
Defines functions rTweedie Tweedie ldTweedie ldTweedie0 mini.roots totalPenaltySpace totalPenalty fix.family fix.family.ls fix.family.var fix.family.link fix.family.link.family fix.family.link.extended.family fix.family.link.general.family gam4objective gam2objective gam2derivative bfgs newton simplyFit rti rt deriv.check score.transect gam.fit3.post.proc Vb.corr gam.reparam

Documented in fix.family.link fix.family.ls fix.family.var gam2derivative gam2objective gam.reparam ldTweedie mini.roots rTweedie totalPenaltySpace Tweedie

## R routines for gam fitting with calculation of derivatives w.r.t. sp.s
## (c) Simon Wood 2004-2022

## These routines are for type 3 gam fitting. The basic idea is that a P-IRLS
## is run to convergence, and only then is a scheme for evaluating the 
## derivatives via the implicit function theorem used. 

gam.reparam <- function(rS,lsp,deriv) 
## Finds an orthogonal reparameterization which avoids `dominant machine zero leakage' between 
## components of the square root penalty.
## rS is the list of the square root penalties: last entry is root of fixed. 
##    penalty, if fixed.penalty=TRUE (i.e. length(rS)>length(sp))
## lsp is the vector of log smoothing parameters.
## *Assumption* here is that rS[[i]] are in a null space of total penalty already;
## see e.g. totalPenaltySpace & mini.roots
## Ouputs:
## S -- the total penalty matrix similarity transformed for stability
## rS -- the component square roots, transformed in the same way
##       - tcrossprod(rS[[i]]) = rS[[i]] %*% t(rS[[i]]) gives the matrix penalty component.
## Qs -- the orthogonal transformation matrix S = t(Qs)%*%S0%*%Qs, where S0 is the 
##       untransformed total penalty implied by sp and rS on input
## E -- the square root of the transformed S (obtained in a stable way by pre-conditioning)
## det -- log |S|
## det1 -- dlog|S|/dlog(sp) if deriv >0
## det2 -- hessian of log|S| wrt log(sp) if deriv>1  
{ q <- nrow(rS[[1]])
  rSncol <- unlist(lapply(rS,ncol))
  M <- length(lsp) 
  if (length(rS)>M) fixed.penalty <- TRUE else fixed.penalty <- FALSE
  d.tol <- .Machine$double.eps^.3 ## group `similar sized' penalties, to save work

  r.tol <- .Machine$double.eps^.75 ## This is a bit delicate -- too large and penalty range space can be supressed.

  oo <- .C(C_get_stableS,S=as.double(matrix(0,q,q)),Qs=as.double(matrix(0,q,q)),sp=as.double(exp(lsp)),
                  rS=as.double(unlist(rS)), rSncol = as.integer(rSncol), q = as.integer(q),
                  M = as.integer(M), deriv=as.integer(deriv), det = as.double(0), 
                  det1 = as.double(rep(0,M)),det2 = as.double(matrix(0,M,M)), 
                  d.tol = as.double(d.tol),
                  r.tol = as.double(r.tol),
                  fixed_penalty = as.integer(fixed.penalty))
  S <- matrix(oo$S,q,q)  
  S <- (S+t(S))*.5
  p <- abs(diag(S))^.5            ## by Choleski, p can not be zero if S +ve def
  p[p==0] <- 1                    ## but it's possible to make a mistake!!
  ##E <-  t(t(chol(t(t(S/p)/p)))*p) 
  St <- t(t(S/p)/p)
  St <- (St + t(St))*.5 ## force exact symmetry -- avoids very rare mroot fails 
  E <- t(mroot(St,rank=q)*p) ## the square root S, with column separation
  Qs <- matrix(oo$Qs,q,q)         ## the reparameterization matrix t(Qs)%*%S%*%Qs -> S
  k0 <- 1
  for (i in 1:length(rS)) { ## unpack the rS in the new space
    crs <- ncol(rS[[i]]);
    k1 <- k0 + crs * q - 1 
    rS[[i]] <- matrix(oo$rS[k0:k1],q,crs)
    k0 <- k1 + 1
  ## now get determinant + derivatives, if required...
  if (deriv > 0) det1 <- oo$det1 else det1 <- NULL
  if (deriv > 1) det2 <- matrix(oo$det2,M,M) else det2 <- NULL  
  list(S=S,E=E,Qs=Qs,rS=rS,det=oo$det,det1=det1,det2=det2,fixed.penalty = fixed.penalty)
} ## gam.reparam

gam.fit3 <- function (x, y, sp, Eb,UrS=list(),
            weights = rep(1, nobs), start = NULL, etastart = NULL, 
            mustart = NULL, offset = rep(0, nobs),U1=diag(ncol(x)), Mp=-1, family = gaussian(), 
            control = gam.control(), intercept = TRUE,deriv=2,
            pearson.extra=0,dev.extra=0,n.true=-1,Sl=NULL,nei=NULL,...) {
## Inputs:
## * x model matrix
## * y response
## * sp log smoothing parameters
## * Eb square root of nicely balanced total penalty matrix used for rank detection
## * UrS list of penalty square roots in range space of overall penalty. UrS[[i]]%*%t(UrS[[i]]) 
##   is penalty. See 'estimate.gam' for more.
## * weights prior weights (reciprocal variance scale)
## * start initial values for parameters. ignored if etastart or mustart present (although passed on).
## * etastart initial values for eta
## * mustart initial values for mu. discarded if etastart present.
## * control - control list.
## * intercept - indicates whether model has one.
## * deriv - order 0,1 or 2 derivatives are to be returned (lower is cheaper!)
## * gamma - multiplier for effective degrees of freedom in GCV/UBRE.
## * scale parameter. Negative signals to estimate.
## * printWarn print or supress?
## * scoreType - type of smoothness selection to use.
## * null.coef - coefficients for a null model, in order to be able to check for immediate 
##   divergence.
## * pearson.extra is an extra component to add to the pearson statistic in the P-REML/P-ML 
##   case, only.
## * dev.extra is an extra component to add to the deviance in the REML and ML cases only.
## * n.true is to be used in place of the length(y) in ML/REML calculations,
##   and the scale.est only.
## Version with new reparameterization and truncation strategy. Allows iterative weights 
## to be negative. Basically the workhorse routine for Wood (2011) JRSSB.
## A much modified version of glm.fit. Purpose is to estimate regression coefficients 
## and compute a smoothness selection score along with its derivatives.
    if (control$trace) { t0 <- proc.time();tc <- 0} 
    warn <- list()
    if (inherits(family,"extended.family")) { ## then actually gam.fit4/5 is needed
      if (inherits(family,"general.family")) {
      } else
      return(gam.fit4(x, y, sp, Eb,UrS=UrS,
            weights = weights, start = start, etastart = etastart, 
            mustart = mustart, offset = offset,U1=U1, Mp=Mp, family = family, 
            control = control, deriv=deriv,gamma=gamma,

    if (family$link==family$canonical) fisher <- TRUE else fisher=FALSE 
    ## ... if canonical Newton = Fisher, but Fisher cheaper!
    if (scale>0) scale.known <- TRUE else scale.known <- FALSE
    if (!scale.known&&scoreType%in%c("REML","ML","EFS")) { ## the final element of sp is actually log(scale)
      nsp <- length(sp)
      scale <- exp(sp[nsp])
      sp <- sp[-nsp]
    if (!deriv%in%c(0,1,2)) stop("unsupported order of differentiation requested of gam.fit3")
    x <- as.matrix(x)  
    nSp <- length(sp)  
    if (nSp==0) deriv.sp <- 0 else deriv.sp <- deriv 

    rank.tol <- .Machine$double.eps*100 ## tolerance to use for rank deficiency

    xnames <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
    ynames <- if (is.matrix(y)) 
    else names(y)

    q <- ncol(x)

    if (length(UrS)) { ## find a stable reparameterization...
      grderiv <- if (scoreType=="EFS") 1 else deriv*as.numeric(scoreType%in%c("REML","ML","P-REML","P-ML")) 
      rp <- gam.reparam(UrS,sp,grderiv) ## note also detects fixed penalty if present
 ## Following is for debugging only...
 #     deriv.check <- FALSE
 #     if (deriv.check&&grderiv) {
 #       eps <- 1e-4
 #       fd.grad <- rp$det1
 #       for (i in 1:length(sp)) {
 #         spp <- sp; spp[i] <- spp[i] + eps/2
 #         rp1 <- gam.reparam(UrS,spp,grderiv)
 #         spp[i] <- spp[i] - eps #         rp0 <- gam.reparam(UrS,spp,grderiv)
 #         fd.grad[i] <- (rp1$det-rp0$det)/eps
 #       }
 #       print(fd.grad)
 #       print(rp$det1) 
 #     }

      T <- diag(q)
      T[1:ncol(rp$Qs),1:ncol(rp$Qs)] <- rp$Qs
      T <- U1%*%T ## new params b'=T'b old params
      null.coef <- t(T)%*%null.coef  
      if (!is.null(start)) start <- t(T)%*%start
      ## form x%*%T in parallel 
      x <- .Call(C_mgcv_pmmult2,x,T,0,0,control$nthreads)
      ## x <- x%*%T   ## model matrix 0(nq^2)
      rS <- list()
      for (i in 1:length(UrS)) {
        rS[[i]] <- rbind(rp$rS[[i]],matrix(0,Mp,ncol(rp$rS[[i]])))
      } ## square roots of penalty matrices in current parameterization
      Eb <- Eb%*%T ## balanced penalty matrix
      rows.E <- q-Mp
      Sr <- cbind(rp$E,matrix(0,nrow(rp$E),Mp))
      St <- rbind(cbind(rp$S,matrix(0,nrow(rp$S),Mp)),matrix(0,Mp,q))
    } else {
      grderiv <- 0
      T <- diag(q); 
      St <- matrix(0,q,q) 
      rSncol <- sp <- rows.E <- Eb <- Sr <- 0   
      rS <- list(0)
      rp <- list(det=0,det1 = rep(0,0),det2 = rep(0,0),fixed.penalty=FALSE)
    iter <- 0;coef <- rep(0,ncol(x))

    if (scoreType=="EFS") {
      scoreType <- "REML" ## basically optimizing REML
      deriv <- 0 ## only derivatives of log|S|_+ required (see above)

    conv <- FALSE
    n <- nobs <- NROW(y) ## n is just to keep codetools happy
    if (n.true <= 0) n.true <- nobs ## n.true is used in criteria in place of nobs
    nvars <- ncol(x)
    EMPTY <- nvars == 0
    if (is.null(weights)) 
        weights <- rep.int(1, nobs)
    if (is.null(offset)) 
        offset <- rep.int(0, nobs)
    variance <- family$variance
    dev.resids <- family$dev.resids
    aic <- family$aic
    linkinv <- family$linkinv
    mu.eta <- family$mu.eta
    if (!is.function(variance) || !is.function(linkinv)) 
        stop("illegal `family' argument")
    valideta <- family$valideta
    if (is.null(valideta)) 
        valideta <- function(eta) TRUE
    validmu <- family$validmu
    if (is.null(validmu)) 
       validmu <- function(mu) TRUE

    if (is.null(mustart)) {
    } else {
        mukeep <- mustart
        mustart <- mukeep

    ## Added code
    if (family$family=="gaussian"&&family$link=="identity") strictly.additive <- TRUE else
      strictly.additive <- FALSE

    ## end of added code

    D1 <- D2 <- P <- P1 <- P2 <- trA <- trA1 <- trA2 <- 
        GCV<- GCV1<- GCV2<- GACV<- GACV1<- GACV2<- UBRE <-
        UBRE1<- UBRE2<- REML<- REML1<- REML2 <- NCV <- NCV1 <- NULL

    if (EMPTY) {
        eta <- rep.int(0, nobs) + offset
        if (!valideta(eta)) 
            stop("Invalid linear predictor values in empty model")
        mu <- linkinv(eta)
        if (!validmu(mu)) 
            stop("Invalid fitted means in empty model")
        dev <- sum(dev.resids(y, mu, weights))
        w <- (weights * mu.eta(eta)^2)/variance(mu)   ### BUG: incorrect for Newton
        residuals <- (y - mu)/mu.eta(eta)
        good <- rep(TRUE, length(residuals))
        boundary <- conv <- TRUE
        coef <- numeric(0)
        iter <- 0
        V <- variance(mu)
        alpha <- dev
        trA2 <- trA1 <- trA <- 0
        if (deriv) GCV2 <- GCV1<- UBRE2 <- UBRE1<-trA1 <- rep(0,nSp)
        GCV <- nobs*alpha/(nobs-gamma*trA)^2
        UBRE <- alpha/nobs - scale + 2*gamma/n*trA
        scale.est <- alpha / (nobs - trA)
    } ### end if (EMPTY)
    else {
        eta <- if (!is.null(etastart)) 
        else if (!is.null(start)) 
            if (length(start) != nvars) 
                stop(gettextf("Length of start should equal %d and correspond to initial coefs for %s", 
                     nvars, deparse(xnames)))
            else {
                coefold <- start
                offset + as.vector(if (NCOL(x) == 1) 
                  x * start
                else x %*% start)
        else family$linkfun(mustart)
        mu <- linkinv(eta)
        boundary <- conv <- FALSE
        ## need an initial `null deviance' to test for initial divergence... 
        ## Note: can be better not to shrink towards start on
        ## immediate failure, in case start is on edge of feasible space...
        ## if (!is.null(start)) null.coef <- start
        coefold <- null.coef
        etaold <- null.eta <- as.numeric(x%*%null.coef + as.numeric(offset))
        old.pdev <- sum(dev.resids(y, linkinv(null.eta), weights)) + t(null.coef)%*%St%*%null.coef 
        ## ... if the deviance exceeds this then there is an immediate problem
        ii <- 0
        while (!(validmu(mu) && valideta(eta))) { ## shrink towards null.coef if immediately invalid
          ii <- ii + 1
          if (ii>20) stop("Can't find valid starting values: please specify some")
          if (!is.null(start)) start <- start * .9 + coefold * .1
          eta <- .9 * eta + .1 * etaold  
          mu <- linkinv(eta)
        zg <- rep(0,max(dim(x)))
        for (iter in 1:control$maxit) { ## start of main fitting iteration
            good <- weights > 0
            var.val <- variance(mu)
            varmu <- var.val[good]
            if (any(is.na(varmu))) 
                stop("NAs in V(mu)")
            if (any(varmu == 0)) 
                stop("0s in V(mu)")
            mu.eta.val <- mu.eta(eta)
            if (any(is.na(mu.eta.val[good]))) 
                stop("NAs in d(mu)/d(eta)")
            good <- (weights > 0) & (mu.eta.val != 0)
            if (all(!good)) {
                conv <- FALSE
                warn[[length(warn)+1]] <- gettextf("gam.fit3 no observations informative at iteration %d", iter)
            if (fisher) { ## Conventional Fisher scoring
              z <- (eta - offset)[good] + (yg - mug)/mevg
              w <- (weg * mevg^2)/var.mug
            } else { ## full Newton
              c = yg - mug
              alpha <- 1 + c*(family$dvar(mug)/var.mug + family$d2link(mug)*mevg)
              alpha[alpha==0] <- .Machine$double.eps
              z <- (eta - offset)[good] + (yg-mug)/(mevg*alpha) 
              ## ... offset subtracted as eta = X%*%beta + offset
              w <- weg*alpha*mevg^2/var.mug

            ##if (sum(good)<ncol(x)) stop("Not enough informative observations.")

            if (control$trace) t1 <- proc.time()

            ng <- sum(good);zg[1:ng] <- z ## ensure y dim large enough for beta in all cases (including p>n)
            oo <- .C(C_pls_fit1,y=as.double(zg),X=as.double(x[good,]),w=as.double(w),wy=as.double(w*z),
            if (control$trace) tc <- tc + sum((proc.time()-t1)[c(1,4)])

            if (!fisher&&oo$n<0) { ## likelihood indefinite - switch to Fisher for this step
              z <- (eta - offset)[good] + (yg - mug)/mevg
              w <- (weg * mevg^2)/var.mug
	      ng <- sum(good);zg[1:ng] <- z ## ensure y dim large enough for beta in all cases
              if (control$trace) t1 <- proc.time()
              oo <- .C(C_pls_fit1,y=as.double(zg),X=as.double(x[good,]),w=as.double(w),wy=as.double(w*z),
              if (control$trace) tc <- tc + sum((proc.time()-t1)[c(1,4)])

            start <- oo$y[1:ncol(x)];
            penalty <- oo$penalty
            eta <- drop(x%*%start)

            if (any(!is.finite(start))) {
                conv <- FALSE
                warn[[length(warn)+1]] <-gettextf("gam.fit3 non-finite coefficients at iteration %d", 
           mu <- linkinv(eta <- eta + offset)
           dev <- sum(dev.resids(y, mu, weights))
           if (control$trace) 
             message(gettextf("Deviance = %s Iterations - %d", dev, iter, domain = "R-mgcv"))
            boundary <- FALSE
            if (!is.finite(dev)) {
                if (is.null(coefold)) {
                  if (is.null(null.coef)) 
                  stop("no valid set of coefficients has been found:please supply starting values", 
                    call. = FALSE)
                  ## Try to find feasible coefficients from the null.coef and null.eta
                  coefold <- null.coef
                  etaold <- null.eta
                warn[[length(warn)+1]] <- "gam.fit3 step size truncated due to divergence"
                ii <- 1
                while (!is.finite(dev)) {
                  if (ii > control$maxit) 
                    stop("inner loop 1; can't correct step size")
                  ii <- ii + 1
                  start <- (start + coefold)/2
                  eta <- (eta + etaold)/2               
                  mu <- linkinv(eta)
                  dev <- sum(dev.resids(y, mu, weights))
                boundary <- TRUE 
                penalty <- t(start)%*%St%*%start
                if (control$trace) 
                  cat("Step halved: new deviance =", dev, "\n")
            if (!(valideta(eta) && validmu(mu))) {
                warn[[length(warn)+1]] <- "gam.fit3 step size truncated: out of bounds"
                ii <- 1
                while (!(valideta(eta) && validmu(mu))) {
                  if (ii > control$maxit) 
                    stop("inner loop 2; can't correct step size")
                  ii <- ii + 1
                  start <- (start + coefold)/2
                  eta <- (eta + etaold)/2 
                  mu <- linkinv(eta)
                boundary <- TRUE
                penalty <- t(start)%*%St%*%start
                dev <- sum(dev.resids(y, mu, weights))
                if (control$trace) 
                  cat("Step halved: new deviance =", dev, "\n")

            pdev <- dev + penalty  ## the penalized deviance 

            if (control$trace) 
                message(gettextf("penalized deviance = %s", pdev, domain = "R-mgcv"))

            div.thresh <- 10*(.1+abs(old.pdev))*.Machine$double.eps^.5 
            ## ... threshold for judging divergence --- too tight and near
            ## perfect convergence can cause a failure here

            if (pdev-old.pdev>div.thresh) { ## solution diverging
             ii <- 1 ## step halving counter
             if (iter==1) { ## immediate divergence, need to shrink towards zero 
               etaold <- null.eta; coefold <- null.coef
             while (pdev -old.pdev > div.thresh)  
             { ## step halve until pdev <= old.pdev
                if (ii > 100) 
                   stop("inner loop 3; can't correct step size")
                ii <- ii + 1
                start <- (start + coefold)/2 
                eta <- (eta + etaold)/2               
                mu <- linkinv(eta)
                  dev <- sum(dev.resids(y, mu, weights))
                  pdev <- dev + t(start)%*%St%*%start ## the penalized deviance
                if (control$trace) 
                  message(gettextf("Step halved: new penalized deviance = %g", pdev, "\n"))
            if (strictly.additive) { conv <- TRUE;coef <- start;break;}

            if (abs(pdev - old.pdev) < control$epsilon*(abs(scale)+abs(pdev))) {
               ## Need to check coefs converged adequately, to ensure implicit differentiation
               ## ok. Testing coefs unchanged is problematic under rank deficiency (not guaranteed to
               ## drop same parameter every iteration!)       
               grad <- 2 * t(x[good,])%*%(w*((x%*%start)[good]-z))+ 2*St%*%start 
               #if (max(abs(grad)) > control$epsilon*max(abs(start+coefold))/2) {
	       if (max(abs(grad)) > control$epsilon*(abs(pdev)+abs(scale))) {
                  old.pdev <- pdev
                  coef <- coefold <- start
                  etaold <- eta 
                } else {
                  conv <- TRUE
                  coef <- start
                  etaold <- eta
            else {  old.pdev <- pdev
                coef <- coefold <- start
                etaold <- eta 
        } ### end main loop 
        wdr <- dev.resids(y, mu, weights)
        dev <- sum(wdr) 
        #wdr <- sign(y-mu)*sqrt(pmax(wdr,0)) ## used below in scale estimation 
        ## Now call the derivative calculation scheme. This requires the
        ## following inputs:
        ## z and w - the pseudodata and weights
        ## X the model matrix and E where EE'=S
        ## rS the single penalty square roots
        ## sp the log smoothing parameters
        ## y and mu the data and model expected values
        ## g1,g2,g3 - the first 3 derivatives of g(mu) wrt mu
        ## V,V1,V2 - V(mu) and its first two derivatives wrt mu
        ## on output it returns the gradient and hessian for
        ## the deviance and trA 

         good <- weights > 0
         var.val <- variance(mu)
         varmu <- var.val[good]
         if (any(is.na(varmu))) stop("NAs in V(mu)")
         if (any(varmu == 0)) stop("0s in V(mu)")
         mu.eta.val <- mu.eta(eta)
         if (any(is.na(mu.eta.val[good]))) 
                stop("NAs in d(mu)/d(eta)")

         good <- (weights > 0) & (mu.eta.val != 0)
         mevg <- mu.eta.val[good];mug <- mu[good];yg <- y[good]
         weg <- weights[good];etag <- eta[good]

         if (fisher) { ## Conventional Fisher scoring
              z <- (eta - offset)[good] + (yg - mug)/mevg
              w <- (weg * mevg^2)/var.mug
              alpha <- wf <- 0 ## Don't need Fisher weights separately
         } else { ## full Newton
              c <- yg - mug
              alpha <- 1 + c*(family$dvar(mug)/var.mug + family$d2link(mug)*mevg)
              ### can't just drop obs when alpha==0, as they are informative, but
              ### happily using an `effective zero' is stable here, and there is 
              ### a natural effective zero, since E(alpha) = 1.
              alpha[alpha==0] <- .Machine$double.eps 
              z <- (eta - offset)[good] + (yg-mug)/(mevg*alpha) 
              ## ... offset subtracted as eta = X%*%beta + offset
              wf <- weg*mevg^2/var.mug ## Fisher weights for EDF calculation
              w <- wf * alpha   ## Full Newton weights
         g1 <- 1/mevg
         g2 <- family$d2link(mug)
         g3 <- family$d3link(mug)

         V <- family$variance(mug)
         V1 <- family$dvar(mug)
         V2 <- family$d2var(mug)      
         if (fisher) {
           g4 <- V3 <- 0
         } else {
           g4 <- family$d4link(mug)
           V3 <- family$d3var(mug)

         if (TRUE) { ### TEST CODE for derivative ratio based versions of code... 
           g2 <- g2/g1;g3 <- g3/g1;g4 <- g4/g1
           V1 <- V1/V;V2 <- V2/V;V3 <- V3/V

         P1 <- D1 <- array(0,nSp);P2 <- D2 <- matrix(0,nSp,nSp) # for derivs of deviance/ Pearson
         trA1 <- array(0,nSp);trA2 <- matrix(0,nSp,nSp) # for derivs of tr(A)
         dum <- 1
         if (control$trace) cat("calling gdi...")

       REML <- 0 ## signals GCV/AIC used
       if (scoreType%in%c("REML","P-REML","NCV")) {REML <- 1;remlInd <- 1} else 
       if (scoreType%in%c("ML","P-ML")) {REML <- -1;remlInd <- 0} 

       if (REML==0) rSncol <- unlist(lapply(rS,ncol)) else rSncol <- unlist(lapply(UrS,ncol))
       if (control$trace) t1 <- proc.time()
       oo <- .C(C_gdi1,X=as.double(x[good,]),E=as.double(Sr),Eb = as.double(Eb), 
                rS = as.double(unlist(rS)),U1=as.double(U1),sp=as.double(exp(sp)),
                p=as.integer(ncol(x)),M=as.integer(nSp),Mp=as.integer(Mp),Enrow = as.integer(rows.E),
                REML = as.integer(REML),fisher=as.integer(fisher),
                fixed.penalty = as.integer(rp$fixed.penalty),nthreads=as.integer(control$nthreads),
         if (control$trace) { 
           tg <- sum((proc.time()-t1)[c(1,4)])
         ## get dbeta/drho, original parameterization restored on return
         db.drho <- if (deriv) matrix(oo$b1,ncol(x),nSp) else NULL
         dw.drho <- if (deriv) matrix(oo$w1,length(z),nSp) else NULL ## NOTE: only deriv of Newton weights if REML=1 in gdi1 call

         rV <- matrix(oo$rV,ncol(x),ncol(x)) ## rV%*%t(rV)*scale gives covariance matrix 
         Kmat <- matrix(0,nrow(x),ncol(x)) 
         Kmat[good,] <- oo$X                    ## rV%*%t(K)%*%(sqrt(wf)*X) = F; diag(F) is edf array 

         coef <- oo$beta;
         eta <- drop(x%*%coef + offset)
         mu <- linkinv(eta)
         if (!(validmu(mu)&&valideta(eta))) {
           ## if iteration terminated with step halving then it can be that
           ## gdi1 returns an invalid coef, because likelihood is actually
           ## pushing coefs to invalid region. Probably not much hope in 
           ## this case, but it is worth at least returning feasible values,
           ## even though this is not quite consistent with derivs.
           coef <- start
           eta <- etaold
           mu <- linkinv(eta)
         trA <- oo$trA;
         if (control$scale.est%in%c("pearson","fletcher","Pearson","Fletcher")) {
            pearson <- sum(weights*(y-mu)^2/family$variance(mu))
            scale.est <- (pearson+dev.extra)/(n.true-trA)
            if (control$scale.est%in%c("fletcher","Fletcher")) { ## Apply Fletcher (2012) correction
              ## note limited to 10 times Pearson...
              #s.bar = max(-.9,mean(family$dvar(mu)*(y-mu)*sqrt(weights)/family$variance(mu)))
	      s.bar = max(-.9,mean(family$dvar(mu)*(y-mu)/family$variance(mu)))
              if (is.finite(s.bar)) scale.est <- scale.est/(1+s.bar)
         } else { ## use the deviance estimator
           scale.est <- (dev+dev.extra)/(n.true-trA)

        reml.scale <- NA
	Vg=NULL ## empirical cov matrix for grad (see NCV)

        if (scoreType%in%c("REML","ML")) { ## use Laplace (RE)ML
          ls <- family$ls(y,weights,n,scale)*n.true/nobs ## saturated likelihood and derivatives
          Dp <- dev + oo$conv.tol + dev.extra
          REML <- (Dp/(2*scale) - ls[1])/gamma + oo$rank.tol/2 - rp$det/2 -
          attr(REML,"Dp") <- Dp/(2*scale)
          if (deriv) {
            REML1 <- oo$D1/(2*scale*gamma) + oo$trA1/2 - rp$det1/2 
            if (deriv==2) REML2 <- (matrix(oo$D2,nSp,nSp)/(scale*gamma) + matrix(oo$trA2,nSp,nSp) - rp$det2)/2
            if (sum(!is.finite(REML2))) {
               stop("Non finite derivatives. Try decreasing fit tolerance! See `epsilon' in `gam.contol'")
          if (!scale.known&&deriv) { ## need derivatives wrt log scale, too 
            ##ls <- family$ls(y,weights,n,scale) ## saturated likelihood and derivatives
            dlr.dlphi <- (-Dp/(2 *scale) - ls[2]*scale)/gamma - Mp/2*remlInd
            d2lr.d2lphi <- (Dp/(2*scale) - ls[3]*scale^2 - ls[2]*scale)/gamma
            d2lr.dspphi <- -oo$D1/(2*scale*gamma)
            REML1 <- c(REML1,dlr.dlphi)
            if (deriv==2) {
              REML2 <- rbind(REML2,as.numeric(d2lr.dspphi))
              REML2 <- cbind(REML2,c(as.numeric(d2lr.dspphi),d2lr.d2lphi))
          reml.scale <- scale
        } else if (scoreType%in%c("P-REML","P-ML")) { ## scale unknown use Pearson-Laplace REML
          reml.scale <- phi <- (oo$P*(nobs-Mp)+pearson.extra)/(n.true-Mp) ## REMLish scale estimate
          ## correct derivatives, if needed...
          oo$P1 <- oo$P1*(nobs-Mp)/(n.true-Mp)
          oo$P2 <- oo$P2*(nobs-Mp)/(n.true-Mp)

          ls <- family$ls(y,weights,n,phi)*n.true/nobs ## saturated likelihood and derivatives
          Dp <- dev + oo$conv.tol + dev.extra
          K <- oo$rank.tol/2 - rp$det/2
          REML <- (Dp/(2*phi) - ls[1]) + K - Mp/2*(log(2*pi*phi))*remlInd
          attr(REML,"Dp") <- Dp/(2*phi)
          if (deriv) {
            phi1 <- oo$P1; Dp1 <- oo$D1; K1 <- oo$trA1/2 - rp$det1/2;
            REML1 <- Dp1/(2*phi) - phi1*(Dp/(2*phi^2)+Mp/(2*phi)*remlInd + ls[2]) + K1
            if (deriv==2) {
                   phi2 <- matrix(oo$P2,nSp,nSp);Dp2 <- matrix(oo$D2,nSp,nSp)
                   K2 <- matrix(oo$trA2,nSp,nSp)/2 - rp$det2/2   
                   REML2 <- 
                   Dp2/(2*phi) - (outer(Dp1,phi1)+outer(phi1,Dp1))/(2*phi^2) +
                   (Dp/phi^3 - ls[3] + Mp/(2*phi^2)*remlInd)*outer(phi1,phi1) -
                   (Dp/(2*phi^2)+ls[2]+Mp/(2*phi)*remlInd)*phi2 + K2
        } else if (scoreType %in% "NCV") { ## neighbourhood cross validation
	   ## requires that neighbours are supplied in nei (if NULL) each point is its own
	   ## neighbour recovering LOOCV. nei$k[nei$m[i-1]+1):nei$m[i]] are the indices of
	   ## neighbours of point i, where nei$m[0]=0 by convention.
	   ww <- w1 <- rep(0,nobs)
	   ww[good] <- weg*(yg - mug)*mevg/var.mug
	   w1[good] <- w
	   eta.cv <- rep(0.0,length(nei$i))
	   deta.cv <- if (deriv) matrix(0.0,length(nei$i),length(rS)) else matrix(0.0,1,length(rS))
           if (nei$jackknife>2) { ## need coef changes for each NCV drop fold.
             dd <- matrix(0,ncol(x),length(nei$m))
	     if (deriv>0) stop("jackknife and derivatives requested together")
	     deriv1 <- -1 ## signal that coef changes to be returned
           } else { ## dd unused
             dd <- matrix(1.0,1,1);
	     deriv1 <- deriv
	   R <- try(chol(crossprod(x,w1*x)+St),silent=TRUE)
	   if (inherits(R,"try-error")) { ## use CG approach...
	     Hi <- tcrossprod(rV) ## inverse of penalized Expected Hessian - inverse actual Hessian probably better
             cg.iter <- .Call(C_ncv,x,Hi,ww,w1,db.drho,dw.drho,rS,nei$i-1,nei$mi,nei$m,nei$k-1,coef,exp(sp),eta.cv, deta.cv, dd, deriv1);
	     warn[[length(warn)+1]] <- "NCV positive definite update check not possible"
           } else { ## use Cholesky update approach
	     pdef.fails <- .Call(C_Rncv,x,R,ww,w1,db.drho,dw.drho,rS,nei$i-1,nei$mi,nei$m,nei$k-1,coef,exp(sp),eta.cv, deta.cv,
	                         dd, deriv1,.Machine$double.eps,control$ncv.threads);
	     if (pdef.fails) warn[[length(warn)+1]] <- "some NCV updates not positive definite"
	   if (family$qapprox) {
             NCV <- sum(wdr[nei$i]) + gamma*sum(-2*ww[nei$i]*(eta.cv-eta[nei$i]) + w1[nei$i]*(eta.cv-eta[nei$i])^2)
             if (deriv) {
	       deta <- x%*%db.drho
	       alpha1 <- if (fisher) 0 else (-(V1+g2) + (y-mu)*(V2-V1^2+g3-g2^2))/alpha
	       w3 <- w1/g1*(alpha1 - V1 - 2 * g2)
               ncv1 <- -2*ww[nei$i]*((1-gamma)*deta[nei$i,] + gamma*deta.cv) + 2*gamma*w1[nei$i]*(deta.cv*(eta.cv-eta[nei$i])) +
	                gamma*w3[nei$i]* deta[nei$i,]*(eta.cv-eta[nei$i])^2
           } else { ## exact version
             if (TRUE) {
	       ## version that doesn't just drop neighbourhood, but tries equivalent (gamma==2) perturbation beyond dropping
               eta.cv <- gamma*(eta.cv) - (gamma-1)*eta[nei$i]
	       if (deriv && gamma!=1) deta.cv <- gamma*(deta.cv) - (gamma-1)*(x%*%db.drho)[nei$i,,drop=FALSE]
	       gamma <- 1
     	     mu.cv <- linkinv(eta.cv)
	     NCV <- gamma*sum(dev.resids(y[nei$i],mu.cv,weights[nei$i])) - (gamma-1)*sum(wdr[nei$i]) ## the NCV score - simply LOOCV if nei(i) = i for all i
             if (deriv) {
               dev1 <- if (gamma==1) 0 else -2*(ww*(x%*%db.drho))[nei$i,,drop=FALSE]
               var.mug <- variance(mu.cv)
               mevg <- mu.eta(eta.cv)
	       mug <- mu.cv
	       ww1 <- weights[nei$i]*(y[nei$i]-mug)*mevg/var.mug
	       ww1[!is.finite(ww1)] <- 0
	       ncv1 <- -2*ww1*deta.cv*gamma - (gamma-1)*dev1
             } ## if deriv

           if (deriv) {
             NCV1 <- colSums(ncv1) ## grad
	     #attr(NCV1,"gjk") <- gjk ## jackknife grad estimate - incomplete - need qapprox version as well
	     Vg <- crossprod(ncv1) ## empirical cov matrix of grad

	   if (nei$jackknife>2) {
             nk <- c(nei$m[1],diff(nei$m)) ## dropped fold sizes
             jkw <- ((nobs-nk)/(nobs))^.4/sqrt(nk) ## jackknife weights
	     dd <-jkw*t(dd)%*%t(T)
	     #Vj <- crossprod(dd) ## jackknife cov matrix
             #attr(Vj,"dd") <- dd
             #attr(NCV,"Vj") <- Vj
	     attr(NCV,"dd") <- dd
	   attr(NCV,"eta.cv") <- eta.cv
	   if (deriv) attr(NCV,"deta.cv") <- deta.cv
	} else { ## GCV/GACV etc ....

           P <- oo$P
           delta <- nobs - gamma * trA
           delta.2 <- delta*delta           
           GCV <- nobs*dev/delta.2
           GACV <- dev/nobs + P * 2*gamma*trA/(delta * nobs) 

           UBRE <- dev/nobs - 2*delta*scale/nobs + scale
           if (deriv) {
             trA1 <- oo$trA1
             D1 <- oo$D1
             P1 <- oo$P1
             if (sum(!is.finite(D1))||sum(!is.finite(P1))||sum(!is.finite(trA1))) { 
               "Non-finite derivatives. Try decreasing fit tolerance! See `epsilon' in `gam.contol'")
             delta.3 <- delta*delta.2
             GCV1 <- nobs*D1/delta.2 + 2*nobs*dev*trA1*gamma/delta.3
             GACV1 <- D1/nobs + 2*P/delta.2 * trA1 + 2*gamma*trA*P1/(delta*nobs)

             UBRE1 <- D1/nobs + gamma * trA1 *2*scale/nobs
             if (deriv==2) {
               trA2 <- matrix(oo$trA2,nSp,nSp) 
               D2 <- matrix(oo$D2,nSp,nSp)
               P2 <- matrix(oo$P2,nSp,nSp)
               if (sum(!is.finite(D2))||sum(!is.finite(P2))||sum(!is.finite(trA2))) { 
                 "Non-finite derivatives. Try decreasing fit tolerance! See `epsilon' in `gam.contol'")
               GCV2 <- outer(trA1,D1)
               GCV2 <- (GCV2 + t(GCV2))*gamma*2*nobs/delta.3 +
                      6*nobs*dev*outer(trA1,trA1)*gamma*gamma/(delta.2*delta.2) + 
                      nobs*D2/delta.2 + 2*nobs*dev*gamma*trA2/delta.3  
               GACV2 <- D2/nobs + outer(trA1,trA1)*4*P/(delta.3) +
                      2 * P * trA2 / delta.2 + 2 * outer(trA1,P1)/delta.2 +
                      2 * outer(P1,trA1) *(1/(delta * nobs) + trA/(nobs*delta.2)) +
                      2 * trA * P2 /(delta * nobs) 
               GACV2 <- (GACV2 + t(GACV2))*.5
               UBRE2 <- D2/nobs +2*gamma * trA2 * scale / nobs
             } ## end if (deriv==2)
           } ## end if (deriv)
        } ## end !REML
        # end of inserted code
        if (!conv) 
              warn[[length(warn)+1]] <- "gam.fit3 algorithm did not converge"
        if (boundary) 
              warn[[length(warn)+1]] <- "gam.fit3 algorithm stopped at boundary value"
        eps <- 10 * .Machine$double.eps
        if (printWarn&&family$family[1] == "binomial") {
            if (any(mu > 1 - eps) || any(mu < eps)) 
                warn[[length(warn)+1]] <- "gam.fit3 fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred"
        if (printWarn&&family$family[1] == "poisson") {
            if (any(mu < eps)) 
                warn[[length(warn)+1]] <- "gam.fit3 fitted rates numerically 0 occurred"
        residuals <- rep.int(NA, nobs)
        residuals[good] <- z - (eta - offset)[good]
        ## undo reparameterization....
        coef <- as.numeric(T %*% coef)
        rV <- T %*% rV
        names(coef) <- xnames 
    } ### end if (!EMPTY)
    names(residuals) <- ynames
    names(mu) <- ynames
    names(eta) <- ynames
    ww <- wt <- rep.int(0, nobs)
    if (fisher) { wt[good] <- w; ww <- wt} else { 
      wt[good] <- wf  ## note that Fisher weights are returned
      ww[good] <- w
    names(wt) <- ynames
    names(weights) <- ynames
    names(y) <- ynames
    if (deriv) {
      db.drho <- T%*%db.drho
      if (nrow(dw.drho)!=nrow(x)) {
        w1 <- dw.drho
        dw.drho <- matrix(0,nrow(x),ncol(w1))
        dw.drho[good,] <- w1
    sumw <- sum(weights)
    wtdmu <- if (intercept) 
        sum(weights * y)/sumw
    else linkinv(offset)
    nulldev <- sum(dev.resids(y, wtdmu, weights))
    n.ok <- nobs - sum(weights == 0)
    nulldf <- n.ok - as.integer(intercept)

    ## use exact MLE scale param for aic in gaussian case, otherwise scale.est (unless known)
    dev1 <- if (scale.known) scale*sumw else if (family$family=="gaussian") dev else
            if (is.na(reml.scale)) scale.est*sumw else reml.scale*sumw  

    aic.model <- aic(y, n, mu, weights, dev1) # note: incomplete 2*edf needs to be added
    if (control$trace) {
      t1 <- proc.time()
      at <- sum((t1-t0)[c(1,4)])
      cat("Proportion time in C: ",(tc+tg)/at," ls:",tc/at," gdi:",tg/at,"\n")
    list(coefficients = coef, residuals = residuals, fitted.values = mu, 
         family = family, linear.predictors = eta, deviance = dev, 
        null.deviance = nulldev, iter = iter, weights = wt, working.weights=ww,prior.weights = weights, z=z,
        df.null = nulldf, y = y, converged = conv,##pearson.warning = pearson.warning,
        boundary = boundary,D1=D1,D2=D2,P=P,P1=P1,P2=P2,trA=trA,trA1=trA1,trA2=trA2,NCV=NCV,NCV1=NCV1,
        dw.drho=dw.drho,dVkk = matrix(oo$dVkk,nSp,nSp),ldetS1 = if (grderiv) rp$det1 else 0,
        scale.est=scale.est,reml.scale= reml.scale,aic=aic.model,rank=oo$rank.est,K=Kmat,warn=warn)
} ## end gam.fit3

Vb.corr <- function(X,L,lsp0,S,off,dw,w,rho,Vr,nth=0,scale.est=FALSE) {
## compute higher order Vb correction...
## If w is NULL then X should be root Hessian, and 
## dw is treated as if it was 0, otherwise X should be model 
## matrix.
## dw is derivative w.r.t. all the smoothing parameters and family parameters as if these 
## were not linked, but not the scale parameter, of course. Vr includes scale uncertainty,
## if scale estimated...
## nth is the number of initial elements of rho that are not smoothing 
## parameters, scale.est is TRUE if scale estimated by REML and must be
## dropped from s.p.s
  M <- length(off) ## number of penalty terms
  if (scale.est) {
    ## drop scale param from L, rho and Vr...
    rho <- rho[-length(rho)]
    if (!is.null(L)) L <- L[-nrow(L),-ncol(L),drop=FALSE]
    Vr <- Vr[-nrow(Vr),-ncol(Vr),drop=FALSE]
  if (is.null(lsp0)) lsp0 <- if (is.null(L)) rho*0 else rep(0,nrow(L))
  ## note that last element of lsp0 can be a scale parameter...
  lambda <- if (is.null(L)) exp(rho+lsp0[1:length(rho)]) else exp(L%*%rho + lsp0[1:nrow(L)])
  ## Re-create the Hessian, if is.null(w) then X assumed to be root
  ## unpenalized Hessian...
  H <- if (is.null(w)) crossprod(X) else H <- t(X)%*%(w*X)
  if (M>0) for (i in 1:M) {
      ind <- off[i] + 1:ncol(S[[i]]) - 1
      H[ind,ind] <- H[ind,ind] + lambda[i+nth] * S[[i]]

  R <- try(chol(H),silent=TRUE) ## get its Choleski factor.  
  if (inherits(R,"try-error")) return(0) ## bail out as Hessian insufficiently well conditioned
  ## Create dH the derivatives of the hessian w.r.t. (all) the smoothing parameters...
  dH <- list()
  if (length(lambda)>0) for (i in 1:length(lambda)) {
    ## If w==NULL use constant H approx...
    dH[[i]] <- if (is.null(w)) H*0 else t(X)%*%(dw[,i]*X) 
    if (i>nth) { 
      ind <- off[i-nth] + 1:ncol(S[[i-nth]]) - 1
      dH[[i]][ind,ind] <- dH[[i]][ind,ind] + lambda[i]*S[[i-nth]]
  ## If L supplied then dH has to be re-weighted to give
  ## derivatives w.r.t. optimization smoothing params.
  if (!is.null(L)) {
    dH1 <- dH;dH <- list()
    if (length(rho)>0) for (j in 1:length(rho)) { 
      ok <- FALSE ## dH[[j]] not yet created
      if (nrow(L)>0) for (i in 1:nrow(L)) if (L[i,j]!=0.0) { 
        dH[[j]] <- if (ok) dH[[j]] + dH1[[i]]*L[i,j] else dH1[[i]]*L[i,j]
        ok <- TRUE
  } ## dH now w.r.t. optimization parameters 
  if (length(dH)==0) return(0) ## nothing to correct

  ## Get derivatives of Choleski factor w.r.t. the smoothing parameters 
  dR <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(dH)) dR[[i]] <- dchol(dH[[i]],R) 
  ## need to transform all dR to dR^{-1} = -R^{-1} dR R^{-1}...
  for (i in 1:length(dR)) dR[[i]] <- -t(forwardsolve(t(R),t(backsolve(R,dR[[i]]))))
  ## BUT: dR, now upper triangular, and it relates to RR' = Vb not R'R = Vb
  ## in consequence of which Rz is the thing with the right distribution
  ## and not R'z...
  dbg <- FALSE
  if (dbg) { ## debugging code
    n.rep <- 10000;p <- ncol(R)
    r <- rmvn(n.rep,rep(0,M),Vr)
    b <- matrix(0,n.rep,p)
    for (i in 1:n.rep) {
      z <- rnorm(p)
      if (M>0) for (j in 1:M) b[i,] <- b[i,] + dR[[j]]%*%z*(r[i,j]) 
    Vfd <- crossprod(b)/n.rep

  vcorr(dR,Vr,FALSE) ## NOTE: unscaled!!
} ## Vb.corr

gam.fit3.post.proc <- function(X,L,lsp0,S,off,object,gamma) {
## get edf array and covariance matrices after a gam fit. 
## X is original model matrix, L the mapping from working to full sp
  scale <- if (object$scale.estimated) object$scale.est else object$scale
  Vb <- object$rV%*%t(object$rV)*scale ## Bayesian cov.

  # PKt <- object$rV%*%t(object$K)
  PKt <- .Call(C_mgcv_pmmult2,object$rV,object$K,0,1,object$control$nthreads)
  # F <- PKt%*%(sqrt(object$weights)*X)
  F <- .Call(C_mgcv_pmmult2,PKt,sqrt(object$weights)*X,0,0,object$control$nthreads)
  edf <- diag(F) ## effective degrees of freedom
  edf1 <- 2*edf - rowSums(t(F)*F) ## alternative

  ## edf <- rowSums(PKt*t(sqrt(object$weights)*X))
  ## Ve <- PKt%*%t(PKt)*object$scale  ## frequentist cov
  Ve <- F%*%Vb ## not quite as stable as above, but quicker
  hat <- rowSums(object$K*object$K)
  ## get QR factor R of WX - more efficient to do this
  ## in gdi_1 really, but that means making QR of augmented 
  ## a two stage thing, so not clear cut...
  WX <- sqrt(object$weights)*X
  qrx <- pqr(WX,object$control$nthreads)
  R <- pqr.R(qrx);R[,qrx$pivot] <- R
  if (!is.na(object$reml.scale)&&!is.null(object$db.drho)) { ## compute sp uncertainty correction
    hess <- object$outer.info$hess
    edge.correct <- if (is.null(attr(hess,"edge.correct"))) FALSE else TRUE
    K <- if (edge.correct) 2 else 1
    for (k in 1:K) {
      if (k==1) { ## fitted model computations
        db.drho <- object$db.drho
        dw.drho <- object$dw.drho
        lsp <- log(object$sp)
      } else { ## edge corrected model computations
        db.drho <- attr(hess,"db.drho1")
        dw.drho <- attr(hess,"dw.drho1")
        lsp <- attr(hess,"lsp1")
	hess <- attr(hess,"hess1")
      M <- ncol(db.drho)
      ## transform to derivs w.r.t. working, noting that an extra final row of L
      ## may be present, relating to scale parameter (for which db.drho is 0 since it's a scale parameter)  
      if (!is.null(L)) { 
        db.drho <- db.drho%*%L[1:M,,drop=FALSE] 
        M <- ncol(db.drho)
      ## extract cov matrix for log smoothing parameters...
      ev <- eigen(hess,symmetric=TRUE) 
      d <- ev$values;ind <- d <= 0
      d[ind] <- 0;d[!ind] <- 1/sqrt(d[!ind])
      rV <- (d*t(ev$vectors))[,1:M] ## root of cov matrix
      Vc <- crossprod(rV%*%t(db.drho))
      ## set a prior precision on the smoothing parameters, but don't use it to 
      ## fit, only to regularize Cov matrix. exp(4*var^.5) gives approx 
      ## multiplicative range. e.g. var = 5.3 says parameter between .01 and 100 times
      ## estimate. Avoids nonsense at `infinite' smoothing parameters.   
      d <- ev$values; d[ind] <- 0;
      d <- if (k==1) 1/sqrt(d+1/10) else 1/sqrt(d+1e-7)
      Vr <- crossprod(d*t(ev$vectors))
      ## Note that db.drho and dw.drho are derivatives w.r.t. full set of smoothing 
      ## parameters excluding any scale parameter, but Vr includes info for scale parameter
      ## if it has been estimated. 
      nth <- if (is.null(object$family$n.theta)) 0 else object$family$n.theta ## any parameters of family itself
      drop.scale <- object$scale.estimated && !(object$method %in% c("P-REML","P-ML"))
      Vc2 <- scale*Vb.corr(R,L,lsp0,S,off,dw.drho,w=NULL,lsp,Vr,nth,drop.scale)
      Vc <- Vb + Vc + Vc2 ## Bayesian cov matrix with sp uncertainty
      ## finite sample size check on edf sanity...
      if (k==1) { ## compute edf2 only with fitted model, not edge corrected
        edf2 <- rowSums(Vc*crossprod(R))/scale
        if (sum(edf2)>sum(edf1)) { 
          edf2 <- edf1
    } ## k loop

    V.sp <- Vr;attr(V.sp,"L") <- L;attr(V.sp,"spind") <- spind <- (nth+1):M
    ## EXPERIMENTAL ## NOTE: no L handling - what about incomplete z/w??
    #P <- Vb %*% X/scale
    if (FALSE) {
      sp <- object$sp[spind]
      beta <- object$coefficients
      w <- object$weights
      m <- length(off)
      M <- K <- matrix(0,length(w),m)
      for (i in 1:m) {
        ii <- 1:ncol(S[[i]])+off[i]-1
        Sb <- S[[i]] %*% beta[ii]*sp[i]/object$scale
	## don't forget Vb is inverse hessian times scale!
        K[,i] <- w * drop(X %*% (Vb[,ii] %*% Sb))/object$scale
        B <- Vb%*%drop(t(w*object$z) %*% X)
        M[,i] <- X%*% (Vb[,ii] %*% (S[[i]]%*%B[ii]))*sp[i]/object$scale^2
      ## Should following really just drop scale term?
      K <- K %*% Vr[spind,spind]
      edf3 <- sum(K*M)
      attr(edf2,"edf3") <- edf3
  } else V.sp <- edf2 <- Vc <- NULL
  ret <- list(Vp=Vb,Ve=Ve,V.sp=V.sp,edf=edf,edf1=edf1,edf2=edf2,hat=hat,F=F,R=R)
  if (is.null(object$Vc)) ret$Vc <- Vc
} ## gam.fit3.post.proc

score.transect <- function(ii, x, y, sp, Eb,UrS=list(), 
            weights = rep(1, length(y)), start = NULL, etastart = NULL, 
            mustart = NULL, offset = rep(0, length(y)),U1,Mp,family = gaussian(), 
            control = gam.control(), intercept = TRUE,deriv=2,
            gamma=1,scale=1,printWarn=TRUE,scoreType="REML",eps=1e-7,null.coef=rep(0,ncol(x)),...) {
## plot a transect through the score for sp[ii]
  np <- 200
  if (scoreType%in%c("REML","P-REML","ML","P-ML")) reml <- TRUE else reml <- FALSE
  score <- spi <- seq(-30,30,length=np)
  for (i in 1:np) {

     sp[ii] <- spi[i]
     b<-gam.fit3(x=x, y=y, sp=sp,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
      offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=0,

      if (reml) {
        score[i] <- b$REML
      } else if (scoreType=="GACV") {
        score[i] <- b$GACV
      } else if (scoreType=="UBRE"){
        score[i] <- b$UBRE 
      } else { ## default to deviance based GCV
        score[i] <- b$GCV
} ## score.transect

deriv.check <- function(x, y, sp, Eb,UrS=list(), 
            weights = rep(1, length(y)), start = NULL, etastart = NULL, 
            mustart = NULL, offset = rep(0, length(y)),U1,Mp,family = gaussian(), 
            control = gam.control(), intercept = TRUE,deriv=2,
## FD checking of derivatives: basically a debugging routine
   if (!deriv%in%c(1,2)) stop("deriv should be 1 or 2")
   if (control$epsilon>1e-9) control$epsilon <- 1e-9 
   b<-gam.fit3(x=x, y=y, sp=sp,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
      offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=deriv,

   P0 <- b$P;fd.P1 <- P10 <- b$P1;  if (deriv==2) fd.P2 <- P2 <- b$P2 
   trA0 <- b$trA;fd.gtrA <- gtrA0 <- b$trA1 ; if (deriv==2) fd.htrA <- htrA <- b$trA2 
   dev0 <- b$deviance;fd.D1 <- D10 <- b$D1 ; if (deriv==2) fd.D2 <- D2 <- b$D2 
   fd.db <- b$db.drho*0
   if (scoreType%in%c("REML","P-REML","ML","P-ML")) reml <- TRUE else reml <- FALSE
   sname <- if (reml) "REML" else scoreType
   sname1 <- paste(sname,"1",sep=""); sname2 <- paste(sname,"2",sep="")
   if (scoreType=="NCV") reml <- TRUE ## to avoid un-needed stuff

   score0 <- b[[sname]];grad0 <- b[[sname1]]; if (deriv==2) hess <- b[[sname2]] 

   fd.grad <- grad0*0
   if (deriv==2) fd.hess <- hess
   diter <- rep(20,length(sp))
   for (i in 1:length(sp)) {
     sp1 <- sp;sp1[i] <- sp[i]+eps/2
     bf<-gam.fit3(x=x, y=y, sp=sp1,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
      offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=deriv,
     sp1 <- sp;sp1[i] <- sp[i]-eps/2
     bb<-gam.fit3(x=x, y=y, sp=sp1, Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
      offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=deriv,
     diter[i] <- bf$iter - bb$iter ## check iteration count same 
     if (i<=ncol(fd.db)) fd.db[,i] <- (bf$coefficients - bb$coefficients)/eps

      if (!reml) {
        Pb <- bb$P;Pf <- bf$P 
        P1b <- bb$P1;P1f <- bf$P1
        trAb <- bb$trA;trAf <- bf$trA
        gtrAb <- bb$trA1;gtrAf <- bf$trA1
        devb <- bb$deviance;devf <- bf$deviance
        D1b <- bb$D1;D1f <- bf$D1

      scoreb <- bb[[sname]];scoref <- bf[[sname]];
      if (deriv==2) { gradb <- bb[[sname1]];gradf <- bf[[sname1]]}

      if (!reml) {
        fd.P1[i] <- (Pf-Pb)/eps
        fd.gtrA[i] <- (trAf-trAb)/eps
        fd.D1[i] <- (devf - devb)/eps
      fd.grad[i] <- (scoref-scoreb)/eps
      if (deriv==2) { 
        fd.hess[,i] <- (gradf-gradb)/eps
        if (!reml) {
          fd.htrA[,i] <- (gtrAf-gtrAb)/eps
          fd.P2[,i] <- (P1f-P1b)/eps
          fd.D2[,i] <- (D1f-D1b)/eps
   if (!reml) {
     cat("\n Pearson Statistic... \n")
     cat("grad    ");print(P10)
     cat("fd.grad ");print(fd.P1)
     if (deriv==2) {
       fd.P2 <- .5*(fd.P2 + t(fd.P2))

     cat("\n\n tr(A)... \n")
     cat("grad    ");print(gtrA0)
     cat("fd.grad ");print(fd.gtrA)
     if (deriv==2) {
       fd.htrA <- .5*(fd.htrA + t(fd.htrA))

     cat("\n Deviance... \n")
     cat("grad    ");print(D10)
     cat("fd.grad ");print(fd.D1)
     if (deriv==2) {
       fd.D2 <- .5*(fd.D2 + t(fd.D2))

   for (i in 1:ncol(fd.db)) points(b$db.drho[,i],fd.db[,i],pch=19,cex=.3,col=i)

   cat("\n\n The objective...\n")
   cat("diter    ");print(diter)
   cat("grad    ");print(as.numeric(grad0))
   cat("fd.grad ");print(as.numeric(fd.grad))
   if (deriv==2) {
     fd.hess <- .5*(fd.hess + t(fd.hess))
} ## deriv.check

rt <- function(x,r1) {
## transform of x, asymptoting to values in r1
## returns derivatives wrt to x as well as transform values
## r1[i] == NA for no transform 
  x <- as.numeric(x)
  ind <- x>0 
  rho2 <- rho1 <- rho <- 0*x
  if (length(r1)==1) r1 <- x*0+r1
  h <- exp(x[ind])/(1+exp(x[ind]))
  h1 <- h*(1-h);h2 <- h1*(1-2*h)
  rho[ind] <- r1[ind]*(h-0.5)*2
  rho1[ind] <- r1[ind]*h1*2
  rho2[ind] <- r1[ind]*h2*2
  rho[!ind] <- r1[!ind]*x[!ind]/2
  rho1[!ind] <- r1[!ind]/2
  ind <- is.na(r1)
  rho[ind] <- x[ind]
  rho1[ind] <- 1
  rho2[ind] <- 0
} ## rt

rti <- function(r,r1) {
## inverse of rti.
  r <- as.numeric(r)
  ind <- r>0
  x <- r
  if (length(r1)==1) r1 <- x*0+r1
  r2 <- r[ind]*.5/r1[ind] + .5
  x[ind] <- log(r2/(1-r2))
  x[!ind] <- 2*r[!ind]/r1[!ind]
  ind <- is.na(r1)
  x[ind] <- r[ind]
} ## rti

simplyFit <- function(lsp,X,y,Eb,UrS,L,lsp0,offset,U1,Mp,family,weights,
                   mustart = NULL,null.coef=rep(0,ncol(X)),Sl=Sl,nei=NULL,...)
## function with same argument list as `newton' and `bfgs' which simply fits
## the model given the supplied smoothing parameters...
{ reml <- scoreType%in%c("REML","P-REML","ML","P-ML") ## REML/ML indicator
  sname <- if (reml) "REML" else scoreType
  ## sanity check L
  if (is.null(L)) L <- diag(length(lsp)) else {
    if (!inherits(L,"matrix")) stop("L must be a matrix.")
    if (nrow(L)<ncol(L)) stop("L must have at least as many rows as columns.")
    if (nrow(L)!=length(lsp0)||ncol(L)!=length(lsp)) stop("L has inconsistent dimensions.")
  if (is.null(lsp0)) lsp0 <- rep(0,ncol(L))
  ## initial fit

  b<-gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp+lsp0, Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
     offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=0,

  if (!is.null(b$warn)&&length(b$warn)>0) for (i in 1:length(b$warn)) warning(b$warn[[i]])
  score <- b[[sname]]

  list(score=score,lsp=lsp,lsp.full=L%*%lsp+lsp0,grad=NULL,hess=NULL,score.hist=NULL,iter=0,conv =NULL,object=b)

} ## simplyFit

newton <- function(lsp,X,y,Eb,UrS,L,lsp0,offset,U1,Mp,family,weights,
                   mustart = NULL,null.coef=rep(0,ncol(X)),pearson.extra,
## Newton optimizer for GAM reml/gcv/aic optimization that can cope with an 
## indefinite Hessian. Main enhancements are: 
## i) always perturbs the Hessian to +ve definite if indefinite 
## ii) step halves on step failure, without obtaining derivatives until success; 
## (iii) carries start values forward from one evaluation to next to speed convergence;
## iv) Always tries the steepest descent direction as well as the 
##     Newton direction for indefinite problems (step length on steepest trial could
##     be improved here - currently simply halves until descent achieved).    
## L is the matrix such that L%*%lsp + lsp0 gives the logs of the smoothing 
## parameters actually multiplying the S[[i]]'s
## NOTE: an obvious acceleration would use db/dsp to produce improved
##       starting values at each iteration... 
{ ##  inner iteration results need to be accurate enough for conv.tol...
  if (control$epsilon>conv.tol/100) control$epsilon <- conv.tol/100 

  reml <- scoreType%in%c("REML","P-REML","ML","P-ML") ## REML/ML indicator

  sname <- if (reml) "REML" else scoreType
  sname1 <- paste(sname,"1",sep=""); sname2 <- paste(sname,"2",sep="")

  ## sanity check L
  if (is.null(L)) L <- diag(length(lsp)) else {
    if (!inherits(L,"matrix")) stop("L must be a matrix.")
    if (nrow(L)<ncol(L)) stop("L must have at least as many rows as columns.")
    if (nrow(L)!=length(lsp0)||ncol(L)!=length(lsp)) stop("L has inconsistent dimensions.")
  if (is.null(lsp0)) lsp0 <- rep(0,nrow(L)) 

  if (reml&&FALSE) { ## NOTE: routine set up to allow upper limits on lsp, but turned off.
    frob.X <- sqrt(sum(X*X))
    lsp.max <- rep(NA,length(lsp0))
    for (i in 1:nrow(L)) { 
      lsp.max[i] <- 16 + log(frob.X/sqrt(sum(UrS[[i]]^2))) - lsp0[i]
      if (lsp.max[i]<2) lsp.max[i] <- 2
  } else lsp.max <- NULL

  if (!is.null(lsp.max)) { ## then there are upper limits on lsp's
    lsp1.max <- coef(lm(lsp.max-lsp0~L-1)) ## get upper limits on lsp1 scale
    ind <- lsp>lsp1.max
    lsp[ind] <- lsp1.max[ind]-1 ## reset lsp's already over limit
    delta <- rti(lsp,lsp1.max) ## initial optimization parameters
  } else { ## optimization parameters are just lsp
    delta <- lsp

  ## code designed to be turned on during debugging...
  check.derivs <- FALSE;sp.trace <- FALSE
  if (check.derivs) {
     deriv <- 2
     eps <- 1e-4
     deriv.check(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp+lsp0, Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
         offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=deriv,


  ## ... end of debugging code 

  ## initial fit
  initial.lsp <- lsp ## used if edge correcting to set direction of correction
  b<-gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
     offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=2,

  mustart <- b$fitted.values
  etastart <- b$linear.predictors
  start <- b$coefficients
  old.score <- score <- b[[sname]];grad <- b[[sname1]];hess <- b[[sname2]]
  grad <- t(L)%*%grad
  hess <- t(L)%*%hess%*%L

  if (!is.null(lsp.max)) { ## need to transform to delta space
    rho <- rt(delta,lsp1.max)
    nr <- length(rho$rho1)
    hess <- diag(rho$rho1,nr,nr)%*%hess%*%diag(rho$rho1,nr,nr) + diag(rho$rho2*grad)
    grad <- rho$rho1*grad

  if (reml) score.scale <- abs(log(b$scale.est)) + abs(score) else 
  score.scale <- b$scale.est + abs(score)    
  uconv.ind <- abs(grad) > score.scale*conv.tol
  ## check for all converged too soon, and undo !
  if (!sum(uconv.ind)) uconv.ind <- uconv.ind | TRUE
  score.hist <- rep(NA,200)
  ## Start of Newton iteration.... 
  qerror.thresh <- .8 ## quadratic approx error to tolerate in a step
  for (i in 1:200) {
   if (control$trace) {
     cat("\n",i,"newton max(|grad|) =",max(abs(grad)),"\n")
   ## debugging code for checking derivatives ....
   okc <- check.derivs 
   while (okc) {
     okc <- FALSE
     eps <- 1e-4
     deriv <- 2
     if (okc) { ## optional call to fitting to facilitate debugging 
       trial.der <- 2 ## can reset if derivs not wanted
       b <- gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
         offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=trial.der,
     deriv.check(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp+lsp0, Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
         offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=deriv,
     if (inherits(family,"general.family")) { ## call gam.fit5 checking
       eps <- 1e-6
       spe <- 1e-3
       er <- deriv.check5(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp+lsp0, 
            weights = weights, start = start,
            offset = offset,Mp=Mp,family = family, 
            control = control,deriv=deriv,eps=eps,spe=spe,
            Sl=Sl,nei=nei,...) ## ignore codetools warning
   } ## end of derivative checking

    ## exclude dimensions from Newton step when the derviative is
    ## tiny relative to largest, as this space is likely to be poorly
    ## modelled on scale of Newton step...
    uconv.ind1 <- uconv.ind & abs(grad)>max(abs(grad))*.001 
    if (sum(uconv.ind1)==0) uconv.ind1 <- uconv.ind ## nothing left reset
    if (sum(uconv.ind)==0) uconv.ind[which(abs(grad)==max(abs(grad)))] <- TRUE ## need at least 1 to update
    ## exclude apparently converged gradients from computation
    hess1 <- hess[uconv.ind,uconv.ind] 
    grad1 <- grad[uconv.ind]
    ## get the trial step ...
    eh <- eigen(hess1,symmetric=TRUE)
    d <- eh$values;U <- eh$vectors
    indef <- (sum(-d > abs(d[1])*.Machine$double.eps^.5)>0) ## indefinite problem
    ## need a different test if there is only one smoothing parameter,
    ## otherwise infinite sp can count as always indefinite...
    if (indef && length(d)==1) indef <- d < -score.scale * .Machine$double.eps^.5
    ## set eigen-values to their absolute value - heuristically appealing
    ## as it avoids very long steps being proposed for indefinte components,
    ## unlike setting -ve e.v.s to very small +ve constant...
    ind <- d < 0
    pdef <- if (sum(ind)>0) FALSE else TRUE ## is it positive definite? 
    d[ind] <- -d[ind] ## see Gill Murray and Wright p107/8
    low.d <- max(d)*.Machine$double.eps^.7
    ind <- d < low.d
    if (sum(ind)>0) pdef <- FALSE ## not certain it is positive definite
    d[ind] <- low.d 
    ind <- d != 0
    d[ind] <- 1/d[ind]
    Nstep <- 0 * grad
    Nstep[uconv.ind] <- -drop(U%*%(d*(t(U)%*%grad1))) # (modified) Newton direction
    Sstep <- -grad/max(abs(grad)) # steepest descent direction 

    ms <- max(abs(Nstep)) ## note smaller permitted step if !pdef
    mns <- maxNstep

    if (ms>maxNstep) Nstep <- mns * Nstep/ms
    sd.unused <- TRUE ## steepest descent direction not yet tried

    ## try the step ...
    if (sp.trace) cat(lsp,"\n")

    if (!is.null(lsp.max)) { ## need to take step in delta space
      delta1 <- delta + Nstep
      lsp1 <- rt(delta1,lsp1.max)$rho ## transform to log sp space
      while (max(abs(lsp1-lsp))>maxNstep) { ## make sure step is not too long
        Nstep <- Nstep / 2 
        delta1 <- delta + Nstep
        lsp1 <- rt(delta1,lsp1.max)$rho
    } else lsp1 <- lsp + Nstep

    ## if pdef==TRUE then get grad and hess immediately, otherwise postpone as
    ## the steepest descent direction should be tried as well as Newton

    b <- gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp1+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
         offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=as.numeric(pdef)*2,

    ## get the change predicted for this step according to the quadratic model
    pred.change <- sum(grad*Nstep) + 0.5*t(Nstep) %*% hess %*% Nstep
    score1 <- b[[sname]]
    ## accept if improvement, else step halve
    ii <- 0 ## step halving counter
    score.change <- score1 - score
    qerror <- abs(pred.change-score.change)/(max(abs(pred.change),abs(score.change))+score.scale*conv.tol) ## quadratic approx error
    if (is.finite(score1) && score.change<0 && pdef && qerror < qerror.thresh) { ## immediately accept step if it worked and positive definite
      old.score <- score 
      mustart <- b$fitted.values
      etastart <- b$linear.predictors
      start <- b$coefficients
      lsp <- lsp1
      score <- b[[sname]]; grad <- b[[sname1]]; hess <- b[[sname2]] 
      grad <- t(L)%*%grad
      hess <- t(L)%*%hess%*%L
      if (!is.null(lsp.max)) { ## need to transform to delta space
        delta <- delta1
        rho <- rt(delta,lsp1.max)
        nr <- length(rho$rho1)
        hess <- diag(rho$rho1,nr,nr)%*%hess%*%diag(rho$rho1,nr,nr) + diag(rho$rho2*grad)
        grad <- rho$rho1*grad

    } else if (!is.finite(score1) || score1>=score||qerror >= qerror.thresh) { ## initial step failed, try step halving ...
      step <- Nstep ## start with the (pseudo) Newton direction
      while ((!is.finite(score1) || score1>=score ||qerror >= qerror.thresh) && ii < maxHalf) {
        if (ii==3&&i<10) { ## Newton really not working - switch to SD, but keeping step length 
          s.length <- min(sum(step^2)^.5,maxSstep)
          step <- Sstep*s.length/sum(Sstep^2)^.5 ## use steepest descent direction
          sd.unused <- FALSE ## signal that SD already tried
        } else step <- step/2
        if (!is.null(lsp.max)) { ## need to take step in delta space
          delta1 <- delta + step
          lsp1 <- rt(delta1,lsp1.max)$rho ## transform to log sp space
        } else lsp1 <- lsp + step
        b1<-gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp1+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,
	             family = family,weights=weights,deriv=0,control=control,gamma=gamma,
        pred.change <- sum(grad*step) + 0.5*t(step) %*% hess %*% step ## Taylor prediction of change 
        score1 <- b1[[sname]]

	score.change <- score1 - score
	## don't allow step to fail altogether just because of qerror
	qerror <- if (ii>min(4,maxHalf/2)) qerror.thresh/2 else
	          abs(pred.change-score.change)/(max(abs(pred.change),abs(score.change))+score.scale*conv.tol) ## quadratic approx error
        if (is.finite(score1) && score.change < 0 && qerror < qerror.thresh) { ## accept
          if (pdef||!sd.unused) { ## then accept and compute derivatives
            b <- gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp1+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
                 offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=2,
            mustart <- b$fitted.values 
            etastart <- b$linear.predictors
            start <- b$coefficients
            old.score <- score;lsp <- lsp1
            score <- b[[sname]];grad <- b[[sname1]];hess <- b[[sname2]] 

            grad <- t(L)%*%grad
            hess <- t(L)%*%hess%*%L
            if (!is.null(lsp.max)) { ## need to transform to delta space
               delta <- delta1
               rho <- rt(delta,lsp1.max)
               nr <- length(rho$rho1)
               hess <- diag(rho$rho1,nr,nr)%*%hess%*%diag(rho$rho1,nr,nr) + diag(rho$rho2*grad)
               grad <- rho$rho1*grad
          } else { ## still need to try the steepest descent step to see if it does better
            b <- b1
            score2 <- score1 ## store temporarily and restore below
          score1 <- score - abs(score) - 1 ## make sure that score1 < score (restore once out of loop)
        }  # end of if (score1<= score ) # accept
        if (!is.finite(score1) || score1>=score || qerror >= qerror.thresh) ii <- ii + 1
      } ## end while (score1>score && ii < maxHalf)
      if (!pdef&&sd.unused&&ii<maxHalf) score1 <- score2 ## restored (not needed if termination on ii==maxHalf)
    } ## end of step halving branch

    ## if the problem is not positive definite, and the sd direction has not 
    ## yet been tried then it should be tried now, and the better of the 
    ## newton and steepest steps used (before computing the derivatives)
    ## score1, lsp1 (delta1) contain the best so far...

    if (!pdef&&sd.unused) {
      step <- Sstep*2
      kk <- 0;score2 <- NA
      ok <- TRUE
      while (ok) { ## step length loop for steepest....
        step <- step/2;kk <- kk+1
        if (!is.null(lsp.max)) { ## need to take step in delta space
          delta3 <- delta + step
          lsp3 <- rt(delta3,lsp1.max)$rho ## transform to log sp space
        } else lsp3 <- lsp + step
        b1 <- gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp3+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
              offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=0,
	pred.change <- sum(grad*step) + 0.5*t(step) %*% hess %*% step ## Taylor prediction of change 
        score3 <- b1[[sname]]
	score.change <- score3 - score
        qerror <- abs(pred.change-score.change)/(max(abs(pred.change),abs(score.change))+score.scale*conv.tol) ## quadratic approx error 
        if (!is.finite(score2)||(is.finite(score3)&&score3<=score2&&qerror<qerror.thresh)) { ## record step - best SD step so far
          score2 <- score3
          lsp2 <- lsp3
          if (!is.null(lsp.max)) delta2 <- delta3
        ## stop when improvement found, and shorter step is worse...
        if ((is.finite(score2)&&is.finite(score3)&&score2<score&&score3>score2)||kk==40) ok <- FALSE
      } ## while (ok) ## step length control loop

      ## now pick the step that led to the biggest decrease  

      if (is.finite(score2) && score2<score1) {
        lsp1 <- lsp2
        if (!is.null(lsp.max)) delta1 <- delta2
        score1 <- score2

      ## and compute derivatives for the accepted step....

      b <- gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp1+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
                 offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=2,
      mustart <- b$fitted.values 
      etastart <- b$linear.predictors
      start <- b$coefficients
      old.score <- score;lsp <- lsp1
      score <- b[[sname]]; grad <- b[[sname1]]; hess <- b[[sname2]]  

      grad <- t(L)%*%grad
      hess <- t(L)%*%hess%*%L
      if (!is.null(lsp.max)) { ## need to transform to delta space
          delta <- delta1
          rho <- rt(delta,lsp1.max)
          nr <- length(rho$rho1)
          hess <- diag(rho$rho1,nr,nr)%*%hess%*%diag(rho$rho1,nr,nr) + diag(rho$rho2*grad)
          grad <- rho$rho1*grad

    } ## end of steepest descent trial for indefinite problems

    ## record current score
    score.hist[i] <- score 
    ## test for convergence
    converged <- !indef ## not converged if indefinite
    if (reml) score.scale <- abs(log(b$scale.est)) + abs(score) else
    score.scale <- abs(b$scale.est) + abs(score)
    grad2 <- diag(hess)    
    uconv.ind <- (abs(grad) > score.scale*conv.tol*.1)|(abs(grad2)>score.scale*conv.tol*.1)
    if (sum(abs(grad)>score.scale*conv.tol*5)) converged <- FALSE
    if (abs(old.score-score)>score.scale*conv.tol) { 
      if (converged) uconv.ind <- uconv.ind | TRUE ## otherwise can't progress
      converged <- FALSE      
    if (ii==maxHalf) converged <- TRUE ## step failure
    if (converged) break
  } ## end of iteration loop
  if (ii==maxHalf) { 
    ct <- "step failed"
    warning("Fitting terminated with step failure - check results carefully")
  } else if (i==200) { 
    ct <- "iteration limit reached"
    warning("Iteration limit reached without full convergence - check carefully")
  } else ct <- "full convergence"
  b$dVkk <- NULL
  if (as.logical(edge.correct)&&reml) {
    ## for those smoothing parameters that appear to be at working infinity
    ## reduce them until there is a detectable increase in RE/ML...
    flat <- which(abs(grad2) < abs(grad)*100) ## candidates for reduction
    REML <- b[[sname]]
    alpha <- if (is.logical(edge.correct)) .02 else abs(edge.correct) ## target RE/ML change per sp
    b1 <- b; lsp1 <- lsp
    if (length(flat)) {
      step <- as.numeric(initial.lsp > lsp)*2-1 ## could use sign here 
      for (i in flat) {
        REML <- b1$REML + alpha
        while (b1$REML < REML) {
          lsp1[i] <- lsp1[i] + step[i]
          b1 <- gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp1+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
              offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=0,
    } ## if length(flat) 
    b1 <- gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp1+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
                 offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=2,
    score1 <- b1[[sname]];grad1 <- b1[[sname1]];hess1 <- b1[[sname2]] 
    grad1 <- t(L)%*%grad1
    hess1 <- t(L)%*%hess1%*%L
    if (!is.null(lsp.max)) { ## need to transform to delta space
               delta <- delta1
               rho <- rt(delta,lsp1.max)
               nr <- length(rho$rho1)
               hess1 <- diag(rho$rho1,nr,nr)%*%hess1%*%diag(rho$rho1,nr,nr) + diag(rho$rho2*grad1)
               grad1 <- rho$rho1*grad1
    attr(hess,"edge.correct") <- TRUE
    attr(hess,"hess1") <- hess1
    attr(hess,"db.drho1") <- b1$db.drho
    attr(hess,"dw.drho1") <- b1$dw.drho
    attr(hess,"lsp1") <- lsp1
    attr(hess,"rp") <- b1$rp
  } ## if edge.correct
  ## report any warnings from inner loop if outer not converged...
  #if (!is.null(b$warn)&&length(b$warn)>0&&ct!="full convergence") for (i in 1:length(b$warn)) warning(b$warn[[i]])
  if (!is.null(b$warn)&&length(b$warn)>0) for (i in 1:length(b$warn)) warning(b$warn[[i]])
       conv =ct,score.hist = score.hist[!is.na(score.hist)],object=b)
} ## newton

bfgs <-  function(lsp,X,y,Eb,UrS,L,lsp0,offset,U1,Mp,family,weights,
                   mustart = NULL,null.coef=rep(0,ncol(X)),pearson.extra=0,

## BFGS optimizer to estimate smoothing parameters of models fitted by
## gam.fit3....
## L is the matrix such that L%*%lsp + lsp0 gives the logs of the smoothing 
## parameters actually multiplying the S[[i]]'s. sp's do not include the 
## log scale parameter here.
## BFGS is based on Nocedal & Wright (2006) Numerical Optimization, Springer.
## In particular the step lengths are chosen to meet the Wolfe conditions
## using their algorithms 3.5 (p60) and 3.6 (p61). On p143 they recommend a post step
## adjustment to the initial Hessian. I can't understand why one would do anything
## other than adjust so that the initial Hessian would give the step taken, and
## indeed the latter adjustment seems to give faster convergence than their 
## proposal, and is therefore implemented.
{ zoom <- function(lo,hi) {
  ## local function implementing Algorithm 3.6 of Nocedal & Wright
  ## (2006, p61) Numerical Optimization. Relies on R scoping rules. 
  ## alpha.lo and alpha.hi are the bracketing step lengths.
  ## This routine bisection searches for a step length that meets the
  ## Wolfe conditions. lo and hi are both objects containing fields
  ## `score', `alpha', `dscore', where `dscore' is the derivative of 
  ## the score in the current step direction, `grad' and `mustart'. 
  ## `dscore' will be NULL if the gradiant has yet to be evaluated.
    for (i in 1:40) {
      trial <- list(alpha = (lo$alpha+hi$alpha)/2)
      lsp <- ilsp + step * trial$alpha
      b <- gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
           offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=0,

      trial$mustart <- fitted(b)
      trial$scale.est <- b$scale.est ## previously dev, but this differs from newton
      trial$start <- coef(b)
      trial$score <- b[[sname]]
      if (trial$score>initial$score+trial$alpha*c1*initial$dscore||trial$score>=lo$score) {
        hi <- trial ## failed Wolfe 1 - insufficient decrease - step too long
      } else { ## met Wolfe 1 so check Wolve 2 - sufficiently positive second derivative?

        b <- gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
           offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=1,

        trial$grad <- t(L)%*%b[[sname1]];
        trial$dVkk <- diag(t(L0) %*% b$dVkk %*% L0)
        trial$scale.est <- b$scale.est;rm(b);
        trial$dscore <- sum(step*trial$grad) ## directional derivative
        if (abs(trial$dscore) <= -c2*initial$dscore) return(trial) ## met Wolfe 2

        ## failed Wolfe 2 derivative not increased enough
        if (trial$dscore*(hi$alpha-lo$alpha)>=0) {
          hi <- lo }  
        lo <- trial 
    } ## end while(TRUE)
    return(NULL) ## failed
  } ## end zoom

  if (control$epsilon>conv.tol/100) control$epsilon <- conv.tol/100

  reml <- scoreType%in%c("REML","P-REML","ML","P-ML") ## REML/ML indicator

  sname <- if (reml) "REML" else scoreType ## name of score 
  sname1 <- paste(sname,"1",sep="")        ## names of its derivative

  ## sanity check L
  if (is.null(L)) L <- diag(length(lsp)) else {
    if (!inherits(L,"matrix")) stop("L must be a matrix.")
    if (nrow(L)<ncol(L)) stop("L must have at least as many rows as columns.")
    if (nrow(L)!=length(lsp0)||ncol(L)!=length(lsp)) stop("L has inconsistent dimensions.")
  if (is.null(lsp0)) lsp0 <- rep(0,nrow(L))
  ## initial fit...

  initial.lsp <- ilsp <- lsp

  b <- gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%ilsp+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
               offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=1,

  initial <- list(alpha = 0,mustart=b$fitted.values,start=coef(b))
  score <- b[[sname]];grad <- t(L)%*%b[[sname1]];

  ## dVkk only refers to smoothing parameters, but sp may contain
  ## extra parameters at start and scale parameter at end. Have
  ## to reduce L accordingly... 
  if (!is.null(family$n.theta)&&family$n.theta>0) {
    ind <- 1:family$n.theta
    nind <- ncol(L) - family$n.theta - if (family$n.theta + nrow(b$dVkk)<nrow(L)) 1 else 0 
    spind <- if (nind>0) family$n.theta+1:nind else rep(0,0)
    rspind <- family$n.theta + 1:nrow(b$dVkk)
  } else {
    nind <- ncol(L) - if (nrow(b$dVkk)<nrow(L)) 1 else 0 
    spind <- if (nind>0) 1:nind else rep(0,0) ## index of smooth parameters
    rspind <- 1:nrow(b$dVkk)
  L0 <- L[rspind,spind] ##if (nrow(L)!=nrow(b$dVkk)) L[spind,spind] else L
  initial$dVkk <- diag(t(L0) %*% b$dVkk %*% L0)
  initial$score <- score;initial$grad <- grad;
  initial$scale.est <- b$scale.est

  if (reml) score.scale <- 1 + abs(initial$score) 
            else score.scale <- abs(initial$scale.est) + abs(initial$score)   
  start0 <- coef(b)
  mustart0 <- fitted(b)

  B <- diag(length(initial$grad)) ## initial Hessian
  feps <- 1e-4;fdgrad <- grad*0
  for (i in 1:length(lsp)) { ## loop to FD for Hessian
     ilsp <- lsp;ilsp[i] <- ilsp[i] + feps 
     b <- gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%ilsp+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
               offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=1,
     grad1 <- t(L)%*%b[[sname1]];
     fdgrad[i] <- (b[[sname]]-score)/feps ## get FD grad for free - useful for debug checks
     B[i,] <- (grad1-grad)/feps 
  } ## end of FD Hessian loop
  ## force initial Hessian to +ve def and invert... 
  B <- (B+t(B))/2
  eb <- eigen(B,symmetric=TRUE)
  eb$values <- abs(eb$values)
  thresh <- max(eb$values) * 1e-4
  eb$values[eb$values<thresh] <- thresh
  B <- eb$vectors%*%(t(eb$vectors)/eb$values)
  ilsp <- lsp
  max.step <- 200

  c1 <- 1e-4;c2 <- .9 ## Wolfe condition constants

  score.hist <- rep(NA,max.step+1)
  score.hist[1] <- initial$score

  check.derivs <- FALSE;eps <- 1e-5

  uconv.ind <- rep(TRUE,ncol(B))
  rolled.back <- FALSE 

  for (i in 1:max.step) { ## the main BFGS loop
    ## get the trial step ...
    step <- initial$grad*0
    step[uconv.ind] <- -B[uconv.ind,uconv.ind]%*%initial$grad[uconv.ind]

    ## following tends to have lower directional grad than above (or full version commented out below)
    #step <- -drop(B%*%initial$grad)
    ## following line would mess up conditions under which Wolfe guarantees update,
    ## *if* based only on grad and not grad and hess...  
    #step[!uconv.ind] <- 0 ## don't move if apparently converged 
    if (sum(step*initial$grad)>=0) { ## step not descending!
      ## Following would really be in the positive definite space... 
      ##step[uconv.ind] <- -solve(chol2inv(chol(B))[uconv.ind,uconv.ind],initial$grad[uconv.ind])
      step <- -diag(B)*initial$grad ## simple scaled steepest descent 
      step[!uconv.ind] <- 0 ## don't move if apparently converged 

    ms <- max(abs(step))
    trial <- list()
    if (ms>maxNstep) { 
      trial$alpha <- maxNstep/ms
      alpha.max <- trial$alpha*1.05
      ## step <- maxNstep * step/ms
      #alpha.max <- 1 ## was 50 in place of 1 here and below
    } else {
      trial$alpha <- 1 
      alpha.max <- min(2,maxNstep/ms) ## 1*maxNstep/ms
    initial$dscore <- sum(step*initial$grad)
    prev <- initial

    deriv <- 1 ## only get derivatives immediately for initial step length   
    while(TRUE) { ## step length control Alg 3.5 of N&W (2006, p60)
      lsp <- ilsp + trial$alpha*step
      b <- gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
                    offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=deriv,
     ### Derivative testing code. Not usually called and not part of BFGS...
     ok <- check.derivs
     while (ok) { ## derivative testing
       #deriv <- 1
       ok <- FALSE ## set to TRUE to re-run (e.g. with different eps)
       deriv.check(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp+lsp0, Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
         offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=1,
       ## deal with fact that deriv might be 0...	 
       bb <- if (deriv==1) b else gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
                    offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=1,
       #fdH <- bb$dH
       fdb.dr <- bb$db.drho*0
       if (!is.null(bb$NCV)) {
         deta.cv <-  attr(bb$NCV,"deta.cv")
	 fd.eta <- deta.cv*0
       for (j in 1:ncol(fdb.dr)) { ## check dH and db.drho
         lsp1 <- lsp;lsp1[j] <- lsp[j] + eps
         ba <- gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp1+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
                    offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=1,
        # fdH[[j]] <- (ba$H - bb$H)/eps
         fdb.dr[,j] <- (ba$coefficients - bb$coefficients)/eps
	 if (!is.null(bb$NCV)) fd.eta[,j] <- as.numeric(attr(ba$NCV,"eta.cv")-attr(bb$NCV,"eta.cv"))/eps
     ### end of derivative testing. BFGS code resumes...
      trial$score <- b[[sname]];

      if (deriv>0) {
        trial$grad <- t(L)%*%b[[sname1]];
        trial$dVkk <- diag(t(L0) %*% b$dVkk %*% L0) ## curvature testing matrix
        trial$dscore <- sum(trial$grad*step)
        deriv <- 0 
      } else trial$grad <- trial$dscore <- NULL
      trial$mustart <- b$fitted.values
      trial$start <- b$coefficients
      trial$scale.est <- b$scale.est
      Wolfe2 <- TRUE
      ## check the first Wolfe condition (sufficient decrease)...
      if (trial$score>initial$score+c1*trial$alpha*initial$dscore||(deriv==0&&trial$score>=prev$score)) {
         trial <- zoom(prev,trial) ## Wolfe 1 not met so backtracking

      if (is.null(trial$dscore)) { ## getting gradients
        b <- gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
                      offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=1,
        trial$grad <- t(L)%*%b[[sname1]];
        trial$dscore <- sum(trial$grad*step)
        trial$scale.est <- b$scale.est
        trial$dVkk <- diag(t(L0) %*% b$dVkk %*% L0) ## curvature testing matrix
      ## Note that written this way so that we can pass on to next test when appropriate...
      if (abs(trial$dscore) <= -c2*initial$dscore) break; ## `trial' is ok. (2nd Wolfe condition met).
      Wolfe2 <- FALSE

      if (trial$dscore>=0) { ## increase at end of trial step
        trial <- zoom(trial,prev)
        Wolfe2 <- if (is.null(trial)) FALSE else TRUE
      prev <- trial
      if (trial$alpha == alpha.max) break ## { trial <- NULL;break;} ## step failed
      trial <- list(alpha = min(prev$alpha*1.3, alpha.max)) ## increase trial step to try to meet Wolfe 2
    } ## end of while(TRUE)

    ## Now `trial' contains a suitable step, or is NULL on complete failure to meet Wolfe,
    ## or contains a step that fails to meet Wolfe2, so that B can not be updated  
    if (is.null(trial)) { ## step failed
      lsp <- ilsp
      if (rolled.back) break ## failed to move, so nothing more can be done.
      ## check for working infinite smoothing params... 
      uconv.ind <- abs(initial$grad) > score.scale*conv.tol*.1 
      uconv.ind[spind] <- uconv.ind[spind] | abs(initial$dVkk) > score.scale * conv.tol*.1
      if (sum(!uconv.ind)==0) break ## nothing to move back so nothing more can be done.
      trial <- initial ## reset to allow roll back
      converged <- TRUE ## only to signal that roll back should be tried
    } else { ## update the Hessian etc...
      yg <- trial$grad-initial$grad
      step <- step*trial$alpha
      rho <- sum(yg*step)
      if (rho>0) { #Wolfe2) { ## only update if Wolfe2 is met, otherwise B can fail to be +ve def.
        if (i==1) { ## initial step --- adjust Hessian as p143 of N&W
          B <- B * trial$alpha ## this is my version 
          ## B <- B * sum(yg*step)/sum(yg*yg) ## this is N&W
        rho <- 1/rho # sum(yg*step)
        B <- B - rho*step%*%(t(yg)%*%B)

        ## Note that Wolfe 2 guarantees that rho>0 and updated B is 
        ## +ve definite (left as an exercise for the reader)...
        B <- B - rho*(B%*%yg)%*%t(step) + rho*step%*%t(step)

      score.hist[i+1] <- trial$score

      lsp <- ilsp <- ilsp + step 

      ## test for convergence
      converged <- TRUE
      if (reml) score.scale <- 1 + abs(trial$score) ## abs(log(trial$dev/nrow(X))) + abs(trial$score)
      else score.scale <- abs(trial$scale.est) + abs(trial$score)  ##trial$dev/nrow(X) + abs(trial$score)    
      uconv.ind <- abs(trial$grad) > score.scale*conv.tol 
      if (sum(uconv.ind)) converged <- FALSE
      #if (length(uconv.ind)>length(trial$dVkk)) trial$dVkk <- c(trial$dVkk,score.scale)
      ## following must be tighter than convergence...
      uconv.ind <- abs(trial$grad) > score.scale*conv.tol*.1 
      uconv.ind[spind] <- uconv.ind[spind] | abs(trial$dVkk) > score.scale * conv.tol*.1 
      if (abs(initial$score-trial$score) > score.scale*conv.tol) { 
        if (!sum(uconv.ind)) uconv.ind <- uconv.ind | TRUE ## otherwise can't progress
        converged <- FALSE      
    ## roll back any `infinite' smoothing parameters to the point at
    ## which score carries some information about them and continue 
    ## optimization. Guards against early long steps missing shallow minimum. 
    if (converged) { ## try roll back for `working inf' sps...
        if (sum(!uconv.ind)==0||rolled.back) break
        rolled.back <- TRUE
        counter <- 0
        uconv.ind0 <- uconv.ind 
        while (sum(!uconv.ind0)>0&&counter<5) {
          ## shrink towards initial values...
          lsp[!uconv.ind0] <- lsp[!uconv.ind0]*.8 + initial.lsp[!uconv.ind0]*.2
          b <- gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
                      offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=1,
          trial$score <- b[[sname]]
          trial$grad <- t(L)%*%b[[sname1]];

          trial$dscore <- sum(trial$grad*step)
          trial$scale.est <- b$scale.est
          trial$dVkk <- diag(t(L0) %*% b$dVkk %*% L0) ## curvature testing matrix 
          #if (length(uconv.ind)>length(trial$dVkk)) trial$dVkk <- c(trial$dVkk,score.scale)
          rm(b);counter <- counter + 1
          ## note that following rolls back until there is clear signal in derivs...
          uconv.ind0 <- abs(trial$grad) > score.scale*conv.tol*20        
          uconv.ind0[spind] <- uconv.ind0[spind] |  abs(trial$dVkk) > score.scale * conv.tol * 20
          uconv.ind0 <- uconv.ind0 | uconv.ind ## make sure we don't start rolling back unproblematic sps 
        uconv.ind <- uconv.ind | TRUE
        ## following line is tempting, but will likely reduce usefullness of B as approximtion 
        ## to inverse Hessian on return...
        ##B <- diag(diag(B),nrow=nrow(B))
        ilsp <- lsp
    initial <- trial
    initial$alpha <- 0
  } ## end of iteration loop

  if (is.null(trial)) { 
    ct <- "step failed"
    lsp <- ilsp
    trial <- initial
  else if (i==max.step) ct <- "iteration limit reached" 
  else ct <- "full convergence"
  ## final fit
  b <- gam.fit3(x=X, y=y, sp=L%*%lsp+lsp0,Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
                offset = offset,U1=U1,Mp=Mp,family = family,weights=weights,deriv=1,
  score <- b[[sname]];grad <- t(L)%*%b[[sname1]];

  if (!is.null(b$Vg)) {
    M <- ncol(b$db.drho)
    b$Vg <- (B%*%t(L)%*%b$Vg%*%L%*%B)[1:M,1:M] ## sandwich estimate of 
    db.drho <- b$db.drho%*%L[1:M,1:M,drop=FALSE]
    b$Vc <- db.drho %*% b$Vg %*% t(db.drho) ## correction term for cov matrices
  b$dVkk <- NULL
  ## get approximate Hessian...
  ev <- eigen(B,symmetric=TRUE)
  ind <- ev$values>max(ev$values)*.Machine$double.eps^.9
  ev$values[ind] <- 1/ev$values[ind]
  ev$values[!ind] <- 0
  B <- ev$vectors %*% (ev$values*t(ev$vectors))
  #if (!is.null(b$warn)&&length(b$warn)>0&&ct!="full convergence") for (j in 1:length(b$warn)) warning(b$warn[[j]])
  if (!is.null(b$warn)&&length(b$warn)>0) for (j in 1:length(b$warn)) warning(b$warn[[j]])
  list(score=score,lsp=lsp,lsp.full=L%*%lsp+lsp0,grad=grad,hess=B,iter=i,conv =ct,
} ## end of bfgs

gam2derivative <- function(lsp,args,...)
## Performs IRLS GAM fitting for smoothing parameters given in lsp 
## and returns the derivatives of the GCV or UBRE score w.r.t the 
## smoothing parameters for the model.
## args is a list containing the arguments for gam.fit3
## For use as optim() objective gradient
{ reml <- args$scoreType%in%c("REML","P-REML","ML","P-ML") ## REML/ML indicator
  sname <- if (reml) "REML" else args$scoreType
  sname1 <- paste(sname,"1",sep=""); 
  if (!is.null(args$L)) {
    lsp <- args$L%*%lsp + args$lsp0
  b<-gam.fit3(x=args$X, y=args$y, sp=lsp,Eb=args$Eb,UrS=args$UrS,
     offset = args$offset,U1=args$U1,Mp=args$Mp,family = args$family,weights=args$w,deriv=1,
  ret <- b[[sname1]]
  if (!is.null(args$L)) ret <- t(args$L)%*%ret
} ## gam2derivative

gam2objective <- function(lsp,args,...)
## Performs IRLS GAM fitting for smoothing parameters given in lsp 
## and returns the GCV or UBRE score for the model.
## args is a list containing the arguments for gam.fit3
## For use as optim() objective
{ reml <- args$scoreType%in%c("REML","P-REML","ML","P-ML") ## REML/ML indicator
  sname <- if (reml) "REML" else args$scoreType
  if (!is.null(args$L)) {
    lsp <- args$L%*%lsp + args$lsp0
  b<-gam.fit3(x=args$X, y=args$y, sp=lsp,Eb=args$Eb,UrS=args$UrS,
     offset = args$offset,U1=args$U1,Mp=args$Mp,family = args$family,weights=args$w,deriv=0,
  ret <- b[[sname]]
  attr(ret,"full.fit") <- b
} ## gam2objective

gam4objective <- function(lsp,args,...)
## Performs IRLS GAM fitting for smoothing parameters given in lsp 
## and returns the GCV or UBRE score for the model.
## args is a list containing the arguments for gam.fit3
## For use as nlm() objective
{ reml <- args$scoreType%in%c("REML","P-REML","ML","P-ML") ## REML/ML indicator
  sname <- if (reml) "REML" else args$scoreType
  sname1 <- paste(sname,"1",sep=""); 
  if (!is.null(args$L)) {
    lsp <- args$L%*%lsp + args$lsp0
  b<-gam.fit3(x=args$X, y=args$y, sp=lsp, Eb=args$Eb,UrS=args$UrS,
     offset = args$offset,U1=args$U1,Mp=args$Mp,family = args$family,weights=args$w,deriv=1,
  ret <- b[[sname]]
  at <- b[[sname1]]

  attr(ret,"full.fit") <- b

  if (!is.null(args$L)) at <- t(args$L)%*%at

  attr(ret,"gradient") <- at
} ## gam4objective

## The following fix up family objects for use with gam.fit3

fix.family.link.general.family <- function(fam) fix.family.link.family(fam)

fix.family.link.extended.family <- function(fam) {
## extended families require link derivatives in ratio form.
## g2g= g''/g'^2, g3g = g'''/g'^3, g4g = g''''/g'^4 - these quanitities are often
## less overflow prone than the raw derivatives
  if (!is.null(fam$g2g)&&!is.null(fam$g3g)&&!is.null(fam$g4g)) return(fam)  
  link <- fam$link
  if (link=="identity") {
    fam$g2g <- fam$g3g <- fam$g4g <- 
    function(mu) rep.int(0,length(mu))
  } else if (link == "log") {
    fam$g2g <- function(mu) rep(-1,length(mu))
    fam$g3g <- function(mu) rep(2,length(mu))
    fam$g4g <- function(mu) rep(-6,length(mu))
  } else if (link == "inverse") {
    ## g'(mu) = -1/mu^2
    fam$g2g <- function(mu) 2*mu     ## g'' = 2/mu^3
    fam$g3g <- function(mu) 6*mu^2   ## g''' = -6/mu^4
    fam$g4g <- function(mu) 24*mu^3     ## g'''' = 24/mu^5
  } else if (link == "logit") {
    ## g = log(mu/(1-mu)) g' = 1/(1-mu) + 1/mu = 1/(mu*(1-mu))
    fam$g2g <- function(mu) mu^2 - (1-mu)^2      ## g'' = 1/(1 - mu)^2 - 1/mu^2
    fam$g3g <- function(mu) 2*mu^3 + 2*(1-mu)^3  ## g''' = 2/(1 - mu)^3 + 2/mu^3
    fam$g4g <- function(mu) 6*mu^4 - 6*(1-mu)^4  ## g'''' = 6/(1-mu)^4 - 6/mu^4
  } else if (link == "sqrt") {
  ## g = sqrt(mu); g' = .5*mu^-.5
    fam$g2g <- function(mu) - mu^-.5  ## g'' = -.25 * mu^-1.5
    fam$g3g <- function(mu) 3 * mu^-1 ## g''' = .375 * mu^-2.5
    fam$g4g <- function(mu) -15 * mu^-1.5 ## -0.9375 * mu^-3.5
  } else if (link == "probit") {
  ## g(mu) = qnorm(mu); 1/g' = dmu/deta = 1/dnorm(eta)
    fam$g2g <- function(mu) { 
      #eta <- fam$linkfun(mu)
      eta <- qnorm(mu)
      ## g'' = eta/fam$mu.eta(eta)^2
    fam$g3g <- function(mu) {
      #eta <-  fam$linkfun(mu)
      eta <- qnorm(mu)
      ## g''' = (1 + 2*eta^2)/fam$mu.eta(eta)^3
      (1 + 2*eta^2)
    fam$g4g <- function(mu) {
       #eta <-  fam$linkfun(mu)
       eta <- qnorm(mu)
       ## g'''' = (7*eta + 6*eta^3)/fam$mu.eta(eta)^4
       (7*eta + 6*eta^3)
  } else if (link == "cauchit") {
  ## uses general result that if link is a quantile function then 
  ## d mu / d eta = f(eta) where f is the density. Link derivative
  ## is one over this... repeated differentiation w.r.t. mu using chain
  ## rule gives results...
    fam$g2g <- function(mu) { 
     #eta <- fam$linkfun(mu)
     eta <- qcauchy(mu)
     ## g'' = 2*pi*pi*eta*(1+eta*eta)
    fam$g3g <- function(mu) { 
     #eta <- fam$linkfun(mu)
     eta <- qcauchy(mu)
     eta2 <- eta*eta
     ## g''' = 2*pi*pi*pi*(1+3*eta2)*(1+eta2)
    fam$g4g <- function(mu) { 
     #eta <- fam$linkfun(mu)
     eta <- qcauchy(mu)
     eta2 <- eta*eta
     ## g'''' = 2*pi^4*(8*eta+12*eta2*eta)*(1+eta2)
     ((8+ 12*eta2)/(1+eta2)^2)*(eta/(1+eta2))
  } else if (link == "cloglog") {
    ## g = log(-log(1-mu)), g' = -1/(log(1-mu)*(1-mu))
    fam$g2g <- function(mu) { l1m <- log1p(-mu)
      -l1m - 1
    fam$g3g <- function(mu) { l1m <- log1p(-mu)
       l1m*(2*l1m + 3) + 2    
    fam$g4g <- function(mu){
      l1m <- log1p(-mu)
  } else stop("link not implemented for extended families")
  ## avoid storing the calling environment of fix.family.link... 
  environment(fam$g2g) <-  environment(fam$g3g) <-  environment(fam$g4g) <- environment(fam$linkfun)
} ## fix.family.link.extended.family

fix.family.link.family <- function(fam)
# adds d2link the second derivative of the link function w.r.t. mu
# to the family supplied, as well as a 3rd derivative function 
# d3link...
# All d2link and d3link functions have been checked numerically. 
{ if (!inherits(fam,"family")) stop("fam not a family object")
  if (is.null(fam$canonical)) { ## note the canonical link - saves effort in full Newton
    if (fam$family=="gaussian") fam$canonical <- "identity" else
    if (fam$family=="poisson"||fam$family=="quasipoisson") fam$canonical <- "log" else
    if (fam$family=="binomial"||fam$family=="quasibinomial") fam$canonical <- "logit" else
    if (fam$family=="Gamma") fam$canonical <- "inverse" else
    if (fam$family=="inverse.gaussian") fam$canonical <- "1/mu^2" else
    fam$canonical <- "none"
  if (!is.null(fam$d2link)&&!is.null(fam$d3link)&&!is.null(fam$d4link)) return(fam) 
  link <- fam$link
  if (length(link)>1) {
    if (fam$family=="quasi") # then it's a power link
    { lambda <- log(fam$linkfun(exp(1))) ## the power, if > 0
      if (lambda<=0) { fam$d2link <- function(mu) -1/mu^2
        fam$d3link <- function(mu) 2/mu^3
        fam$d4link <- function(mu) -6/mu^4
      } else { fam$d2link <- function(mu) lambda*(lambda-1)*mu^(lambda-2)
        fam$d3link <- function(mu) (lambda-2)*(lambda-1)*lambda*mu^(lambda-3)
        fam$d4link <- function(mu) (lambda-3)*(lambda-2)*(lambda-1)*lambda*mu^(lambda-4)
    } else stop("unrecognized (vector?) link")
  } else if (link=="identity") {
    fam$d4link <- fam$d3link <- fam$d2link <- 
    function(mu) rep.int(0,length(mu))
  } else if (link == "log") {
    fam$d2link <- function(mu) -1/mu^2
    fam$d3link <- function(mu) 2/mu^3
    fam$d4link <- function(mu) -6/mu^4
  } else if (link == "inverse") {
    fam$d2link <- function(mu) 2/mu^3
    fam$d3link <- function(mu) { mu <- mu*mu;-6/(mu*mu)}
    fam$d4link <- function(mu) { mu2 <- mu*mu;24/(mu2*mu2*mu)}
  } else if (link == "logit") {
    fam$d2link <- function(mu) 1/(1 - mu)^2 - 1/mu^2
    fam$d3link <- function(mu) 2/(1 - mu)^3 + 2/mu^3
    fam$d4link <- function(mu) 6/(1-mu)^4 - 6/mu^4
  } else if (link == "probit") {
    fam$d2link <- function(mu) { 
      #eta <- fam$linkfun(mu)
      eta <- qnorm(mu)
      eta/pmax(dnorm(eta), .Machine$double.eps)^2
    fam$d3link <- function(mu) {
      #eta <-  fam$linkfun(mu)
      eta <- qnorm(mu)
      #(1 + 2*eta^2)/fam$mu.eta(eta)^3
      (1 + 2*eta^2)/pmax(dnorm(eta), .Machine$double.eps)^3
    fam$d4link <- function(mu) {
       #eta <-  fam$linkfun(mu)
       eta <- qnorm(mu)
       #(7*eta + 6*eta^3)/fam$mu.eta(eta)^4
       (7*eta + 6*eta^3)/pmax(dnorm(eta), .Machine$double.eps)^4
  } else if (link == "cloglog") {
  ## g = log(-log(1-mu)), g' = -1/(log(1-mu)*(1-mu))
    fam$d2link <- function(mu) { l1m <- log1p(-mu)
      -1/((1 - mu)^2*l1m) *(1+ 1/l1m)
    fam$d3link <- function(mu) { l1m <- log1p(-mu)
       mu3 <- (1-mu)^3
      (-2 - 3*l1m - 2*l1m^2)/mu3/l1m^3
    fam$d4link <- function(mu){
      l1m <- log1p(-mu)
      mu4 <- (1-mu)^4
      ( - 12 - 11 * l1m - 6 * l1m^2 - 6/l1m )/mu4  /l1m^3
  } else if (link == "sqrt") {
    fam$d2link <- function(mu) -.25 * mu^-1.5
    fam$d3link <- function(mu) .375 * mu^-2.5
    fam$d4link <- function(mu) -0.9375 * mu^-3.5
  } else if (link == "cauchit") {
  ## uses general result that if link is a quantile function then 
  ## d mu / d eta = f(eta) where f is the density. Link derivative
  ## is one over this... repeated differentiation w.r.t. mu using chain
  ## rule gives results...
    fam$d2link <- function(mu) { 
     #eta <- fam$linkfun(mu)
     eta <- qcauchy(mu)
    fam$d3link <- function(mu) { 
     #eta <- fam$linkfun(mu)
     eta <- qcauchy(mu)
     eta2 <- eta*eta
    fam$d4link <- function(mu) { 
     #eta <- fam$linkfun(mu)
     eta <- qcauchy(mu)
     eta2 <- eta*eta
  } else if (link == "1/mu^2") {
    fam$d2link <- function(mu) 6 * mu^-4
    fam$d3link <- function(mu) -24 * mu^-5
    fam$d4link <- function(mu) 120 * mu^-6
  } else if (substr(link,1,3)=="mu^") { ## it's a power link
    ## note that lambda <=0 gives log link so don't end up here
    lambda <- get("lambda",environment(fam$linkfun))
    fam$d2link <- function(mu) (lambda*(lambda-1)) * mu^{lambda-2}
    fam$d3link <- function(mu) (lambda*(lambda-1)*(lambda-2)) * mu^{lambda-3}
    fam$d4link <- function(mu) (lambda*(lambda-1)*(lambda-2)*(lambda-3)) * mu^{lambda-4}
  } else stop("link not recognised")
  ## avoid giant environments being stored....
  environment(fam$d2link) <-  environment(fam$d3link) <-  environment(fam$d4link) <- environment(fam$linkfun)
} ## fix.family.link.family

## NOTE: something horrible can happen here. The way method dispatch works, the
## environment attached to functions created in fix.family.link is the environment
## from which fix.family.link was called - and this whole environment is stored
## with the created function - in the gam context that means the model matrix is
## stored invisibly away for no useful purpose at all. pryr:::object_size will
## show the true stored size of an object with hidden environments. But environments
## of functions created in method functions should be set explicitly to something
## harmless (see ?environment for some possibilities, empty is rarely a good idea)
## 9/2017

fix.family.link <- function(fam) UseMethod("fix.family.link")

fix.family.var <- function(fam)
# adds dvar the derivative of the variance function w.r.t. mu
# to the family supplied, as well as d2var the 2nd derivative of 
# the variance function w.r.t. the mean. (All checked numerically). 
{ if (inherits(fam,"extended.family")) return(fam)
  if (!inherits(fam,"family")) stop("fam not a family object")
  if (!is.null(fam$dvar)&&!is.null(fam$d2var)&&!is.null(fam$d3var)) return(fam) 
  family <- fam$family
  fam$scale <- -1
  if (family=="gaussian") {
    fam$d3var <- fam$d2var <- fam$dvar <- function(mu) rep.int(0,length(mu))
  } else if (family=="poisson"||family=="quasipoisson") {
    fam$dvar <- function(mu) rep.int(1,length(mu))
    fam$d3var <- fam$d2var <- function(mu) rep.int(0,length(mu))
    if (family=="poisson") fam$scale <- 1
  } else if (family=="binomial"||family=="quasibinomial") {
    fam$dvar <- function(mu) 1-2*mu
    fam$d2var <- function(mu) rep.int(-2,length(mu))
    fam$d3var <- function(mu) rep.int(0,length(mu))
    if (family=="binomial") fam$scale <- 1
  } else if (family=="Gamma") {
    fam$dvar <- function(mu) 2*mu
    fam$d2var <- function(mu) rep.int(2,length(mu))
    fam$d3var <- function(mu) rep.int(0,length(mu))
  } else if (family=="quasi") {
    fam$dvar <- switch(fam$varfun,
       constant = function(mu) rep.int(0,length(mu)),
       "mu(1-mu)" = function(mu) 1-2*mu,
       mu = function(mu) rep.int(1,length(mu)),
       "mu^2" = function(mu) 2*mu,
       "mu^3" = function(mu) 3*mu^2           
    if (is.null(fam$dvar)) stop("variance function not recognized for quasi")
    fam$d2var <- switch(fam$varfun,
       constant = function(mu) rep.int(0,length(mu)),
       "mu(1-mu)" = function(mu) rep.int(-2,length(mu)),
       mu = function(mu) rep.int(0,length(mu)),
       "mu^2" = function(mu) rep.int(2,length(mu)),
       "mu^3" = function(mu) 6*mu           
    fam$d3var <- switch(fam$varfun,
       constant = function(mu) rep.int(0,length(mu)),
       "mu(1-mu)" = function(mu) rep.int(0,length(mu)),
       mu = function(mu) rep.int(0,length(mu)),
       "mu^2" = function(mu) rep.int(0,length(mu)),
       "mu^3" = function(mu) rep.int(6,length(mu))           
  } else if (family=="inverse.gaussian") {
    fam$dvar <- function(mu) 3*mu^2
    fam$d2var <- function(mu) 6*mu
    fam$d3var <- function(mu) rep.int(6,length(mu)) 
  } else stop("family not recognised")
  environment(fam$dvar) <-  environment(fam$d2var) <-  environment(fam$d3var) <- environment(fam$linkfun)
} ## fix.family.var

fix.family.ls <- function(fam)
# adds ls the log saturated likelihood and its derivatives
# w.r.t. the scale parameter to the family object.
{ if (!inherits(fam,"family")) stop("fam not a family object")
  if (!is.null(fam$ls)) return(fam) 
  family <- fam$family
  if (family=="gaussian") {
    fam$ls <- function(y,w,n,scale) { 
      nobs <- sum(w>0)
      c(-nobs*log(2*pi*scale)/2 + sum(log(w[w>0]))/2,-nobs/(2*scale),nobs/(2*scale*scale))
  } else if (family=="poisson") {
    fam$ls <- function(y,w,n,scale) {
      res <- rep(0,3)
      res[1] <- sum(dpois(y,y,log=TRUE)*w)
  } else if (family=="binomial") {
    fam$ls <- function(y,w,n,scale) { 
  } else if (family=="Gamma") {
    fam$ls <- function(y,w,n,scale) {
      res <- rep(0,3)
      y <- y[w>0];w <- w[w>0]
      scale <- scale/w
      k <- -lgamma(1/scale) - log(scale)/scale - 1/scale 
      res[1] <- sum(k-log(y))
      k <- (digamma(1/scale)+log(scale))/(scale*scale)
      res[2] <- sum(k/w)
      k <- (-trigamma(1/scale)/(scale) + (1-2*log(scale)-2*digamma(1/scale)))/(scale^3)
      res[3] <- sum(k/w^2) 
  } else if (family=="quasi"||family=="quasipoisson"||family=="quasibinomial") {
    ## fam$ls <- function(y,w,n,scale) rep(0,3)
    ## Uses extended quasi-likelihood form...
    fam$ls <- function(y,w,n,scale) { 
      nobs <- sum(w>0)
      c(-nobs*log(scale)/2 + sum(log(w[w>0]))/2,-nobs/(2*scale),nobs/(2*scale*scale))
  } else if (family=="inverse.gaussian") {
    fam$ls <- function(y,w,n,scale) {
      ii <- w>0
      nobs <- sum(ii)
      c(-sum(log(2*pi*scale*y[ii]^3))/2 + sum(log(w[ii]))/2,-nobs/(2*scale),nobs/(2*scale*scale))
      ## c(-sum(w*log(2*pi*scale*y^3))/2,-sum(w)/(2*scale),sum(w)/(2*scale*scale))
  } else stop("family not recognised")
  environment(fam$ls) <- environment(fam$linkfun)
} ## fix.family.ls

fix.family <- function(fam) {
## allows families to be patched...
   if (fam$family[1]=="gaussian") { ## sensible starting values given link...
     fam$initialize <- expression({
     n <- rep.int(1, nobs)
     if (family$link == "inverse") mustart <- y + (y==0)*sd(y)*.01 else
     if (family$link == "log") mustart <- pmax(y,.01*sd(y)) else
     mustart <- y
} ## fix.family

negbin <- function (theta = stop("'theta' must be specified"), link = "log") { 
## modified from Venables and Ripley's MASS library to work with gam.fit3,
## and to allow a range of `theta' values to be specified
## single `theta' to specify fixed value; 2 theta values (first smaller than second)
## are limits within which to search for theta; otherwise supplied values make up 
## search set.
## Note: to avoid warnings, get(".Theta")[1] is used below. Otherwise the initialization
##       call to negbin can generate warnings since get(".Theta") returns a vector
##       during initialization (only).
  linktemp <- substitute(link)
  if (!is.character(linktemp)) linktemp <- deparse(linktemp)
  if (linktemp %in% c("log", "identity", "sqrt")) stats <- make.link(linktemp)
  else if (is.character(link)) {
    stats <- make.link(link)
    linktemp <- link
  } else {
    if (inherits(link, "link-glm")) {
       stats <- link
            if (!is.null(stats$name))
                linktemp <- stats$name
        else stop(gettextf("%s link not available for negative binomial family; available links are \"identity\", \"log\" and \"sqrt\"",linktemp))
    env <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
    assign(".Theta", theta, envir = env)
    variance <- function(mu) mu + mu^2/get(".Theta")[1]
    ## dvaraince/dmu needed as well
    dvar <- function(mu) 1 + 2*mu/get(".Theta")[1]
    ## d2variance/dmu...
    d2var <- function(mu) rep(2/get(".Theta")[1],length(mu))
    d3var <- function(mu) rep(0,length(mu))
    getTheta <- function() get(".Theta")
    validmu <- function(mu) all(mu > 0)

    dev.resids <- function(y, mu, wt) { Theta <- get(".Theta")[1]
      2 * wt * (y * log(pmax(1, y)/mu) - 
        (y + Theta) * log((y + Theta)/(mu + Theta))) 
    aic <- function(y, n, mu, wt, dev) {
        Theta <- get(".Theta")[1]
        term <- (y + Theta) * log(mu + Theta) - y * log(mu) +
            lgamma(y + 1) - Theta * log(Theta) + lgamma(Theta) -
            lgamma(Theta + y)
        2 * sum(term * wt)
    ls <- function(y,w,n,scale) {
       Theta <- get(".Theta")[1]
       ylogy <- y;ind <- y>0;ylogy[ind] <- y[ind]*log(y[ind])
       term <- (y + Theta) * log(y + Theta) - ylogy +
            lgamma(y + 1) - Theta * log(Theta) + lgamma(Theta) -
            lgamma(Theta + y)
    initialize <- expression({
        if (any(y < 0)) stop("negative values not allowed for the negative binomial family")
        n <- rep(1, nobs)
        mustart <- y + (y == 0)/6

    rd <- function(mu,wt,scale) {
      Theta <- get(".Theta")[1]

    qf <- function(p,mu,wt,scale) {
      Theta <- get(".Theta")[1]
    environment(qf) <- environment(rd) <- environment(dvar) <- environment(d2var) <- 
    environment(d3var) <-environment(variance) <- environment(validmu) <- 
    environment(ls) <- environment(dev.resids) <- environment(aic) <- environment(getTheta) <- env
    famname <- paste("Negative Binomial(", format(round(theta,3)), ")", sep = "")
    structure(list(family = famname, link = linktemp, linkfun = stats$linkfun,
        linkinv = stats$linkinv, variance = variance,dvar=dvar,d2var=d2var,d3var=d3var, dev.resids = dev.resids,
        aic = aic, mu.eta = stats$mu.eta, initialize = initialize,ls=ls,
        validmu = validmu, valideta = stats$valideta,getTheta = getTheta,qf=qf,rd=rd,canonical=""), class = "family")
} ## negbin

totalPenalty <- function(S,H,off,theta,p)
{ if (is.null(H)) St <- matrix(0,p,p)
  else { St <- H; 
    if (ncol(H)!=p||nrow(H)!=p) stop("H has wrong dimension")
  theta <- exp(theta)
  m <- length(theta)
  if (m>0) for (i in 1:m) {
    k0 <- off[i]
    k1 <- k0 + nrow(S[[i]]) - 1
    St[k0:k1,k0:k1] <- St[k0:k1,k0:k1] + S[[i]] * theta[i]
} ## totalPenalty

totalPenaltySpace <- function(S,H,off,p)
{ ## function to obtain (orthogonal) basis for the null space and 
  ## range space of the penalty, and obtain actual null space dimension
  ## components are roughly rescaled to avoid any dominating

  Hscale <- sqrt(sum(H*H));
  if (Hscale==0) H <- NULL ## H was all zeroes anyway!

  if (is.null(H)) St <- matrix(0,p,p)
  else { St <- H/sqrt(sum(H*H)); 
    if (ncol(H)!=p||nrow(H)!=p) stop("H has wrong dimension")
  m <- length(S)
  if (m>0) for (i in 1:m) {
    k0 <- off[i]
    k1 <- k0 + nrow(S[[i]]) - 1
    St[k0:k1,k0:k1] <- St[k0:k1,k0:k1] + S[[i]]/sqrt(sum(S[[i]]*S[[i]]))
  es <- eigen(St,symmetric=TRUE)
  ind <- es$values>max(es$values)*.Machine$double.eps^.66
  Y <- es$vectors[,ind,drop=FALSE]  ## range space
  Z <- es$vectors[,!ind,drop=FALSE] ## null space - ncol(Z) is null space dimension
  E <- sqrt(as.numeric(es$values[ind]))*t(Y) ## E'E = St
} ## totalPenaltySpace

mini.roots <- function(S,off,np,rank=NULL)
# function to obtain square roots, B[[i]], of S[[i]]'s having as few
# columns as possible. S[[i]]=B[[i]]%*%t(B[[i]]). np is the total number
# of parameters. S is in packed form. rank[i] is optional supplied rank 
# of S[[i]], rank[i] < 1, or rank=NULL to estimate.
{ m<-length(S)
  if (m<=0) return(list())
  if (is.null(rank)) rank <- rep(-1,m)
  for (i in 1:m)
  { b <- mroot(S[[i]],rank=rank[i]) 
    B[[i]] <- matrix(0,np,ncol(b))
    B[[i]][off[i]:(off[i]+nrow(b)-1),] <- b

ldTweedie0 <- function(y,mu=y,p=1.5,phi=1,rho=NA,theta=NA,a=1.001,b=1.999) {
## evaluates log Tweedie density for 1<=p<=2, using series summation of
## Dunn & Smyth (2005) Statistics and Computing 15:267-280.
## Original fixed p and phi version.

  if (!is.na(rho)&&!is.na(theta)) { ## use rho and theta and get derivs w.r.t. these
    if (length(rho)>1||length(theta)>1) stop("only scalar `rho' and `theta' allowed.")
    if (a>=b||a<=1||b>=2) stop("1<a<b<2 (strict) required")
    work.param <- TRUE
    th <- theta;phi <- exp(rho)
    p <- if (th>0) (b+a*exp(-th))/(1+exp(-th)) else (b*exp(th)+a)/(exp(th)+1) 
    dpth1 <- if (th>0) exp(-th)*(b-a)/(1+exp(-th))^2 else exp(th)*(b-a)/(exp(th)+1)^2
    dpth2 <- if (th>0) ((a-b)*exp(-th)+(b-a)*exp(-2*th))/(exp(-th)+1)^3 else
  } else { ## still need working params for tweedious call...
    work.param <- FALSE 
    if (length(p)>1||length(phi)>1) stop("only scalar `p' and `phi' allowed.")
    rho <- log(phi)
    if (p>1&&p<2) {
      if (p <= a) a <- (1+p)/2
      if (p >= b) b <- (2+p)/2
      pabp <- (p-a)/(b-p)
      theta <- log((p-a)/(b-p))
      dthp1 <- (1+pabp)/(p-a)
      dthp2 <- (pabp+1)/((p-a)*(b-p)) -(pabp+1)/(p-a)^2

  if (p<1||p>2) stop("p must be in [1,2]")
  ld <- cbind(y,y,y);ld <- cbind(ld,ld*NA)
  if (p == 2) { ## It's Gamma
    if (sum(y<=0)) stop("y must be strictly positive for a Gamma density")
    ld[,1] <- dgamma(y, shape = 1/phi,rate = 1/(phi * mu),log=TRUE)
    ld[,2] <- (digamma(1/phi) + log(phi) - 1 + y/mu - log(y/mu))/(phi*phi)
    ld[,3] <- -2*ld[,2]/phi + (1-trigamma(1/phi)/phi)/(phi^3)

  if (length(mu)==1) mu <- rep(mu,length(y))

  if (p == 1) { ## It's Poisson like
    ## ld[,1] <- dpois(x = y/phi, lambda = mu/phi,log=TRUE)
    if (all.equal(y/phi,round(y/phi))!=TRUE) stop("y must be an integer multiple of phi for Tweedie(p=1)")
    ind <- (y!=0)|(mu!=0) ## take care to deal with y log(mu) when y=mu=0
    bkt <- y*0
    bkt[ind] <- (y[ind]*log(mu[ind]/phi) - mu[ind])
    dig <- digamma(y/phi+1)
    trig <- trigamma(y/phi+1)
    ld[,1] <- bkt/phi - lgamma(y/phi+1)
    ld[,2] <- (-bkt - y + dig*y)/(phi*phi)
    ld[,3] <- (2*bkt + 3*y - 2*dig*y - trig *y*y/phi)/(phi^3)

  ## .. otherwise need the full series thing....
  ## first deal with the zeros  
  ind <- y==0;ld[ind,] <- 0
  ind <- ind & mu>0 ## need mu condition otherwise may try to find log(0)
  ld[ind,1] <- -mu[ind]^(2-p)/(phi*(2-p))
  ld[ind,2] <- -ld[ind,1]/phi  ## dld/d phi 
  ld[ind,3] <- -2*ld[ind,2]/phi ## d2ld/dphi2
  ld[ind,4] <- -ld[ind,1] * (log(mu[ind]) - 1/(2-p)) ## dld/dp
  ld[ind,5] <- 2*ld[ind,4]/(2-p) + ld[ind,1]*log(mu[ind])^2 ## d2ld/dp2
  ld[ind,6] <- -ld[ind,4]/phi ## d2ld/dphidp

  if (sum(!ind)==0) return(ld)

  ## now the non-zeros
  ind <- y==0
  y <- y[!ind];mu <- mu[!ind]
  w <- w1 <- w2 <- y*0
  oo <- .C(C_tweedious,w=as.double(w),w1=as.double(w1),w2=as.double(w2),w1p=as.double(y*0),w2p=as.double(y*0),
  if (!work.param) { ## transform working param derivatives to p/phi derivs...
    oo$w2 <- oo$w2/phi^2 - oo$w1/phi^2
    oo$w1 <- oo$w1/phi
    oo$w2p <- oo$w2p*dthp1^2 + dthp2 * oo$w1p
    oo$w1p <- oo$w1p*dthp1
    oo$w2pp <- oo$w2pp*dthp1/phi ## this appears to be wrong

  log.mu <- log(mu)
  mu1p <- theta <- mu^(1-p)
  k.theta <- mu*theta/(2-p) ## mu^(2-p)/(2-p)
  theta <- theta/(1-p) ## mu^(1-p)/(1-p)
  l.base <-  mu1p*(y/(1-p)-mu/(2-p))/phi
  ld[!ind,1] <- l.base - log(y) ## log density
  ld[!ind,2] <- -l.base/phi  ## d log f / dphi
  ld[!ind,3] <- 2*l.base/(phi*phi)  ## d2 logf / dphi2
  x <- theta*y*(1/(1-p) - log.mu)/phi + k.theta*(log.mu-1/(2-p))/phi
  ld[!ind,4] <- x
  ld[!ind,5] <- theta * y * (log.mu^2 - 2*log.mu/(1-p) + 2/(1-p)^2)/phi -
                k.theta * (log.mu^2 - 2*log.mu/(2-p) + 2/(2-p)^2)/phi ## d2 logf / dp2
  ld[!ind,6] <- - x/phi ## d2 logf / dphi dp

  if (work.param) { ## transform derivs to derivs wrt working
    ld[,3] <- ld[,3]*phi^2 + ld[,2]*phi
    ld[,2] <- ld[,2]*phi
    ld[,5] <- ld[,5]*dpth1^2 + ld[,4]*dpth2
    ld[,4] <- ld[,4]*dpth1
    ld[,6] <- ld[,6]*dpth1*phi

if (TRUE) { ## DEBUG disconnetion of a terms
  ld[!ind,1] <- ld[!ind,1] + oo$w ## log density
  ld[!ind,2] <- ld[!ind,2] + oo$w1   ## d log f / dphi
  ld[!ind,3] <- ld[!ind,3] + oo$w2 ## d2 logf / dphi2
  ld[!ind,4] <- ld[!ind,4] + oo$w1p 
  ld[!ind,5] <- ld[!ind,5] + oo$w2p  ## d2 logf / dp2
  ld[!ind,6] <- ld[!ind,6] + oo$w2pp ## d2 logf / dphi dp

if (FALSE) { ## DEBUG disconnetion of density terms
  ld[!ind,1] <-  oo$w ## log density
  ld[!ind,2] <-  oo$w1   ## d log f / dphi
  ld[!ind,3] <-  oo$w2 ## d2 logf / dphi2
  ld[!ind,4] <-  oo$w1p 
  ld[!ind,5] <-  oo$w2p  ## d2 logf / dp2
  ld[!ind,6] <-  oo$w2pp ## d2 logf / dphi dp

} ## ldTweedie0

ldTweedie <- function(y,mu=y,p=1.5,phi=1,rho=NA,theta=NA,a=1.001,b=1.999,all.derivs=FALSE) {
## evaluates log Tweedie density for 1<=p<=2, using series summation of
## Dunn & Smyth (2005) Statistics and Computing 15:267-280.
  n <- length(y)
  if (all(!is.na(rho))&&all(!is.na(theta))) { ## use rho and theta and get derivs w.r.t. these
    #if (length(rho)>1||length(theta)>1) stop("only scalar `rho' and `theta' allowed.")
    if (a>=b||a<=1||b>=2) stop("1<a<b<2 (strict) required")
    work.param <- TRUE
    ## should buffered code for fixed p and phi be used?
    buffer <- if (length(unique(theta))==1&&length(unique(rho))==1) TRUE else FALSE 
    theta <- th <- array(theta,dim=n);
    phi <- exp(rho)
    ind <- th > 0;dpth1 <- dpth2 <-p <- rep(0,n)
    ethi <- exp(-th[ind])
    ethni <- exp(th[!ind])
    p[ind] <- (b+a*ethi)/(1+ethi)
    p[!ind] <- (b*ethni+a)/(ethni+1)
    dpth1[ind] <- ethi*(b-a)/(1+ethi)^2
    dpth1[!ind] <- ethni*(b-a)/(ethni+1)^2
    dpth2[ind] <-((a-b)*ethi+(b-a)*ethi^2)/(ethi+1)^3
    dpth2[!ind] <- ((a-b)*ethni^2+(b-a)*ethni)/(ethni+1)^3
    #p <- if (th>0) (b+a*exp(-th))/(1+exp(-th)) else (b*exp(th)+a)/(exp(th)+1) 
    #dpth1 <- if (th>0) exp(-th)*(b-a)/(1+exp(-th))^2 else exp(th)*(b-a)/(exp(th)+1)^2
    #dpth2 <- if (th>0) ((a-b)*exp(-th)+(b-a)*exp(-2*th))/(exp(-th)+1)^3 else
    #               ((a-b)*exp(2*th)+(b-a)*exp(th))/(exp(th)+1)^3
  } else { ## still need working params for tweedious call...
    work.param <- FALSE
    if (all.derivs) warning("all.derivs only available in rho, theta parameterization")
    #if (length(p)>1||length(phi)>1) stop("only scalar `p' and `phi' allowed.")
    buffer <- if (length(unique(p))==1&&length(unique(phi))==1) TRUE else FALSE 
    rho <- log(phi)
    if (min(p)>=1&&max(p)<=2) {
      ind <- p>1&p<2
      if (sum(ind)) {
        p.ind <- p[ind]
        if (min(p.ind) <= a) a <- (1+min(p.ind))/2
        if (max(p.ind) >= b) b <- (2+max(p.ind))/2
        pabp <- theta <- dthp1 <- dthp2 <- rep(0,n)
        pabp[ind] <- (p.ind-a)/(b-p.ind)
        theta[ind] <- log((p.ind-a)/(b-p.ind))
        dthp1[ind] <- (1+pabp[ind])/(p.ind-a)
        dthp2[ind] <- (pabp[ind]+1)/((p.ind-a)*(b-p.ind)) -(pabp[ind]+1)/(p.ind-a)^2

  if (min(p)<1||max(p)>2) stop("p must be in [1,2]")
  ld <- cbind(y,y,y);ld <- cbind(ld,ld*NA)
  if (work.param&&all.derivs) ld <- cbind(ld,ld[,1:3]*0,y*0)
  if (length(p)!=n) p <- array(p,dim=n);
  if (length(phi)!=n) phi <- array(phi,dim=n)
  if (length(mu)!=n) mu <- array(mu,dim=n)
  ind <- p == 2
  if (sum(ind)) { ## It's Gamma
    if (sum(y[ind]<=0)) stop("y must be strictly positive for a Gamma density")
    ld[ind,1] <- dgamma(y[ind], shape = 1/phi[ind],rate = 1/(phi[ind] * mu[ind]),log=TRUE)
    ld[ind,2] <- (digamma(1/phi[ind]) + log(phi[ind]) - 1 + y[ind]/mu[ind] - log(y[ind]/mu[ind]))/(phi[ind]*phi[ind])
    ld[ind,3] <- -2*ld[ind,2]/phi[ind] + (1-trigamma(1/phi[ind])/phi[ind])/(phi[ind]^3)

  ind <- p == 1
  if (sum(ind)) { ## It's Poisson like
    ## ld[,1] <- dpois(x = y/phi, lambda = mu/phi,log=TRUE)
    if (all.equal(y[ind]/phi[ind],round(y[ind]/phi[ind]))!=TRUE) stop("y must be an integer multiple of phi for Tweedie(p=1)")
    indi <- (y[ind]!=0)|(mu[ind]!=0) ## take care to deal with y log(mu) when y=mu=0
    bkt <- y[ind]*0
    bkt[indi] <- ((y[ind])[indi]*log((mu[ind]/phi[ind])[indi]) - (mu[ind])[indi])
    dig <- digamma(y[ind]/phi[ind]+1)
    trig <- trigamma(y[ind]/phi[ind]+1)
    ld[ind,1] <- bkt/phi[ind] - lgamma(y[ind]/phi[ind]+1)
    ld[ind,2] <- (-bkt - y[ind] + dig[ind]*y[ind])/(phi[ind]^2)
    ld[ind,3] <- (2*bkt + 3*y[ind] - 2*dig*y[ind] - trig * y[ind]^2/phi[ind])/(phi[ind]^3)

  ## .. otherwise need the full series thing....
  ## first deal with the zeros  
  ind <- y==0&p>1&p<2;ld[ind,] <- 0
  ind <- ind & mu>0 ## need mu condition otherwise may try to find log(0)
  if (sum(ind)) {
    mu.ind <- mu[ind];p.ind <- p[ind];phii <- phi[ind]
    ld[ind,1] <- -mu.ind^(2-p.ind)/(phii*(2-p.ind))
    ld[ind,2] <- -ld[ind,1]/phii  ## dld/d phi 
    ld[ind,3] <- -2*ld[ind,2]/phii ## d2ld/dphi2
    ld[ind,4] <- -ld[ind,1] * (log(mu.ind) - 1/(2-p.ind)) ## dld/dp
    ld[ind,5] <- 2*ld[ind,4]/(2-p.ind) + ld[ind,1]*log(mu.ind)^2 ## d2ld/dp2
    ld[ind,6] <- -ld[ind,4]/phii ## d2ld/dphidp
    if (work.param&&all.derivs) {
      mup <- mu.ind^p.ind
      ld[ind,7] <- -mu.ind/(mup*phii)
      ld[ind,8] <- -(1-p.ind)/(mup*phii)
      ld[ind,9] <- log(mu.ind)*mu.ind/(mup*phii)
      ld[ind,10] <- -ld[ind,7]/phii
  if (sum(!ind)==0) return(ld)
  ## now the non-zeros
  ind <- which(y>0&p>1&p<2)
  y <- y[ind];mu <- mu[ind];p<- p[ind]
  w <- w1 <- w2 <- y*0
  if (length(ind)>0) {
    if (buffer) { ## use code that can buffer expensive lgamma,digamma and trigamma evaluations...
      oo <- .C(C_tweedious,w=as.double(w),w1=as.double(w1),w2=as.double(w2),w1p=as.double(y*0),w2p=as.double(y*0),
    } else { ## use code that is not able to buffer as p and phi variable...
      if (length(theta)!=n) theta <- array(theta,dim=n)
      if (length(rho)!=n) rho <- array(rho,dim=n)
      oo <- .C(C_tweedious2,w=as.double(w),w1=as.double(w1),w2=as.double(w2),w1p=as.double(y*0),w2p=as.double(y*0),
    if (oo$eps < -.5) {
      if (oo$eps < -1.5) { ## failure of series in C code
        oo$w2 <- oo$w1 <- oo$w2p <- oo$w1p <- oo$w2pp <- rep(NA,length(y)) 
      else warning("Tweedie density may be unreliable - series not fully converged")
    phii <- phi[ind]
    if (!work.param) { ## transform working param derivatives to p/phi derivs...
      if (length(dthp1)!=n) dthp1 <- array(dthp1,dim=n)
      if (length(dthp2)!=n) dthp2 <- array(dthp2,dim=n)
      dthp1i <- dthp1[ind]
      oo$w2 <- oo$w2/phii^2 - oo$w1/phii^2
      oo$w1 <- oo$w1/phii
      oo$w2p <- oo$w2p*dthp1i^2 + dthp2[ind] * oo$w1p
      oo$w1p <- oo$w1p*dthp1i
      oo$w2pp <- oo$w2pp*dthp1i/phii 

    log.mu <- log(mu)
    onep <- 1-p
    twop <- 2-p
    mu1p <- theta <- mu^onep
    k.theta <- mu*theta/twop ## mu^(2-p)/(2-p)
    theta <- theta/onep ## mu^(1-p)/(1-p)
    a1 <- (y/onep-mu/twop)
    l.base <-  mu1p*a1/phii
    ld[ind,1] <- l.base - log(y) ## log density
    ld[ind,2] <- -l.base/phii  ## d log f / dphi
    ld[ind,3] <- 2*l.base/(phii^2)  ## d2 logf / dphi2
    x <- theta*y*(1/onep - log.mu)/phii + k.theta*(log.mu-1/twop)/phii
    ld[ind,4] <- x
    ld[ind,5] <- theta * y * (log.mu^2 - 2*log.mu/onep + 2/onep^2)/phii -
                  k.theta * (log.mu^2 - 2*log.mu/twop + 2/twop^2)/phii ## d2 logf / dp2
    ld[ind,6] <- - x/phii ## d2 logf / dphi dp
  } ## length(ind)>0

  if (work.param) { ## transform derivs to derivs wrt working
    ld[,3] <- ld[,3]*phi^2 + ld[,2]*phi
    ld[,2] <- ld[,2]*phi
    ld[,5] <- ld[,5]*dpth1^2 + ld[,4]*dpth2
    ld[,4] <- ld[,4]*dpth1
    ld[,6] <- ld[,6]*dpth1*phi
    colnames(ld)[1:6] <- c("l","rho","rho.2","th","th.2","th.rho")

  if (work.param&&all.derivs&&length(ind)>0) {
    #ld <- cbind(ld,ld[,1:4]*0)
    a2 <- mu1p/(mu*phii) ## 1/(mu^p*phii)
    ld[ind,7] <- a2*(onep*a1-mu/twop)   ## deriv w.r.t mu
    ld[ind,8] <- -a2*(onep*p*a1/mu+2*onep/twop) ## 2nd deriv w.r.t. mu
    ld[ind,9] <- a2*(-log.mu*onep*a1-a1 + onep*(y/onep^2-mu/twop^2)+mu*log.mu/twop-mu/twop^2) ## mu p
    ld[ind,10] <- a2*(mu/(phii*twop) - onep*a1/phii) ## mu phi
    ## transform to working...
    ld[,10] <- ld[,10]*phi
    ld[,9] <- ld[,9]*dpth1
    colnames(ld) <- c("l","rho","rho.2","th","th.2","th.rho","mu","mu.2","mu.theta","mu.rho")

  if (length(ind)>0) { 
    ld[ind,1] <- ld[ind,1] + oo$w ## log density
    ld[ind,2] <- ld[ind,2] + oo$w1   ## d log f / dphi
    ld[ind,3] <- ld[ind,3] + oo$w2 ## d2 logf / dphi2
    ld[ind,4] <- ld[ind,4] + oo$w1p 
    ld[ind,5] <- ld[ind,5] + oo$w2p  ## d2 logf / dp2
    ld[ind,6] <- ld[ind,6] + oo$w2pp ## d2 logf / dphi dp

if (FALSE) { ## DEBUG disconnection of density terms
  ld[ind,1] <-  oo$w ## log density
  ld[ind,2] <-  oo$w1   ## d log f / dphi
  ld[ind,3] <-  oo$w2 ## d2 logf / dphi2
  ld[ind,4] <-  oo$w1p 
  ld[ind,5] <-  oo$w2p  ## d2 logf / dp2
  ld[ind,6] <-  oo$w2pp ## d2 logf / dphi dp

} ## ldTweedie

Tweedie <- function(p=1,link=power(0)) {
## a restricted Tweedie family
  if (p<=1||p>2) stop("Only 1<p<=2 supported")
  linktemp <- substitute(link)
  if (!is.character(linktemp)) linktemp <- deparse(linktemp)
  okLinks <- c("log", "identity", "sqrt","inverse")
  if (linktemp %in% okLinks)
    stats <- make.link(linktemp) else 
  if (is.character(link)) {
    stats <- make.link(link)
    linktemp <- link
  } else {
    if (inherits(link, "link-glm")) {
       stats <- link
       if (!is.null(stats$name))
          linktemp <- stats$name
        } else {
            stop(gettextf("link \"%s\" not available for Tweedie family.",
                linktemp, collapse = ""),domain = NA)
    variance <- function(mu) mu^p
    dvar <- function(mu) p*mu^(p-1)
    if (p==1) d2var <- function(mu) 0*mu else
      d2var <- function(mu) p*(p-1)*mu^(p-2)
    if (p==1||p==2)  d3var <- function(mu) 0*mu else
      d3var <- function(mu) p*(p-1)*(p-2)*mu^(p-3)
    validmu <- function(mu) all(mu >= 0)

    dev.resids <- function(y, mu, wt) {
        y1 <- y + (y == 0)
        if (p == 1)
            theta <- log(y1/mu)
        else theta <- (y1^(1 - p) - mu^(1 - p))/(1 - p)
        if (p == 2)
            kappa <- log(y1/mu)
        else kappa <- (y^(2 - p) - mu^(2 - p))/(2 - p)
        pmax(2 * wt * (y * theta - kappa),0)
    initialize <- expression({
        n <- rep(1, nobs)
        mustart <- y + 0.1 * (y == 0)

    ls <-  function(y,w,n,scale) {
      power <- p

    aic <- function(y, n, mu, wt, dev) {
      power <- p
      scale <- dev/sum(wt)
      -2*sum(ldTweedie(y,mu,p=power,phi=scale)[,1]*wt) + 2

    if (p==2) {
      rd <- function(mu,wt,scale) {
    } else {
      rd <- function(mu,wt,scale) {

    structure(list(family = paste("Tweedie(",p,")",sep=""), variance = variance, 
              dev.resids = dev.resids,aic = aic, link = linktemp, linkfun = stats$linkfun, linkinv = stats$linkinv,
        mu.eta = stats$mu.eta, initialize = initialize, validmu = validmu,
        valideta = stats$valideta,dvar=dvar,d2var=d2var,d3var=d3var,ls=ls,rd=rd,canonical="none"), class = "family")

} ## Tweedie

rTweedie <- function(mu,p=1.5,phi=1) {
## generate Tweedie random variables, with 1<p<2, 
## adapted from rtweedie in the tweedie package
  if (p<=1||p>=2) stop("p must be in (1,2)")
  if (sum(mu<0)) stop("mean, mu, must be non negative")
  if (phi<=0) stop("scale parameter must be positive")
  lambda <- mu^(2-p)/((2-p)*phi)
  shape <- (2-p)/(p-1)
  scale <- phi*(p-1)*mu^(p-1)

  n.sim <- length(mu)

  ## how many Gamma r.v.s to sum up to get Tweedie
  ## 0 => none, and a zero value

  N <- rpois(length(lambda),lambda)

  ## following is a vector of N[i] copies of each gamma.scale[i]
  ## concatonated one after the other

  gs <- rep(scale,N)

  ## simulate gamma deviates to sum to get tweedie deviates

  y <- rgamma(gs*0+1,shape=shape,scale=gs)

  ## create summation index...

  lab <- rep(1:length(N),N)

  ## sum up each gamma sharing a label. 0 deviate if label does not occur
  o <- .C(C_psum,y=as.double(rep(0,n.sim)),as.double(y),as.integer(lab),as.integer(length(lab)))  
} ## rTweedie

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