
.likTerms <- function(y, X, sigma2){

    nbeta <- ncol(X)
    ans <- list()
    ans$lik <- function(beta, tau2){

        v <- tau2+sigma2
        res <- y-X%*%beta      
        as.numeric( -0.5*sum(log(v))-0.5*t(res)%*%diag(1/v)%*%res )
    ans$prof.tau2 <- function(tau2){
        v <- sigma2+tau2
        beta <- coef( lm.wfit(x = X, y = y, w = 1/v) )
        res <- y-X%*%beta
        as.numeric( -0.5*sum(log(v))-0.5*t(res)%*%diag(1/v)%*%res )
    ans$Jmatrix <- function(beta, tau2){
        npar <- nbeta+(tau2>0)
        Info <- matrix(0, ncol=npar, nrow=npar)
        v <- tau2+(sigma2)
        res <- y-X%*%beta
        Info[1:nbeta, 1:nbeta] <- t(X)%*%diag(1/v)%*%X
        if(tau2 > 0){
            Info[1:(npar-1), npar] <- t(X)%*%diag(1/v^2)%*%res
            Info[npar, 1:(npar-1)] <- Info[1:(npar-1), npar]
            Info[npar, npar] <- -0.5*sum(1/v^2)+t(res)%*%diag(1/v^3)%*%res
    ans$Imatrix <- function(beta, tau2){
        npar <- nbeta+(tau2>0)
        Info <- matrix(0, ncol=npar, nrow=npar)
        v <- tau2+sigma2
        Info[1:nbeta, 1:nbeta] <- t(X)%*%diag(1/v)%*%X
        if(tau2 > 0)
            Info[npar, npar] <- 0.5*sum(1/v^2) 
    ans$Smatrix <- function(beta.mle, tau2.mle, beta.constr, tau2.constr){

        npar <- nbeta+1
        S <- matrix(0, ncol=npar, nrow=npar)
        v <- tau2.constr+sigma2
        S[1:(npar-1), 1:(npar-1)] <- t(X)%*%diag(1/v)%*%X
        S[1:(npar-1), npar] <- t(X)%*%diag(1/v^2)%*%X%*%(beta.mle-beta.constr)
        S[npar, npar] <- 0.5*sum(1/v^2) 
    ans$qvect <- function(beta.mle, tau2.mle, beta.constr, tau2.constr){

        npar <- nbeta+1 
        qvect <- rep(0.0, npar)
        v.mle <- tau2.mle+sigma2
        v.constr <- tau2.constr+sigma2
        qvect[1:(npar-1)] <- t(X)%*%diag(1/v.constr)%*%(X)%*%(beta.mle-beta.constr)
        qvect[npar] <- -0.5*sum(1/v.mle-1/v.constr)
    class(ans) <- c("lik.metaLik")

metaLik <- function(formula, data, subset, contrasts = NULL, offset, sigma2, weights=1/sigma2){
  call <- match.call()
  if (missing(data)) 
    data <- environment(formula)
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "offset", "sigma2", "weights"), names(mf), 0L)
  mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
  mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
  y <- model.response(mf, "any")
  N <- length(y)
  sigma2 <- model.extract(mf, sigma2)
    w <- model.extract(mf, weights)
      stop("metaLik requires within-studies variances specified either by sigma2 or by weights\n")
    sigma2 <- 1/w
  if (is.empty.model(mt)) 
    stop("metaLik requires model specification\n")
  X <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
  offset <- as.vector(model.offset(mf))
  if (!is.null(offset)) {
    if (length(offset) != length(y)) 
      stop(gettextf("number of offsets is %d should equal %d (number of observations)", length(offset), length(y)), domain = NA)
  if (is.null(offset)) 
    offset <- rep.int(0, length(y))
  y <- y-offset
  ## compute DL estimates
  D <- diag( 1/sigma2, ncol=NROW(X), nrow=NROW(X) )
  P <- diag( NROW(X)) - X %*%  solve(t(X) %*% D %*% X) %*%t (X) %*% D
  q.stat <- t(y) %*% t(P) %*% D %*% P %*%y
  t.value <- ( q.stat-NROW(X)+NCOL(X) ) / ( sum( diag(D) ) - sum( diag( solve( t(X) %*% D %*%X ) %*% t(X) %*% D^2 %*%X ) ) )
  tau2.dl <- max(0, t.value)
  weights.dl <- diag(1/(tau2.dl+sigma2), ncol=NROW(X), nrow=NROW(X))
  beta.dl <- solve( t(X) %*% weights.dl %*%X ) %*% t(X) %*% weights.dl %*%y
  var.dl <- solve( t(X) %*% weights.dl %*%X )

  ## MLE random effects model
  prof.tau2 <- .likTerms(y, X, sigma2)$prof.tau2
  tau2.mle <- optimize( prof.tau2, interval=c(0, 1e+4), maximum=TRUE)$maximum
  v <- sigma2+tau2.mle
  beta.mle <- coef( lm.wfit(x = X, y = y, w = 1/v) )

  ## MLE fixed effects model
  fit.fe <- lm(y ~ 0 + X, weights=1/sigma2)
  beta.fe <- coef(fit.fe)
  names(beta.fe) <- names(beta.mle)

  terms <- .likTerms(y, X, sigma2)
  lik <- terms$lik
  Jmatrix <- terms$Jmatrix
  Imatrix <- terms$Imatrix
  vcov.mle <- try( solve(Jmatrix(beta.mle, tau2.mle)) )
  if(inherits(vcov.mle, "try-error") || any(diag(vcov.mle)<0)){
      vcov.mle <- try( solve(Imatrix(beta.mle, tau2.mle)) )
      if(inherits(vcov.mle, "try-error") || any(diag(vcov.mle)<0))
          stop("convergence not reached, perhaps too few studies.\n")
  fitted.values <- X%*%beta.mle
  colnames(vcov.mle) <- rownames(vcov.mle) <- c(colnames(X), "tau^2")
  ## exit
  m <- structure(list(y=y+offset, X=X, fitted.values=fitted.values, sigma2=sigma2, K=NROW(X), mle=c(beta.mle, tau2.mle), vcov=vcov.mle, max.lik=lik(beta.mle, tau2.mle), beta.mle=beta.mle, tau2.mle=tau2.mle, DL=beta.dl, tau2.DL=tau2.dl, vcov.DL=var.dl, call=call, formula=formula, terms=mt,  offset=offset, contrasts = attr(X, "contrasts"), xlevels = .getXlevels(mt, mf), model=mf), class="metaLik")

print.metaLik <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) 
      paste(deparse(x$call), sep="\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n", sep="")
  if(length(coef(x))) {
    print.default(format(coef(x), digits=digits),
                  print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
  } else cat("No coefficients\n")
  cat("Variance/covariance matrix:\n")
  print.default(format(vcov(x), digits=digits),
                print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
  cat("Maximum likelihood estimate of tau^2:\n")
  print.default(format(x$tau2.mle, digits=digits),
                print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
  cat("Maximized log-likelihood:\n")
  print.default(format(as.numeric(x$max.lik), digits=digits),
                print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
  cat("DL coefficients:\n")
  print.default(format(x$DL, digits=digits),
                print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
  cat("DL Variance/covariance matrix:\n")
  print.default(format(x$vcov.DL, digits=digits),
                print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
  cat("DL tau^2 estimate:\n")
  print.default(format(x$tau2.DL, digits=digits),
                print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
  cat("Number of studies K:\n")
  print.default(format(x$y, digits=digits),
                print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
  print.default(format(x$X, digits=digits),
                print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
  print.default(format(x$offset, digits=digits),
                print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
  cat("Within-study variances:\n")
  print.default(format(x$sigma2, digits=digits),
                print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)

test.metaLik <- function(object, param=1, value=0, alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), print=TRUE){

  digits <- max(3, getOption("digits") - 3)
    stop("\nfunction designed for 'metaLik' objects")
  beta.mle <- coef(object)
    pnames <- names(beta.mle)
    param <- match(param, pnames, nomatch=NA)
  if(missing(param) || is.na(param)){
    param <- 1L
    warning("\nassumed test for intercept")
  if(length(param)>1 || param>length(coef(object)) || param<=0 || !is.numeric(param))
    stop("\n'param' must be one single fixed-effects component")
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
  if(!missing(value) && (length(value)!= 1 || is.na(value)))
    stop("\n'value' must be a single number")
    stop("\n'object' must be a metaLik object")
  pl <- .profLik(object, param=param)
  r <- predict(pl$smooth.rs, x=value)$y
  r.skov <- predict(pl$smooth.rskovs, x=value)$y
    pval.r <- pnorm(r)
    pval.rskov <- pnorm(r.skov)
  else if(alternative=="greater"){
    pval.r <- pnorm(r, lower.tail=FALSE)
    pval.rskov <- pnorm(r.skov, lower.tail=FALSE)
    pval.r <- 2*pnorm(-abs(r))
    pval.rskov <- 2*pnorm(-abs(r.skov))
    cat("\nSigned profile log-likelihood ratio test for parameter ", names(beta.mle[param]), sep="", "\n")
    cat("\nFirst-order statistic")
    cat("\nr:", formatC(r, digits), ", p-value:", formatC(pval.r, digits), sep="")
    cat("\nSkovgaard's statistic")
    cat("\nrSkov:", formatC(r.skov, digits), ", p-value:", formatC(pval.rskov, digits), sep="")
      cat("\nalternative hypothesis: parameter is different from ", round(value, digits), sep="", "\n")
      cat("\nalternative hypothesis: parameter is ", alternative, " than ", round(value, digits), sep="", "\n")
  ## bye
  ans <- list(r=r, pvalue.r=pval.r, rskov=r.skov, pvalue.rskov=pval.rskov)

coef.metaLik <- function(object, ...)

vcov.metaLik <- function(object, ...){
    nbeta <- length(object$beta.mle)
logLik.metaLik <- function(object, ...) {
  structure(object$max.lik, df = sum(sapply(object$mle, length))+(object$tau2.mle>0), class = "logLik")

model.matrix.metaLik <- function(object, ...) {

  rval <- if(!is.null(object$X)) object$X
  else model.matrix(object$terms, model.frame(object), contrasts = object$contrasts)

residuals.metaLik <- function(object, type = c("pearson", "response", "working"), ...){

  res <- object$y-object$fitted.values
  type <- match.arg(type)
  se <- sqrt(object$sigma2+object$tau2.mle)
  switch(type, working=, response=res, pearson=res/se)
summary.metaLik <- function(object, ...){

  digits <- max(3, getOption("digits") - 3)
    stop("\n'summary.metaLik' designed for 'metaLik' objects\n")
  beta <- coef(object)
  nbeta <- length(beta)
  beta.se <- sqrt(diag(as.matrix(vcov(object))))
  r <- matrix(nrow=nbeta, ncol=4)
  for(i in 1:nbeta)
    r[i,] <- as.numeric( test.metaLik(object, param=i, print=FALSE) )
  colnames(r) <- c("r", "pvalue.r", "rskov", "pvalue.rskov")##, "check.skov")
  tau2 <- object$tau2.mle
  cat("\nLikelihood inference in random-effects meta-analysis models\n")
  cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(object$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\nEstimated heterogeneity parameter tau2")
  cat(" = ", formatC(unname(object$tau2.mle), digits), sep="")

  ans <- cbind( beta, beta.se, r[,"r"], r[,"pvalue.r"], r[,"rskov"], r[,"pvalue.rskov"]  )
  dimnames(ans) <- list(names(beta), c("estimate", "std.err.", "signed logLRT", "p-value", "Skovgaard", "p-value"))
  ans <- round(ans, digits=digits)
  print.default(ans, print.gap = 2)
  cat("\nLog-likelihood:", format(round(object$max.lik, digits)), "\n")

.profLik <- function(object, param=1){

        stop("\ninternal function designed for 'metaLik' objects")
    y <- object$y
    N <- length(y)
    X <- object$X
    offset <- object$offset
    y <- y-offset 
    sigma2 <- object$sigma2
    nbeta <- length(object$beta.mle)
    terms <- .likTerms(y, X, sigma2)
    lik <- terms$lik
    Jmatrix <- terms$Jmatrix
    Imatrix <- terms$Imatrix
    Smatrix <- terms$Smatrix
    qvect <- terms$qvect
    beta.mle <- object$beta.mle
    tau2.mle <- object$tau2.mle
    par.mle <- beta.mle[param]
    se.mle <- sqrt(object$vcov[param, param]) 
    pts <- c(seq(-5, -1, by=.5), seq(1, 5, by=.5))
    values <- par.mle+pts*se.mle
    rs <- us <- rep(NA, length(values))
    fixed <- rep(NA, nbeta)
    beta.constr <- fixed
    names(beta.constr) <- names(beta.mle)

    .computeU <- function(beta.mle, tau2.mle, beta.constr, tau2.constr, id.par){
        S <- Smatrix(beta.mle, tau2.mle, beta.constr, tau2.constr)
        q <- qvect(beta.mle, tau2.mle, beta.constr, tau2.constr)
        J.mle <- Jmatrix(beta.mle, tau2.mle)
        J.constr <- Jmatrix(beta.constr, tau2.constr)
        I.mle <- Imatrix(beta.mle, tau2.mle)
        A <- abs( solve(S) %*%q )[id.par]
        B <- abs( det( J.mle ) )^(.5)
        C <- abs( det( solve(I.mle) ) )
        D <- abs( det( S ) )
        E <- abs( det( as.matrix(J.constr[-id.par,-id.par] ) ) )^(-.5)
        return( sign(beta.mle[id.par]-beta.constr[id.par])*A*B*C*D*E )
    for(i in 1:length(values)){
        fixed[param] <- beta.constr[param] <- values[i]
        ynew <- y-as.matrix(X[,param])%*%values[i]
        Xnew <- as.matrix(X[,-param])
        tau2.constr <- 0.0
            prof.tau2 <- .likTerms(ynew, Xnew, sigma2)$prof.tau2
            tau2.constr <- optimize(prof.tau2, interval=c(0, 1e+4), maximum=TRUE)$maximum
            v <- sigma2+tau2.constr
            beta.hat <- coef( lm.wfit(x = Xnew, y = ynew, w = 1/v) )
            beta.constr[is.na(fixed)] <- beta.hat

        ## likelihood ratio test statistic (and Skovgaard correction)
        lrt <- 2*(lik(beta.mle, tau2.mle)-lik(beta.constr, tau2.constr))

        if(is.finite(lrt) && lrt>0){
            rs[i] <- sign(beta.mle[param]-beta.constr[param])*sqrt(lrt)
            us[i] <- try(.computeU(beta.mle, tau2.mle, beta.constr, tau2.constr, param), silent=TRUE)
            if(inherits(us[i], "try-error"))
                us[i] <- NA
    smooth.rs <- smooth.rskovs <-  smooth.spline( x=values, y=rs )
    smooth.rs.inv <- smooth.rskovs.inv <- smooth.spline( y=values, x=rs )
    rskovs <- rs+1/rs*log(us/rs)
    smooth.rskovs <- smooth.spline( x=values, y=rskovs )
    smooth.rskovs.inv <- smooth.spline( y=values, x=rskovs )

    return( list( smooth.rs=smooth.rs, smooth.rs.inv=smooth.rs.inv, smooth.rskovs=smooth.rskovs, smooth.rskovs.inv=smooth.rskovs.inv) )

simulate.metaLik <- function(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...){

    if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) 
    if (is.null(seed)) 
        RNGstate <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
    else {
        R.seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
        RNGstate <- structure(seed, kind = as.list(RNGkind()))
        on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", R.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv))
    ftd <- fitted(object)
    tau2 <- object$tau2.mle
    n <- length(ftd)
    nm <- names(ftd)

    val <- replicate(nsim, ftd + rnorm( n, sd = sqrt(object$sigma2+tau2) ) )
    val <- as.data.frame(val)
    colnames(val) <- paste("sim", seq_len(nsim), sep = "_")
    if (!is.null(nm)) 
        rownames(val) <- nm
    attr(val, "seed") <- RNGstate

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metaLik documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:44 p.m.