readModel: Read curve fitting information

View source: R/readModel.R

readModelR Documentation

Read curve fitting information


Read curve fitting information in specific format from a txt or csv file





a txt or csv file with curve fitting information. a txt file should be tab or space separated; a csv file should be comma separated.


a file contains curve fitting information
The file extension needs to be .txt if it's a space or tab separated file.
The file extension needs to be .csv if it's a comma-separated values file.


The file needs three paramters (alpha beta gamma), just set gamma to 0 for models with only 2 parameters(e.g., Logit/Weibull)
> The format of the file readModel can read:
ID Model alpha beta gamma
Cu Logit 9.91 22.15 0
PAR Weibull 18.31 3.32 0

mixtox documentation built on June 20, 2022, 5:05 p.m.

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