
Defines functions .exp_info_algebraic .score_algebraic print.mev_thdiag_northropcoleman plot.mev_thdiag_northropcoleman NC.diag

Documented in .exp_info_algebraic NC.diag .score_algebraic

####################################################################################################### Functions to create plots and tests in article Northrop, Paul J and Claire L Coleman (2014), Extremes 'Improved threshold
####################################################################################################### diagnostic plots for extreme value analyses'
# Main function #
#' Score and likelihood ratio tests fit of equality of shape over multiple thresholds
#' The function returns a P-value path for the score testand/or likelihood ratio
#' test for equality of the shape parameters over
#' multiple thresholds under the generalized Pareto model.
#' @param xdat numeric vector of raw data
#' @param u \code{m}-vector of thresholds (sorted from smallest to largest)
#' @param GP.fit function used to optimize the generalized Pareto model.
#' @param do.LRT boolean indicating whether to perform the likelihood ratio test (in addition to the score test)
#' @param size level at which a horizontal line is drawn on multiple threshold plot
#' @param xi.tol numerical tolerance for threshold distance; if the absolute value of \code{xi1.hat} is less than \code{xi.tol} use linear interpolation
#'                to evaluate score vectors, expected Fisher information matrices, Hessians
#' @param plot logical; if \code{TRUE}, return a plot of p-values against threshold.
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to \code{plot}
#' @details The default method is \code{'Grimshaw'} using the reduction of the parameters to a one-dimensional
#' maximization. Other options are one-dimensional maximization of the profile the \code{nlm} function or \code{optim}.
#' Two-dimensional optimisation using 2D-optimization \code{\link[ismev]{ismev}} using the routine
#' from \code{gpd.fit} from the \code{ismev} library, with the addition of the algebraic gradient.
#' The choice of \code{GP.fit} should make no difference but the options were kept.
#' \bold{Warning}: the function will not recover from failure of the maximization routine, returning various error messages.
#' @references Grimshaw (1993). Computing Maximum Likelihood Estimates for the Generalized
#'  Pareto Distribution, \emph{Technometrics}, \bold{35}(2), 185--191.
#' @references Northrop & Coleman (2014). Improved threshold diagnostic plots for extreme value
#' analyses, \emph{Extremes}, \bold{17}(2), 289--303.
#' @references Wadsworth & Tawn (2012). Likelihood-based procedures for threshold
#' diagnostics and uncertainty in extreme value modelling, \emph{J. R. Statist. Soc. B}, \bold{74}(3), 543--567.
#' @export
#' @author Paul J. Northrop and Claire L. Coleman
#' @return a plot of P-values for the test at the different thresholds \code{u}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(nidd)
#' u <- seq(65,90, by = 1L)
#' NC.diag(nidd, u, size = 0.05)
#' }
NC.diag <- function(
    GP.fit = c("Grimshaw", "nlm", "optim", "ismev"),
    do.LRT = FALSE,
    size = NULL,
    plot = TRUE,
    xi.tol = 0.001
) {

  args <- list(...)
  if (any(diff(u) <= 0)) {
    warning("Thresholds supplied in u are not in increasing order")
  x <- as.numeric(xdat[is.finite(xdat)])
  u <- sort(u)
  n_u <- length(u)  # total number of thresholds
  # 1. Fit GP distribution to excesses of u[i], i=1, ..., n_u #
  GP.fit <- match.arg(GP.fit)
  z <- list()  # list to store the results
  z$thresh <- u  # all thresholds
  z$nexc <- unlist(lapply(u, function(y) {
    sum(x > y)
  }))  # number of excesses of each threshold
  z$n.between <- c(-diff(z$nexc), z$nexc[n_u])
  # sample sizes between thresholds (and above the highest threshold)
  for (i in seq_len(n_u)) {
    # loop over all thresholds
    if (GP.fit == "nlm") {
      temp <- .gpd_1D_fit(x, u[i], show = FALSE, xi.tol = xi.tol, calc.se = F)  # threshold u[j1], 1D max, algebraic Hessian
      phi.init <- temp$mle[2]/temp$mle[1]  # better initial estimate of phi
      temp <- .GP_1D_fit_nlm(x, u[i], init.val = phi.init, gradtol = 1e-20, steptol = 1e-20, calc.se = F)
      # 1D max, use nlm to get gradients v close to zero
    } else if (GP.fit == "ismev") {
      temp <- .gpd_2D_fit(x, u[i], show = FALSE)  # threshold u[i], ismev GP fitting function
      temp <- .gpd_2D_fit(x, u[i], show = FALSE, siginit = temp$mle[1], shinit = temp$mle[2], method = "BFGS", reltol = 1e-30, abstol = 1e-30)
    } else if (GP.fit == "optim") {
      temp <- .gpd_1D_fit(x, u[i], show = FALSE, xi.tol = xi.tol)  # threshold u[i], 1D max, algebraic Hessian
      temp <- .gpd_1D_fit(x, u[i], show = FALSE, xi.tol = xi.tol, phi.input = temp$mle[2]/temp$mle[1], reltol = 1e-30, abstol = 1e-30)
      # threshold u[i], 1D max, algebraic Hessian
    } else if (GP.fit == "Grimshaw") {
      yy <- x[x > u[i]] - u[i]  # thresholds excesses
      pjn <- .fit.gpd.grimshaw(yy)  # Grimshaw (1993) function, note: k is -xi, a is sigma
      temp <- list()
      temp$mle <- c(pjn$a, -pjn$k)  # mle for (sigma, xi)
      sc <- rep(temp$mle[1], length(yy))
      xi <- temp$mle[2]
      temp$nllh <- sum(log(sc)) + sum(log(1 + xi * yy/sc) * (1/xi + 1))
    z$xi.mle[i] <- temp$mle[2]  # MLE of xi
    z$sigma.mle[i] <- temp$mle[1]  # MLE of sigma1
    z$nllh[i] <- temp$nllh  # negated log-likelihood at MLE
  # .....................# end of loop over thresholds
  # 2. For each threshold u[i], i=1, ..., m-1 calculate score-based p-value for # the test of H_0: xi[i]=...=xi[m], equivalently
  # H_0: phi_1=...=phi_m # ... and produce plot of the p-values vs threshold.  #
  # Create functions score.test(), mult.u.gpd.fit() and mult.thresh.LR.test() ...
  #-------------------------- Start of function score.test() ------------------------------#
  score.test <- function(my.data, m, vi, wi, pars, sigma1, xi1) {
    #--------------------- if xi.hat is not very close to 0 ... ---------------------------#
    if (abs(xi1) >= xi.tol) {
      score <- .score_algebraic(my.data, pars, wi, vi, m)  # score vector under H_0
      e.info <- n.exc * .exp_info_algebraic(pars, wi, vi, m)  # expected information under H_0
    #----------------------- if xi.hat is very close to 0 ... -----------------------------#
    if (abs(xi1) < xi.tol) {
      delta <- 2 * xi.tol  # evaluate score/info at xi+delta and xi-delta
      phis <- 1/(sigma1/(xi1 + delta) + cumsum(c(0, wi[-m])))  # values of phi under H_0
      pars1 <- c(sigma1, phis)  # estimates of sigma1, phi_1, ..., phi_m under H_0.
      phis <- 1/(sigma1/(xi1 - delta) + cumsum(c(0, wi[-m])))  # values of phi under H_0
      pars2 <- c(sigma1, phis)  # estimates of sigma1, phi_1, ..., phi_m under H_0.
      score1 <- .score_algebraic(my.data, pars1, wi, vi, m)  # score vector at xi+delta
      score2 <- .score_algebraic(my.data, pars2, wi, vi, m)  # score vector at xi-delta
      score <- (score1 + score2)/2  # average of the two scores
      info1 <- n.exc * .exp_info_algebraic(pars1, wi, vi, m)  # expected information at xi+delta
      info2 <- n.exc * .exp_info_algebraic(pars2, wi, vi, m)  # expected information at xi-delta
      e.info <- (info1 + info2)/2  # average of the two information matrices
    # .......... Start of test.stat.calc() ...........
    test.stat.calc <- function(score, info) {
      my.svd <- svd(info)  # SVD of information matrix
      vec <- t(score) %*% my.svd$v  # avoid matrix inversion
      stat <- vec %*% diag(1/my.svd$d, nrow = m + 1) %*% t(vec)  # score test statistic
    # ........... End of test.stat.calc() ............

    e.stat <- test.stat.calc(score, e.info)  # score test statistic
    e.p <- pchisq(e.stat, df = m - 1, lower.tail = FALSE)  # p-value
    c(e.stat, e.p)
  # .......................................................  end of function score.test

  #-------------------------- End of function score.test() --------------------------------#

  #----------------------- Start of function mult.u.gpd.fit() -----------------------------#

  mult.u.gpd.fit <- function(y, m, v, w, npy = 365, method = "Nelder-Mead", maxit = 10000, init.ests = NULL, ...) {
    negated.mult.log.likelihood <- function(sig) {
      # sig: (sigma1, xi_1, ..., xi_m) y: excesses of threshold
      sigma1 <- sig[1]  # sigma_1
      if (sigma1 <= 0)
        return(1e+30)  # Need sigma_1 > 0
      xi <- sig[-1]  # (xi_1, ..., xi_m)
      sigma <- sigma1 + cumsum(c(0, xi[-m] * w[-m]))  # (sigma_1, ..., sigma_m)
      phi <- xi/sigma  # (phi_1, ..., phi_m)
      if (any(1 + phi[-m] * w[-m] <= 0)) {
        return(1e+30)  # Need all elements of 1+phi*w/sigma > 0
      Ij <- unlist(lapply(y, function(sig) {
        sum(sig - v > 0)
      }))  # interval indicators
      if (any(1 + phi[Ij] * (y - v[Ij]) <= 0))
        return(1e+30)  # Need all elements of 1+phi[Ij]*(y-v[Ij]) > 0
      aj <- c(0, cumsum(log(1 + phi[-m] * w[-m])/sigma[-m]/phi[-m]))  # -log(p_j), j=1, ..., m
      pj <- exp(-aj)  # P(Y > v_j), j=1, ..., m
      bj <- log(sigma)
      dj <- log(1 + phi[Ij] * (y - v[Ij]))
      ej <- log(1 + phi[Ij] * (y - v[Ij]))/sigma[Ij]/phi[Ij]
      sum(aj[Ij] + bj[Ij] + dj + ej)

    fscale <- negated.mult.log.likelihood(init.ests)
    temp <- optim(init.ests, negated.mult.log.likelihood, hessian = FALSE,
                  method = method, control = list(maxit = maxit, fnscale = fscale,
    zz <- list()
    zz$mle <- temp$par
    zz$nllh <- temp$value
    zz$conv <- temp$convergence
    zz$counts <- temp$counts
    zz$message <- temp$message

  #------------------------- End of function mult.u.gpd.fit() -----------------------------#

  #--------------------- Start of function mult.thresh.LR.test() --------------------------#

  mult.thresh.LR.test <- function(my.data, m, vi, wi, init.ests = NULL, null.nllh = NULL) {
    nllh2 <- mult.u.gpd.fit(my.data, m, vi, wi, init.ests = init.ests)$nllh
    LRT.stat <- ifelse(is.null(null.nllh), 2 * (z$nllh[i] - nllh2), 2 * (null.nllh - nllh2))
    pvalue <- pchisq(LRT.stat, m - 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
    c(LRT.stat, pvalue)

  #----------------------- End of function mult.thresh.LR.test() --------------------------#

  for (i in 1:(n_u - 1)) {
    # loop from u[1] to u[n_u-1]
    excess.data <- x[x > u[i]] - u[i]  # excesses of threshold u[i]
    n.exc <- z$nexc[i]  # number of excesses of current threshold
    # (calculated at top of function)
    m <- n_u - i + 1  # number of thresholds at or above u[i]
    z$df[i] <- m - 1  # df of null chi-squared distribution
    vi <- u[i:n_u] - u[i]  # thresholds u[i], ..., u[n_u] relative to u[i]
    wi <- c(diff(vi), NA)  # differences between thresholds (wi[m] not used)
    phis <- 1/(z$sigma.mle[i]/z$xi.mle[i] + cumsum(c(0, wi[-m])))  # values of phi under H_0
    pars <- c(z$sigma.mle[i], phis)  # estimates of sigma1, phi_1, ..., phi_m under H_0.
    # MLEs of sigma1 and xi1 under H_0, for passing to score.test() ...
    sigma1 <- z$sigma.mle[i]
    xi1 <- z$xi.mle[i]
    temp <- score.test(excess.data, m, vi, wi, pars, sigma1, xi1)  # do score test
    z$e.test.stats[i] <- temp[1]
    z$e.p.values[i] <- temp[2]
    if (do.LRT) {
      null.init.ests <- c(sigma1, rep(xi1, m))
      temp <- mult.thresh.LR.test(excess.data, m, vi, wi, init.ests = null.init.ests)  # do LR test
      z$LRT.p.values[i] <- temp[2]
      z$LRT.test.stats[i] <- temp[1]
  }  #.......................# end of loop over thresholds
  z$u <- u[seq_len(n_u - 1)]  # (lowest) thresholds for each test
  class(z) <- "mev_thdiag_northropcoleman"
    plot(z, size = size, ...)

#' @export
plot.mev_thdiag_northropcoleman <- function(x, size = 0.05, ...){
  args <- list(...)
  n_u <- length(x$u) + 1L
    # Backward compatibility
      args$xlab <- args$my.xlab
      args$my.xlab <- NULL
    # Produce the plot ......
      args$ylab <- "p-value"
    if (is.null(args$xlab)){
      args$xlab <- "threshold"
      args$type <- "b"
      args$pch <- 16
      args$ylim <- c(0,1)
    args$x <- x$u
    args$y <- x$e.p.values
    do.call(what = "plot", args = args)
    axis(3, at = x$u,
         labels = x$nexc[-length(x$nexc)],
         cex.axis = 0.7)
    if (!is.null(x$LRT.p.values)){
      lines(x$u, x$LRT.p.values,
            type = "b",
            lty = 4,
            pch = 2)
    if (!is.null(size)){
                    size < 1, size > 0))){
      abline(h = size, lty = 2)

#' @export
print.mev_thdiag_northropcoleman <-
  function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), level = 0.05, ...) {
    cat("Threshold selection method: Northrop and Coleman penultimate model.\n")
    method <- "Score test"
    thselect <- x$thresh[which.max(which(x$e.p.values > level))]
      method <- "Likelihood ratio test"
      thselect <- x$thresh[which.max(which(x$LRT.p.values > level))]
    cat(method, "for piecewise generalized Pareto models.", "\n")
    cat("Largest threshold above which we always fail to reject null hypothesis of common generalized Pareto at level", level,"\n")
    cat("Selected threshold:", round(thselect, digits), "\n")

# Algebraic calculation of score vector #

#' Algebraic score
#' @param y vector of excesses of lowest threshold \code{u1}
#' @param x parameter vector (\code{sigma1}, \code{phi_1}, \ldots, \code{phi_m})
#' @param v thresholds relative to lowest threshold
#' @param w differences between thresholds (\code{w[m]} not used)
#' @param m number of thresholds
#' @keywords internal
.score_algebraic <- function(y, x, w, v, m) {
  n <- length(y)  # sample size
  sigma1 <- x[1]  # sigma_1
  phi <- x[-1]  # (phi_1, ..., phi_m)
  sigma <- sigma1 * c(1, cumprod(1 + phi[-m] * w[-m]))  # (sigma_1, ..., sigma_m)
  xi <- sigma * phi  # (xi_1, ..., xi_m)
  Ij <- unlist(lapply(y, function(x) {
    sum((x - v) > 0)
  }))  # interval indicators
  h <- phi * sigma/sigma1  # (h_1, ..., h_m)
  ##################### Derivatives of bj ...
  db.s1 <- n/sigma1
  db.phi <- c(unlist(lapply(1:(m - 1), function(x) {
    sum(Ij > x) * w[x]/(1 + phi[x] * w[x])
  })), 0)
  ##################### Derivatives of dj ...
  dd.s1 <- 0
  dd.phi <- unlist(lapply(1:m, function(x) {
    sum((y[Ij == x] - v[x])/(1 + phi[x] * (y[Ij == x] - v[x])))
  ##################### Derivatives of ej ...
  de.s1 <- sum(-sigma1^(-2) * h[Ij]^(-1) * log(1 + phi[Ij] * (y - v[Ij])))
  de.phi.fn <- function(x) {
    temp1 <- h[x]^(-1) * (-phi[x]^(-1) * log(1 + phi[x] * (y[Ij == x] - v[x])) + (y[Ij == x] - v[x]) * (1 + phi[x] * (y[Ij ==
                                                                                                                          x] - v[x]))^(-1))
    if (x == m) {
      return(sigma1^(-1) * sum(temp1))
    ind1 <- Ij %in% (x + 1):m
    ind2 <- Ij[ind1]
    temp2 <- -w[x] * (1 + phi[x] * w[x])^(-1) * (h[Ij][ind1]^(-1) * log(1 + phi[Ij][ind1] * (y[ind1] - v[Ij][ind1])))
    sigma1^(-1) * (sum(temp1) + sum(temp2))
  de.phi <- unlist(lapply(1:m, de.phi.fn))
  ##################### Derivatives of aj ...
  aj <- c(0, cumsum(log(1 + phi[-m] * w[-m])/sigma[-m]/phi[-m]))  # -log(p_j), j=1, ..., m
  da.s1 <- -sigma1^(-1) * sum(aj[Ij])
  da.phi.fn <- function(x) {
    n.Ijs <- table(c(Ij, 1:m)) - 1  # frequencies of values of Ij
    n.Ijs <- n.Ijs[-1]
    temp1 <- h[x]^(-1) * (-phi[x]^(-1) * log(1 + phi[x] * w[x]) + w[x] * (1 + phi[x] * w[x])^(-1))  # B(x, x)
    my.zeros <- numeric(m - 1)
    my.zeros[x] <- temp1
    temp1 <- my.zeros
    n.Ijs <- as.numeric(n.Ijs)
    if (x == (m - 1)) {
      return(sigma1^(-1) * sum(temp1 * n.Ijs))
    if (x < (m - 1)) {
      ind <- (x + 1):(m - 1)
      temp2 <- -w[x] * (1 + phi[x] * w[x])^(-1) * h[ind]^(-1) * log(1 + phi[ind] * w[ind])
    temp1[(x + 1):(m - 1)] <- temp2
    sigma1^(-1) * sum(cumsum(temp1) * n.Ijs)
  da.phi <- c(unlist(lapply(1:(m - 1), da.phi.fn)), 0)
  ########### Return score vector ...
  -c(da.s1 + db.s1 + dd.s1 + de.s1, da.phi + db.phi + dd.phi + de.phi)

# Algebraic calculation of expected information #

#' Algebraic calculation of the expected information
#' @param x parameter vector: (\code{sigma1}, \code{phi_1}, \ldots, \code{phi_m})
#' @param v thresholds relative to lowest threshold
#' @param w differences between thresholds (\code{w[m]} not used)
#' @param m number of thresholds
#' @keywords internal
.exp_info_algebraic <- function(x, w, v, m) {
  sigma1 <- x[1]  # sigma_1
  phi <- x[-1]  # (phi_1, ..., phi_m)
  sigma <- sigma1 * c(1, cumprod(1 + phi[-m] * w[-m]))  # (sigma_1, ..., sigma_m)
  xi <- sigma * phi  # (xi_1, ..., xi_m)
  aj <- c(0, cumsum(log(1 + phi[-m] * w[-m])/sigma[-m]/phi[-m]))  # -log(p_j), j=1, ..., m
  pj <- exp(-aj)  # P(Y > v_j), j=1, ..., m
  qj <- c(pj[-m] * (1 - (1 + phi[-m] * w[-m])^(-1/xi[-m])), pj[m])  # P(v_j < Y < v_{j+1}), j=1, ..., m
  h <- phi * sigma/sigma1  # (h_1, ..., h_m)
  # Various integrals ...
  I0b <- function(b, j) {
    t1 <- (1 + b * xi[j])^(-1)
    if (j == m)
    t1 - (1 + phi[j] * w[j])^(-b - 1/xi[j]) * t1
  I1b <- function(b, j) {
    t1 <- sigma[j]/(1 + (b - 1) * xi[j])/(1 + b * xi[j])
    if (j == m)
    t2 <- (1 + phi[j] * w[j])^(-b - 1/xi[j])/(1 + b * xi[j])
    t3 <- (1 + phi[j] * w[j])^(1 - b - 1/xi[j])/(1 + (b - 1) * xi[j])
    t1 + (t2 - t3)/phi[j]
  I2b <- function(b, j) {
    t1 <- 2 * sigma[j]^2/(1 + (b - 2) * xi[j])/(1 + (b - 1) * xi[j])/(1 + b * xi[j])
    if (j == m)
    t2 <- (1 + phi[j] * w[j])^(2 - b - 1/xi[j])/(1 + (b - 2) * xi[j])
    t3 <- (1 + phi[j] * w[j])^(1 - b - 1/xi[j])/(1 + (b - 1) * xi[j])
    t4 <- (1 + phi[j] * w[j])^(-b - 1/xi[j])/(1 + b * xi[j])
    t1 - (t2 - 2 * t3 + t4)/phi[j]^2
  J <- function(j) {
    t1 <- xi[j]
    if (j == m)
    t2 <- -(1 + phi[j] * w[j])^(-1/xi[j]) * log(1 + phi[j] * w[j])
    t3 <- -xi[j] * (1 + phi[j] * w[j])^(-1/xi[j])
    t1 + t2 + t3
  # Derivatives of bj (constant w.r.t. y) ...  Note: all contributions are zero apart from the diagonal elements for sigma1, phi_1,
  # ..., phi_{m-1}
  b.exp.info <- matrix(0, m + 1, m + 1)  # matrix for expected information from b
  db.phi.phi <- c(unlist(lapply(1:(m - 1), function(x) {
    -w[x]^2 * (1 + phi[x] * w[x])^(-2) * sum(qj[(x + 1):m])
  })), 0)
  diag(b.exp.info) <- c(-1/sigma1^2, db.phi.phi)
  # Derivatives of dj ...  Note: all contributions are zero apart from the diagonal elements for phi_1, ..., phi_m.
  d.exp.info <- matrix(0, m + 1, m + 1)  # matrix for expected information from b
  dd.phi.phi <- unlist(lapply(1:m, function(x) {
    -pj[x] * I2b(2, x)
  diag(d.exp.info) <- c(0, dd.phi.phi)
  ##################### Derivatives of ej ...
  e.exp.info <- matrix(0, m + 1, m + 1)  # matrix for expected information from b
  de.s1.s1 <- 2 * sigma1^(-3) * sum(h^(-1) * pj * unlist(lapply(1:m, J)))
  de.phi.fn <- function(x) {
    temp1 <- h[x]^(-1) * (-phi[x]^(-1) * J(x) + I1b(1, x))
    if (x == m)
      return(sigma1^(-1) * temp1 * pj[x])
    temp2 <- -w[x] * (1 + phi[x] * w[x])^(-1) * h[(x + 1):m]^(-1) * unlist(lapply((x + 1):m, J))
    sigma1^(-1) * (temp1 * pj[x] + sum(temp2 * pj[(x + 1):m]))
  de.phi <- unlist(lapply(1:m, de.phi.fn))
  de.phi.phi.fn <- function(x) {
    temp1 <- h[x]^(-1) * (2 * phi[x]^(-2) * J(x) - 2 * phi[x]^(-1) * I1b(1, x) - I2b(2, x))
    if (x == m)
      return(sigma1^(-1) * temp1 * pj[x])
    temp2 <- 2 * w[x]^2 * (1 + phi[x] * w[x])^(-2) * h[(x + 1):m]^(-1) * unlist(lapply((x + 1):m, J))
    sigma1^(-1) * (temp1 * pj[x] + sum(temp2 * pj[(x + 1):m]))
  de.phi.phi <- unlist(lapply(1:m, de.phi.phi.fn))
  de.phil.phik.fn <- function(x) {
    k <- x[1]
    l <- x[2]
    temp1 <- h[k]^(-1) * w[l] * (1 + w[l] * phi[l])^(-1) * (phi[k]^(-1) * J(k) - I1b(1, k))
    if (k == m)
      return(sigma1^(-1) * temp1 * pj[k])
    temp2 <- w[k] * (1 + phi[k] * w[k])^(-1) * w[l] * (1 + phi[l] * w[l])^(-1) * h[(k + 1):m]^(-1) * unlist(lapply((k + 1):m,
    sigma1^(-1) * (temp1 * pj[k] + sum(temp2 * pj[(k + 1):m]))
  k.vals <- rep(2:m, times = 2:m - 1)  # k > l
  l.vals <- unlist(lapply(2:m - 1, function(x) seq(from = 1, to = x)))
  kl.vals <- cbind(k.vals, l.vals)
  rev.kl.vals <- kl.vals[, 2:1]
  if (m == 2) {
    kl.vals <- matrix(kl.vals, nrow = 1, ncol = 2)  # if m=2 make kl.vals a matrix
    rev.kl.vals <- matrix(kl.vals[, 2:1], nrow = 1, ncol = 2)  # if m=2 make rev.kl.vals a matrix
  de.phil.phik <- unlist(apply(kl.vals, 1, de.phil.phik.fn))
  diag(e.exp.info) <- c(de.s1.s1, de.phi.phi)
  e.exp.info[1, 2:(m + 1)] <- e.exp.info[2:(m + 1), 1] <- -sigma1^(-1) * de.phi
  e.exp.info[kl.vals + 1] <- e.exp.info[rev.kl.vals + 1] <- de.phil.phik
  ##################### Derivatives of aj ...
  a.exp.info <- matrix(0, m + 1, m + 1)  # matrix for expected information from b
  aj <- c(0, cumsum(log(1 + phi[-m] * w[-m])/sigma[-m]/phi[-m]))  # -log(p_j), j=1, ..., m
  da.s1.s1 <- 2 * sigma1^(-2) * sum(aj * qj)
  da.phi.fn <- function(x) {
    temp1 <- h[x]^(-1) * (-phi[x]^(-1) * log(1 + phi[x] * w[x]) + w[x] * (1 + phi[x] * w[x])^(-1))  # B(x, x)
    my.zeros <- numeric(m - 1)
    my.zeros[x] <- temp1
    temp1 <- my.zeros
    if (x == (m - 1))
      return(sigma1^(-1) * sum(temp1 * qj[-1]))
    if (x < (m - 1)) {
      ind <- (x + 1):(m - 1)
      temp2 <- -w[x] * (1 + phi[x] * w[x])^(-1) * h[ind]^(-1) * log(1 + phi[ind] * w[ind])
    temp1[(x + 1):(m - 1)] <- temp2
    sigma1^(-1) * sum(cumsum(temp1) * qj[-1])
  da.phi <- c(unlist(lapply(1:(m - 1), da.phi.fn)), 0)
  da.s1.phi <- -sigma1^(-1) * da.phi
  da.phi.phi.fn <- function(x) {
    y.1v <- 1 + phi[x] * w[x]
    y.v <- w[x]
    temp1 <- h[x]^(-1) * (2 * phi[x]^(-2) * log(y.1v) - 2 * phi[x]^(-1) * y.v * y.1v^(-1) - y.v^2 * y.1v^(-2))
    my.zeros <- numeric(m - 1)
    my.zeros[x] <- temp1
    temp1 <- my.zeros
    if (x == (m - 1))
      return(sigma1^(-1) * sum(temp1 * qj[-1]))
    if (x < (m - 1)) {
      ind <- (x + 1):(m - 1)
      temp2 <- 2 * w[x]^2 * (1 + phi[x] * w[x])^(-2) * h[ind]^(-1) * log(1 + phi[ind] * w[ind])
    temp1[(x + 1):(m - 1)] <- temp2
    sigma1^(-1) * sum(cumsum(temp1) * qj[-1])
  da.phi.phi <- c(unlist(lapply(1:(m - 1), da.phi.phi.fn)), 0)
  da.phil.phik.fn <- function(x) {
    k <- x[1]
    l <- x[2]
    y.1v <- 1 + phi[k] * w[k]
    y.v <- w[k]
    temp1 <- h[k]^(-1) * w[l] * (1 + w[l] * phi[l])^(-1) * (phi[k]^(-1) * log(y.1v) - y.v * y.1v^(-1))
    my.zeros <- numeric(m - 1)
    my.zeros[k] <- temp1
    temp1 <- my.zeros
    if (k == (m - 1))
      return(sigma1^(-1) * sum(temp1 * qj[-1]))
    if (k < (m - 1)) {
      ind <- (k + 1):(m - 1)
      temp2 <- w[k] * (1 + phi[k] * w[k])^(-1) * w[l] * (1 + phi[l] * w[l])^(-1) * h[ind]^(-1) * log(1 + phi[ind] * w[ind])
    temp1[(k + 1):(m - 1)] <- temp2
    sigma1^(-1) * sum(cumsum(temp1) * qj[-1])
  diag(a.exp.info) <- c(da.s1.s1, da.phi.phi)
  a.exp.info[1, 2:(m + 1)] <- a.exp.info[2:(m + 1), 1] <- da.s1.phi
  if (m > 2) {
    k.vals <- rep(2:(m - 1), times = 1:(m - 2))  # k > l
    l.vals <- unlist(lapply(1:(m - 2), function(x) {
      seq(from = 1, to = x)
    kl.vals <- cbind(k.vals, l.vals)
    rev.kl.vals <- kl.vals[, 2:1]
    if (m == 3) {
      kl.vals <- matrix(kl.vals, nrow = 1, ncol = 2)  # if m=3 make kl.vals a matrix
      rev.kl.vals <- matrix(kl.vals[, 2:1], nrow = 1, ncol = 2)  # if m=3 make rev.kl.vals a matrix
    da.phil.phik <- unlist(apply(kl.vals, 1, da.phil.phik.fn))
    a.exp.info[kl.vals + 1] <- a.exp.info[rev.kl.vals + 1] <- da.phil.phik
  # Return observed information ...
  exp.info <- a.exp.info + b.exp.info + d.exp.info + e.exp.info

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