
Defines functions Ztb Zb pdev neicov minres AddBVB isa mat.rowsum temp.seed eigen.approx lanczos treig pmmult pqr.qy pqr.R pqr block.reorder pRRt pcrossprod pforwardsolve pchol pbsi pqr2 pinv vcorr cholup choldrop dchol diagXVXd Xbd XWyd XWXd mgcv.omp trichol bandchol sdiag rmvn blas.thread.test dpnorm

Documented in bandchol blas.thread.test choldrop cholup diagXVXd dpnorm rmvn sdiag trichol Xbd XWXd XWyd

## (c) Simon N. Wood 2011-2023
## Many of the following are simple wrappers for C functions

dpnorm <- function(x0,x1) {
  ## Cancellation avoiding evaluation of pnorm(x1)-pnorm(x0) 
  ## first avoid 1-1 problems by exchanging and changing sign of double +ve
  ii <- x1>0&x0>0
  d <- x0[ii];x0[ii] <- -x1[ii];x1[ii] <- -d
  ## now deal with points that are so close that cancellation error
  ## too large - might as well use density times interval width
  ii <- abs(x1-x0) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)*dnorm((x1+x0)/2)
  p <- x0; d <- x1[ii]-x0[ii]; m <- (x1[ii]+x0[ii])/2
  p[ii] <- dnorm(m)*d
  p[!ii] <- pnorm(x1[!ii]) - pnorm(x0[!ii])
} ## dpnorm

"%.%" <- function(a,b) {
  if (inherits(a,"dgCMatrix")||inherits(b,"dgCMatrix"))
  tensor.prod.model.matrix(list( ## following is coercion to double, general (no special structure), compressed column 
  as(as(as(a, "dMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix"), 
  as(as(as(b, "dMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix")
  )) else tensor.prod.model.matrix(list(as.matrix(a),as.matrix(b)))
#  tensor.prod.model.matrix(list(as(a,"dgCMatrix"),as(b,"dgCMatrix"))) else - deprecated
#  tensor.prod.model.matrix(list(as.matrix(a),as.matrix(b)))

blas.thread.test <- function(n=1000,nt=4) {
  inter <- interactive()
  if (inter) prg <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n, initial = 0,
              char = "=",width = NA, title="Progress", style = 3)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    m <- sample(213:654,1)
    p <- sample(3:153,1)
    X <- matrix(runif(m*p),m,p)
    er <- pqr(X,nt=nt) 
    rr <- range(pqr.qy(er,pqr.R(er))-X[,er$pivot])
    if (rr[1] < -1e-4||rr[2] > 1e-4) {
    if (inter) setTxtProgressBar(prg, i)
  if (inter) close(prg)
  if (rr[1] < -1e-4||rr[2] > 1e-4) {
    cat("BLAS thread safety problem at iteration",i,"\n")
  } else cat("No problem encountered in",i,"iterations\n")
} ## blas.thread.test

rmvn <- function(n,mu,V) {
## generate multivariate normal deviates. e.g.
## V <- matrix(c(2,1,1,2),2,2); mu <- c(1,1);n <- 1000;z <- rmvn(n,mu,V);crossprod(sweep(z,2,colMeans(z)))/n
  p <- ncol(V)
  R <- mroot(V,rank=ncol(V)) ## RR' = V
  if (is.matrix(mu)) {
    if (ncol(mu)!=p||nrow(mu)!=n) stop("mu dimensions wrong")
    z <- matrix(rnorm(p*n),n,p)%*%t(R) + mu
  } else { 
    if (length(mu)!=p) stop("mu dimensions wrong")
    z <- t(R%*% matrix(rnorm(p*n),p,n) + mu)
    if (n==1) z <- as.numeric(z)
} ## rmvn

sdiag <- function(A,k=0) {
## extract sub or super diagonal of matrix (k=0 is leading)  
 p <- ncol(A)
 n <- nrow(A)
 if (k>p-1||-k > n-1) return()
 if (k >= 0) {
   i <- 1:n
   j <- (k+1):p
 } else {
   i <- (-k+1):n
   j <- 1:p
 if (length(i)>length(j)) i <- i[1:length(j)] else j <- j[1:length(i)]
 ii <- i + (j-1) * n 
} ## sdiag

"sdiag<-" <- function(A,k=0,value) {
 p <- ncol(A)
 n <- nrow(A)
 if (k>p-1||-k > n-1) return()
 if (k >= 0) {
   i <- 1:n
   j <- (k+1):p
 } else {
   i <- (-k+1):n
   j <- 1:p
 if (length(i)>length(j)) i <- i[1:length(j)] else j <- j[1:length(i)]
 ii <- i + (j-1) * n 
 A[ii] <- value
} ## "sdiag<-"

bandchol <- function(B) {
## obtain R such that R'R = A. Where A is banded matrix contained in R.
  n <- ncol(B)
  k <- 0
  if (n==nrow(B)) { ## square matrix. Extract the diagonals
    A <- B*0
    for (i in 1:n) {
      b <- sdiag(B,i-1)
      if (sum(b!=0)!=0) {
        k <- i ## largest index of a non-zero band
        A[i,1:length(b)] <- b
    B <- A[1:k,]
  oo <- .C(C_band_chol,B=as.double(B),n=as.integer(n),k=as.integer(nrow(B)),info=as.integer(0))
  if (oo$info<0) stop("something wrong with inputs to LAPACK routine")
  if (oo$info>0) stop("not positive definite")
  B <- matrix(oo$B,nrow(B),n)
  if (k>0) { ## was square on entry, so also on exit...
    A <- A * 0
    for (i in 1:k) sdiag(A,i-1) <- B[i,1:(n-i+1)]
    B <- A
} ## bandchol

trichol <- function(ld,sd) {
## obtain chol factor R of symm tridiag matrix, A, with leading diag
## ld and sub/super diags sd. R'R = A. On exit ld is diag of R and
## sd its super diagonal.
  n <- length(ld)
  if (n<2) stop("don't be silly")
  if (n!=length(sd)+1) stop("sd should have exactly one less entry than ld")
  oo <- .C(C_tri_chol,ld=as.double(ld),sd=as.double(sd),n=as.integer(n),info=as.integer(0))
  if (oo$info<0) stop("something wrong with inputs to LAPACK routine")
  if (oo$info>0) stop("not positive definite")
  ld <- sqrt(oo$ld)
  sd <- oo$sd*ld[1:(n-1)]

mgcv.omp <- function() {
## does open MP appear to be available?
  oo <- .C(C_mgcv_omp,a=as.integer(-1))
  if (oo$a==1) TRUE else FALSE

## discretized covariate routines...

XWXd <- function(X,w,k,ks,ts,dt,v,qc,nthreads=1,drop=NULL,ar.stop=-1,ar.row=-1,ar.w=-1,lt=NULL,rt=NULL) {
## Form X'WX given weights in w and X in compressed form in list X.
## each element of X is a (marginal) model submatrix. Full version 
## is given by X[[i]][k[,i],] (see below for summation convention).
## list X relates to length(ts) separate
## terms. ith term starts at matrix ts[i] and has dt[i] marginal matrices.
## For summation convention, k[,ks[j,1]:ks[j,2]] gives index columns
## for matrix j, thereby allowing summation over matrix covariates....
## i.e. for q in ks[j,1]:ks[j,2] sum up X[[j]][k[,q],] 
## Terms with several marginals are tensor products and may have 
## constraints (if qc[i]>1), stored as a householder vector in v[[i]]. 
## check ts and k index start (assumed 1 here)
## if drop is non-NULL it contains index of rows/cols to drop from result
## * lt is array of terms to include in left matrix (assumed in ascending coef index order)
## * rt is array of terms to include in right matrix (assumed in ascending coef index order)
## * if both NULL all terms are included, if only one is NULL then used for left and right. 
  m <- unlist(lapply(X,nrow));p <- unlist(lapply(X,ncol))
  nx <- length(X);nt <- length(ts)
  n <- length(w);ptfull <- pt <- 0;
  for (i in 1:nt) {
    fullsize <- prod(p[ts[i]:(ts[i]+dt[i]-1)])
    ptfull <- ptfull + fullsize
    pt <- pt + fullsize - if (qc[i]>0) 1 else if (qc[i]<0) v[[i]][v[[i]][1]+2] else 0
  if (inherits(X[[1]],"dgCMatrix")) { ## the marginals are sparse
    if (length(ar.stop)>1||ar.stop!=-1) warning("AR not available with sparse marginals")
    ## create list for passing to C
    if (any(qc<0)) stop("sparse method for Kronecker product contrasts not implemented")
    m <- list(Xd=X,kd=k,ks=ks,v=v,ts=ts,dt=dt,qc=qc)
    m$off <- attr(X,"off"); m$r <- attr(X,"r")
    if (is.null(m$off)||is.null(m$r)) stop("reverse indices missing from sparse discrete marginals")
    ### code that could create the marginal reverse indices...
    #for (j in 1:nrow(m$ks)) {
    #nr <- nrow(m$Xd[[j]]) ## make sure we always tab to final stored row 
    #for (i in m$ks[j,1]:(m$ks[j,2]-1)) {
    #  m$r[,i] <- (1:length(m$kd[,i]))[order(m$kd[,i])]
    #  m$off[[i]] <- cumsum(c(1,tabulate(m$kd[,i],nbins=nr)))-1
    m$offstart <- cumsum(c(0,lapply(m$off,length)))
    m$off <- unlist(m$off)
    ## Now C base all indices...
    m$ks <- m$ks - 1; m$kd <- m$kd - 1; m$r <- m$r - 1; m$ts <- m$ts-1
    nthreads <- as.integer(nthreads)
    w <- as.double(w)
    if ((!is.null(lt)||!is.null(rt))&&!is.null(drop)) {
      lpip <- attr(X,"lpip") ## list of coefs for each term
      rpi <- unlist(lpip[rt])
      lpi <- unlist(lpip[lt])
      if (is.null(lt)) lpi <- rpi
      else if (is.null(rt)) rpi <- lpi
      ldrop <- which(lpi %in% drop)
      rdrop <- which(lpi %in% drop)
    } else rdrop <- ldrop <- drop 

    if (is.null(lt)&&is.null(rt)) {
      lt <- rt <- 1:nt
    } else if (is.null(lt)) {
      lt <- rt
    } else if (is.null(rt)) rt <- lt;
    lt <- as.integer(lt-1)
    rt <- as.integer(rt-1)
    XWX <- .Call(C_sXWXd,m,w,lt,rt,nthreads)
    if (!is.null(drop)) {
      Dl <- Diagonal(ncol(XWX),1)
      XWX <- Dl[-ldrop,] %*% XWX %*% t(Dl[-rdrop,])
    return(XWX) ## note that this is sparse
  ## block oriented code...
  if (is.null(lt)&&is.null(lt)) {
    # old .C code - can't handle long vector k
    #oo <- .C(C_XWXd0,XWX =as.double(rep(0,ptfull^2)),X= as.double(unlist(X)),w=as.double(w),
    #       k=as.integer(k-1),ks=as.integer(ks-1),m=as.integer(m),p=as.integer(p), n=as.integer(n), 
    #       ns=as.integer(nx), ts=as.integer(ts-1), as.integer(dt), nt=as.integer(nt),
    #       v = as.double(unlist(v)),qc=as.integer(qc),nthreads=as.integer(nthreads),
    #       ar.stop=as.integer(ar.stop-1),ar.weights=as.double(ar.w))
    #XWX <- if (is.null(drop)) matrix(oo$XWX[1:pt^2],pt,pt) else matrix(oo$XWX[1:pt^2],pt,pt)[-drop,-drop]
    XWX <- numeric(ptfull^2)
          as.integer(ts-1L), as.integer(dt),as.double(unlist(v)),as.integer(qc),as.integer(nthreads),
    XWX <- if (is.null(drop)) matrix(XWX[1:pt^2],pt,pt) else matrix(XWX[1:pt^2],pt,pt)[-drop,-drop]
  } else {
    lpip <- attr(X,"lpip") ## list of coefs for each term
    rpi <- unlist(lpip[rt])
    lpi <- unlist(lpip[lt])
    if (is.null(lt)) {
      lpi <- rpi
      nrs <- lt <- 0
      ncs <- length(rt)
    } else {
      nrs <- length(lt)
      if (is.null(rt)) {
        rt <- ncs <- 0
	rpi <- lpi
      } else ncs <- length(rt)
    #oo <- .C(C_XWXd1,XWX =as.double(rep(0,ptfull^2)),X= as.double(unlist(X)),w=as.double(w),
    #       k=as.integer(k-1),ks=as.integer(ks-1),m=as.integer(m),p=as.integer(p), n=as.integer(n), 
    #       ns=as.integer(nx), ts=as.integer(ts-1), dt=as.integer(dt), nt=as.integer(nt),
    #       v = as.double(unlist(v)),qc=as.integer(qc),nthreads=as.integer(nthreads),
    #       ar.stop=as.integer(ar.stop-1),ar.weights=as.double(ar.w),rs=as.integer(lt-1),
    # 	   cs=as.integer(rt-1),nrs=as.integer(nrs),ncs=as.integer(ncs))#)	   
    #XWX <- matrix(oo$XWX[1:(length(lpi)*length(rpi))],length(lpi),length(rpi))
    XWX <- numeric(ptfull^2)
          as.integer(ts-1L), as.integer(dt),as.double(unlist(v)),as.integer(qc),as.integer(nthreads),
    XWX <- matrix(XWX[1:(length(lpi)*length(rpi))],length(lpi),length(rpi))
    if (!is.null(drop)) {
      ldrop <- which(lpi %in% drop)
      rdrop <- which(lpi %in% drop)
      if (length(ldrop)>0||length(rdrop)>0) XWX <-
        if (length(ldrop==0)) XWX[,-rdrop] else if (length(rdrop)==0) XWX[-ldrop,] else XWX[-ldrop,-rdrop]
} ## XWXd

XWyd <- function(X,w,y,k,ks,ts,dt,v,qc,drop=NULL,ar.stop=-1,ar.row=-1,ar.w=-1,lt=NULL) {
## X'Wy...
## if lt if not NULL then it lists the discrete terms to include (from X)
## returned vector/matrix only includes rows for selected terms
  m <- unlist(lapply(X,nrow));p <- unlist(lapply(X,ncol))
  nx <- length(X);nt <- length(ts)
  n <- length(w);
  if (is.null(lt)) {
    pt <- 0
    for (i in 1:nt) pt <- pt + prod(p[ts[i]:(ts[i]+dt[i]-1)]) - if (qc[i]>0) 1 else if (qc[i]<0) v[[i]][v[[i]][1]+2] else 0
    lt <- 1:nt
  } else {
    lpip <- attr(X,"lpip") ## list of coefs for each term 
    lpi <- unlist(lpip[lt]) ## coefs corresponding to terms selected by lt
    if (!is.null(drop)) drop <- which(lpi %in% drop) ## rebase drop 
    pt <- length(lpi)
  cy <- if (is.matrix(y)) ncol(y) else 1
  if (inherits(X[[1]],"dgCMatrix")) { ## the marginals are sparse
    ## create list for passing to C
    m <- list(Xd=X,kd=k,ks=ks,v=v,ts=ts,dt=dt,qc=qc)
    m$off <- attr(X,"off"); m$r <- attr(X,"r")
    if (is.null(m$off)||is.null(m$r)) stop("reverse indices missing from sparse discrete marginals")
    m$offstart <- cumsum(c(0,lapply(m$off,length)))
    m$off <- unlist(m$off)
    ## Now C base all indices...
    m$ks <- m$ks - 1; m$kd <- m$kd - 1; m$r <- m$r - 1; m$ts <- m$ts-1
    Wy <- as.double(w*y);lt <- as.integer(lt-1)
    XWy <- .Call(C_sXyd,m,Wy,lt)
    if (cy>1) XWy <- matrix(XWy,ncol=cy)
    if (!is.null(drop)) XWy <- if (cy>1) XWy[-drop,] else XWy[-drop]
  } else { ## dense marginals case  
    ## old .C code - can't handle long vector k
    #oo <- .C(C_XWyd,XWy=rep(0,pt*cy),y=as.double(y),X=as.double(unlist(X)),w=as.double(w),k=as.integer(k-1), 
    #       ks=as.integer(ks-1),
    #       m=as.integer(m),p=as.integer(p),n=as.integer(n),cy=as.integer(cy), nx=as.integer(nx), ts=as.integer(ts-1), 
    #       dt=as.integer(dt),nt=as.integer(nt),v=as.double(unlist(v)),qc=as.integer(qc),
    #       ar.stop=as.integer(ar.stop-1),ar.row=as.integer(ar.row-1),ar.weights=as.double(ar.w),
    # 	   cs=as.integer(lt-1),ncs=as.integer(length(lt)))
    #if (cy>1) XWy <- if (is.null(drop)) matrix(oo$XWy,pt,cy) else matrix(oo$XWy,pt,cy)[-drop,] else
    #XWy <- if (is.null(drop)) oo$XWy else oo$XWy[-drop]
    XWy <- numeric(pt*cy)
          as.integer(cy),as.integer(ts-1L), as.integer(dt),as.double(unlist(v)),as.integer(qc),as.integer(ar.stop-1L),
    if (cy>1) { XWy <- if (is.null(drop)) matrix(XWy,pt,cy) else matrix(XWy,pt,cy)[-drop,] } else {
      XWy <- if (is.null(drop)) XWy else XWy[-drop]
} ## XWyd 

Xbd <- function(X,beta,k,ks,ts,dt,v,qc,drop=NULL,lt=NULL) {
## note that drop may contain the index of columns of X to drop before multiplying by beta.
## equivalently we can insert zero elements into beta in the appropriate places.
## if lt if not NULL then it lists the discrete terms to include (from X)
  n <- if (is.matrix(k)) nrow(k) else length(k) ## number of data
  m <- unlist(lapply(X,nrow)) ## number of rows in each discrete model matrix
  p <- unlist(lapply(X,ncol)) ## number of cols in each discrete model matrix
  nx <- length(X) ## number of model matrices
  if (length(p)!=nx) stop("something wrong with matrix list - not all matrices?")
  nt <- length(ts) ## number of terms
  if (!is.null(drop)) { 
    b <- if (is.matrix(beta)) matrix(0,nrow(beta)+length(drop),ncol(beta)) else rep(0,length(beta)+length(drop))
    if (is.matrix(beta)) b[-drop,] <- beta else b[-drop] <- beta
    beta <- b
  if (is.null(lt)) lt <- 1:nt
  bc <- if (is.matrix(beta)) ncol(beta) else 1 ## number of columns in beta
  ## The C code mechanism for dealing with lt is very basic, and requires that beta is re-ordered and
  ## truncated to relate only to the selected terms, in the order they are selected.  
  lpip <- attr(X,"lpip")
  if (!is.null(lpip)) { ## then X list may not be in coef order...
    lpip <- unlist(lpip[lt])
    beta <- if (is.matrix(beta)) beta[lpip,] else beta[lpip] ## select params required in correct order
  if (inherits(X[[1]],"dgCMatrix")) { ## the marginals are sparse
    ## create list for passing to C
    m <- list(Xd=X,kd=k,ks=ks,v=v,ts=ts,dt=dt,qc=qc)
    m$off <- attr(X,"off"); m$r <- attr(X,"r")
    if (is.null(m$off)||is.null(m$r)) stop("reverse indices missing from sparse discrete marginals")
    m$offstart <- cumsum(c(0,lapply(m$off,length)))
    m$off <- unlist(m$off)
    ## Now C base all indices...
    m$ks <- m$ks - 1; m$kd <- m$kd - 1; m$r <- m$r - 1; m$ts <- m$ts-1
    beta <- as.matrix(beta);storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
    lt <- as.integer(lt-1)
    Xb <- .Call(C_sXbd,m,beta,lt)
    if (bc>1) Xb <- matrix(Xb,ncol=bc)
  } else { ## dense marginals case
    #oo <- .C(C_Xbd,f=as.double(rep(0,n*bc)),beta=as.double(beta),X=as.double(unlist(X)),k=as.integer(k-1),
    #       ks = as.integer(ks-1), 
    #       m=as.integer(m),p=as.integer(p), n=as.integer(n), nx=as.integer(nx), ts=as.integer(ts-1), 
    #       as.integer(dt), as.integer(nt),as.double(unlist(v)),as.integer(qc),as.integer(bc),as.integer(lt-1),as.integer(length(lt)))
    #Xb <- if (is.matrix(beta)) matrix(oo$f,n,bc) else oo$f
    f <- numeric(n*bc)
    .Call(C_CXbd,f,beta,as.double(unlist(X)),k-1L, as.integer(ks-1L),as.integer(m),as.integer(p),
          as.integer(ts-1L),as.integer(dt),as.double(unlist(v)),as.integer(qc),as.integer(bc), as.integer(lt-1L))
    Xb <- if (is.matrix(beta)) matrix(f,n,bc) else f	  
} ## Xbd

diagXVXd <- function(X,V,k,ks,ts,dt,v,qc,drop=NULL,nthreads=1,lt=NULL,rt=NULL) {
## discrete computation of diag(XVX')

  n <- if (is.matrix(k)) nrow(k) else length(k)
  m <- unlist(lapply(X,nrow));p <- unlist(lapply(X,ncol))
  nx <- length(X);nt <- length(ts)
  if (is.null(lt)&&is.null(rt)) rt <- lt <- 1:nt else {
    if (is.null(rt)) rt <- lt else if (is.null(lt)) lt <- rt
  if (is.null(rt)) rt <- 1:nt
  if (inherits(X[[1]],"dgCMatrix")) { ## the marginals are sparse
    ## create list for passing to C
    m <- list(Xd=X,kd=k,ks=ks,v=v,ts=ts,dt=dt,qc=qc)
    m$off <- attr(X,"off"); m$r <- attr(X,"r")
    if (is.null(m$off)||is.null(m$r)) stop("reverse indices missing from sparse discrete marginals")
    m$offstart <- cumsum(c(0,lapply(m$off,length)))
    m$off <- unlist(m$off)
    ## Now C base all indices...
    m$ks <- m$ks - 1; m$kd <- m$kd - 1; m$r <- m$r - 1; m$ts <- m$ts-1
    if (!is.null(drop)) {
      D <- Diagonal(ncol(V)+length(drop),1)[-drop,]
      V <- t(D) %*% V %*% D
    ## The C code mechanism for dealing with rt and lt is very basic, and requires that V is
    ## re-ordered and truncated to relate only to the selected terms, in the order they are selected.  
    lpip <- attr(X,"lpip")
    if (!is.null(lpip)) { ## then X list may not be in coef order...
      lpi <- unlist(lpip[lt])
      rpi <- unlist(lpip[rt])
      V <- V[lpi,rpi,drop=FALSE] ## select part of V required in correct order
    lt <- as.integer(lt-1);rt <- as.integer(rt-1)
    D <- .Call(C_sdiagXVXt,m , V, lt, rt)
  } else { ## dense marginals
    if (!is.null(drop)) { 
      pv <- ncol(V)+length(drop)
      V0 <- matrix(0,pv,pv)
      V0[-drop,-drop] <- V
      V <- V0;rm(V0)
    } else pv <- ncol(V)
    ## The C code mechanism for dealing with rt and lt is very basic, and requires that V is
    ## re-ordered and truncated to relate only to the selected terms, in the order they are selected.  
    lpip <- attr(X,"lpip")
    if (!is.null(lpip)) { ## then X list may not be in coef order...
      lpi <- unlist(lpip[lt])
      rpi <- unlist(lpip[rt])
      V <- V[lpi,rpi,drop=FALSE] ## select part of V required in correct order
#   oo <- .C(C_diagXVXt,diag=as.double(rep(0,n)),V=as.double(V),X=as.double(unlist(X)),k=as.integer(k-1), 
#           ks=as.integer(ks-1),m=as.integer(m),p=as.integer(p), n=as.integer(n), nx=as.integer(nx),
#	   ts=as.integer(ts-1), as.integer(dt), as.integer(nt),as.double(unlist(v)),as.integer(qc),as.integer(nrow(V)),
#           as.integer(ncol(V)),as.integer(nthreads),as.integer(lt-1),as.integer(length(lt)),as.integer(rt-1),as.integer(length(rt)))
#    D <- oo$diag
    D <- numeric(n)
          as.integer(ts-1L), as.integer(dt),as.double(unlist(v)),as.integer(qc),as.integer(nthreads),
} ## diagXVXd

dchol <- function(dA,R) {
## if dA contains matrix dA/dx where R is chol factor s.t. R'R = A
## then this routine returns dR/dx...
  p <- ncol(R)
  oo <- .C(C_dchol,dA=as.double(dA),R=as.double(R),dR=as.double(R*0),p=as.integer(ncol(R)))
} ## dchol

choldrop <- function(R,k) {
## routine to update Cholesky factor R of A on dropping row/col k of A.
## R can be upper triangular, in which case (R'R=A) or lower triangular in
## which case RR'=A...
  n <- as.integer(ncol(R))
  k1 <- as.integer(k-1)
  ut <- as.integer(as.numeric(R[1,2]!=0))
  if (k<1||k>n) return(R)
  Rup <- matrix(0,n-1,n-1)
  #oo <- .C(C_chol_down,R=as.double(R),Rup=as.double(Rup),n=as.integer(n),k=as.integer(k-1),ut=as.integer(ut))
} ## choldrop

cholup <- function(R,u,up=TRUE) {
## routine to update Cholesky factor R to the factor of R'R + uu' (up == TRUE)
## or R'R - uu' (up=FALSE). 
  n <- as.integer(ncol(R))
  up <- as.integer(up)
  eps <- as.double(.Machine$double.eps)
  R1 <- R * 1.0
  if (up==0) if ((n>1 && R1[2,1] < -1)||(n==1&&u[1]>R[1])) stop("update not positive definite")
} ## cholup

vcorr <- function(dR,Vr,trans=TRUE) {
## Suppose b = sum_k op(dR[[k]])%*%z*r_k, z ~ N(0,Ip), r ~ N(0,Vr). vcorr returns cov(b).
## dR is a list of p by p matrices. 'op' is 't' if trans=TRUE and I() otherwise.
  p <- ncol(dR[[1]])
  M <- if (trans) ncol(Vr) else -ncol(Vr) ## sign signals transpose or not to C code
  if (abs(M)!=length(dR)) stop("internal error in vcorr, please report to simon.wood@r-project.org")
  oo <- .C(C_vcorr,dR=as.double(unlist(dR)),Vr=as.double(Vr),Vb=as.double(rep(0,p*p)),
} ## vcorr

pinv <- function(X,svd=FALSE) {
## a pseudoinverse for n by p, n>p matrices
  qrx <- qr(X,tol=0,LAPACK=TRUE)
  R <- qr.R(qrx);Q <- qr.Q(qrx) 
  rr <- Rrank(R) 
  if (svd&&rr<ncol(R)) {
    piv <- 1:ncol(X); piv[qrx$pivot] <- 1:ncol(X)
    er <- svd(R[,piv])
    d <- er$d*0;d[1:rr] <- 1/er$d[1:rr]
    X <- Q%*%er$u%*%(d*t(er$v))
  } else {
    Ri <- R*0 
    Ri[1:rr,1:rr] <- backsolve(R[1:rr,1:rr],diag(rr))
    X[,qrx$pivot] <- Q%*%t(Ri)
} ## end pinv

pqr2 <- function(x,nt=1,nb=30) {
## Function for parallel pivoted qr decomposition of a matrix using LAPACK
## householder routines. Currently uses a block algorithm.
## library(mgcv); n <- 4000;p<-3000;x <- matrix(runif(n*p),n,p)
## system.time(qrx <- qr(x,LAPACK=TRUE))
## system.time(qrx2 <- mgcv:::pqr2(x,2)) 
## system.time(qrx3 <- mgcv:::pqr(x,2)) 
## range(qrx2$qr-qrx$qr)
  p <- ncol(x)
  beta <- rep(0.0,p)
  piv <- as.integer(rep(0,p))
  ## need to force a copy of x, otherwise x will be over-written 
  ## by .Call *in environment from which function is called*
  x <- x*1  
  rank <- .Call(C_mgcv_Rpiqr,x,beta,piv,nt,nb)
  ret <- list(qr=x,rank=rank,qraux=beta,pivot=piv+1)
  attr(ret,"useLAPACK") <- TRUE
  class(ret) <- "qr"
} ## pqr2

pbsi <- function(R,nt=1,copy=TRUE) {
## parallel back substitution inversion of upper triangular R
## library(mgcv); n <- 500;p<-400;x <- matrix(runif(n*p),n,p)
## qrx <- qr(x);R <- qr.R(qrx)
## system.time(Ri <- mgcv:::pbsi(R,2))
## system.time(Ri2 <- backsolve(R,diag(p)));range(Ri-Ri2)
  if (copy) R <- R * 1 ## ensure that R modified only within pbsi
} ## pbsi

pchol <- function(A,nt=1,nb=40) {
## parallel Choleski factorization.
## library(mgcv);
## set.seed(2);n <- 200;r <- 190;A <- tcrossprod(matrix(runif(n*r),n,r))
## system.time(R <- chol(A,pivot=TRUE));system.time(L <- mgcv:::pchol(A));range(R[1:r,]-L[1:r,])
## k <- 30;range(R[1:k,1:k]-L[1:k,1:k])
## system.time(L <- mgcv:::pchol(A,nt=2,nb=30))
## piv <- attr(L,"pivot");attr(L,"rank");range(crossprod(L)-A[piv,piv])
## should nb be obtained from 'ILAENV' as page 23 of Lucas 2004??
  piv <- as.integer(rep(0,ncol(A)))
  A <- A*1 ## otherwise over-write in calling env!
  rank <- .Call(C_mgcv_Rpchol,A,piv,nt,nb)
  attr(A,"pivot") <- piv+1;attr(A,"rank") <- rank

pforwardsolve <- function(R,B,nt=1) {
## parallel forward solve via simple col splitting...
 if (!is.matrix(B)) B <- as.matrix(B)


pcrossprod <- function(A,trans=FALSE,nt=1,nb=30) {
## parallel cross prod A'A or AA' if trans==TRUE...
 if (!is.matrix(A)) A <- as.matrix(A)
 if (trans) A <- t(A)

pRRt <- function(R,nt=1) {
## parallel RR' for upper triangular R
## following creates index of lower triangular elements...
## n <- 4000;a <- rep(1:n,n);b <- rep(1:n,each=n);which(a>=b) -> ii;a[ii]+(b[ii]-1)*n->ii ## lower
## n <- 4000;a <- rep(1:n,n);b <- rep(1:n,each=n);which(a<=b) -> ii;a[ii]+(b[ii]-1)*n->ii ## upper
## library(mgcv);R <- matrix(0,n,n);R[ii] <- runif(n*(n+1)/2)
## Note: A[a-b<=0] <- 0 zeroes upper triangle 
## system.time(A <- mgcv:::pRRt(R,2))
## system.time(A2 <- tcrossprod(R));range(A-A2)
  n <- nrow(R)
  A <- matrix(0,n,n)

block.reorder <- function(x,n.blocks=1,reverse=FALSE) {
## takes a matrix x divides it into n.blocks row-wise blocks, and re-orders 
## so that the blocks are stored one after the other. 
## e.g. library(mgcv); x <- matrix(1:18,6,3);xb <- mgcv:::block.reorder(x,2)
## x;xb;mgcv:::block.reorder(xb,2,TRUE)

 r = nrow(x);cols = ncol(x);
 if (n.blocks <= 1) return(x);
 if (r%%n.blocks) { 
   nb = ceiling(r/n.blocks)
 } else nb = r/n.blocks;
 oo <- .C(C_row_block_reorder,x=as.double(x),as.integer(r),as.integer(cols),
} ## block.reorder

pqr <- function(x,nt=1) {
## parallel QR decomposition, using openMP in C, and up to nt threads (only if worthwhile)
## library(mgcv);n <- 20;p<-4;X <- matrix(runif(n*p),n,p);er <- mgcv:::pqr(X,nt=2)
## range(mgcv:::pqr.qy(er,mgcv:::pqr.R(er))-X[,er$pivot])
  x.c <- ncol(x);r <- nrow(x)
  oo <- .C(C_mgcv_pqr,x=as.double(c(x,rep(0,nt*x.c^2))),as.integer(r),as.integer(x.c),
           pivot=as.integer(rep(0,x.c)), tau=as.double(rep(0,(nt+1)*x.c)),as.integer(nt)) 

pqr.R <- function(x) {
## x is an object returned by pqr. This extracts the R factor...
## e.g. as pqr then...
## R <- mgcv:::pqr.R(er); R0 <- qr.R(qr(X,tol=0))
## svd(R)$d;svd(R0)$d
  oo <- .C(C_getRpqr,R=as.double(rep(0,x$c^2)),as.double(x$x),as.integer(x$r),as.integer(x$c),

pqr.qy <- function(x,a,tr=FALSE) {
## x contains a parallel QR decomp as computed by pqr. a is a matrix. computes
## Qa or Q'a depending on tr.
## e.g. as above, then...
## a <- diag(p);Q <- mgcv:::pqr.qy(er,a);crossprod(Q)
## X[,er$pivot+1];Q%*%R
## Qt <- mgcv:::pqr.qy(er,diag(n),TRUE);Qt%*%t(Qt);range(Q-t(Qt))
## Q <- qr.Q(qr(X,tol=0));z <- runif(n);y0<-t(Q)%*%z
## mgcv:::pqr.qy(er,z,TRUE)->y
## z <- runif(p);y0<-Q%*%z;mgcv:::pqr.qy(er,z)->y
  if (is.matrix(a)) a.c <- ncol(a) else a.c <- 1
  if (tr) {
    if (is.matrix(a)) { if (nrow(a) != x$r) stop("a has wrong number of rows") }
    else if (length(a) != x$r) stop("a has wrong number of rows")
  } else {
    if (is.matrix(a)) { if (nrow(a) != x$c) stop("a has wrong number of rows") }
    else if (length(a) != x$c)  stop("a has wrong number of rows")
    a <- c(a,rep(0,a.c*(x$r-x$c)))
  oo <- .C(C_mgcv_pqrqy,a=as.double(a),as.double(x$x),as.double(x$tau),as.integer(x$r),
  if (tr) return(matrix(oo$a[1:(a.c*x$c)],x$c,a.c)) else

pmmult <- function(A,B,tA=FALSE,tB=FALSE,nt=1) {
## parallel matrix multiplication (not for use on vectors or thin matrices)
## library(mgcv);r <- 10;c <- 5;n <- 8
## A <- matrix(runif(r*n),r,n);B <- matrix(runif(n*c),n,c);range(A%*%B-mgcv:::pmmult(A,B,nt=1))
## A <- matrix(runif(r*n),n,r);B <- matrix(runif(n*c),n,c);range(t(A)%*%B-mgcv:::pmmult(A,B,TRUE,FALSE,nt=1))
## A <- matrix(runif(r*n),n,r);B <- matrix(runif(n*c),c,n);range(t(A)%*%t(B)-mgcv:::pmmult(A,B,TRUE,TRUE,nt=1))
## A <- matrix(runif(r*n),r,n);B <- matrix(runif(n*c),c,n);range(A%*%t(B)-mgcv:::pmmult(A,B,FALSE,TRUE,nt=1))

 if (tA) { n = nrow(A);r = ncol(A)} else {n = ncol(A);r = nrow(A)}
 if (tB) { c = nrow(B)} else {c = ncol(B)}
 C <- rep(0,r * c) 
 oo <- .C(C_mgcv_pmmult,C=as.double(C),as.double(A),as.double(B),as.integer(tA),as.integer(tB),as.integer(r),

treig <- function(ld,sd,vec=FALSE,descend=FALSE) {
## eigen decomposition of tri-diagonal matrix with leading diagonal ld and
## sub-diagonal sd...
  n <- length(ld)
  v <- if (vec) rep(0,n*n) else 0
  oo <- .C(C_mgcv_trisymeig,d=as.double(ld),g=as.double(sd),v=as.double(v),n=as.integer(n),
  v <- if (vec) matrix(oo$v,n,n) else NA
} ## treig

lanczos <- function(A,v0,M,Av = function(A,v) A%*%v,n=ncol(A)) {
## Apply M steps of Lanczos starting at v0 for n by n +ve semi definite matrix A.
## Av is a function forming the product of matrix A with vector v.
## A can be a matrix, in which case the default Av applies, or
## it could be a list of arguments used to define the multiplication
## in some other way (e.g. as a sequence of matrix products) defined
## in a custom Av...
## The function is used to find an approximate eigen value CDF for A
## as described in Lin, Saad and Yang (2016) SIAM Review 58(1), 34-65
## section 3.2.1 in particular.
  v0.norm <- sqrt(sum(v0^2)) 
  gamma <- epsilon <- rep(0,M)
  q <- matrix(v0/v0.norm,n,M)
  for (j in 1:M) {
    c <- Av(A,q[,j])
    if (j==1) vAv <- sum(v0*c)*v0.norm ## v0'Av0 - useful for estimating tr(A)
    gamma[j] <- sum(c*q[,j])
    c <- c - gamma[j]*q[,j]  
    if (j>1) {
      c <- c - epsilon[j-1]*q[,j-1]
      cq <- drop(t(c) %*% q[,1:j,drop=FALSE]) 
      c <- c - colSums(cq*t(q[,1:j]))
      cq <- drop(t(c) %*% q[,1:j,drop=FALSE]) 
      c <- c - colSums(cq*t(q[,1:j]))
    epsilon[j] <- sqrt(sum(c^2))
    if (j<M) q[,j+1] <- c/epsilon[j]
  et <- treig(gamma,epsilon,descend=FALSE,vec=TRUE)
  ## compute error bounds on the eigenvalues of
  ## A using the method described in section 3.2 of
  ## Parlett, BN (1998) The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem, SIAM
  err <- abs(et$vectors[M,])*epsilon[M]
  theta <- c(0,et$values)
  tau <- et$vectors[1,]
  eta <- c(0,cumsum(tau^2))
  ## theta is vector of eigenvalues at which CDF jumps
  ## tau^2 is jump size, eta is CDF at theta
  ## lam.ub is upper bound on larget eigenvalue
} ## lanczos

eigen.approx <- function(A,Av = function(A,v) A%*%v,M=20,n.rep=20,n=ncol(A),seed=1) {
## get the approximate eigenvalues of n by n +ve semi def matrix A. Av is
## the function for multiplying a vector by the matrix defined by A. If A
## is simply a matrix then the default Av is sufficient. M is the number of
## Lanczos steps to use, and n.rep the number of random replicates to average
## over. Routine restores RNG to pre-call state on exit.
## Based on Lin, Saad and Yang (2016) SIAM Review 58(1), 34-65
## section 3.2.1, but extended to only use this approximation for the
## eigen-values that have yet to converge.
## The CDF approximation is based on their Appendix C proposal, rather than
## using a Gausssian kernel approximation to the pdf and cdf and then
## inverting by tabulation. This is because the latter tends to oversmooth the
## CDF in a way that is unhelpful for rank deficient matrices.
## The Gaussian kernel approach would probably be prefereable for full rank matrices,
## since it then benefits from the extra stability of kernel smoothing.
   if (is.finite(seed)) a <- temp.seed(seed) ## seed RNG and store state
   eva <- rep(0,n)
   trA <- rep(0,n.rep)
   tol <- .Machine$double.eps^.5
   for (r in 1:n.rep) {
     v0 <- rnorm(n)
     lz <- lanczos(A,v0,M=M,Av=Av,n=n)
     trA[r] <- lz$vAv
     ## following is suggested in Appendix C of LSY, and is quite important
     ## to avoid slight downward bias...
     eta1 <- c(0,(lz$eta[1:M]*0.5+0.5*lz$eta[1:M+1])) 
     eta1[2] <-  lz$eta[2] ## correction to avoid over-estimation in lower tail if rank def
     conv <- lz$err<lz$theta[M+1]*tol ## these eigenvalues are converged
     upper.uconv <- if (any(!conv)) max(which(!conv)) else 0 ## last uncoverged
     n.conv <- M - upper.uconv ## number converged
     lz$theta[lz$theta<0] <- 0
     theta.conv <- if (n.conv) lz$theta[(upper.uconv+1):M+1] else rep(0,0)
     if (upper.uconv) {
       eta <- eta1[1:(upper.uconv+1)]
       theta <- lz$theta[1:(upper.uconv+1)]
       eta <- eta/max(eta)
       nri <- c(diff(eta)!=0,TRUE) ## strip out duplicates
       eva <- eva + c(approx(eta[nri],theta[nri],seq(0,1,length=n-n.conv),method="linear",rule=2)$y,theta.conv)
     } else {
       eva <- eva + c(rep(0,n-n.conv),theta.conv)
   if (is.finite(seed)) temp.seed(a) ## restore RNG state
   eva <- eva/n.rep
   trA.sd <- sd(trA)/sqrt(n.rep);trA <- mean(trA)
   if (abs(sum(eva)-trA)>2.5*trA.sd) { ## evidence for bias in eigen-spectrum
     eva <- eva*trA/sum(eva) ## correction
} ## eigen.approx

temp.seed <- function(x) {
## when called with a numeric x stores the state of the RNG and sets its seed to
## x. Returns an object of class "rng.state". When called with an object of this
## class created on a previus call to this function, resets the RNG to the state
## on entry to that previous call. 
  if (inherits(x,"rng.state")) { 
    assign(".Random.seed",x$seed,envir=.GlobalEnv) ## RNG behaves as if it had not been used
  } else {
    seed <- try(get(".Random.seed",envir=.GlobalEnv),silent=TRUE) ## store RNG seed
    if (inherits(seed,"try-error")) {
          seed <- get(".Random.seed",envir=.GlobalEnv)
    kind <- RNGkind(NULL)
    set.seed(x) ## ensure repeatability
    x <- list(seed=seed,kind=kind)
    class(x) <- "rng.state"
} ## temp.seed

mat.rowsum <- function(X,m,k) {
## Let X be n by p and m of length M. Produces an M by p matrix B
## where the ith row of B is the sum of the rows X[k[j],] where
## j = (m[i-1]+1):m[i]. m[0] is taken as 0.
## n <- 10;p <- 5;X <- matrix(runif(n*p),n,p)
## m <- c(3,5,8,11);k <- c(1,4,3,6,1,5,7,10,9,5,6)
## mgcv:::mat.rowsum(X,m,k)
  if (max(k)>nrow(X)||min(k)<1) stop("index vector has invalid entries")
  k <- k - 1 ## R to C index conversion
} ## mat.rowsum

isa <- function(R,nt=1) {
## Finds the elements of (R'R)^{-1} on NZP(R+R').
  if (!inherits(R,c("dgCMatrix","dtCMatrix"))) stop("isa requires a dg/tCMatrix")
  nt <- round(nt)
  if (nt<1) nt = 1
  Hpi <- R + t(R)
} ## isa

AddBVB <- function(A,Bt,VBt) {
## Add B %*% V %*% t(B) to calss 'dgCMatrix' A returning result on NZP(A) only
## (i.e. discarding elements of BVB' not in NZP(A)), Bt is the transpose
## of B. B and VBt are class 'matrix'
  A@x <- A@x * 1.0 ## force copy, otherwise A and return value modified
} ## AddBVB

minres <- function(R,u,b) {
## routine to solve (R'R-uu')x = b using minres algorithm.
## set.seed(0);n <- 100;p <- 20;X <- matrix(runif(n*p)-.5,n,p);R <- chol(crossprod(X));b <- runif(p);k <- 1;
## solve(crossprod(X[-k,]),b);mgcv:::minres(R,t(X[k,]),b)
  x <- b; p <- length(b);
  m <- if (is.matrix(u)) ncol(u) else 1
  work <- rep(0,p*(m+7)+m)
  oo <- .C(C_minres,R=as.double(R), u=as.double(u),b=as.double(b), x=as.double(x), p=as.integer(p),m=as.integer(m),work=as.double(work))
  cat("\n niter : ",oo$m,"\n")

neicov <- function(Dd,nei) {
## wrapper for nei_cov. Dd is n by p matrix of leave one out perturbations to
## coef vectors. nei is neighbourhood structure. 
  p <- ncol(Dd)
  V <- matrix(0,p,p)
  k <- nei$k-1
} ## neicov

## Routines to force matrix to pdef

pdev <- function(A) {
## Force A to meet necessary conditions for +ve def from Thm 4.2.8. of Golub and van Load 4th ed.
## Non-positive diagonals are set to diagonal dominance. Off diagonals are then set to just meet
## necessary conditions.
## NOTE: A is modified directly in situ, so care needed to force a copy to be kept if it's needed
## A0 <- A will not work, as R only actually copies when R modifies!
## A0 <- A; A0[1,1] <- A0[1,1] + 1;A0[1,1] <- A0[1,1] - 1  works.  
  if (inherits(A,"Matrix")) {
    if (!inherits(A,"dgCMatrix")) A <- as(as(as(A, "dMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix")
    da <- diag(A); ii <- which(da==0)
    if (length(ii)) diag(A)[ii] <- -1e-30 ## Avoid C code having to insert extra non-zeroes
    mod <- .Call(C_spdev,A)
  } else { ## dense matrix
    mod <- .Call(C_dpdev,A)
  if (mod>0) attr(A,"modified") <- mod

## following are wrappers for KP STZ constraints - intended for testing only

Zb <- function(b0,v,qc,p,w) {
  b1 <- rep(0,p)
  oo <- .C(C_Zb,b1=as.double(b1),as.double(b0),as.double(v),as.integer(qc),as.integer(p),as.double(w))

Ztb <- function(b0,v,qc,di,p,w) {
  ## p is length(b0)/di
  w <- rep(0,2*p)
  M <- v[1]
  pp <- p
  for (i in 1:M) pp <- pp/v[i+1];
  p0 <- prod(v[1+1:M]-1)*pp
  b1 <- rep(0,p0*di)
  oo <- .C(C_Ztb,b1=as.double(b1),as.double(b0),as.double(v),as.integer(qc),as.integer(di),as.integer(p),as.double(w))

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