#' Apply a function to a `matsindf` data frame (and more)
#' Applies `FUN` to `.dat` or
#' performs the calculation specified by `FUN`
#' on numbers or matrices.
#' `FUN` must return a named list.
#' The values of the list returned `FUN` become
#' entries in columns in a returned data frame
#' or entries in the sub-lists of a returned list.
#' The names of the items in the list returned by `FUN` become
#' names of the columns in a returned data frame or
#' names of the list items in the returned list.
#' If `is.null(.dat)` and `...` are all named numbers or matrices
#' of the form `argname = m`,
#' `m`s are passed to `FUN` by `argname`s.
#' The return value is a named list provided by `FUN`.
#' The arguments in `...` are not included in the output.
#' If `is.null(.dat)` and `...` are all lists of numbers or matrices
#' of the form `argname = l`,
#' `FUN` is `Map`ped across the various `l`s
#' to obtain a list of named lists returned from `FUN`.
#' The return value is a list
#' whose top-level names are the names of the returned items from `FUN`
#' `.dat` is not included in the return value.
#' If `!is.null(.dat)` and `...` are all named, `length == 1` character strings
#' of the form `argname = string`,
#' `argname`s are expected to be names of arguments to `FUN`, and
#' `string`s are expected to be column names in `.dat`.
#' The return value is `.dat` with additional columns (at right)
#' whose names are the names of list items returned from `FUN`.
#' When `.dat` contains columns whose names are same as columns added at the right,
#' a warning is emitted.
#' `.dat` can be a list of named items in which case a list will be returned
#' instead of a data frame.
#' If items in `.dat` have same names as arguments to `FUN`,
#' it is not necessary to specify any arguments in `...`.
#' `matsindf_apply` assumes that the appropriately-named items in `.dat` are
#' intended to be arguments to `FUN`.
#' When an item name appears in both `...` and `.dat`,
#' `...` takes precedence.
#' if `.dat` is a data frame,
#' the items in its columns (possibly matrices)
#' are `unname()`d before calling `FUN`.
#' `NULL` arguments in `...` are ignored for the purposes of deciding whether
#' all arguments are numbers, matrices, lists of numbers of matrices, or named character strings.
#' However, all `NULL` arguments are passed to `FUN`,
#' so `FUN` should be able to deal with `NULL` arguments appropriately.
#' If `.dat` is present, `...` contains `length == 1` strings, and one of the `...` strings is not the name
#' of a column in `.dat`,
#' `FUN` is called WITHOUT the argument whose column is missing.
#' I.e., that argument is treated as missing.
#' If `FUN` works despite the missing argument, execution proceeds.
#' If `FUN` cannot handle the missing argument, an error will occur in `FUN`.
#' It is suggested that `FUN` is able to handle empty data gracefully,
#' returning an empty result with the same names as when
#' non-empty data are fed to `FUN`.
#' Attempts are made to handle zero-row data (in `.dat` or `...`)
#' gracefully.
#' First, `FUN` is called with the empty (but named) data.
#' If `FUN` can handle empty data without error,
#' the result is returned.
#' If `FUN` errors when fed empty data, `FUN` is called with an empty
#' argument list in the hopes that `FUN` has reasonable default values.
#' If that fails,
#' `.dat` is returned unmodified (if not `NULL`)
#' or the data in `...` is returned.
#' If `.dat` is `NULL` and all named arguments in `...`
#' are similarly `NULL`,
#' the result will be a list with each named argument
#' being an empty list.
#' See examples.
#' @param .dat A list of named items or a data frame.
#' @param FUN The function to be applied to `.dat`.
#' @param ... Named arguments to be passed by name to `FUN`.
#' @param .warn_missing_FUN_args A boolean that tells
#' whether to warn of missing arguments to `FUN`.
#' Default is `TRUE`.
#' @return A named list or a data frame. (See details.)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(matsbyname)
#' example_fun <- function(a, b){
#' return(list(c = sum_byname(a, b),
#' d = difference_byname(a, b)))
#' }
#' # Single values for arguments
#' matsindf_apply(FUN = example_fun, a = 2, b = 2)
#' # Matrices for arguments
#' a <- 2 * matrix(c(1,2,3,4), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE,
#' dimnames = list(c("r1", "r2"), c("c1", "c2")))
#' b <- 0.5 * a
#' matsindf_apply(FUN = example_fun, a = a, b = b)
#' # Single values in lists are treated like columns of a data frame
#' matsindf_apply(FUN = example_fun, a = list(2, 2), b = list(1, 2))
#' # Matrices in lists are treated like columns of a data frame
#' matsindf_apply(FUN = example_fun, a = list(a, a), b = list(b, b))
#' # Single numbers in a data frame
#' DF <- data.frame(a = c(4, 4, 5), b = c(4, 4, 4))
#' matsindf_apply(DF, FUN = example_fun, a = "a", b = "b")
#' # By default, arguments to FUN come from DF
#' matsindf_apply(DF, FUN = example_fun)
#' # Now put some matrices in a data frame.
#' DF2 <- data.frame(a = I(list(a, a)), b = I(list(b,b)))
#' matsindf_apply(DF2, FUN = example_fun, a = "a", b = "b")
#' # All arguments to FUN are supplied by named items in .dat
#' matsindf_apply(list(a = 1, b = 2), FUN = example_fun)
#' # All arguments are supplied by named arguments in ..., but mix them up.
#' # Note that the named arguments override the items in .dat
#' matsindf_apply(list(a = 1, b = 2, z = 10), FUN = example_fun, a = "z", b = "b")
#' # A warning is issued when an output item has same name as an input item.
#' matsindf_apply(list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 10), FUN = example_fun, a = "c", b = "b")
#' # When a zero-row data frame supplied to .dat,
#' # .dat is returned unmodified, unless FUN can handle empty data.
#' DF3 <- DF2[0, ]
#' DF3
#' matsindf_apply(DF3, FUN = example_fun, a = "a", b = "b")
#' # A list of named but empty lists is returned if
#' # NULL is passed to all named arguments.
#' matsindf_apply(FUN = example_fun, a = NULL, b = NULL)
matsindf_apply <- function(.dat = NULL, FUN, ..., .warn_missing_FUN_args = TRUE){
types <- matsindf_apply_types(.dat, FUN, ...)
if (!types$.dat_null) {
if (!types$.dat_list) {
# If we get here, we have a value for .dat that doesn't make sense.
stop(".dat must be NULL, a data frame, or a list in matsindf_apply(), was ", class(.dat))
DF <- build_matsindf_apply_data_frame(.dat = .dat, FUN = FUN, ... = ..., types = types)
# Deal gracefully with zero-row DF.
if (nrow(DF) == 0 | ncol(DF) == 0) {
return(handle_empty_data(.dat = .dat, FUN = FUN, DF = DF, types = types))
DF_only_needed_args <- DF |>
# Send one row at a time to FUN
new_data <- DF_only_needed_args |>
as.list() |>
# Need to unname the items in the columns,
# otherwise results are messed up.
lapply(FUN = unname) |>
purrr::list_transpose(simplify = FALSE) |>
# Each row is now a column
lapply(FUN = function(this_row) {
# Call FUN on one row at a time. = FUN, args = this_row)
}) |>
# Re-transpose to get back to original orientation.
purrr::list_transpose(simplify = FALSE)
if (!types$.dat_df & !types$all_dots_longer_than_1) {
# .dat is not a data frame and
# at least some ... arguments are length 1.
if (all(sapply(new_data, should_unlist))) {
# If we get here, the sub-items for each computed variable
# are lists AND they all have length 1 (or are a single matrix)
# In this situation, we can unlist the inner lists
# to remove one layer of listing.
# Doing so makes natural data frames or lists.
new_data <- lapply(new_data, unlist, recursive = FALSE)
} else {
# We can unlist at the top level.
new_data <- unlist(new_data, recursive = FALSE)
if (types$.dat_null) {
# Return only the new variables as a list
common_names <- intersect(names(.dat), names(new_data))
if (length(common_names) > 0) {
msg <- paste("Name collision in matsindf::matsindf_apply().",
"The following arguments appear both in .dat and in the output of `FUN`:",
paste(common_names, collapse = ", "))
# Make a list of the return information
if (types$all_dots_char) {
out <- c(.dat, new_data)
} else {
out <- c(DF, new_data)
# If we don't have the right sizes, try to modify the out list to get the right number of items.
out <- out |>
purrr::modify_if(.p = should_unlist, .f = unlist, recursive = FALSE)
if (types$.dat_list & !types$.dat_df) {
# Return as a list.
# We want a data frame with all of the incoming data included.
# Convert to a tibble, which is much better at handling list columns.
tibble::as_tibble(out, .name_repair = "minimal")
#' Determine types of `.dat` and `...` arguments for matsindf_apply()
#' This is a convenience function that returns a list
#' for the types of `.dat` and `...` as well as names in `.dat` and `...`,
#' with components named `.dat_null`, `.dat_df`, `.dat_list`, `.dat_names`,
#' `FUN_arg_all_names`, `FUN_arg_default_names`, `FUN_arg_default_values`,
#' `dots_present`, `all_dots_num`, `all_dots_mats`,
#' `all_dots_list`, `all_dots_vect`, `all_dots_char`,
#' `all_dots_longer_than_1`, `dots_names`, and
#' `keep_args`.
#' When `.dat` is a `data.frame`, both `.dat_list` and `.dat_df` are `TRUE`.
#' When arguments are present in `...`, `dots_present` is `TRUE` but `FALSE` otherwise.
#' When all items in `...` are single numbers, `all_dots_num` is `TRUE` and all other list members are `FALSE`.
#' When all items in `...` are matrices, `all_dots_mats` is `TRUE` and all other list members are `FALSE`.
#' When all items in `...` are lists, `all_dots_list` is `TRUE` and all other list members are `FALSE`.
#' When all items in `...` are vectors (including lists), `all_dots_vect` is `TRUE`.
#' When all items in `...` have length > 1, `all_dots_longer_than_1` is `TRUE`.
#' When all items in `...` are character strings, `all_dots_char` is `TRUE` and all other list members are `FALSE`.
#' The various `FUN_arg_*` components give information about the arguments to `FUN`.
#' `FUN_arg_all_names` gives the names of all arguments to `FUN`,
#' regardless of whether they have default values.
#' `FUN_arg_default_names` gives the names of only those arguments with default values.
#' `FUN_arg_default_values` gives the values of the default arguments,
#' already `eval()`ed in the global environment.
#' When there are no values in a category, `NULL` is returned.
#' thus, if `FUN` has no arguments with default values assigned in the signature of the function,
#' both `FUN_arg_default_names` and `FUN_arg_default_values` will be `NULL`.
#' If `FUN` has no arguments, all of
#' `FUN_arg_all_names`, `FUN_arg_default_names` and `FUN_arg_default_values` will be `NULL`.
#' `keep_args` is a named `list()` of arguments,
#' which indicates which arguments to keep from which source
#' (`...`, `.dat`, or default args to `FUN`)
#' by order of preference,
#' `...` over `.dat` over default arguments to `FUN`.
#' Arguments not used by `FUN` are kept,
#' again according to the rules of preference.
#' @param .dat The `.dat` argument to be checked.
#' @param FUN The function sent to `matsindf_apply()`.
#' @param ... The list of arguments to `matsindf_apply()` to be checked.
#' @param .warn_missing_FUN_args A boolean that tells
#' whether to warn of missing arguments to `FUN`.
#' Default is `TRUE`.
#' @return A logical list with components named
#' `.dat_null`, `.dat_df`, `.dat_list`, `.dat_names`,
#' `FUN_arg_all_names`, `FUN_arg_default_names`, `FUN_arg_default_values`,
#' `dots_present`, `all_dots_num`, `all_dots_mats`,
#' `all_dots_list`, `all_dots_vect`, `all_dots_char`,
#' `all_dots_longer_than_1`, `dots_names`, and
#' `keep_args`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' identity_fun <- function(a, b) {list(a = a, b = b)}
#' matsindf_apply_types(.dat = NULL, FUN = identity_fun, a = 1, b = 2)
#' matsindf_apply_types(.dat = data.frame(), FUN = identity_fun,
#' a = matrix(c(1, 2)), b = matrix(c(2, 3)))
#' matsindf_apply_types(.dat = list(), FUN = identity_fun,
#' a = c(1, 2), b = c(3, 4))
#' matsindf_apply_types(.dat = NULL, FUN = identity_fun,
#' a = list(1, 2), b = list(3, 4))
matsindf_apply_types <- function(.dat = NULL, FUN, ..., .warn_missing_FUN_args = TRUE) {
# Check .dat, FUN, and ... ----------------------------------------------
# Check .dat
if (is.null(.dat)) {
.dat_null <- TRUE
.dat_df <- FALSE
.dat_list <- FALSE
} else {
.dat_null <- FALSE
if ( {
.dat_df <- TRUE
.dat_list <- TRUE
} else if (is.list(.dat)) {
.dat_df <- FALSE
.dat_list <- TRUE
} else {
.dat_df <- FALSE
.dat_list <- FALSE
.dat_names <- names(.dat)
# Check FUN
# Names of all arguments
FUN_arg_all_names <- names(formals(FUN))
# Names of only those argument with default values
FUN_arg_default_names <- get_useable_default_args(FUN, which = "names")
# The default values for the default arguments
FUN_arg_default_values <- get_useable_default_args(FUN, which = "values")
# Check ...
dots <- list(...)
dots_present <- length(dots) > 0
# Set some logical values for the outgoing list -----------------------------
if (!dots_present) {
all_dots_num <- FALSE
all_dots_mats <- FALSE
all_dots_list <- FALSE
all_dots_vect <- FALSE
all_dots_char <- FALSE
all_dots_longer_than_1 <- FALSE
} else {
# arguments are present in the ... argument.
dots_except_NULL <- dots[which(!as.logical(lapply(dots, is.null)))]
all_dots_num <- all(lapply(dots_except_NULL, FUN = is.numeric) %>% as.logical())
all_dots_mats <- all(lapply(dots_except_NULL, FUN = matsbyname::is_matrix_or_Matrix) %>% as.logical())
all_dots_list <- all(lapply(dots_except_NULL, FUN = is.list) %>% as.logical())
all_dots_vect <- all(lapply(dots_except_NULL, FUN = is.vector) |> as.logical())
all_dots_char <- all(lapply(dots_except_NULL, FUN = is.character) %>% as.logical())
if (all_dots_mats) {
# Matrices are numerics.
# However, when all items in ... are matrices, we want to operate as matrices, not as numbers.
# So, set all_dots_num to FALSE.
all_dots_num <- FALSE
all_dots_longer_than_1 <- all(lapply(dots_except_NULL, FUN = function(x) {
(!matsbyname::is_matrix_or_Matrix(x)) & (length(x) > 1)
}) |> as.logical())
dots_names <- names(dots)
# Document which arguments are present BEFORE renaming occurs.
args_present <- list(dots = dots_names,
.dat = .dat_names,
fun_defaults = FUN_arg_default_names)
# Figure out where to pull needed parameters from: ..., .dat, or defaults.
# Precedence is given to ... over .dat over defaults when there are conflicts.
where_to_find_args <- where_to_get_args(.dat, FUN = FUN, ... = ...)
keep_args <- where_to_find_args |>
# Double check that each named argument has only one and only one source.
args_ok <- !any(duplicated(unlist(keep_args)))
assertthat::assert_that(args_ok, msg = paste("In matsindf::matsindf_apply(), the following named arguments to FUN were not removed from ..., or defaults:",
paste(keep_args[duplicated(keep_args)], collapse = ", ")))
# Check that required args are present and that no extra args are specified in ... --------------------------------
# Look in two directions.
# (1) Are all needed args to FUN available?
# Double-check that all arguments needed for FUN are available.
if (.warn_missing_FUN_args) {
# The arguments that we have available are from keep_args$dots,
# the names of keep_args$.dat (because the columns of .dat will be later renamed to the names of keep_args$.dat), and
# keep_args$fun_defaults.
args_available <- c(keep_args$dots, names(keep_args$.dat), keep_args$FUN)
# Decide if all required arguments are present.
all_required_args_present <- all(FUN_arg_all_names %in% args_available)
if (!all_required_args_present) {
missing_args <- FUN_arg_all_names[!(FUN_arg_all_names %in% args_available)]
msg <- paste0("In matsindf::matsindf_apply(), the following named arguments to FUN were not found in any of .dat, ..., or defaults to FUN: ",
paste(missing_args, collapse = ", "),
". Set .warn_missing_FUN_args = FALSE to suppress this warning if you know what you are doing.")
# (2) Do we have any extra args?
# Extra args would come from unneeded args in ... .
extra_dots_args_present <- any(!(names(dots) %in% FUN_arg_all_names))
if (extra_dots_args_present) {
names_dots <- names(dots)
extra_dots_args <- names_dots[!(names_dots %in% FUN_arg_all_names)]
msg <- paste("In matsindf::matsindf_apply(), the following unused arguments appeared in ...:",
paste(extra_dots_args, collapse = ", "))
# Return everything.
list(.dat_null = .dat_null,
.dat_df = .dat_df,
.dat_list = .dat_list,
.dat_names = .dat_names,
FUN_arg_all_names = FUN_arg_all_names,
FUN_arg_default_names = FUN_arg_default_names,
FUN_arg_default_values = FUN_arg_default_values,
dots_present = dots_present,
all_dots_num = all_dots_num,
all_dots_mats = all_dots_mats,
all_dots_list = all_dots_list,
all_dots_vect = all_dots_vect,
all_dots_char = all_dots_char,
all_dots_longer_than_1 = all_dots_longer_than_1,
dots_names = dots_names,
keep_args = keep_args)
#' Create a data frame consisting of the input data for matsindf_apply()
#' This is an internal helper function that takes the types list
#' and creates a data frame from which calculations
#' can proceed.
#' This function enforces the precedence rules for `matsindf_apply()`, namely that
#' variables found in `...` take priority over
#' variables found in `.dat`, which take priority over
#' variables found in the default values of `FUN`.
#' @param .dat The value of the `.dat` argument to `matsindf_apply()`, as a list or a data frame.
#' @param FUN The function supplied to `matsindf_apply()`.
#' @param ... The `...` argument supplied to `matsindf_apply()`.
#' @param types The types for `matsindf_apply()`. Supply if already calculated externally.
#' Default is `types = matsindf_apply_types(.dat, FUN = FUN, ... = ...)`.
#' @return A data frame (actually, a `tibble`)
#' with columns from `dots`, `.dat`, and the default values to `FUN`,
#' according to precedence rules for `matsindf_apply()`.
#' @export
build_matsindf_apply_data_frame <- function(.dat = NULL, FUN, ..., types = matsindf_apply_types(.dat, FUN = FUN, ... = ...)) {
dots <- list(...)
dots_df <- dots |>
# Deal with any NULL args
handle_null_args() |>
# Make a tibble out of the ... arguments
tibble::as_tibble() |>
# And select only those columns that we want to keep
.dat_df <- .dat |>
# Deal with any NULL args
handle_null_args() |>
# Make a tibble out of the .dat arguments
tibble::as_tibble() |>
# Keep only the arguments we want.
if (!is.null(types$keep_args$.dat)) {
.dat_df <- .dat_df |>
# Make a tibble out of the default arguments
defaults_df <- types$FUN_arg_default_values |>
# If a default argument value is NULL,
# wrap it in a list to allow as_tibble() to work correctly.
purrr::modify_if(.p = is.null, .f = function(null_col) {list(null_col)}) |>
tibble::as_tibble() |>
if (ncol(dots_df) == 0 & nrow(.dat_df) == 0 & nrow(defaults_df) == 0) {
# The incoming data could have no rows in .dat_df and defautls_df
# when no incoming data are available.
# We could have 1 row and zero columns of dots_df,
# due to single-name arguments.
# If this is true, we want to cbind .dat_df and defaults_df together
# and return.
# Doing so preserves the column names in .dat_df and defaults_df.
return(dplyr::bind_cols(.dat_df, defaults_df))
df_list <- list(dots_df, .dat_df, defaults_df)
df_list_length <- length(df_list)
next_i <- 0
# Cycle through all data frames, looking for the first one.
for (i in 1:df_list_length) {
if (nrow(df_list[[i]]) > 0) {
out <- df_list[[i]]
next_i <- i+1
if (next_i > 0) {
# Start after the one we just found and
# cbind the other tibbles.
for (i in next_i:df_list_length) {
if (nrow(df_list[[i]]) > 0) {
out <- dplyr::bind_cols(out, df_list[[i]])
} else {
# No data frames had any rows.
# Now return the full data frame.
#' Create a usable list of default arguments to a function
#' `formals(FUN)` does not handle arguments without a default well,
#' returning a `name` vector of length `1`,
#' which when converted to character is "".
#' This function detects that condition and replaces the no-default argument with
#' the value of `.no_default`, by default `NULL`.
#' @param FUN A function from which values of default arguments are to be extracted.
#' @param which Tells whether to get "names" of arguments or "values" of arguments.
#' Default is "values".
#' @param no_default The placeholder value for arguments with no default.
#' @return A named list of default arguments to `FUN`.
#' Names are the argument names.
#' Values are the default argument values.
#' @examples
#' f <- function(a = 42, b) {
#' return(a + b)
#' }
#' matsindf:::get_useable_default_args(f)
#' matsindf:::get_useable_default_args(f, no_default = logical())
get_useable_default_args <- function(FUN, which = c("values", "names"), no_default = NULL) {
which <- match.arg(which)
out <- formals(FUN)
delete_these <- sapply(out, FUN = function(x) {
all( & all(as.character(x) == "")
out <- out[!delete_these]
if (which == "values") {
out <- lapply(out, FUN = eval)
} else if (which == "names") {
out <- names(out)
if (length(out) == 0) {
out <- no_default
#' Build a list of arguments to keep
#' In the process of building data frames of arguments to `FUN`,
#' we need to decide which arguments to keep from each source,
#' `...`, `.dat`, and defaults to `FUN`.
#' This function does that work in one place.
#' @param where_to_find_args A list created by `where_to_get_args()`.
#' @return A list with names `.dat`, `dots`, and `FUN` which
#' gives items to keep from each source.
build_keep_args <- function(where_to_find_args) {
args_to_keep <- function(where_to_find_args, which_source) {
where_to_find_args |>
purrr::keep(.p = function(this_FUN_arg) {
if (is.null(this_FUN_arg)) {
this_FUN_arg[["source"]] == which_source
}) |>
purrr::list_transpose() |>
keep_args_dots <- args_to_keep(where_to_find_args, which_source = "...")
keep_args_.dat <- args_to_keep(where_to_find_args, which_source = ".dat")
keep_args_FUN <- args_to_keep(where_to_find_args, which_source = "FUN")
# Return everything in a list
list(.dat = keep_args_.dat, FUN = keep_args_FUN, dots = keep_args_dots)
#' Tell whether a column can be unlisted
#' When evaluating each row of a data frame in `matsindf_apply()`,
#' the result will be a `tibble` with list columns.
#' This function tells whether a column can be unlisted.
#' This is internal helper function and should not be called externally.
#' @param this_col The column to be checked.
#' Or a `data.frame`, in which case every column is checked.
#' @return A boolean. `TRUE` if the column can be unlisted, `FALSE` otherwise.
#' When `this_col` is a `data.frame`, a named boolean vector,
#' one entry for each column.
should_unlist <- function(this_col) {
if ( {
return(sapply(this_col, should_unlist))
if (!is.list(this_col)) {
# Check if everything in the list is a matrix.
# If so, don't unlist it.
is_mat <- sapply(this_col, matsbyname::is_matrix_or_Matrix)
if (all(is_mat)) {
# Check if everything in the list is a data frame.
# If so, don't unlist it.
# Assume the caller is creating a nested data frame.
is_df <- sapply(this_col,
if (all(is_df)) {
# Check if everything in the list is length 1.
# If so, we can unlist.
lengths <- sapply(this_col, length)
if (all(lengths == lengths[1])) {
# We could get here if all items are NULL, because
# length(NULL) is 0.
# When all items are NULL, we do not want to simplify,
# because the column will become NULL itself,
# probably against the wishes of the caller.
if (all(sapply(this_col, is.null)) & length(this_col) > 1) {
} else if (all(lengths > 1)) {
# Probably have special list objects (models, Sankey diagrams, etc.)
# Don't want to unlist this.
} else {
#' Gracefully handle empty data
#' When empty data are provided to `matsindf_apply()`,
#' care must be take with the return value.
#' This function assembles the correct zero-row data frame or
#' zero-length lists.
#' @param .dat The `.dat` argument to `matsindf_apply()`.
#' @param FUN The `FUN` argument to `matsindf_apply()`.
#' @param DF The assembled `DF` inside `matsindf_apply()`.
#' @param types The `types` object assembled inside `matsindf_apply()`.
#' @return The appropriate return value from `matsindf_apply()`,
#' either a zero-length list or a zero-row data frame.
handle_empty_data <- function(.dat = NULL, FUN, DF, types) {
out <- tryCatch({
# Call FUN. Let it try to handle a zero-row data frame.
res <- = FUN, args = DF)
if (types$.dat_df) {
res <- dplyr::bind_cols(.dat, tibble::as_tibble(res)) |>
} else if (types$.dat_list) {
res <- c(.dat, res)
error = function(e1) {
# Calling with an empty data frame failed. Try to call FUN with an empty argument list. = FUN, args = list()),
# If that fails, just return .dat unmodified.
error = function(e2) {
if (!types$.dat_null) {
#' Gracefully handle `NULL` arguments
#' When `NULL` is passed as an element of the `.dat` or `...` arguments
#' to `matsindf_apply()`, special care must be taken.
#' This function helps in those situations.
#' @param .arg One of `.dat` or `...` (as a list) arguments to `matsindf_apply()`.
#' @return A list representation of `.arg` with `NULL` values handled appropriately.
handle_null_args <- function(.arg) {
# Get lengths of each item in .arg
# But do so in a way that preserves any NULL elements.
lengths <- sapply(.arg, function(this_.arg) {
if (matsbyname::is_matrix_or_Matrix(this_.arg)) {
} else if (is.null(this_.arg)) {
} else {
# See if all non-NULL items have the same length
compact_lengths <- purrr::compact(lengths)
if (length(compact_lengths) == 0) {
all_same_length <- TRUE
null_replacement <- list()
} else {
all_same_length <- all(compact_lengths == compact_lengths[[1]])
if (! all_same_length) {
stop("Different lengths in handle_null_args()")
null_replacement <- vector("list", compact_lengths[[1]])
.arg |>
# If we have single matrices in the list,
# they should we wrapped in list() to prevent
# expanding to more columns than we want.
purrr::modify_if(.p = matsbyname::is_matrix_or_Matrix, .f = function(m) {list(m)}) |>
purrr::modify_if(.p = is.null, .f = function(n) {null_replacement})
#' Decide where to get each argument to FUN
#' The precedence rules for where to obtain values for the `FUN` argument to
#' `matsindf_apply()` are codified here.
#' The rules are:
#' * Precedence order: `...`, `.dat`, defaults arguments to `FUN`
#' (highest priority to lowest priority).
#' * If an element of `...` is a character string of length `1`,
#' the element of `...` provides a mapping between
#' an item in `.dat` (with same name as the value of the character string of length `1`)
#' to an argument of `FUN` (with the same name as the name of the character string of length `1`).
#' * If the value of the character string of length `1` is not a name in `.dat`,
#' the default arguments to `FUN` are checked in this order.
#' - If the name of a default argument to `FUN` is the same as the value of the
#' string of length `1` argument in `...`, a mapping occurs.
#' - If a mapping is not possible,
#' the default arg to `FUN` is used directly.
#' @param .dat The `.dat` argument to `matsindf_apply()`.
#' @param FUN The `FUN` argument to `matsindf_apply()`.
#' @param ... The `...` argument to `matsindf_apply()`.
#' @return A named list wherein the names are the argument names to `FUN`.
#' Values are character vectors with 2 elements.
#' The first element is named `source` and provides
#' the argument to `matsindf_apply()` from which the named argument should be found,
#' one of ".dat", "FUN", or "...".
#' The second element is named `arg_name` and provides
#' the variable name or argument name in the source that contains the input data
#' for the argument to `FUN`.
#' @examples
#' example_fun <- function(a = 1, b) {
#' list(c = a + b, d = a - b)
#' }
#' # b is not available anywhere, likely causing an error later
#' matsindf:::where_to_get_args(FUN = example_fun)
#' # b is now available in ...
#' matsindf:::where_to_get_args(FUN = example_fun, b = 2)
#' # b is now available in .dat
#' matsindf:::where_to_get_args(list(b = 2), FUN = example_fun)
#' # b now comes from ..., because ... takes precedence over .dat
#' matsindf:::where_to_get_args(list(b = 2), FUN = example_fun, b = 3)
#' # Mapping from c in .dat to b in FUN
#' matsindf:::where_to_get_args(list(c = 2),
#' FUN = example_fun, b = "c")
#' # Redirect from an arg in ... to a different default to FUN
#' matsindf:::where_to_get_args(FUN = example_fun, b = "a")
#' # b is found in FUN, not in .dat, because the mapping (b = "a")
#' # is not available in .dat
#' matsindf:::where_to_get_args(list(b = 2), FUN = example_fun, b = "a")
where_to_get_args <- function(.dat = NULL, FUN, ...) {
.dat_arg_names <- names(.dat)
# Names of all FUN arguments
FUN_arg_names <- names(formals(FUN))
FUN_arg_names <- FUN_arg_names |>
# Names of FUN args that have default values
FUN_arg_names_with_defaults <- get_useable_default_args(FUN, which = "names")
dots <- list(...)
dots_arg_names <- names(dots)
dots_arg_char1 <- lapply(dots, function(this_dot) {
if (is.null(this_dot)) {
} else {
return(is.character(this_dot) & length(this_dot) == 1)
# Cycle through each arg of FUN
lapply(FUN_arg_names, function(this_FUN_arg_name) {
if (this_FUN_arg_name %in% dots_arg_names) {
# The argument to FUN is present in ...
if (dots_arg_char1[[this_FUN_arg_name]]) {
# We have a single character.
# Look for this argument in .dat and defaults to FUN.
# according to the precedence order provided in the documentation.
dots_arg_val <- dots[[this_FUN_arg_name]]
if (dots_arg_val %in% .dat_arg_names) {
# The length-1 string value of this_FUN_arg_name is present
# in .dat.
return(c(source = ".dat", arg_name = dots_arg_val))
} else if (dots_arg_val %in% FUN_arg_names_with_defaults) {
# The length-1 string value of this_FUN_arg_name is NOT present
# in .dat.
# Check if the length-1 string value of this_FUN_arg_name exists
# in the names of the default arguments to FUN.
# If so, use that.
return(c(source = "FUN", arg_name = dots_arg_val))
} else if (this_FUN_arg_name %in% FUN_arg_names_with_defaults) {
# The length-1 string value of this_FUN_arg_name is NOT present
# in .dat.
# Nor was the length-1 string value of this_FUN_arg_name
# present in the names of default args to FUN.
# So, instead, look for this_FUN_arg_name in the names of the
# default arguments to FUN.
return(c(source = "FUN", arg_name = this_FUN_arg_name))
} else {
# The length-1 string value of this_FUN_arg_name is NOT present
# in .dat, nor is this_FUN_arg_name the name of a default
# argument to FUN.
# Simply return NULL.
} else {
# We don't have a single character.
# Use this arg from ... directly.
return(c(source = "...", arg_name = this_FUN_arg_name))
} else if (this_FUN_arg_name %in% .dat_arg_names) {
return(c(source = ".dat", arg_name = this_FUN_arg_name))
} else if (this_FUN_arg_name %in% FUN_arg_names_with_defaults) {
return(c(source = "FUN", arg_name = this_FUN_arg_name))
# Couldn't find this_FUN_arg anywhere.
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