
Defines functions quickPlot2

Documented in quickPlot2

#' Generic plotting showing results of microPop
#' Now shows resources and microbes on one plot.
#' @param soln ODE output from microPopModel() i.e. matrix out$solution 
#' @param numR Scalar. Number of resources
#' @param numStrains Scalar. Number of strains per group
#' @param microbeNames Vector of strings which contains the names of the microbial groups in the system e.g. c('Bacteroides','Acetogens')
#' @param yLabel String for y axis label. Default is "Concentration (g/L)"
#' @param xLabel String for x axis label. Default is "Time"
#' @param sumOverStrains Logical. Default=TRUE
#' @param resourceLegendPosition String. Position of legend in resource plot, default is 'topleft'
#' @param microbeLegendPosition String. Position of legend in microbe plot, default is 'topleft'
#' @param saveFig Logical. Default is FALSE
#' @param figType String. Default is "eps"
#' @param figName String. Default is "microPopFig"
#' @param cex.plot Multiplier for text size on axes text. Default is 1
#' @param cex.legend Multiplier for text size in legend. Default is 0.7
#' @return Nothing just generates a plot
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.copy2eps dev.copy2pdf dev.new rainbow tiff dev.print png
#' @importFrom graphics legend lines par plot
#' @export
quickPlot2= function(soln, numR, numStrains, microbeNames,
    yLabel = "Concentration (g/L)", xLabel = "Time",
    sumOverStrains = TRUE,
    saveFig = FALSE,
    figType = "eps", figName = "microPopFig",
    cex.plot=1,cex.legend=0.7) {

    wlen = 10
    hlen = 5  #width and height for png files
    numMFG = length(microbeNames)
    if (length(numStrains)==1){
        numM = numStrains * numMFG
        numM =sum(numStrains)
    time = soln[, 1]
    if (numM == 1) {
        # one strain and one group (need to keep as a matrix)
        X = as.matrix(soln[, 2:(numM + 1)])
        colnames(X) = colnames(soln)[2]
    } else {
        X = soln[, 2:(numM + 1)]

    R = soln[, (numM + 2):(numM + numR + 1), drop = FALSE]
    if (any(numStrains > 1) & sumOverStrains) {
#        print(X)
        gmat = matrix(NA, nrow = length(time), ncol = numMFG)
        for (g in 1:numMFG) {
            for (strain in colnames(X)){
                if (!is.na(pmatch(gname,strain))){
                    ssum = ssum + X[,strain]
            gmat[, g] = ssum
        Xmax = max(gmat, na.rm = TRUE)
    } else {
        Xmax = max(X, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (figType == "png") {
        dev.new(bg = "white", horizontal = FALSE, onefile = FALSE, paper = "special", 
            width = wlen, height = hlen)
    } else {
        dev.new(width = wlen, height = hlen)
    par(mar = c(5, 5, 5, 2),mfrow=c(1,2))
    cols = rainbow(numMFG)  #different groups have different colours
    plot(range(time), c(min(0, min(X, na.rm = TRUE)), 1.1 * Xmax), xlab = xLabel, 
        main = "Microbes", ylab = yLabel,
         cex.lab = cex.plot, cex.axis = cex.plot, cex.main = 1, 
        type = "n")
    for (g in 1:numMFG) {
        if (any(numStrains > 1) & sumOverStrains) {
            lines(time, gmat[, g], lwd = 2, col = cols[g])
        } else {
            for (strain in colnames(X)){
                if (!is.na(pmatch(gname,strain))){
    legend(microbeLegendPosition, bg = "transparent", legend = microbeNames,
           col = cols, lty = 1, lwd = 2, cex=cex.legend)
    cols = rainbow(numR)
    plot(range(time), c(min(0, min(R, na.rm = TRUE)), 1.1 * max(R, na.rm = TRUE)), 
        xlab = xLabel, main = "Resources", ylab = yLabel,
         cex.lab = cex.plot, cex.axis = cex.plot, 
        type = "n", cex.main = 1)
    for (i in 1:numR) {
        lines(time, R[, i], lwd = 2, col = cols[i])
    legend(resourceLegendPosition, bg = "transparent", colnames(R),
           col = cols, lty = 1, lwd = 2,cex=cex.legend)
    if (saveFig) {
        if (figType == "pdf") {
            dev.copy2pdf(file = paste(figName, "microPop.pdf", sep = ""))
        if (figType == "eps") {
            dev.copy2eps(file = paste(figName, "microPop.eps", sep = ""))
        if (figType == "png") {
            dev.print(png, filename = paste(figName, "microPop.png", sep = ""), 
                res = 100, width = wlen, height = hlen, units = "in")
        if (figType == "tiff") {
            dev.print(tiff, filename = paste(figName, "microPop.tiff", sep = ""), 
                res = 100, width = wlen, height = hlen, units = "in")

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microPop documentation built on Feb. 3, 2022, 5:07 p.m.