
Defines functions bglmerModList glmerModList blmerModList lmerModList print.summary.merModList print.merModList summary.merModList VarCorr.merModList ranef.merModList fixef.merModList modelFixedEff modelRandEffStats REcorrExtract REsdExtract modelInfo

Documented in bglmerModList blmerModList fixef.merModList glmerModList lmerModList modelFixedEff modelInfo modelRandEffStats print.merModList print.summary.merModList ranef.merModList REcorrExtract REsdExtract summary.merModList VarCorr.merModList

# Imputation functions
#' Extract model information from a merMod
#' @param object a merMod object
#' @return Simple summary information about the object, number
#' of observations, number of grouping terms, AIC, and residual standard deviation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
#'         expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
#'         simplify=FALSE)
#' fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
#' mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)
#' modelInfo(mod[[1]])
#' lapply(mod, modelInfo)
#' }
modelInfo <- function(object){
  ngrps <- lapply(object@flist, function(x) length(levels(x)))
  out <- data.frame("n.obs" = getME(object, "devcomp")$dims["n"],
                    "n.lvls" = length(ngrps),
                    "AIC" = AIC(object),
                    "sigma" = sigma(object))
  row.names(out) <- NULL

# Functions to extract standard deviation of random effects from model
#' Extract the standard deviation of the random effects from a merMod object
#' @param model an object that inherits from class merMod
#' @return a numeric vector for standard deviations of the random effects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
#' REsdExtract(fm1)
REsdExtract <- function(model){
  out <- unlist(lapply(VarCorr(model), attr, "stddev"))

#' Extract the correlations between the slopes and the intercepts from a model
#' @param model an object that inherits from class merMod
#' @return a numeric vector of the correlations among the effects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
#' REcorrExtract(fm1)
REcorrExtract <- function(model){
  out <- unlist(lapply(VarCorr(model), attr, "corre"))

#' Extract data.frame of random effect statistics from merMod List
#' @param modList a list of multilevel models
#' @return a data.frame
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom broom.mixed tidy
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
#'         expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
#'         simplify=FALSE)
#' fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
#' mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)
#' modelRandEffStats(mod)
#' }
modelRandEffStats <- function(modList){
  effList <- lapply(modList, tidy, effects = "ran_pars")
  effList <- do.call(rbind, effList)
  out <- effList %>% group_by(term, group) %>%
    summarize(est = mean(estimate),
              std.error = sd(estimate)) %>%
    rename(estimate = est)

#' Extract averaged fixed effect parameters across a list of merMod objects
#' @param modList an object of class merModList
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{tidy}}
#' @return a data.frame of the averaged fixed effect parameters
#' @details The Rubin correction for combining estimates and standard errors from
#' Rubin (1987) is applied to adjust for the within and between imputation variances.
#' @export
#' @importFrom broom.mixed tidy
#' @import dplyr
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
#'         expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
#'         simplify=FALSE)
#' fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
#' mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)
#' modelFixedEff(mod)
#' }
modelFixedEff <- function(modList, ...){
  fixEst <- lapply(modList, tidy, effects = "fixed", ...)
  fixEst <- do.call(rbind, fixEst)
  # Collapse
  # Rubin correction, get length of list
  ml <- length(modList)
  # Get between and within imputation variance, apply total correction
  # Calculate degree of freedom correction
  rubin <- fixEst %>% group_by(term) %>%
    mutate(mean_est = mean(estimate)) %>%
    mutate(est_ss = (estimate - mean_est)^2) %>%
    summarize(estimate = mean(estimate),
              within_var = mean(std.error), # compute within imputation variance
              between_var =  mean(est_ss)) %>% # estimate the between imputation variance
    mutate(std.error = within_var + ((1 + 1/ml)*between_var),
           df = (ml-1)* (1 + within_var/((1 + 1/ml)*between_var))^2) # apply rubins total variance correction
  # add fallback
  if (any((((1 + 1/ml)*rubin$between_var)^2) < 0.000000001)) {
    warning("Between imputation variance is very small, are imputation sets too similar?")
  # DEPRECATED method
  # out <- fixEst %>% dplyr::group_by(term) %>%
  #         dplyr::summarize(estimate = mean(estimate),
  #              std.error = mean(std.error))
  rubin$statistic <- rubin$estimate / rubin$std.error
  rubin <- rubin %>% dplyr::select(term, estimate, std.error, statistic, df)

#' Extract fixed-effects estimates for a merModList
#' @inheritParams lme4::fixef
#' @return a named, numeric vector of fixed-effects estimates.
#' @details Extract the estimates of the fixed-effects parameters from a list of
#' fitted \code{merMod} models. Takes the mean of the individual \code{fixef}
#' objects for each of the component models in the \code{merModList}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
#'         expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
#'         simplify=FALSE)
#' fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
#' mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)
#' fixef(mod)
#' }
fixef.merModList <- function(object, add.dropped = FALSE, ...){
  Reduce(`+`, lapply(object, fixef)) / length(object)

#' Extract random-effects estimates for a merModList
#' @inheritParams lme4::ranef
#' @return a named, numeric vector of random-effects estimates.
#' @details Extract the estimates of the random-effects parameters from a list of
#' fitted \code{merMod} models. Takes the mean of the individual \code{ranef}
#' objects for each of the component models in the \code{merModList}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
#'         expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
#'         simplify=FALSE)
#' fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
#' mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)
#' ranef(mod)
#' }
ranef.merModList <- function(object, ...){
  levels <- getME(object[[1]], "n_rfacs")
  re <- vector(length = levels, mode = "list")
  for(i in seq_along(1:levels)){
    # <- Reduce(`+`, lapply(object, ranef)[i]) / length(object)
  re[i]  <- lapply(Reduce(`+`, lapply(object, ranef)[1]), function(x) x/length(object))
  names(re) <- names(ranef(object[[1]]))

#' Extract the variances and correlations for random effects from a merMod list
#' @inheritParams lme4::VarCorr
#' @param rdig the number of digits to round to, integer
#' @return a list with two elements "stddev" and "correlation" for the standard
#' deviations and correlations averaged across models in the list
#' @export
#' @import lme4
#' @examples
#' sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
#'         expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
#'         simplify=FALSE)
#' fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
#' mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)
#' VarCorr(mod)
VarCorr.merModList <- function(x, sigma = 1, rdig = 3L, ...){
  modList <- x
  ngrps <- length(VarCorr(modList[[1]]))
  errorList <- vector(mode = 'list', length = ngrps)
  corrList <- vector(mode = 'list', length = ngrps)
  for(i in 1:ngrps){
    subList <- lapply(modList, function(x) VarCorr(x)[[i]])
    if(all(dim(subList[[1]]) == c(1, 1))){
      subList <- mean(sqrt(unlist(subList)))
      errorList[[i]] <- subList
      names(errorList) <- "Intercept"
      corrList[[i]] <- matrix(1)
      dimnames(corrList[[i]]) <- list("(Intercept)", "(Intercept)")
    } else {
      errorList[[i]] <- apply(simplify2array(lapply(subList, attr, "stddev")),
                              1, mean)
      corrList[[i]] <- apply(simplify2array(lapply(subList, attr, "corre")),
  for(i in 1:length(errorList)){
      names(errorList[[i]]) <- "(Intercept)"
  for(i in 1:length(corrList)){
    if(is.null(names(corrList[[i]])) & is.null(dim(corrList[[i]]))){
      names(corrList[[i]]) <- "(Intercept)"
  names(errorList) <- names(ranef(modList[[1]]))
  names(corrList) <- names(ranef(modList[[1]]))
  return(list("stddev" = errorList, "correlation" = corrList))

utils::globalVariables(c("term", "estimate","std.error"))
#' Print the results of a merMod list
#' @param object a modList of class merModList
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @return summary content printed to console
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
#'         expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
#'         simplify=FALSE)
#' fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
#' mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)
#' print(mod)
summary.merModList <- function(object, ...){
  modList <- object
  args <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))
  if("digits" %in% names(args)){
    digits <- args$digits
  } else{
    digits <- 3
  summ.ml <- list()
  summ.ml$len <- length(modList)
  summ.ml$form <- modList[[1]]@call
  summ.ml$method <- summary(modList[[1]])$methTitle
  summ.ml$family <- summary(modList[[1]])$family
  summ.ml$fe <- modelFixedEff(modList)
  dimnames(summ.ml$fe)[[1]] <- summ.ml$fe$term
  # pfround(summ.ml$fe[, -1], digits)
  summ.ml$ngrps <- length(VarCorr(modList[[1]]))
  summ.ml$errorList <- VarCorr(modList)$stddev
  summ.ml$corrList <- VarCorr(modList)$correlation

  # lapply(errorList, pfround, digits)
  summ.ml$residError <- mean(unlist(lapply(modList, function(x) attr(VarCorr(x), "sc"))))
  summ.ml$ngrps <- lapply(modList[[1]]@flist, function(x) length(levels(x)))
  summ.ml$modn <- getME(modList[[1]], "devcomp")$dims["n"]
  summ.ml$mAIC <- mean(unlist(lapply(modList, AIC)))
  summ.ml$moDsigma.hat <- mean(unlist(lapply(modList, sigma)))
  class(summ.ml) <- "summary.merModList"

#' Summarize a merMod list
#' @param x a modList of class merModList
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @return a summary object of model information
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
#'         expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
#'         simplify=FALSE)
#' fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
#' mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)
#' summary(mod)
#' }
print.merModList <- function(x, ...){
  out <- lapply(x, sum.mm)
  # class(out) <- "summary.merModList"

#' Print the summary of a merMod list
#' @param x a summary of amerModList object
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @return summary content printed to console
#' @export
print.summary.merModList <- function(x, ...){
  summ.ml <- x
  args <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))
  if("digits" %in% names(args)){
    digits <- args$digits
  } else{
    digits <- 3
  cat("Model family: ", summ.ml$family)
  cat("\nFixed Effects:\n")
  pfround(summ.ml$fe[, -1], digits)
  cat("\nRandom Effects:\n")
  cat("\nError Term Standard Deviations by Level:\n")
  for(i in 1:length(summ.ml$errorList)){
      names(summ.ml$errorList[[i]]) <- "(Intercept)"
    pfround(summ.ml$errorList[[i]], digits = digits)
  # lapply(errorList, pfround, digits)
  cat("\nError Term Correlations:\n")
  for(i in 1:length(summ.ml$corrList)){
      names(summ.ml$corrList[[i]]) <- "(Intercept)"
    pfround(summ.ml$corrList[[i]], digits = digits)
  # lapply(corrList, pfround, digits)
  cat("\nResidual Error =", fround(summ.ml$residError,
                                   digits), "\n")
  cat(sprintf("number of obs: %d, groups: ", summ.ml$modn))
  cat(paste(paste(names(summ.ml$ngrps), summ.ml$ngrps, sep = ", "),
            collapse = "; "))
  cat("\nModel Fit Stats")
  cat(sprintf("\nAIC = %g", round(summ.ml$mAIC, 1)))
  cat("\nResidual standard deviation =", fround(summ.ml$moDsigma.hat,
                                                digits), "\n")

#' Apply a multilevel model to a list of data frames
#' @param formula a formula to pass through compatible with merMod
#' @param data a list object with each element being a data.frame
#' @param parallel logical, should the models be run in parallel? Default FALSE. If so,
#' the `future_lapply` function from the `future.apply` package is used. See
#' details.
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to the estimating function
#' @rdname merModList
#' @details Parallel computing is provided by the `futures` package, and its
#' extension the `future.apply` package to provide the `future_lapply` function
#' for easy parallel computations on lists. To use this package, simply register
#' a parallel backend using the `plan()` function from `futures` - an example
#' is to use `plan(multisession)`
#' @return a list of fitted merMod objects of class merModList
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
#'         expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
#'         simplify=FALSE)
#' fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
#' mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)
#' summary(mod)
#' }
lmerModList <- function(formula, data, parallel = FALSE, ...){
  if (parallel) {
    if (requireNamespace("future.apply", quietly=TRUE)) {
      ml <- future.apply::future_lapply(data, function(d) lmer(formula, data = d, ...))
    } else {
      warning("Parallel set but future.apply not available. Running sequentially.")
      ml <- lapply(data, function(d) lmer(formula, data = d, ...))
  } else {
    ml <- lapply(data, function(d) lmer(formula, data = d, ...))

  class(ml) <- "merModList"

#' Apply a Bayesian multilevel model to a list of data frames
#' @rdname merModList
#' @return a merModList
#' @importFrom blme blmer
#' @export
blmerModList <- function(formula, data, parallel = FALSE, ...){
  if(parallel) {
    if (requireNamespace("future.apply", quietly=TRUE)) {
      ml <- future.apply::future_lapply(data, function(d) blmer(formula, data = d, ...))
    warning("Parallel set but future.apply not available. Running sequentially.")
    ml <- lapply(data, function(d) blmer(formula, data = d, ...))
  } else {
    ml <- lapply(data, function(d) blmer(formula, data = d, ...))
  class(ml) <- "merModList"

#' Apply a generalized linear multilevel model to a list of data frames
#' @rdname merModList
#' @return a merModList
#' @export
glmerModList <- function(formula, data, parallel = FALSE, ...){
  if(parallel) {
    if (requireNamespace("future.apply", quietly=TRUE)) {
      ml <- future.apply::future_lapply(data, function(d) glmer(formula, data = d, ...))
    warning("Parallel set but future.apply not available. Running sequentially.")
    ml <- lapply(data, function(d) glmer(formula, data = d, ...))
  } else {
    ml <- lapply(data, function(d) glmer(formula, data = d, ...))
  class(ml) <- "merModList"

#' Apply a Bayesian generalized linear multilevel model to a list of data frames
#' @rdname merModList
#' @return a merModList
#' @importFrom blme bglmer
#' @export
bglmerModList <- function(formula, data, parallel = FALSE, ...){
  if(parallel) {
    if (requireNamespace("future.apply", quietly=TRUE)) {
      ml <- future.apply::future_lapply(data, function(d) bglmer(formula, data = d, ...))
    warning("Parallel set but future.apply not available. Running sequentially.")
    ml <- lapply(data, function(d) bglmer(formula, data = d, ...))
  } else {
    ml <- lapply(data, function(d) bglmer(formula, data = d, ...))
  class(ml) <- "merModList"

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