
Defines functions rpubsUpload

Documented in rpubsUpload

#' Upload an HTML file to RPubs
#' This function uploads an HTML file to rpubs.com. If the upload succeeds a
#' list that includes an `id` and `continueUrl` is returned. A browser should be
#' opened to the `continueUrl` to complete publishing of the document. If an
#' error occurs then a diagnostic message is returned in the `error` element of
#' the list.
#' @param title The title of the document.
#' @param htmlFile The path to the HTML file to upload.
#' @param id If this upload is an update of an existing document then the id
#'   parameter should specify the document id to update. Note that the id is
#'   provided as an element of the list returned by successful calls to
#'   `rpubsUpload`.
#' @param properties A named list containing additional document properties
#'   (RPubs doesn't currently expect any additional properties, this parameter
#'   is reserved for future use).
#' @param method Method to be used for uploading. "internal" uses a plain http
#'   socket connection; "curl" uses the curl binary to do an https upload;
#'   "rcurl" uses the RCurl package to do an https upload; and "auto" uses the
#'   best available method searched for in the following order: "curl", "rcurl",
#'   and then "internal". The global default behavior can be configured by
#'   setting the `rpubs.upload.method` option (the default is "auto").
#' @return A named list. If the upload was successful then the list contains a
#'   `id` element that can be used to subsequently update the document as well
#'   as a `continueUrl` element that provides a URL that a browser should be
#'   opened to in order to complete publishing of the document. If the upload
#'   fails then the list contains an `error` element which contains an
#'   explanation of the error that occurred.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # upload a document
#' result <- rpubsUpload("My document title", "Document.html")
#' if (!is.null(result$continueUrl))
#'     browseURL(result$continueUrl) else stop(result$error)
#' # update the same document with a new title
#' updateResult <- rpubsUpload("My updated title", "Document.html", result$id)
#' }
rpubsUpload <- function(title,
                        id = NULL,
                        properties = list(),
                        method = getOption("rpubs.upload.method", "auto")) {

   # validate inputs
   if (!is.character(title))
      stop("title must be specified")
   if (nzchar(title) == FALSE)
      stop("title must be a non-empty string")
   if (!is.character(htmlFile))
      stop("htmlFile parameter must be specified")
   if (!file.exists(htmlFile))
      stop("specified htmlFile does not exist")
   if (!is.list(properties))
      stop("properties parameter must be a named list")

   parseHeader <- function(header) {
      split <- strsplit(header, ": ")[[1]]
      if (length(split) == 2)
         list(name = split[1], value = split[2])

   jsonEscapeString <- function(value) {
      chars <- strsplit(value, "")[[1]]
      chars <- vapply(chars, function(x) {
         if (x %in% c('"', '\\', '/'))
            paste('\\', x, sep='')
         else if (charToRaw(x) < 20)
            paste('\\u', toupper(format(as.hexmode(as.integer(charToRaw(x))),
         else x
      }, character(1))
      paste(chars, sep="", collapse="")

   jsonProperty <- function(name, value) {
            "\" : \"",

   regexExtract <- function(re, input) {
      match <- regexec(re, input)
      matchLoc <- match[1][[1]]
      if (length(matchLoc) > 1) {
         matchLen <-attributes(matchLoc)$match.length
         url <- substr(input, matchLoc[2], matchLoc[2] + matchLen[2]-1)

   # NOTE: we parse the json naively using a regex because:
   #  - We don't want to take a dependency on a json library for just this case
   #  - We know the payload is an ascii url so we don't need a robust parser
   parseContinueUrl <- function(continueUrl) {

   parseHttpStatusCode <- function(statusLine) {
      statusCode <- regexExtract("HTTP/[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+ ([0-9]+).*", statusLine)
      if (is.null(statusCode)) -1 else as.integer(statusCode)

   pathFromId <- function(id) {
      split <- strsplit(id, "^https?://[^/]+")[[1]]
      if (length(split) == 2) split[2]

   buildPackage <- function(title,
                            properties = list()) {

      # build package.json
      packageJson <- "{"
      packageJson <- paste(packageJson, jsonProperty("title", title), ",")
      for (name in names(properties)) {
         if (nzchar(name) == FALSE)
            stop("all properties must be named")
         value <- properties[[name]]
         packageJson <- paste(packageJson, jsonProperty(name, value), ",")
      packageJson <- substr(packageJson, 1, nchar(packageJson)-1)
      packageJson <- paste(packageJson,"}")

      # create a tempdir to build the package in and copy the files to it
      fileSep <- .Platform$file.sep
      packageDir <- tempfile()
      packageFile <- function(fileName) {
      writeLines(packageJson, packageFile("package.json"))
      file.copy(htmlFile, packageFile("index.html"))

      # switch to the package dir for building
      oldWd <- getwd()

      # create the tarball
      tarfile <- tempfile("package", fileext = ".tar.gz")
      utils::tar(tarfile, files = ".", compression = "gzip")

      # return the full path to the tarball
      return (tarfile)

   # Use skipDecoding=TRUE if transfer-encoding: chunked but the
   # chunk decoding has already been performed on conn
   readResponse <- function(conn, skipDecoding) {
      # read status code
      resp <- readLines(conn, 1)
      statusCode <- parseHttpStatusCode(resp[1])

      # read response headers
      contentLength <- NULL
      location <- NULL
      transferEncoding <- NULL
      repeat {
         resp <- readLines(conn, 1)
         if (nzchar(resp) == 0)

         header <- parseHeader(resp)
         # Case insensitive header name comparison
         headerName <- tolower(header$name)
         if (!is.null(header)) {
            if (identical(headerName, "content-type"))
               contentType <- header$value
            if (identical(headerName, "content-length"))
               contentLength <- as.integer(header$value)
            if (identical(headerName, "location"))
               location <- header$value
            if (identical(headerName, "transfer-encoding"))
               transferEncoding <- tolower(header$value)

      # read the response content
      content <- if (is.null(transferEncoding) || skipDecoding) {
         if (!is.null(contentLength)) {
            rawToChar(readBin(conn, what = 'raw', n=contentLength))
         else {
            paste(readLines(conn, warn = FALSE), collapse = "\r\n")
      } else if (identical(transferEncoding, "chunked")) {
         accum <- ""
         repeat {
            resp <- readLines(conn, 1)
            resp <- sub(";.*", "", resp) # Ignore chunk extensions
            chunkLen <- as.integer(paste("0x", resp, sep = ""))
            if (is.na(chunkLen)) {
               stop("Unexpected chunk length")
            if (identical(chunkLen, 0L)) {
            accum <- paste0(accum, rawToChar(readBin(conn, what = 'raw', n=chunkLen)))
            # Eat CRLF
            if (!identical("\r\n", rawToChar(readBin(conn, what = 'raw', n=2)))) {
               stop("Invalid chunk encoding: missing CRLF")
      } else {
         stop("Unexpected transfer encoding")

      # return list
      list(status = statusCode,
           location = location,
           contentType = contentType,
           content = content)

   # internal sockets implementation of upload (supports http-only)
   internalUpload <- function(path,
                              packageFile) {

      # read file in binary mode
      fileLength <- file.info(packageFile)$size
      fileContents <- readBin(packageFile, what="raw", n=fileLength)

      # build http request
      request <- NULL
      request <- c(request, paste("POST ", path, " HTTP/1.1\r\n", sep=""))
      request <- c(request, "User-Agent: RStudio\r\n")
      request <- c(request, "Host: api.rpubs.com\r\n")
      request <- c(request, "Accept: */*\r\n")
      request <- c(request, paste("Content-Type: ", contentType, "\r\n", sep=""))
      request <- c(request, paste("Content-Length: ", fileLength, "\r\n", sep=""))
      for (name in names(headers)) {
         request <- c(request,
                      paste(name, ": ", headers[[name]], "\r\n", sep=""))
      request <- c(request, "\r\n")

      # open socket connection
      conn <- socketConnection(host="api.rpubs.com",

      # write the request header and file payload
      writeBin(charToRaw(paste(request,collapse="")), conn, size=1)
      writeBin(fileContents, conn, size=1)

      # read the response
      readResponse(conn, skipDecoding = FALSE)

   rcurlUpload <- function(path,
                           packageFile) {

      # url to post to
      url <- paste("https://api.rpubs.com", path, sep = "")

      # upload package file
      params <- list(file = RCurl::fileUpload(filename = packageFile,
                                       contentType = contentType))

      # use custom header and text gatherers
      sslpath <- system.file("CurlSSL", "cacert.pem", package = "RCurl")
      options <- RCurl::curlOptions(url, cainfo = sslpath)
      headerGatherer <- RCurl::basicHeaderGatherer()
      options$headerfunction <- headerGatherer$update
      textGatherer <- RCurl::basicTextGatherer()
      options$writefunction <- textGatherer$update

      # add extra headers
      extraHeaders <- as.character(headers)
      names(extraHeaders) <- names(headers)
      options$httpheader <- extraHeaders

      # post the form
      RCurl::postForm(paste("https://api.rpubs.com", path, sep=""),
                           .params = params,
                           .opts = options,
                           useragent = "RStudio")

      # return list
      headers <- headerGatherer$value()
      location <- if ("Location" %in% names(headers)) headers[["Location"]]
      list(status = as.integer(headers[["status"]]),
           location = location,
           contentType <- headers[["Content-Type"]],
           content = textGatherer$value())


   curlUpload <- function(path,
                          packageFile) {

      fileLength <- file.info(packageFile)$size

      extraHeaders <- character()
      for (header in names(headers)) {
         extraHeaders <- paste(extraHeaders, "--header")
         extraHeaders <- paste(extraHeaders,
                               paste(header,":",headers[[header]], sep=""))

      outputFile <- tempfile()

      command <- paste("curl",
                       shQuote(paste("@", packageFile, sep="")),
                       "--header", paste("Content-Type:",contentType, sep=""),
                       "--header", paste("Content-Length:", fileLength, sep=""),
                       "--header", "Expect:",
                       "-o", shQuote(outputFile),
                       paste("https://api.rpubs.com", path, sep=""))

      result <- system(command)

      if (result == 0) {
        fileConn <- file(outputFile, "rb")
        readResponse(fileConn, skipDecoding = TRUE)
      } else {
        stop(paste("Upload failed (curl error", result, "occurred)"))

   uploadFunction <- if (is.function(method)) {
   } else switch(
     "auto" = {
       if (nzchar(Sys.which("curl"))) curlUpload else {
         if (suppressWarnings(requireNamespace("RCurl", quietly = TRUE))) {
         } else internalUpload
     "internal" = internalUpload,
     "curl"     = curlUpload,
     "rcurl"    = rcurlUpload,
      stop(paste("Invalid upload method specified:",method))

   # build the package
   packageFile <- buildPackage(title, htmlFile, properties)

   # determine whether this is a new doc or an update
   isUpdate <- FALSE
   path <- "/api/v1/document"
   headers <- list()
   headers$Connection <- "close"
   if (!is.null(id)) {
      isUpdate <- TRUE
      path <- pathFromId(id)
      headers$`X-HTTP-Method-Override` <- "PUT"

   # send the request
   result <- uploadFunction(path,

   # check for success
   succeeded <- (isUpdate && (result$status == 200)) || (result$status == 201)

   # mark content as UTF-8
   content <- result$content
   Encoding(content) <- "UTF-8"

   # return either id & continueUrl or error
   if (succeeded) {
     list(id = ifelse(isUpdate, id, result$location),
          continueUrl = parseContinueUrl(content))
   } else list(error = content)

Try the markdown package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

markdown documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:40 a.m.