#' Construct a grob rendering one or more markdown texts
#' This is the main function of marquee. It takes a vector of markdown strings,
#' parses them with the provided style, and returns a grob capable of rendering
#' the parsed text into rich text and (possibly) images. See [marquee_parse()]
#' for more information about how markdown is parsed and see details below for
#' further information on how rendering proceeds.
#' @param text Either a character vector or a `marquee_parsed` object as created
#' by [marquee_parse()]
#' @inheritParams marquee_parse
#' @param x,y The location of the markdown text in the graphics. If numeric it
#' will be converted to units using `default.units`
#' @param width The width of each markdown text. If numeric it will be converted
#' to units using `default.units`. `NULL` is equivalent to the width of the
#' parent container
#' @param default.units A string giving the default units to apply to `x`, `y`,
#' and `width`
#' @param hjust The horizontal justification of the markdown with respect to
#' `x`. Can either be a numeric or one of `"left"`, `"left-ink"`, `"center"`,
#' `"center-ink"`, `"right-ink"`, or `"right"`
#' @param vjust The vertical justification of the markdown with respect to
#' `y`. Can either be a numeric or one of `"bottom"`, `"bottom-ink"`,
#' `"last-line"`, `"center"`, `"center-ink"`, `"first-line"`, `"top-ink"`,
#' `"top"`
#' @param angle The angle of rotation (in degrees) around `x` and `y`
#' @param vp An optional viewport to assign to the grob
#' @param name The name for the grob. If `NULL` a unique name will be generated
#' @return A grob of class `marquee`
#' @details
#' # Rendering style
#' The rendering more or less adheres to the styling provided by
#' [marquee_parse()], but has some intricacies as detailed below:
#' **Tight lists**
#' If a list is tight, the bottom margin of each `li` tag will be set so the
#' spacing matches the lineheight. Further, the top margin will be set to 0.
#' **Block images**
#' In markdown, image tags are span elements so they can be placed inline.
#' However, if an image tag is the only thing that is contained inside a p tag
#' marquee determines that it should be considered a block element. In that
#' case, the parent p element inherits the styling from the image element so
#' that the image can e.g. adhere to `align` properties, or provide their own
#' padding.
#' **Horizontal rulers**
#' These elements are rendered as an empty block. The standard style sets a
#' bottom border size and no size for the other sides.
#' **Margin collapsing**
#' Margin calculations follows the margin collapsing rules of HTML. Read more
#' about these at [mdn](
#' **Underline and strikethrough**
#' Underlines are placed 0.1em below the baseline of the text. Strikethrough are
#' placed 0.3em above the baseline. The width of the line is set to 0.075em. It
#' inherits the color of the text. No further styling is possible.
#' **Spans with background**
#' Consecutive spans with the same background and border settings are merged
#' into a single rectangle. The padding of the span defines the size of the
#' background but will not modify the placement of glyph (i.e. having a left
#' padding will not move the first glyph further away from it's left neighbor).
#' **Bullet position**
#' Bullets are placed, right-aligned, 0.25em to the left of the first line in
#' the li element.
#' **Border with border radius**
#' If borders are not the same on all sides they are drawn one by one. In this
#' case the border radius is ignored.
#' # Image rendering
#' The image tag can be used to place images. There are support for both png and
#' jpeg images. If the path instead names a grob, ggplot, or patchwork object
#' then this is rendered instead. If the file cannot be read, if it doesn't
#' exist, or if the path names an object that is not a grob, ggplot or patchwork,
#' a placeholder is rendered in it's place (black square with red cross).
#' **Image sizing**
#' There is no standard in markdown for specifying the size of images. By
#' default, block-level images fill the width of it's container and maintain
#' it's aspect ratio. Inline images have a default width of 0.65em and a height
#' matching the aspect ration.
#' However, if you wish to control sizing, you can instead provide the image as
#' a grob with a viewport with fixed dimensions, in which case this will be used
#' as long as the width doesn't exceed the width of the container (in which case
#' it will get downsized). If a rastergrob is provided without absolute sizing,
#' the aspect ratio will match the raster, otherwise the aspect ratio will be
#' taken from the styling of the element (defaults to 1.65)
#' # Table rendering
#' While marquee does not support the extended table syntax for markdown it does
#' allow you to include tables in the output. It does so by supporting gt
#' objects as valid paths in image tags in the same way as ggplots etc. This
#' meeans that you can style your tables any way you wish and with the full
#' power of gt, which is much more flexible than the markdown table syntax.
#' # Textbox justification
#' The justification options exceeds the classic ones provided by grid. While
#' numeric values are available as always, the number of possible text values
#' are larger. Horizontal justification add `"left-ink"`, `"center-ink"`, and
#' `"right-ink"` which uses the left-most and right-most positioned glyph (or
#' halfway between them) as anchors. Vertical justification has the equivalent
#' `"bottom-ink"`, `"center-ink"`, and `"top-ink"` anchors, but also
#' `"first-line"` and `"last-line"` which sets the anchor at the baseline of the
#' first or last line respectively.
#' @export
marquee_grob <- function(text, style = classic_style(), ignore_html = TRUE, x = 0,
y = 1, width = NULL, default.units = "npc", hjust = "left",
vjust = "top", angle = 0, vp = NULL, name = NULL) {
# Basic input checking
if (is.character(hjust) && !all(hjust %in% c("left", "left-ink", "center", "center-ink", "right-ink", "right"))) {
"{.arg hjust} must be a valid justification",
i = "Use either numerics or one of {.or {.val {c('left', 'left-ink', 'center', 'center-ink', 'right-ink', 'right')}}}"
} else if (!is.numeric(hjust) && !is.character(hjust)) {
cli::cli_abort("{.arg hjust} must either be numeric or a character vector")
if (is.character(vjust) && !all(vjust %in% c("bottom", "bottom-ink", "last-line", "center", "center-ink", "first-line", "top-ink", "top"))) {
"{.arg vjust} must be a valid justification",
i = "Use either a numerics or one of {.or {.val {c('bottom', 'bottom-ink', 'last-line', 'center', 'center-ink', 'first-line', 'top-ink', 'top')}}}"
} else if (!is.numeric(vjust) && !is.character(vjust)) {
cli::cli_abort("{.arg vjust} must either be numeric or a character vector")
if (!is.unit(x)) x <- unit(x, default.units)
if (!is.unit(y)) y <- unit(y, default.units)
width <- width %||% unit(1, "npc")
if (!is.unit(width)) width <- unit(width, default.units)
# Parse input
parsed <- if (!is_parsed(text)) marquee_parse(text, style, ignore_html) else text
# Set bottom margin for tight list `li` elements to match the lineheight
is_tight <- parsed$type == "li" & parsed$tight
parsed$margin_top[is_tight] <- 0
parsed$margin_bottom[is_tight] <- parsed$size[is_tight] * (parsed$lineheight[is_tight] - 1)
# Handle image tags
images <- list(
index = which(parsed$type == "img")
images$path <- parsed$text[images$index]
parsed$text[images$index] <- NA
## Determine if tag is inline or on it's own
images$inline <- vapply(images$index, function(i) {
block <- parsed$block == parsed$block[i]
sum(block) != 3 || any(nchar(parsed$text[block]) > 0, na.rm = TRUE)
}, logical(1))
## If not inline, the prior p tag inherits the image styling so you can center it or add padding
parsed[images$index[!images$inline] - 1, names(style[[1]][[1]])] <- parsed[images$index[!images$inline], names(style[[1]][[1]])]
## Convert all "paths" to grobs
env <- caller_env()
images$grobs <- images_as_grobs(images$path, env)
# Determine location of blocks, their indent and location in overall parsed text
bl <- rle(parsed$block)$lengths
bs <- cumsum(c(0, bl[-length(bl)])) + 1
blocks <- list(length = bl, start = bs, indent = parsed$indentation[bs])
# Perform margin collapsing
collapsed_margins <- list(top = parsed$margin_top, bottom = parsed$margin_bottom)
for (root in blocks$start[blocks$indent == 1]) {
block_tree <- collect_children(root, blocks$start, parsed$ends, parsed$indentation)
collapsed_margins <- set_margins(block_tree, collapsed_margins)
parsed$margin_top <- collapsed_margins$top
parsed$margin_bottom <- collapsed_margins$bottom
# Handle bullets
bullets <- place_bullets(
parsed$text == "",
## Bullet shape doesn't depend on width so can be calculated up front
bullets$shape <- textshaping::shape_text(
family = parsed$family[bullets$index],
italic = parsed$italic[bullets$index],
weight = parsed$weight[bullets$index],
width = parsed$width[bullets$index],
features = parsed$features[bullets$index],
size = parsed$size[bullets$index],
res = 600,
align = "right",
hjust = 1,
vjust = 1
## Inherit color and id from the relevant block
bullets$shape$shape$col <- parsed$color[bullets$index[bullets$shape$shape$metric_id]]
bullets$shape$shape$id <- parsed$id[bullets$index[bullets$shape$shape$metric_id]]
grob <- gTree(
text = parsed, blocks = blocks, bullets = bullets, images = images,
x = rep_along(text, x), y = rep_along(text, y), width = rep_along(text, width),
hjust = rep_along(text, hjust), vjust = rep_along(text, vjust),
angle = rep_along(text, angle), vp = vp, name = name, cl = "marquee_grob"
# Check if we can do all calculations upfront
if (all($width) | !unitType(absolute.size(grob$width)) %in% c("null", "sum", "min", "max"))) {
grob <- makeContent.marquee_grob(makeContext.marquee_grob(grob))
class(grob) <- c("marquee_precalculated_grob", class(grob))
#' @export
makeContext.marquee_grob <- function(x) {
# Everything is calculated in bigpts (1 inch == 72 bigpts)
# We inspect the angle, if it is more vertical we use the vertical direction
# of the viewport for conversion
width <- ifelse(
findInterval(x$angle, c(0, c(0, 90, 180, 270) + 45)) %% 2 == 1,
convertWidth(x$width, "bigpts", TRUE),
convertHeight(x$width, "bigpts", TRUE)
# Calculate width of each block
widths <- rep(NA, length(x$blocks$start))
left_offset <- widths
indent_stack <- rep(NA, max(x$blocks$indent))
## Iterate over blocks, calculate offset and width based on parent + margin/padding
for (i in seq_along(x$blocks$start)) {
j <- x$blocks$start[i]
indent <- x$blocks$indent[i]
if (indent == 1) {
### This is the body tag. start fresh
widths[i] <- width[x$text$id[j]] - x$text$margin_left[j] - x$text$padding_left[j] - x$text$padding_right[j] - x$text$margin_right[j]
left_offset[i] <- x$text$margin_left[j] + x$text$padding_left[j]
} else {
### Find width and offset of parent and base calc on that
widths[i] <- widths[indent_stack[indent - 1]] - x$text$margin_left[j] - x$text$padding_left[j] - x$text$padding_right[j] - x$text$margin_right[j]
left_offset[i] <- left_offset[indent_stack[indent - 1]] + x$text$margin_left[j] + x$text$padding_left[j]
### Set the index of the current indent to this
indent_stack[indent] <- i
# Figure out width and height of images
size <- x$text$size
tracking <- x$text$tracking
images <- x$images
images$y_adjust <- rep(0, length(images$inline))
if (sum(images$inline) > 0) {
# Some fonts are much higher than their point size. We move the image baseline up half the difference
image_font <- systemfonts::font_info(x$text$family[images$index[images$inline]], size = size[images$index[images$inline]])
actual_size <- image_font$max_ascend - image_font$max_descend
images$y_adjust[images$inline] <- (actual_size - size[images$index[images$inline]]) / 2
for (i in seq_along(images$index)) {
vp <- images$grobs[[i]]$vp
scale <- 1
## Start with width
if (is.null(vp) || unitType(absolute.size(vp$width)) == "null") {
if (images$inline[i]) {
### No absolute size + inline. set width to 1em
width <- x$text$size[images$index[i]]
# if raster or svg we cap at height instead of width and let aspect ratio determine width
if (inherits(images$grobs[[i]], "rastergrob")) {
asp <- ncol(images$grobs[[i]]$raster) / nrow(images$grobs[[i]]$raster)
width <- width * asp
} else if (inherits(images$grobs[[i]], "svg_grob")) {
asp <- images$grob[[i]]$asp
width <- width * asp
} else {
### Not inline. Use block width
width <- widths[x$text$block[images$index[i]]]
} else {
### Grob has a width. Use that unless it exceeds the block width
true_width <- convertWidth(vp$width, "bigpts", TRUE)
width <- min(widths[x$text$block[images$index[i]]], true_width)
scale <- width / true_width
## Then height
if (is.null(vp) || unitType(absolute.size(vp$height)) == "null") {
if (inherits(images$grobs[[i]], "rastergrob")) {
### No size and rastergrob. Use aspect ratio of raster
asp <- ncol(images$grobs[[i]]$raster) / nrow(images$grobs[[i]]$raster)
height <- width / asp
} else if (inherits(images$grobs[[i]], "svg_grob")) {
asp <- images$grob[[i]]$asp
height <- width / asp
} else if (images$inline[i]) {
### Inline. We set a square size
height <- width
} else {
### Not inline. We use the aspect ratio from the style
height <- width / x$text$img_asp[images$index[i]]
} else {
### Grob has width. We use that but scale it based on width downscaling
height <- convertWidth(vp$height, "bigpts", TRUE) * scale
## Set dimensions in size and tracking (this is how it is passed to textshaping)
size[images$index[i]] <- height
tracking[images$index[i]] <- width
## Create a parent viewport with the correct size
outer_vp <- viewport(
x = 0,
y = 0,
width = unit(width, "bigpts"),
height = unit(height, "bigpts"),
just = c(0, 0),
clip = "off"
## Use parent vp directly if no vp, otherwise wrap the grob
if (is.null(vp)) {
images$grobs[[i]]$vp <- outer_vp
} else {
images$grobs[[i]] <- grobTree(images$grobs[[i]], vp = outer_vp)
# Shape text using widths
shape <- textshaping::shape_text(
strings = x$text$text,
id = x$text$block,
family = x$text$family,
italic = x$text$italic,
weight = x$text$weight,
width = x$text$width,
features = x$text$features,
size = size,
res = 600,
lineheight = x$text$lineheight,
align = x$text$align,
hjust = 0,
vjust = 1,
max_width = rep(convertWidth(unit(widths, "bigpts"), "inches", TRUE), x$blocks$length),
tracking = tracking,
indent = convertWidth(unit(x$text$indent, "bigpts"), "inches", TRUE),
hanging = convertWidth(unit(x$text$hanging, "bigpts"), "inches", TRUE),
space_before = 0,
space_after = 0
if (nrow(shape$shape) == 0) return(nullGrob())
# If any widths are not defined we grab the text widths from the shaping and start again
if (anyNA(widths)) {
added_width <- rowSums(x$text[x$blocks$start, c("padding_left", "padding_right", "margin_left", "margin_right")])
## We go back from the most indented to the least and compound the widths
for (i in rev(seq_len(max(x$blocks$indent)))) {
blocks <- which(x$blocks$indent == i)
widths[blocks] <- vapply(blocks, function(j) {
k <- which(x$blocks$start > x$blocks$start[j] & x$blocks$start <= x$text$ends[x$blocks$start[j]])
max(shape$metrics$width[j], widths[j], widths[k], na.rm = TRUE) + added_width[j]
}, numeric(1))
if (anyNA(widths)) {
cli::cli_abort("Could not resolve width of text")
x$width <- unit(widths[x$blocks$indent == 1], "bigpts")
## Restart evaluation
# Set correct height for block images
if (any(!x$images$inline)) {
block_glyph_match <- match(shape$shape$string_id, x$images$index[!x$images$inline])
block_glyphs <- !
shape$shape$y_offset[block_glyphs] <- -size[x$images$index[!x$images$inline][block_glyph_match[block_glyphs]]]
shape$shape$descender[block_glyphs] <- 0
shape$metrics$height[x$text$block[x$images$index[!x$images$inline]]] <- size[x$images$index[!x$images$inline]]
# Inherit color and id from parsed text
shape$shape$col <- x$text$color[shape$shape$string_id]
shape$shape$id <- x$text$id[shape$shape$string_id]
bshape <- x$bullets$shape
# Init height structures
heights <- rep(NA, length(x$blocks$start))
top_offset <- heights
cur_offset <- 0
# Init justification info
ink_left <- rep(NA, length(x$x))
ink_right <- ink_left
ink_top <- ink_left
ink_bottom <- ink_left
first_line <- ink_left
last_line <- ink_left
# Init bullet info
bullet_blocks <- x$text$block[x$bullets$placement]
y_adjustment <- rep(0, length(x$blocks$start))
y_bullet_adjustment <- rep(0, length(bullet_blocks))
x_bullet_adjustment <- rep(0, length(bullet_blocks))
# Position blocks underneath each other, calculate justification info, and position bullets
for (i in seq_along(x$blocks$start)) {
## j is the location in x$text where style is given
j <- x$blocks$start[i]
indent <- x$blocks$indent[i]
## Position bullet if attached to this block
bullet_ind <- which(i == bullet_blocks)
if (length(bullet_ind) != 0) {
### Determine if bullet is higher than text at first line
first <- match(i, shape$shape$metric_id)
added_height <- shape$shape$y_offset[first] - bshape$shape$y_offset[match(bullet_ind, bshape$shape$metric_id)]
if (added_height > 0) {
#### If higher, adjust the height to make space and record adjustment for glyphs in block
y_adjustment[i] <- added_height
shape$metrics$height[i] <- shape$metrics$height[i] + added_height
} else {
#### Otherwise record negative adjustment to put it in line with the text in the list
y_bullet_adjustment[bullet_ind] <- -1 * added_height
x_bullet_adjustment[bullet_ind] <- shape$shape$x_offset[first]
## calculate y offset and height
if (indent == 1) {
### Body tag, start again
cur_offset <- 0
### Record offset based on top padding and margin
top_offset[i] <- cur_offset - x$text$margin_top[j] - x$text$padding_top[j]
### Init height as sum of top and bottom margin+padding
heights[i] <- x$text$margin_top[j] + x$text$padding_top[j] + x$text$padding_bottom[j] + x$text$margin_bottom[j]
### If block has content of it's own, add it to the height
if (x$text$text[j] != "" || x$blocks$length[i] != 1) {
heights[i] <- heights[i] + shape$metrics$height[i]
### Move down offset by height
cur_offset <- cur_offset - heights[i]
### Increase height of parents
for (k in seq_len(indent-1)) {
heights[indent_stack[k]] <- heights[indent_stack[k]] + heights[i]
next_indent <- if (i == length(x$blocks$start)) 1 else x$blocks$indent[i + 1]
if (indent > next_indent) {
### If exiting a block, add parent blocks bottom padding + margin to offset
for (k in next_indent + seq_len(indent - next_indent) - 1) {
cur_offset <- cur_offset - x$text$padding_bottom[x$blocks$start[indent_stack[k]]] - x$text$margin_bottom[x$blocks$start[indent_stack[k]]]
} else if (indent < next_indent) {
### If block has children, move up offset so it doesn't include bottom margin and padding
cur_offset <- cur_offset + x$text$padding_bottom[j] + x$text$margin_bottom[j]
indent_stack[indent] <- i
## Record boundaries
text_ind <- x$text$id[j]
y_offsets <- shape$shape$y_offset[shape$shape$metric_id == i]
if (length(y_offsets) > 0) {
if ([text_ind])) {
ink_top[text_ind] <- top_offset[i] - shape$metrics$top_bearing[i]
first_line[text_ind] <- top_offset[i] + max(y_offsets)
ink_left[text_ind] <- min(ink_left[text_ind], left_offset[i] + shape$metrics$left_bearing[i], na.rm = TRUE)
ink_right[text_ind] <- max(ink_right[text_ind], left_offset[i] + shape$metrics$width[i] - shape$metrics$right_bearing[i], na.rm = TRUE)
ink_bottom[text_ind] <- min(ink_bottom[text_ind], top_offset[i] - shape$metrics$height[i] + shape$metrics$bottom_bearing[i], na.rm = TRUE)
last_line[text_ind] <- min(last_line[text_ind], top_offset[i] + min(y_offsets), na.rm = TRUE)
# Update offsets based on calculated width and heights
shape$shape$x_offset <- shape$shape$x_offset + left_offset[shape$shape$metric_id]
shape$shape$y_offset <- shape$shape$y_offset + top_offset[shape$shape$metric_id] - y_adjustment[shape$shape$metric_id]
# Apply baseline shift
shape$shape$y_offset <- shape$shape$y_offset + x$text$baseline[shape$shape$string_id]
## Do the same for bullets
bshape$shape$x_offset <- bshape$shape$x_offset + left_offset[bullet_blocks[bshape$shape$metric_id]] - bshape$shape$font_size/4 + x_bullet_adjustment[bshape$shape$metric_id]
bshape$shape$y_offset <- bshape$shape$y_offset + top_offset[bullet_blocks[bshape$shape$metric_id]] - y_bullet_adjustment[bshape$shape$metric_id]
# Store info in object
x$shape <- shape$shape
x$widths <- widths[x$blocks$indent == 1]
x$heights <- heights[x$blocks$indent == 1]
## Adjust y so it is zero-justified
x$shape$y_offset <- x$shape$y_offset + x$heights[x$shape$id]
bshape$shape$y_offset <- bshape$shape$y_offset + x$heights[bshape$shape$id]
top_offset <- top_offset + x$heights[x$text$id[x$blocks$start]]
## Combine main text with bullets
bshape$shape$string_id <- bshape$shape$string_id + max(x$shape$string_id)
x$shape <- rbind(x$shape, bshape$shape)
first_line <- first_line + x$heights
ink_top <- ink_top + x$heights
ink_bottom <- ink_bottom + x$heights
last_line <- last_line + x$heights
if (is.character(x$hjust)) {
x$hjust <- vapply(seq_along(x$hjust), function(i) {
just <- x$hjust[i]
w <- x$widths[i]
"left" = 0,
"left-ink" = ink_left[i] / w,
"center" = 0.5,
"center-ink" = mean(c(ink_left[i], ink_right[i])) / w,
"right-ink" = ink_right[i] / w,
"right" = 1
}, numeric(1))
if (is.character(x$vjust)) {
x$vjust <- vapply(seq_along(x$vjust), function(i) {
just <- x$vjust[i]
h <- x$heights[i]
"bottom" = 0,
"bottom-ink" = ink_bottom[i] / h,
"last-line" = last_line[i] / h,
"center" = 0.5,
"center-ink" = mean(c(ink_bottom[i], ink_top[i])) / h,
"first-line" = first_line[i] / h,
"top-ink" = ink_top[i] / h,
"top" = 1
}, numeric(1))
# Perform justification
x$shape$x_offset <- x$shape$x_offset - (x$widths * x$hjust)[x$shape$id]
x$shape$y_offset <- x$shape$y_offset - (x$heights * x$vjust)[x$shape$id]
left_offset <- left_offset - (x$widths * x$hjust)[x$text$id[x$blocks$start]]
top_offset <- top_offset - (x$heights * x$vjust)[x$text$id[x$blocks$start]]
# Precalculate full sizing of grob
x0 <- -x$hjust * x$widths
x1 <- (1 - x$hjust) * x$widths
y0 <- -x$vjust * x$heights
y1 <- (1 - x$vjust) * x$heights
rad <- x$angle * 2 * pi / 360
crad <- cos(rad)
srad <- sin(rad)
blx <- x0*crad - y0*srad
bly <- x0*srad + y0*crad
brx <- x1*crad - y0*srad
bry <- x1*srad + y0*crad
trx <- x1*crad - y1*srad
try <- x1*srad + y1*crad
tlx <- x0*crad - y1*srad
tly <- x0*srad + y1*crad
x$bbox <- list(
x = rep(x$x, 4) + unit(c(blx, brx, trx, tlx), "bigpts"),
y = rep(x$y, 4) + unit(c(bly, bry, try, tly), "bigpts")
if (length(x$x) > 1) {
x$full_width <- max(x$x + unit(pmax(blx, brx, trx, tlx), "bigpts")) - min(x$x + unit(pmin(blx, brx, trx, tlx), "bigpts"))
x$full_height <- max(x$y + unit(pmax(bly, bry, try, tly), "bigpts")) - min(x$y + unit(pmin(bly, bry, try, tly), "bigpts"))
} else {
# If we are dealing with a single text (we often are), we can simplify this
x$full_width <- unit(diff(range(blx, brx, trx, tlx)), "bigpts")
x$full_height <- unit(diff(range(bly, bry, try, tly)), "bigpts")
# Extract info about decoration (background, border, underline, etc)
## Figure out which blocks has backgrounds or borders
has_deco <- !vapply(x$text$background, function(x) is.character(x) &&, logical(1)) |
(!$text$border) &
(x$text$border_size_bottom > 0 |
x$text$border_size_top > 0 |
x$text$border_size_left > 0 |
x$text$border_size_right > 0
## Handle block backgrounds
block_bg <- has_deco[x$blocks$start]
block_rects <- list(
id = x$text$id[x$blocks$start[block_bg]],
x = left_offset[block_bg] - x$text$padding_left[x$blocks$start[block_bg]],
y = top_offset[block_bg] + x$text$padding_top[x$blocks$start[block_bg]],
width = widths[block_bg] + x$text$padding_left[x$blocks$start[block_bg]] + x$text$padding_right[x$blocks$start[block_bg]],
height = heights[block_bg] - x$text$margin_top[x$blocks$start[block_bg]] - x$text$margin_bottom[x$blocks$start[block_bg]],
fill = x$text$background[x$blocks$start[block_bg]],
col = x$text$border[x$blocks$start[block_bg]],
r = x$text$border_radius[x$blocks$start[block_bg]],
left = x$text$border_size_left[x$blocks$start[block_bg]],
right = x$text$border_size_right[x$blocks$start[block_bg]],
top = x$text$border_size_top[x$blocks$start[block_bg]],
bottom = x$text$border_size_bottom[x$blocks$start[block_bg]]
## Handle span backgrounds
span_bg <- which(has_deco & !seq_along(has_deco) %in% x$blocks$start)
### Consecutive spans with same bg/border are merged
span_bg_may_merge <- which(span_bg[-1] - span_bg[-length(span_bg)] == 1)
span_bg <- as.list(span_bg)
for (j in rev(span_bg_may_merge)) {
i <- span_bg[[j]]
if (identical(x$text$block[i], x$text$block[i+1]) &&
identical(x$text$background[[i]], x$text$background[[i+1]]) &&
identical(x$text$border[i], x$text$border[i+1]) &&$text$border[i]) || (
identical(x$text$border_size_bottom[i], x$text$border_size_bottom[i+1]) &&
identical(x$text$border_size_top[i], x$text$border_size_top[i+1]) &&
identical(x$text$border_size_left[i], x$text$border_size_left[i+1]) &&
identical(x$text$border_size_right[i], x$text$border_size_right[i+1]
))) {
span_bg[[j]] <- c(span_bg[[j]], span_bg[[j + 1]])
span_bg[j + 1] <- NULL
span_rects <- lapply(span_bg, function(i) {
### Find the glyphs related to the span
span_ind <- which(x$shape$string_id %in% i)
### Split up by line and make a rect for each
lapply(split(span_ind, x$shape$y_offset[span_ind]), function(j) {
left <- min(x$shape$x_offset[j])
top <- max(x$shape$y_offset[j] + x$shape$ascender[j])
c(i[1], left, top, max(x$shape$x_offset[j] + x$shape$advance[j]) - left, top - min(x$shape$y_offset[j] + x$shape$descender[j]))
span_rects <- inject(rbind(!!!unlist(span_rects, recursive = FALSE)))
### Combine block and span rects
x$rects <- list(
id = c(block_rects$id, x$text$id[span_rects[,1]]),
x = c(block_rects$x, span_rects[,2] - x$text$padding_left[span_rects[,1]]),
y = c(block_rects$y, span_rects[,3] + x$text$padding_top[span_rects[,1]]),
width = c(block_rects$width, span_rects[,4] + x$text$padding_left[span_rects[,1]] + x$text$padding_right[span_rects[,1]]),
height = c(block_rects$height, span_rects[,5] + x$text$padding_top[span_rects[,1]] + x$text$padding_bottom[span_rects[,1]]),
fill = c(block_rects$fill, x$text$background[span_rects[,1]]),
col = c(block_rects$col, x$text$border[span_rects[,1]]),
r = c(block_rects$r, x$text$border_radius[span_rects[,1]]),
left = c(block_rects$left, x$text$border_size_left[span_rects[,1]]),
right = c(block_rects$right, x$text$border_size_right[span_rects[,1]]),
top = c(block_rects$top, x$text$border_size_top[span_rects[,1]]),
bottom = c(block_rects$bottom, x$text$border_size_bottom[span_rects[,1]])
## Extract position of underline and strikethrough
lines <- lapply(which(x$text$underline | x$text$strikethrough), function(i) {
span_ind <- which(x$shape$string_id == i)
### Like span rects we split by line
lapply(split(span_ind, x$shape$y_offset[span_ind]), function(j) {
### Line width and position is relative to size
size <- x$shape$font_size[j[1]]
mod <- c(-0.1, 0.3)[c(x$text$underline[i], x$text$strikethrough[i])] * size
l <- c(i, min(x$shape$x_offset[j]), max(x$shape$x_offset[j] + x$shape$advance[j]), x$shape$y_offset[j[1]], size * 0.075)
if (length(mod) == 2) {
l <- rbind(l, l)
l[,4] <- l[,4] + mod
} else {
l[4] <- l[4] + mod
lines <- inject(rbind(!!!unlist(lines, recursive = FALSE)))
x$lines <- list(
id = x$text$id[lines[,1]],
x0 = lines[,2],
x1 = lines[,3],
y = lines[,4],
lwd = lines[,5],
col = x$text$color[lines[,1]]
# Place images
image_grobs <- lapply(seq_along(images$grobs), function(i) {
## Use the null-glyph to set left-bottom position of image
glyph <- which(x$shape$string_id == images$index[i])
grob <- images$grobs[[i]]
grob$vp$x <- unit(x$shape$x_offset[glyph], "bigpts")
descend <- x$shape$descender[glyph]
grob$vp$y <- unit(x$shape$y_offset[glyph] + descend + images$y_adjust[i], "bigpts")
## Remove the null-glyphs from the shape
x$shape <- x$shape[x$shape$font_path != "", ]
x$images <- list(
id = x$text$id[images$index],
grobs = image_grobs
#' @export
makeContext.marquee_precalculated_grob <- function(x) x
#' @export
heightDetails.marquee_grob <- function(x) {
#' @export
widthDetails.marquee_grob <- function(x) {
#' @export
xDetails.marquee_grob <- function(x, theta) {
xDetails(structure(x$bbox, class = "points"), theta)
#' @export
yDetails.marquee_grob <- function(x, theta) {
yDetails(structure(x$bbox, class = "points"), theta)
#' @export
makeContent.marquee_grob <- function(x) {
# Create the font list of unique fonts
if (nrow(x$shape) > 0) {
font_id <- paste0(x$shape$font_path, "&", x$shape$font_index)
font_match <- match(font_id, unique(font_id))
unique_font <- !duplicated(font_id)
fonts <- Map(glyphFont, x$shape$font_path[unique_font], x$shape$font_index[unique_font], "", 0, "")
fonts <- inject(glyphFontList(!!!fonts))
# We need to make a grob for each markdown text
## We do it this way around because some grobs may not contain glyphs
indices <- vector("list", length(x$x))
indices[sort(unique(x$shape$id))] <- split(seq_len(nrow(x$shape)), x$shape$id)
grobs <- lapply(seq_along(x$x), function(grob) {
## Construct glyph grob
i <- indices[[grob]]
if (length(i) > 0) {
glyphs <- glyphInfo(
id = x$shape$index[i],
x = x$shape$x_offset[i],
y = x$shape$y_offset[i],
font = font_match[i],
size = x$shape$font_size[i],
fontList = fonts,
width = x$widths[grob],
height = -x$heights[grob],
hAnchor = glyphAnchor(0, "left"),
vAnchor = glyphAnchor(0, "bottom"),
col = x$shape$col[i]
glyphs <- glyphGrob(
x = 0,
y = 0,
hjust = 0,
vjust = 0
} else {
glyphs <- NULL
## Construct span and block rects
rects <- lapply(which(x$rects$id == grob), function(i) {
### If the same stroke is around all sides we can just apply it to the rect
single_stroke <- !$rects$col[i]) && length(unique(c(x$rects$left[i], x$rects$right[i], x$rects$top[i], x$rects$bottom[i]))) == 1
grobs <- list()
rect <- if (x$rects$r[i] == 0) {
x = unit(x$rects$x[i], "bigpts"),
y = unit(x$rects$y[i], "bigpts"),
width = unit(x$rects$width[i], "bigpts"),
height = unit(x$rects$height[i], "bigpts"),
just = c(0, 1),
gp = gpar(
fill = x$rects$fill[[i]],
col = if (single_stroke) x$rects$col[i] else NA,
lwd = x$rects$left[i] * 2 #### We double it as we clip the outer part away
} else {
x = unit(x$rects$x[i], "bigpts"),
y = unit(x$rects$y[i], "bigpts"),
width = unit(x$rects$width[i], "bigpts"),
height = unit(x$rects$height[i], "bigpts"),
r = unit(x$rects$r[i], "bigpts"),
just = c(0, 1),
gp = gpar(
fill = x$rects$fill[[i]],
col = if (single_stroke) x$rects$col[i] else NA,
lwd = x$rects$left[i] * 2
### If we need the fill or stroke of the rect, append it (we construct it no matter what as we need it for stroke clipping)
if (single_stroke || !(is.character(x$rects$fill[[i]]) &&$rects$fill[[i]]))) {
grobs <- append(grobs, list(rect))
### If we don't have a single stroke we construct the sides individually
if (!single_stroke) {
if (x$rects$left[i] != 0) {
grobs <- append(grobs, list(segmentsGrob(
x0 = unit(x$rects$x[i], "bigpts"),
y0 = unit(x$rects$y[i], "bigpts"),
x1 = unit(x$rects$x[i], "bigpts"),
y1 = unit(x$rects$y[i] - x$rects$height[i], "bigpts"),
gp = gpar(
col = x$rects$col[i],
lwd = x$rects$left[i] * 2,
lineend = "square"
if (x$rects$right[i] != 0) {
grobs <- append(grobs, list(segmentsGrob(
x0 = unit(x$rects$x[i] + x$rects$width[i], "bigpts"),
y0 = unit(x$rects$y[i], "bigpts"),
x1 = unit(x$rects$x[i] + x$rects$width[i], "bigpts"),
y1 = unit(x$rects$y[i] - x$rects$height[i], "bigpts"),
gp = gpar(
col = x$rects$col[i],
lwd = x$rects$right[i] * 2,
lineend = "square"
if (x$rects$top[i] != 0) {
grobs <- append(grobs, list(segmentsGrob(
x0 = unit(x$rects$x[i], "bigpts"),
y0 = unit(x$rects$y[i], "bigpts"),
x1 = unit(x$rects$x[i] + x$rects$width[i], "bigpts"),
y1 = unit(x$rects$y[i], "bigpts"),
gp = gpar(
col = x$rects$col[i],
lwd = x$rects$top[i] * 2,
lineend = "square"
if (x$rects$bottom[i] != 0) {
grobs <- append(grobs, list(segmentsGrob(
x0 = unit(x$rects$x[i], "bigpts"),
y0 = unit(x$rects$y[i] - x$rects$height[i], "bigpts"),
x1 = unit(x$rects$x[i] + x$rects$width[i], "bigpts"),
y1 = unit(x$rects$y[i] - x$rects$height[i], "bigpts"),
gp = gpar(
col = x$rects$col[i],
lwd = x$rects$bottom[i] * 2,
lineend = "square"
### Combine it all in a single grob clipped to the bounds of the rect
inject(grobTree(!!!grobs, vp = viewport(clip = rect)))
## Extract the relevant image grobs
images <- lapply(which(x$images$id == grob), function(i) x$images$grobs[[i]])
## Construct underline and strikethrough grob. Can be a single segments grob
line_id <- which(x$lines$id == grob)
lines <- if (length(line_id) == 0) {
} else {
lines <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = unit(x$lines$x0[line_id], "bigpts"),
y0 = unit(x$lines$y[line_id], "bigpts"),
x1 = unit(x$lines$x1[line_id], "bigpts"),
y1 = unit(x$lines$y[line_id], "bigpts"),
gp = gpar(
col = x$lines$col[line_id],
lwd = x$lines$lwd[line_id],
lineend = "square"
## Combine to a single grob
grobTree(!!!rects, !!!images, glyphs, lines, vp = viewport(x$x[grob], x$y[grob], just = c(0, 0), angle = x$angle[grob]))
# Combine all separate texts into one grob
if (length(x$images$id) == 0 && length(x$rects$id) == 0) {
## If there are no rects and images we can draw directly on the main surface
children <- inject(gList(!!!grobs))
} else {
## If rects/images exists they set their own clipping and we need to use a
## group
children <- gList(groupGrob(inject(grobTree(!!!grobs))))
setChildren(x, children)
#' @export
makeContent.marquee_precalculated <- function(x) x
collect_children <- function(elem, block_starts, block_ends, block_indent) {
if (elem == block_ends[elem]) {
children <- list()
} else {
children <- block_starts[block_starts > elem & block_starts <= block_ends[elem] & block_indent[block_starts] == block_indent[elem] + 1]
children <- lapply(children, collect_children, block_starts = block_starts, block_ends = block_ends, block_indent = block_indent)
element = elem,
children = children
get_first <- function(tree) {
if (length(tree$children) != 0) {
c(tree$element, get_first(tree$children[[1]]))
} else {
get_last <- function(tree) {
if (length(tree$children) != 0) {
c(tree$element, get_last(tree$children[[length(tree$children)]]))
} else {
set_margins <- function(tree, margins) {
tops <- get_first(tree)
margins$top[tops[1]] <- max(margins$top[tops])
margins$top[tops[-1]] <- 0
bottoms <- get_last(tree)
margins$bottom[bottoms[1]] <- max(margins$bottom[bottoms])
margins$bottom[bottoms[-1]] <- 0
for (child in tree$children) {
margins <- set_margins(child, margins)
for (i in seq_along(tree$children)[-1]) {
margins$bottom[tree$children[[i-1]]$element] <- max(margins$bottom[tree$children[[i-1]]$element], margins$top[tree$children[[i]]$element])
margins$top[tree$children[[i]]$element] <- 0
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