## Starting values based on simple average of all available cases
# a <- array(unlist(X), c(9,9,11))
# apply(a, c(1,2),mean, na.rm=TRUE)
.startValues <- function(x, cor.analysis=TRUE, n=NULL) {
no.var <- max(sapply(x, ncol)) <- sapply(x, as.vector)
if (is.null(n)) {
## Unweighted mean
my.start <- apply(, 1, weighted.mean, na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
## Weigted mean by sample sizes
my.start <- apply(, 1, weighted.mean, w=n, na.rm=TRUE)
my.start <- matrix(my.start, nrow = no.var)
out <- as.matrix(nearPD(my.start, corr = cor.analysis)$mat)
dimnames(out) <- dimnames(x[[1]])
.indepwlsChisq <- function(S, aCov, cor.analysis = TRUE) {
no.var <- ncol(S)
sampleS <- mxMatrix("Full", ncol = no.var, nrow = no.var, values = c(S),
free = FALSE, name = "sampleS")
if (cor.analysis) {
impliedS <- mxMatrix("Iden", ncol = no.var, nrow = no.var, free = FALSE,
name = "impliedS") # a bit redundant, but it simplies the codes later
ps <- no.var * (no.var - 1)/2
vecS <- mxAlgebra(vechs(sampleS - impliedS), name = "vecS")
} else {
impliedS <- mxMatrix("Diag", ncol = no.var, nrow = no.var, values = Diag(S),
free = TRUE, name = "impliedS")
ps <- no.var * (no.var + 1)/2
vecS <- mxAlgebra(vech(sampleS - impliedS), name = "vecS")
if (ncol(aCov) != ps)
stop("Dimensions of \"S\" do not match the dimensions of \"aCov\"\n")
# Inverse of asymptotic covariance matrix
invaCov <- tryCatch(chol2inv(chol(aCov)), error = function(e) e)
if (inherits(invaCov, "error"))
invAcov <- mxMatrix("Full", ncol = ps, nrow = ps, values = c(invaCov),
free = FALSE, name = "invAcov")
obj <- mxAlgebra(t(vecS) %&% invAcov, name = "obj")
mx.model <- mxModel(model = "Independent model", impliedS, sampleS,
vecS, invAcov, obj, mxFitFunctionAlgebra("obj"))
mx.model <- mxOption(mx.model, "Calculate Hessian", "No")
mx.model <- mxOption(mx.model, "Standard Errors" , "No")
indep.out <- tryCatch(mxRun(mx.model, silent=TRUE,
suppressWarnings=TRUE), error = function(e) e)
if (inherits(indep.out, "error")) {
## stop(print(indep.out))
} else {
.minus2LL <- function(x, n) {
## model=c("saturated", "independent")
if (is.list(x)) {
if (length(x) != length(n))
stop("Lengths of \"x\" and \"n\" are not the same.\n")
fit.list <- mapply(.minus2LL, x=x, n=n)
out <- apply(matrix(unlist(fit.list), nrow=3), 1, sum)
names(out) <- c("SaturatedLikelihood", "IndependenceLikelihood", "independenceDoF")
} else {
miss.index <-
x <- x[!miss.index, !miss.index]
if (!is.pd(x))
stop("\"x\" is not positive definite.\n")
no.var <- ncol(x)
vars <- paste("v", 1:no.var, sep="")
dimnames(x) <- list(vars, vars)
obsCov <- mxData(observed=x, type='cov', numObs=n)
## if (missing(model))
## stop("\"model\" was not specified.\n")
## model <- match.arg(model)
## switch(model,
## saturated = expCov <- mxMatrix("Symm", nrow=no.var, ncol=no.var, free=TRUE,
## values=vech(x), name="expCov"),
## independent = expCov <- mxMatrix("Diag", nrow=no.var, ncol=no.var, free=TRUE,
## values=diag(x), name="expCov")
## )
expCov <- mxMatrix("Diag", nrow=no.var, ncol=no.var, free=TRUE,
values=Diag(x), name="expCov")
objective <- mxExpectationNormal(covariance = "expCov", dimnames=vars)
mx.model <- mxModel("model", expCov, obsCov, objective, mxFitFunctionML())
mx.model <- mxOption(mx.model, "Calculate Hessian", "No")
mx.model <- mxOption(mx.model, "Standard Errors" , "No")
fit <- tryCatch(mxRun(mx.model, silent=TRUE, suppressWarnings=TRUE), error = function(e) e)
if (inherits(fit, "error")) {
return(c(SaturatedLikelihood=NA, IndependenceLikelihood=NA,
## stop(print(fit))
} else {
## c(unlist(summary(fit)[c("SaturatedLikelihood", "IndependenceLikelihood", "independenceDoF")]))
return(c(unlist(fit@output[c("SaturatedLikelihood", "IndependenceLikelihood")]), independenceDoF=no.var*(no.var-1)/2))
## It works for character matrices.
## Calculate R2 for meta and meta3L objects
.R2 <- function(object) {
no.y <- object$no.y
## meta3L or meta3LML class
if ( any(c("meta3L","meta3LFIML") %in% class(object)) ) {
## Tau2 with predictors
Tau2_2model <- tryCatch( eval(parse(text="mxEval(Tau2_2, object$")), error = function(e) NA )
Tau2_3model <- tryCatch( eval(parse(text="mxEval(Tau2_3, object$")), error = function(e) NA )
Tau2_2base <- tryCatch( eval(parse(text="mxEval(Tau2_2, object$$")), error = function(e) NA )
Tau2_3base <- tryCatch( eval(parse(text="mxEval(Tau2_3, object$$")), error = function(e) NA )
R2_2 <- max((1-Tau2_2model/Tau2_2base), 0)
R2_3 <- max((1-Tau2_3model/Tau2_3base), 0)
R2.values <- matrix(c(Tau2_2base, Tau2_2model, R2_2, Tau2_3base, Tau2_3model, R2_3), ncol=2)
dimnames(R2.values) <- list(c("Tau2 (no predictor)", "Tau2 (with predictors)", "R2"),
c("Level 2", "Level 3"))
} else {
## Return NA when Tau2 values cannot be retrieved, e.g., constrained at lbound or no name
Tau2model <- sapply(1:no.y, function(x) { temp <- paste("mxEval(Tau2_",x,"_",x,", object$", sep="")
tryCatch( eval(parse(text=temp)), error = function(e) NA ) })
Tau2base <- sapply(1:no.y, function(x) { temp <- paste("mxEval(Tau2_",x,"_",x,", object$$", sep="")
tryCatch( eval(parse(text=temp)), error = function(e) NA ) })
R2_2 <- pmax((1-Tau2model/Tau2base), 0)
R2.values <- rbind(Tau2base, Tau2model, R2_2)
dimnames(R2.values) <- list( c("Tau2 (no predictor)", "Tau2 (with predictors)", "R2"),
paste("y", 1:no.y, sep="") )
## dimnames(R2.values) <- list( paste("y", c(t(outer(1:no.y, c(": Tau2 (no predictor)", ": Tau2 (with predictors)", ": R2"),
## paste, sep=""))), sep=""), c("Estimate"))
## Calculate I2 for meta and meta3L objects
.I2 <- function(object, {
I2 <- object$I2
no.y <- object$no.y
if (missing( { <- summary(object$
## Convert a data frame with length of 0 in$CI and remove the last column "note" <-$CI
if (length( <- NULL else <-[,1:3, drop=FALSE]
## meta3L class
if ( "meta3L" %in% class(object) ) {
I2.names <- c("I2q","I2hm","I2am")
## Rearrange different I2 into the standard format
I2.names <- I2.names[ c("I2q","I2hm","I2am") %in% I2 ]
I2.names <- c(outer(I2, c("_2","_3"), paste, sep=""))
## Wald test, no CI
if (is.null(dimnames( {
I2.values <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(I2.names), ncol=3)
I2.values[,2] <- eval(parse(text = paste("mxEval(c(", paste(I2.names, collapse=","), "), object$", sep="")))
} else {
name <- sapply(unlist(dimnames([1]), function(x)
{strsplit(x, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2]}, USE.NAMES=FALSE) <-[!, , drop=FALSE]
dimnames([[1]] <- name[!]
I2.values <-
## I2.values <-[paste(I2.names, "[1,1]", sep=""), , drop=FALSE]
## Truncate within 0 and 1
I2.values[I2.values<0] <- 0
I2.values[I2.values>1] <- 1
## I2.values <- apply(I2.values, c(1,2), function(x) max(x,0))
## I2.values <- ifelse(I2.values<0, 0, I2.values)
## I2.values <- ifelse(I2.values>1, 1, I2.values)
I2.names <- sub("I2q_2", "I2_2 (Typical v: Q statistic)", I2.names)
I2.names <- sub("I2q_3", "I2_3 (Typical v: Q statistic)", I2.names)
I2.names <- sub("I2hm_2", "I2_2 (Typical v: harmonic mean)", I2.names)
I2.names <- sub("I2hm_3", "I2_3 (Typical v: harmonic mean)", I2.names)
I2.names <- sub("I2am_2", "I2_2 (Typical v: arithmetic mean)", I2.names)
I2.names <- sub("I2am_3", "I2_3 (Typical v: arithmetic mean)", I2.names)
I2.names <- sub("ICC_2", "ICC_2 (tau^2/(tau^2+tau^3))", I2.names)
I2.names <- sub("ICC_3", "ICC_3 (tau^3/(tau^2+tau^3))", I2.names)
dimnames(I2.values) <- list(I2.names, c("lbound", "Estimate", "ubound"))
} else {
## meta class
I2.names <- c("I2q","I2hm","I2am")
## Rearrange different I2 into the standard format
I2.names <- I2.names[ c("I2q","I2hm","I2am") %in% I2 ]
## Wald test, no CI
if (is.null(dimnames( {
I2.values <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(I2.names)*no.y, ncol=3)
I2.values[,2] <- eval(parse(text = paste("mxEval(I2_values, object$", sep="")))
} else {## LB CI <- "Meta analysis with ML."
## modified to remove NA in row names
name <- sapply(unlist(dimnames([1]), function(x)
{strsplit(x, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2]}, USE.NAMES=FALSE) <-[!, , drop=FALSE]
dimnames([[1]] <- name[!]
I2.values <-
#I2.values <-[paste("I2_values[", 1:(length(I2.names)*no.y), ",1]", sep=""), ,drop=FALSE]
## Truncate into 0
I2.values[I2.values<0] <- 0
I2.values[I2.values>1] <- 1
## I2.values <- ifelse(I2.values<0, 0, I2.values)
## I2.values <- ifelse(I2.values>1, 1, I2.values)
I2.names <- paste(": ", I2.names, sep="")
I2.names <- paste("Intercept", c( outer(1:no.y, I2.names, paste, sep="")), sep="")
I2.names <- sub("I2q", "I2 (Q statistic)", I2.names)
I2.names <- sub("I2hm", "I2 (harmonic mean)", I2.names)
I2.names <- sub("I2am", "I2 (arithmetic mean)", I2.names)
dimnames(I2.values) <- list(I2.names, c("lbound", "Estimate", "ubound"))
## Modified from rmseaConfidenceIntervalHelper() in OpenMx
.rmseaCI <- function(chi.squared, df, N, G=1, lower=.05, upper=.95){
if (df==0) {
return(c(lower=0, upper=0))
} else {
pChiSqFun <- function(x, val, degf, goal){ goal - pchisq(val, degf, ncp=x) }
# Lower confidence interval
if (pchisq(chi.squared, df=df, ncp=0) >= upper) { #sic
lower.lam <- tryCatch( uniroot(f=pChiSqFun, interval=c(1e-10, 1e4), val=chi.squared, degf=df, goal=upper)$root,
error=function(e) e )
if (inherits(lower.lam, "error")) lower.lam <- NA
# solve pchisq(ch, df=df, ncp=x) == upper for x
} else{
lower.lam <- 0
# Upper confidence interval
if (pchisq(chi.squared, df=df, ncp=0) >= lower) { #sic
upper.lam <- tryCatch( uniroot(f=pChiSqFun, interval=c(1e-10, 1e4), val=chi.squared, degf=df, goal=lower)$root,
error=function(e) e )
if (inherits(upper.lam, "error")) upper.lam <- NA
# solve pchisq(ch, df=df, ncp=x) == lower for x
} else{
upper.lam <- 0
## Steiger (1998, Eq. 24) A note on multiple sample extensions of the RMSEA fit indices. SEM, 5(4), 411-419.
lower.rmsea <- sqrt(G)*sqrt(max((lower.lam)/(N-G)/df, 0))
upper.rmsea <- sqrt(G)*sqrt(max((upper.lam)/(N-G)/df, 0))
return(c(lower=lower.rmsea, upper=upper.rmsea))
## Use chol2inv() first and ginv() if there are problems
.solve <- function(x, parameters) {
var.names <- colnames(x)
acov <- tryCatch( 2*chol2inv(chol(x)), error = function(e) e )
# Issue a warning instead of error message
if (inherits(acov, "error")) {
warning("Error in solving the Hessian matrix. Generalized inverse is used. The standard errors may not be trustworthy.\n")
acov <- 2*MASS::ginv(x)
dimnames(acov) <- list(var.names, var.names)
if (!missing(parameters)) {
acov <- acov[parameters, parameters, drop=FALSE]
## Generate names for OSMASEM
## x: a vector of observed variables
## output: a vector of correlation coefficients and sampling covariance matrix
## This function is used to select data in data created by Cor2DataFrame()
.genCorNames <- function(x, cor.analysis=TRUE) {
## Names for the correlation elements
if (cor.analysis) {
psNames <- vechs(outer(x, x, paste, sep = "_"))
} else {
psNames <- vech(outer(x, x, paste, sep = "_"))
## Names for the sampling covariance matrix of the correlation vector
psCovNames <- paste("C(", outer(psNames, psNames, paste, sep = " "), ")", sep="")
psCovNames <- vech(matrix(psCovNames, nrow=length(psNames), ncol=length(psNames)))
list(ylabels=psNames, vlabels=psCovNames)
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