
## R code to reproduce the findings from the article entitled:
## "Bayesian Networks modeling applied to Feline Calicivirus infection among cats in Switzerland"
## author:

## WARNING: this script takes more than 40 hours to be executed!!!

## ---------------
## library loading

rm(list = ls())     # clear objects      # close graphics windows

##data save <- c("../Output/Rdat/")

##output <- c("../Output/")

############################## LOADING DATA ##############################

dta <- data("FCV", package = "abn")

############################## ABN analysis ##############################

dists <- list(FCV = "binomial",
              FHV_1 = "binomial",
              C_felis = "binomial",
              M_felis = "binomial",
              GroupSize = "poisson",
              Sex = "multinomial",
              Pedigree = "binomial",
              Age = "gaussian",
              B_bronchiseptica = "binomial",
              Vaccinated = "binomial",
              Outdoor = "binomial",
              FeLV = "binomial",
              FIV = "binomial",
              Gingivostomatitis = "binomial",
              URTD = "binomial")

dists <- dists[names(dta)]

dists_shame <-list(FCV = "gaussian",
                   FHV_1 = "gaussian",
                   C_felis = "gaussian",
                   M_felis = "gaussian",
                   GroupSize = "gaussian",
                   Sex = "gaussian",
                   Pedigree = "gaussian",
                   Age = "gaussian",
                   B_bronchiseptica = "gaussian",
                   Vaccinated = "gaussian",
                   Outdoor = "gaussian",
                   FeLV = "gaussian",
                   FIV = "gaussian",
                   Gingivostomatitis = "gaussian",
                   URTD = "gaussian")

dists_shame <- dists_shame[names(dta)]

## score search
bic.values <- aic.values <- mdl.values <- vector(length = 11)

# for loop for discovering needed network complexity
for (i in 1:11) {

  max.par <- i
  # construction of the score cache
  mycache <- buildScoreCache(data.df = mice_output,
                             data.dists = dists,
                             dag.banned = ~Sex|.+Age|.+Pedigree|.,
                             max.parents = max.par,method = "mle")

  # optimal dag with AIC
  dag <- mostProbable(score.cache = mycache,score = "bic")
  fabn <- fitAbn(object = dag,method = "mle")
  bic.values[i] <- fabn$bic
  # optimal dag with AIC
  dag <- mostProbable(score.cache = mycache,score = "aic")
  fabn <- fitAbn(object = dag,method = "mle")
  aic.values[i] <- fabn$aic
  # optimal dag with MDL
  dag <- mostProbable(score.cache = mycache,score = "mdl")
  fabn <- fitAbn(object = dag,method = "mle")
  mdl.values[i] <- fabn$mdl

pdf(file = paste0(,"bic.pdf"))
plot(1:max.par, -bic.values, xlab = "Parent max limit", ylab = "Network score (BIC)",
     type = "b", col="red", ylim=range(-bic.values))
abline(v=which(-bic.values==max(-bic.values))[1], col="grey", lty=2, lwd=4)
# BIC 7 parents needed

pdf(file = paste0(,"aic.pdf"))
plot(1:max.par, -aic.values, xlab = "Parent max limit", ylab = "Network score (AIC)",
     type = "b", col="red", ylim=range(-aic.values))
abline(v=which(-aic.values==max(-aic.values))[1], col="grey", lty=2, lwd=4)
# AIC 10 parents needed

## ----------------------------
## Max.parent versus score plot
pdf(file = paste0(,"scores.pdf"),width = 7,height = 4)
plot(1:max.par, 1/(-bic.values/max(-bic.values)), xlab = "Max. parent limit", ylab = "Max. network score [%]",
     type = "b", col="red", ylim=range(0.975,1),yaxt="n",xaxt="n")
axis(2, at=c(0.975,0.985,0.995,1), labels=c(97.5,98.5,99.5,100))
axis(1, at=1:11, labels=1:11)
abline(v=which(-bic.values==max(-bic.values))[1]+0.1, col="red", lty=2, lwd=4)
lines(1:max.par, 1/(-aic.values/max(-aic.values)),
      type = "b", col="blue", ylim=range(-aic.values))
abline(v=which(-aic.values==max(-aic.values))[1], col="blue", lty=2, lwd=4)
lines(1:max.par, 1/(-mdl.values/max(-mdl.values)),
      type = "b", col="green", ylim=range(-mdl.values))
abline(v=which(-mdl.values==max(-mdl.values))[1]-0.1, col="green", lty=2, lwd=4)
abline(h=1, col="gray", lty=2, lwd=4)
legend(x ="bottomright", legend = c("AIC","BIC", "MDL"),col = c("blue", "red", "green"),lwd=4,bty = "n")


## --------------------------
## adjustment for overfitting
mycache <- buildScoreCache(data.df = mice_output,
                           data.dists = dists,
                           dag.banned = ~Sex|.+Age|.+Pedigree|.,
                           max.parents = 7,method = "mle")

dag <- mostProbable(score.cache = mycache,score = "bic")

plotabn(dag.m = dag$dag,data.dists = dists)

save(mice_output, dists,mycache,dag,file = paste0(,"bootstrapping_input.Rdat"))

## Bootstrapping step
## ------------------

start.time <- Sys.time()
mcmc.out.1 <- mcmcabn(score.cache = mycache,
                      score = "bic",
                      data.dists = dists,
                      max.parents = 7,
                      mcmc.scheme = c(25000,0,0),
                      seed = 5637,
                      verbose = TRUE,
                      start.dag = dag$dag,
                      prob.rev = 0.03,
                      prob.mbr = 0.03,
                      prior.choice = 1)
end.time <- Sys.time()
time.taken <- end.time - start.time

start.time <- Sys.time()
mcmc.out.2 <- mcmcabn(score.cache = mycache,
                      score = "bic",
                      data.dists = dists,
                      max.parents = 7,
                      mcmc.scheme = c(25000,0,0),
                      seed = 4896,
                      verbose = TRUE,
                      start.dag = dag$dag,
                      prob.rev = 0.03,
                      prob.mbr = 0.03,
                      prior.choice = 1)
end.time <- Sys.time()
time.taken <- end.time - start.time

start.time <- Sys.time()
mcmc.out.3 <- mcmcabn(score.cache = mycache,
                      score = "bic",
                      data.dists = dists,
                      max.parents = 7,
                      mcmc.scheme = c(25000,0,0),
                      seed = 41894896,
                      verbose = TRUE,
                      start.dag = dag$dag,
                      prob.rev = 0.03,
                      prob.mbr = 0.03,
                      prior.choice = 1)
end.time <- Sys.time()
time.taken <- end.time - start.time

start.time <- Sys.time()
mcmc.out.4 <- mcmcabn(score.cache = mycache,
                      score = "bic",
                      data.dists = dists,
                      max.parents = 7,
                      mcmc.scheme = c(25000,0,0),
                      seed = 23146,
                      verbose = TRUE,
                      start.dag = dag$dag,
                      prob.rev = 0.03,
                      prob.mbr = 0.03,
                      prior.choice = 1)
end.time <- Sys.time()
time.taken <- end.time - start.time


## gelman <- mcmc.list(mcmc(mcmc.out.1$scores[c(TRUE,rep(FALSE,99))]),mcmc(mcmc.out.2$scores[c(TRUE,rep(FALSE,99))]) ,mcmc(mcmc.out.3$scores[c(TRUE,rep(FALSE,99))]),mcmc(mcmc.out.4$scores[c(TRUE,rep(FALSE,99))]))
gelman.diag(x =,autoburnin = TRUE)

## traceplot
fabn <-fitAbn(dag.m = dag,data.df = mice_output,data.dists = dists, method = "mle") #

max.score <- -6403.01 #-fabn$bic

dta <- data.frame(mcmc.out.1[2:4],mcmc.out.2[2:4],mcmc.out.3[2:4],mcmc.out.4[2:4])
dta <- dta[,c(1,4,7,10)]
dta <- dta[c(TRUE,rep(FALSE,99)), ]
names(dta) <- c("Run1","Run2","Run3","Run4")
dta$X <- (1:length(dta$Run1))

dta <- melt(dta, "X")

# Create a text

original_plot <- ggplot(data = dta, aes_string(x = "X", y="value", color = "variable")) +
  geom_line(alpha = 0.8,lwd=1.1) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = max.score,linetype = "dashed", color = "red", alpha = 1) +
  geom_text(aes(25, max.score, label = round(max.score,digits = 2), vjust = -0.5), color = "red", check_overlap = TRUE) +
  labs(x = "DAG index", y = "DAG scores", colour = "MCMC:") +
  theme_pubr() + ylim(-6450,-6400) +
  annotate("rect", xmin=0, xmax=50, ymin=-6450, ymax=max.score,
           alpha = .3) +
  geom_text(aes(25, -6440, label = "Burn-in phase", vjust = -0.5), color = "black", check_overlap = TRUE)

# Plot

y_density <- axis_canvas(original_plot, axis = "y", coord_flip = TRUE) +
  geom_density(data = dta, aes_string(x = "value",fill = "factor(variable)"), alpha = 0.5) +

# create the combined plot
       plot = ggdraw(insert_yaxis_grob(plot = original_plot, grob = y_density, position = "right")),
       width = 9,height = 7)

##best dag trimmed for controlling overfitting
mcmc.out.1$dags <- mcmc.out.1$dags[,,-(1:5000)]
mcmc.out.2$dags <- mcmc.out.2$dags[,,-(1:5000)]
mcmc.out.3$dags <- mcmc.out.3$dags[,,-(1:5000)]
mcmc.out.4$dags <- mcmc.out.4$dags[,,-(1:5000)]

mcmc.out <- abind(mcmc.out.1$dags[,,c(TRUE,rep(FALSE,99))],mcmc.out.2$dags[,,c(TRUE,rep(FALSE,99))],mcmc.out.3$dags[,,c(TRUE,rep(FALSE,99))],mcmc.out.4$dags[,,c(TRUE,rep(FALSE,99))])

mcmc.out.1$scores <- mcmc.out.1$scores[-(1:5000)]
mcmc.out.2$scores <- mcmc.out.2$scores[-(1:5000)]
mcmc.out.3$scores <- mcmc.out.3$scores[-(1:5000)]
mcmc.out.4$scores <- mcmc.out.4$scores[-(1:5000)]

mcmc.out.score <- list(mcmc.out.1$scores[c(TRUE,rep(FALSE,99))],mcmc.out.2$scores[c(TRUE,rep(FALSE,99))],mcmc.out.3$scores[c(TRUE,rep(FALSE,99))],mcmc.out.4$scores[c(TRUE,rep(FALSE,99))])

dag.mcmc <- apply(mcmc.out, 1:2, mean)
colnames(dag.mcmc) <- rownames(dag.mcmc) <- names(dists)

dag.boot.50 <- dag.mcmc

plotabn(dag.m = dag.boot.50,data.dists = dists)

fabn <-fitAbn(dag.m = dag.boot.50,data.df = mice_output,data.dists = dists, method = "mle")


h <- apply(mcmc.out, 3, sum)

pdf(file = paste0(,"arcs.pdf"),width = 7,height = 4)
barplot(table(h),col = "grey",xlab = "Number of arcs in the DAG", ylab = "Number of DAGs")

u.list.dag <- unique.array(x = mcmc.out,MARGIN = 3)

num_100 <- apply(X = u.list.dag, MARGIN = 3, FUN = function(x){
  sum(apply(X = mcmc.out,MARGIN = 3,FUN = function(y){

max(which((cumsum(sort(num_100,decreasing = FALSE)))/1000<0.80,arr.ind = TRUE))
sort(num_100,decreasing = TRUE)[1:22]
order(num_100,decreasing = TRUE)[1:22]

plot(sort(num_100,decreasing = TRUE)[1:22]/sum(num_100),type = "l")


scores.dags <- vector(length = 22)
num.arcs <- vector(length = 22)
shd <- vector(length = 22)
for(i in 1:22){

  dag <- u.list.dag[,,order(num_100,decreasing = TRUE)[i]]
  colnames(dag) <- rownames(dag) <- names(dists)
  fabn <- fitAbn(dag.m = dag,data.df = mice_output,data.dists = dists,method = "mle")
  scores.dags[i] <- -fabn$bic
  num.arcs[i] <- sum(dag)
  shd[i] <- compareDag(ref = u.list.dag[,,order(num_100,decreasing = TRUE)[1]],u.list.dag[,,order(num_100,decreasing = TRUE)[i]])$`Hamming-distance`

pdf(file = paste0(,"mcmc_diversity.pdf"),width = 10,height = 6)
plot(1:22, sort(num_100,decreasing = TRUE)[1:22], type = 'n',ylab = "",xlab = "Number of arcs",xaxt="n",yaxt="n", ylim = c(0,20))
axis(2,at = c(0, 5,10,15, 20),labels = c("0.0%","0.5%","1%", "1.5%", "2%"),col.axis = "#4393C3")
mtext("Occurence of DAGs", side=2, line=2, col="#4393C3")
rect(1:22 - .4, 0, 1:22 + .4, sort(num_100,decreasing = TRUE)[1:22], col = '#4393C3')
par(new = TRUE)
plot(x = 1:22,y = scores.dags,col="red", type = 'b', lwd=2, axes = FALSE, xlab = "",ylab="")
axis(4, col.axis = 'red')
mtext("DAGs scores", side=4, line=2, col="red")
axis(1, col.axis = 'black',at = 1:22,labels = num.arcs)
axis(3, col.axis = 'orange',at = 1:22,labels = shd)
mtext("Structural Hamming distances", side=3, line=2, col="orange")

mcmc.out.query<- list(dags=(mcmc.out),data.dist=dists,scores=mcmc.out.score)

1.0-query(mcmcabn = mcmc.out.query,formula = ~URTD|FCV) -
  query(mcmcabn = mcmc.out.query,formula= ~FCV|URTD)

query(mcmcabn = mcmc.out.query,formula = ~FCV|Gingivostomatitis-FCV|Vaccinated) +
  query(mcmcabn = mcmc.out.query, formula = ~Gingivostomatitis|FCV-FCV|Vaccinated) +
  query(mcmcabn = mcmc.out.query, formula = ~Gingivostomatitis|FCV-Vaccinated|FCV) +
  query(mcmcabn = mcmc.out.query,formula = ~FCV|Gingivostomatitis-Vaccinated|FCV)


## ----------------------------
## stepwise AIC model selection
model.FCV <- glm(formula = FCV~FHV_1+C_felis+M_felis+GroupSize+Sex+Pedigree+Age+B_bronchiseptica+Vaccinated+Outdoor+FeLV+FIV+Gingivostomatitis+URTD,family = binomial(),data = mice_output)

mod.prunned <- stepAIC(model.FCV,direction = "both")

dag.aic <- plotabn(dag.m = ~FCV|Gingivostomatitis:M_felis:GroupSize:Sex:Outdoor:FIV:Vaccinated,data.dists = dists_shame,plot = FALSE)

null <- glm(formula = FCV ~ 1, family = binomial(),data = mice_output)
full <- model.FCV
step(null, scope = list(lower=null,upper=full),
     direction="both", criterion = "BIC",k = log(300))

dag.bic <- plotabn(dag.m = ~FCV|Gingivostomatitis:M_felis:Vaccinated,data.dists = dists_shame, plot = FALSE)

######################################### Reporting of results ##############################################

#data description

mm <- data.frame(Variable = colnames(mice_output),
                 Meaning = c("presence of Feline Calici Virus (0/1)",
                             "presence of Feline Herpes Virus 1 (0/1)",
                             "presence of chlamydia felis (0/1)",
                             "presence of mycoplasma felis (0/1)",
                             "presence of bordetella bronchispetica (0/1)",
                             "feline leukosis virus (0/1)",
                             "feline immunodeficiency virus (0/1)",
                             "Gingivostomatitis complex (0/1)",
                             "URTD complex (upper respiratory complex) (0/1)",
                             "vaccination status (0/1)",
                             "pedigree (0/1)",
                             "outdoor access (0/1)",
                             "sex (m,mk,w,wk)",
                             "number of cats in the group (cont.)",
                             "age in year (cont.)"))

kable(mm, row.names = FALSE, digits = 2, align = "ll", "latex") %>%
  kable_styling(latex_options = "striped", full_width = F, position = "left")

## -------------------------
## Exploratory Data Analysis

pdf(file = paste0(,"eda.pdf"))
par(mfrow=c(5,3), mar=c(2,4,1.5,1))
xx <- barplot(table(mice_output$FCV)/300, ylim=c(0,1.2), main="FCV", ylab="proportion", col.main = "gray50")
text(x = xx, y = table(mice_output$FCV)/300, label = table(mice_output$FCV), pos = 3, cex = 0.8, col = "red")
xx <- barplot(table(mice_output$FHV_1)/300, ylim=c(0,1.2), main="FHV-1", ylab="proportion", col.main = "gray50")
text(x = xx, y = table(mice_output$FHV_1)/300, label = table(mice_output$FHV_1), pos = 3, cex = 0.8, col = "red")
xx <- barplot(table(mice_output$FeLV)/300, ylim=c(0,1.2), main="FeLV", ylab="proportion", col.main = "gray50")
text(x = xx, y = table(mice_output$FeLV)/300, label = table(mice_output$FeLV), pos = 3, cex = 0.8, col = "red")
xx <- barplot(table(mice_output$FIV)/300, ylim=c(0,1.2), main="FIV", ylab="proportion", col.main = "gray50")
text(x = xx, y = table(mice_output$FIV)/300, label = table(mice_output$FIV), pos = 3, cex = 0.8, col = "red")
xx <- barplot(table(mice_output$M_felis)/300, ylim=c(0,1.2), main=expression( italic("Mycoplasma felis")), ylab="proportion", col.main = "gray50")
text(x = xx, y = table(mice_output$M_felis)/300, label = table(mice_output$M_felis), pos = 3, cex = 0.8, col = "red")
xx <- barplot(table(mice_output$C_felis)/300, ylim=c(0,1.2), main=expression( italic("Chlamydia felis")), ylab="proportion", col.main = "gray50")
text(x = xx, y = table(mice_output$C_felis)/300, label = table(mice_output$C_felis), pos = 3, cex = 0.8, col = "red")
xx <- barplot(table(mice_output$B_bronchiseptica)/300, ylim=c(0,1.2), main=expression( italic("Bordetella bronchiseptica")), ylab="proportion", col.main = "gray50")
text(x = xx, y = table(mice_output$B_bronchiseptica)/300, label = table(mice_output$B_bronchiseptica), pos = 3, cex = 0.8, col = "red")
xx <- barplot(table(mice_output$URTD)/300, ylim=c(0,1.2), main="URTD", ylab="proportion", col.main = "gray50")
text(x = xx, y = table(mice_output$URTD)/300, label = table(mice_output$URTD), pos = 3, cex = 0.8, col = "red")
xx <- barplot(table(mice_output$Gingivostomatitis)/300, ylim=c(0,1.2), main="Gingivostomatitis", ylab="proportion", col.main = "gray50")
text(x = xx, y = table(mice_output$Gingivostomatitis)/300, label = table(mice_output$Gingivostomatitis), pos = 3, cex = 0.8, col = "red")
xx <- barplot(table(mice_output$Pedigree)/300, ylim=c(0,1.2), main="Pedigree", ylab="proportion", col.main = "gray50")
text(x = xx, y = table(mice_output$Pedigree)/300, label = table(mice_output$Pedigree), pos = 3, cex = 0.8, col = "red")
xx <- barplot(table(mice_output$Vaccinated)/300, ylim=c(0,1.2), main="Vaccination status", ylab="proportion", col.main = "gray50")
text(x = xx, y = table(mice_output$Vaccinated)/300, label = table(mice_output$Vaccinated), pos = 3, cex = 0.8, col = "red")
xx <- barplot(table(mice_output$Outdoor)/300, ylim=c(0,1.2), main="Outdoor", ylab="proportion", col.main = "gray50")
text(x = xx, y = table(mice_output$Outdoor)/300, label = table(mice_output$Outdoor), pos = 3, cex = 0.8, col = "red")
xx <- barplot(table(mice_output$Sex)/300, ylim=c(0,1.2), main="Sex", ylab="proportion", col.main = "gray50")
text(x = xx, y = table(mice_output$Sex)/300, label = table(mice_output$Sex), pos = 3, cex = 0.8, col = "red")
hist(mice_output$GroupSize, xlab="", main="Group size",prob=TRUE,col="grey",border="white", col.main = "gray50",xlim = c(1,18), ylim = c(0,0.6),breaks = 18)
hist(mice_output$Age, xlab="", main="Age",prob=TRUE,col="grey",border="white", col.main = "gray50", ylim = c(0,0.6))

## dag final

tographviz(dag.m = dag.boot.50,data.df = mice_output,data.dists = dists,outfile = "consensus_dag")

fabn <-fitAbn(dag.m = dag.boot.50,data.df = mice_output,data.dists = dists, method = "mle")

links <- query(mcmcabn = mcmc.out.100000)


tographviz(dag.m = dag.aic,data.df = mice_output,data.dists = dists_shame,outfile = "aic_dag")

tographviz(dag.m = dag.bic,data.df = mice_output,data.dists = dists_shame,outfile = "bic_dag")

##aic 10 parents
##bic 7 parents

mycache <- buildScoreCache(data.df = mice_output,
                           data.dists = dists,
                           dag.banned = ~Sex|.+Age|.+Pedigree|.,
                           max.parents = 10,method = "mle")

dag.aic.10parents <- mostProbable(score.cache = mycache,score = "aic")

tographviz(dag.m = dag.aic.10parents$dag,data.df = mice_output,data.dists = dists_shame,outfile = "aic_dag_8parents")

dag.bic.7parents <- mostProbable(score.cache = mycache,score = "bic")

tographviz(dag.m = dag.bic.7parents$dag,data.df = mice_output,data.dists = dists_shame,outfile = "bic_dag_6parents")

fabn.aic <- fitAbn(dag.m = dag.aic.10parents$dag,data.df = mice_output,data.dists = dists,method = "mle")
fabn.bic <- fitAbn(dag.m = dag.bic.7parents$dag,data.df = mice_output,data.dists = dists,method = "mle")
plotabn(dag.m = dag.bic.7parents$dag,data.dists = dists)

##save results:

save(file = paste0(,"FCV_compute.Rdata"),mycache,dists,aic.values,bic.values,mdl.values,dag.aic.10parents,dag.bic.7parents,mice_output,fabn.aic, fabn.bic)

## EOF

Try the mcmcabn package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

mcmcabn documentation built on Sept. 28, 2023, 5:08 p.m.