# Imputation functions
#' Extract model information from a merMod
#' @param object a merMod object
#' @return Simple summary information about the object, number
#' of observations, number of grouping terms, AIC, and residual standard deviation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
#' expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
#' simplify=FALSE)
#' fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
#' mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)
#' modelInfo(mod[[1]])
#' lapply(mod, modelInfo)
#' }
modelInfo <- function(object){
ngrps <- lapply(object@flist, function(x) length(levels(x)))
out <- data.frame("n.obs" = getME(object, "devcomp")$dims["n"],
"n.lvls" = length(ngrps),
"AIC" = AIC(object),
"sigma" = sigma(object))
row.names(out) <- NULL
# Functions to extract standard deviation of random effects from model
#' Extract the standard deviation of the random effects from a merMod object
#' @param model an object that inherits from class merMod
#' @return a numeric vector for standard deviations of the random effects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
#' REsdExtract(fm1)
REsdExtract <- function(model){
out <- unlist(lapply(VarCorr(model), attr, "stddev"))
#' Extract the correlations between the slopes and the intercepts from a model
#' @param model an object that inherits from class merMod
#' @return a numeric vector of the correlations among the effects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
#' REcorrExtract(fm1)
REcorrExtract <- function(model){
out <- unlist(lapply(VarCorr(model), attr, "corre"))
#' Extract data.frame of random effect statistics from merMod List
#' @param modList a list of multilevel models
#' @return a data.frame
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom broom.mixed tidy
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
#' expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
#' simplify=FALSE)
#' fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
#' mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)
#' modelRandEffStats(mod)
#' }
modelRandEffStats <- function(modList){
effList <- lapply(modList, tidy, effects = "ran_pars")
effList <-, effList)
out <- effList %>% group_by(term, group) %>%
summarize(est = mean(estimate),
std.error = sd(estimate)) %>%
rename(estimate = est)
#' Extract averaged fixed effect parameters across a list of merMod objects
#' @param modList an object of class merModList
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{tidy}}
#' @return a data.frame of the averaged fixed effect parameters
#' @details The Rubin correction for combining estimates and standard errors from
#' Rubin (1987) is applied to adjust for the within and between imputation variances.
#' @export
#' @importFrom broom.mixed tidy
#' @import dplyr
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
#' expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
#' simplify=FALSE)
#' fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
#' mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)
#' modelFixedEff(mod)
#' }
modelFixedEff <- function(modList, ...){
fixEst <- lapply(modList, tidy, effects = "fixed", ...)
fixEst <-, fixEst)
# Collapse
# Rubin correction, get length of list
ml <- length(modList)
# Get between and within imputation variance, apply total correction
# Calculate degree of freedom correction
rubin <- fixEst %>% group_by(term) %>%
mutate(mean_est = mean(estimate)) %>%
mutate(est_ss = (estimate - mean_est)^2) %>%
summarize(estimate = mean(estimate),
within_var = mean(std.error), # compute within imputation variance
between_var = mean(est_ss)) %>% # estimate the between imputation variance
mutate(std.error = within_var + ((1 + 1/ml)*between_var),
df = (ml-1)* (1 + within_var/((1 + 1/ml)*between_var))^2) # apply rubins total variance correction
# add fallback
if (any((((1 + 1/ml)*rubin$between_var)^2) < 0.000000001)) {
warning("Between imputation variance is very small, are imputation sets too similar?")
# out <- fixEst %>% dplyr::group_by(term) %>%
# dplyr::summarize(estimate = mean(estimate),
# std.error = mean(std.error))
rubin$statistic <- rubin$estimate / rubin$std.error
rubin <- rubin %>% dplyr::select(term, estimate, std.error, statistic, df)
#' Extract fixed-effects estimates for a merModList
#' @inheritParams lme4::fixef
#' @return a named, numeric vector of fixed-effects estimates.
#' @details Extract the estimates of the fixed-effects parameters from a list of
#' fitted \code{merMod} models. Takes the mean of the individual \code{fixef}
#' objects for each of the component models in the \code{merModList}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
#' expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
#' simplify=FALSE)
#' fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
#' mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)
#' fixef(mod)
#' }
fixef.merModList <- function(object, add.dropped = FALSE, ...){
Reduce(`+`, lapply(object, fixef)) / length(object)
#' Extract random-effects estimates for a merModList
#' @inheritParams lme4::ranef
#' @return a named, numeric vector of random-effects estimates.
#' @details Extract the estimates of the random-effects parameters from a list of
#' fitted \code{merMod} models. Takes the mean of the individual \code{ranef}
#' objects for each of the component models in the \code{merModList}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
#' expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
#' simplify=FALSE)
#' fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
#' mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)
#' ranef(mod)
#' }
ranef.merModList <- function(object, ...){
levels <- getME(object[[1]], "n_rfacs")
re <- vector(length = levels, mode = "list")
for(i in seq_along(1:levels)){
# <- Reduce(`+`, lapply(object, ranef)[i]) / length(object)
re[i] <- lapply(Reduce(`+`, lapply(object, ranef)[1]), function(x) x/length(object))
names(re) <- names(ranef(object[[1]]))
#' Extract the variances and correlations for random effects from a merMod list
#' @inheritParams lme4::VarCorr
#' @param rdig the number of digits to round to, integer
#' @return a list with two elements "stddev" and "correlation" for the standard
#' deviations and correlations averaged across models in the list
#' @export
#' @import lme4
#' @examples
#' sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
#' expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
#' simplify=FALSE)
#' fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
#' mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)
#' VarCorr(mod)
VarCorr.merModList <- function(x, sigma = 1, rdig = 3L, ...){
modList <- x
ngrps <- length(VarCorr(modList[[1]]))
errorList <- vector(mode = 'list', length = ngrps)
corrList <- vector(mode = 'list', length = ngrps)
for(i in 1:ngrps){
subList <- lapply(modList, function(x) VarCorr(x)[[i]])
if(all(dim(subList[[1]]) == c(1, 1))){
subList <- mean(sqrt(unlist(subList)))
errorList[[i]] <- subList
names(errorList) <- "Intercept"
corrList[[i]] <- matrix(1)
dimnames(corrList[[i]]) <- list("(Intercept)", "(Intercept)")
} else {
errorList[[i]] <- apply(simplify2array(lapply(subList, attr, "stddev")),
1, mean)
corrList[[i]] <- apply(simplify2array(lapply(subList, attr, "corre")),
for(i in 1:length(errorList)){
names(errorList[[i]]) <- "(Intercept)"
for(i in 1:length(corrList)){
if(is.null(names(corrList[[i]])) & is.null(dim(corrList[[i]]))){
names(corrList[[i]]) <- "(Intercept)"
names(errorList) <- names(ranef(modList[[1]]))
names(corrList) <- names(ranef(modList[[1]]))
return(list("stddev" = errorList, "correlation" = corrList))
utils::globalVariables(c("term", "estimate","std.error"))
#' Print the results of a merMod list
#' @param object a modList of class merModList
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @return summary content printed to console
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
#' expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
#' simplify=FALSE)
#' fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
#' mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)
#' print(mod)
summary.merModList <- function(object, ...){
modList <- object
args <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))
if("digits" %in% names(args)){
digits <- args$digits
} else{
digits <- 3
} <- list()$len <- length(modList)$form <- modList[[1]]@call$method <- summary(modList[[1]])$methTitle$family <- summary(modList[[1]])$family$fe <- modelFixedEff(modList)
dimnames($fe)[[1]] <-$fe$term
# pfround($fe[, -1], digits)$ngrps <- length(VarCorr(modList[[1]]))$errorList <- VarCorr(modList)$stddev$corrList <- VarCorr(modList)$correlation
# lapply(errorList, pfround, digits)$residError <- mean(unlist(lapply(modList, function(x) attr(VarCorr(x), "sc"))))$ngrps <- lapply(modList[[1]]@flist, function(x) length(levels(x)))$modn <- getME(modList[[1]], "devcomp")$dims["n"]$mAIC <- mean(unlist(lapply(modList, AIC)))$moDsigma.hat <- mean(unlist(lapply(modList, sigma)))
class( <- "summary.merModList"
#' Summarize a merMod list
#' @param x a modList of class merModList
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @return a summary object of model information
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
#' expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
#' simplify=FALSE)
#' fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
#' mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)
#' summary(mod)
#' }
print.merModList <- function(x, ...){
out <- lapply(x,
# class(out) <- "summary.merModList"
#' Print the summary of a merMod list
#' @param x a summary of amerModList object
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @return summary content printed to console
#' @export
print.summary.merModList <- function(x, ...){ <- x
args <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))
if("digits" %in% names(args)){
digits <- args$digits
} else{
digits <- 3
cat("Model family: ",$family)
cat("\nFixed Effects:\n")
pfround($fe[, -1], digits)
cat("\nRandom Effects:\n")
cat("\nError Term Standard Deviations by Level:\n")
for(i in 1:length($errorList)){
names($errorList[[i]]) <- "(Intercept)"
pfround($errorList[[i]], digits = digits)
# lapply(errorList, pfround, digits)
cat("\nError Term Correlations:\n")
for(i in 1:length($corrList)){
names($corrList[[i]]) <- "(Intercept)"
pfround($corrList[[i]], digits = digits)
# lapply(corrList, pfround, digits)
cat("\nResidual Error =", fround($residError,
digits), "\n")
cat(sprintf("number of obs: %d, groups: ",$modn))
cat(paste(paste(names($ngrps),$ngrps, sep = ", "),
collapse = "; "))
cat("\nModel Fit Stats")
cat(sprintf("\nAIC = %g", round($mAIC, 1)))
cat("\nResidual standard deviation =", fround($moDsigma.hat,
digits), "\n")
#' Apply a multilevel model to a list of data frames
#' @param formula a formula to pass through compatible with merMod
#' @param data a list object with each element being a data.frame
#' @param parallel logical, should the models be run in parallel? Default FALSE. If so,
#' the `future_lapply` function from the `future.apply` package is used. See
#' details.
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to the estimating function
#' @rdname merModList
#' @details Parallel computing is provided by the `futures` package, and its
#' extension the `future.apply` package to provide the `future_lapply` function
#' for easy parallel computations on lists. To use this package, simply register
#' a parallel backend using the `plan()` function from `futures` - an example
#' is to use `plan(multisession)`
#' @return a list of fitted merMod objects of class merModList
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
#' expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
#' simplify=FALSE)
#' fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
#' mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)
#' summary(mod)
#' }
lmerModList <- function(formula, data, parallel = FALSE, ...){
if (parallel) {
if (requireNamespace("future.apply", quietly=TRUE)) {
ml <- future.apply::future_lapply(data, function(d) lmer(formula, data = d, ...))
} else {
warning("Parallel set but future.apply not available. Running sequentially.")
ml <- lapply(data, function(d) lmer(formula, data = d, ...))
} else {
ml <- lapply(data, function(d) lmer(formula, data = d, ...))
class(ml) <- "merModList"
#' Apply a Bayesian multilevel model to a list of data frames
#' @rdname merModList
#' @return a merModList
#' @importFrom blme blmer
#' @export
blmerModList <- function(formula, data, parallel = FALSE, ...){
if(parallel) {
if (requireNamespace("future.apply", quietly=TRUE)) {
ml <- future.apply::future_lapply(data, function(d) blmer(formula, data = d, ...))
warning("Parallel set but future.apply not available. Running sequentially.")
ml <- lapply(data, function(d) blmer(formula, data = d, ...))
} else {
ml <- lapply(data, function(d) blmer(formula, data = d, ...))
class(ml) <- "merModList"
#' Apply a generalized linear multilevel model to a list of data frames
#' @rdname merModList
#' @return a merModList
#' @export
glmerModList <- function(formula, data, parallel = FALSE, ...){
if(parallel) {
if (requireNamespace("future.apply", quietly=TRUE)) {
ml <- future.apply::future_lapply(data, function(d) glmer(formula, data = d, ...))
warning("Parallel set but future.apply not available. Running sequentially.")
ml <- lapply(data, function(d) glmer(formula, data = d, ...))
} else {
ml <- lapply(data, function(d) glmer(formula, data = d, ...))
class(ml) <- "merModList"
#' Apply a Bayesian generalized linear multilevel model to a list of data frames
#' @rdname merModList
#' @return a merModList
#' @importFrom blme bglmer
#' @export
bglmerModList <- function(formula, data, parallel = FALSE, ...){
if(parallel) {
if (requireNamespace("future.apply", quietly=TRUE)) {
ml <- future.apply::future_lapply(data, function(d) bglmer(formula, data = d, ...))
warning("Parallel set but future.apply not available. Running sequentially.")
ml <- lapply(data, function(d) bglmer(formula, data = d, ...))
} else {
ml <- lapply(data, function(d) bglmer(formula, data = d, ...))
class(ml) <- "merModList"
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