
Defines functions PredictMat smoothCon XZKr ExtractData Predict.matrix3 Predict.matrix2 Predict.matrix smooth.construct3 smooth.construct2 smooth.construct smooth.info.default smooth.info Predict.matrix.gp.smooth smooth.construct.gp.smooth.spec gpE gpT Predict.matrix.duchon.spline smooth.construct.ds.smooth.spec DuchonE DuchonT poly.pow Predict.matrix.sos.smooth smooth.construct.sos.smooth.spec makeR Predict.matrix.mrf.smooth smooth.construct.mrf.smooth.spec pol2nb Predict.matrix.random.effect smooth.construct.re.smooth.spec smooth.info.re.smooth.spec smooth.construct.ad.smooth.spec D2 mfil Predict.matrix.sz.interaction smooth.construct.sz.smooth.spec smooth.info.sz.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.fs.interaction smooth.construct.fs.smooth.spec smooth.info.fs.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.Bspline.smooth smooth.construct.bs.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.pspline.smooth smooth.construct.ps.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.cpspline.smooth smooth.construct.cp.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.cyclic.smooth cwrap smooth.construct.cc.smooth.spec place.knots Predict.matrix.cs.smooth Predict.matrix.cr.smooth smooth.construct.cs.smooth.spec smooth.construct.cr.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.ts.smooth Predict.matrix.tprs.smooth smooth.construct.ts.smooth.spec smooth.construct.tp.smooth.spec null.space.dimension expand.t2.smooths split.t2.smooth Predict.matrix.t2.smooth smooth.construct.t2.smooth.spec t2.model.matrix Predict.matrix.tensor.smooth smooth.construct.tensor.smooth.spec tensor.prod.penalties tensor.prod.model.matrix tensor.prod.model.matrix1 t2 te ti get.var uniquecombs0 uniquecombs mono.con nat.param

Documented in get.var mono.con null.space.dimension place.knots PredictMat Predict.matrix Predict.matrix2 Predict.matrix.Bspline.smooth Predict.matrix.cr.smooth Predict.matrix.cs.smooth Predict.matrix.cyclic.smooth Predict.matrix.duchon.spline Predict.matrix.fs.interaction Predict.matrix.gp.smooth Predict.matrix.mrf.smooth Predict.matrix.pspline.smooth Predict.matrix.random.effect Predict.matrix.sos.smooth Predict.matrix.sz.interaction Predict.matrix.t2.smooth Predict.matrix.tensor.smooth Predict.matrix.tprs.smooth Predict.matrix.ts.smooth smoothCon smooth.construct smooth.construct2 smooth.construct.ad.smooth.spec smooth.construct.bs.smooth.spec smooth.construct.cc.smooth.spec smooth.construct.cp.smooth.spec smooth.construct.cr.smooth.spec smooth.construct.cs.smooth.spec smooth.construct.ds.smooth.spec smooth.construct.fs.smooth.spec smooth.construct.gp.smooth.spec smooth.construct.mrf.smooth.spec smooth.construct.ps.smooth.spec smooth.construct.re.smooth.spec smooth.construct.sos.smooth.spec smooth.construct.sz.smooth.spec smooth.construct.t2.smooth.spec smooth.construct.tensor.smooth.spec smooth.construct.tp.smooth.spec smooth.construct.ts.smooth.spec smooth.info t2 tensor.prod.model.matrix tensor.prod.penalties uniquecombs

##  R routines for the package mgcv (c) Simon Wood 2000-2019

##  This file is primarily concerned with defining classes of smoother,
##  via constructor methods and prediction matrix methods. There are
##  also wrappers for the constructors to automate constraint absorption,
##  `by' variable handling and the summation convention used for general
##  linear functional terms. SmoothCon, PredictMat and the generics are
##  at the end of the file.

## First some useful utilities

nat.param <- function(X,S,rank=NULL,type=0,tol=.Machine$double.eps^.8,unit.fnorm=TRUE) {
## X is an n by p model matrix. 
## S is a p by p +ve semi definite penalty matrix, with the 
## given rank. 
## * type 0 reparameterization leaves
##   the penalty matrix as a diagonal, 
## * type 1 reduces it to the identity. 
## * type 2 is not really natural. It simply converts the 
##   penalty to rank deficient identity, with some attempt to
##   control the condition number sensibly. 
## * type 3 is type 2, but constructed to force a constant vector
##   to be the final null space basis function, if possible.
## type 2 is most efficient, but has highest condition.  
## unit.fnorm == TRUE implies that the model matrix should be
## rescaled so that its penalized and unpenalized model matrices 
## both have unit Frobenious norm. 
## For natural param as in the book, type=0 and unit.fnorm=FALSE.
## test code:
##   x <- runif(100)
##   sm <- smoothCon(s(x,bs="cr"),data=data.frame(x=x),knots=NULL,absorb.cons=FALSE)[[1]]
##   np <- nat.param(sm$X,sm$S[[1]],type=3)
##   range(np$X-sm$X%*%np$P)
  if (type==2||type==3) { ## no need for QR step
    er <- eigen(S,symmetric=TRUE)
    if (is.null(rank)||rank<1||rank>ncol(S)) { 
      rank <- sum(er$value>max(er$value)*tol)
    null.exists <- rank < ncol(X) ## is there a null space, or is smooth full rank
    E <- rep(1,ncol(X));E[1:rank] <- sqrt(er$value[1:rank])
    X <- X%*%er$vectors
    col.norm <- colSums(X^2)
    col.norm <- col.norm/E^2 
    ## col.norm[i] is now what norm of ith col will be, unless E modified...
    av.norm <- mean(col.norm[1:rank])
    if (null.exists) for (i in (rank+1):ncol(X)) {
       E[i] <- sqrt(col.norm[i]/av.norm)
    P <- t(t(er$vectors)/E) 
    X <- t(t(X)/E)
    ## if type==3 re-do null space so that a constant vector is the
    ## final element of the null space basis, if possible...
    if (null.exists && type==3 && rank < ncol(X)-1) { 
      ind <- (rank+1):ncol(X)
      rind <- ncol(X):(rank+1)
      Xn <- X[,ind,drop=FALSE] ## null basis 
      n <- nrow(Xn)
      one <- rep(1,n)
      Xn <- Xn - one%*%(t(one)%*%Xn)/n
      um <- eigen(t(Xn)%*%Xn,symmetric=TRUE) 
      ## use ind in next 2 lines to have const column last,
      ## rind to have it first (among null space cols)
      X[,rind] <- X[,ind,drop=FALSE]%*%um$vectors
      P[,rind] <- P[,ind,drop=FALSE]%*%(um$vectors)      

    if (unit.fnorm) { ## rescale so ||X||_f = 1
      ind <- 1:rank
      scale <- 1/sqrt(mean(X[,ind]^2))
      X[,ind] <- X[,ind]*scale;P[ind,] <- P[ind,]*scale
      if (null.exists) {
        ind <- (rank+1):ncol(X)
        scalef <- 1/sqrt(mean(X[,ind]^2))
        X[,ind] <- X[,ind]*scalef;P[ind,] <- P[ind,]*scalef
    } else scale <- 1
    ## see end for return list defs
    return(list(X=X,D=rep(scale^2,rank),P=P,rank=rank,type=type)) ## type of reparameterization

  qrx <- qr(X,tol=.Machine$double.eps^.8)
  R <- qr.R(qrx)
  RSR <- forwardsolve(t(R),t(forwardsolve(t(R),t(S))))
  er <- eigen(RSR,symmetric=TRUE)
  if (is.null(rank)||rank<1||rank>ncol(S)) { 
    rank <- sum(er$value>max(er$value)*tol)
  null.exists <- rank < ncol(X) ## is there a null space, or is smooth full rank
  ## D contains +ve elements of diagonal penalty 
  ## (zeroes at the end)...
  D <- er$values[1:rank] 
  ## X is the model matrix...
  X <- qr.Q(qrx,complete=FALSE)%*%er$vectors
  ## P transforms parameters in this parameterization back to 
  ## original parameters...
  P <- backsolve(R,er$vectors)

  if (type==1) { ## penalty should be identity...
    E <- c(sqrt(D),rep(1,ncol(X)-length(D)))
    P <- t(t(P)/E)
    X <- t(t(X)/E) ## X%*%diag(1/E)
    D <- D*0+1

  if (unit.fnorm) { ## rescale so ||X||_f = 1 
    ind <- 1:rank
    scale <- 1/sqrt(mean(X[,ind]^2))
    X[,ind] <- X[,ind]*scale;P[,ind] <- P[,ind]*scale
    D <- D * scale^2
    if (null.exists) {
      ind <- (rank+1):ncol(X)
      scalef <- 1/sqrt(mean(X[,ind]^2))
      X[,ind] <- X[,ind]*scalef;P[,ind] <- P[,ind]*scalef
  ## unpenalized always at the end...
  list(X=X, ## transformed model matrix
       D=D, ## +ve elements on leading diagonal of penalty
       P=P, ## transforms parameter estimates back to original parameterization
            ## postmultiplying original X by P gives reparam version
       rank=rank, ## penalty rank (number of penalized parameters)
       type=type) ## type of reparameterization
} ## end nat.param

# Takes the knot sequence x for a cubic regression spline and returns a list with 
# 2 elements matrix A and array b, such that if p is the vector of coeffs of the
# spline, then Ap>b ensures monotonicity of the spline.
# up=TRUE gives monotonic increase, up=FALSE gives decrease.
# lower and upper are the optional lower and upper bounds on the spline.
  if (is.na(lower)) {lo<-0;lower<-0;} else lo<-1
  if (is.na(upper)) {hi<-0;upper<-0;} else hi<-1
  if (up) inc<-1 else inc<-0
  if (n<4) stop("At least three knots required in call to mono.con.")
  if (lo*hi==1&&lower>=upper) stop("lower bound >= upper bound in call to mono.con()")
} ## end mono.con

uniquecombs <- function(x,ordered=FALSE) {
## takes matrix x and counts up unique rows
## `unique' now does this in R
  if (is.null(x)) stop("x is null")
  if (is.null(nrow(x))||is.null(ncol(x))) x <- data.frame(x)
  recheck <- FALSE
  if (inherits(x,"data.frame")) {
    xoo <- xo <- x
    ## reset character, logical and factor to numeric, to guarantee that text versions of labels
    ## are unique iff rows are unique (otherwise labels containing "*" could in principle
    ## fool it).
    is.char <- rep(FALSE,length(x)) 
    for (i in 1:length(x)) {
      if (is.character(xo[[i]])) {
        is.char[i] <- TRUE
        xo[[i]] <- as.factor(xo[[i]])
      if (is.factor(xo[[i]])||is.logical(xo[[i]])) x[[i]] <- as.numeric(xo[[i]])
      if (!is.numeric(x[[i]])) recheck <- TRUE ## input contains unknown type cols 
    #x <- data.matrix(xo) ## ensure all data are numeric
  } else xo <- NULL
  if (ncol(x)==1) { ## faster to use R 
     xu <- if (ordered) sort(unique(x[,1])) else unique(x[,1])
     ind <- match(x[,1],xu)
     if (is.null(xo)) x <- matrix(xu,ncol=1,nrow=length(xu)) else {
        x <-  data.frame(xu)
	names(x) <- names(xo)
  } else { ## no R equivalent that directly yields indices
    if (ordered) {
      chloc <- Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE")
    ## txt <- paste("paste0(",paste("x[,",1:ncol(x),"]",sep="",collapse=","),")",sep="")
    ## ... this can produce duplicate labels e.g. x[,1] = c(1,11), x[,2] = c(12,2)...
    ## solution is to insert separator not present in representation of a number (any
    ## factor codes are already converted to numeric by data.matrix call above.)
    txt <- paste("paste0(",paste("x[,",1:ncol(x),"]",sep="",collapse=",\"*\","),")",sep="")
    xt <- eval(parse(text=txt)) ## text representation of rows
    dup <- duplicated(xt)       ## identify duplicates
    xtu <- xt[!dup]             ## unique text rows
    x <- x[!dup,]               ## unique rows in original format
    #ordered <- FALSE
    if (ordered) { ## return unique in same order regardless of entry order
      ## ordering of character based labels is locale dependent
      ## so that e.g. running the same code interactively and via
      ## R CMD check can give different answers. 
      coloc <- Sys.getlocale("LC_COLLATE")
      ii <- order(xtu)
      xtu <- xtu[ii]
      x <- x[ii,]
    ind <- match(xt,xtu)   ## index each row to the unique duplicate deleted set

  if (!is.null(xo)) { ## original was a data.frame
    x <- as.data.frame(x)
    names(x) <- names(xo)
    for (i in 1:ncol(xo)) {
      if (is.factor(xo[,i])) { ## may need to reset factors to factors
        xoi <- levels(xo[,i])
        x[,i] <- if (is.ordered(xo[,i])) ordered(x[,i],levels=1:length(xoi),labels=xoi) else 
	## only copy contrasts if it was really a factor to start with
	## otherwise following can be very memory and time intensive
        if (is.factor(xoo[,i])) contrasts(x[,i]) <- contrasts(xo[,i])
      if (is.char[i]) x[,i] <- as.character(x[,i])
      if (is.logical(xo[,i])) x[,i] <- as.logical(x[,i])
  if (recheck) {
    if (all.equal(xoo,x[ind,],check.attributes=FALSE)!=TRUE) warning("uniquecombs has not worked properly")
  attr(x,"index") <- ind
} ## uniquecombs

uniquecombs0 <- function(x,ordered=FALSE) {
## takes matrix x and counts up unique rows
## `unique' now does this in R
  if (is.null(x)) stop("x is null")
  if (is.null(nrow(x))||is.null(ncol(x))) x <- data.frame(x)
  if (inherits(x,"data.frame")) {
    xo <- x
    x <- data.matrix(xo) ## ensure all data are numeric
  } else xo <- NULL
  if (ncol(x)==1) { ## faster to use R 
     xu <- if (ordered) sort(unique(x)) else unique(x)
     ind <- match(as.numeric(x),xu)
     x <- matrix(xu,ncol=1,nrow=length(xu))
  } else { ## no R equivalent that directly yields indices
    if (ordered) {
      chloc <- Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE")
    ## txt <- paste("paste0(",paste("x[,",1:ncol(x),"]",sep="",collapse=","),")",sep="")
    ## ... this can produce duplicate labels e.g. x[,1] = c(1,11), x[,2] = c(12,2)...
    ## solution is to insert separator not present in representation of a number (any
    ## factor codes are already converted to numeric by data.matrix call above.)
    txt <- paste("paste0(",paste("x[,",1:ncol(x),"]",sep="",collapse=",\":\","),")",sep="")
    xt <- eval(parse(text=txt)) ## text representation of rows
    dup <- duplicated(xt)       ## identify duplicates
    xtu <- xt[!dup]             ## unique text rows
    x <- x[!dup,]               ## unique rows in original format
    #ordered <- FALSE
    if (ordered) { ## return unique in same order regardless of entry order
      ## ordering of character based labels is locale dependent
      ## so that e.g. running the same code interactively and via
      ## R CMD check can give different answers. 
      coloc <- Sys.getlocale("LC_COLLATE")
      ii <- order(xtu)
      xtu <- xtu[ii]
      x <- x[ii,]
    ind <- match(xt,xtu)   ## index each row to the unique duplicate deleted set

  if (!is.null(xo)) { ## original was a data.frame
    x <- as.data.frame(x)
    names(x) <- names(xo)
    for (i in 1:ncol(xo)) if (is.factor(xo[,i])) { ## may need to reset factors to factors
      xoi <- levels(xo[,i])
      x[,i] <- if (is.ordered(xo[,i])) ordered(x[,i],levels=1:length(xoi),labels=xoi) else 
      contrasts(x[,i]) <- contrasts(xo[,i])
  attr(x,"index") <- ind
} ## uniquecombs0

cSplineDes <- function (x, knots, ord = 4,derivs=0)
{ ## cyclic version of spline design...
  nk <- length(knots)
  if (ord<2) stop("order too low")
  if (nk<ord) stop("too few knots")
  knots <- sort(knots)
  k1 <- knots[1]
  if (min(x)<k1||max(x)>knots[nk]) stop("x out of range")
  xc <- knots[nk-ord+1] ## wrapping involved above this point
  ## copy end intervals to start, for wrapping purposes...
  knots <- c(k1-(knots[nk]-knots[(nk-ord+1):(nk-1)]),knots)
  ind <- x>xc ## index for x values where wrapping is needed
  X1 <- splines::splineDesign(knots,x,ord,outer.ok=TRUE,derivs=derivs)
  x[ind] <- x[ind] - max(knots) + k1
  if (sum(ind)) { ## wrapping part...
    X2 <- splines::splineDesign(knots,x[ind],ord,outer.ok=TRUE,derivs=derivs) 
    X1[ind,] <- X1[ind,] + X2
  X1 ## final model matrix
} ## cSplineDes

get.var <- function(txt,data,vecMat = TRUE)
# txt contains text that may be a variable name and may be an expression 
# for creating a variable. get.var first tries data[[txt]] and if that 
# fails tries evaluating txt within data (only). Routine returns NULL
# on failure, or if result is not numeric or a factor.
# matrices are coerced to vectors, which facilitates matrix arguments 
# to smooths. Note that other routines rely on this returning NULL if the
# variable concerned is not in 'data' - this requires care, to avoid
# picking things up from e.g. the global environment, while still allowing
# searching that environment for e.g. user defined functions. 
{ x <- data[[txt]]
  if (is.null(x)) {
    a <- parse(text=txt) 
    x <- try(eval(a,data,enclos=NULL),silent=TRUE)
    if (inherits(x,"try-error")) x <- NULL
  if (is.null(x)) { ## still null try allowing evaluation with access to more environments (e.g. to find functions)
    txt1 <- all.vars(parse(text=txt)) ## hopefully the actual variable name
    x <- try(eval(parse(text=txt1),data,enclos=NULL),silent=TRUE) ## check actual variable is in data
    if (!inherits(x,"try-error")) { ## actual variable was present in data, so ok to try expression
      x <- try(eval(parse(text=txt),data),silent=TRUE) ## can pick up functions from, e.g., global env
      if (inherits(x,"try-error")) x <- NULL
  if (!is.numeric(x)&&!is.factor(x)) x <- NULL
  if (is.matrix(x)) {
    if (ncol(x)==1) {
      x <- as.numeric(x)
      ismat <- FALSE
    } else ismat <- TRUE
  } else ismat <- FALSE
  if (vecMat&&is.matrix(x)) x <- x[1:prod(dim(x))] ## modified from x <- as.numeric(x) to allow factors
  if (ismat) attr(x,"matrix") <- TRUE
} ## get.var

## functions for use in `gam(m)' formulae ......

ti <- function(..., k=NA,bs="cr",m=NA,d=NA,by=NA,fx=FALSE,np=TRUE,xt=NULL,id=NULL,sp=NULL,mc=NULL,pc=NULL) {
## function to use in gam formula to specify a te type tensor product interaction term
## ti(x) + ti(y) + ti(x,y) is *much* preferable to te(x) + te(y) + te(x,y), as ti(x,y)
## automatically excludes ti(x) + ti(y). Uses general fact about interactions that 
## if identifiability constraints are applied to main effects, then row tensor product
## of main effects gives identifiable interaction...
## mc allows selection of which marginals to apply constraints to. Default is all.
  by.var <- deparse(substitute(by),backtick=TRUE) #getting the name of the by variable
  object <- te(...,k=k,bs=bs,m=m,d=d,fx=fx,np=np,xt=xt,id=id,sp=sp,pc=pc)
  object$inter <- TRUE
  object$by <- by.var
  object$mc <- mc
  substr(object$label,2,2) <- "i"
} ## ti

te <- function(..., k=NA,bs="cr",m=NA,d=NA,by=NA,fx=FALSE,np=TRUE,xt=NULL,id=NULL,sp=NULL,pc=NULL)
# function for use in gam formulae to specify a tensor product smooth term.
# e.g. te(x0,x1,x2,k=c(5,4,4),bs=c("tp","cr","cr"),m=c(1,1,2),by=x3) specifies a rank 80 tensor  
# product spline. The first basis is rank 5, t.p.r.s. basis penalty order 1, and the next 2 bases
# are rank 4 cubic regression splines with m ignored.  
# k, bs,d and fx can be supplied as single numbers or arrays with an element for each basis.
# m can be a single number, and array with one element for each basis, or a list, with an 
#   array for each basis
# Returns a list consisting of:
# * margin - a list of smooth.spec objects specifying the marginal bases
# * term   - array of covariate names
# * by     - the by variable name
# * fx     - array indicating which margins should be treated as fixed (i.e unpenalized).
# * label  - label for this term
{ vars <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1] # gets terms to be smoothed without evaluation
  dim <- length(vars) # dimension of smoother
  by.var <- deparse(substitute(by),backtick=TRUE) #getting the name of the by variable
  term <- deparse(vars[[1]],backtick=TRUE) # first covariate
  if (dim>1) # then deal with further covariates
  for (i in 2:dim) term[i]<-deparse(vars[[i]],backtick=TRUE)
  for (i in 1:dim) term[i] <- attr(terms(reformulate(term[i])),"term.labels")
  # term now contains the names of the covariates for this model term
  # check d - the number of covariates per basis
  if (sum(is.na(d))||is.null(d)) { n.bases<-dim;d<-rep(1,dim)} # one basis for each dimension
  else  # array d supplied, the dimension of each term in the tensor product 
  { d<-round(d)
    if (sum(d<=0)) ok<-FALSE 
    if (sum(d)!=dim) ok<-FALSE
    if (ok)
    { warning("something wrong with argument d.")
  # now evaluate k 
  if (sum(is.na(k))||is.null(k)) k<-5^d 
  { k<-round(k);ok<-TRUE
    if (sum(k<3)) { ok<-FALSE;warning("one or more supplied k too small - reset to default")}
    if (length(k)==1&&ok) k<-rep(k,n.bases)
    else if (length(k)!=n.bases) ok<-FALSE
    if (!ok) k<-5^d 

  # evaluate fx
  if (sum(is.na(fx))||is.null(fx)) fx<-rep(FALSE,n.bases)
  else if (length(fx)==1) fx<-rep(fx,n.bases)
  else if (length(fx)!=n.bases)
  { warning("dimension of fx is wrong") 

  # deal with `xt' extras list
  xtra <- list()
  if (is.null(xt)||length(xt)==1) for (i in 1:n.bases) xtra[[i]] <- xt else
  if (length(xt)==n.bases) xtra <- xt else
  stop("xt argument is faulty.")

  # now check the basis types
  if (length(bs)==1) bs<-rep(bs,n.bases)
  if (length(bs)!=n.bases) {warning("bs wrong length and ignored.");bs<-rep("cr",n.bases)}

  # finally the spline/penalty orders
  if (!is.list(m)&&length(m)==1) m <- rep(m,n.bases)
  if (length(m)!=n.bases) { 
    warning("m wrong length and ignored.");
    m <- rep(0,n.bases)
  if (!is.list(m)) m[m<0] <- 0 ## Duchon splines can have -ve elements in a vector m

  # check for repeated variables in function argument list
  if (length(unique(term))!=dim) stop("Repeated variables as arguments of a smooth are not permitted")
  # Now construct smooth.spec objects for the margins
  j <- 1 # counter for terms
  margin <- list()
  for (i in 1:n.bases)
  { j1<-j+d[i]-1
    if (is.null(xt)) xt1 <- NULL else xt1 <- xtra[[i]] ## ignore codetools
    for (l in j:j1) stxt<-paste(stxt,term[l],",",sep="")
                ",m=",deparse(m[[i]],backtick=TRUE),",xt=xt1", ")")
    margin[[i]]<- eval(parse(text=stxt))  # NOTE: fx and by not dealt with here!
  # assemble term.label 
  #if (mp) mp <- TRUE else mp <- FALSE
  if (np) np <- TRUE else np <- FALSE
  if (dim>1) for (i in 2:dim) full.call<-paste(full.call,",",term[i],sep="")
  label<-paste(full.call,")",sep="")   # label for parameters of this term
  if (!is.null(id)) { 
    if (length(id)>1) { 
      id <- id[1]
      warning("only first element of `id' used")
    id <- as.character(id)
  if (!is.null(pc)) {
    if (length(pc)<d) stop("supply a value for each variable for a point constraint")
    if (!is.list(pc)) pc <- as.list(pc)
    if (is.null(names(pc))) names(pc) <- unlist(lapply(vars,all.vars))
    ret$point.con <- pc
  class(ret) <- "tensor.smooth.spec"
} ## end of te

t2 <- function(..., k=NA,bs="cr",m=NA,d=NA,by=NA,xt=NULL,id=NULL,sp=NULL,full=FALSE,ord=NULL,pc=NULL)
# function for use in gam formulae to specify a type 2 tensor product smooth term.
# e.g. te(x0,x1,x2,k=c(5,4,4),bs=c("tp","cr","cr"),m=c(1,1,2),by=x3) specifies a rank 80 tensor  
# product spline. The first basis is rank 5, t.p.r.s. basis penalty order 1, and the next 2 bases
# are rank 4 cubic regression splines with m ignored.  
# k, bs,m,d and fx can be supplied as single numbers or arrays with an element for each basis.
# Returns a list consisting of:
# * margin - a list of smooth.spec objects specifying the marginal bases
# * term   - array of covariate names
# * by     - the by variable name
# * label  - label for this term
{ vars<-as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1] # gets terms to be smoothed without evaluation
  dim<-length(vars) # dimension of smoother
  by.var<-deparse(substitute(by),backtick=TRUE) #getting the name of the by variable
  term<-deparse(vars[[1]],backtick=TRUE) # first covariate
  if (dim>1) # then deal with further covariates
  for (i in 2:dim)
  { term[i]<-deparse(vars[[i]],backtick=TRUE)
  for (i in 1:dim) term[i] <- attr(terms(reformulate(term[i])),"term.labels")
  # term now contains the names of the covariates for this model term
  # check d - the number of covariates per basis
  if (sum(is.na(d))||is.null(d)) { n.bases<-dim;d<-rep(1,dim)} # one basis for each dimension
  else  # array d supplied, the dimension of each term in the tensor product 
  { d<-round(d)
    if (sum(d<=0)) ok<-FALSE 
    if (sum(d)!=dim) ok<-FALSE
    if (ok)
    { warning("something wrong with argument d.")
  # now evaluate k 
  if (sum(is.na(k))||is.null(k)) k<-5^d 
  { k<-round(k);ok<-TRUE
    if (sum(k<3)) { ok<-FALSE;warning("one or more supplied k too small - reset to default")}
    if (length(k)==1&&ok) k<-rep(k,n.bases)
    else if (length(k)!=n.bases) ok<-FALSE
    if (!ok) k<-5^d 

  fx <- FALSE

  # deal with `xt' extras list
  xtra <- list()
  if (is.null(xt)||length(xt)==1) for (i in 1:n.bases) xtra[[i]] <- xt else
  if (length(xt)==n.bases) xtra <- xt else
  stop("xt argument is faulty.")

  # now check the basis types
  if (length(bs)==1) bs<-rep(bs,n.bases)
  if (length(bs)!=n.bases) {warning("bs wrong length and ignored.");bs<-rep("cr",n.bases)}

  # finally the spline/penalty orders
  if (!is.list(m)&&length(m)==1) m <- rep(m,n.bases)
  if (length(m)!=n.bases) { 
    warning("m wrong length and ignored.");
    m <- rep(0,n.bases)
  if (!is.list(m)) m[m<0] <- 0 ## Duchon splines can have -ve elements in a vector m

  # check for repeated variables in function argument list
  if (length(unique(term))!=dim) stop("Repeated variables as arguments of a smooth are not permitted")
  # Now construct smooth.spec objects for the margins
  j<-1 # counter for terms
  for (i in 1:n.bases)
  { j1<-j+d[i]-1
    if (is.null(xt)) xt1 <- NULL else xt1 <- xtra[[i]] ## ignore codetools
    for (l in j:j1) stxt<-paste(stxt,term[l],",",sep="")
                ",m=",deparse(m[[i]],backtick=TRUE),",xt=xt1", ")")
    margin[[i]]<- eval(parse(text=stxt))  # NOTE: fx and by not dealt with here!
  # check ord argument
  if (!is.null(ord)) {
    if (sum(ord%in%0:n.bases)==0) {
      ord <- NULL
      warning("ord is wrong. reset to NULL.")
    if (sum(ord<0)>0||sum(ord>n.bases)>0) warning("ord contains out of range orders (which will be ignored)")

  # assemble term.label 
  if (dim>1) for (i in 2:dim) full.call<-paste(full.call,",",term[i],sep="")
  label<-paste(full.call,")",sep="")   # label for parameters of this term
  if (!is.null(id)) { 
    if (length(id)>1) { 
      id <- id[1]
      warning("only first element of `id' used")
    id <- as.character(id)
  full <- as.logical(full)
  if (is.na(full)) full <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(pc)) {
    if (length(pc)<d) stop("supply a value for each variable for a point constraint")
    if (!is.list(pc)) pc <- as.list(pc)
    if (is.null(names(pc))) names(pc) <- unlist(lapply(vars,all.vars))
    ret$point.con <- pc
  class(ret) <- "t2.smooth.spec" 
} ## end of t2

s <- function (..., k=-1,fx=FALSE,bs="tp",m=NA,by=NA,xt=NULL,id=NULL,sp=NULL,pc=NULL)
# function for use in gam formulae to specify smooth term, e.g. s(x0,x1,x2,k=40,m=3,by=x3) specifies 
# a rank 40 thin plate regression spline of x0,x1 and x2 with a third order penalty, to be multiplied by
# covariate x3, when it enters the model.
# Returns a list consisting of the names of the covariates, and the name of any by variable,
# a model formula term representing the smooth, the basis dimension, the type of basis
# , whether it is fixed or penalized and the order of the penalty (0 for auto).
# xt contains information to be passed straight on to the basis constructor
{ vars <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1] # gets terms to be smoothed without evaluation

  d <- length(vars) # dimension of smoother
# term<-deparse(vars[[d]],backtick=TRUE,width.cutoff=500) # last term in the ... arguments
  by.var <- deparse(substitute(by),backtick=TRUE,width.cutoff=500) #getting the name of the by variable
  if (by.var==".") stop("by=. not allowed")
  term <- deparse(vars[[1]],backtick=TRUE,width.cutoff=500) # first covariate
  if (term[1]==".") stop("s(.) not supported.")
  if (d>1) # then deal with further covariates
  for (i in 2:d)
  { term[i]<-deparse(vars[[i]],backtick=TRUE,width.cutoff=500)
    if (term[i]==".") stop("s(.) not yet supported.")
  for (i in 1:d) term[i] <- attr(terms(reformulate(term[i])),"term.labels")
  # term now contains the names of the covariates for this model term
  # now evaluate all the other 
  k.new <- round(k) # in case user has supplied non-integer basis dimension
  if (all.equal(k.new,k)!=TRUE) {warning("argument k of s() should be integer and has been rounded")}
  k <- k.new
  # check for repeated variables in function argument list
  if (length(unique(term))!=d) stop("Repeated variables as arguments of a smooth are not permitted")
  # assemble label for term
  if (d>1) for (i in 2:d) full.call<-paste(full.call,",",term[i],sep="")
  label<-paste(full.call,")",sep="") # used for labelling parameters
  if (!is.null(id))  {
    if (length(id)>1) { 
      id <- id[1]
      warning("only first element of `id' used")
   id <- as.character(id)
  ret <- list(term=term,bs.dim=k,fixed=fx,dim=d,p.order=m,by=by.var,label=label,xt=xt,
  if (!is.null(pc)) {
    if (length(pc)<d) stop("supply a value for each variable for a point constraint")
    if (!is.list(pc)) pc <- as.list(pc)
    if (is.null(names(pc))) names(pc) <- unlist(lapply(vars,all.vars))
    ret$point.con <- pc
} ## end of s

## Type 1 tensor product methods start here (i.e. Wood, 2006)

tensor.prod.model.matrix1 <- function(X) {
# X is a list of model matrices, from which a tensor product model matrix is to be produced.
# e.g. ith row is basically X[[1]][i,]%x%X[[2]][i,]%x%X[[3]][i,], but this routine works 
# column-wise, for efficiency
# old version, which is rather slow because of using cbind.
  m <- length(X)
  X1 <- X[[m]]
  n <- nrow(X1)
  if (m>1) for (i in (m-1):1)
  { X0 <- X1;X1 <- matrix(0,n,0)
    for (j in 1:ncol(X[[i]]))
    X1 <- cbind(X1,X[[i]][,j]*X0)
} ## end tensor.prod.model.matrix1

tensor.prod.model.matrix <- function(X) {
# X is a list of model matrices, from which a tensor product model matrix is to be produced.
# e.g. ith row is basically X[[1]][i,]%x%X[[2]][i,]%x%X[[3]][i,], but this routine works 
# column-wise, for efficiency, and does work in compiled code.
  if (inherits(X[[1]],"dgCMatrix")) {
    if (any(!unlist(lapply(X,inherits,"dgCMatrix"))))
      stop("matrices must be all class dgCMatrix or all class matrix")
    T <- .Call(C_stmm,X)
  } else {
    if (any(!unlist(lapply(X,inherits,"matrix"))))
       stop("matrices must be all class dgCMatrix or all class matrix")
    m <- length(X)              ## number to row tensor product
    d <- unlist(lapply(X,ncol)) ## dimensions of each X
    n <- nrow(X[[1]])           ## rows in each X
    X <- as.numeric(unlist(X))  ## append X[[i]]s columnwise
    T <- numeric(n*prod(d))     ## storage for result
    .Call(C_mgcv_tmm,X,T,d,m,n) ## produce product
    ## Give T attributes of matrix. Note that initializing T as a matrix 
    ## requires more time than forming the row tensor product itself (R 3.0.1)
    attr(T,"dim") <- c(n,prod(d)) 
    class(T) <- "matrix"
} ## end tensor.prod.model.matrix

tensor.prod.penalties <- function(S)
# Given a list S of penalty matrices for the marginal bases of a tensor product smoother
# this routine produces the resulting penalties for the tensor product basis. 
# e.g. if S_1, S_2 and S_3 are marginal penalties and I_1, I_2, I_3 are identity matrices 
# of the same dimensions then the tensor product penalties are:
#   S_1 %x% I_2 %x% I_3, I_1 %x% S_2 %x% I_3 and I_1 %*% I_2 %*% S_3
# Note that the penalty list must be in the same order as the model matrix list supplied
# to tensor.prod.model() when using these together.
{ m <- length(S)
  I <- list(); 
  for (i in 1:m) { 
    n <- ncol(S[[i]])
    I[[i]] <- diag(n)
  TS <- list()
  if (m==1) TS[[1]] <- S[[1]] else
  for (i in 1:m) {
    if (i==1) M0 <- S[[1]] else M0 <- I[[1]]
    for (j in 2:m) {
      if (i==j) M1 <- S[[i]] else M1 <- I[[j]] 
      M0<-M0 %x% M1
    TS[[i]] <- if (ncol(M0)==nrow(M0)) (M0+t(M0))/2 else M0 # ensure exactly symmetric 
}## end tensor.prod.penalties

smooth.construct.tensor.smooth.spec <- function(object,data,knots) {
## the constructor for a tensor product basis object
  inter <- object$inter ## signal generation of a pure interaction
  m <- length(object$margin)  # number of marginal bases
  if (inter) { ## interaction term so at least some marginals subject to constraint
    object$mc <- if (is.null(object$mc)) rep(TRUE,m) else as.logical(object$mc) ## which marginals to constrain
    object$sparse.cons <-  if (is.null(object$sparse.cons)) rep(0,m) else object$sparse.cons
  } else {
    object$mc <- rep(FALSE,m) ## all marginals unconstrained
  Xm <- list();Sm<-list();nr<-r<-d<-array(0,m)
  C <- NULL
  object$plot.me <- TRUE 
  mono <- rep(FALSE,m) ## indicator for monotonic parameterization margins
  for (i in 1:m) { 
    if (!is.null(object$margin[[i]]$mono)&&object$margin[[i]]$mono!=0) mono[i] <- TRUE
    knt <- dat <- list()
    term <- object$margin[[i]]$term
    for (j in 1:length(term)) { 
      dat[[term[j]]] <- data[[term[j]]]
      knt[[term[j]]] <- knots[[term[j]]] 
    object$margin[[i]] <- 
    if (object$mc[i]) smoothCon(object$margin[[i]],dat,knt,absorb.cons=TRUE,n=length(dat[[1]]),
                                sparse.cons=object$sparse.cons[i])[[1]] else
    Xm[[i]] <- object$margin[[i]]$X
    if (!is.null(object$margin[[i]]$te.ok)) {
      if (object$margin[[i]]$te.ok == 0) stop("attempt to use unsuitable marginal smooth class")
      if (object$margin[[i]]$te.ok == 2) object$plot.me <- FALSE ## margin has declared itself unplottable in a te term
    if (length(object$margin[[i]]$S)>1) 
    stop("Sorry, tensor products of smooths with multiple penalties are not supported.")
    Sm[[i]] <- object$margin[[i]]$S[[1]]
    d[i] <- nrow(Sm[[i]])
    r[i] <- object$margin[[i]]$rank
    nr[i] <- object$margin[[i]]$null.space.dim
    if (!inter&&!is.null(object$margin[[i]]$C)&&nrow(object$margin[[i]]$C)==0) C <- matrix(0,0,0) ## no centering constraint needed
  ## Re-parameterization currently breaks monotonicity constraints
  ## so turn it off. An alternative would be to shift the marginal
  ## basis functions to force non-negativity. 
  if (sum(mono)) { 
    object$np <- FALSE
    ## need the re-parameterization indicator for the whole term, 
    ## by combination of those for single terms.
    km <- which(mono)
    g <- list(); for (i in 1:length(km)) g[[i]] <- object$margin[[km[i]]]$g.index
    for (i in 1:length(object$margin)) {
      dx <- ncol(object$margin[[i]]$X)
      for (j in length(km)) if (i!=km[j]) g[[j]] <- if (i > km[j])  rep(g[[j]],each=dx) else rep(g[[j]],dx)
    object$g.index <- as.logical(rowSums(matrix(unlist(g),length(g[[1]]),length(g))))
  XP <- list()
  if (object$np) for (i in 1:m) { # reparameterize 
    if (object$margin[[i]]$dim==1) { 
      # only do classes not already optimal (or otherwise excluded)
      if (is.null(object$margin[[i]]$noterp)) { ## apply repara
        x <- get.var(object$margin[[i]]$term,data)
        np <- ncol(object$margin[[i]]$X) ## number of params
        ## note: to avoid extrapolating wiggliness measure
        ## must include extremes as eval points
        knt <- if(is.factor(x)) {
        } else { 
          seq(min(x), max(x), length=np)
        pd <- data.frame(knt)
        names(pd) <- object$margin[[i]]$term
        sv <- if (object$mc[i]) svd(PredictMat(object$margin[[i]],pd)) else
        if (sv$d[np]/sv$d[1]<.Machine$double.eps^.66) { ## condition number rather high
          XP[[i]] <- NULL
          warning("reparameterization unstable for margin: not done")
        } else {
          XP[[i]] <- sv$v%*%(t(sv$u)/sv$d)
          object$margin[[i]]$X <- Xm[[i]] <- Xm[[i]]%*%XP[[i]]
          Sm[[i]] <- t(XP[[i]])%*%Sm[[i]]%*%XP[[i]]
      } else XP[[i]] <- NULL
    } else XP[[i]] <- NULL
  # scale `nicely' - mostly to avoid problems with lme ...
  for (i in 1:m)  Sm[[i]] <- Sm[[i]]/eigen(Sm[[i]],symmetric=TRUE,only.values=TRUE)$values[1] 
  max.rank <- prod(d)
  r <- max.rank*r/d # penalty ranks
  X <- tensor.prod.model.matrix(Xm)
  S <- tensor.prod.penalties(Sm)
  for (i in m:1) if (object$fx[i]) { 
      S[[i]] <- NULL # remove penalties for un-penalized margins
      r <- r[-i]   # remove corresponding rank from list

  ## code for dropping unused basis functions from X and adjusting penalties appropriately
  if (!is.null(object$margin[[1]]$xt$dropu)&&object$margin[[1]]$xt$dropu) {
    ind <- which(colSums(abs(X))!=0)
    X <- X[,ind]
    if (!is.null(object$g.index)) object$g.index <- object$g.index[ind]
    #for (i in 1:length(S)) {
      ## next line is equivalent to setting coefs for deleted to zero! 
      #S[[i]] <- S[[i]][ind,ind] 
    ## Instead we need to drop the differences involving deleted coefs
    for (i in 1:m) { 
      if (is.null(object$margin[[i]]$D)) stop("basis not usable with reduced te")
      Sm[[i]] <- object$margin[[i]]$D ## differences
    S <- tensor.prod.penalties(Sm) ## tensor prod difference penalties
    ## drop rows corresponding to differences that involve a dropped 
    ## basis function, and crossproduct...
    for (i in 1:m) { 
      D <- S[[i]][rowSums(S[[i]][,-ind,drop=FALSE])==0,ind]
      r[i] <- nrow(D) ## penalty rank
      S[[i]] <- crossprod(D)
    object$udrop <- ind
    ## rank r ??

  object$X <- X;object$S <- S;
  if (inter) object$C <- matrix(0,0,0) else
  object$C <- C ## really just in case a marginal has implied that no cons are needed
  object$df <- ncol(X)
  object$null.space.dim <- prod(nr) # penalty null space rank 
  object$rank <- r
  object$XP <- XP
} ## end smooth.construct.tensor.smooth.spec

Predict.matrix.tensor.smooth <- function(object,data)
## the prediction method for a tensor product smooth
{ m <- length(object$margin)
  X <- list()
  for (i in 1:m) { 
    term <- object$margin[[i]]$term
    dat <- list()
    for (j in 1:length(term)) dat[[term[j]]] <- data[[term[j]]]
    X[[i]] <- if (object$mc[i]) PredictMat(object$margin[[i]],dat,n=length(dat[[1]])) else
  mxp <- length(object$XP)
  if (mxp>0) 
  for (i in 1:mxp) if (!is.null(object$XP[[i]])) X[[i]] <- X[[i]]%*%object$XP[[i]]
  T <- tensor.prod.model.matrix(X)
  if (is.null(object$udrop)) T else T[,object$udrop]
}## end Predict.matrix.tensor.smooth

## Type 2 tensor product methods start here - separate identity penalties

t2.model.matrix <- function(Xm,rank,full=TRUE,ord=NULL) {
## Xm is a list of marginal model matrices.
## The first rank[i] columns of Xm[[i]] are penalized, 
## by a ridge penalty, the remainder are unpenalized. 
## this routine constructs a tensor product model matrix,
## subject to a sequence of non-overlapping ridge penalties.
## If full is TRUE then the result is completely invariant, 
## as each column of each null space is treated separately in
## the construction. Otherwise there is an element of arbitrariness
## in the invariance, as it depends on scaling of the null space 
## columns. 
## ord is the list of term orders to include. NULL indicates all
## terms are to be retained.
  Zi <- Xm[[1]][,1:rank[1],drop=FALSE] ## range space basis for first margin
  X2 <- list(Zi)
  order <- 1 ## record order of component (number of range space components)
  lab2 <- "r" ## list of term labels "r" denotes range space
  null.exists <- rank[1] < ncol(Xm[[1]]) ## does null exist for margin 1
  no.null <- FALSE
  if (full) pen2 <- TRUE
  if (null.exists) {
    Xi <- Xm[[1]][,(rank[1]+1):ncol(Xm[[1]]),drop=FALSE] ## null space basis margin 1
    if (full) { 
      pen2[2] <- FALSE
      colnames(Xi) <- as.character(1:ncol(Xi)) 
    X2[[2]] <- Xi ## working model matrix component list
    lab2[2]<- "n" ## "n" is null space
    order[2] <- 0
  } else no.null <- TRUE ## tensor product will have *no* null space...  

  n.m <- length(Xm) ## number of margins
  X1 <- list()
  n <- nrow(Zi)
  if (n.m>1) for (i in 2:n.m) { ## work through margins...
    Zi <- Xm[[i]][,1:rank[i],drop=FALSE]   ## margin i range space
    null.exists <- rank[i] < ncol(Xm[[i]]) ## does null exist for margin i
    if (null.exists) { 
      Xi <- Xm[[i]][,(rank[i]+1):ncol(Xm[[i]]),drop=FALSE] ## margin i null space
      if (full) colnames(Xi)  <- as.character(1:ncol(Xi))
    } else no.null <- TRUE ## tensor product will have *no* null space...
    X1 <- X2 
    if (full) pen1 <- pen2
    lab1 <- lab2 ## labels
    order1 <- order
    k <- 1
    for (ii in 1:length(X1)) { ## form products with Zi
      if (!full || pen1[ii]) { ## X1[[ii]] is penalized and treated as a whole
        A <- matrix(0,n,0)
        for (j in 1:ncol(X1[[ii]])) A <- cbind(A,X1[[ii]][,j]*Zi)
        X2[[k]] <- A
        if (full) pen2[k] <- TRUE
        lab2[k] <- paste(lab1[ii],"r",sep="")
        order[k] <- order1[ii] + 1
        k <- k + 1
      } else { ## X1[[ii]] is un-penalized, columns to be treated separately 
        cnx1 <- colnames(X1[[ii]])
        for (j in 1:ncol(X1[[ii]])) {
          X2[[k]] <- X1[[ii]][,j]*Zi
          lab2[k] <- paste(cnx1[j],"r",sep="")
          order[k] <- order1[ii] + 1
          pen2[k] <- TRUE
          k <- k + 1
    } ## finished dealing with range space for this margin

    if (null.exists) {
      for (ii in 1:length(X1)) { ## form products with Xi
        if (!full || !pen1[ii]) { ## treat product as whole
          if (full) { ## need column labels to make correct term labels
            cn <- colnames(X1[[ii]]);cnxi <- colnames(Xi)
            cnx2 <- rep("",0)
          A <- matrix(0,n,0)
          for (j in 1:ncol(X1[[ii]])) { 
            if (full) cnx2 <- c(cnx2,paste(cn[j],cnxi,sep="")) ## column labels
            A <- cbind(A,X1[[ii]][,j]*Xi)
          if (full) colnames(A) <- cnx2
          lab2[k] <- paste(lab1[ii],"n",sep="")
          order[k] <- order1[ii]
          X2[[k]] <- A;
          if (full) pen2[k] <- FALSE ## if full, you only get to here when pen1[i] FALSE
          k <- k + 1
        } else { ## treat cols of Xi separately (full is TRUE)
           cnxi <- colnames(Xi) 
           for (j in 1:ncol(Xi)) {
             X2[[k]] <- X1[[ii]]*Xi[,j]
             lab2[k] <- paste(lab1[ii],cnxi[j],sep="") ## null space labels => order unchanged 
             order[k] <- order1[ii]
             pen2[k] <- TRUE
             k <- k + 1
    } ## finished dealing with null space for this margin
  } ## finished working through margins
  ## X2 now contains a sequence of model matrices, all but the last
  ## should have an associated ridge penalty. 
  if (!is.null(ord)) { ## may need to drop some terms
    ii <- order %in% ord ## terms to retain
    X2 <- X2[ii]
    lab2 <- lab2[ii]
    if (sum(ord==0)==0) no.null <- TRUE ## null space dropped

  xc <- unlist(lapply(X2,ncol)) ## number of columns of sub-matrix
  X <- matrix(unlist(X2),n,sum(xc))
  if (!no.null) { 
    xc <- xc[-length(xc)] ## last block unpenalized
    lab2 <- lab2[-length(lab2)] ## don't need label for unpenalized block
  attr(X,"sub.cols") <- xc ## number of columns in each seperately penalized sub matrix 
  attr(X,"p.lab") <- lab2 ## labels for each penalty, identifying how space is constructed
  ## note that sub.cols/xc only contains dimension of last block if it is penalized
} ## end t2.model.matrix

smooth.construct.t2.smooth.spec <- function(object,data,knots)
## the constructor for an ss-anova style tensor product basis object.
## needs to check `by' variable, to see if a centering constraint
## is required. If it is, then it must be applied here.
{ m <- length(object$margin)  # number of marginal bases
  Xm <- list();Sm <- list();nr <- r <- d <- array(0,m)
  Pm <- list() ## list for matrices by which to postmultiply raw model matris to get repara version
  C <- NULL ## potential constraint matrix
  object$plot.me <- TRUE
  for (i in 1:m) { ## create marginal model matrices and penalties...
    ## pick up the required variables....
    knt <- dat <- list()
    term <- object$margin[[i]]$term
    for (j in 1:length(term)) { 
      dat[[term[j]]] <- data[[term[j]]]
      knt[[term[j]]] <- knots[[term[j]]] 
    ## construct marginal smooth...
    if (!is.null(object$margin[[i]]$te.ok)) {
      if (object$margin[[i]]$te.ok==0) stop("attempt to use unsuitable marginal smooth class")
      if (object$margin[[i]]$te.ok==2) object$plot.me <- FALSE ## margin declared itself unplottable
    if (length(object$margin[[i]]$S)>1) 
    stop("Sorry, tensor products of smooths with multiple penalties are not supported.")
    r[i]<-object$margin[[i]]$rank ## rank of penalty for this margin
    ## reparameterize so that penalty is identity (and scaling is nice)...
    np <- nat.param(Xm[[i]],Sm[[i]],rank=r[i],type=3,unit.fnorm=TRUE)
    Xm[[i]] <- np$X;
    dS <- rep(0,ncol(Xm[[i]]));dS[1:r[i]] <- 1;
    Sm[[i]] <- diag(dS) ## penalty now diagonal
    Pm[[i]] <- np$P ## maps original model matrix to reparameterized
    if (!is.null(object$margin[[i]]$C)&&
        nrow(object$margin[[i]]$C)==0) C <- matrix(0,0,0) ## no centering constraint needed
  } ## margin creation finished

  ## Create the model matrix...

  X <- t2.model.matrix(Xm,r,full=object$full,ord=object$ord)

  sub.cols <- attr(X,"sub.cols") ## size (cols) of penalized sub blocks

  ## Create penalties, which are simple non-overlapping
  ## partial identity matrices...

  nsc <- length(sub.cols) ## number of penalized sub-blocks of X
  S <- list()
  cxn <- c(0,cumsum(sub.cols))
  if (nsc>0) for (j in 1:nsc) {
    dd <- rep(0,ncol(X));dd[(cxn[j]+1):cxn[j+1]] <- 1
    S[[j]] <- diag(dd)
  names(S) <- attr(X,"p.lab")

  if (length(object$fx)==1) object$fx <- rep(object$fx,nsc) else
  if (length(object$fx)!=nsc) {
    warning("fx length wrong from t2 term: ignored")
    object$fx <- rep(FALSE,nsc)

  if (!is.null(object$sp)&&length(object$sp)!=nsc) {
    object$sp <- NULL
    warning("length of sp incorrect in t2: ignored")

  object$null.space.dim <- ncol(X) - sum(sub.cols) ## penalty null space rank 
  ## Create identifiability constraint. Key feature is that it 
  ## only affects the unpenalized parameters...
  nup <- sum(sub.cols[1:nsc]) ## range space rank
  ##X.shift <- NULL
  if (is.null(C)) { ## if not null then already determined that constraint not needed
    if (object$null.space.dim==0) { C <- matrix(0,0,0) } else { ## no null space => no constraint
      if (object$null.space.dim==1) C <- ncol(X) else ## might as well use set to zero
      C <- matrix(c(rep(0,nup),colSums(X[,(nup+1):ncol(X),drop=FALSE])),1,ncol(X)) ## constraint on null space
    ##  X.shift <- colMeans(X[,1:nup])
    ##  X[,1:nup] <- sweep(X[,1:nup],2,X.shift) ## make penalized columns orthog to constant col.
      ## last is fine because it is equivalent to adding the mean of each col. times its parameter
      ## to intercept... only parameter modified is the intercept.
      ## .... amounted to shifting random efects to fixed effects -- not legitimate

  object$X <- X
  object$S <- S
  object$C <- C 
  ##object$X.shift <- X.shift
  if (is.matrix(C)&&nrow(C)==0) object$Cp <- NULL else
  object$Cp <- matrix(colSums(X),1,ncol(X)) ## alternative constraint for prediction
  object$df <- ncol(X)
  object$rank <- sub.cols[1:nsc] ## ranks of individual penalties
  object$P <- Pm ## map original marginal model matrices to reparameterized versions
  object$fixed <- as.logical(sum(object$fx)) ## needed by gamm/4
} ## end of smooth.construct.t2.smooth.spec

Predict.matrix.t2.smooth <- function(object,data)
## the prediction method for a t2 tensor product smooth
{ m <- length(object$margin)
  X <- list()
  rank <- rep(0,m)
  for (i in 1:m) { 
    term <- object$margin[[i]]$term
    dat <- list()
    for (j in 1:length(term)) dat[[term[j]]] <- data[[term[j]]]
    rank[i] <-  object$margin[[i]]$rank
  T <- t2.model.matrix(X,rank,full=object$full,ord=object$ord)
} ## end of Predict.matrix.t2.smooth

split.t2.smooth <- function(object) {
## function to split up a t2 smooth into a list of separate smooths
  if (!inherits(object,"t2.smooth")) return(object) 
  ind <- 1:ncol(object$S[[1]])                   ## index of penalty columns 
  ind.para <- object$first.para:object$last.para ## index of coefficients 
  sm <- list() ## list to receive split up smooths
  sm[[1]] <- object ## stores everything in original object
  St <- object$S[[1]]*0
  for (i in 1:length(object$S)) { ## work through penalties
    indi <- ind[diag(object$S[[i]])!=0] ## index of penalized coefs.
    label <- paste(object$label,".frag",i,sep="")
    sm[[i]] <- list(S = list(object$S[[i]][indi,indi]), ## the penalty
                    first.para = min(ind.para[indi]),
                    last.para = max(ind.para[indi]),
                    df = length(indi),
     class(sm[[i]]) <- "t2.frag"
     St <- St + object$S[[i]]
   ## now deal with the null space (alternative would be to append this to one of penalized terms)
   i <- length(object$S) + 1
   indi <- ind[diag(St)==0] ## index of unpenalized elements
   if (length(indi)) { ## then there are unplenalized elements
      label <- paste(object$label,".frag",i,sep="")
      sm[[i]] <- list(S = NULL, ## the penalty
                    first.para = min(ind.para[indi]),
                    last.para = max(ind.para[indi]),
                    label = label,
                    df = length(indi)
     class(sm[[i]]) <- "t2.frag"
} ## split.t2.smooth

expand.t2.smooths <- function(sm) {
## takes a list that may contain `t2.smooth' objects, and expands it into 
## a list of `smooths' with single penalties  
  m <- length(sm)
  not.needed <- TRUE
  for (i in 1:m) if (inherits(sm[[i]],"t2.smooth")&&length(sm[[i]]$S)>1) { not.needed <- FALSE;break}
  if (not.needed) return(NULL)
  smr <- list() ## return list
  k <- 0
  for (i in 1:m) {
    if (inherits(sm[[i]],"t2.smooth")) {
      smi <- split.t2.smooth(sm[[i]])
      comp.ind <- (k+1):(k+length(smi)) ## index of all fragments making up complete smooth
      for (j in 1:length(smi)) {
        k <- k + 1
        smr[[k]] <- smi[[j]]
        smr[[k]]$comp.ind <- comp.ind
    } else { k <- k+1; smr[[k]] <- sm[[i]] } 
  smr ## return expanded list
} ## expand.t2.smooths

## Thin plate regression splines (tprs) methods start here

null.space.dimension <- function(d,m)
# vectorized function for calculating null space dimension for tps penalties of order m
# for dimension d data M=(m+d-1)!/(d!(m-1)!). Any m not satisfying 2m>d is reset so 
# that 2m>d+1 (assuring "visual" smoothness) 
{ if (sum(d<0)) stop("d can not be negative in call to null.space.dimension().")
  ind <- 2*m < d+1
  if (sum(ind)) # then default m required for some elements
  { m[ind] <- 1;ind <- 2*m < d+2
    while (sum(ind)) { m[ind]<-m[ind]+1;ind <- 2*m < d+2;}
  M <- m*0+1;ind <- M==1;i <- 0
  { M[ind] <- M[ind]*(d[ind]+m[ind]-1-i);i <- i+1;ind <- i<d
  ind <- d>1;i <- 2
  { M[ind] <- M[ind]/i;ind <- d>i;i <- i+1   
} ## null.space.dimension

smooth.construct.tp.smooth.spec <- function(object,data,knots)
## The constructor for a t.p.r.s. basis object.
{ shrink <- attr(object,"shrink")
  ## deal with possible extra arguments of "tp" type smooth
  xtra <- list()

  if (is.null(object$xt$max.knots)) xtra$max.knots <- 2000 
  else xtra$max.knots <- object$xt$max.knots 
  if (is.null(object$xt$seed)) xtra$seed <- 1 
  else xtra$seed <- object$xt$seed 
  ## now collect predictors
  for (i in 1:object$dim) 
  { ## xx <- get.var(object$term[[i]],data)
    xx <- data[[object$term[i]]]
    shift[i]<-mean(xx)  # centre covariates
    xx <- xx - shift[i]
    if (i==1) n <- length(xx) else 
    if (n!=length(xx)) stop("arguments of smooth not same dimension")
  if (is.null(knots)) {knt<-0;nk<-0}
  { knt<-array(0,0)
    for (i in 1:object$dim) 
    { dum <- knots[[object$term[i]]]-shift[i]
      if (is.null(dum)) {knt<-0;nk<-0;break} # no valid knots for this term
      knt <- c(knt,dum)
      nk0 <- length(dum)
      if (i > 1 && nk != nk0) 
      stop("components of knots relating to a single smooth must be of same length")
      nk <- nk0
  if (nk>n) { nk <- 0
  warning("more knots than data in a tp term: knots ignored.")}
  ## deal with possibility of large data set
  if (nk==0 && n>xtra$max.knots) { ## then there *may* be too many data  
    xu <- uniquecombs(matrix(x,n,object$dim),TRUE) ## find the unique `locations'
    nu <- nrow(xu)  ## number of unique locations
    if (nu>xtra$max.knots) { ## then there is really a problem
      rngs <- temp.seed(xtra$seed)
      #seed <- try(get(".Random.seed",envir=.GlobalEnv),silent=TRUE) ## store RNG seed
      #if (inherits(seed,"try-error")) {
      #    runif(1)
      #    seed <- get(".Random.seed",envir=.GlobalEnv)
      #kind <- RNGkind(NULL)
      #set.seed(xtra$seed) ## ensure repeatability
      nk <- xtra$max.knots ## going to create nk knots
      ind <- sample(1:nu,nk,replace=FALSE)  ## by sampling these rows from xu
      knt <- as.numeric(xu[ind,])  ## ... like this
      #assign(".Random.seed",seed,envir=.GlobalEnv) ## RNG behaves as if it had not been used
  } ## end of large data set handling
  ##if (object$bs.dim[1]<0) object$bs.dim <- 10*3^(object$dim-1) # auto-initialize basis dimension

  object$p.order[is.na(object$p.order)] <- 0 ## auto-initialize

  M <- null.space.dimension(object$dim,object$p.order[1]) 

  if (length(object$p.order)>1&&object$p.order[2]==0) object$drop.null <- M else 
  object$drop.null <- 0

  def.k <- c(8,27,100) ## default penalty range space dimension for different dimensions 
  dd <- min(object$dim,length(def.k))
  if (object$bs.dim[1]<0) object$bs.dim <- M+def.k[dd] ##10*3^(object$dim-1) # auto-initialize basis dimension
  if (k<M+1) # essential or construct_tprs will segfault, as tprs_setup does this
  { k<-M+1
    warning("basis dimension, k, increased to minimum possible\n")

  object$X<-matrix(oo$X,n,k)                   # model matrix

  if (!object$fixed) 
  { object$S[[1]]<-matrix(oo$S,k,k)         # penalty matrix
    object$S[[1]]<-(object$S[[1]]+t(object$S[[1]]))/2 # ensure exact symmetry
    if (!is.null(shrink)) # then add shrinkage term to penalty 
    { ## Modify the penalty by increasing the penalty on the 
      ## unpenalized space from zero... 
      es <- eigen(object$S[[1]],symmetric=TRUE)
      ## now add a penalty on the penalty null space
      es$values[(k-M+1):k] <- es$values[k-M]*shrink 
      ## ... so penalty on null space is still less than that on range space.
      object$S[[1]] <- es$vectors%*%(as.numeric(es$values)*t(es$vectors))
  UZ.len <- (oo$n.Xu+M)*k
  object$UZ<-matrix(oo$UZ[1:UZ.len],oo$n.Xu+M,k)         # truncated basis matrix
  Xu.len <- oo$n.Xu*object$dim
  object$Xu<-matrix(oo$Xu[1:Xu.len],oo$n.Xu,object$dim)  # unique covariate combinations

  object$df <- object$bs.dim                   # DoF unconstrained and unpenalized
  object$shift<-shift                          # covariate shifts
  if (!is.null(shrink)) M <- 0  ## null space now rank zero
  object$rank <- k - M                           # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- M
  if (object$drop.null>0) {
    ind <- 1:(k-M)
    if (FALSE) { ## nat param version
      np <- nat.param(object$X,object$S[[1]],rank=k-M,type=0)
      object$P <- np$P
      object$S[[1]] <- diag(np$D) 
      object$X <- np$X[,ind]
    } else { ## original param
      object$S[[1]] <- object$S[[1]][ind,ind]
      object$X <- object$X[,ind]
      object$cmX <- colMeans(object$X)
      object$X <- sweep(object$X,2,object$cmX)
    object$null.space.dim <- 0
    object$df <- object$df - M
    object$bs.dim <- object$bs.dim -M
    object$C <- matrix(0,0,ncol(object$X)) # null constraint matrix
  class(object) <- "tprs.smooth"
} ## smooth.construct.tp.smooth.spec

smooth.construct.ts.smooth.spec <- function(object,data,knots)
# implements a class of tprs like smooths with an additional shrinkage
# term in the penalty... this allows for fully integrated GCV model selection
{ attr(object,"shrink") <- 1e-1
  object <- smooth.construct.tp.smooth.spec(object,data,knots)
  class(object) <- "ts.smooth"
} ## smooth.construct.ts.smooth.spec

Predict.matrix.tprs.smooth <- function(object,data)
# prediction matrix method for a t.p.r.s. term 
{ x<-array(0,0)
  for (i in 1:object$dim) 
  { xx <- data[[object$term[i]]]
    xx <- xx - object$shift[i]
    if (i==1) n <- length(xx) else 
    if (length(xx)!=n) stop("arguments of smooth not same dimension")
    if (length(xx)<1) stop("no data to predict at")

  ## following used to be object$null.space.dim, but this is now *post constraint*
  M <- null.space.dimension(object$dim,object$p.order[1])
  ind <- 1:object$bs.dim

  if (is.null(object$drop.null)) object$drop.null <- 0 ## pre 1.7_19 compatibility

  if (object$drop.null>0) object$bs.dim <- object$bs.dim + M  

  if (object$drop.null>0) {
    if (FALSE) { ## nat param
      X <- (X%*%object$P)[,ind] ## drop null space
    } else { ## original
      X <- X[,ind]
      X <- sweep(X,2,object$cmX)
} ## Predict.matrix.tprs.smooth

Predict.matrix.ts.smooth <- function(object,data)
# this is the prediction method for a t.p.r.s
# with shrinkage
{ Predict.matrix.tprs.smooth(object,data)
} ## Predict.matrix.ts.smooth

## Cubic regression spline methods start here

smooth.construct.cr.smooth.spec <- function(object,data,knots) {
# this routine is the constructor for cubic regression spline basis objects
# It takes a cubic regression spline specification object and returns the 
# corresponding basis object. Efficient code.
  shrink <- attr(object,"shrink")
  if (length(object$term)!=1) stop("Basis only handles 1D smooths")
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  nx <- length(x)
  if (is.null(knots)) ok <- FALSE else { 
    k <- knots[[object$term]]
    if (is.null(k)) ok <- FALSE
    else ok<-TRUE
  if (object$bs.dim < 0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default

  if (object$bs.dim <3) { object$bs.dim <- 3
    warning("basis dimension, k, increased to minimum possible\n")
  xu <- unique(x)

  nk <- object$bs.dim

  if (length(xu)<nk) 
  { msg <- paste(object$term," has insufficient unique values to support ",
                 nk," knots: reduce k.",sep="")

  if (!ok) { k <- quantile(xu,seq(0,1,length=nk))} ## generate knots
  if (length(k)!=nk) stop("number of supplied knots != k for a cr smooth")

  X <- rep(0,nx*nk);F <- S <- rep(0,nk*nk);F.supplied <- 0

  oo <- .C(C_crspl,x=as.double(x),n=as.integer(nx),xk=as.double(k),

  object$X <- matrix(oo$X,nx,nk)

  object$S <- list()     # only return penalty if term not fixed
  if (!object$fixed) {
    object$S[[1]] <- matrix(oo$S,nk,nk)
    object$S[[1]]<-(object$S[[1]]+t(object$S[[1]]))/2 # ensure exact symmetry
    if (!is.null(shrink)) { # then add shrinkage term to penalty 
      ## Modify the penalty by increasing the penalty on the 
      ## unpenalized space from zero... 
      es <- eigen(object$S[[1]],symmetric=TRUE)
      ## now add a penalty on the penalty null space
      es$values[nk-1] <- es$values[nk-2]*shrink 
      es$values[nk] <- es$values[nk-1]*shrink
      ## ... so penalty on null space is still less than that on range space.
      object$S[[1]] <- es$vectors%*%(as.numeric(es$values)*t(es$vectors))
  if (is.null(shrink)) { 
    object$rank <- nk-2;
    object$null.space.dim <- 2
  } else { 
    object$rank <- nk   # penalty rank
    object$null.space.dim <- 0

  object$df <- object$bs.dim # degrees of freedom,  unconstrained and unpenalized
  object$xp <- k  # knot positions
  object$F <- oo$F # f'' = t(F)%*%f (at knots) - helps prediction
  object$noterp <- TRUE # do not reparameterize in te
  class(object) <- "cr.smooth"
} ## smooth.construct.cr.smooth.spec

smooth.construct.cs.smooth.spec <- function(object,data,knots)
# implements a class of cr like smooths with an additional shrinkage
# term in the penalty... this allows for fully integrated GCV model selection
{ attr(object,"shrink") <- .1
  object <- smooth.construct.cr.smooth.spec(object,data,knots)
  class(object) <- "cs.smooth"
} ## smooth.construct.cs.smooth.spec

Predict.matrix.cr.smooth <- function(object,data) {
## this is the prediction method for a cubic regression spline, efficient code.

  x <- data[[object$term]]
  if (length(x)<1) stop("no data to predict at")
  nx <- length(x)
  nk <- object$bs.dim
  X <- rep(0,nx*nk) 
  S <- 1 ## unused
  F.supplied <- 1
  if (is.null(object$F)) stop("F is missing from cr smooth - refit model with current mgcv")

  oo <- .C(C_crspl,x=as.double(x),n=as.integer(nx),xk=as.double(object$xp),
  X <- matrix(oo$X,nx,nk) # the prediction matrix

} ## Predict.matrix.cr.smooth

Predict.matrix.cs.smooth <- function(object,data)
# this is the prediction method for a cubic regression spline 
# with shrinkage
{ Predict.matrix.cr.smooth(object,data)
} ## Predict.matrix.cs.smooth

## Cyclic cubic regression spline methods starts here

place.knots <- function(x,nk)
# knot placement code. x is a covariate array, nk is the number of knots,
# and this routine spaces nk knots evenly throughout the x values, with the 
# endpoints at the extremes of the data.
{ x<-sort(unique(x));n<-length(x)
  if (nk>n) stop("more knots than unique data values is not allowed")
  if (nk<2) stop("too few knots")
  if (nk==2) return(range(x))
  delta<-(n-1)/(nk-1) # how many data steps per knot
  lbi<-floor(delta*1:(nk-2))+1 # lower interval bound index
  frac<-delta*1:(nk-2)+1-lbi # left over proportion of interval  
} ## place.knots

smooth.construct.cc.smooth.spec <- function(object,data,knots)
# constructor function for cyclic cubic splines
{ getBD<-function(x)
  # matrices B and D in expression Bm=Dp where m are s"(x_i) and 
  # p are s(x_i) and the x_i are knots of periodic spline s(x)
  # B and D slightly modified (for periodicity) from Lancaster 
  # and Salkauskas (1986) Curve and Surface Fitting section 4.7.
  { n<-length(x)
    D[1,1]<- -(1/h[1]+1/h[n]);D[1,2]<-1/h[1];D[1,n]<-1/h[n]
    for (i in 2:(n-1))
    { B[i,i-1]<-h[i-1]/6
      D[i,i]<- -(1/h[i-1]+1/h[i])
      D[i,i+1]<- 1/h[i]
    D[n,n-1]<-1/h[n-1];D[n,n]<- -(1/h[n-1]+1/h[n]);D[n,1]<-1/h[n]
  } # end of getBD local function
  # evaluate covariate, x, and knots, k.
  if (length(object$term)!=1) stop("Basis only handles 1D smooths")
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  if (object$bs.dim < 0 ) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  if (object$bs.dim <4) { object$bs.dim <- 4
    warning("basis dimension, k, increased to minimum possible\n")

  nk <- object$bs.dim
  k <- knots[[object$term]]
  if (is.null(k)) k <- place.knots(x,nk)   
  if (length(k)==2) {
     k <- place.knots(c(k,x),nk)

  if (length(k)!=nk) stop("number of supplied knots != k for a cc smooth")

  BD<-solve(um$B,um$D) # s"(k)=BD%*%s(k) where k are knots minus last knot
  if (!object$fixed)
  { object$S<-list(t(um$D)%*%BD)      # the penalty
    object$S[[1]]<-(object$S[[1]]+t(object$S[[1]]))/2 # ensure exact symmetry
  object$BD<-BD # needed for prediction
  object$xp<-k  # needed for prediction   


  object$rank<-ncol(X)-1  # rank of smoother matrix
  object$df<-object$bs.dim-1 # degrees of freedom, accounting for  cycling
  object$null.space.dim <- 1  
  object$noterp <- TRUE # do not re-parameterize in te
} ## smooth.construct.cc.smooth.spec

cwrap <- function(x0,x1,x) {
## map x onto [x0,x1] in manner suitable for cyclic smooth on
## [x0,x1].
  h <- x1-x0
  if (max(x)>x1) {
    ind <- x>x1
    x[ind] <- x0 + (x[ind]-x1)%%h
  if (min(x)<x0) {
    ind <- x<x0
    x[ind] <- x1 - (x0-x[ind])%%h
} ## cwrap

Predict.matrix.cyclic.smooth <- function(object,data)
# this is the prediction method for a cyclic cubic regression spline
{ pred.mat<-function(x,knots,BD)
  # BD is B^{-1}D. Basis as given in Lancaster and Salkauskas (1986)
  # Curve and Surface fitting, but wrapped to give periodic smooth.
  { j<-x
    if (max(x)>max(knots)||min(x)<min(knots)) x <- cwrap(min(knots),max(knots),x)
    ## stop("can't predict outside range of knots with periodic smoother")
    for (i in n:2) j[x<=knots[i]]<-i
       BD[j,,drop=FALSE]*as.numeric(h[hj]*(x-knots[j1])/6) +
       I[j1,,drop=FALSE]*as.numeric((knots[j1+1]-x)/h[hj]) +
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  if (length(x)<1) stop("no data to predict at")
  X <- pred.mat(x,object$xp,object$BD)

} ## Predict.matrix.cyclic.smooth

## Cyclic P-spline methods start here

smooth.construct.cp.smooth.spec <- function(object,data,knots)
## a cyclic p-spline constructor method function
## something like `s(x,bs="cp",m=c(2,1))' to invoke, (which 
## would couple a cubic B-spline basis with a 1st order difference 
## penalty. m==c(0,0) would be linear splines with a ridge penalty). 
{ if (length(object$p.order)==1) m <- rep(object$p.order,2) 
  else m <- object$p.order  ## m[1] - basis order, m[2] - penalty order
  m[is.na(m)] <- 2 ## default
  object$p.order <- m
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- max(10,m[1]) ## default
  nk <- object$bs.dim +1  ## number of interior knots
  if (nk<=m[1]) stop("basis dimension too small for b-spline order")
  if (length(object$term)!=1) stop("Basis only handles 1D smooths")
  x <- data[[object$term]]    # find the data
  k <- knots[[object$term]]
  if (is.null(k)) { x0 <- min(x);x1 <- max(x) } else
  if (length(k)==2) { 
    x0 <- min(k);x1 <- max(k);
    if (x0>min(x)||x1<max(x)) stop("knot range does not include data")
  if (is.null(k)||length(k)==2) {
     k <- seq(x0,x1,length=nk)  
  } else {
    if (length(k)!=nk) 
    stop(paste("there should be ",nk," supplied knots"))

  if (length(k)!=nk) stop(paste("there should be",nk,"knots supplied"))

  object$X <- cSplineDes(x,k,ord=m[1]+2)  ## model matrix

  if (!is.null(k)) {
    if (sum(colSums(object$X)==0)>0) warning("knot range is so wide that there is *no* information about some basis coefficients")

  ## now construct penalty...
  p.ord <- m[2]
  np <- ncol(object$X)
  if (p.ord>np-1) stop("penalty order too high for basis dimension")
  De <- diag(np + p.ord)
  if (p.ord>0) { 
    for (i in 1:p.ord) De <- diff(De)
    D <- De[,-(1:p.ord)]
    D[,(np-p.ord+1):np] <-  D[,(np-p.ord+1):np] + De[,1:p.ord]
  } else D <- De
  object$S <- list(t(D)%*%D)  # get penalty

  ## other stuff...
  object$rank <- np-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 1    # dimension of unpenalized space
  object$knots <- k; object$m <- m      # store p-spline specific info.
  class(object)<-"cpspline.smooth"  # Give object a class
} ## smooth.construct.cp.smooth.spec

Predict.matrix.cpspline.smooth <- function(object,data)
## prediction method function for the cpspline smooth class
{ x <- data[[object$term]] 
  k0 <- min(object$knots);k1 <- max(object$knots) 
  if (min(x)<k0||max(x)>k1) x <- cwrap(k0,k1,x)
  X <- cSplineDes(x,object$knots,object$m[1]+2)
} ## Predict.matrix.cpspline.smooth

## P-spline methods start here

smooth.construct.ps.smooth.spec <- function(object,data,knots)
# a p-spline constructor method function
{ ##require(splines)
  if (length(object$p.order)==1) m <- rep(object$p.order,2) 
  else m <- object$p.order  # m[1] - basis order, m[2] - penalty order
  m[is.na(m)] <- 2 ## default
  object$p.order <- m
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- max(10,m[1]+1) ## default
  nk <- object$bs.dim - m[1]  # number of interior knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("basis dimension too small for b-spline order")
  if (length(object$term)!=1) stop("Basis only handles 1D smooths")
  x <- data[[object$term]]    # find the data
  k <- knots[[object$term]]
  if (is.null(k)) { xl <- min(x);xu <- max(x) } else
  if (length(k)==2) { 
    xl <- min(k);xu <- max(k);
    if (xl>min(x)||xu<max(x)) stop("knot range does not include data")
  if (is.null(k)||length(k)==2) {
    xr <- xu - xl # data limits and range
    xl <- xl-xr*0.001;xu <- xu+xr*0.001;dx <- (xu-xl)/(nk-1) 
    k <- seq(xl-dx*(m[1]+1),xu+dx*(m[1]+1),length=nk+2*m[1]+2)   
  } else {
    if (length(k)!=nk+2*m[1]+2) 
    stop(paste("there should be ",nk+2*m[1]+2," supplied knots"))
  if (is.null(object$deriv)) object$deriv <- 0 
  object$X <- splines::spline.des(k,x,m[1]+2,x*0+object$deriv)$design # get model matrix
  if (!is.null(k)) {
    if (sum(colSums(object$X)==0)>0) warning("there is *no* information about some basis coefficients")
  if (length(unique(x)) < object$bs.dim) warning("basis dimension is larger than number of unique covariates")
  ## check and set montonic parameterization indicator: 1 increase, -1 decrease, 0 no constraint
  if (is.null(object$mono)) object$mono <- 0 
  if (object$mono!=0) { ## scop-spline requested
    p <- ncol(object$X)
    B <- matrix(as.numeric(rep(1:p,p)>=rep(1:p,each=p)),p,p) ## coef summation matrix
    if (object$mono < 0) B[,2:p] <- -B[,2:p] ## monotone decrease case
    object$D <- cbind(0,-diff(diag(p-1)))
    if (object$mono==2||object$mono==-2) { ## drop intercept term
      object$D <- object$D[,-1] 
      B <- B[,-1]
      object$null.space.dim <- 1
      object$g.index <- rep(TRUE,p-1)
      object$C <- matrix(0,0,ncol(object$X)) # null constraint matrix
    } else { 
      object$g.index <- c(FALSE,rep(TRUE,p-1)) 
      object$null.space.dim <- 2
    ## ... g.index is indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)
    object$X <- object$X %*% B
    object$S <- list(crossprod(object$D)) ## penalty for a scop-spline
    object$B <- B
    object$rank <- p-2
  } else {
    ## now construct conventional P-spline penalty        
    object$D <- S <- if (m[2]>0) diff(diag(object$bs.dim),differences=m[2]) else diag(object$bs.dim);
    ## if (m[2]) for (i in 1:m[2]) S <- diff(S)
    ##object$S <- list(t(S)%*%S)  # get penalty
    ##object$S[[1]] <- (object$S[[1]]+t(object$S[[1]]))/2 # exact symmetry
    object$S <- list(crossprod(S))  
    object$rank <- object$bs.dim-m[2]  # penalty rank 
    object$null.space.dim <- m[2]    # dimension of unpenalized space  
  object$knots <- k; object$m <- m      # store p-spline specific info.

  class(object)<-"pspline.smooth"  # Give object a class
} ### end of p-spline constructor

Predict.matrix.pspline.smooth <- function(object,data)
# prediction method function for the p.spline smooth class
{ ##require(splines)
  m <- object$m[1]+1
  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+1];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m]
  m <- m + 1
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (is.null(object$deriv)) object$deriv <- 0 
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
    X <- splines::spline.des(object$knots,x,m,rep(object$deriv,n))$design
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
    ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
    D <- splines::spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m,c(0,1,0,1))$design
    X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
    nin <- sum(ind)
    if (nin>0) X[ind,] <- 
         splines::spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m,rep(object$deriv,nin))$design ## interior rows
    ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation (of smooth itself)...
    if (object$deriv<2) { ## under linear extrapolation higher derivatives vanish.
      ind <- x < ll 
      if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- if (object$deriv==0) cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,] else 
      ind <- x > ul
      if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- if (object$deriv==0) cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,] else 
  if (object$mono==0) X else X %*% object$B
} ## Predict.matrix.pspline.smooth

## B-spline methods start here

smooth.construct.bs.smooth.spec <- function(object,data,knots) {
## a B-spline constructor method function
  ## get orders: m[1] is spline order, 3 is cubic. m[2] is order of derivative in penalty.
  if (length(object$p.order)==1) m <- c(object$p.order,max(0,object$p.order-1)) 
  else m <- object$p.order  # m[1] - basis order, m[2] - penalty order
  if (is.na(m[1])) if (is.na(m[2])) m <- c(3,2) else m[1] <- m[2] + 1
  if (is.na(m[2])) m[2] <- max(0,m[1]-1)
  object$m <- object$p.order <- m
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- max(10,m[1]) ## default
  nk <- object$bs.dim - m[1] + 1  # number of interior knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("basis dimension too small for b-spline order")
  if (length(object$term)!=1) stop("Basis only handles 1D smooths")
  x <- data[[object$term]]    # find the data
  k <- knots[[object$term]]
  if (is.null(k)) { xl <- min(x);xu <- max(x) } else
  if (length(k)==2) { 
    xl <- min(k);xu <- max(k);
    if (xl>min(x)||xu<max(x)) stop("knot range does not include data")
  if (!is.null(k)&&length(k)==4&&length(k)<nk+2*m[1]) {
    ## 4 knots supplied: lower prediction limit, lower data limit,
    ##   upper data limit, upper prediction limit
    k <- sort(k)
    dx <- (k[4]-k[1])/(nk-1)
    ko <- c(k[1]-dx*m[1],k[4]+dx*m[1]) ## limits for outer knots
    k <- c(seq(ko[1],k[1],length=m[1]+1),
  } else if (is.null(k)||length(k)==2) {
    xr <- xu - xl # data limits and range
    xl <- xl-xr*0.001;xu <- xu+xr*0.001;dx <- (xu-xl)/(nk-1) 
    k <- seq(xl-dx*m[1],xu+dx*m[1],length=nk+2*m[1])   
  } else {
    if (length(k)!=nk+2*m[1]) 
    stop(paste("there should be ",nk+2*m[1]," supplied knots"))
  if (is.null(object$deriv)) object$deriv <- 0 
  object$X <- splines::spline.des(k,x,m[1]+1,x*0+object$deriv)$design # get model matrix
  if (!is.null(k)) {
    if (sum(colSums(object$X)==0)>0) warning("there is *no* information about some basis coefficients")
  if (length(unique(x)) < object$bs.dim) warning("basis dimension is larger than number of unique covariates")
  ## now construct derivative based penalty. Order of derivate
  ## is equal to m, which is only a conventional spline in the 
  ## cubic case...
  object$knots <- k; 
  class(object) <- "Bspline.smooth"  # Give object a class
  k0 <- k[m[1]+1:nk] ## the interior knots
  object$D <- object$S <- list()
  m2 <- m[2:length(m)] ## penalty orders
  if (length(unique(m2))<length(m2)) stop("multiple penalties of the same order is silly")
  for (i in 1:length(m2)) { ## loop through penalties
    object$deriv <- m2[i] ## derivative order of current penalty
    pord <- m[1]-m2[i] ## order of derivative polynomial 0 is step function
    if (pord<0) stop("requested non-existent derivative in B-spline penalty") 
    h <- diff(k0) ## the difference sequence...
    ## now create the sequence at which to obtain derivatives
    if (pord==0) k1 <- (k0[2:nk]+k0[1:(nk-1)])/2 else {
      h1 <- rep(h/pord,each=pord)
      k1 <- cumsum(c(k0[1],h1)) 
    dat <- data.frame(k1);names(dat) <- object$term 
    D <- Predict.matrix.Bspline.smooth(object,dat) ## evaluate basis for mth derivative at the k1
    object$deriv <- NULL ## reset or the smooth object will be set to evaluate derivs in prediction! 
    if (pord==0) { ## integrand is just a step function...
      object$D[[i]] <- sqrt(h)*D
    } else { ## integrand is a piecewise polynomial...
      P <- solve(matrix(rep(seq(-1,1,length=pord+1),pord+1)^rep(0:pord,each=pord+1),pord+1,pord+1))
      i1 <- rep(1:(pord+1),pord+1)+rep(1:(pord+1),each=pord+1) ## i + j
      H <- matrix((1+(-1)^(i1-2))/(i1-1),pord+1,pord+1)
      W1 <- t(P)%*%H%*%P
      h <- h/2 ## because we map integration interval to to [-1,1] for maximum stability
      ## Create the non-zero diagonals of the W matrix... 
      ld0 <- rep(sdiag(W1),length(h))*rep(h,each=pord+1)
      i1 <- c(rep(1:pord,length(h)) + rep(0:(length(h)-1) * (pord+1),each=pord),length(ld0))
      ld <- ld0[i1] ## extract elements for leading diagonal
      i0 <- 1:(length(h)-1)*pord+1
      i2 <- 1:(length(h)-1)*(pord+1)
      ld[i0] <- ld[i0] + ld0[i2] ## add on extra parts for overlap
      B <- matrix(0,pord+1,length(ld))
      B[1,] <- ld
      for (k in 1:pord) { ## create the other diagonals...
        diwk <- sdiag(W1,k) ## kth diagonal of W1
        ind <- 1:(length(ld)-k)
        B[k+1,ind] <- (rep(h,each=pord)*rep(c(diwk,rep(0,k-1)),length(h)))[ind]  
      ## ... now B contains the non-zero diagonals of W
      B <- bandchol(B) ## the banded cholesky factor.
      ## Pre-Multiply D by the Cholesky factor...
      D1 <- B[1,]*D
      for (k in 1:pord) {
        ind <- 1:(nrow(D)-k)
        D1[ind,] <- D1[ind,] + B[k+1,ind] * D[ind+k,]
      object$D[[i]] <- D1
    object$S[[i]] <- crossprod(object$D[[i]])
  object$rank <- object$bs.dim-m2  # penalty rank 
  object$null.space.dim <- min(m2)    # dimension of unpenalized space 
} ### end of B-spline constructor

Predict.matrix.Bspline.smooth <- function(object,data) {
  object$mono <- 0
  object$m <- object$m - 1 ## for consistency with p-spline defn of m

# Smooth-factor interactions. Efficient alternative to s(x,by=fac,id=1) 
smooth.info.fs.smooth.spec <- function(object) {
  object$tensor.possible <- TRUE ## signal that a tensor product construction is possible here

smooth.construct.fs.smooth.spec <- function(object,data,knots) {
## Smooths in which one covariate is a factor. Generates a smooth
## for each level of the factor, with penalties on null space 
## components. Smooths are not centred. xt element specifies basis
## to use for smooths. Only one smoothing parameter for the whole term.
## If called from gamm, is set up for efficient computation by nesting
## smooth within factor.
## Unsuitable for tensor product margins. 

  if (!is.null(attr(object,"gamm"))) gamm <- TRUE else ## signals call from gamm
  gamm <- FALSE 

  if (is.null(object$xt)) object$base.bs <- "tp" ## default smooth class
  else if (is.list(object$xt)) {
    if (is.null(object$xt$bs)) object$base.bs <- "tp" else
    object$base.bs <- object$xt$bs 
  } else { 
    object$base.bs <- object$xt
    object$xt <- NULL ## avoid messing up call to base constructor
  object$base.bs <- paste(object$base.bs,".smooth.spec",sep="")

  fterm <- NULL ## identify the factor variable
  for (i in 1:length(object$term)) if (is.factor(data[[object$term[i]]])) { 
    if (is.null(fterm)) fterm <- object$term[i] else
    stop("fs smooths can only have one factor argument") 
  ## deal with no factor case, just base smooth constructor
  if (is.null(fterm)) {
    class(object) <- object$base.bs

  ## deal with factor only case, just transfer to "re" class
  if (length(object$term)==1) {
    class(object) <- "re.smooth.spec"

  ## Now remove factor term from data...
  fac <- data[[fterm]] 
  data[[fterm]] <- NULL
  k <- 1
  oterm <- object$term

  ## and strip it from the terms...
  for (i in 1:object$dim) if (object$term[i]!=fterm) {
    object$term[k] <- object$term[i]
    k <- k + 1
  object$term <- object$term[-object$dim]
  object$dim <- length(object$term)

  ## call base constructor...
  spec.class <- class(object)
  class(object) <- object$base.bs
  object <- smooth.construct(object,data,knots)
  if (length(object$S)>1) stop("\"fs\" smooth cannot use a multiply penalized basis (wrong basis in xt)")

  ## save some base smooth information

  object$base <- list(bs=class(object),bs.dim=object$bs.dim,
  object$term <- oterm ## restore original term list
  ## Re-parameterize to separate out null space. It is more natural for the
  ## smoothing penalty penalized and unpenalzed spaces to be at least approximately
  ## orthogonal, given that the associated variance components are treated as
  ## independent. This suggests using type=1 below. 
  rp <- nat.param(object$X,object$S[[1]],rank=object$rank,type=1) ## was type=3
  ## copy range penalty and create null space penalties...
  null.d <- ncol(object$X) - object$rank ## null space dim
  object$S[[1]] <- diag(c(rp$D,rep(0,null.d))) ## range space penalty
  for (i in 1:null.d) { ## create null space element penalties
    object$S[[i+1]] <- object$S[[1]]*0
    object$S[[i+1]][object$rank+i,object$rank+i] <- 1  
  object$P <- rp$P ## X' = X%*%P, where X is original version
  object$fterm <- fterm ## the factor name...
  if (!is.factor(fac)) warning("no factor supplied to fs smooth")
  object$flev <- levels(fac)
  object$fac <- fac ## gamm should use this for grouping

  ## Now the model matrix 
  if (gamm) { ## no duplication, gamm will handle this by nesting
    if (object$fixed==TRUE) stop("\"fs\" terms can not be fixed here")
    object$X <- rp$X 
    #object$fac <- fac ## gamm should use this for grouping
    object$te.ok <- 0 ## would break special handling
    ## rank??
  } else { ## duplicate model matrix columns, and penalties...
    nf <- length(object$flev)
    ## Store the base model matrix/S in case user wants to convert to r.e. but
    ## has not created with a "gamm" attribute on object
    object$Xb <- rp$X
    object$base$S <- object$S
    ## creating the model matrix...
    #object$X <- rp$X * as.numeric(fac==object$flev[1])
    #if (nf>1) for (i in 2:nf) { 
    #  object$X <- cbind(object$X,rp$X * as.numeric(fac==object$flev[i]))
    object$X <- matrix(0,nrow(rp$X),ncol(rp$X)*length(object$flev))
    ind <- 1:ncol(rp$X)
    for (i in 1:nf) {
      object$X[,ind] <- rp$X * as.numeric(fac==object$flev[i])
      ind <- ind + ncol(rp$X)
    ## now penalties...
    #object$S <- fullS
    object$S[[1]] <- diag(rep(c(rp$D,rep(0,null.d)),nf)) ## range space penalties
    for (i in 1:null.d) { ## null space penalties
      um <- rep(0,ncol(rp$X));um[object$rank+i] <- 1
      object$S[[i+1]] <- diag(rep(um,nf))
    object$bs.dim <- ncol(object$X)
    object$te.ok <- 0
    object$rank <- c(object$rank*nf,rep(nf,null.d))
  object$side.constrain <- FALSE ## don't apply side constraints - these are really random effects
  object$null.space.dim <- 0
  object$C <- matrix(0,0,ncol(object$X)) # null constraint matrix
  object$plot.me <- TRUE
  class(object) <- if ("tensor.smooth.spec"%in%spec.class) c("fs.interaction","tensor.smooth")  else 

  if ("tensor.smooth.spec"%in%spec.class) { 
    ## give object margins like a tensor product smooth...
    ## need just enough for fitting and discrete prediction to work
    object$margin <- list()
    if (object$dim>1) stop("fs smooth not suitable for discretisation with more than one metric predictor") 
    form1 <- as.formula(paste("~",object$fterm,"-1")) 
    fac -> data[[fterm]]
    if (is.list(data)) data <- data[all.vars(reformulate(names(data)))%in%all.vars(form1)] ## avoid over-zealous checking
    object$margin[[1]] <- list(X=model.matrix(form1,data),term=object$fterm,form=form1,by="NA")
    class(object$margin[[1]]) <- "random.effect"
    object$margin[[2]] <- object
    object$margin[[2]]$X <- rp$X
    object$margin[[2]]$margin.only <- TRUE
    object$margin[[2]]$tensor.possible <- NULL
    object$margin[[2]]$margin <- NULL
    object$margin[[2]]$term <- object$term[!object$term%in%object$fterm]
    ## list(X=rp$X,term=object$base$term,base=object$base,margin.only=TRUE,P=object$P,by="NA")
    ## class(object$margin[[2]]) <- "fs.interaction"
    ## note --- no re-ordering at present - inefficiecnt as factor should really
    ## be last, but that means complete re-working of penalty structure.
  } ## finished tensor like setup

} ## end of smooth.construct.fs.smooth.spec

Predict.matrix.fs.interaction <- function(object,data)
# prediction method function for the smooth-factor interaction class
{ ## first remove factor from the data...  
  fac <- data[[object$fterm]]
  data[[object$fterm]] <- NULL

  ## now get base prediction matrix...
  class(object) <- object$base$bs
  object$rank <- object$base$rank
  object$null.space.dim <- object$base$null.space.dim
  object$bs.dim <- object$base$bs.dim
  object$term <- object$base$term
  Xb <- Predict.matrix(object,data)%*%object$P
  if (!is.null(object$margin.only)) return(Xb)
  X <- matrix(0,nrow(Xb),ncol(Xb)*length(object$flev))
  ind <- 1:ncol(Xb)
  for (i in 1:length(object$flev)) {
    X[,ind] <- Xb * as.numeric(fac==object$flev[i])
    ind <- ind + ncol(Xb)
} ## Predict.matrix.fs.interaction

# General smooth-factor interactions, constrained to be differences to
# a main effect smooth. 

smooth.info.sz.smooth.spec <- function(object) {
  object$tensor.possible <- TRUE ## signal that a tensor product construction is  possible here

smooth.construct.sz.smooth.spec <- function(object,data,knots) {
## Smooths in which one covariate is a factor. Generates a smooth
## for each level of the factor. Let b_{jk} be the kth coefficient
## of the jth smooth. Construction ensures that \sum_k b_{jk} = 0,
## for all j. Hence the smooths can be estimated in addition to an
## overall main effect.
## xt element specifies basis to use for smooths.

  if (is.null(object$xt)) object$base.bs <- "tp" ## default smooth class
  else if (is.list(object$xt)) {
    if (is.null(object$xt$bs)) object$base.bs <- "tp" else
    object$base.bs <- object$xt$bs 
  } else { 
    object$base.bs <- object$xt
    object$xt <- NULL ## avoid messing up call to base constructor
  object$base.bs <- paste(object$base.bs,".smooth.spec",sep="")

  fterm <- NULL ## identify the factor variables
  for (i in 1:length(object$term)) if (is.factor(data[[object$term[i]]])) { 
    if (is.null(fterm)) fterm <- object$term[i] else fterm[length(fterm)+1] <- object$term[i]
  ## deal with no factor case, just base smooth constructor
  if (is.null(fterm)) {
    class(object) <- object$base.bs

  ## deal with factor only case, just transfer to "re" class
  if (length(object$term)==length(fterm)) {
    class(object) <- "re.smooth.spec"

  ## Now remove factor terms from data...
  fac <- data[fterm] 
  data[fterm] <- NULL
  k <- 0
  oterm <- object$term

  ## and strip it from the terms...
  for (i in 1:object$dim) if (!object$term[i]%in%fterm) {
    k <- k + 1
    object$term[k] <- object$term[i]
  object$term <- object$term[1:k]
  object$dim <- length(object$term)

  ## call base constructor...
  spec.class <- class(object)
  class(object) <- object$base.bs
  object <- smooth.construct(object,data,knots)
  if (length(object$S)>1) stop("\"sz\" smooth cannot use a multiply penalized basis (wrong basis in xt)")

  ## save some base smooth information

  object$base <- list(bs=class(object),bs.dim=object$bs.dim,
  object$term <- oterm ## restore original term list
  object$dim <- length(object$term)
  object$fterm <- fterm ## the factor names...

  ## Store the base model matrix/S in case user wants to convert to r.e.
  object$Xb <- object$X
  object$base$S <- object$S
  nf <- rep(0,length(fac))
  object$flev <- list()

  Xf <- list()
  n <- nrow(object$X)
  for (j in 1:length(fac)) {
    object$flev[[j]] <- levels(fac[[j]])

    ## construct the sum to zero contrast matrix, P, ... 
    nf[j] <- length(object$flev[[j]])
    Xf[[j]] <- matrix(as.numeric(rep(object$flev[[j]],each=n)==fac[[j]]),n,nf[j]) ## factor matrix
  Xf[[j+1]] <- object$X
  ## duplicate model matrix columns, and penalties...
  p0 <- ncol(object$X)
  p <- p0*prod(nf)

  X <- tensor.prod.model.matrix(Xf)

  ind <- 1:p0
  S <- list()
  object$null.space.dim <- object$null.space.dim*prod(nf-1)
  if (is.null(object$id)) { ## one penalty and one sp per smooth
    for (i in 1:prod(nf)) { 
      S0 <- matrix(0,p,p)
      S0[ind,ind] <- object$S[[1]]
      S[[i]] <- S0
      ind <- ind + p0
    object$rank <- rep(object$rank,prod(nf))
  } else { ## one penalty, one sp
    S0 <- matrix(0,p,p)
    for (i in 1:prod(nf)) {
      S0[ind,ind] <- S0[ind,ind] + object$S[[1]]
      ind <- ind + p0
    S[[1]] <- S0
    object$rank <- prod(nf-1)*object$bs.dim -object$null.space.dim
  object$S <- S
  object$X <- X 
  object$bs.dim <-prod(nf-1)*object$bs.dim #ncol(object$X) 
  object$te.ok <- 0
  object$side.constrain <- FALSE ## don't apply side constraints - these are really random effects
  object$C <- c(0,nf)
  object$plot.me <- TRUE
  class(object) <- if ("tensor.smooth.spec"%in%spec.class) c("sz.interaction","tensor.smooth")  else 
  if ("tensor.smooth.spec"%in%spec.class) { 
    ## give object margins like a tensor product smooth...
    ## need just enough for fitting and discrete prediction to work
    object$margin <- list()
    nf <- length(fterm)
    for (i in 1:nf) { 
      form1 <- as.formula(paste("~",object$fterm[i],"-1"))
      object$margin[[i]] <- list(X=Xf[[i]],term=fterm[i],form=form1,by="NA")
      class(object$margin[[i]]) <- "random.effect"
    object$margin[[nf+1]] <- object
    object$margin[[nf+1]]$X <- Xf[[nf+1]]
    object$margin[[nf+1]]$margin.only <- TRUE
    object$margin[[nf+1]]$margin <- NULL
    object$margin[[nf+1]]$term <- object$term[!object$term%in%object$fterm]
} ## end of smooth.construct.sz.smooth.spec

Predict.matrix.sz.interaction <- function(object,data) {
# prediction method function for the zero mean smooth-factor interaction class
  ## first remove factor from the data...  
  fac <- data[object$fterm]
  data[object$fterm] <- NULL

  ## now get base prediction matrix...
  class(object) <- object$base$bs
  object$rank <- object$base$rank
  object$null.space.dim <- object$base$null.space.dim
  object$bs.dim <- object$base$bs.dim
  object$term <- object$base$term
  object$dim <- object$base$dim
  Xb <- Predict.matrix(object,data)
  if (!is.null(object$margin.only)) return(Xb)
  n <- nrow(Xb)
  Xf <- list()
  for (j in 1:length(object$flev)) {
    nf <- length(object$flev[[j]])
    Xf[[j]] <- matrix(as.numeric(rep(object$flev[[j]],each=n)==fac[[j]]),n,nf) ## factor matrix
  Xf[[j+1]] <- Xb
  X <- tensor.prod.model.matrix(Xf)
} ## Predict.matrix.sz.interaction

## Adaptive smooth constructors start here

mfil <- function(M,i,j,m) {
## sets M[i[k],j[k]] <- m[k] for all k in 1:length(m) without
## looping....
  nr <- nrow(M)
  a <- as.numeric(M)
  k <- (j-1)*nr+i
  a[k] <- m
} ## mfil

D2 <- function(ni=5,nj=5) {

## Function to obtain second difference matrices for
## coefficients notionally on a regular ni by nj grid
## returns second order differences in each direction +
## mixed derivative, scaled so that
## t(Dcc)%*%Dcc + t(Dcr)%*%Dcr + t(Drr)%*%Drr
## is the discrete analogue of a thin plate spline penalty
## (the 2 on the mixed derivative has been absorbed)
  Ind <- matrix(1:(ni*nj),ni,nj) ## the indexing matrix
  rmt <- rep(1:ni,nj) ## the row index
  cmt <- rep(1:nj,rep(ni,nj)) ## the column index

  ci <- Ind[2:(ni-1),1:nj] ## column index
  n.ci <- length(ci)
  Drr <- matrix(0,n.ci,ni*nj)  ## difference matrices
  rr.ri <- rmt[ci]                              ## index to coef array row
  rr.ci <- cmt[ci]                              ## index to coef array column
  Drr <- mfil(Drr,1:n.ci,ci,-2) ## central coefficient
  ci <- Ind[1:(ni-2),1:nj] 
  Drr <- mfil(Drr,1:n.ci,ci,1) ## back coefficient
  ci <- Ind[3:ni,1:nj]
  Drr <- mfil(Drr,1:n.ci,ci,1) ## forward coefficient

  ci <- Ind[1:ni,2:(nj-1)] ## column index
  n.ci <- length(ci)
  Dcc <- matrix(0,n.ci,ni*nj)  ## difference matrices
  cc.ri <- rmt[ci]                              ## index to coef array row
  cc.ci <- cmt[ci]                              ## index to coef array column
  Dcc <- mfil(Dcc,1:n.ci,ci,-2) ## central coefficient
  ci <- Ind[1:ni,1:(nj-2)]
  Dcc <- mfil(Dcc,1:n.ci,ci,1) ## back coefficient
  ci <- Ind[1:ni,3:nj]
  Dcc <- mfil(Dcc,1:n.ci,ci,1) ## forward coefficient

  ci <- Ind[2:(ni-1),2:(nj-1)] ## column index
  n.ci <- length(ci)
  Dcr <- matrix(0,n.ci,ni*nj)  ## difference matrices
  cr.ri <- rmt[ci]                              ## index to coef array row
  cr.ci <- cmt[ci]                              ## index to coef array column
  ci <- Ind[1:(ni-2),1:(nj-2)] 
  Dcr <- mfil(Dcr,1:n.ci,ci,sqrt(0.125)) ## -- coefficient
  ci <- Ind[3:ni,3:nj] 
  Dcr <- mfil(Dcr,1:n.ci,ci,sqrt(0.125)) ## ++ coefficient
  ci <- Ind[1:(ni-2),3:nj] 
  Dcr <- mfil(Dcr,1:n.ci,ci,-sqrt(0.125)) ## -+ coefficient
  ci <- Ind[3:ni,1:(nj-2)] 
  Dcr <- mfil(Dcr,1:n.ci,ci,-sqrt(0.125)) ## +- coefficient

} ## D2

smooth.construct.ad.smooth.spec <- function(object,data,knots)
## an adaptive p-spline constructor method function
## This is the simplifies and more efficient version...

{ bs <- object$xt$bs
  if (length(bs)>1) bs <- bs[1]
  if (is.null(bs)) { ## use default bases  
    bs <- "ps"
  } else { # bases supplied, need to sanity check
    if (!bs%in%c("cc","cr","ps","cp")) bs[1] <- "ps"
  if (bs == "cc"||bs=="cp") bsp <- "cp" else bsp <- "ps" ## if basis is cyclic, then so should penalty
  if (object$dim> 2 )  stop("the adaptive smooth class is limited to 1 or 2 covariates.")
  else if (object$dim==1) { ## following is 1D case...
    if (object$bs.dim < 0) object$bs.dim <- 40 ## default
    if (is.na(object$p.order[1])) object$p.order[1] <- 5
    pobject <- object
    pobject$p.order <- c(2,2)
    class(pobject) <- paste(bs[1],".smooth.spec",sep="")
    ## get basic spline object...
    if (is.null(knots)&&bs[1]%in%c("cr","cc")) { ## must create knots
      x <- data[[object$term]]
      knots <- list(seq(min(x),max(x),length=object$bs.dim))
      names(knots) <- object$term
    } ## end of knot creation
    pspl <- smooth.construct(pobject,data,knots)
    nk <- ncol(pspl$X)
    k <- object$p.order[1]   ## penalty basis size 
    if (k>=nk-2) stop("penalty basis too large for smoothing basis")
    if (k <= 0) { ## no penalty 
      pspl$fixed <- TRUE
      pspl$S <- NULL
    } else if (k>=2) { ## penalty basis needed ...
      x <- 1:(nk-2)/nk;m=2
      ## All elements of V must be >=0 for all S[[l]] to be +ve semi-definite 
      if (k==2) V <- cbind(rep(1,nk-2),x) else if (k==3) {
         m <- 1
         ps2 <- smooth.construct(s(x,k=k,bs=bsp,m=m,fx=TRUE),data=data.frame(x=x),knots=NULL)
         V <- ps2$X
      } else { ## general penalty basis construction...
        ps2 <- smooth.construct(s(x,k=k,bs=bsp,m=m,fx=TRUE),data=data.frame(x=x),knots=NULL)
        V <- ps2$X
      Db<-diff(diff(diag(nk))) ## base difference matrix
      ##D <- list()
     # for (i in 1:k) D[[i]] <- as.numeric(V[,i])*Db
     # L <- matrix(0,k*(k+1)/2,k)
      S <- list()
      for (i in 1:k) {
        S[[i]] <- t(Db)%*%(as.numeric(V[,i])*Db)
        ind <- rowSums(abs(S[[i]]))>0
        ev <- eigen(S[[i]][ind,ind],symmetric=TRUE,only.values=TRUE)$values
        pspl$rank[i] <- sum(ev>max(ev)*.Machine$double.eps^.9)
      pspl$S <- S
  } else if (object$dim==2){ ## 2D case 
    ## first task is to obtain a tensor product basis
    object$bs.dim[object$bs.dim<0] <- 15 ## default
    k <- object$bs.dim;if (length(k)==1) k <- c(k[1],k[1])
    tec <- paste("te(",object$term[1],",",object$term[2],",bs=bs,k=k,m=2)",sep="")
    pobject <- eval(parse(text=tec)) ## tensor smooth specification object
    pobject$np <- FALSE ## do not re-parameterize
    if (is.null(knots)&&bs[1]%in%c("cr","cc")) { ## create suitable knots 
      for (i in 1:2) {
        x <- data[[object$term[i]]]
        knots <- list(seq(min(x),max(x),length=k[i]))
        names(knots)[i] <- object$term[i]
    } ## finished knots
    pspl <- smooth.construct(pobject,data,knots) ## create basis
    ## now need to create the adaptive penalties...
    ## First the penalty basis...
    kp <- object$p.order
    if (length(kp)!=2) kp <- c(kp[1],kp[1])
    kp[is.na(kp)] <- 3 ## default
    kp.tot <- prod(kp);k.tot <- (k[1]-2)*(k[2]-2) ## rows of Difference matrices   
    if (kp.tot > k.tot) stop("penalty basis too large for smoothing basis") 
    if (kp.tot <= 0) { ## no penalty 
      pspl$fixed <- TRUE
      pspl$S <- NULL
    } else { ## penalized, but how?
      Db <- D2(ni=k[1],nj=k[2]) ## get the difference-on-grid matrices
      pspl$S <- list() ## delete original S list
      if (kp.tot==1) { ## return a single fixed penalty
        pspl$S[[1]] <- t(Db[[1]])%*%Db[[1]] + t(Db[[2]])%*%Db[[2]] +
        pspl$rank <- ncol(pspl$S[[1]]) - 3
      } else { ## adaptive 
        if (kp.tot==3) { ## planar adaptiveness
          V <- cbind(rep(1,k.tot),Db[[4]],Db[[5]])
        } else { ## spline adaptive penalty...
          ## first check sanity of basis dimension request
          ok <- TRUE
          if (sum(kp<2)) ok <- FALSE
          if (!ok) stop("penalty basis too small")
          m <- min(min(kp)-2,1); m<-c(m,m);j <- 1
          ps2 <- smooth.construct(te(i,j,bs=bsp,k=kp,fx=TRUE,m=m,np=FALSE),
          Vrr <- Predict.matrix(ps2,data.frame(i=Db$rr.ri,j=Db$rr.ci))
          Vcc <- Predict.matrix(ps2,data.frame(i=Db$cc.ri,j=Db$cc.ci))
          Vcr <- Predict.matrix(ps2,data.frame(i=Db$cr.ri,j=Db$cr.ci))
        } ## spline adaptive basis finished
        ## build penalty list
        S <- list()
        for (i in 1:kp.tot) {
          S[[i]] <- t(Db$Drr)%*%(as.numeric(Vrr[,i])*Db$Drr) + t(Db$Dcc)%*%(as.numeric(Vcc[,i])*Db$Dcc) +
          ev <- eigen(S[[i]],symmetric=TRUE,only.values=TRUE)$values
          pspl$rank[i] <- sum(ev>max(ev)*.Machine$double.eps*10)

        pspl$S <- S
        pspl$pen.smooth <- ps2 ## the penalty smooth object
      } ## adaptive penalty finished
    } ## penalized case finished
  pspl$te.ok <- 0 ## not suitable as a tensor product marginal
} ## end of smooth.construct.ad.smooth.spec

# Random effects terms start here. Plot method in plot.r

smooth.info.re.smooth.spec <- function(object) {
  object$tensor.possible <- TRUE

smooth.construct.re.smooth.spec <- function(object,data,knots)
## a simple random effects constructor method function
## basic idea is that s(x,f,z,...,bs="re") generates model matrix
## corresponding to ~ x:f:z: ... - 1. Corresponding coefficients 
## have an identity penalty. If object inherits from "tensor.smooth.spec" 
## then terms depending on more than one variable are set up with a te
## smooth like structure (used e.g. in bam(...,discrete=TRUE))
  ## id's with factor variables are problematic - should terms have
  ## same levels, or just same number of levels, for example? 
  ## => ruled out
  if (!is.null(object$id)) stop("random effects don't work with ids.")
  form <- as.formula(paste("~",paste(object$term,collapse=":"),"-1"))
  ## following construction avoids silly model.matrix overchecking...
  object$X <- model.matrix(form, data = if(is.list(data)) data[all.vars(reformulate(names(data)))%in%all.vars(form)] else data)
  object$bs.dim <- ncol(object$X)

  if (inherits(object,"tensor.smooth.spec")) { 
    ## give object margins like a tensor product smooth...
    object$margin <- list()
    maxd <- maxi <- 0
    for (i in 1:object$dim) {
      form1 <- as.formula(paste("~",object$term[i],"-1"))
      data1 <- if (is.list(data)) data[all.vars(reformulate(names(data)))%in%all.vars(form1)] else data
      object$margin[[i]] <- list(X=model.matrix(form1,data1),term=object$term[i],form=form1,by="NA")
      class(object$margin[[i]]) <- "random.effect"
      d <- ncol(object$margin[[i]]$X)
      if (d>maxd) {maxi <- i;maxd <- d}
    ## now re-order so that largest margin is last...
    if (maxi<object$dim) { ## re-ordering required
      ns <- object$dim
      ind <- 1:ns;ind[maxi] <- ns ;ind[ns] <- maxi
      object$margin <- object$margin[ind]
      object$term <- rep("",0)
      for (i in 1:ns) object$term <- c(object$term,object$margin[[i]]$term)
      object$label <- paste0(substr(object$label,1,2),paste0(object$term,collapse=","),")",collapse="")
      object$rind <- ind ## re-ordering index
      if (!is.null(object$xt$S)) stop("Please put term with most levels last in 're' to avoid spoiling supplied penalties")
  } ## finished tensor like setup

  ## now construct penalty   
  if (is.null(object$xt$S)) {     
    object$S <- list(diag(object$bs.dim))  # get penalty
    object$rank <- object$bs.dim  # penalty rank 
  } else {
    object$S <- if (is.list(object$xt$S)) object$xt$S else list(object$xt$S)
    for (i in 1:length(object$S)) { 
      if (ncol(object$S[[i]])!=object$bs.dim||nrow(object$S[[i]])!=object$bs.dim) stop("supplied S matrices are wrong diminsion")
    object$rank <- object$xt$rank
  #object$rank <- object$bs.dim  # penalty rank 
  object$null.space.dim <- 0    # dimension of unpenalized space 

  object$C <- matrix(0,0,ncol(object$X)) # null constraint matrix

  ## need to store formula (levels taken care of by calling function)
  object$form <- form

  object$side.constrain <- FALSE ## don't apply side constraints
  object$plot.me <- TRUE ## "re" terms can be plotted by plot.gam
  object$te.ok <- if (inherits(object,"tensor.smooth.spec")) 0 else 2 ## these terms are  suitable as te marginals, but 
                                                                      ##   can not be plotted

  object$random <- TRUE ## treat as a random effect for p-value comp.
  object$noterp <- TRUE ## do not reparameterize in te
  ## Give object a class
  class(object) <- if (inherits(object,"tensor.smooth.spec")) c("random.effect","tensor.smooth")  else 

} ## smooth.construct.re.smooth.spec

Predict.matrix.random.effect <- function(object,data) {
## prediction method function for the random effect class.
## Any NA's in the variables used from data will result in the
## corresponding model matrix rows being set to 0. This means that
## when predict.gam/bam sets prediction factor levels to the
## fit factor levels, we will get NA's for levels introduced at the
## prediction stage, and these effects will be set to zero in prediction.
  ##X <- model.matrix(object$form,data)
  ## following fixes over zealous checks...
  if (is.list(data)) data <- data[all.vars(reformulate(names(data)))%in%all.vars(object$form)]
  X <- model.matrix(object$form,model.frame(object$form,data,na.action=na.pass))
  X[!is.finite(X)] <- 0
} ## Predict.matrix.random.effect

# Markov random fields start here. Plot method in plot.r
pol2nb <- function(pc) {
## pc is a list of polygons. i.e. 
## pc[[i]] is 2 column matrix defining 
## polygons for ith area (NA separated). Routine returns list of neightbours 
## for each area.
## Bounding box speed up from a comment in spdep package help.
## WARNING: neighbours defined by sharing 
## vertices. So one having vertices on another's line-segment 
## is not detected!

  n.poly <- length(pc) ## total numer of polygons

  ## work through list of list of polygons, computing bounding boxes

  ## a.ind <- p.ind <- 
  lo1 <- hi1 <- lo2 <- hi2 <- rep(0,n.poly)
  k <- 0
  for (i in 1:n.poly) {
    ## bounding box limits...
    pc[[i]] <- pc[[i]][!is.na(rowSums(pc[[i]])),] ## strip NA's
    lo1[i] <- min(pc[[i]][,1])
    lo2[i] <- min(pc[[i]][,2])
    hi1[i] <- max(pc[[i]][,1])
    hi2[i] <- max(pc[[i]][,2])
    ## strip out duplicates
    pc[[i]] <- uniquecombs(pc[[i]])

  ## now work through finding neighbours....

  nb <- list() ## nb[[k]] is vector indexing neighbours of k
  for (i in 1:length(pc)) nb[[i]] <- rep(0,0)

  for (k in 1:n.poly) { ## work through poly list looking for neighbours
    ol1 <- (lo1[k] <= hi1 & lo1[k] >= lo1)|(hi1[k] <= hi1 & hi1[k] >= lo1)|
           (lo1 <= hi1[k] & lo1 >= lo1[k])|(hi1 <= hi1[k] & hi1 >= lo1[k])
    ol2 <- (lo2[k] <= hi2 & lo2[k] >= lo2)|(hi2[k] <= hi2 & hi2[k] >= lo2)|
           (lo2 <= hi2[k] & lo2 >= lo2[k])|(hi2 <= hi2[k] & hi2 >= lo2[k])
    ol <- ol1&ol2;ol[k] <- FALSE
    ind <- (1:n.poly)[ol] ## index of potential neighbours of poly k
    ## co-ordinates of polygon k...
    cok <- pc[[k]]
    if (length(ind)>0) for (j in 1:length(ind)) {
      co <- rbind(pc[[ind[j]]],cok) 
      cou <- uniquecombs(co)
      n.shared <- nrow(co) - nrow(cou)
      ## if there are common vertices add area from which j comes
      ## to vector of neighbour indices 
      if (n.shared>0) nb[[k]] <- c(nb[[k]],ind[j])
  for (i in 1:length(pc)) nb[[i]] <- unique(nb[[i]])
  names(nb) <- names(pc)
} ## end of pol2nb

smooth.construct.mrf.smooth.spec <- function(object, data, knots) { 
## Argument should be factor or it will be coerced to factor
## knots = vector of all regions (may include regions with no data)
## xt must contain at least one of 
## * `penalty' - a penalty matrix, with row and column names corresponding to the 
##               levels of the covariate, or the knots.
## * `polys' - a list of lists of polygons, defining the areas, names(polys) must correspond 
##             to the levels of the covariate or the knots. polys[[i]] is 
##             a 2 column matrix defining the vertices of polygons defining area i's boundary.
##             If there are several polygons they should be separated by an NA row.
## * `nb' - is a list defining the neighbourhood structure. names(nb) must correspond to
##          the levels of the covariate or knots. nb[[i]][j] is the index of the jth neighbour 
##          of area i. i.e. the jth neighbour of area names(nb)[i] is area names(nb)[nb[[i]][j]].
##          Being a neighbour should be a symmetric state!!
## `polys' is only stored for subsequent plotting if `nb' or `penalty' are supplied.
## If `penalty' is supplied it is always used.
## If `penalty' is not supplied then it is computed from `nb', which is in turn computed 
## from `polys' if `nb' is missing. 
## Modified from code by Thomas Kneib.
  if (!is.factor(data[[object$term]])) warning("argument of mrf should be a factor variable")
  x <- as.factor(data[[object$term]])
  k <- knots[[object$term]]
  if (is.null(k)) {
    k <- as.factor(levels(x)) # default knots = all regions in the data
  else k <- as.factor(k)
  if (object$bs.dim<0)
  object$bs.dim <- length(levels(k))

  if (object$bs.dim>length(levels(k))) stop("MRF basis dimension set too high")

  if (sum(!levels(x)%in%levels(k)))
     stop("data contain regions that are not contained in the knot specification")

  ##levels(x) <- levels(k) ## to allow for regions with no data
  x <- factor(x,levels=levels(k)) ## to allow for regions with no data

  object$X <- model.matrix(~x-1,data.frame(x=x)) ## model matrix
  ## now set up the penalty...

    stop("penalty matrix, boundary polygons and/or neighbours list must be supplied in xt")
  ## If polygons supplied as list with duplicated names, then re-format...

  if (!is.null(object$xt$polys)) {
    a.name <- names(object$xt$polys)
    d.name <- unique(a.name[duplicated(a.name)]) ## find duplicated names
    if (length(d.name)) {  ## deal with duplicates
      for (i in 1:length(d.name)) {
        ind <- (1:length(a.name))[a.name==d.name[i]] ## index of duplicates 
        for (j in 2:length(ind)) object$xt$polys[[ind[1]]] <- ## combine matrices for duplicate names
      ## now delete the un-wanted duplicates...
      ind <- (1:length(a.name))[duplicated(a.name)]
      if (length(ind)>0) for (i in length(ind):1) object$xt$polys[[ind[i]]] <- NULL 
    object$plot.me <- TRUE
    ## polygon list in correct format
  } else { 
    object$plot.me <- FALSE ## can't plot without polygon information
  ## actual penalty building...
  if (is.null(object$xt$penalty)) { ## must construct penalty 
    if (is.null(object$xt$nb)) { ## no neighbour list... construct one
       if (is.null(object$xt$polys)) stop("no spatial information provided!")
       object$xt$nb <- pol2nb(object$xt$polys)$nb 
    } else if (!is.numeric(object$xt$nb[[1]])) { ## user has (hopefully) supplied names not indices 
      nb.names <- names(object$xt$nb)
      for (i in 1:length(nb.names)) {
        object$xt$nb[[i]] <- which(nb.names %in% object$xt$nb[[i]])

    ## now have a neighbour list
    a.name <- names(object$xt$nb)
    if (all.equal(sort(a.name),sort(levels(k)))!=TRUE) 
       stop("mismatch between nb/polys supplied area names and data area names")
    np <- ncol(object$X)
    S <- matrix(0,np,np)
    rownames(S) <- colnames(S) <- levels(k)
    for (i in 1:np) {
      ind <- object$xt$nb[[i]]
      lind <- length(ind)
      S[a.name[i],a.name[i]] <- lind
      if (lind>0) for (j in 1:lind) if (ind[j]!=i) S[a.name[i],a.name[ind[j]]] <- -1
    if (sum(S!=t(S))>0) stop("Something wrong with auto- penalty construction")
    object$S[[1]] <- S
  } else { ## penalty given, just need to check it
    object$S[[1]] <- object$xt$penalty
    if (ncol(object$S[[1]])!=nrow(object$S[[1]])) stop("supplied penalty not square!")
    if (ncol(object$S[[1]])!=ncol(object$X)) stop("supplied penalty wrong dimension!")