## (c) Simon N. Wood 2011-2023
## Many of the following are simple wrappers for C functions
dpnorm <- function(x0,x1) {
## Cancellation avoiding evaluation of pnorm(x1)-pnorm(x0)
## first avoid 1-1 problems by exchanging and changing sign of double +ve
ii <- x1>0&x0>0
d <- x0[ii];x0[ii] <- -x1[ii];x1[ii] <- -d
## now deal with points that are so close that cancellation error
## too large - might as well use density times interval width
ii <- abs(x1-x0) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)*dnorm((x1+x0)/2)
p <- x0; d <- x1[ii]-x0[ii]; m <- (x1[ii]+x0[ii])/2
p[ii] <- dnorm(m)*d
p[!ii] <- pnorm(x1[!ii]) - pnorm(x0[!ii])
} ## dpnorm
"%.%" <- function(a,b) {
if (inherits(a,"dgCMatrix")||inherits(b,"dgCMatrix")) ## following is coercion to double, general (no special structure), compressed column
as(as(as(a, "dMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix"),
as(as(as(b, "dMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix")
)) else,as.matrix(b)))
#,"dgCMatrix"),as(b,"dgCMatrix"))) else - deprecated
blas.thread.test <- function(n=1000,nt=4) {
inter <- interactive()
if (inter) prg <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n, initial = 0,
char = "=",width = NA, title="Progress", style = 3)
for (i in 1:n) {
m <- sample(213:654,1)
p <- sample(3:153,1)
X <- matrix(runif(m*p),m,p)
er <- pqr(X,nt=nt)
rr <- range(pqr.qy(er,pqr.R(er))-X[,er$pivot])
if (rr[1] < -1e-4||rr[2] > 1e-4) {
if (inter) setTxtProgressBar(prg, i)
if (inter) close(prg)
if (rr[1] < -1e-4||rr[2] > 1e-4) {
cat("BLAS thread safety problem at iteration",i,"\n")
} else cat("No problem encountered in",i,"iterations\n")
} ## blas.thread.test
rmvn <- function(n,mu,V) {
## generate multivariate normal deviates. e.g.
## V <- matrix(c(2,1,1,2),2,2); mu <- c(1,1);n <- 1000;z <- rmvn(n,mu,V);crossprod(sweep(z,2,colMeans(z)))/n
p <- ncol(V)
R <- mroot(V,rank=ncol(V)) ## RR' = V
if (is.matrix(mu)) {
if (ncol(mu)!=p||nrow(mu)!=n) stop("mu dimensions wrong")
z <- matrix(rnorm(p*n),n,p)%*%t(R) + mu
} else {
if (length(mu)!=p) stop("mu dimensions wrong")
z <- t(R%*% matrix(rnorm(p*n),p,n) + mu)
if (n==1) z <- as.numeric(z)
} ## rmvn
sdiag <- function(A,k=0) {
## extract sub or super diagonal of matrix (k=0 is leading)
p <- ncol(A)
n <- nrow(A)
if (k>p-1||-k > n-1) return()
if (k >= 0) {
i <- 1:n
j <- (k+1):p
} else {
i <- (-k+1):n
j <- 1:p
if (length(i)>length(j)) i <- i[1:length(j)] else j <- j[1:length(i)]
ii <- i + (j-1) * n
} ## sdiag
"sdiag<-" <- function(A,k=0,value) {
p <- ncol(A)
n <- nrow(A)
if (k>p-1||-k > n-1) return()
if (k >= 0) {
i <- 1:n
j <- (k+1):p
} else {
i <- (-k+1):n
j <- 1:p
if (length(i)>length(j)) i <- i[1:length(j)] else j <- j[1:length(i)]
ii <- i + (j-1) * n
A[ii] <- value
} ## "sdiag<-"
bandchol <- function(B) {
## obtain R such that R'R = A. Where A is banded matrix contained in R.
n <- ncol(B)
k <- 0
if (n==nrow(B)) { ## square matrix. Extract the diagonals
A <- B*0
for (i in 1:n) {
b <- sdiag(B,i-1)
if (sum(b!=0)!=0) {
k <- i ## largest index of a non-zero band
A[i,1:length(b)] <- b
B <- A[1:k,]
oo <- .C(C_band_chol,B=as.double(B),n=as.integer(n),k=as.integer(nrow(B)),info=as.integer(0))
if (oo$info<0) stop("something wrong with inputs to LAPACK routine")
if (oo$info>0) stop("not positive definite")
B <- matrix(oo$B,nrow(B),n)
if (k>0) { ## was square on entry, so also on exit...
A <- A * 0
for (i in 1:k) sdiag(A,i-1) <- B[i,1:(n-i+1)]
B <- A
} ## bandchol
trichol <- function(ld,sd) {
## obtain chol factor R of symm tridiag matrix, A, with leading diag
## ld and sub/super diags sd. R'R = A. On exit ld is diag of R and
## sd its super diagonal.
n <- length(ld)
if (n<2) stop("don't be silly")
if (n!=length(sd)+1) stop("sd should have exactly one less entry than ld")
oo <- .C(C_tri_chol,ld=as.double(ld),sd=as.double(sd),n=as.integer(n),info=as.integer(0))
if (oo$info<0) stop("something wrong with inputs to LAPACK routine")
if (oo$info>0) stop("not positive definite")
ld <- sqrt(oo$ld)
sd <- oo$sd*ld[1:(n-1)]
mgcv.omp <- function() {
## does open MP appear to be available?
oo <- .C(C_mgcv_omp,a=as.integer(-1))
if (oo$a==1) TRUE else FALSE
## discretized covariate routines...
XWXd <- function(X,w,k,ks,ts,dt,v,qc,nthreads=1,drop=NULL,ar.stop=-1,ar.row=-1,ar.w=-1,lt=NULL,rt=NULL) {
## Form X'WX given weights in w and X in compressed form in list X.
## each element of X is a (marginal) model submatrix. Full version
## is given by X[[i]][k[,i],] (see below for summation convention).
## list X relates to length(ts) separate
## terms. ith term starts at matrix ts[i] and has dt[i] marginal matrices.
## For summation convention, k[,ks[j,1]:ks[j,2]] gives index columns
## for matrix j, thereby allowing summation over matrix covariates....
## i.e. for q in ks[j,1]:ks[j,2] sum up X[[j]][k[,q],]
## Terms with several marginals are tensor products and may have
## constraints (if qc[i]>1), stored as a householder vector in v[[i]].
## check ts and k index start (assumed 1 here)
## if drop is non-NULL it contains index of rows/cols to drop from result
## * lt is array of terms to include in left matrix (assumed in ascending coef index order)
## * rt is array of terms to include in right matrix (assumed in ascending coef index order)
## * if both NULL all terms are included, if only one is NULL then used for left and right.
m <- unlist(lapply(X,nrow));p <- unlist(lapply(X,ncol))
nx <- length(X);nt <- length(ts)
n <- length(w);ptfull <- pt <- 0;
for (i in 1:nt) {
fullsize <- prod(p[ts[i]:(ts[i]+dt[i]-1)])
ptfull <- ptfull + fullsize
pt <- pt + fullsize - if (qc[i]>0) 1 else if (qc[i]<0) v[[i]][v[[i]][1]+2] else 0
if (inherits(X[[1]],"dgCMatrix")) { ## the marginals are sparse
if (length(ar.stop)>1||ar.stop!=-1) warning("AR not available with sparse marginals")
## create list for passing to C
if (any(qc<0)) stop("sparse method for Kronecker product contrasts not implemented")
m <- list(Xd=X,kd=k,ks=ks,v=v,ts=ts,dt=dt,qc=qc)
m$off <- attr(X,"off"); m$r <- attr(X,"r")
if (is.null(m$off)||is.null(m$r)) stop("reverse indices missing from sparse discrete marginals")
### code that could create the marginal reverse indices...
#for (j in 1:nrow(m$ks)) {
#nr <- nrow(m$Xd[[j]]) ## make sure we always tab to final stored row
#for (i in m$ks[j,1]:(m$ks[j,2]-1)) {
# m$r[,i] <- (1:length(m$kd[,i]))[order(m$kd[,i])]
# m$off[[i]] <- cumsum(c(1,tabulate(m$kd[,i],nbins=nr)))-1
m$offstart <- cumsum(c(0,lapply(m$off,length)))
m$off <- unlist(m$off)
## Now C base all indices...
m$ks <- m$ks - 1; m$kd <- m$kd - 1; m$r <- m$r - 1; m$ts <- m$ts-1
nthreads <- as.integer(nthreads)
w <- as.double(w)
if ((!is.null(lt)||!is.null(rt))&&!is.null(drop)) {
lpip <- attr(X,"lpip") ## list of coefs for each term
rpi <- unlist(lpip[rt])
lpi <- unlist(lpip[lt])
if (is.null(lt)) lpi <- rpi
else if (is.null(rt)) rpi <- lpi
ldrop <- which(lpi %in% drop)
rdrop <- which(lpi %in% drop)
} else rdrop <- ldrop <- drop
if (is.null(lt)&&is.null(rt)) {
lt <- rt <- 1:nt
} else if (is.null(lt)) {
lt <- rt
} else if (is.null(rt)) rt <- lt;
lt <- as.integer(lt-1)
rt <- as.integer(rt-1)
XWX <- .Call(C_sXWXd,m,w,lt,rt,nthreads)
if (!is.null(drop)) {
Dl <- Diagonal(ncol(XWX),1)
XWX <- Dl[-ldrop,] %*% XWX %*% t(Dl[-rdrop,])
return(XWX) ## note that this is sparse
## block oriented code...
if (is.null(lt)&&is.null(lt)) {
# old .C code - can't handle long vector k
#oo <- .C(C_XWXd0,XWX =as.double(rep(0,ptfull^2)),X= as.double(unlist(X)),w=as.double(w),
# k=as.integer(k-1),ks=as.integer(ks-1),m=as.integer(m),p=as.integer(p), n=as.integer(n),
# ns=as.integer(nx), ts=as.integer(ts-1), as.integer(dt), nt=as.integer(nt),
# v = as.double(unlist(v)),qc=as.integer(qc),nthreads=as.integer(nthreads),
# ar.stop=as.integer(ar.stop-1),ar.weights=as.double(ar.w))
#XWX <- if (is.null(drop)) matrix(oo$XWX[1:pt^2],pt,pt) else matrix(oo$XWX[1:pt^2],pt,pt)[-drop,-drop]
XWX <- numeric(ptfull^2)
as.integer(ts-1L), as.integer(dt),as.double(unlist(v)),as.integer(qc),as.integer(nthreads),
XWX <- if (is.null(drop)) matrix(XWX[1:pt^2],pt,pt) else matrix(XWX[1:pt^2],pt,pt)[-drop,-drop]
} else {
lpip <- attr(X,"lpip") ## list of coefs for each term
rpi <- unlist(lpip[rt])
lpi <- unlist(lpip[lt])
if (is.null(lt)) {
lpi <- rpi
nrs <- lt <- 0
ncs <- length(rt)
} else {
nrs <- length(lt)
if (is.null(rt)) {
rt <- ncs <- 0
rpi <- lpi
} else ncs <- length(rt)
#oo <- .C(C_XWXd1,XWX =as.double(rep(0,ptfull^2)),X= as.double(unlist(X)),w=as.double(w),
# k=as.integer(k-1),ks=as.integer(ks-1),m=as.integer(m),p=as.integer(p), n=as.integer(n),
# ns=as.integer(nx), ts=as.integer(ts-1), dt=as.integer(dt), nt=as.integer(nt),
# v = as.double(unlist(v)),qc=as.integer(qc),nthreads=as.integer(nthreads),
# ar.stop=as.integer(ar.stop-1),ar.weights=as.double(ar.w),rs=as.integer(lt-1),
# cs=as.integer(rt-1),nrs=as.integer(nrs),ncs=as.integer(ncs))#)
#XWX <- matrix(oo$XWX[1:(length(lpi)*length(rpi))],length(lpi),length(rpi))
XWX <- numeric(ptfull^2)
as.integer(ts-1L), as.integer(dt),as.double(unlist(v)),as.integer(qc),as.integer(nthreads),
XWX <- matrix(XWX[1:(length(lpi)*length(rpi))],length(lpi),length(rpi))
if (!is.null(drop)) {
ldrop <- which(lpi %in% drop)
rdrop <- which(lpi %in% drop)
if (length(ldrop)>0||length(rdrop)>0) XWX <-
if (length(ldrop==0)) XWX[,-rdrop] else if (length(rdrop)==0) XWX[-ldrop,] else XWX[-ldrop,-rdrop]
} ## XWXd
XWyd <- function(X,w,y,k,ks,ts,dt,v,qc,drop=NULL,ar.stop=-1,ar.row=-1,ar.w=-1,lt=NULL) {
## X'Wy...
## if lt if not NULL then it lists the discrete terms to include (from X)
## returned vector/matrix only includes rows for selected terms
m <- unlist(lapply(X,nrow));p <- unlist(lapply(X,ncol))
nx <- length(X);nt <- length(ts)
n <- length(w);
if (is.null(lt)) {
pt <- 0
for (i in 1:nt) pt <- pt + prod(p[ts[i]:(ts[i]+dt[i]-1)]) - if (qc[i]>0) 1 else if (qc[i]<0) v[[i]][v[[i]][1]+2] else 0
lt <- 1:nt
} else {
lpip <- attr(X,"lpip") ## list of coefs for each term
lpi <- unlist(lpip[lt]) ## coefs corresponding to terms selected by lt
if (!is.null(drop)) drop <- which(lpi %in% drop) ## rebase drop
pt <- length(lpi)
cy <- if (is.matrix(y)) ncol(y) else 1
if (inherits(X[[1]],"dgCMatrix")) { ## the marginals are sparse
## create list for passing to C
m <- list(Xd=X,kd=k,ks=ks,v=v,ts=ts,dt=dt,qc=qc)
m$off <- attr(X,"off"); m$r <- attr(X,"r")
if (is.null(m$off)||is.null(m$r)) stop("reverse indices missing from sparse discrete marginals")
m$offstart <- cumsum(c(0,lapply(m$off,length)))
m$off <- unlist(m$off)
## Now C base all indices...
m$ks <- m$ks - 1; m$kd <- m$kd - 1; m$r <- m$r - 1; m$ts <- m$ts-1
Wy <- as.double(w*y);lt <- as.integer(lt-1)
XWy <- .Call(C_sXyd,m,Wy,lt)
if (cy>1) XWy <- matrix(XWy,ncol=cy)
if (!is.null(drop)) XWy <- if (cy>1) XWy[-drop,] else XWy[-drop]
} else { ## dense marginals case
## old .C code - can't handle long vector k
#oo <- .C(C_XWyd,XWy=rep(0,pt*cy),y=as.double(y),X=as.double(unlist(X)),w=as.double(w),k=as.integer(k-1),
# ks=as.integer(ks-1),
# m=as.integer(m),p=as.integer(p),n=as.integer(n),cy=as.integer(cy), nx=as.integer(nx), ts=as.integer(ts-1),
# dt=as.integer(dt),nt=as.integer(nt),v=as.double(unlist(v)),qc=as.integer(qc),
# ar.stop=as.integer(ar.stop-1),ar.row=as.integer(ar.row-1),ar.weights=as.double(ar.w),
# cs=as.integer(lt-1),ncs=as.integer(length(lt)))
#if (cy>1) XWy <- if (is.null(drop)) matrix(oo$XWy,pt,cy) else matrix(oo$XWy,pt,cy)[-drop,] else
#XWy <- if (is.null(drop)) oo$XWy else oo$XWy[-drop]
XWy <- numeric(pt*cy)
as.integer(cy),as.integer(ts-1L), as.integer(dt),as.double(unlist(v)),as.integer(qc),as.integer(ar.stop-1L),
if (cy>1) { XWy <- if (is.null(drop)) matrix(XWy,pt,cy) else matrix(XWy,pt,cy)[-drop,] } else {
XWy <- if (is.null(drop)) XWy else XWy[-drop]
} ## XWyd
Xbd <- function(X,beta,k,ks,ts,dt,v,qc,drop=NULL,lt=NULL) {
## note that drop may contain the index of columns of X to drop before multiplying by beta.
## equivalently we can insert zero elements into beta in the appropriate places.
## if lt if not NULL then it lists the discrete terms to include (from X)
n <- if (is.matrix(k)) nrow(k) else length(k) ## number of data
m <- unlist(lapply(X,nrow)) ## number of rows in each discrete model matrix
p <- unlist(lapply(X,ncol)) ## number of cols in each discrete model matrix
nx <- length(X) ## number of model matrices
if (length(p)!=nx) stop("something wrong with matrix list - not all matrices?")
nt <- length(ts) ## number of terms
if (!is.null(drop)) {
b <- if (is.matrix(beta)) matrix(0,nrow(beta)+length(drop),ncol(beta)) else rep(0,length(beta)+length(drop))
if (is.matrix(beta)) b[-drop,] <- beta else b[-drop] <- beta
beta <- b
if (is.null(lt)) lt <- 1:nt
bc <- if (is.matrix(beta)) ncol(beta) else 1 ## number of columns in beta
## The C code mechanism for dealing with lt is very basic, and requires that beta is re-ordered and
## truncated to relate only to the selected terms, in the order they are selected.
lpip <- attr(X,"lpip")
if (!is.null(lpip)) { ## then X list may not be in coef order...
lpip <- unlist(lpip[lt])
beta <- if (is.matrix(beta)) beta[lpip,] else beta[lpip] ## select params required in correct order
if (inherits(X[[1]],"dgCMatrix")) { ## the marginals are sparse
## create list for passing to C
m <- list(Xd=X,kd=k,ks=ks,v=v,ts=ts,dt=dt,qc=qc)
m$off <- attr(X,"off"); m$r <- attr(X,"r")
if (is.null(m$off)||is.null(m$r)) stop("reverse indices missing from sparse discrete marginals")
m$offstart <- cumsum(c(0,lapply(m$off,length)))
m$off <- unlist(m$off)
## Now C base all indices...
m$ks <- m$ks - 1; m$kd <- m$kd - 1; m$r <- m$r - 1; m$ts <- m$ts-1
beta <- as.matrix(beta);storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
lt <- as.integer(lt-1)
Xb <- .Call(C_sXbd,m,beta,lt)
if (bc>1) Xb <- matrix(Xb,ncol=bc)
} else { ## dense marginals case
#oo <- .C(C_Xbd,f=as.double(rep(0,n*bc)),beta=as.double(beta),X=as.double(unlist(X)),k=as.integer(k-1),
# ks = as.integer(ks-1),
# m=as.integer(m),p=as.integer(p), n=as.integer(n), nx=as.integer(nx), ts=as.integer(ts-1),
# as.integer(dt), as.integer(nt),as.double(unlist(v)),as.integer(qc),as.integer(bc),as.integer(lt-1),as.integer(length(lt)))
#Xb <- if (is.matrix(beta)) matrix(oo$f,n,bc) else oo$f
f <- numeric(n*bc)
.Call(C_CXbd,f,beta,as.double(unlist(X)),k-1L, as.integer(ks-1L),as.integer(m),as.integer(p),
as.integer(ts-1L),as.integer(dt),as.double(unlist(v)),as.integer(qc),as.integer(bc), as.integer(lt-1L))
Xb <- if (is.matrix(beta)) matrix(f,n,bc) else f
} ## Xbd
diagXVXd <- function(X,V,k,ks,ts,dt,v,qc,drop=NULL,nthreads=1,lt=NULL,rt=NULL) {
## discrete computation of diag(XVX')
n <- if (is.matrix(k)) nrow(k) else length(k)
m <- unlist(lapply(X,nrow));p <- unlist(lapply(X,ncol))
nx <- length(X);nt <- length(ts)
if (is.null(lt)&&is.null(rt)) rt <- lt <- 1:nt else {
if (is.null(rt)) rt <- lt else if (is.null(lt)) lt <- rt
if (is.null(rt)) rt <- 1:nt
if (inherits(X[[1]],"dgCMatrix")) { ## the marginals are sparse
## create list for passing to C
m <- list(Xd=X,kd=k,ks=ks,v=v,ts=ts,dt=dt,qc=qc)
m$off <- attr(X,"off"); m$r <- attr(X,"r")
if (is.null(m$off)||is.null(m$r)) stop("reverse indices missing from sparse discrete marginals")
m$offstart <- cumsum(c(0,lapply(m$off,length)))
m$off <- unlist(m$off)
## Now C base all indices...
m$ks <- m$ks - 1; m$kd <- m$kd - 1; m$r <- m$r - 1; m$ts <- m$ts-1
if (!is.null(drop)) {
D <- Diagonal(ncol(V)+length(drop),1)[-drop,]
V <- t(D) %*% V %*% D
## The C code mechanism for dealing with rt and lt is very basic, and requires that V is
## re-ordered and truncated to relate only to the selected terms, in the order they are selected.
lpip <- attr(X,"lpip")
if (!is.null(lpip)) { ## then X list may not be in coef order...
lpi <- unlist(lpip[lt])
rpi <- unlist(lpip[rt])
V <- V[lpi,rpi,drop=FALSE] ## select part of V required in correct order
lt <- as.integer(lt-1);rt <- as.integer(rt-1)
D <- .Call(C_sdiagXVXt,m , V, lt, rt)
} else { ## dense marginals
if (!is.null(drop)) {
pv <- ncol(V)+length(drop)
V0 <- matrix(0,pv,pv)
V0[-drop,-drop] <- V
V <- V0;rm(V0)
} else pv <- ncol(V)
## The C code mechanism for dealing with rt and lt is very basic, and requires that V is
## re-ordered and truncated to relate only to the selected terms, in the order they are selected.
lpip <- attr(X,"lpip")
if (!is.null(lpip)) { ## then X list may not be in coef order...
lpi <- unlist(lpip[lt])
rpi <- unlist(lpip[rt])
V <- V[lpi,rpi,drop=FALSE] ## select part of V required in correct order
# oo <- .C(C_diagXVXt,diag=as.double(rep(0,n)),V=as.double(V),X=as.double(unlist(X)),k=as.integer(k-1),
# ks=as.integer(ks-1),m=as.integer(m),p=as.integer(p), n=as.integer(n), nx=as.integer(nx),
# ts=as.integer(ts-1), as.integer(dt), as.integer(nt),as.double(unlist(v)),as.integer(qc),as.integer(nrow(V)),
# as.integer(ncol(V)),as.integer(nthreads),as.integer(lt-1),as.integer(length(lt)),as.integer(rt-1),as.integer(length(rt)))
# D <- oo$diag
D <- numeric(n)
as.integer(ts-1L), as.integer(dt),as.double(unlist(v)),as.integer(qc),as.integer(nthreads),
} ## diagXVXd
dchol <- function(dA,R) {
## if dA contains matrix dA/dx where R is chol factor s.t. R'R = A
## then this routine returns dR/dx...
p <- ncol(R)
oo <- .C(C_dchol,dA=as.double(dA),R=as.double(R),dR=as.double(R*0),p=as.integer(ncol(R)))
} ## dchol
choldrop <- function(R,k) {
## routine to update Cholesky factor R of A on dropping row/col k of A.
## R can be upper triangular, in which case (R'R=A) or lower triangular in
## which case RR'=A...
n <- as.integer(ncol(R))
k1 <- as.integer(k-1)
ut <- as.integer(as.numeric(R[1,2]!=0))
if (k<1||k>n) return(R)
Rup <- matrix(0,n-1,n-1)
#oo <- .C(C_chol_down,R=as.double(R),Rup=as.double(Rup),n=as.integer(n),k=as.integer(k-1),ut=as.integer(ut))
} ## choldrop
cholup <- function(R,u,up=TRUE) {
## routine to update Cholesky factor R to the factor of R'R + uu' (up == TRUE)
## or R'R - uu' (up=FALSE).
n <- as.integer(ncol(R))
up <- as.integer(up)
eps <- as.double(.Machine$double.eps)
R1 <- R * 1.0
if (up==0) if ((n>1 && R1[2,1] < -1)||(n==1&&u[1]>R[1])) stop("update not positive definite")
} ## cholup
vcorr <- function(dR,Vr,trans=TRUE) {
## Suppose b = sum_k op(dR[[k]])%*%z*r_k, z ~ N(0,Ip), r ~ N(0,Vr). vcorr returns cov(b).
## dR is a list of p by p matrices. 'op' is 't' if trans=TRUE and I() otherwise.
p <- ncol(dR[[1]])
M <- if (trans) ncol(Vr) else -ncol(Vr) ## sign signals transpose or not to C code
if (abs(M)!=length(dR)) stop("internal error in vcorr, please report to")
oo <- .C(C_vcorr,dR=as.double(unlist(dR)),Vr=as.double(Vr),Vb=as.double(rep(0,p*p)),
} ## vcorr
pinv <- function(X,svd=FALSE) {
## a pseudoinverse for n by p, n>p matrices
qrx <- qr(X,tol=0,LAPACK=TRUE)
R <- qr.R(qrx);Q <- qr.Q(qrx)
rr <- Rrank(R)
if (svd&&rr<ncol(R)) {
piv <- 1:ncol(X); piv[qrx$pivot] <- 1:ncol(X)
er <- svd(R[,piv])
d <- er$d*0;d[1:rr] <- 1/er$d[1:rr]
X <- Q%*%er$u%*%(d*t(er$v))
} else {
Ri <- R*0
Ri[1:rr,1:rr] <- backsolve(R[1:rr,1:rr],diag(rr))
X[,qrx$pivot] <- Q%*%t(Ri)
} ## end pinv
pqr2 <- function(x,nt=1,nb=30) {
## Function for parallel pivoted qr decomposition of a matrix using LAPACK
## householder routines. Currently uses a block algorithm.
## library(mgcv); n <- 4000;p<-3000;x <- matrix(runif(n*p),n,p)
## system.time(qrx <- qr(x,LAPACK=TRUE))
## system.time(qrx2 <- mgcv:::pqr2(x,2))
## system.time(qrx3 <- mgcv:::pqr(x,2))
## range(qrx2$qr-qrx$qr)
p <- ncol(x)
beta <- rep(0.0,p)
piv <- as.integer(rep(0,p))
## need to force a copy of x, otherwise x will be over-written
## by .Call *in environment from which function is called*
x <- x*1
rank <- .Call(C_mgcv_Rpiqr,x,beta,piv,nt,nb)
ret <- list(qr=x,rank=rank,qraux=beta,pivot=piv+1)
attr(ret,"useLAPACK") <- TRUE
class(ret) <- "qr"
} ## pqr2
pbsi <- function(R,nt=1,copy=TRUE) {
## parallel back substitution inversion of upper triangular R
## library(mgcv); n <- 500;p<-400;x <- matrix(runif(n*p),n,p)
## qrx <- qr(x);R <- qr.R(qrx)
## system.time(Ri <- mgcv:::pbsi(R,2))
## system.time(Ri2 <- backsolve(R,diag(p)));range(Ri-Ri2)
if (copy) R <- R * 1 ## ensure that R modified only within pbsi
} ## pbsi
pchol <- function(A,nt=1,nb=40) {
## parallel Choleski factorization.
## library(mgcv);
## set.seed(2);n <- 200;r <- 190;A <- tcrossprod(matrix(runif(n*r),n,r))
## system.time(R <- chol(A,pivot=TRUE));system.time(L <- mgcv:::pchol(A));range(R[1:r,]-L[1:r,])
## k <- 30;range(R[1:k,1:k]-L[1:k,1:k])
## system.time(L <- mgcv:::pchol(A,nt=2,nb=30))
## piv <- attr(L,"pivot");attr(L,"rank");range(crossprod(L)-A[piv,piv])
## should nb be obtained from 'ILAENV' as page 23 of Lucas 2004??
piv <- as.integer(rep(0,ncol(A)))
A <- A*1 ## otherwise over-write in calling env!
rank <- .Call(C_mgcv_Rpchol,A,piv,nt,nb)
attr(A,"pivot") <- piv+1;attr(A,"rank") <- rank
pforwardsolve <- function(R,B,nt=1) {
## parallel forward solve via simple col splitting...
if (!is.matrix(B)) B <- as.matrix(B)
pcrossprod <- function(A,trans=FALSE,nt=1,nb=30) {
## parallel cross prod A'A or AA' if trans==TRUE...
if (!is.matrix(A)) A <- as.matrix(A)
if (trans) A <- t(A)
pRRt <- function(R,nt=1) {
## parallel RR' for upper triangular R
## following creates index of lower triangular elements...
## n <- 4000;a <- rep(1:n,n);b <- rep(1:n,each=n);which(a>=b) -> ii;a[ii]+(b[ii]-1)*n->ii ## lower
## n <- 4000;a <- rep(1:n,n);b <- rep(1:n,each=n);which(a<=b) -> ii;a[ii]+(b[ii]-1)*n->ii ## upper
## library(mgcv);R <- matrix(0,n,n);R[ii] <- runif(n*(n+1)/2)
## Note: A[a-b<=0] <- 0 zeroes upper triangle
## system.time(A <- mgcv:::pRRt(R,2))
## system.time(A2 <- tcrossprod(R));range(A-A2)
n <- nrow(R)
A <- matrix(0,n,n)
block.reorder <- function(x,n.blocks=1,reverse=FALSE) {
## takes a matrix x divides it into n.blocks row-wise blocks, and re-orders
## so that the blocks are stored one after the other.
## e.g. library(mgcv); x <- matrix(1:18,6,3);xb <- mgcv:::block.reorder(x,2)
## x;xb;mgcv:::block.reorder(xb,2,TRUE)
r = nrow(x);cols = ncol(x);
if (n.blocks <= 1) return(x);
if (r%%n.blocks) {
nb = ceiling(r/n.blocks)
} else nb = r/n.blocks;
oo <- .C(C_row_block_reorder,x=as.double(x),as.integer(r),as.integer(cols),
} ## block.reorder
pqr <- function(x,nt=1) {
## parallel QR decomposition, using openMP in C, and up to nt threads (only if worthwhile)
## library(mgcv);n <- 20;p<-4;X <- matrix(runif(n*p),n,p);er <- mgcv:::pqr(X,nt=2)
## range(mgcv:::pqr.qy(er,mgcv:::pqr.R(er))-X[,er$pivot])
x.c <- ncol(x);r <- nrow(x)
oo <- .C(C_mgcv_pqr,x=as.double(c(x,rep(0,nt*x.c^2))),as.integer(r),as.integer(x.c),
pivot=as.integer(rep(0,x.c)), tau=as.double(rep(0,(nt+1)*x.c)),as.integer(nt))
pqr.R <- function(x) {
## x is an object returned by pqr. This extracts the R factor...
## e.g. as pqr then...
## R <- mgcv:::pqr.R(er); R0 <- qr.R(qr(X,tol=0))
## svd(R)$d;svd(R0)$d
oo <- .C(C_getRpqr,R=as.double(rep(0,x$c^2)),as.double(x$x),as.integer(x$r),as.integer(x$c),
pqr.qy <- function(x,a,tr=FALSE) {
## x contains a parallel QR decomp as computed by pqr. a is a matrix. computes
## Qa or Q'a depending on tr.
## e.g. as above, then...
## a <- diag(p);Q <- mgcv:::pqr.qy(er,a);crossprod(Q)
## X[,er$pivot+1];Q%*%R
## Qt <- mgcv:::pqr.qy(er,diag(n),TRUE);Qt%*%t(Qt);range(Q-t(Qt))
## Q <- qr.Q(qr(X,tol=0));z <- runif(n);y0<-t(Q)%*%z
## mgcv:::pqr.qy(er,z,TRUE)->y
## z <- runif(p);y0<-Q%*%z;mgcv:::pqr.qy(er,z)->y
if (is.matrix(a)) a.c <- ncol(a) else a.c <- 1
if (tr) {
if (is.matrix(a)) { if (nrow(a) != x$r) stop("a has wrong number of rows") }
else if (length(a) != x$r) stop("a has wrong number of rows")
} else {
if (is.matrix(a)) { if (nrow(a) != x$c) stop("a has wrong number of rows") }
else if (length(a) != x$c) stop("a has wrong number of rows")
a <- c(a,rep(0,a.c*(x$r-x$c)))
oo <- .C(C_mgcv_pqrqy,a=as.double(a),as.double(x$x),as.double(x$tau),as.integer(x$r),
if (tr) return(matrix(oo$a[1:(a.c*x$c)],x$c,a.c)) else
pmmult <- function(A,B,tA=FALSE,tB=FALSE,nt=1) {
## parallel matrix multiplication (not for use on vectors or thin matrices)
## library(mgcv);r <- 10;c <- 5;n <- 8
## A <- matrix(runif(r*n),r,n);B <- matrix(runif(n*c),n,c);range(A%*%B-mgcv:::pmmult(A,B,nt=1))
## A <- matrix(runif(r*n),n,r);B <- matrix(runif(n*c),n,c);range(t(A)%*%B-mgcv:::pmmult(A,B,TRUE,FALSE,nt=1))
## A <- matrix(runif(r*n),n,r);B <- matrix(runif(n*c),c,n);range(t(A)%*%t(B)-mgcv:::pmmult(A,B,TRUE,TRUE,nt=1))
## A <- matrix(runif(r*n),r,n);B <- matrix(runif(n*c),c,n);range(A%*%t(B)-mgcv:::pmmult(A,B,FALSE,TRUE,nt=1))
if (tA) { n = nrow(A);r = ncol(A)} else {n = ncol(A);r = nrow(A)}
if (tB) { c = nrow(B)} else {c = ncol(B)}
C <- rep(0,r * c)
oo <- .C(C_mgcv_pmmult,C=as.double(C),as.double(A),as.double(B),as.integer(tA),as.integer(tB),as.integer(r),
treig <- function(ld,sd,vec=FALSE,descend=FALSE) {
## eigen decomposition of tri-diagonal matrix with leading diagonal ld and
## sub-diagonal sd...
n <- length(ld)
v <- if (vec) rep(0,n*n) else 0
oo <- .C(C_mgcv_trisymeig,d=as.double(ld),g=as.double(sd),v=as.double(v),n=as.integer(n),
v <- if (vec) matrix(oo$v,n,n) else NA
} ## treig
lanczos <- function(A,v0,M,Av = function(A,v) A%*%v,n=ncol(A)) {
## Apply M steps of Lanczos starting at v0 for n by n +ve semi definite matrix A.
## Av is a function forming the product of matrix A with vector v.
## A can be a matrix, in which case the default Av applies, or
## it could be a list of arguments used to define the multiplication
## in some other way (e.g. as a sequence of matrix products) defined
## in a custom Av...
## The function is used to find an approximate eigen value CDF for A
## as described in Lin, Saad and Yang (2016) SIAM Review 58(1), 34-65
## section 3.2.1 in particular.
v0.norm <- sqrt(sum(v0^2))
gamma <- epsilon <- rep(0,M)
q <- matrix(v0/v0.norm,n,M)
for (j in 1:M) {
c <- Av(A,q[,j])
if (j==1) vAv <- sum(v0*c)*v0.norm ## v0'Av0 - useful for estimating tr(A)
gamma[j] <- sum(c*q[,j])
c <- c - gamma[j]*q[,j]
if (j>1) {
c <- c - epsilon[j-1]*q[,j-1]
cq <- drop(t(c) %*% q[,1:j,drop=FALSE])
c <- c - colSums(cq*t(q[,1:j]))
cq <- drop(t(c) %*% q[,1:j,drop=FALSE])
c <- c - colSums(cq*t(q[,1:j]))
epsilon[j] <- sqrt(sum(c^2))
if (j<M) q[,j+1] <- c/epsilon[j]
et <- treig(gamma,epsilon,descend=FALSE,vec=TRUE)
## compute error bounds on the eigenvalues of
## A using the method described in section 3.2 of
## Parlett, BN (1998) The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem, SIAM
err <- abs(et$vectors[M,])*epsilon[M]
theta <- c(0,et$values)
tau <- et$vectors[1,]
eta <- c(0,cumsum(tau^2))
## theta is vector of eigenvalues at which CDF jumps
## tau^2 is jump size, eta is CDF at theta
## lam.ub is upper bound on larget eigenvalue
} ## lanczos
eigen.approx <- function(A,Av = function(A,v) A%*%v,M=20,n.rep=20,n=ncol(A),seed=1) {
## get the approximate eigenvalues of n by n +ve semi def matrix A. Av is
## the function for multiplying a vector by the matrix defined by A. If A
## is simply a matrix then the default Av is sufficient. M is the number of
## Lanczos steps to use, and n.rep the number of random replicates to average
## over. Routine restores RNG to pre-call state on exit.
## Based on Lin, Saad and Yang (2016) SIAM Review 58(1), 34-65
## section 3.2.1, but extended to only use this approximation for the
## eigen-values that have yet to converge.
## The CDF approximation is based on their Appendix C proposal, rather than
## using a Gausssian kernel approximation to the pdf and cdf and then
## inverting by tabulation. This is because the latter tends to oversmooth the
## CDF in a way that is unhelpful for rank deficient matrices.
## The Gaussian kernel approach would probably be prefereable for full rank matrices,
## since it then benefits from the extra stability of kernel smoothing.
if (is.finite(seed)) a <- temp.seed(seed) ## seed RNG and store state
eva <- rep(0,n)
trA <- rep(0,n.rep)
tol <- .Machine$double.eps^.5
for (r in 1:n.rep) {
v0 <- rnorm(n)
lz <- lanczos(A,v0,M=M,Av=Av,n=n)
trA[r] <- lz$vAv
## following is suggested in Appendix C of LSY, and is quite important
## to avoid slight downward bias...
eta1 <- c(0,(lz$eta[1:M]*0.5+0.5*lz$eta[1:M+1]))
eta1[2] <- lz$eta[2] ## correction to avoid over-estimation in lower tail if rank def
conv <- lz$err<lz$theta[M+1]*tol ## these eigenvalues are converged
upper.uconv <- if (any(!conv)) max(which(!conv)) else 0 ## last uncoverged
n.conv <- M - upper.uconv ## number converged
lz$theta[lz$theta<0] <- 0
theta.conv <- if (n.conv) lz$theta[(upper.uconv+1):M+1] else rep(0,0)
if (upper.uconv) {
eta <- eta1[1:(upper.uconv+1)]
theta <- lz$theta[1:(upper.uconv+1)]
eta <- eta/max(eta)
nri <- c(diff(eta)!=0,TRUE) ## strip out duplicates
eva <- eva + c(approx(eta[nri],theta[nri],seq(0,1,length=n-n.conv),method="linear",rule=2)$y,theta.conv)
} else {
eva <- eva + c(rep(0,n-n.conv),theta.conv)
if (is.finite(seed)) temp.seed(a) ## restore RNG state
eva <- eva/n.rep <- sd(trA)/sqrt(n.rep);trA <- mean(trA)
if (abs(sum(eva)-trA)>2.5* { ## evidence for bias in eigen-spectrum
eva <- eva*trA/sum(eva) ## correction
} ## eigen.approx
temp.seed <- function(x) {
## when called with a numeric x stores the state of the RNG and sets its seed to
## x. Returns an object of class "rng.state". When called with an object of this
## class created on a previus call to this function, resets the RNG to the state
## on entry to that previous call.
if (inherits(x,"rng.state")) {
assign(".Random.seed",x$seed,envir=.GlobalEnv) ## RNG behaves as if it had not been used
} else {
seed <- try(get(".Random.seed",envir=.GlobalEnv),silent=TRUE) ## store RNG seed
if (inherits(seed,"try-error")) {
seed <- get(".Random.seed",envir=.GlobalEnv)
kind <- RNGkind(NULL)
set.seed(x) ## ensure repeatability
x <- list(seed=seed,kind=kind)
class(x) <- "rng.state"
} ## temp.seed
mat.rowsum <- function(X,m,k) {
## Let X be n by p and m of length M. Produces an M by p matrix B
## where the ith row of B is the sum of the rows X[k[j],] where
## j = (m[i-1]+1):m[i]. m[0] is taken as 0.
## n <- 10;p <- 5;X <- matrix(runif(n*p),n,p)
## m <- c(3,5,8,11);k <- c(1,4,3,6,1,5,7,10,9,5,6)
## mgcv:::mat.rowsum(X,m,k)
if (max(k)>nrow(X)||min(k)<1) stop("index vector has invalid entries")
k <- k - 1 ## R to C index conversion
} ## mat.rowsum
isa <- function(R,nt=1) {
## Finds the elements of (R'R)^{-1} on NZP(R+R').
if (!inherits(R,c("dgCMatrix","dtCMatrix"))) stop("isa requires a dg/tCMatrix")
nt <- round(nt)
if (nt<1) nt = 1
Hpi <- R + t(R)
} ## isa
AddBVB <- function(A,Bt,VBt) {
## Add B %*% V %*% t(B) to calss 'dgCMatrix' A returning result on NZP(A) only
## (i.e. discarding elements of BVB' not in NZP(A)), Bt is the transpose
## of B. B and VBt are class 'matrix'
A@x <- A@x * 1.0 ## force copy, otherwise A and return value modified
} ## AddBVB
minres <- function(R,u,b) {
## routine to solve (R'R-uu')x = b using minres algorithm.
## set.seed(0);n <- 100;p <- 20;X <- matrix(runif(n*p)-.5,n,p);R <- chol(crossprod(X));b <- runif(p);k <- 1;
## solve(crossprod(X[-k,]),b);mgcv:::minres(R,t(X[k,]),b)
x <- b; p <- length(b);
m <- if (is.matrix(u)) ncol(u) else 1
work <- rep(0,p*(m+7)+m)
oo <- .C(C_minres,R=as.double(R), u=as.double(u),b=as.double(b), x=as.double(x), p=as.integer(p),m=as.integer(m),work=as.double(work))
cat("\n niter : ",oo$m,"\n")
neicov <- function(Dd,nei) {
## wrapper for nei_cov. Dd is n by p matrix of leave one out perturbations to
## coef vectors. nei is neighbourhood structure.
p <- ncol(Dd)
V <- matrix(0,p,p)
k <- nei$k-1
} ## neicov
## Routines to force matrix to pdef
pdev <- function(A) {
## Force A to meet necessary conditions for +ve def from Thm 4.2.8. of Golub and van Load 4th ed.
## Non-positive diagonals are set to diagonal dominance. Off diagonals are then set to just meet
## necessary conditions.
## NOTE: A is modified directly in situ, so care needed to force a copy to be kept if it's needed
## A0 <- A will not work, as R only actually copies when R modifies!
## A0 <- A; A0[1,1] <- A0[1,1] + 1;A0[1,1] <- A0[1,1] - 1 works.
if (inherits(A,"Matrix")) {
if (!inherits(A,"dgCMatrix")) A <- as(as(as(A, "dMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix")
da <- diag(A); ii <- which(da==0)
if (length(ii)) diag(A)[ii] <- -1e-30 ## Avoid C code having to insert extra non-zeroes
mod <- .Call(C_spdev,A)
} else { ## dense matrix
mod <- .Call(C_dpdev,A)
if (mod>0) attr(A,"modified") <- mod
## following are wrappers for KP STZ constraints - intended for testing only
Zb <- function(b0,v,qc,p,w) {
b1 <- rep(0,p)
oo <- .C(C_Zb,b1=as.double(b1),as.double(b0),as.double(v),as.integer(qc),as.integer(p),as.double(w))
Ztb <- function(b0,v,qc,di,p,w) {
## p is length(b0)/di
w <- rep(0,2*p)
M <- v[1]
pp <- p
for (i in 1:M) pp <- pp/v[i+1];
p0 <- prod(v[1+1:M]-1)*pp
b1 <- rep(0,p0*di)
oo <- .C(C_Ztb,b1=as.double(b1),as.double(b0),as.double(v),as.integer(qc),as.integer(di),as.integer(p),as.double(w))
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