churn: Churn data set

churnR Documentation

Churn data set


This dataset comes from IBM Sample Data Sets. Customer churn occurs when customers stop doing business with a company, also known as customer attrition. The data set contains 5000 rows (customers) and 20 columns (features). The "Churn" column is our target which indicate whether customer churned (left the company) or not.


 data( churn ) 


The churn dataset, as a data frame, contains 5000 rows (customers) and 20 columns (variables/features). The 20 variables are:

  • state: Categorical, for the 51 states and the District of Columbia.

  • area.code: Categorical.

  • account.length: count, how long account has been active.

  • voice.plan: Categorical, yes or no, voice mail plan.

  • voice.messages: Count, number of voice mail messages.

  • intl.plan: Categorical, yes or no, international plan.

  • intl.mins: Continuous, minutes customer used service to make international calls.

  • intl.calls: Count, total number of international calls.

  • intl.charge: Continuous, total international charge.

  • day.mins: Continuous, minutes customer used service during the day.

  • day.calls: Count, total number of calls during the day.

  • day.charge: Continuous, total charge during the day.

  • eve.mins: Continuous, minutes customer used service during the evening.

  • eve.calls: Count, total number of calls during the evening.

  • eve.charge: Continuous, total charge during the evening.

  • night.mins: Continuous, minutes customer used service during the night.

  • night.calls: Count, total number of calls during the night.

  • night.charge: Continuous, total charge during the night.

  • customer.calls: Count, number of calls to customer service.

  • churn: Categorical, yes or no. Indicator of whether the customer has left the company (yes or no).


Larose, D. T. and Larose, C. D. (2014). Discovering knowledge in data: an introduction to data mining. John Wiley & Sons.

See Also

adult, risk, churnTel, bank, advertising, marketing, insurance, cereal, housePrice, house


data( churn )

str( churn )

liver documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:29 p.m.