
Defines functions forward.logistf forward backward.flic backward.logistf backward

Documented in backward backward.flic backward.logistf forward forward.logistf

#' Backward Elimination/Forward Selection of Model Terms in logistf Models
#' These functions provide simple backward elimination/forward selection procedures for logistf models.
#' The variable selection is simply performed by repeatedly calling add1 or drop1 methods for logistf, 
#' and is based on penalized likelihood ratio test.
#' Note that selecting among factor variables is not supported.
#' One way to use forward or backward with factor variables is to first convert them
#' into numeric variables (0/1 coded dummy variables, choosing a sensible reference category).
#' Forward and backward will then perform selection on the dummy variables, 
#' meaning that it will collapse levels of a factor variable with similar outcomes.
#' @param object A fitted logistf model object. To start with an empty model, create a model fit 
#' with a formula= y~1, pl=FALSE. (Replace y by your response variable.)
#' @param scope The scope of variables to add/drop from the model. Can be missing for backward, backward will use 
#' the terms of the object fit. Alternatively, an arbitrary vector of variable names can be given, to allow 
#' that only some of the variables will be competitively selected or dropped. Has to be provided for forward.
#' @param data The data frame used to fit the object.
#' @param steps The number of forward selection/backward elimination steps.
#' @param slstay For \code{backward}, the significance level to stay in the model.
#' @param slentry For \code{forward}, the significance level to enter the model.
#' @param trace If \code{TRUE}, protocols selection steps.
#' @param printwork If \code{TRUE}, prints each working model that is visited by the selection procedure.
#' @param full.penalty If \code{TRUE} penalty is not taken from current model but from start model.
#' @param pl For forward, computes profile likelihood confidence intervals for the final model if \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to methods.
#' @return An updated \code{logistf, flic} or \code{flac} fit with the finally selected model.
#' @examples 
#' data(sex2) 
#' fit<-logistf(data=sex2, case~1, pl=FALSE) 
#' fitf<-forward(fit, scope=c("dia", "age"), data=sex2) 
#' fit2<-logistf(data=sex2, case~age+oc+vic+vicl+vis+dia) 
#' fitb<-backward(fit2, data=sex2)
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @rdname backward
#' @export backward
backward <- function(object,...){
#' @exportS3Method backward logistf
#' @method backward logistf
#' @rdname backward
backward.logistf <- function(object, scope, data, steps=1000, slstay=0.05, trace=TRUE, printwork=FALSE,full.penalty=FALSE, ...){
  istep<-0 #index of steps
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots =FALSE)
  m <- match("object", names(mf), 0L)
  mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
  object <- eval(mf$object, parent.frame())
  object <- update(object, formula=object$formula, data = data)
  variables <- attr(terms(object),"term.labels")
  form <- formula(terms(object)) #to take care of dot shortcut
  Terms <- terms(object)
  k <- length(attr(Terms, "term.labels"))+attr(Terms, "intercept")
  terms.fit <- object$modcontrol$terms.fit
  if(!is.null(terms.fit)) stop("Please call backward on a logistf-object with all terms fitted.")
  if(any(sapply(data[, variables], is.factor))) stop("Selecting among factor variables is not supported.")

    cat("Step ", istep, ": starting model\n")
    if(printwork) {
    fdrop <- numeric()
  } else {
    fdrop <- if (!is.null(fdrop <- scope$lower))
      attr(terms(update.formula(object, fdrop)), "factors")
    else numeric()

  if (full.penalty) { #if TRUE, use start model and save all removals in vector removal
    #check if formula contains interactions or functions: 
    if((grepl("*", working$formula, fixed = TRUE)) | (grepl(":", working$formula, fixed = TRUE))){
      stop("Full penalty option on logistf models with interactions is not supported.")
    removal <- vector()
    newform.fp <- working$formula
  while(istep<steps & working$df>1){
    #check p-value of variables in scope
    inscope <- attr(Terms, "factors")
    inscope <- factor.scope(inscope, list(drop = fdrop))$drop
    if(full.penalty && istep!=0){ #check with istep!=0 if removal is an empty vector - not possible to pass such to drop1
      mat <- drop1(object, scope=inscope, data = data, full.penalty.vec=removal,...)
    else {
      mat<-drop1(working,scope=inscope, data = data, ...)
    if(all(mat[,3]<slstay)) {

    if (full.penalty){
      removal <- c(removal, rownames(mat)[mat[,"P-value"]==max(mat[, "P-value"])])
      curr_removal <- removal[istep]
    else { #if full.penalty = FALSE: save only current removal
      removal<- rownames(mat)[mat[,"P-value"]==max(mat[, "P-value"])] #remove highest pvalue - if p-values are the same for two variables: delete randomly first one
      curr_removal <- removal
    if(!full.penalty){ #update working only if full.penalty==FALSE
      newform <- update.formula(working$formula,paste("~ . -", curr_removal))
      if(working$df==2 | working$df==mat[mat[,3]==max(mat[,3]),2][1]){
        working<-update(working, formula=newform, data = data, pl=FALSE)
        #working <- eval.parent(working)
      else {
        working<-update(working, formula=newform, data = data)
        #working <- eval.parent(working)
      Terms <- terms(working)
    else {
      working$df <- working$df-1 #update only degrees of freedom in case of full.penalty 
      newform.fp <- update.formula(newform.fp,paste("~ . -", curr_removal))
      Terms <- terms(newform.fp)
      cat("Step ", istep, ": removed ", curr_removal, " (P=", max(mat[,3])[1],")\n")
      if(printwork) {
  if(trace) cat("\n")
    tmp <- match(removal, variables)
      tofit <- (1:k)[-(tmp+1)]
      modcontrol <- object$modcontrol
      modcontrol$terms.fit <- tofit
      working<-update(working, modcontrol = modcontrol, data = data)

#' @exportS3Method backward flic
#' @method backward flic
#' @rdname backward
backward.flic<-function(object, scope, steps=1000, slstay=0.05, trace=TRUE, printwork=FALSE,full.penalty=FALSE, ...){
   message("It is intended to call backward() on a logistf-object and afterwards to call flic() on the reduced model.")

#' @describeIn backward Forward Selection 
#' @export forward
forward <- function(object,...){
#' @exportS3Method forward logistf
#' @method forward logistf
#' @rdname backward
forward.logistf<-function(object, scope, data, steps=1000, slentry=0.05, trace=TRUE, printwork=FALSE, pl=TRUE, ...){
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots =FALSE)
  m <- match("object", names(mf), 0L)
  mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
  object <- eval(mf$object, parent.frame())
  variables <- object$terms[-1]
  terms.fit <- object$modcontrol$terms.fit
  if(!is.null(terms.fit)) stop("Please call forward on a logistf-object with all terms fitted.")
  if(any(sapply(data[, scope], is.factor))) stop("Selecting among factor variables is not supported.")
  if(missing(scope)) {
    stop("Please provide scope (vector of variable names).\n")
  else if(is.numeric(scope)) {
  else {
    if(!sum(is.na(match(variables, scope)))==length(variables)) scope<-scope[-(match(variables,scope))]

    cat("Step ", istep, ": starting model\n")
    if(printwork) {

  while(istep<steps & length(inscope)>=1){
    mat<-add1(working, scope = inscope, data = data)
    if(all(mat[,3]>slentry)) break
    if(length(index)>1) index<-index[mat[index,1]==max(mat[index,1])]
    working<-update(working, formula=newform, pl=FALSE, data = data)
    newindex<-is.na(match(inscope, attr(terms(object),"term.labels")))
    if(all(is.na(newindex)==TRUE)) break
    inscope <- inscope[-match(rownames(mat)[index],inscope)]
      cat("Step ", istep, ": added ", addvar, " (P=", mat[addvar,3],")\n")
      if(printwork) {
   if(pl) working<-update(working, pl=TRUE, data = data)
   if(trace) cat("\n")

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logistf documentation built on Aug. 18, 2023, 5:06 p.m.