
Defines functions merge_lvls are_classes_okay cut_vector find_classes_recursive find_classes impute_hot_deck_in_classes impute_in_classes

Documented in impute_hot_deck_in_classes impute_in_classes

#' Impute in classes
#' Apply an imputation function inside imputation classes
#' @template impute
#' @details Imputation classes (sometimes also called adjustment cells) are
#'   build using cross-validation of all `cols_class`. The classes are
#'   collapsed, if they do not satisfy all of the criteria defined by
#'   `min_objs_in_class`, `min_obs_comp`, `min_obs_per_col` and `donor_limit`.
#'   Collapsing starts from the last value of `cols_class`. Internally, a mixture
#'   of collapsing and early stopping is used for the construction of the
#'   classes.
#' @param cols_class Columns that are used for constructing the imputation
#'   classes.
#' @param FUN An imputation function that is applied to impute the missing
#'   values.
#' @param breaks Number of intervals / levels a column is broken into (see
#'   [cut()], which is used internally for cutting numeric columns). If `breaks
#'   = Inf` (the default), every unique value of a column can be in a separate
#'   class (if no other restrictions apply).
#' @param use_quantiles Should quantiles be used for cutting numeric vectors?
#'   Normally, [cut()] divides the range of an vector into equal spaced
#'   intervals. If `use_quantiles = TRUE`, the classes will be of roughly equal
#'   content.
#' @param min_objs_in_class Minimum number of objects (rows) in an imputation class.
#' @param min_obs_comp Minimum number of completely observed objects (rows) in an
#'   imputation class.
#' @param min_obs_per_col Minimum number of observed values in every column of
#'   an imputation class.
#' @param donor_limit Minimum odds between incomplete and complete values in a
#'   column, if `dl_type = cols_seq`. If `dl_type = sim_comp`, minimum odds
#'   between incomplete and complete rows.
#' @param dl_type See `donor_limit`.
#' @param add_imputation_classes Should imputation classes be added as
#'   attributes to the imputed dataset?
#' @param ... Arguments passed to `FUN`.
#' @export
#' @references Andridge, R.R. and Little, R.J.A. (2010), A Review of Hot Deck
#'   Imputation for Survey Non-response. International Statistical Review, 78:
#'   40-64. doi:10.1111/j.1751-5823.2010.00103.x
#' @examples
#' # Mean imputation in classes
#' impute_in_classes(data.frame(X = 1:5, Y = c(NA, 12:15)), "X",
#'   impute_mean,
#'   min_obs_per_col = 2
#' )
#' @md
impute_in_classes <- function(ds, cols_class, FUN, breaks = Inf,
                              use_quantiles = FALSE,
                              min_objs_in_class = 1,
                              min_obs_comp = 0,
                              min_obs_per_col = 1,
                              donor_limit = Inf, dl_type = "cols_seq",
                              add_imputation_classes = FALSE,
                              ...) {
  # Check for missing argument cols_class
  # because subsetting "works" with missing argument...
  if (missing(cols_class)) {
    stop("cols_class must be specified")

  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)

  imp_classes <- find_classes(
    ds = ds, cols_class = cols_class, breaks = breaks,
    use_quantiles = use_quantiles,
    min_objs_in_class = min_objs_in_class,
    min_obs_comp = min_obs_comp,
    min_obs_per_col = min_obs_per_col,
    donor_limit = donor_limit, dl_type = dl_type

  # Apply imputation function for every imputation class separate
  for (imp_cl in imp_classes) {
    if (anyNA(ds[imp_cl, ])) {
      ds[imp_cl, ] <- FUN(ds[imp_cl, ], ...)

  if (add_imputation_classes) {
    ds <- structure(ds, imputation_classes = imp_classes)


#' Hot deck imputation in imputation classes
#' Impute missing values in a data frame or a matrix using a hot deck within
#' imputation classes
#' @template impute
#' @details
#' This function is a combination of [impute_in_classes()] and [impute_sRHD()].
#' It applies [impute_sRHD()] inside of imputation classes (adjustment cells),
#' which are constructed via [impute_in_classes()]. More details can be found in
#' these two functions.
#' @inheritParams impute_in_classes
#' @param donor_limit Minimum odds between incomplete and complete values in a
#'   column, if `type = cols_seq`. If `type = sim_comp`, minimum odds between
#'   incomplete and complete rows. For `type = sim_part` the donor limit option
#'   is not implemented and `donor_limit` should be `Inf`.
#' @param type The type of hot deck (for details, see [impute_sRHD()]).
#' @seealso
#' [impute_in_classes()], which is used for the construction of the imputation
#' classes.
#' [impute_sRHD()], which is used for the imputation.
#' @export
#' @references
#' Andridge, R.R. and Little, R.J.A. (2010), A Review of Hot Deck Imputation for
#' Survey Non-response. International Statistical Review, 78: 40-64.
#' doi:10.1111/j.1751-5823.2010.00103.x
#' @examples
#' impute_hot_deck_in_classes(data.frame(
#'   X = c(rep("A", 10), rep("B", 10)),
#'   Y = c(rep(NA, 5), 106:120)
#' ),
#' "X",
#' donor_limit = 1
#' )
#' @md
impute_hot_deck_in_classes <- function(ds, cols_class, type = "cols_seq",
                                       breaks = Inf, use_quantiles = FALSE,
                                       min_objs_in_class = 1,
                                       min_obs_comp = 0,
                                       min_obs_per_col = 1,
                                       donor_limit = Inf,
                                       add_imputation_classes = FALSE) {
  impute_in_classes(ds, cols_class,
    FUN = impute_sRHD,
    breaks = breaks, use_quantiles = use_quantiles,
    min_objs_in_class = min_objs_in_class,
    min_obs_comp = min_obs_comp,
    min_obs_per_col = min_obs_per_col,
    donor_limit = donor_limit,
    dl_type = type,
    add_imputation_classes = add_imputation_classes,
    type = type

## Helpers for impute_in_classes() --------------------------------------------

find_classes <- function(ds, cols_class, breaks = Inf, use_quantiles = FALSE,
                         min_objs_in_class = 0,
                         min_obs_comp = 0,
                         min_obs_per_col = 0,
                         donor_limit = Inf, dl_type = "cols_seq") {

  # check for NA in cols_class
  if (anyNA(ds[, cols_class])) {
    stop("No NAs in ds[, cols_class] allowed")

  find_classes_recursive(ds, cols_class,
    breaks = breaks, use_quantiles = use_quantiles,
    min_objs_in_class = min_objs_in_class,
    min_obs_comp = min_obs_comp,
    min_obs_per_col = min_obs_per_col,
    donor_limit = donor_limit, dl_type = dl_type,
    cols_act = seq_len(nrow(ds)),
    lvls_act = NULL,
    imp_classes = list(),
    M = is.na(ds)

## No defaults for the recursive function
## all arguments should be handed over by the calling function
## This will automatically throw an error, if a new argument is added to the
## function, but not in the calling statement(s)
find_classes_recursive <- function(ds, cols_class, breaks, use_quantiles,
                                   donor_limit, dl_type,
                                   cols_act, lvls_act = NULL, imp_classes,
                                   M) {

  # first check for fast return (no columns in cols_act or no more cols_class)
  if (length(cols_act) == 0L) { # no object in new class -> eliminate class
  } else if (length(cols_class) == 0L) { # no more columns to form classes
    if (is.null(lvls_act)) { # just one class for all
      lvls_act <- "everything"
    imp_classes[[lvls_act]] <- cols_act

  # no fast return:
  # we have objects and at least one column to form classes
  # we select only the objects from the cols_act
  grouping_factor <- cut_vector(ds[cols_act, cols_class[1], drop = TRUE],
    breaks = breaks,
    use_quantiles = use_quantiles

  # check if all new formed classes are okay
  # if not -> join the problematic class(es)
  repeat {
    lvls <- levels(grouping_factor)
    new_classes <- list()
    new_lvls <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(lvls)) {
      new_classes[[i]] <- cols_act[grouping_factor == lvls[i]]
      new_lvls[[i]] <- ifelse(is.null(lvls_act), as.character(lvls[i]),
        paste(lvls_act, lvls[i], sep = ".")

    # remove empty classes
    empty_classes <- 0L == vapply(new_classes, length, integer(1))
    new_classes[empty_classes] <- NULL
    new_lvls[empty_classes] <- NULL
    okay_classes <- are_classes_okay(ds, new_classes,
      min_objs_in_class, min_obs_comp,
      min_obs_per_col = min_obs_per_col,
      donor_limit = donor_limit, dl_type = dl_type,
      M = M
    if (all(okay_classes)) { # everything okay -> leave repeat loop
    } else { # join first not okay_class and try again
      levels(grouping_factor) <- merge_lvls(

  # call find_classes_recursive() for all new formed classes
  for (i in seq_along(new_classes)) {
    imp_classes <- find_classes_recursive(ds, cols_class[-1],
      use_quantiles = use_quantiles,
      breaks = breaks,
      min_objs_in_class = min_objs_in_class,
      min_obs_comp = min_obs_comp,
      min_obs_per_col = min_obs_per_col,
      donor_limit = donor_limit, dl_type = dl_type,
      cols_act = new_classes[[i]],
      lvls_act = new_lvls[[i]],
      imp_classes = imp_classes,
      M = M

cut_vector <- function(x, breaks, use_quantiles = FALSE) {
  if (!is.finite(breaks)) { # breaks is infinite, no merging of lvls or cutting

  if (is.numeric(x)) { # cuts are ordered for possible later merging
    if (use_quantiles) {
      x <- cut(x,
        breaks = stats::quantile(
          seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = breaks + 1)
        include.lowest = TRUE, ordered_result = TRUE
    } else { # equal-sized classes
      x <- cut(x, breaks, ordered_result = TRUE)
  } else { # not a numeric vector
    x <- as.factor(x)
    while (length(levels(x)) > breaks) {
      levels(x) <- merge_lvls(x)

are_classes_okay <- function(ds, new_classes,
                             min_objs_in_class = 1,
                             min_obs_comp = 0,
                             min_obs_per_col = 0,
                             donor_limit = Inf,
                             dl_type = "cols_seq",
                             M = is.na(ds)) {
  res <- rep(TRUE, length(new_classes))

  for (i in seq_along(new_classes)) {
    M_class_i <- M[new_classes[[i]], , drop = FALSE]

    ## check min_objs_in_class, if > 1 --------------------
    if (min_objs_in_class > 1) {
      if (length(new_classes[[i]]) < min_objs_in_class) {
        res[i] <- FALSE

    ## check min_obs_comp, if > 0 -------------------------
    if (min_obs_comp > 0) {
      n_incomp_obs_i <- sum(apply(M_class_i, 1, any))
      n_comp_obs_i <- length(new_classes[[i]]) - n_incomp_obs_i

      if (n_comp_obs_i < min_obs_comp) {
        res[i] <- FALSE

    ## check min_obs_per_col, if > 0 -------------------------
    if (min_obs_per_col > 0) {
      obs_per_col <- apply(M_class_i, 2, function(x) sum(!x))
      if (any(obs_per_col < min_obs_per_col)) {
        res[i] <- FALSE

    ## check donor_limit, if donor_limit is finite ---------
    if (is.finite(donor_limit)) {
      if (min_donor_limit(M_class_i, dl_type) > donor_limit) {
        res[i] <- FALSE

merge_lvls <- function(grouping_factor, merging_lvl_1 = NULL) {
  lvls <- levels(grouping_factor)
  if (length(lvls) < 2L) {
    stop("merging only possible for two or more levels")

  lvls_freq <- tabulate(match(grouping_factor, lvls))

  if (is.null(merging_lvl_1)) {
    merging_lvl_1 <- lvls[which.min(lvls_freq)]

  if (is.ordered(grouping_factor)) { # join left or right, if possible
    pos_lvl_1 <- which(merging_lvl_1 == lvls)
    if (pos_lvl_1 == 1L) { # first level -> merge with second
      merging_lvl_2 <- lvls[2L]
    } else if (pos_lvl_1 == length(lvls)) { # last level -> merge with second to last
      merging_lvl_2 <- lvls[length(lvls) - 1L]
    } else { # neither first nor last level -> left or right
      lvls_freq_left <- lvls_freq[pos_lvl_1 - 1L]
      lvls_freq_right <- lvls_freq[pos_lvl_1 + 1L]
      merging_lvl_2 <- pos_lvl_1 + ifelse(lvls_freq_left < lvls_freq_right, -1L, +1L)
      merging_lvl_2 <- lvls[merging_lvl_2]
  } else { # unordered factor
    lvls_freq_without_lvl_1 <- lvls_freq[-which(merging_lvl_1 == lvls)]
    lvls_without_lvl_1 <- lvls[-which(merging_lvl_1 == lvls)]
    merging_lvl_2 <- lvls_without_lvl_1[which.min(lvls_freq_without_lvl_1)]

  new_lvl <- paste(merging_lvl_1, merging_lvl_2, sep = "_and_")
  lvls[lvls %in% c(merging_lvl_1, merging_lvl_2)] <- new_lvl

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