PrepData <- function(data, model, itemtype, guess, upper, gpcm_mats, opts,
parprior, verbose, technical, parnumber = 1, BFACTOR = FALSE,
grsm.block = NULL, rsm.block = NULL,, customItems,
customGroup, customItemsData, fulldata = NULL, key,
spline_args, internal_constraints, monopoly.k, dentype, dcIRT_nphi, item.Q)
if(is.null(grsm.block)) grsm.block <- rep(1, ncol(data))
if(is.null(rsm.block)) rsm.block <- rep(1, ncol(data))
grsm.block[!itemtype %in% c('grsm', 'grsmIRT')] <- NA
rsm.block[!itemtype %in% 'rsm'] <- NA
itemnames <- colnames(data)
if(any(itemnames == "")) stop("Items in data input must have valid names", call.=FALSE)
data <- as.matrix(data)
colnames(data) <- itemnames
J <- ncol(data)
N <- nrow(data)
exploratory <- attr(model, 'exploratory')
if(length(guess) == 1L) guess <- rep(guess,J)
if(length(guess) > J || length(guess) < J)
stop("The number of guessing parameters is incorrect.", call.=FALSE)
if(length(upper) == 1L) upper <- rep(upper,J)
if(length(upper) > J || length(upper) < J)
stop("The number of upper bound parameters is incorrect.", call.=FALSE)
if(length(monopoly.k) == 1L) monopoly.k <- rep(monopoly.k, J)
if(length(monopoly.k) > J || length(monopoly.k) < J)
stop("The number of monopoly.k values is incorrect.", call.=FALSE)
if(is.null(key) && any(itemtype %in% c('2PLNRM', '3PLNRM', '3PLuNRM', '4PLNRM')))
stop('When using nested logit items a scoring key must be provided with key = c(...)',
if(is.null(key)) key <- rep(1L, J)
if(length(key) != J)
stop("The number of elements in the key input is incorrect.", call.=FALSE)
key[ | is.nan(key)] <- 1
key <- as.integer(key)
uniques <- list()
for(i in 1L:J){
uniques[[i]] <- sort(unique(data[,i]))
if(any(key[i] == uniques[[i]]))
key[i] <- which(key[i] == uniques[[i]])
K <- rep(0L,J)
for(i in 1L:J) K[i] <- length(uniques[[i]])
if(any(K > 30L) && opts$warn)
warning(paste0('The following items have a large number of categories which may cause estimation issues: ',
paste0(as.character(which(K > 30L)), collapse = " ")), call. = FALSE)
if(any(itemtype %in% c('2PLNRM', '3PLNRM', '3PLuNRM', '4PLNRM') & K < 3))
stop('Nested-logit models must have 3 or more categories', call.=FALSE)
K <- technical$customK
for(i in 1L:J)
uniques[[i]] <- 0L:(K[i]-1L)
if(any(K < 2L))
stop('The following items have only one response category and cannot be estimated: ',
paste(itemnames[K < 2L], ''), call.=FALSE)
if(is.null(itemtype)) {
itemtype <- rep('', J)
for(i in 1L:J){
if(K[i] > 2L) itemtype[i] <- 'graded'
if(K[i] == 2L) itemtype[i] <- '2PL'
if(length(itemtype) == 1L) itemtype <- rep(itemtype, J)
if(length(itemtype) != J) stop('itemtype specification is not the correct length', call.=FALSE)
guess[guess == 0 & itemtype %in% c('3PL', '4PL', 'PC3PL', '3PLNRM', '4PLNRM')] <- .15
upper[upper == 1 & itemtype %in% c('4PL', '3PLu', '3PLuNRM', '4PLNRM')] <- .85
if(length(gpcm_mats) != ncol(data))
stop('gpcm_mats list does not correspond to columns in data', call.=FALSE)
pick <- !sapply(gpcm_mats, is.null) & itemtype %in% c('gpcm', 'Rasch')
tmp <- gpcm_mats[pick]
if(!all(sapply(tmp, is.matrix)))
stop('Matrices must be used in gpcm_mats', call.=FALSE)
if(!all(sapply(tmp, nrow) == K[pick])){
nrows <- sapply(tmp, nrow)
out <- !sapply(tmp, nrow) == K[pick]
stop(sprintf("Item %i should have %i rows in gpcm_mats, but instead has %i \n ",
seq(1L, J)[out], K[out], nrows[out]), call.=FALSE)
itemloc <- cumsum(c(1L,K))
factorNames <- setdiff(model$x[,1L],keywords)
nfactNames <- length(factorNames)
nfact <- sum(!grepl('\\(',factorNames))
if(nfact > 1L && any(itemtype %in% c('rsm', 'gpcmIRT', 'grsmIRT')))
stop(c('Rating scale models based on classical IRT parametrization ',
'are not generalizable to multidimensional models'), call. = FALSE)
index <- 1L:J
Names <- NULL
for(i in 1L:J)
Names <- c(Names, paste("Item.",i,"_",1L:K[i],sep=""))
fulldata <- matrix(0L,N,sum(K))
colnames(fulldata) <- Names
for(i in 1L:J){
ind <- index[i]
dummy <- matrix(0L,N,K[ind])
for (j in 0L:(K[ind]-1L))
dummy[,j+1L] <- as.integer(data[,ind] == uniques[[ind]][j+1L])
fulldata[ ,itemloc[ind]:(itemloc[ind+1L]-1L)] <- dummy
fulldata[] <- 0L
pars <- model.elements(model=model$x, itemtype=itemtype, factorNames=factorNames,
nfactNames=nfactNames, nfact=nfact, J=J, K=K, fulldata=fulldata,
itemloc=itemloc, data=data, N=N, guess=guess, upper=upper,
itemnames=itemnames, exploratory=exploratory, parprior=parprior,
parnumber=parnumber, BFACTOR=BFACTOR,,
customItems=customItems, customItemsData=customItemsData,
customGroup=customGroup, key=key,
gpcm_mats=gpcm_mats, spline_args=spline_args, monopoly.k=monopoly.k,
dcIRT_nphi=dcIRT_nphi, dentype=dentype, item.Q=item.Q)
prodlist <- attr(pars, 'prodlist')
exploratory <- attr(pars, 'exploratory')
if(is(pars[[1L]], 'numeric') || is(pars[[1L]], 'logical')){
names(pars) <- c(itemnames, 'Group_Parameters')
attr(pars, 'parnumber') <- NULL
#within group constraints
constrain <- list()
if(any(itemtype == 'grsm')){
unique.grsmgroups <- unique(na.omit(grsm.block))
for(group in unique.grsmgroups){
Kk <- unique(K[grsm.block == unique.grsmgroups[group] & !])
if(length(Kk) > 1L) stop(c('Graded rating scale models require items to have the ',
'same number of categories'), call.=FALSE)
for(k in 1L:(Kk-1L)){
grsmConstraint <- c()
for(i in 1L:J){
if(grsm.block[i] == unique.grsmgroups[group] && itemtype[i] == 'grsm'){
if(length(grsmConstraint) == 0L){
pars[[i]]@est[length(pars[[i]]@est)] <- FALSE
grsmConstraint <- c(grsmConstraint, pars[[i]]@parnum[length(pars[[i]]@parnum)-k])
} else grsmConstraint <- c(grsmConstraint, pars[[i]]@parnum[length(pars[[i]]@parnum)-k])
constrain[[length(constrain) + 1L]] <- grsmConstraint
if(any(itemtype == 'grsmIRT')){
unique.grsmgroups <- unique(na.omit(grsm.block))
for(group in unique.grsmgroups){
Kk <- unique(K[grsm.block == unique.grsmgroups[group] & !])
if(length(Kk) > 1L) stop(c('Graded rating scale models require items to have the ',
'same number of categories'), call.=FALSE)
for(k in 1L:(Kk-1L)){
grsmConstraint <- c()
for(i in 1L:J){
if(grsm.block[i] == unique.grsmgroups[group] && itemtype[i] == 'grsmIRT'){
if(length(grsmConstraint) == 0L){
pars[[i]]@est[length(pars[[i]]@est)] <- FALSE
grsmConstraint <- c(grsmConstraint, pars[[i]]@parnum[length(pars[[i]]@parnum)-k])
} else grsmConstraint <- c(grsmConstraint, pars[[i]]@parnum[length(pars[[i]]@parnum)-k])
constrain[[length(constrain) + 1L]] <- grsmConstraint
if(any(itemtype == 'rsm')){
unique.rsmgroups <- unique(na.omit(rsm.block))
for(group in unique.rsmgroups){
Kk <- unique(K[rsm.block == unique.rsmgroups[group] & !])
if(length(Kk) > 1L) stop('Rating scale models require that items to have the
same number of categories', call.=FALSE)
for(k in 1L:(Kk-1L)){
rsmConstraint <- c()
for(i in 1L:J){
if(rsm.block[i] == unique.rsmgroups[group] && itemtype[i] == 'rsm'){
if(length(rsmConstraint) == 0L){
pars[[i]]@est[length(pars[[i]]@est)] <- FALSE
rsmConstraint <- c(rsmConstraint, pars[[i]]@parnum[length(pars[[i]]@parnum)-k])
} else rsmConstraint <- c(rsmConstraint, pars[[i]]@parnum[length(pars[[i]]@parnum)-k])
constrain[[length(constrain) + 1L]] <- rsmConstraint
npars <- sum(sapply(pars, function(x) sum(x@est)))
if(is.null(prodlist)) prodlist <- list()
ret <- list(pars=pars, npars=npars, constrain=constrain, prodlist=prodlist, itemnames=itemnames,
K=K, fulldata=fulldata, nfactNames=nfactNames, nfact=nfact, npars=npars,
exploratory=exploratory, J=J, itemloc=itemloc, factorNames=factorNames, Names=Names,
itemtype=itemtype, nLambdas=nfact+length(prodlist))
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