
Defines functions NMixRelabel.NMixMCMClist

Documented in NMixRelabel.NMixMCMClist

##  PURPOSE:   Re-labeling of the MCMC output.
##             * method for objects of class NMixMCMClist
##  AUTHOR:    Arnost Komarek (LaTeX: Arno\v{s}t Kom\'arek)
##             arnost.komarek[AT]mff.cuni.cz
##  CREATED:   01/04/2015
##  FUNCTION:  NMixRelabel.NMixMCMClist (01/04/2015) 
## ======================================================================

## *************************************************************
## NMixRelabel.NMixMCMClist
## *************************************************************
NMixRelabel.NMixMCMClist <- function(object, type = c("mean", "weight", "stephens"), par,
                                     prob = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), keep.comp.prob = FALSE,
                                     info, silent = FALSE,
                                     parallel = FALSE, ...)
  if (parallel){
    RAlg <- NMixRelabelAlgorithm(type = type, par = par, dim = object[[1]]$dim)
    if (missing(info)) info <- object[[1]]$nMCMC["keep"]
    if (parallel::detectCores() < 2) warning("It does not seem that at least 2 CPU cores are available needed for efficient parallel re-labelling of the two chains.")      
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(2)      
    if (!silent){
      cat("\nParallel re-labelling of the two chains\n")
    tmpObj <- list(object[[1]], object[[2]])
    class(tmpObj) <- "NMixMCMClist"
    tmpObj <- parallel::parLapply(cl, tmpObj, NMixRelabel.NMixMCMC,
                                  type = RAlg$relabel$type, par = RAlg$relabel$par, prob = prob, keep.comp.prob = keep.comp.prob, info = info, ...)

    elemObj <- names(object)[-(1:2)]
    for (i in 1:length(elemObj)) tmpObj[[elemObj[i]]] <- object[[elemObj[i]]]

    class(tmpObj) <- "NMixMCMClist"    
    if (!silent){
      cat("\nRe-labelling chain number 1\n")
    object[[1]] <- NMixRelabel(object[[1]], type = type, par = par, prob = prob, keep.comp.prob = keep.comp.prob, info = info, ...)

    if (!silent){    
      cat("\nRe-labelling chain number 2\n")
    object[[2]] <- NMixRelabel(object[[2]], type = type, par = par, prob = prob, keep.comp.prob = keep.comp.prob, info = info, ...)

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