrix by row (see examples).
#' @param .names,.colnames,.rownames Optionally, specify row and column names of the resulting matrix.
#' @return A symmetric matrix.
#' @examples
#' LTmat(1:6)
#' @export
LTmat <- function(LT, .names=attr(LT, ".names"), .colnames=.names, .rownames=.names) {
    x <- length(LT)
    p <- (sqrt(8*x + 1) - 1)/2
    m <- matrix(0, p, p)
    m[upper.tri(m, diag=T)] <- LT
    m <- m + t(m) - diag(diag(m))
    colnames(m) <- .colnames; rownames(m) <- .rownames

#' Convert from standard deviation and correlation matrix to covariance matrix.
#' @param cor A correlation matrix. If \code{sd} is missing, the diagonal
#' entries are taken to be the standard deviations, otherwise they are ignored.
#' @param sd A vector of standard deviations (optional).
#' @return A covariance matrix.
#' @examples
#' cor2cov(matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1), 2, 2), 0.1)
#' @export
cor2cov <- function(cor, sd) {
    if (missing(sd)) {
        sd <- diag(cor)
    diag(cor) <- 1
    n <- nrow(cor)
    diag(sd, n) %*% cor %*% diag(sd, n)

#' Construct a block-diagonal matrix.
#' @param ... Any number of square matrices making up the diagonal blocks of
#' the matrix.
#' @return A block-diagonal matrix.
#' @examples
#' blockdiag(matrix(1, 2, 2), 2, matrix(3, 4, 4))
#' @export
blockdiag <- function(...) {
    b <- list(...)
    b <- lapply(b, function(x) {
        if (is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1) {
            x <- as.matrix(x)
        if (!is.matrix(x) || nrow(x) != ncol(x)) {
            stop("All arguments must be square matrices")
    n <- sapply(b, nrow)
    cn <- c(0, cumsum(n))
    ntot <- sum(n)
    m <- matrix(0, ntot, ntot)
    for (j in seq_along(n)) {
        i <- (1:n[j]) + cn[j]
        m[i,i] <- b[[j]]
    rnam <- unlist(lapply(b, function(x) dimnames(x)[[1]]))
    cnam <- unlist(lapply(b, function(x) dimnames(x)[[2]]))
    if (length(rnam) == nrow(m)) { rownames(m) <- rnam }
    if (length(cnam) == ncol(m)) { colnames(m) <- cnam }

#' Generate individual random effects from a multivariate normal distribution.
#' @param n The number of individuals.
#' @param omegaLT A numeric vector giving the elements of the lower triangle
#' of the covariance matrix by row.
#' @param omega The covariance matrix.
#' @param eta.names A character vector of names for each random effect
#' (defaults to the column names of \code{omega}, or if \code{NULL} then to
#' ETA1, ETA2, ...).
#' @return An \eqn{n \times p} matrix, where each row contains the vector of random
#' effects for one individual (\eqn{p} is the size of the covariance matrix).
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{LTmat}}
#' \code{\link{blockdiag}}
#' @examples
#' omegaLT <- c(0.123, 0.045, 0.678)
#' generateETA(10, omegaLT)
#' @export
generateETA <- function(n, omegaLT, omega=LTmat(omegaLT), eta.names=colnames(omega)) {
    if (is.null(eta.names)) {
        eta.names <- sprintf("ETA%d", 1:nrow(omega))
    x <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, rep(0, nrow(omega)), omega)
    colnames(x) <- eta.names

#' Runs the interactive shiny app.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{shiny::runApp()}.
#' @return Called for its side effects.
#' @section Note:
#' The app requires the following packages:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item `shiny`
#'   \item `shinyjs`
#'   \item `shinyAce`
#'   \item `dygraphs`
#' }
#' Make they are installed or the app won't work.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' linpkApp()
#' }
#' @export
linpkApp <- function(...) {
    if (!requireNamespace("shiny", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Please install `shiny` before running the app.", call.=F)
    appDir <- system.file("demo-app", package="linpk")
    if (appDir == "") {
        stop("It seems that the app is not installed (or could not be found). Try re-installing `linpk`.", call.=F)
    shiny::runApp(appDir, ...)

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linpk documentation built on Dec. 4, 2022, 5:06 p.m.