# (c) Simon N. Wood (2013-2022). Provided under GPL 2.
## Routines for gam estimation beyond exponential family.
dDeta <- function(y,mu,wt,theta,fam,deriv=0) {
## What is available directly from the family are derivatives of the
## deviance and link w.r.t. mu. This routine converts these to the
## required derivatives of the deviance w.r.t. eta.
## deriv is the order of derivative of the smoothing parameter score
## required.
## This version is based on ratios of derivatives of links rather
## than raw derivatives of links. g2g = g''/g'^2, g3g = g'''/g'^3 etc
r <- fam$Dd(y, mu, theta, wt, level=deriv)
d <- list(Deta=0,Dth=0,Dth2=0,Deta2=0,EDeta2=0,Detath=0,
if (fam$link=="identity") { ## don't waste time on transformation
d$Deta <- r$Dmu;d$Deta2 <- r$Dmu2
d$EDeta2 <- r$EDmu2;d$Deta.Deta2 <- r$Dmu/r$Dmu2
d$Deta.EDeta2 <- r$Dmu/r$EDmu2
if (deriv>0) {
d$Dth <- r$Dth; d$Detath <- r$Dmuth
d$Deta3 <- r$Dmu3; d$Deta2th <- r$Dmu2th
d$EDeta2th <- r$EDmu2th;d$EDeta3 <- r$EDmu3
if (deriv>1) {
d$Deta4 <- r$Dmu4; d$Dth2 <- r$Dth2; d$Detath2 <- r$Dmuth2
d$Deta2th2 <- r$Dmu2th2; d$Deta3th <- r$Dmu3th
} else {
ig1 <- fam$mu.eta(fam$linkfun(mu))
ig12 <- ig1^2
g2g <- fam$g2g(mu)
d$Deta <- r$Dmu * ig1
d$Deta2 <- r$Dmu2*ig12 - r$Dmu*g2g*ig1
d$EDeta2 <- r$EDmu2*ig12
d$Deta.Deta2 <- r$Dmu/(r$Dmu2*ig1 - r$Dmu*g2g)
d$Deta.EDeta2 <- r$Dmu/(r$EDmu2*ig1)
if (deriv>0) {
ig13 <- ig12 * ig1
d$Dth <- r$Dth
d$Detath <- r$Dmuth * ig1
g3g <- fam$g3g(mu)
d$Deta3 <- r$Dmu3*ig13 - 3*r$Dmu2 * g2g * ig12 + r$Dmu * (3*g2g^2 - g3g)*ig1
if (!is.null(r$EDmu3)) d$EDeta3 <- r$EDmu3*ig13 - 3*r$EDmu2 * g2g * ig12 ## EDmu=0
d$Deta2th <- r$Dmu2th*ig12 - r$Dmuth*g2g*ig1
if (!is.null(r$EDmu2th)) d$EDeta2th <- r$EDmu2th*ig12 ##- r$EDmuth*g2g*ig1
if (deriv>1) {
g4g <- fam$g4g(mu)
d$Deta4 <- ig12^2*r$Dmu4 - 6*r$Dmu3*ig13*g2g + r$Dmu2*(15*g2g^2-4*g3g)*ig12 -
r$Dmu*(15*g2g^3-10*g2g*g3g +g4g)*ig1
d$Dth2 <- r$Dth2
d$Detath2 <- r$Dmuth2 * ig1
d$Deta2th2 <- ig12*r$Dmu2th2 - r$Dmuth2*g2g*ig1
d$Deta3th <- ig13*r$Dmu3th - 3 *r$Dmu2th*g2g*ig12 + r$Dmuth*(3*g2g^2-g3g)*ig1
} ## end of non identity
good <- is.finite(d$Deta)&is.finite(d$Deta2)
if (deriv>0) {
nth <- length(theta)
if (nth>1) good <- good&is.finite(rowSums(d$Dth))&is.finite(rowSums(d$Detath))&
is.finite(rowSums(d$Deta2th))&is.finite(d$Deta3) else
good <- good & is.finite(d$Deta3) & if (nth==0) TRUE else
if (deriv>1) {
if (nth>1) good <- good&is.finite(rowSums(d$Dth2))&is.finite(rowSums(d$Detath2))&is.finite(rowSums(d$Deta2th2))&
is.finite(rowSums(d$Deta3th))&is.finite(d$Deta4) else
good <- good & is.finite(d$Deta4) & if (nth==0) TRUE else
d$good <- good
} ## dDeta
fetad.test <- function(y,mu,wt,theta,fam,eps = 1e-7,plot=TRUE) {
## test family derivatives w.r.t. eta
dd <- dDeta(y,mu,wt,theta,fam,deriv=2)
dev <- fam$dev.resids(y, mu, wt,theta)
mu1 <- fam$linkinv(fam$linkfun(mu)+eps)
dev1 <- fam$dev.resids(y,mu1, wt,theta)
Deta.fd <- (dev1-dev)/eps
cat("Deta: rdiff = ",range(dd$Deta-Deta.fd)," cor = ",cor(dd$Deta,Deta.fd),"\n")
nt <- length(theta)
if (fam$n.theta && nt>0) for (i in 1:nt) {
th1 <- theta;th1[i] <- th1[i] + eps
dev1 <- fam$dev.resids(y, mu, wt,th1)
Dth.fd <- (dev1-dev)/eps
um <- if (nt>1) dd$Dth[,i] else dd$Dth
cat("Dth[",i,"]: rdiff = ",range(um-Dth.fd)," cor = ",cor(um,Dth.fd),"\n")
## second order up...
dd1 <- dDeta(y,mu1,wt,theta,fam,deriv=2)
Deta2.fd <- (dd1$Deta - dd$Deta)/eps
cat("Deta2: rdiff = ",range(dd$Deta2-Deta2.fd)," cor = ",cor(dd$Deta2,Deta2.fd),"\n")
Deta3.fd <- (dd1$Deta2 - dd$Deta2)/eps
cat("Deta3: rdiff = ",range(dd$Deta3-Deta3.fd)," cor = ",cor(dd$Deta3,Deta3.fd),"\n")
Deta4.fd <- (dd1$Deta3 - dd$Deta3)/eps
cat("Deta4: rdiff = ",range(dd$Deta4-Deta4.fd)," cor = ",cor(dd$Deta4,Deta4.fd),"\n")
## and now the higher derivs wrt theta...
ind <- 1:nt
if (fam$n.theta && nt>0) for (i in 1:nt) {
th1 <- theta;th1[i] <- th1[i] + eps
dd1 <- dDeta(y,mu,wt,th1,fam,deriv=2)
Detath.fd <- (dd1$Deta - dd$Deta)/eps
um <- if (nt>1) dd$Detath[,i] else dd$Detath
cat("Detath[",i,"]: rdiff = ",range(um-Detath.fd)," cor = ",cor(um,Detath.fd),"\n")
Deta2th.fd <- (dd1$Deta2 - dd$Deta2)/eps
um <- if (nt>1) dd$Deta2th[,i] else dd$Deta2th
cat("Deta2th[",i,"]: rdiff = ",range(um-Deta2th.fd)," cor = ",cor(um,Deta2th.fd),"\n")
Deta3th.fd <- (dd1$Deta3 - dd$Deta3)/eps
um <- if (nt>1) dd$Deta3th[,i] else dd$Deta3th
cat("Deta3th[",i,"]: rdiff = ",range(um-Deta3th.fd)," cor = ",cor(um,Deta3th.fd),"\n")
## now the 3 second derivative w.r.t. theta terms
Dth2.fd <- (dd1$Dth - dd$Dth)/eps
um <- if (nt>1) dd$Dth2[,ind] else dd$Dth2
er <- if (nt>1) Dth2.fd[,i:nt] else Dth2.fd
cat("Dth2[",i,",]: rdiff = ",range(um-er)," cor = ",cor(as.numeric(um),as.numeric(er)),"\n")
Detath2.fd <- (dd1$Detath - dd$Detath)/eps
um <- if (nt>1) dd$Detath2[,ind] else dd$Detath2
er <- if (nt>1) Detath2.fd[,i:nt] else Detath2.fd
cat("Detath2[",i,",]: rdiff = ",range(um-er)," cor = ",cor(as.numeric(um),as.numeric(er)),"\n")
## cat("Detath2[",i,",]: rdiff = ",range(dd$Detath2-Detath2.fd)," cor = ",cor(dd$Detath2,Detath2.fd),"\n")
Deta2th2.fd <- (dd1$Deta2th - dd$Deta2th)/eps
um <- if (nt>1) dd$Deta2th2[,ind] else dd$Deta2th2
er <- if (nt>1) Deta2th2.fd[,i:nt] else Deta2th2.fd
cat("Deta2th2[",i,",]: rdiff = ",range(um-er)," cor = ",cor(as.numeric(um),as.numeric(er)),"\n")
## cat("Deta2th2[",i,",]: rdiff = ",range(dd$Deta2th2-Deta2th2.fd)," cor = ",cor(dd$Deta2th2,Deta2th2.fd),"\n")
ind <- max(ind)+1:(nt-i)
} ## fetad.test
corb <- function(x,z) {
## alternative to cor for measuring similarity of x and z,
## which is not scaling invariant. So 1 really means x and z
## are very close, not just linearly related.
d <- x-z
fmud.test <- function(y,mu,wt,theta,fam,eps = 1e-7,plot=TRUE) {
## test family deviance derivatives w.r.t. mu
## copy to make debugging easier...
Dd <- fam$Dd;dev.resids <- fam$dev.resids
dd <- Dd(y, mu, theta, wt, level=2)
dev <- dev.resids(y, mu, wt,theta)
dev1 <- dev.resids(y, mu+eps, wt,theta)
Dmu.fd <- (dev1-dev)/eps
cat("Dmu: rdiff = ",range(dd$Dmu-Dmu.fd)," cor = ",corb(dd$Dmu,Dmu.fd),"\n")
if (plot) {
pch <- 19;cex <- .4
oask <- devAskNewPage(TRUE)
nt <- length(theta)
if (fam$n.theta>0&&nt>0) for (i in 1:nt) {
th1 <- theta;th1[i] <- th1[i] + eps
dev1 <- dev.resids(y, mu, wt,th1)
Dth.fd <- (dev1-dev)/eps
um <- if (nt>1) dd$Dth[,i] else dd$Dth
cat("Dth[",i,"]: rdiff = ",range(um-Dth.fd)," cor = ",corb(um,Dth.fd),"\n",sep="")
if (plot) { plot(um,Dth.fd,pch=pch,cex=cex,xlab=paste("Dth[",i,"]",sep=""));
## second order up...
dd1 <- Dd(y, mu+eps, theta, wt, level=2)
Dmu2.fd <- (dd1$Dmu - dd$Dmu)/eps
cat("Dmu2: rdiff = ",range(dd$Dmu2-Dmu2.fd)," cor = ",corb(dd$Dmu2,Dmu2.fd),"\n")
if (plot) { plot(dd$Dmu2,Dmu2.fd,pch=pch,cex=cex);abline(0,1,col=2)}
Dmu3.fd <- (dd1$Dmu2 - dd$Dmu2)/eps
cat("Dmu3: rdiff = ",range(dd$Dmu3-Dmu3.fd)," cor = ",corb(dd$Dmu3,Dmu3.fd),"\n")
if (plot) { plot(dd$Dmu3,Dmu3.fd,pch=pch,cex=cex);abline(0,1,col=2)}
Dmu4.fd <- (dd1$Dmu3 - dd$Dmu3)/eps
cat("Dmu4: rdiff = ",range(dd$Dmu4-Dmu4.fd)," cor = ",corb(dd$Dmu4,Dmu4.fd),"\n")
if (plot) { plot(dd$Dmu4,Dmu4.fd,pch=pch,cex=cex);abline(0,1,col=2)}
## and now the higher derivs wrt theta
ind <- 1:nt
if (fam$n.theta>0&&nt>0) for (i in 1:nt) {
th1 <- theta;th1[i] <- th1[i] + eps
dd1 <- Dd(y, mu, th1, wt, level=2)
Dmuth.fd <- (dd1$Dmu - dd$Dmu)/eps
um <- if (nt>1) dd$Dmuth[,i] else dd$Dmuth
cat("Dmuth[",i,"]: rdiff = ",range(um-Dmuth.fd)," cor = ",corb(um,Dmuth.fd),"\n")
if (plot) { plot(um,Dmuth.fd,pch=pch,cex=cex,xlab=paste("Dmuth[",i,"]",sep=""));abline(0,1,col=2)}
Dmu2th.fd <- (dd1$Dmu2 - dd$Dmu2)/eps
um <- if (nt>1) dd$Dmu2th[,i] else dd$Dmu2th
cat("Dmu2th[",i,"]: rdiff = ",range(um-Dmu2th.fd)," cor = ",corb(um,Dmu2th.fd),"\n")
if (plot) { plot(um,Dmu2th.fd,pch=pch,cex=cex,xlab=paste("Dmu2th[",i,"]",sep=""));abline(0,1,col=2)}
if (!is.null(dd$EDmu2th)) {
EDmu2th.fd <- (dd1$EDmu2 - dd$EDmu2)/eps
um <- if (nt>1) dd$EDmu2th[,i] else dd$EDmu2th
cat("EDmu2th[",i,"]: rdiff = ",range(um-EDmu2th.fd)," cor = ",corb(um,EDmu2th.fd),"\n")
if (plot) { plot(um,EDmu2th.fd,pch=pch,cex=cex,xlab=paste("EDmu2th[",i,"]",sep=""));abline(0,1,col=2)}
Dmu3th.fd <- (dd1$Dmu3 - dd$Dmu3)/eps
um <- if (nt>1) dd$Dmu3th[,i] else dd$Dmu3th
cat("Dmu3th[",i,"]: rdiff = ",range(um-Dmu3th.fd)," cor = ",corb(um,Dmu3th.fd),"\n")
if (plot) { plot(um,Dmu3th.fd,pch=pch,cex=cex,xlab=paste("Dmu3th[",i,"]",sep=""));abline(0,1,col=2)}
## now the 3 second derivative w.r.t. theta terms...
Dth2.fd <- (dd1$Dth - dd$Dth)/eps
um <- if (nt>1) dd$Dth2[,ind] else dd$Dth2
er <- if (nt>1) Dth2.fd[,i:nt] else Dth2.fd
cat("Dth2[",i,",]: rdiff = ",range(um-er)," cor = ",corb(as.numeric(um),as.numeric(er)),"\n")
if (plot) { plot(um,er,pch=pch,cex=cex,xlab=paste("Dth2[",i,",]",sep=""),ylab="fd");abline(0,1,col=2)}
Dmuth2.fd <- (dd1$Dmuth - dd$Dmuth)/eps
um <- if (nt>1) dd$Dmuth2[,ind] else dd$Dmuth2
er <- if (nt>1) Dmuth2.fd[,i:nt] else Dmuth2.fd
cat("Dmuth2[",i,",]: rdiff = ",range(um-er)," cor = ",corb(as.numeric(um),as.numeric(er)),"\n")
if (plot) { plot(um,er,pch=pch,cex=cex,xlab=paste("Dmuth2[",i,",]",sep=""),ylab="fd");abline(0,1,col=2)}
Dmu2th2.fd <- (dd1$Dmu2th - dd$Dmu2th)/eps
um <- if (nt>1) dd$Dmu2th2[,ind] else dd$Dmu2th2
er <- if (nt>1) Dmu2th2.fd[,i:nt] else Dmu2th2.fd
cat("Dmu2th2[",i,",]: rdiff = ",range(um-er)," cor = ",corb(as.numeric(um),as.numeric(er)),"\n")
if (plot) { plot(um,er,pch=pch,cex=cex,xlab=paste("Dmu2th2[",i,",]",sep=""),ylab="fd");abline(0,1,col=2)}
ind <- max(ind)+1:(nt-i)
} ## fmud.test
gam.fit4 <- function(x, y, sp, Eb,UrS=list(),
weights = rep(1, nobs), start = NULL, etastart = NULL,
mustart = NULL, offset = rep(0, nobs),U1=diag(ncol(x)), Mp=-1, family = gaussian(),
control = gam.control(), deriv=2,gamma=1,
scale=1,scoreType="REML",null.coef=rep(0,ncol(x)),nei=NULL,...) {
## Routine for fitting GAMs beyond exponential family.
## Inputs as gam.fit3 except that family is of class "", while
## sp contains the vector of extended family parameters, followed by the log smoothing parameters,
## followed by the log scale parameter if scale < 0
## some families have second derivative of deviance, and hence iterative weights
## very close to zero for some data. This can lead to poorly scaled sqrt(w)z
## and it is better to base everything on wz...
if (is.null(family$use.wz)) family$use.wz <- FALSE
warn <- list()
if (family$n.theta>0) { ## there are extra parameters to estimate
ind <- 1:family$n.theta
theta <- sp[ind] ## parameters of the family
sp <- sp[-ind] ## log smoothing parameters
} else theta <- family$getTheta() ## fixed value
## penalized <- if (length(UrS)>0) TRUE else FALSE
if (scale>0) scale.known <- TRUE else {
## unknown scale parameter, trial value supplied as
## final element of sp.
scale.known <- FALSE
nsp <- length(sp)
scale <- exp(sp[nsp])
sp <- sp[-nsp]
x <- as.matrix(x)
nSp <- length(sp)
rank.tol <- .Machine$double.eps*100 ## tolerance to use for rank deficiency
q <- ncol(x)
n <- nobs <- nrow(x)
xnames <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
ynames <- if (is.matrix(y)) rownames(y) else names(y)
## Now a stable re-parameterization is needed....
if (length(UrS)) {
grderiv <- if (scoreType=="EFS") 1 else deriv
rp <- gam.reparam(UrS,sp,grderiv)
T <- diag(q)
T[1:ncol(rp$Qs),1:ncol(rp$Qs)] <- rp$Qs
T <- U1%*%T ## new params b'=T'b old params
null.coef <- t(T)%*%null.coef
if (!is.null(start)) start <- t(T)%*%start
## form x%*%T in parallel
x <- .Call(C_mgcv_pmmult2,x,T,0,0,control$nthreads)
rS <- list()
for (i in 1:length(UrS)) {
rS[[i]] <- rbind(rp$rS[[i]],matrix(0,Mp,ncol(rp$rS[[i]])))
} ## square roots of penalty matrices in current parameterization
Eb <- Eb%*%T ## balanced penalty matrix
rows.E <- q-Mp
Sr <- cbind(rp$E,matrix(0,nrow(rp$E),Mp))
St <- rbind(cbind(rp$S,matrix(0,nrow(rp$S),Mp)),matrix(0,Mp,q))
} else {
grderiv <- 0
T <- diag(q);
St <- matrix(0,q,q)
rSncol <- rows.E <- Eb <- Sr <- 0
rS <- list(0)
rp <- list(det=0,det1 = 0,det2 = 0,fixed.penalty=FALSE)
## re-parameterization complete. Initialization....
nvars <- ncol(x)
if (nvars==0) stop("emtpy models not available")
if (is.null(weights)) weights <-, nobs)
if (is.null(offset)) offset <-, nobs)
linkinv <- family$linkinv
valideta <- family$valideta
validmu <- family$validmu
dev.resids <- family$dev.resids
## need an initial `null deviance' to test for initial divergence...
## if (!is.null(start)) null.coef <- start - can be on edge of feasible - not good
null.eta <- as.numeric(x%*%null.coef + as.numeric(offset))
## call the families initialization code...
if (is.null(mustart)) {
mukeep <- NULL
} else {
mukeep <- mustart
#mustart <- mukeep
old.pdev <- sum(dev.resids(y, linkinv(null.eta), weights,theta)) + t(null.coef)%*%St%*%null.coef
if (!is.null(start)) { ## check it's at least better than null.coef
pdev <- sum(dev.resids(y, linkinv(x%*%start+as.numeric(offset)), weights,theta)) + t(start)%*%St%*%start
if (pdev>old.pdev) start <- mukeep <- etastart <- NULL
coefold <- null.coef ## set to default, may be replaced below
etaold <- x %*% coefold + offset
if (!is.null(mukeep)) mustart <- mukeep
## and now finalize initialization of mu and eta...
eta <- if (!is.null(etastart)) etastart
else if (!is.null(start))
if (length(start) != nvars)
stop("Length of start should equal ", nvars,
" and correspond to initial coefs for ", deparse(xnames))
else {
coefold <- start
etaold <- offset + as.vector(if (NCOL(x) == 1)
x * start
else x %*% start)
else family$linkfun(mustart)
mu <- linkinv(eta)
conv <- boundary <- FALSE
dd <- dDeta(y,mu,weights,theta,family,0) ## derivatives of deviance w.r.t. eta
w <- dd$Deta2 * .5
wz <- w*(eta-offset) - .5*dd$Deta
z <- (eta-offset) - dd$Deta.Deta2
good <- is.finite(z)&is.finite(w)
zg <- rep(0,max(dim(x)))
for (iter in 1:control$maxit) { ## start of main fitting iteration
if (control$trace) cat(iter," ")
if (control$trace&sum(!good)>0) cat("\n",sum(!good)," not good\n")
if (sum(!good)) {
use.wy <- TRUE
good <- is.finite(w)&is.finite(wz)
z[!is.finite(z)] <- 0 ## avoid NaN in .C call - unused anyway
} else use.wy <- family$use.wz
if (sum(good)==0) stop("no good data in iteration")
ng <- sum(good)
zg[1:ng] <- z[good] ## ensure that y dimension large enough for coefs
oo <- .C(C_pls_fit1,
y=as.double(zg),X=as.double(x[good,]),w=as.double(w[good]),wy = as.double(wz[good]),
posdef <- oo$n >= 0
if (!posdef) { ## then problem is indefinite - switch to +ve weights for this step
if (control$trace) cat("**using positive weights\n")
# problem is that Fisher can be very poor for zeroes
## index weights that are finite and positive
good <- is.finite(dd$Deta2)
good[good] <- dd$Deta2[good]>0
w[!good] <- 0
wz <- w*(eta-offset) - .5*dd$Deta
z <- (eta-offset) - dd$Deta.Deta2
good <- is.finite(z)&is.finite(w)
if (sum(!good)) {
use.wy <- TRUE
good <- is.finite(w)&is.finite(wz)
z[!is.finite(z)] <- 0 ## avoid NaN in .C call - unused anyway
} else use.wy <- family$use.wz
ng <- sum(good)
zg[1:ng] <- z[good] ## ensure that y dimension large enough for coefs
oo <- .C(C_pls_fit1, ##C_pls_fit1,
y=as.double(zg),X=as.double(x[good,]),w=as.double(w[good]),wy = as.double(wz[good]),
start <- oo$y[1:ncol(x)] ## current coefficient estimates
penalty <- oo$penalty ## size of penalty
eta <- drop(x%*%start) ## the linear predictor (less offset)
if (any(!is.finite(start))) { ## test for breakdown
conv <- FALSE
warn[[length(warn)+1]] <- paste(" gam.fit4 non-finite coefficients at iteration ",
return(list(REML=NA,warn=warn)) ## return immediately signalling failure
mu <- linkinv(eta <- eta + offset)
dev <- sum(dev.resids(y, mu, weights,theta))
## now step halve under non-finite deviance...
if (!is.finite(dev)) {
if (is.null(coefold)) {
if (is.null(null.coef))
stop("no valid set of coefficients has been found:please supply starting values",
call. = FALSE)
## Try to find feasible coefficients from the null.coef and null.eta
coefold <- null.coef
etaold <- null.eta
ii <- 1
while (!is.finite(dev)) {
if (ii > control$maxit)
stop("inner loop 1; can't correct step size")
ii <- ii + 1
start <- (start + coefold)/2
eta <- (eta + etaold)/2
mu <- linkinv(eta)
dev <- sum(dev.resids(y, mu, weights,theta))
boundary <- TRUE
penalty <- t(start)%*%St%*%start ## reset penalty too
if (control$trace)
cat("Step halved: new deviance =", dev, "\n")
} ## end of infinite deviance correction
## now step halve if mu or eta are out of bounds...
if (!(valideta(eta) && validmu(mu))) {
ii <- 1
while (!(valideta(eta) && validmu(mu))) {
if (ii > control$maxit)
stop("inner loop 2; can't correct step size")
ii <- ii + 1
start <- (start + coefold)/2
eta <- (eta + etaold)/2
mu <- linkinv(eta)
boundary <- TRUE
dev <- sum(dev.resids(y, mu, weights,theta))
penalty <- t(start)%*%St%*%start ## need to reset penalty too
if (control$trace)
cat("Step halved: new deviance =", dev, "\n")
} ## end of invalid mu/eta handling
## now check for divergence of penalized deviance....
pdev <- dev + penalty ## the penalized deviance
if (control$trace) cat("penalized deviance =", pdev, "\n")
div.thresh <- 10*(.1+abs(old.pdev))*.Machine$double.eps^.5
if (pdev-old.pdev>div.thresh) { ## solution diverging
ii <- 1 ## step halving counter
if (iter==1) { ## immediate divergence, need to shrink towards zero
etaold <- null.eta; coefold <- null.coef
while (pdev -old.pdev > div.thresh) { ## step halve until pdev <= old.pdev
if (ii > 100)
stop("inner loop 3; can't correct step size")
ii <- ii + 1
start <- (start + coefold)/2
eta <- (eta + etaold)/2
mu <- linkinv(eta)
dev <- sum(dev.resids(y, mu, weights,theta))
penalty <- t(start)%*%St%*%start
pdev <- dev + penalty ## the penalized deviance
if (control$trace)
cat("Step halved: new penalized deviance =", pdev, "\n")
} ## end of pdev divergence
if (scoreType=="EFS"&&family$n.theta>0) { ## there are theta parameters to estimate...
scale1 <- if (!is.null(family$scale)) family$scale else scale
if (family$n.theta>0||scale<0) theta <- estimate.theta(theta,family,y,mu,scale=scale1,wt=weights,tol=1e-7)
if (!is.null(family$scale) && family$scale<0) {
scale <- exp(theta[family$n.theta+1])
theta <- theta[1:family$n.theta]
## get new weights and pseudodata (needed now for grad testing)...
dd <- dDeta(y,mu,weights,theta,family,0) ## derivatives of deviance w.r.t. eta
w <- dd$Deta2 * .5;
wz <- w*(eta-offset) - .5*dd$Deta
z <- (eta-offset) - dd$Deta.Deta2
good <- is.finite(z)&is.finite(w)
## convergence testing...
if (posdef && abs(pdev - old.pdev)/(0.1 + abs(pdev)) < control$epsilon) {
## Need to check coefs converged adequately, to ensure implicit differentiation
## ok. Testing coefs unchanged is problematic under rank deficiency (not guaranteed to
## drop same parameter every iteration!)
grad <- 2 * t(x[good,,drop=FALSE])%*%((w[good]*(x%*%start)[good]-wz[good]))+ 2*St%*%start
if (max(abs(grad)) > control$epsilon*(abs(pdev)+scale)) {
old.pdev <- pdev ## not converged quite enough
coef <- coefold <- start
etaold <- eta
##muold <- mu
} else { ## converged
conv <- TRUE
coef <- start
} else { ## not converged
old.pdev <- pdev
coef <- coefold <- start
etaold <- eta
if (scoreType=="EFS"&&family$n.theta>0) {
## now recompute pdev with new theta, otherwise step control won't work at next iteration
dev <- sum(dev.resids(y, mu, weights,theta))
old.pdev <- pdev <- dev + penalty
} ## end of main loop
## so at this stage the model has been fully estimated
coef <- as.numeric(T %*% coef)
## now obtain derivatives, if these are needed...
check.derivs <- FALSE
while (check.derivs) { ## debugging code to check derivatives
eps <- 1e-7
fmud.test(y,mu,weights,theta,family,eps = eps)
fetad.test(y,mu,weights,theta,family,eps = eps)
dd <- dDeta(y,mu,weights,theta,family,deriv)
w <- dd$Deta2 * .5
z <- (eta-offset) - dd$Deta.Deta2 ## - .5 * dd$Deta[good] / w
wf <- pmax(0,dd$EDeta2 * .5) ## Fisher type weights
wz <- w*(eta-offset) - 0.5*dd$Deta ## Wz finite when w==0
good <- is.finite(wz)&is.finite(w)&dd$good
if (sum(good)==0) stop("not enough finite derivatives")
residuals <- z - (eta - offset)
residuals[!is.finite(residuals)] <- NA
z[!is.finite(z)] <- 0 ## avoid passing NA etc to C code
ntot <- length(theta) + length(sp)
rSncol <- unlist(lapply(UrS,ncol))
## Now drop any elements of dd that have been dropped in fitting...
if (sum(!good)>0) { ## drop !good from fields of dd, weights and pseudodata
z <- z[good]; w <- w[good]; wz <- wz[good]; wf <- wf[good]
dd$Deta <- dd$Deta[good];dd$Deta2 <- dd$Deta2[good]
dd$EDeta2 <- dd$EDeta2[good]
if (deriv>0) dd$Deta3 <- dd$Deta3[good]
if (deriv>1) dd$Deta4 <- dd$Deta4[good]
if (length(theta)>1) {
if (deriv>0) {
dd$Dth <- dd$Dth[good,];
dd$Detath <- dd$Detath[good,]; dd$Deta2th <- dd$Deta2th[good,]
if (deriv>1) {
dd$Detath2 <- dd$Detath2[good,]; dd$Deta3th <- dd$Deta3th[good,]
dd$Deta2th2 <- dd$Deta2th2[good,];dd$Dth2 <- dd$Dth2[good,]
} else {
if (deriv>0) {
dd$Dth <- dd$Dth[good];
dd$Detath <- dd$Detath[good]; dd$Deta2th <- dd$Deta2th[good]
if (deriv>1) {
dd$Detath2 <- dd$Detath2[good]; dd$Deta3th <- dd$Deta3th[good]
dd$Deta2th2 <- dd$Deta2th2[good]; dd$Dth2 <- dd$Dth2[good]
## gdi.type should probably be computed after dropping via good
gdi.type <- if (any(abs(w)<.Machine$double.xmin*1e20)||any(!is.finite(z))) 1 else 0
if (scoreType=="EFS") scoreType <- "REML"
oo <- .C(C_gdi2,
U1 = as.double(U1),sp=as.double(exp(sp)),theta=as.double(theta),
Det2=as.double(dd$Deta2),Dth2=as.double(dd$Dth2),$Detath),$Deta2th),Det3=as.double(dd$Deta3),Det.th2 = as.double(dd$Detath2),
Det4 = as.double(dd$Deta4),$Deta3th), Deta2.th2=as.double(dd$Deta2th2),
P=as.double(0),P1=as.double(rep(0,ntot)),P2 = as.double(rep(0,ntot^2)),
ldet=as.double(1-2*(scoreType=="ML")),ldet1 = as.double(rep(0,ntot)),
ldet2 = as.double(rep(0,ntot^2)),
n.theta=as.integer(length(theta)), Mp=as.integer(Mp),Enrow=as.integer(rows.E),
fixed.penalty = as.integer(rp$fixed.penalty),nt=as.integer(control$nthreads),
rV <- matrix(oo$rV,ncol(x),ncol(x)) ## rV%*%t(rV)*scale gives covariance matrix
#rV <- rV # transform before return
## derivatives of coefs w.r.t. sps etc...
## note that db.drho and dw.drho start with derivs wrt theta, then wrt sp (no scale param of course)
db.drho <- if (deriv) matrix(oo$b1,ncol(x),ntot) else NULL ## transform before return
dw.drho <- if (deriv) matrix(oo$w1,length(z),ntot) else NULL
Kmat <- matrix(0,nrow(x),ncol(x))
Kmat[good,] <- oo$X ## rV%*%t(K)%*%(sqrt(wf)*X) = F; diag(F) is edf array
Vg <- NCV <- NCV1 <- REML <- REML1 <- REML2 <- NULL
if (scoreType=="NCV") { <- rep(0.0,length(nei$i)) <- if (deriv) matrix(0.0,length(nei$i),ntot) else matrix(0.0,1,ntot)
w1 <- -dd$Deta/2; w2 <- dd$Deta2/2; dth <- dd$Detath/2 ## !?
R <- try(chol(crossprod(x,w*x)+St),silent=TRUE)
if (nei$jackknife > 2) { ## return NCV coef changes for each fold
if (deriv>0) stop("jackknife and derivatives requested together")
dth <- matrix(0,ncol(x),length(nei$m))
deriv1 <- -1 ## signal to return coef changes
} else deriv1 <- deriv
if (inherits(R,"try-error")) { ## use CG approach...
Hi <- tcrossprod(rV) ## inverse of penalized Expected Hessian - inverse actual Hessian probably better
cg.iter <- .Call(C_ncv,x,Hi,w1,w2,db.drho,dw.drho,rS,nei$i-1,nei$mi,nei$m,nei$k-1,oo$beta,exp(sp),,, dth, deriv1);
warn[[length(warn)+1]] <- "NCV positive definite update check not possible"
} else { ## use Cholesky update approach
pdef.fails <- .Call(C_Rncv,x,R,w1,w2,db.drho,dw.drho,rS,nei$i-1,nei$mi,nei$m,nei$k-1,oo$beta,exp(sp),,, dth, deriv1,.Machine$double.eps,control$ncv.threads);
if (pdef.fails) warn[[length(warn)+1]] <- "some NCV updates not positive definite"
} <- linkinv(
nt <- family$n.theta
## if some elements of theta are fixed, figure out which derivatives will be needed...
if (deriv) keep <- if (length(theta)>nt) (length(theta)+1):(ncol(db.drho)+!scale.known) else 1:(ncol(db.drho)+!scale.known)
dev0 <- dev.resids(y[nei$i], mu[nei$i], weights[nei$i],theta)
ls0 <- family$ls(y[nei$i],weights[nei$i],theta,scale)
if (family$qapprox) { ## quadratic approximation to NCV
qdev <- dev0 + gamma*dd$Deta[nei$i]*([nei$i]) + 0.5*gamma*dd$Deta2[nei$i]*([nei$i])^2
NCV <- sum(qdev)/(2*scale) - ls0$ls
if (deriv) {
deta <- x %*% db.drho
ncv1 <- (dd$Deta[nei$i]*((1-gamma)*deta[nei$i,,drop=FALSE]+gamma* +
gamma*dd$Deta2[nei$i]**([nei$i]) +
if (nt>0) { ## deal with direct dependence on the theta parameters
ncv1[,1:nt] <- ncv1[,1:nt]- ls0$LSTH1[,1:nt] +
if (nt==1) (dd$Dth[nei$i] + gamma*dd$Detath[nei$i]*([nei$i]) + 0.5*gamma*dd$Deta2th[nei$i]*([nei$i])^2)/(2*scale)
else (dd$Dth[nei$i,] + gamma*dd$Detath[nei$i,]*([nei$i]) + 0.5*gamma*dd$Deta2th[nei$i,]*([nei$i])^2)/(2*scale)
if (!scale.known) {
ncv1 <- cbind(ncv1,-qdev/(2*scale) - ls0$LSTH1[,1+nt])
} else { ## exact NCV <- dev.resids(y,, weights,theta)
NCV <- sum(*scale) - ls0$ls
DEV <- sum(dev0)/(2*scale) - ls0$ls
if (gamma!=1) NCV <- gamma*NCV - (gamma-1)*DEV
if (deriv) { <- dDeta(y[nei$i],,weights[nei$i],theta,family,1)
ncv1 <-$Deta**scale)
if (gamma!=1) dev1 <- (dd$Deta*(x%*%db.drho))[nei$i,,drop=FALSE]/(2*scale)
if (nt>0) {
ncv1[,1:nt] <- ncv1[,1:nt] + as.matrix($Dth/(2*scale)) - ls0$LSTH1[,1:nt]
if (gamma!=1) dev1[,1:nt] <- dev1[,1:nt] + as.matrix(dd$Dth/(2*scale))[nei$i,,drop=FALSE] - ls0$LSTH1[,1:nt]
if (!scale.known) { ## deal with log scale parameter derivative
ncv1 <- cbind(ncv1,*scale) - ls0$LSTH1[,1+nt])
if (gamma!=1) dev1 <- cbind(dev1,-dev0/(2*scale) - ls0$lSTH1[,1+nt])
if (gamma!=1) ncv1 <- gamma*ncv1 - (gamma-1)*dev1
} ## exact NCV
if (nei$jackknife>2) {
nk <- c(nei$m[1],diff(nei$m)) ## dropped fold sizes
jkw <- sqrt((nobs-nk)/(nobs*nk)) ## jackknife weights
dth <-jkw*t(dth)%*%t(T)
#Vj <- crossprod(dd) ## jackknife cov matrix for coefs (beta)
#attr(Vj,"dd") <- dd
#attr(NCV,"Vj") <- Vj
attr(NCV,"dd") <- dth
attr(NCV,"") <-
if (deriv) {
attr(NCV,"") <-;
NCV1 <- colSums(ncv1)
NCV1 <- NCV1[keep] ## drop derivatives for any fixed theta parameters
Vg <- crossprod(ncv1[,keep,drop=FALSE]) ## empirical cov matrix of grad
} else { ## RE/ML
D2 <- matrix(oo$D2,ntot,ntot); ldet2 <- matrix(oo$ldet2,ntot,ntot)
bSb2 <- matrix(oo$P2,ntot,ntot)
## compute the REML score...
ls <- family$ls(y,weights,theta,scale)
nt <- length(theta)
lsth1 <- if (nt>0) ls$lsth1[1:nt] else rep(0,0)
lsth2 <- if (nt>0) as.matrix(ls$lsth2)[1:nt,1:nt] else matrix(0,0,0) ## exclude any derivs w.r.t log scale here
REML <- ((dev+oo$P)/(2*scale) - ls$ls)/gamma + (oo$ldet - rp$det)/2 -
as.numeric(scoreType=="REML") * Mp * (log(2*pi*scale)/2-log(gamma)/2)
if (deriv) {
det1 <- oo$ldet1
if (nSp) {
ind <- 1:nSp + length(theta)
det1[ind] <- det1[ind] - rp$det1
REML1 <- ((oo$D1+oo$P1)/(2*scale) - c(lsth1,rep(0,length(sp))))/gamma + (det1)/2
if (deriv>1) {
ls2 <- D2*0;if (nt>0) ls2[1:nt,1:nt] <- lsth2
if (nSp) ldet2[ind,ind] <- ldet2[ind,ind] - rp$det2
REML2 <- ((D2+bSb2)/(2*scale) - ls2)/gamma + ldet2/2
if (!scale.known&&deriv) { ## need derivatives wrt log scale, too
Dp <- dev + oo$P
dlr.dlphi <- (-Dp/(2 *scale) - ls$lsth1[nt+1])/gamma - as.numeric(scoreType=="REML") * Mp/2
d2lr.d2lphi <- (Dp/(2*scale) - ls$lsth2[nt+1,nt+1])/gamma
d2lr.dspphi <- -(oo$D1+oo$P1)/(2*scale*gamma)
if (nt>0) d2lr.dspphi[1:nt] <- d2lr.dspphi[1:nt] - ls$lsth2[nt+1,1:nt]/gamma
REML1 <- c(REML1,dlr.dlphi)
if (deriv==2) {
REML2 <- rbind(REML2,as.numeric(d2lr.dspphi))
REML2 <- cbind(REML2,c(as.numeric(d2lr.dspphi),d2lr.d2lphi))
nth <- length(theta)
if (deriv) db.drho <- T %*% db.drho
if (deriv>0&&family$n.theta==0&&nth>0) { ## need to drop derivs for fixed theta
REML1 <- REML1[-(1:nth)]
if (deriv>1) REML2 <- REML2[-(1:nth),-(1:nth)]
db.drho <- db.drho[,-(1:nth),drop=FALSE]
names(coef) <- xnames
names(residuals) <- ynames
wtdmu <- sum(weights * y)/sum(weights) ## has to then be corrected when this is incorrect
## wtdmu <- sum(weights * mu)/sum(weights) ## changed from y
nulldev <- sum(dev.resids(y, rep(wtdmu,length(y)), weights)) ## this will be corrected in family postproc
n.ok <- nobs - sum(weights == 0)
nulldf <- n.ok
ww <- wt <-, nobs)
wt[good] <- wf
ww[good] <- w
if (deriv && nrow(dw.drho)!=nrow(x)) {
w1 <- dw.drho
dw.drho <- matrix(0,nrow(x),ncol(w1))
dw.drho[good,] <- w1
## dev is used in family$aic to estimate the scale as dev/sum(weights), or is unused.
## the form is for compatibility with exponential families, but the estimator can
## be biased for low count data in the extended family case. So better to force the
## actual scale estimate to be used...
aic.model <- family$aic(y, mu, theta, weights, dev=scale*sum(weights)) # note: incomplete 2*edf needs to be added
list(coefficients = coef,residuals=residuals,fitted.values = mu,
family=family, linear.predictors = eta,deviance=dev,
weights=wt, ## note that these are Fisher type weights
working.weights = ww, ## working weights
df.null = nulldf, y = y, converged = conv,z=z,
boundary = boundary,
rV=T %*% rV,db.drho=db.drho,dw.drho=dw.drho,
dVkk = matrix(oo$dVkk,nSp,nSp),ldetS1 = if (grderiv) rp$det1 else 0
} ## gam.fit4
efsudr <- function(x,y,lsp,Eb,UrS,weights,family,offset=0,start=NULL,etastart=NULL,mustart=NULL,
U1=diag(ncol(x)), intercept = TRUE,scale=1,Mp=-1,control=gam.control(),n.true=-1,...) {
## Extended Fellner-Schall method for regular and extended families,
## with PIRLS performed by gam.fit3/4.
## tr(S^-S_j) is returned by ldetS1, rV %*% t(rV)*scale is
## cov matrix. I think b'S_jb will need to be computed here.
nsp <- length(UrS)
if (inherits(family,"")) {
spind <- family$n.theta + 1:nsp
thind <- if (family$n.theta>0) 1:family$n.theta else rep(0,0)
} else {
thind <- rep(0,0)
spind <- 1:nsp ## index of smoothing params in lsp
estimate.scale <- (length(lsp)>max(spind))
lsp[spind] <- lsp[spind] + 2.5
mult <- 1
fit <- gam.fit3(x=x, y=y, sp=lsp, Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
weights = weights, start = start, offset = offset,U1=U1, Mp=Mp, family = family,
control = control, intercept = intercept,deriv=0,
if (length(thind)>0) lsp[thind] <- family$getTheta()
if (estimate.scale) lsp[length(lsp)] <- log(fit$scale)
## Also need scale estimate. OK from gam.fit3, but gam.fit4 version probably needs correcting
## for edf, as obtained via MLE.
p <- ncol(x)
n <- nrow(x)
score.hist <- rep(0,200)
bSb <- trVS <- rep(0,nsp)
for (iter in 1:200) {
start <- fit$coefficients
Y <- U1[,1:(ncol(U1)-Mp)] ## penalty range space
## project coefs and rV to Y, since this is space of UrS[[i]]
Yb <- drop(t(Y)%*%start)
rV <- t(fit$rV) ## so t(rV)%*%rV*scale is cov matrix
rVY <- rV %*% Y
## ith penalty is UrS[[i]]%*%t(UrS[[i]])...
for (i in 1:length(UrS)) {
xx <- Yb %*% UrS[[i]]
bSb[i] <- sum(xx^2)
xx <- rVY %*% UrS[[i]]
trVS[i] <- sum(xx^2)
edf <- p - sum(trVS*exp(lsp[spind]))
if (inherits(family,"")&&estimate.scale) {
fit$scale <- fit$scale*n/(n-edf) ## correct for edf.
a <- pmax(0,fit$ldetS1*exp(-lsp[spind]) - trVS) ## NOTE: double check scaling here
phi <- if (estimate.scale) fit$scale else scale
r <- a/pmax(0,bSb)*phi
r[a==0&bSb==0] <- 1
r[!is.finite(r)] <- 1e6
lsp1 <- lsp
lsp1[spind] <- pmin(lsp[spind] + log(r)*mult,control$efs.lspmax)
max.step <- max(abs(lsp1-lsp))
old.reml <- fit$REML
fit <- gam.fit3(x=x, y=y, sp=lsp1, Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
weights = weights, start = start, offset = offset,U1=U1, Mp=Mp, family = family,
control = control, intercept = intercept,deriv=0,mustart=mustart,
if (length(thind)>0) lsp1[thind] <- family$getTheta()
if (estimate.scale) lsp1[length(lsp)] <- log(fit$scale)
## some step length control...
if (fit$REML<=old.reml) { ## improvement
if (max.step<.05) { ## consider step extension (near optimum)
lsp2 <- lsp
lsp2[spind] <- pmin(lsp[spind] + log(r)*mult*2,control$efs.lspmax) ## try extending step...
fit2 <- gam.fit3(x=x, y=y, sp=lsp2, Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
weights = weights, start = start, offset = offset,U1=U1, Mp=Mp, family = family,
control = control, intercept = intercept,deriv=0,mustart=mustart,
if (length(thind)>0) lsp2[thind] <- family$getTheta()
if (estimate.scale) lsp2[length(lsp)] <- log(fit$scale)
if (fit2$REML < fit$REML) { ## improvement - accept extension
fit <- fit2;lsp <- lsp2
mult <- mult * 2
} else { ## accept old step
lsp <- lsp1
} else lsp <- lsp1
} else { ## no improvement
while (fit$REML > old.reml&&mult>1) { ## don't contract below 1 as update doesn't have to improve REML
mult <- mult/2 ## contract step
lsp1 <- lsp
lsp1[spind] <- pmin(lsp[spind] + log(r)*mult,control$efs.lspmax)
fit <- gam.fit3(x=x, y=y, sp=lsp1, Eb=Eb,UrS=UrS,
weights = weights, start = start, offset = offset,U1=U1, Mp=Mp, family = family,
control = control, intercept = intercept,deriv=0,mustart=mustart,
if (length(thind)>0) lsp1[thind] <- family$getTheta()
if (estimate.scale) lsp1[length(lsp)] <- log(fit$scale)
lsp <- lsp1
if (mult<1) mult <- 1
score.hist[iter] <- fit$REML
## break if EFS step small and REML change negligible over last 3 steps.
if (iter>3 && max.step<.05 && max(abs(diff(score.hist[(iter-3):iter])))<control$efs.tol) break
## or break if deviance not changing...
if (iter==1) <- fit$dev else {
if (abs($dev) < 100*control$eps*abs(fit$dev)) break <- fit$dev
fit$sp <- exp(lsp)
fit$iter <- iter
fit$ <- list(iter = iter,score.hist=score.hist[1:iter])
fit$$conv <- if (iter==200) "iteration limit reached" else "full convergence"
} ## efsudr
gam.fit5 <- function(x,y,lsp,Sl,weights=NULL,offset=NULL,deriv=2,family,scoreType="REML",
## NOTE: offset handling - needs to be passed to ll code
## fit models by general penalized likelihood method,
## given doubly extended family in family. lsp is log smoothing parameters
## Stabilization strategy:
## 1. Sl.repara
## 2. Hessian diagonally pre-conditioned if +ve diagonal elements
## (otherwise indefinite anyway)
## 3. Newton fit with perturbation of any indefinite hessian
## 4. At convergence test fundamental rank on balanced version of
## penalized Hessian. Drop unidentifiable parameters and
## continue iteration to adjust others.
## 5. All remaining computations in reduced space.
## Idea is that rank detection takes care of structural co-linearity,
## while preconditioning and step 1 take care of extreme smoothing parameters
## related problems.
penalized <- if (length(Sl)>0) TRUE else FALSE
warn <- list()
nSp <- length(lsp)
q <- ncol(x)
nobs <- length(y)
if (penalized) {
Eb <- attr(Sl,"E") ## balanced penalty sqrt
## the stability reparameterization + log|S|_+ and derivs...
rp <- ldetS(Sl,rho=lsp,fixed=rep(FALSE,length(lsp)),np=q,root=TRUE)
x <- Sl.repara(rp$rp,x) ## apply re-parameterization to x
Eb <- Sl.repara(rp$rp,Eb) ## root balanced penalty
St <- crossprod(rp$E) ## total penalty matrix
E <- rp$E ## root total penalty
attr(E,"use.unscaled") <- TRUE ## signal initialization code that E not to be further scaled
if (!is.null(start)) start <- Sl.repara(rp$rp,start) ## re-para start
## NOTE: it can be that other attributes need re-parameterization here
## this should be done in 'family$initialize' - see mvn for an example.
} else { ## unpenalized so no derivatives required
deriv <- 0
rp <- list(ldetS=0,rp=list())
St <- matrix(0,q,q)
E <- matrix(0,0,q) ## can be needed by initialization code
## now call initialization code, but make sure that any
## supplied 'start' vector is not overwritten...
start0 <- start
## Assumption here is that the initialization code is fine with
## re-parameterized x...
if (!is.null(start0)) start <- start0
coef <- as.numeric(start)
if (is.null(weights)) weights <-, nobs)
if (is.null(offset)) offset <-, nobs)
## get log likelihood, grad and Hessian (w.r.t. coefs - not s.p.s) ...
llf <- family$ll
ll <- llf(y,x,coef,weights,family,offset=offset,deriv=1)
ll0 <- ll$l - drop(t(coef)%*%St%*%coef)/2
grad <- ll$lb - St%*%coef
iconv <- max(abs(grad))<control$epsilon*abs(ll0)
Hp <- -ll$lbb+St
rank.checked <- FALSE ## not yet checked the intrinsic rank of problem
rank <- q
eigen.fix <- FALSE
converged <- FALSE
check.deriv <- FALSE; eps <- 1e-5
drop <- NULL;bdrop <- rep(FALSE,q) ## by default nothing dropped
perturbed <- 0 ## counter for number of times perturbation tried on possible saddle
for (iter in 1:(2*control$maxit)) { ## main iteration
## get Newton step...
if (check.deriv) { ## code for checking derivatives when debugging
fdg <- ll$lb*0; fdh <- ll$lbb*0
for (k in 1:length(coef)) {
coef1 <- coef;coef1[k] <- coef[k] + eps
ll.fd <- llf(y,x,coef1,weights,family,offset=offset,deriv=1)
fdg[k] <- (ll.fd$l-ll$l)/eps
fdh[,k] <- (ll.fd$lb-ll$lb)/eps
} ## derivative checking end
#grad <- ll$lb - St%*%coef
#Hp <- -ll$lbb+St
kappaH <- kappa(Hp)
D <- diag(Hp)
if (sum(!is.finite(D))>0) stop("non finite values in Hessian")
if (min(D)<=0) { ## 2/2/19 replaces any D<0 indicating indef
Dthresh <- max(D)*sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
if (-min(D) < Dthresh) { ## could be indef or +ve semi def
indefinite <- FALSE
D[D<Dthresh] <- Dthresh
} else indefinite <- TRUE ## min D too negative to be semi def
} else indefinite <- FALSE ## On basis of D could be +ve def
if (indefinite) { ## Hessian indefinite, for sure
## D <- rep(1,ncol(Hp)) # moved to later otherwise Ip/Ib pointless 2/2/19
if (eigen.fix) {
eh <- eigen(Hp,symmetric=TRUE);
ev <- abs(eh$values)
Hp <- eh$vectors%*%(ev*t(eh$vectors))
} else {
Ib <- diag(rank)*abs(min(D))
Ip <- diag(rank)*abs(max(D)*.Machine$double.eps^.5)
Hp <- Hp + Ip + Ib
D <- rep(1,ncol(Hp)) ## 2/2/19
indefinite <- TRUE
} else { ## Hessian could be +ve def in which case Choleski is cheap!
D <- D^-.5 ## diagonal pre-conditioner
Hp <- D*t(D*Hp) ## pre-condition Hp
Ip <- diag(rank)*.Machine$double.eps^.5
L <- suppressWarnings(chol(Hp,pivot=TRUE))
mult <- 1
while (attr(L,"rank") < rank) { ## rank deficient - add ridge penalty
if (eigen.fix) {
eh <- eigen(Hp,symmetric=TRUE);ev <- eh$values
thresh <- max(min(ev[ev>0]),max(ev)*1e-6)*mult
mult <- mult*10
ev[ev<thresh] <- thresh
Hp <- eh$vectors%*%(ev*t(eh$vectors))
L <- suppressWarnings(chol(Hp,pivot=TRUE))
} else {
L <- suppressWarnings(chol(Hp+Ip,pivot=TRUE))
Ip <- Ip * 100 ## increase regularization penalty
indefinite <- TRUE
piv <- attr(L,"pivot")
ipiv <- piv;ipiv[piv] <- 1:ncol(L)
if (converged) break ## converged at end of previous step, so break now L and D match Hp
#if (iconv&&!indefinite) break ## immediate convergence - bad idea - can lead to small sp changes having zero effect on objective.
step <- D*(backsolve(L,forwardsolve(t(L),(D*grad)[piv]))[ipiv])
c.norm <- sum(coef^2)
if (c.norm>0) { ## limit step length to .1 of coef length
s.norm <- sqrt(sum(step^2))
c.norm <- sqrt(c.norm)
if (s.norm > .1*c.norm) step <- step*0.1*c.norm/s.norm
s.norm <- sqrt(sum(step^2)) ## store for scaling steepest if needed
## try the Newton step...
coef1 <- coef + step
ll <- llf(y,x,coef1,weights,family,offset=offset,deriv=1)
ll1 <- ll$l - drop(t(coef1)%*%St%*%coef1)/2
khalf <- 0;fac <- 2
## with ll1 < ll0 in place of ll1 <= ll0 in next line than we can repeatedly accept
## miniscule steps that do not actually improve anything.
llold <- ll ## avoid losing lbb slot on stp failure
while ((!is.finite(ll1)||ll1 <= ll0) && khalf < 25) { ## step halve until it succeeds...
step <- step/fac;coef1 <- coef + step
ll <- llf(y,x,coef1,weights,family,offset=offset,deriv=0)
ll1 <- ll$l - (t(coef1)%*%St%*%coef1)/2
if (is.finite(ll1)&&ll1>=ll0) { ## improvement, or at least no worse.
ll <- llf(y,x,coef1,weights,family,offset=offset,deriv=1)
## abort if step has made no difference...
if (max(abs(coef-coef1))<max(abs(coef))*.Machine$double.eps) khalf <- 100
khalf <- khalf + 1
if (khalf>5) fac <- 5
} ## end step halve
## Following tries steepest ascent if Newton failed. Only do this if not initially converged.
## Otherwise it is possible for SA to mess up when routine is called
## with converged parameter values - takes a tiny step that leads to a machine noise
## improvement, but pushes a gradient just over threshold, Newton then continues to fail
## and we get stuck with SA convergence rates.
## One reason to try SA (if grad not already zero) is that Newton step can become
## poor due to numerical conditioning problems, whereas SA is largely unaffected.
if (!is.finite(ll1) || (ll1<=ll0 && !iconv)) { ## switch to steepest ascent
#step <- 0.5*drop(grad)*mean(abs(coef))/mean(abs(grad))
step <- drop(grad)*s.norm/sqrt(sum(grad^2)) ## scaled to initial Newton step length
khalf <- 0
while ((!is.finite(ll1)||(ll1 <= ll0 && !iconv)) && khalf < 25) { ## step cut until it succeeds...
step <- step/10;coef1 <- coef + step
ll <- llf(y,x,coef1,weights,family,offset=offset,deriv=0)
ll1 <- ll$l - (t(coef1)%*%St%*%coef1)/2
if (is.finite(ll1)&&ll1>=ll0) { ## improvement, or no worse
ll <- llf(y,x,coef1,weights,family,offset=offset,deriv=1)
## abort if step has made no difference...
if (max(abs(coef-coef1))<max(abs(coef))*.Machine$double.eps) khalf <- 100 ## step gone nowhere
khalf <- khalf + 1
if ((is.finite(ll1)&&ll1 >= ll0&&khalf<25)||iter==control$maxit) { ## step ok. Accept and test
coef <- coef + step
grad <- ll$lb - St%*%coef
Hp <- -ll$lbb+St
## convergence test...
ok <- (iter==control$maxit || max(abs(grad)) < control$epsilon*abs(ll0))
if (ok) { ## appears to have converged
if (indefinite) { ## not a well defined maximum
if (perturbed==5) stop("indefinite penalized likelihood in gam.fit5 ")
if (iter<4||rank.checked) {
perturbed <- perturbed + 1
coef <- coef*(1+(rep_len(c(0,1),length(coef))*.02-.01)*perturbed) +
(rep_len(c(0,1),length(coef)) - 0.5 ) * mean(abs(coef))*1e-5*perturbed
ll <- llf(y,x,coef,weights,family,offset=offset,deriv=1)
ll0 <- ll$l - (t(coef)%*%St%*%coef)/2
} else {
rank.checked <- TRUE
if (penalized) {
Sb <- crossprod(Eb) ## balanced penalty
Hb <- -ll$lbb/norm(ll$lbb,"F")+Sb/norm(Sb,"F") ## balanced penalized hessian
} else Hb <- -ll$lbb/norm(ll$lbb,"F")
## apply pre-conditioning, otherwise badly scaled problems can result in
## wrong coefs being dropped...
D <- abs(diag(Hb))
D[D<1e-50] <- 1;D <- D^-.5
Hb <- t(D*Hb)*D
qrh <- qr(Hb,LAPACK=TRUE)
rank <- Rrank(qr.R(qrh))
if (rank < q) { ## rank deficient. need to drop and continue to adjust other params
drop <- sort(qrh$pivot[(rank+1):q]) ## set these params to zero
bdrop <- 1:q %in% drop ## TRUE FALSE version
## now drop the parameters and recompute ll0...
lpi <- attr(x,"lpi")
xat <- attributes(x)
xat$dim <- xat$dimnames <- NULL
coef <- coef[-drop]
St <- St[-drop,-drop]
x <- x[,-drop] ## dropping columns from model matrix
if (!is.null(lpi)) { ## need to adjust column indexes as well
ii <- (1:q)[!bdrop];ij <- rep(NA,q)
ij[ii] <- 1:length(ii) ## col i of old model matrix is col ij[i] of new
for (i in 1:length(lpi)) {
lpi[[i]] <- ij[lpi[[i]][!(lpi[[i]]%in%drop)]] # drop and shuffle up
} ## lpi adjustment done
if (length(xat)>0) for (i in 1:length(xat)) attr(x,names(xat)[i]) <- xat[[i]]
attr(x,"lpi") <- lpi
attr(x,"drop") <- drop ## useful if family has precomputed something from x
ll <- llf(y,x,coef,weights,family,offset=offset,deriv=1)
ll0 <- ll$l - (t(coef)%*%St%*%coef)/2
grad <- ll$lb - St%*%coef
Hp <- -ll$lbb+St
} else { ## not indefinite really converged
converged <- TRUE
# ... don't break until L and D made to match final Hp
} else ll0 <- ll1 ## step ok but not converged yet
} else { ## step failed.
ll <- llold ## restore old ll with lbb slot
if (is.null(drop)) bdrop <- rep(FALSE,q)
if (iconv && iter==1) { ## OK to fail on first step if apparently converged to start with
converged <- TRUE ## Note: important to check if improvement possible even if apparently
coef <- start ## converged, otherwise sp changes can lead to no sp objective change!
} else {
converged <- FALSE
## NOTE: the threshold can be unrealistic if gradient or step can't be computed to this accuracy, e.g.
## because of very large smoothing parameters - could estimate grad/step accuracy from machine zero
## perturbation of grad/step calc, but perhaps too fussy.
coefp <- coef*(1+rep_len(c(-1,1),length(coef))*.Machine$double.eps^.9)
llp <- llf(y,x,coef,weights,family,offset=offset,deriv=1)
gradp <- llp$lb - St%*%coefp
err <- min(1e-3,kappaH*max(1,mean(abs(gradp-grad))/mean(abs(coefp-coef)))*.Machine$double.eps)
## err is an estimate of the acheivable relative error, capped above at 1e-3 to ensure
## this level of stability loss gets reported!
if (max(abs(grad/drop(ll0)))>max(err,control$epsilon*2)) warn[[length(warn)+1]] <-
paste("gam.fit5 step failed: max magnitude relative grad =",max(abs(grad/drop(ll0))))
break ## no need to recompute L and D, so break now
} ## end of main fitting iteration
## at this stage the Hessian (of pen lik. w.r.t. coefs) should be +ve semi definite,
## so that the pivoted Choleski factor should exist...
if (iter == 2*control$maxit&&converged==FALSE)
warn[[length(warn)+1]] <- gettextf("gam.fit5 iteration limit reached: max abs grad = %g",max(abs(grad)))
ldetHp <- 2*sum(log(diag(L))) - 2 * sum(log(D)) ## log |Hp|
if (!is.null(drop)) { ## create full version of coef with zeros for unidentifiable
fcoef <- rep(0,length(bdrop));fcoef[!bdrop] <- coef
} else fcoef <- coef
dVkk <- d1l <- d2l <- d1bSb <- d2bSb <- d1b <- d2b <- d1ldetH <- d2ldetH <- d1b <- d2b <- NULL
ncv <- scoreType=="NCV"
if (deriv>0) { ## Implicit differentiation for derivs...
m <- nSp
d1b <- matrix(0,rank,m)
Sib <- Sl.termMult(rp$Sl,fcoef,full=TRUE) ## list of penalties times coefs
if (nSp) for (i in 1:m) d1b[,i] <-
## obtain the curvature check matrix...
dVkk <- crossprod(L[,ipiv]%*%(d1b/D))
if (!is.null(drop)) { ## create full version of d1b with zeros for unidentifiable
fd1b <- matrix(0,q,m)
fd1b[!bdrop,] <- d1b
} else fd1b <- d1b
## Now call the family again to get first derivative of Hessian w.r.t
## smoothing parameters, in list d1H. Alternatively, if deriv==1 and !ncv
## then tr(Hi d1H) returne as a vector in 'd1H'.
ll <- if (ncv) llf(y,x,coef,weights,family,offset=offset,deriv=3,d1b=d1b,ncv=TRUE) else
# d1l <- colSums(ll$lb*d1b) # cancels
if (deriv>1) { ## Implicit differentiation for the second derivatives is now possible...
d2b <- matrix(0,rank,m*(m+1)/2)
k <- 0
for (i in 1:m) for (j in i:m) {
k <- k + 1
v <- -ll$d1H[[i]]%*%d1b[,j] + Sl.mult(rp$Sl,fd1b[,j],i)[!bdrop] + Sl.mult(rp$Sl,fd1b[,i],j)[!bdrop]
d2b[,k] <- -D*(backsolve(L,forwardsolve(t(L),(D*v)[piv]))[ipiv])
if (i==j) d2b[,k] <- d2b[,k] + d1b[,i]
## Now call family for last time to get trHid2H the tr(H^{-1} d^2 H / drho_i drho_j)...
llr <- llf(y,x,coef,weights,family,offset=offset,deriv=4,d1b=d1b,d2b=d2b,
Hp=Hp,rank=rank,fh = L,D=D)
## Now compute Hessian of log lik w.r.t. log sps using chain rule
# d2la <- colSums(ll$lb*d2b) # cancels
# k <- 0
d2l <- matrix(0,m,m)
for (i in 1:m) for (j in i:m) {
# k <- k + 1
d2l[j,i] <- d2l[i,j] <- # d2la[k] + # cancels
} ## if (deriv > 1)
} ## if (deriv > 0)
Vg <- NULL ## jackknife grad matrix in NCV case
if (scoreType=="NCV") {
if (deriv==0) ll <- llf(y,x,coef,weights,family,offset=offset,deriv=1,d1b=d1b,ncv=TRUE) ## otherwise l1, l2 not returned
ncv <- family$ncv ## helps debugging!
deriv1 <- if (nei$jackknife>2) -1 else if (deriv==0) 0 else 1
## create nei if null - now in estimate.gam
#if (is.null(nei)||is.null(nei$k)||is.null(nei$m)) nei <- list(i=1:nobs,mi=1:nobs,m=1:nobs,k=1:nobs) ## LOOCV
#if (is.null(nei$i)) if (length(nei$m)==nobs) nei$mi <- nei$i <- 1:nobs else stop("unclear which points NCV neighbourhoods belong to")
#if (length(nei$mi)!=length(nei$m)) stop("for NCV number of dropped and predicted neighbourhoods must match")
## complete dH
if (deriv>0) {
for (i in 1:length(ll$d1H)) ll$d1H[[i]] <- ll$d1H[[i]] - Sl.mult(rp$Sl,diag(q),i)[!bdrop,!bdrop]
R1 <- try(chol(t(Hp/D)/D),silent=TRUE)
ll$gamma <- gamma;
## note: use of quadratic approx to NCV signalled by family$qapprox
#if (overlap||inherits(R1,"try-error"))
if (inherits(R1,"try-error")) {
## get H (Hp?) and Hi
Hi <- t(D*chol2inv(L)[ipiv,ipiv])*D
ret <- ncv(x,y,weights,nei,coef,family,ll,H=t(Hp/D)/D,Hi=Hi,offset=offset,dH=ll$d1H,
warn[[length(warn)+1]] <- "NCV update positive definite check not possible"
} else { ## cholesky version
ret <- ncv(x,y,weights,nei,coef,family,ll,R=R1,offset=offset,dH=ll$d1H,db=d1b,
if (ret$error>0) warn[[length(warn)+1]] <- "some NCV updates not positive definite"
NCV <- ret$NCV
NCV1 <- ret$NCV1
Vg <- ret$Vg
if (deriv1<0) { ## Jackknife cov matrix...
nk <- c(nei$m[1],diff(nei$m)) ## dropped fold sizes
jkw <- sqrt((nobs-nk)/(nobs*nk)) ## jackknife weights
dd <- attr(ret$NCV,"")
#dd <-jkw*t(dd)%*%t(T)
dd <- Sl.repa(rp$rp,t(dd),l=-1) ## undo repara
dd <- Sl.inirep(Sl,dd,l=1) ## undo initial repara
#Vj <- tcrossprod(dd) ## jackknife cov matrix
#attr(NCV,"Vj") <- Vj
attr(NCV,"dd") <- jkw*t(dd)
} else { ## REML required
## Compute the derivatives of log|H+S|...
if (deriv > 0) { ## only first derivative wrt rho required...
if (deriv==1&&!is.list(ll$d1H)) {
d1ldetH <- -ll$d1H
for (i in 1:m) {
A <- Sl.mult(rp$Sl,diag(q),i,full=TRUE)[!bdrop,!bdrop]
bind <- rowSums(abs(A))!=0 ## row/cols of non-zero block
A <- A[,bind,drop=FALSE] ## drop the zero columns
A <- D*(backsolve(L,forwardsolve(t(L),(D*A)[piv,]))[ipiv,,drop=FALSE])
d1ldetH[i] <- d1ldetH[i] + sum(diag(A[bind,,drop=FALSE]))
} else { ## deriv>1 || is.list(ll$d1H)
## computation of d1ldetH using full d1H derivative of Hessian w.r.t. sp matrices...
d1ldetH <- rep(0,m)
d1Hp <- list()
for (i in 1:m) {
A <- -ll$d1H[[i]] + Sl.mult(rp$Sl,diag(q),i)[!bdrop,!bdrop]
d1Hp[[i]] <- D*(backsolve(L,forwardsolve(t(L),(D*A)[piv,]))[ipiv,,drop=FALSE])
d1ldetH[i] <- sum(diag(d1Hp[[i]]))
} ## if (deriv >0)
if (deriv > 1) {
## second derivatives...
d2ldetH <- matrix(0,m,m)
k <- 0
for (i in 1:m) for (j in i:m) {
k <- k + 1
d2ldetH[i,j] <- -sum(d1Hp[[i]]*t(d1Hp[[j]])) - llr$trHid2H[k]
if (i==j) { ## need to add term relating to smoothing penalty
A <- Sl.mult(rp$Sl,diag(q),i,full=TRUE)[!bdrop,!bdrop]
bind <- rowSums(abs(A))!=0 ## row/cols of non-zero block
A <- A[,bind,drop=FALSE] ## drop the zero columns
A <- D*(backsolve(L,forwardsolve(t(L),(D*A)[piv,]))[ipiv,,drop=FALSE])
d2ldetH[i,j] <- d2ldetH[i,j] + sum(diag(A[bind,,drop=FALSE]))
} else d2ldetH[j,i] <- d2ldetH[i,j]
} ## if (deriv > 1)
## Compute derivs of b'Sb...
if (deriv>0) {
Skb <- Sl.termMult(rp$Sl,fcoef,full=TRUE)
d1bSb <- rep(0,m)
for (i in 1:m) {
Skb[[i]] <- Skb[[i]][!bdrop]
d1bSb[i] <- sum(coef*Skb[[i]])
if (deriv>1) {
d2bSb <- matrix(0,m,m)
for (i in 1:m) {
Sd1b <- St%*%d1b[,i]
for (j in i:m) {
d2bSb[j,i] <- d2bSb[i,j] <- 2*sum(
d1b[,i]*Skb[[j]] + d1b[,j]*Skb[[i]] + d1b[,j]*Sd1b)
d2bSb[i,i] <- d2bSb[i,i] + sum(coef*Skb[[i]])
## get grad and Hessian of REML score...
REML <- -as.numeric((ll$l - drop(t(coef)%*%St%*%coef)/2)/gamma + rp$ldetS/2 - ldetHp/2 +
REML1 <- if (deriv<1) NULL else -as.numeric( # d1l # cancels
- d1bSb/(2*gamma) + rp$ldet1/2 - d1ldetH/2 )
REML2 <- if (deriv<2) NULL else -( (d2l - d2bSb/2)/gamma + rp$ldet2/2 - d2ldetH/2 )
} ## REML computations
if (control$trace) {
cat("\niter =",iter," ll =",ll$l," REML =",REML," bSb =",t(coef)%*%St%*%coef/2,"\n")
cat("log|S| =",rp$ldetS," log|H+S| =",ldetHp," n.drop =",length(drop),"\n")
if (!is.null(REML1)) cat("REML1 =",REML1,"\n")
## Get possibly multiple linear predictors
lpi <- attr(x,"lpi")
if (is.null(lpi)) { ## only one...
linear.predictors <- if (is.null(offset)) as.numeric(x%*%coef) else as.numeric(x%*%coef+offset)
fitted.values <- family$linkinv(linear.predictors)
} else { ## multiple...
fitted.values <- linear.predictors <- matrix(0,nrow(x),length(lpi))
if (!is.null(offset)) offset[[length(lpi)+1]] <- 0
for (j in 1:length(lpi)) {
linear.predictors[,j] <- as.numeric(x[,lpi[[j]],drop=FALSE] %*% coef[lpi[[j]]])
if (!is.null(offset[[j]])) linear.predictors[,j] <- linear.predictors[,j] + offset[[j]]
fitted.values[,j] <- family$linfo[[j]]$linkinv( linear.predictors[,j])
coef <- Sl.repara(rp$rp,fcoef,inverse=TRUE) ## undo re-parameterization of coef
#coef <- Sl.repa(rp$rp,fcoef,l=-1)
if (!is.null(drop)&&!is.null(d1b)) { ## create full version of d1b with zeros for unidentifiable
db.drho <- matrix(0,length(bdrop),ncol(d1b));db.drho[!bdrop,] <- d1b
} else db.drho <- d1b
## and undo re-para...
#if (!is.null(d1b)) db.drho <- t(Sl.repara(rp$rp,t(db.drho),inverse=TRUE,both.sides=FALSE)) ## wrong
if (!is.null(d1b)) db.drho <- Sl.repa(rp$rp,db.drho,l=-1)
#if (!is.null(d2b)) d2b <- Sl.repa(rp$rp,d2b,l=-1) ## NOTE: DEBUG only
## Following needed for debugging H derivatives if Cholesky stabilization used
#if (!is.null(ll$d1H)) for (i in 1:length(ll$d1H)) ll$d1H[[i]] <- Sl.repa(rp$rp,ll$d1H[[i]],l=2,r=1) ## debug
#ll$lbb <- Sl.repa(rp$rp,ll$lbb,l=2,r=1) ## debug
ret <- list(coefficients=coef,family=family,y=y,prior.weights=weights,
fitted.values=fitted.values, linear.predictors=linear.predictors,
scale.est=1, ### NOTE: needed by newton, but what is sensible here?
rank=rank,aic = -2*ll$l, ## 2*edf needs to be added
##deviance = -2*ll$l,
l= ll$l,## l1 =d1l,l2 =d2l,
lbb = ll$lbb, ## Hessian of log likelihood
L=L, ## chol factor of pre-conditioned penalized hessian
bdrop=bdrop, ## logical index of dropped parameters
D=D, ## diagonal preconditioning matrix
St=St, ## total penalty matrix
rp = rp$rp,Vg=Vg,
db.drho = db.drho, ## derivative of penalty coefs w.r.t. log sps.
#bSb = bSb, bSb1 = d1bSb,bSb2 = d2bSb,
#b2 = d2b,
iter=iter,H = ll$lbb,dH = ll$d1H,dVkk=dVkk,warn=warn)#,d2H=llr$d2H)
## debugging code to allow components of 2nd deriv of hessian w.r.t. sp.s
## to be passed to deriv.check....
#if (!is.null(ll$ghost1)&&!is.null(ll$ghost2)) {
# ret$ghost1 <- ll$ghost1; ret$ghost2 <- ret$ghost2
} ## end of gam.fit5
efsud <- function(x,y,lsp,Sl,weights=NULL,offset=NULL,family,
control=gam.control(),Mp=-1,start=NULL) {
## Extended Fellner-Schall method for general families
## tr(S^-S_j) is returned by ldetS as ldet1 - S1 from gam.fit5
## b'S_jb is computed as d1bSb in gam.fit5
## tr(V S_j) will need to be computed using Sl.termMult
## Sl returned by ldetS and Vb computed as in gam.fit5.postproc.
tol <- 1e-6
lsp <- lsp + 2.5
mult <- 1
fit <- gam.fit5(x=x,y=y,lsp=lsp,Sl=Sl,weights=weights,offset=offset,deriv=0,family=family,
score.hist <- rep(0,200)
tiny <- .Machine$double.eps^.5 ## used to bound above zero
for (iter in 1:200) {
start <- fit$coefficients
## obtain Vb...
ipiv <- piv <- attr(fit$L,"pivot")
p <- length(piv)
ipiv[piv] <- 1:p
Vb <- crossprod(forwardsolve(t(fit$L),diag(fit$D,nrow=p)[piv,,drop=FALSE])[ipiv,,drop=FALSE])
if (sum(fit$bdrop)) { ## some coefficients were dropped...
q <- length(fit$bdrop)
ibd <- !fit$bdrop
Vtemp <- Vb; Vb <- matrix(0,q,q)
Vb[ibd,ibd] <- Vtemp
Vb <- Sl.repara(fit$rp,Vb,inverse=TRUE)
SVb <- Sl.termMult(Sl,Vb) ## this could be made more efficient
trVS <- rep(0,length(SVb))
for (i in 1:length(SVb)) {
ind <- attr(SVb[[i]],"ind")
trVS[i] <- sum(diag(SVb[[i]][,ind]))
Sb <- Sl.termMult(Sl,start,full=TRUE)
bSb <- rep(0,length(Sb))
for (i in 1:length(Sb)) {
bSb[i] <- sum(start*Sb[[i]])
a <- pmax(tiny,fit$S1*exp(-lsp) - trVS)
r <- a/pmax(tiny,bSb)
r[a==0&bSb==0] <- 1
r[!is.finite(r)] <- 1e6
lsp1 <- pmin(lsp + log(r)*mult,control$efs.lspmax)
max.step <- max(abs(lsp1-lsp))
old.reml <- fit$REML
fit <- gam.fit5(x=x,y=y,lsp=lsp1,Sl=Sl,weights=weights,offset=offset,deriv=0,
## some step length control...
if (fit$REML<=old.reml) { ## improvement
if (max.step<.05) { ## consider step extension
lsp2 <- pmin(lsp + log(r)*mult*2,12) ## try extending step...
fit2 <- gam.fit5(x=x,y=y,lsp=lsp2,Sl=Sl,weights=weights,offset=offset,deriv=0,family=family,
if (fit2$REML < fit$REML) { ## improvement - accept extension
fit <- fit2;lsp <- lsp2
mult <- mult * 2
} else { ## accept old step
lsp <- lsp1
} else lsp <- lsp1
} else { ## no improvement
while (fit$REML > old.reml&&mult>1) { ## don't contract below 1 as update doesn't have to improve REML
mult <- mult/2 ## contract step
lsp1 <- pmin(lsp + log(r)*mult,control$efs.lspmax)
fit <- gam.fit5(x=x,y=y,lsp=lsp1,Sl=Sl,weights=weights,offset=offset,deriv=0,family=family,
lsp <- lsp1
if (mult<1) mult <- 1
score.hist[iter] <- fit$REML
## break if EFS step small and REML change negligible over last 3 steps.
if (iter>3 && max.step<.05 && max(abs(diff(score.hist[(iter-3):iter])))<control$efs.tol) break
## or break if log lik not changing...
if (iter==1) old.ll <- fit$l else {
if (abs(old.ll-fit$l)<100*control$eps*abs(fit$l)) break
old.ll <- fit$l
fit$sp <- exp(lsp)
fit$iter <- iter
fit$ <- list(iter = iter,score.hist=score.hist[1:iter])
fit$$conv <- if (iter==200) "iteration limit reached" else "full convergence"
if (!is.null(fit$warn)&&length(fit$warn)>0) for (i in 1:length(fit$warn)) warning(fit$warn[[i]])
} ## efsud <- function(object,Sl,L,lsp0,S,off,gamma) {
## object is object returned by gam.fit5, Sl is penalty object, L maps working sp
## vector to full sp vector
## Computes:
## R - unpivoted Choleski of estimated expected hessian of ll
## Vb - the Bayesian cov matrix,
## Ve - "frequentist" alternative
## F - the EDF matrix
## edf = diag(F) and edf2 = diag(2F-FF)
## Main issue is that lbb and lbb + St must be +ve definite for
## F to make sense.
## NOTE: what comes in is in stabilizing parameterization from
## gam.fit5, and may have had parameters dropped.
## possibly initial reparam needs to be undone here as well
## before formation of F....
lbb <- -object$lbb ## Hessian of log likelihood in fit parameterization
p <- ncol(lbb)
ipiv <- piv <- attr(object$L,"pivot")
ipiv[piv] <- 1:p
## Vb0 <- crossprod(forwardsolve(t(object$L),diag(object$D,nrow=p)[piv,])[ipiv,])
## Bayes cov matrix with learning rate 1/gamma. Wrong - parameterization s.t. Vp*gamma is it
#Vl <- if (gamma==1) NULL else chol2inv(chol(-object$lbb/gamma+object$St))
## need to pre-condition lbb before testing rank...
lbb <- object$D*t(object$D*lbb)
R <- suppressWarnings(chol(lbb,pivot=TRUE))
if (attr(R,"rank") < ncol(R)) {
## The hessian of the -ve log likelihood is not +ve definite
## Find the "nearest" +ve semi-definite version and use that
retry <- TRUE;tol <- 0
eh <- eigen(lbb,symmetric=TRUE)
mev <- max(eh$values);dtol <- 1e-7
while (retry) {
eh$values[eh$values<tol*mev] <- tol*mev
R <- sqrt(eh$values)*t(eh$vectors)
lbb <- crossprod(R)
Hp <- lbb + object$D*t(object$D*object$St) ## pre-conditioned Hp
## Now try to invert it by Choleski with diagonal pre-cond,
## to get Vb
object$L <- suppressWarnings(chol(Hp,pivot=TRUE))
if (attr(object$L,"rank")==ncol(Hp)) {
R <- t(t(R)/object$D) ## so R'R = lbb (original)
retry <- FALSE
} else { ## failure: make more +ve def
tol <- tol + dtol;dtol <- dtol*10
} ## retry
} else { ## hessian +ve def, so can simply use what comes from fit directly
ipiv <- piv <- attr(R,"pivot")
ipiv[piv] <- 1:p
R <- t(t(R[,ipiv])/object$D) ## so now t(R)%*%R = lbb (original)
## DL'LD = penalized Hessian, which needs to be inverted
## to DiLiLi'Di = Vb, the Bayesian cov matrix...
ipiv <- piv <- attr(object$L,"pivot")
ipiv[piv] <- 1:p
Vb <- crossprod(forwardsolve(t(object$L),diag(object$D,nrow=p)[piv,,drop=FALSE])[ipiv,,drop=FALSE])
## Insert any zeroes required as a result of dropping
## unidentifiable parameters...
if (sum(object$bdrop)) { ## some coefficients were dropped...
q <- length(object$bdrop)
ibd <- !object$bdrop
Vtemp <- Vb; Vb <- matrix(0,q,q)
Vb[ibd,ibd] <- Vtemp
Rtemp <- R; R <- matrix(0,q,q)
R[ibd,ibd] <- Rtemp
lbbt <- lbb;lbb <- matrix(0,q,q)
lbb[ibd,ibd] <- lbbt
edge.correct <- FALSE
## compute the smoothing parameter uncertainty correction...
if (!is.null(object$$hess)&&!is.null(object$db.drho)) {
hess <- object$$hess
edge.correct <- if (is.null(attr(hess,"edge.correct"))) FALSE else TRUE
K <- if (edge.correct) 2 else 1
for (k in 1:K) {
if (k==1) { ## fitted model computations
db.drho <- object$db.drho
dw.drho <- object$dw.drho
lsp <- log(object$sp)
} else { ## edge corrected model computations
db.drho <- attr(hess,"db.drho1")
dw.drho <- attr(hess,"dw.drho1")
lsp <- attr(hess,"lsp1")
hess <- attr(hess,"hess1")
if (!is.null(L)) db.drho <- db.drho%*%L ## transform to derivs w.r.t. working
ev <- eigen(hess,symmetric=TRUE)
d <- ev$values;ind <- d <= 0
d[ind] <- 0;d[!ind] <- 1/sqrt(d[!ind])
db.drho <- Sl.inirep(Sl,db.drho,1,0)
Vc <- crossprod((d*t(ev$vectors))%*%t(db.drho)) ## first correction
d <- ev$values; d[ind] <- 0;
d <- if (k==1) 1/sqrt(d+1/50) else 1/sqrt(d+1e-7)
Vr <- crossprod(d*t(ev$vectors))
if (k==1) {
Vc1 <- Vc; Vr1 <- Vr; lsp1 <- lsp ## un-shifted version to use for edf
## reverse the various re-parameterizations...
rp <- if (edge.correct) attr(object$$hess,"rp") else object$rp
#Vc <- Sl.repara(rp,Vc,inverse=TRUE) ## BUG: appears to be double correction - db already corrected??
#Vc <- Sl.initial.repara(Sl,Vc,inverse=TRUE)
V.sp <- Vr;attr(V.sp,"L") <- L
} else {
Vc <- 0; db.drho <- object$db.drho
V.sp <- NULL
Vb <- Sl.repara(object$rp,Vb,inverse=TRUE)
Vb <- Sl.initial.repara(Sl,Vb,inverse=TRUE)
Vc <- Vb + Vc
if (edge.correct) {
Vc1 <- Sl.repara(object$rp,Vc1,inverse=TRUE)
Vc1 <- Sl.initial.repara(Sl,Vc1,inverse=TRUE)
Vc1 <- Vb + Vc1
#R <- Sl.repara(object$rp,R,inverse=TRUE,both.sides=FALSE)
R <- Sl.repa(object$rp,R,r=1)
R <- Sl.initial.repara(Sl,R,inverse=TRUE,both.sides=FALSE,cov=FALSE)
F <- Vb%*%crossprod(R)
Ve <- F%*%Vb ## 'frequentist' cov matrix
edf <- diag(F)
## note that edf1 is a heuristic upper bound on EDF - it's the
## df of the best unpenalized approx to the 1st order bias corrected
## model. This is larger than edf2 should be, because of bias correction variability,
## but is bounded in a way that is not *guaranteed* for edf2. Note that
## justification only applies to sum(edf1/2) not elementwise
if (!is.null(object$$hess)&&!is.null(object$db.drho)) {
## second correction term is easier computed in original parameterization...
Vc <- Vc + Vb.corr(R,L,lsp0,S,off,dw=NULL,w=NULL,lsp,Vr)
if (edge.correct) Vc1 <- Vc1 +
Vb.corr(R,L,lsp0,S,off,dw=NULL,w=NULL,lsp1,Vr1) else Vc1 <- Vc
edf1 <- 2*edf - rowSums(t(F)*F)
edf2 <- if (edge.correct) rowSums(Vc1*crossprod(R)) else rowSums(Vc*crossprod(R))
if (sum(edf2)>sum(edf1)) edf2 <- edf1
## note hat not possible here...
} ##
deriv.check5 <- function(x, y, sp,
weights = rep(1, length(y)), start = NULL,
offset = rep(0, length(y)),Mp,family = gaussian(),
control = gam.control(),deriv=2,eps=1e-7,spe=1e-3,
## FD checking of derivatives for gam.fit5: a debugging routine
{ if (!deriv%in%c(1,2)) stop("deriv should be 1 or 2")
if (control$epsilon>1e-9) control$epsilon <- 1e-9
## first obtain the fit corresponding to sp...
b <- gam.fit5(x=x,y=y,lsp=sp,Sl=Sl,weights=weights,offset=offset,deriv=deriv,
## now get the derivatives of the likelihood w.r.t. coefs...
ll <- family$ll(y=y,X=x,coef=b$coefficients,wt=weights,family=family,
## and finite difference versions of these...
p <- length(b$coefficients)
fdg <- rep(0,p)
fdh <- matrix(0,p,p)
for (i in 1:p) {
coef1 <- b$coefficients;coef1[i] <- coef1[i] + eps
ll1 <- family$ll(y=y,X=x,coef=coef1,wt=weights,family=family,
fdg[i] <- (ll1$l - ll$l)/eps
fdh[,i] <- (ll1$lb - ll$lb)/eps
## display them...
oask <- devAskNewPage(TRUE)
plot(ll$lb,fdg,xlab="computed",ylab="FD",main="grad of log lik");abline(0,1)
cat("log lik grad cor. =",cor(ll$lb,fdg),"\n")
plot(ll$lbb,fdh,xlab="computed",ylab="FD",main="hess of log lik");abline(0,1)
cat("log lik hess cor. =",cor(as.numeric(ll$lbb),as.numeric(fdh)),"\n")
## now we need to investigate the derivatives w.r.t. the log smoothing parameters.
M <- length(sp) ## number of smoothing parameters <- matrix(0,p,M)
REML1 <- rep(0,M)
fd.dH <- list()
if (!is.null(b$b2)) fd.br2 <- b$b2*0
k <- 0
for (i in 1:M) { ## the smoothing parameter loop
sp0 <- sp1 <- sp;sp1[i] <- sp[i] + spe/2;sp0[i] <- sp[i] - spe/2
b0 <- gam.fit5(x=x,y=y,lsp=sp0,Sl=Sl,weights=weights,offset=offset,deriv=1,
b1 <- gam.fit5(x=x,y=y,lsp=sp1,Sl=Sl,weights=weights,offset=offset,deriv=1,
family=family,control=control,Mp=Mp,start=start,gamma=gamma,nei=nei)[,i] <- (b1$coefficients - b0$coefficients)/spe
if (!is.null(b$b2)) {
for (j in i:M) {
k <- k + 1
fd.br2[,k] <- (b1$db.drho[,j]-b0$db.drho[,j])/spe
REML1[i] <- (b1$REML-b0$REML)/spe
fd.dH[[i]] <- (b1$lbb - b0$lbb)/spe
## plot db.drho against fd versions...
for (i in 1:M) {
cat("cor db/drho[",i,"] = ",cor(b$db.drho[,i],[,i]),"\n")
## second deriv of b
if (!is.null(b$b2)) for (i in 1:ncol(b$b2)) {
cat("cor d2b[",i,"] = ",cor(b$b2[,i],fd.br2[,i]),"\n")
## plot first deriv Hessian against FD version
for (i in 1:M) {
cat("cor dH/drho[",i,"] = ",cor(as.numeric(b$dH[[i]]),as.numeric(fd.dH[[i]])),"\n")
} ## deriv.check5
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