
Defines functions .mice.impute.2l.groupmean mice.impute.2l.pan

Documented in mice.impute.2l.pan

# Usage is an extension of 2l.norm
# -2 ... group identifier
#  1 ... fixed effects
#  2 ... fixed and random effects
#  3 ... introduce aggregated effects (i.e. group means)
#  4 ... fixed, random and aggregated effects

#' Imputation by a two-level normal model using \code{pan}
#' Imputes univariate missing data using a two-level normal model with
#' homogeneous within group variances. Aggregated group effects (i.e. group
#' means) can be automatically created and included as predictors in the
#' two-level regression (see argument \code{type}). This function needs the
#' \code{pan} package.
#' Implements the Gibbs sampler for the linear two-level model with homogeneous
#' within group variances which is a special case of a multivariate linear mixed
#' effects model (Schafer & Yucel, 2002).  For a two-level imputation with
#' heterogeneous within-group variances see \code{\link{mice.impute.2l.norm}}. %
#' The random intercept is automatically added in %
#' \code{mice.impute.2l.norm()}.
#' @aliases mice.impute.2l.pan 2l.pan
#' @author Alexander Robitzsch (IPN - Leibniz Institute for Science and
#' Mathematics Education, Kiel, Germany), \email{robitzsch@@ipn.uni-kiel.de}
#' @name mice.impute.2l.pan
#' @param y Incomplete data vector of length \code{n}
#' @param ry Vector of missing data pattern (\code{FALSE}=missing,
#' \code{TRUE}=observed)
#' @param x Matrix (\code{n} x \code{p}) of complete covariates.
#' @param type Vector of length \code{ncol(x)} identifying random and class
#' variables.  Random effects are identified by a '2'. The group variable (only
#' one is allowed) is coded as '-2'. Random effects also include the fixed
#' effect. If for a covariates X1 group means shall be calculated and included
#' as further fixed effects choose '3'. In addition to the effects in '3',
#' specification '4' also includes random effects of X1.
#' @param intercept Logical determining whether the intercept is automatically
#' added.
#' @param paniter Number of iterations in \code{pan}. Default is 500.
#' @param groupcenter.slope If \code{TRUE}, in case of group means (\code{type}
#' is '3' or'4') group mean centering for these predictors are conducted before
#' doing imputations. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... Other named arguments.
#' @return A vector of length \code{nmis} with imputations.
#' @author Alexander Robitzsch (IPN - Leibniz Institute for Science and
#' Mathematics Education, Kiel, Germany), \email{robitzsch@@ipn.uni-kiel.de}.
#' @note This function does not implement the \code{where} functionality. It
#' always produces \code{nmis} imputation, irrespective of the \code{where}
#' argument of the \code{mice} function.
#' @family univariate-2l
#' @references
#' Schafer J L, Yucel RM (2002). Computational strategies for multivariate
#' linear mixed-effects models with missing values.  \emph{Journal of
#' Computational and Graphical Statistics}. \bold{11}, 437-457.
#' Van Buuren, S., Groothuis-Oudshoorn, K. (2011). \code{mice}: Multivariate
#' Imputation by Chained Equations in \code{R}. \emph{Journal of Statistical
#' Software}, \bold{45}(3), 1-67. \doi{10.18637/jss.v045.i03}
#' @examples
#' # simulate some data
#' # two-level regression model with fixed slope
#' # number of groups
#' G <- 250
#' # number of persons
#' n <- 20
#' # regression parameter
#' beta <- .3
#' # intraclass correlation
#' rho <- .30
#' # correlation with missing response
#' rho.miss <- .10
#' # missing proportion
#' missrate <- .50
#' y1 <- rep(rnorm(G, sd = sqrt(rho)), each = n) + rnorm(G * n, sd = sqrt(1 - rho))
#' x <- rnorm(G * n)
#' y <- y1 + beta * x
#' dfr0 <- dfr <- data.frame("group" = rep(1:G, each = n), "x" = x, "y" = y)
#' dfr[rho.miss * x + rnorm(G * n, sd = sqrt(1 - rho.miss)) < qnorm(missrate), "y"] <- NA
#' # empty imputation in mice
#' imp0 <- mice(as.matrix(dfr), maxit = 0)
#' predM <- imp0$predictorMatrix
#' impM <- imp0$method
#' # specify predictor matrix and method
#' predM1 <- predM
#' predM1["y", "group"] <- -2
#' predM1["y", "x"] <- 1 # fixed x effects imputation
#' impM1 <- impM
#' impM1["y"] <- "2l.pan"
#' # multilevel imputation
#' imp1 <- mice(as.matrix(dfr),
#'   m = 1, predictorMatrix = predM1,
#'   method = impM1, maxit = 1
#' )
#' # multilevel analysis
#' library(lme4)
#' mod <- lmer(y ~ (1 + x | group) + x, data = complete(imp1))
#' summary(mod)
#' # Examples of predictorMatrix specification
#' # random x effects
#' # predM1["y","x"] <- 2
#' # fixed x effects and group mean of x
#' # predM1["y","x"] <- 3
#' # random x effects and group mean of x
#' # predM1["y","x"] <- 4
#' @export
mice.impute.2l.pan <- function(y, ry, x, type, intercept = TRUE, paniter = 500,
                               groupcenter.slope = FALSE, ...) {
  install.on.demand("pan", ...)

  ## append intercept
  if (intercept) {
    x <- cbind(1, as.matrix(x))
    type <- c(2, type)

  # add groupmeans in the regression model
  if (any(type %in% c(3, 4))) {
    x0 <- as.matrix(cbind(x[, type == -2], x[, type %in% c(3, 4)]))
    colnames(x0) <- c(colnames(x)[type == -2], colnames(x)[type %in% c(3, 4)])
    type0 <- c(-2, rep.int(1, ncol(x0) - 1))
    x0.aggr <- as.matrix(.mice.impute.2l.groupmean(
      y = y, ry = ry, x = x0,
      type = type0, grmeanwarning = FALSE, ...
    colnames(x0.aggr) <- paste0("M.", colnames(x0)[-1])
    # groupcentering
    if (groupcenter.slope) {
      x0.aggr1 <- as.matrix(x0.aggr)
      colnames(x0.aggr1) <- colnames(x0)[-1]
      x0cent <- x0[, -1] - x0.aggr1
      x[, colnames(x0cent)] <- x0cent
    # combine covariate matrix
    x <- cbind(x, x0.aggr)
    # add type
    type1 <- c(type, rep.int(1, ncol(x0.aggr)))
    names(type1) <- c(names(type), colnames(x0.aggr))
    type1[type1 == 3] <- 1
    type1[type1 == 4] <- 2
    type <- type1
  # pan imputation
  # define cluster
  group <- x[, type == -2]
  subj <- match(group, unique(group))
  # is group resorting necessary? (need this for pan)
  sortgroups <- any(diff(subj) < 0)
  if (sortgroups) {
    dfr <- data.frame(
      "group" = group, "ry" = ry,
      "index" = seq(1, length(ry))
    dfr <- dfr[order(dfr$group), ]
    group <- group[dfr$index]
    y <- y[dfr$index]
    x <- x[dfr$index, ]
    ry <- ry[dfr$index]
    subj <- subj[dfr$index]
    # 			stop( "Sort group identifiers in increasing order!\n")
  y1 <- matrix(as.numeric(y), ncol = 1)
  y1[!ry, 1] <- NA
  # specify predictors
  pred <- x[, type != -2, drop = FALSE] ## fixed SvB 1feb2013
  # columns fixed effects
  xcol <- seq(1, ncol(pred))
  type1 <- type[type != -2]
  zcol <- which(type1 == 2)
  # noninformative priors
  prior <- list(
    a = ncol(y1), Binv = diag(rep(1, ncol(y1))),
    c = ncol(y1) * length(zcol), Dinv = diag(rep(1, ncol(y1) * length(zcol)))

  if (length(subj) != nrow(y1)) stop("No class variable")

  # pan imputation
  ii <- 0
  while (ii == 0) {
    s1 <- round(runif(1, 1, 10^7))
    imput <- pan::pan(y1, subj, pred, xcol, zcol, prior, seed = s1, iter = paniter)
    res <- imput$y
    ii <- 1 - any(is.na(res))
    # check for invalid imputations: pan occasionally produces NaNs
  if (sortgroups) {
    dfr <- cbind(res, dfr)
    dfr <- dfr[order(dfr$index), ]
    res <- dfr[!dfr$ry, "res"]
  } else {
    res <- res[!ry]

# compute cluster groupmean
.mice.impute.2l.groupmean <- function(y, ry, x, type, grmeanwarning = TRUE, ...) {
  if ((ncol(x) > 2) & grmeanwarning) warning("\nMore than one variable is requested to be aggregated.\n")
  # calculate aggregated values
  a1 <- aggregate(x[, type %in% c(1, 2)], list(x[, type == -2]), mean, na.rm = TRUE)
  i1 <- match(x[, type == -2], a1[, 1])
  ximp <- as.matrix(a1[i1, -1])
  colnames(ximp) <- paste(names(type)[type %in% c(1, 2)], names(type)[type == -2], sep = ".")

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