
Defines functions sARI e_step convert_matrices MAP get_data construct_BIC_3D get_best_model print.gpcm_best ncovpar npar.gamma npar.model.skew npar.model z_ig_kmeans z_ig_random_hard z_ig_random_soft id_to_model model_to_id checkNA plot.gpcm summary.gpcm print.gpcm gpcm

Documented in e_step get_best_model gpcm MAP z_ig_kmeans z_ig_random_hard z_ig_random_soft

.packageName<-'mixture' # do I really need this?

    # MARK :// ARGS
    # G , number of groups
    # data , matrix X,
    # mnames = model names. (could be NULL)
    # start , just do kmeans for now., then you will add annealing, random start, and general functions
    # labels
    # veo, number of variables in the model exceeds the number of observations, still fit.
    # nmax, The maximum number of iterations each EM algorithm is allowed to use
    # atol, A number specifying the epsilon value for the convergence criteria used in the
    # mtol, A number specifying the epsilon value for the convergence criteria used in the M-step in the GEM algorithms.
    # mmax, The maximum number of iterations each M-step is allowed in the GEM algorithms.
    # pprogress, If TRUE print the progress of the function.
    # pwarning If TRUE print the warnings.

gpcm <- function(data=NULL,  G=1:3, mnames=NULL, # main inputs with mnames being the Model Name
				start=2, label=NULL, # starting inputs , start = 0: random soft, start = 2, random hard. start = 3 mkmeans.
				veo=FALSE, da=c(1.0), # veo (variables exceed observations), da is deterministic annealing
				nmax=1000, atol=1e-8, mtol=1e-8, mmax=10, burn=5, # convergence settings for matrix and loglik
				pprogress=FALSE, pwarning=TRUE, stochastic = FALSE, seed=123)  # progress settings
	# Do some sanity checks.
	if (is.null(data)) stop('Argument data is null. Cannot proceed without data.')
	if (!is.matrix(data)) stop('The data must be in matrix form.')
	if (!is.numeric(data)) stop('The data must be be numeric.')
	if (nrow(data) == 1) stop('Cannot proceed because nrow(data)=1.')
	if (ncol(data) == 1) stop('Cannot proceed because ncol(data)=1.')

	# set seed for initializations.

	# check for full NAs vector. as mixture version 1.6+ can handle missing data.

	# some more sanity checks.
	if (is.null(G)) stop('G is NULL')
	G = as.integer(ceiling(G))
	if (!is.integer(G)) stop('G is not a integer')
	if ( any(G < 1)) stop('G is not a positive integer')
	n <- dim(data)[1]
	p <- dim(data)[2]

	row_tags <- c()
	# grab row_tags if na
		for(i in 1:n){
				row_tags <- append(i,row_tags)

	if (is.null(mnames) )  mnames = c("EII", "VII", "EEI", "VEI", "EVI", "VVI", "EEE", "EEV", "VEV", "VVV", "EVE", "VVE", "VEE", "EVV")

	# G x MODEL_LENGTH x INFO (loglik, npar, BIC)
	info_BIC <- c() # BIC for each model
	info_loglik <- c() # logliklihoods for each model
	info_npar <- c() # gives number of parameters vector
	info_model_lexicon <- c() # gives header tag for the full model, useful for print statements and summary
	info_model <- c() # stores full model data

	# handeling z_ig matrices.
	if (is.matrix(start)){
		if(length(G) != 1){
			stop("Initialization z matrix should only be for a single G")
		if(dim(start)[1] != dim(data)[1]){
			stop("Initialization z matrix should have the same number of rows as data")
		if(dim(start)[2] != G){
			stop("Initialization z matrix should have G number of columns")
		startobject <- "matrix"
	}else if (start == 0){
		startobject <- "random_soft" # check for validity of start object.
	}else if (start == 1){
		startobject <- "random_hard"
	}else if (start == 2){
	  if ( any(is.na(data)) ) { stop("You cannot use kmeans on missing values, try soft initialization first, then after a kmeans start.") }
		startobject <- "kmeans"
	}else if (start > 2){
		startobject <- "multi"
		stop("start setting is not valid")

	# deterministic annealing sanity checks
	if(any(is.na(da))){ stop("deterministic annealing should contain no NAs")  # check NAs
	}else if(!is.vector(da)) { stop("deterministic annealing should be a vector") # check vector
	}else if(!is.numeric(da)) { stop("deterministic annealing should be numeric")} # check numeric

	# burn setting check
	if(!is.numeric(burn)){ stop("burn-in setting has to be a number")}
	if(round(burn) <= 0) { stop("burn-in setting has to be a positive round number")}
	if(burn != round(burn)){
			warning("Warning: rounding burn-in setting number")
		burn <- round(burn)

	# label sanity checks
	if(!is.null(label)) { # if there is no null
		if(!is.vector(label)){ stop("label has to be a vector") #check that its a vector.
		}else if(any(is.na(label))) { stop("No NAs allowed in label vector.") # check for NAs
		}else if(any(label < 0)) { stop("labels have to be greater or equal to 0") # make sure they are greater than 0
		}else if(any(label > G)) { stop("labels cant be bigger than G groups")  # make sure they are greater than G
		}else if(length(label) != n) { stop("label vector has to be the same size as the number of observtions. ") # check length.
		}else if(length(G) != 1) { stop("Labels can only be inputted in for a single G") } # check for single input G.

	# go through all G's
	for(G_i in G){
		# go through all models
		for(model_name in mnames){
			if(pprogress) {	cat("Running GPCM Model:",model_name,"G=",G_i,"\n")}
			# calculate number of parameters once.
			number_of_params <- npar.model(model_name,G=G_i,p=p)

			check_veo <- TRUE

			if(number_of_params > n){
					warning("Model: ",model_name , " G: " , G_i ," ","Number of Parameters exceed number of observations.\n")
					check_veo <- FALSE

			# check to see if number of parameters exceed observations.
				# get model_type
				model_id <- model_to_id(model_name)
				model_id_stochastic_check <- model_id

				if(G_i > 1){
					# set up intialization matrix depending on choice.
					in_zigs <- switch(startobject,
					"multi"=z_ig_random_soft(n, G_i))

					# handle labels within z_ig matrix.
						model_id_stochastic_check <- 2

							stop('Under current version, you cannot have semi-supervision and stochastic EM')

						# start observation count
						i <- 1
						# go through the entire label system
						for(label_i in label){
							# if its not zero, replace the one entry in z_ig with just 0s and 1 one.
							if(label_i != 0){
								# create vector of zeros and put a 1 based on the label i
								classif_vector <- rep(0,G_i) # rep 0.
								classif_vector[label_i] <- 5 # put five
								in_zigs[i,] <- classif_vector # replace
							i <- i + 1
					in_zigs <- as.matrix(rep(1.0,n))

				# Handle multiple starts
				if(startobject == "multi" && G_i > 1){

					# run first model with settings
					model_results_i <- main_loop(X=data, G=G_i, in_zigs=z_ig_random_soft(n, G_i),# dataset G_i, z_igs
											model_id=model_id_stochastic_check, model_type=model_id + 20*stochastic, # for all intensive purposes these are the same. (They will change later)
											in_nmax=10, in_l_tol=atol, # em number of iterations
											in_m_iter_max=mmax,in_m_tol=mtol, # m_step matrix iterations and convergence settings
											anneals=da,t_burn=burn) # annealing and burn in settings.

					# handle errors just in case.
						best_loglik <- -Inf
						best_z_start <- z_ig_random_soft(n, G_i)
						best_loglik <- tail(model_results_i$logliks, 1)
						best_z_start <- model_results_i$zigs

					# attempt multiple starts.
					for(i in 2:start){

						# run rest model with settings
						model_results_i <- main_loop(X=data, G=G_i, in_zigs=z_ig_random_soft(n, G_i),# dataset G_i, z_igs
												model_id=model_id_stochastic_check, model_type=model_id + 20*stochastic, # for all intensive purposes these are the same. (They will change later)
												in_nmax=10, in_l_tol=atol, # em number of iterations
												in_m_iter_max=mmax,in_m_tol=mtol, # m_step matrix iterations and convergence settings
												anneals=da,t_burn=burn) # annealing and burn in settings.

						# handle errors.
							current_loglik <- -Inf
							current_z_start <- z_ig_random_soft(n, G_i)
							current_loglik <- tail(model_results_i$logliks, 1)
							current_z_start <- model_results_i$zigs

						# check if the start was better.
						if(current_loglik > best_loglik){
							best_loglik <- current_loglik
							best_z_start <- current_z_start


					# give a good start.
					in_zigs <- as.matrix(best_z_start)


				# final run - model with settings
				model_results_i <- main_loop(X=data, G=G_i, in_zigs=in_zigs,# dataset G_i, z_igs
										model_id=model_id_stochastic_check, model_type=model_id + 20*stochastic, # for all intensive purposes these are the same. (They will change later)
										in_nmax=nmax, in_l_tol=atol, # em number of iterations
										in_m_iter_max=mmax,in_m_tol=mtol, # m_step matrix iterations and convergence settings
										anneals=da,t_burn=burn) # annealing and burn in settings.

				status <- "Failed Aitken's Convergence Criterion"
				if (nmax > length(model_results_i$logliks)) {
					status <- "Converged according to Aitken's Convergence Criterion"

				model_results_i$status <- status
					info_loglik <- append(tail(model_results_i$logliks,1),info_loglik) # first one is loglik
					info_npar <- append(number_of_params,info_npar) # number of paramaters.
					info_BIC <- append(2*info_loglik[1] - log(n)*info_npar[1],info_BIC) # append BIC value
					info_model_lexicon <- append(paste("Model:", model_name, "G: ",G_i),info_model_lexicon) # lexicon for summary
					model_results_i$sigs <- convert_matrices(model_results_i,G_i,p) # convert matrices into proper form
					info_model <- append(list(model_results_i),info_model) # store all model objects.
					info_loglik <- append(NA,info_loglik) # first one is loglik
					info_npar <- append(number_of_params,info_npar) # number of paramaters.
					info_BIC <- append(NA,info_BIC) # append BIC value
					info_model_lexicon <- append(paste("Model:", model_name, "G: ",G_i),info_model_lexicon) # lexicon for summary
					info_model <- append(list(NA),info_model) # store all model objects.


	if(startobject == "multi"){
		startobject <- paste(start, "random soft initializations.")

	info_matrix <- list(startobject=startobject, # gives starting object information.
						info_loglik=info_loglik,info_npar=info_npar,info_BIC=info_BIC, # logliks, params, BICs,
						lexicon=info_model_lexicon,model_objs=info_model,Gs=G,row_tags=(row_tags+1)) # lexicon (tags), and model_objs
	if(length(info_matrix$model_obj) < 1){                                       # plus 1 for row_tags due to c++
		stop("No models estimated")
	info_matrix$best_model <- get_best_model(info_matrix)
	info_matrix$map <- MAP(info_matrix$best_model$model_obj[[1]]$zigs)
	info_matrix$best_model$map <- info_matrix$map

	# Legacy code adapted by Nik Pocuca to fix dependency issues...
	info_matrix$BIC <- construct_BIC_3D(info_matrix)

    gpar= list()
	for (k in 1:info_matrix$best_model$G ) {
		gpar[[k]] = list()
		gpar[[k]]$mu       = info_matrix$best_model$model_obj[[1]]$mus[[k]]
		gpar[[k]]$sigma    = info_matrix$best_model$model_obj[[1]]$sigs[[k]]
		gpar[[k]]$invSigma = try(solve(info_matrix$best_model$model_obj[[1]]$sigs[[k]]))
		gpar[[k]]$logdet   = info_matrix$best_model$model_obj[[1]]$log_dets[k]


	gpar$pi = info_matrix$best_model$model_obj[[1]]$pi_gs

	info_matrix$gpar <- gpar
	info_matrix$z <- info_matrix$best_model$model_obj[[1]]$zigs

	class(info_matrix) <- "gpcm"



print.gpcm <-function(x, ...){
  # split strings and parse
	splitted_strings <- strsplit(x$best_model$model_type," ")[[1]]
  # print to line parsed strings.
  cat("The model chosen by applying the BIC criteria has", trimws(splitted_strings[5]), "component(s) and the", trimws(splitted_strings[2]), "covariance structure\n using", x$startobject, "\n"  )
# just prints the compare BIC matrix.
summary.gpcm <- function(object, ...){
    cat("BIC for each model, number of components (rows), and covariance structure (columns).\n")

# plots a line graph of BICs.
plot.gpcm <- function(x, ...) {
	bicl = x$BIC[,,3]
	# you need to wrap this plot up in a print statement otherwise it doesnt work.
          col.regions = colorRampPalette(c("black","brown","red","orange","gold","yellow","white"))(prod(dim(bicl)) + 10),
          xlab = "G",ylab = "Covariance Type"))
	trellis.focus("legend", side="right", clipp.off=TRUE, highlight=FALSE)


# check NA function along vector.
# usually performed with apply() function along margin 1.
checkNA <- function(vec)
	# count the number of NA
	num_vec_nas = sum(is.na(vec))
	if(num_vec_nas >= length(vec)) stop("Cannot impute missing data along vector, need at least one non missing value value")

# Function: model to id
# given a model string name, returns id associated with it.
# input: m_name (model string name)
model_to_id <- function(in_m_name)
	model_id <- switch(in_m_name, "EII" = 0,"VII" = 1,  "EEI" = 2,  "EVI" = 3,  "VEI" = 4,  "VVI" = 5,  "EEE" = 6,
                        "VEE" = 7,  "EVE" = 8,  "EEV" = 9,  "VVE" = 10,  "EVV" = 11,"VEV" = 12,"VVV" = 13)
		stop("Error, Model name is not one of the 14 models.")
	}else{ return(model_id)}

# Function: id to model.
# given a model id, returns a model string name.
# simple functions
# id to model
id_to_model <- function(in_id)
	model_id <- switch(in_id, "0" = "EII", "1" = "VII",  "2" = "EEI" ,  "3" = "EVI", "4" = "VEI",  "5" = "VVI", "6" = "EEE",
                        "7" = "VEE", "8" = "EVE", "9" = "EEV", "10" = "VVE", "11" = "EVV", "12" = "VEV", "13" = "VVV")

	if( is.null(model_id)){ stop("Error, not one of 14 ids (starts at 0).")

	# z <- matrix(0,nrow = n, ncol = g)
	# for(i in 1:g){
	# 	z[,i] <- runif(n)
	# }
	# z <- t(apply(z,1,function(x) { x/sum(x) }))
	# z <- t(apply(z,1,function(x) { x[length(x)] <- 1 -  sum(x[1:(length(x)-1)]); x  }  ))
	# z

# Function: constructs random soft matrix
z_ig_random_soft <- function(n,g)
	z <- matrix( rexp(n*g), nrow = n, ncol = g)
	z <- z/rowSums(z)
	z[,g] = 1 - rowSums(as.matrix(z[,1:(g-1)]))

# Function: constructs random hard matrix.
z_ig_random_hard <- function(n,g)
	z <- matrix( rexp(n*g), nrow = n, ncol = g)
	z <- z/rowSums(z)
	z[,g] = 1 - rowSums(as.matrix(z[,1:(g-1)]))
	z <- t(apply(z,1,function(x) { x/sum(x) }))
	z <- t(apply(z,1,function(x) { x[length(x)] <- 1 -  sum(x[1:(length(x)-1)]); x  }  ))
	z <- t(apply(z,1,function(x) { v <- rep(0,length(x))
								ind <- match(max(x),x)
								v[ind ] <- 1

#Function: kmeans intialization construct
z_ig_kmeans <- function(X,g)
	n <- dim(X)[1]
	z <- matrix(0,nrow = n, ncol = g)
	km <- kmeans(X,g)
	row_count = 0
	for(i in km$cluster){
		row_count = row_count + 1
		z[row_count,i] <- 1
	return (z)

# calculates the number of parameters for a given model. this is a leftover function from 1.1
npar.model <- function(modelname=NULL, p=NULL, G=NULL) {
	val = numeric(3)
	val[1] = G-1
	val[2] = G*p
	val[3] = ncovpar(modelname= modelname, p=p, G=G)
	val = sum(val)

# calculates the number of parameters for a given model. this is a leftover function from 1.1
npar.model.skew <- function(modelname=NULL, p=NULL, G=NULL, family_name=NULL) {
	val = numeric(4)
	val[1] = G-1
	val[2] = G*p*2 # multiply by 2 because mu and alpha
	val[3] = ncovpar(modelname= modelname, p=p, G=G) # this remains the same
	val[4] = npar.gamma(family_name = family_name, G=G) # number of parameters of gamma terms
	val = sum(val)

npar.gamma <- function(family_name = NULL, G=NULL){
	if (is.null(G)) stop("G is null")
	if (is.null(family_name)) stop("family name is null")

	if (family_name =="VG") npar = G
	else if (family_name == "SAL") npar = 0
	else if (family_name == "GH") npar = G*2
	else if (family_name == "ST") npar = G
	else if (family_name == "T") npar = G
	else stop("family name is not properly defined")

	return (npar)

# calculates number of parameters. This is a leftover function from version 1.1,
# this should be done with a switch statement but its really not worth it to re-code if it works.
ncovpar <- function(modelname=NULL, p=NULL, G=NULL) {
	if (is.null(p)) stop("p is null")
	if (is.null(G)) stop("G is null")
	if (is.null(modelname)) stop("modelname is null")

	     if (modelname == "EII") npar = 1
	else if (modelname == "VII") npar = G
	else if (modelname == "EEI") npar = p
	else if (modelname == "VEI") npar = p + G -1
	else if (modelname == "EVI") npar = p*G - G +1
	else if (modelname == "VVI") npar = p*G
	else if (modelname == "EEE") npar = p*(p+1)/2
	else if (modelname == "EEV") npar = G*p*(p+1)/2 - (G-1)*p
	else if (modelname == "VEV") npar = G*p*(p+1)/2 - (G-1)*(p-1)
	else if (modelname == "VVV") npar = G*p*(p+1)/2
	else if (modelname == "EVE") npar = p*(p+1)/2 + (G-1)*(p-1)
	else if (modelname == "VVE") npar = p*(p+1)/2 + (G-1)*p
	else if (modelname == "VEE") npar = p*(p+1)/2 + (G-1)
	else if (modelname == "EVV") npar = G*p*(p+1)/2 - (G-1)
	else stop("modelname is not correctly defined")


# Print output for the gpcm_best class.
print.gpcm_best <-function(x, ...){

	splitted_strings  <- strsplit(x$model_type," ")[[1]]
	cov_string <- splitted_strings[2]
	component_string <- splitted_strings[5]

    cat("Best Model According To BIC \n")
	cat("Status: ", strsplit(x$status," ")[[1]][1], "\n")
	cat("Covariance Model Type: ",cov_string,"\n")
	cat("Number of Components: ",component_string,"\n")
	cat("Initalization: ",x$startobject,"\n")
	cat("BIC: ", x$BIC, "\n")


# Function: calculates the best model from a full list of models and their objects.
# Get best model according to BIC
get_best_model <- function(gpcm_model)
	# sanity checks for input
	if(!is.list(gpcm_model)) { stop("Error: Input is not a gpcm_model") }
	if(!is.list(gpcm_model$model_objs)) { stop("Error: model_objs missing... input is not a gpcm_model ") }

	# replace infinity and NaNs with NA
	gpcm_model$info_BIC[!is.finite(gpcm_model$info_BIC)] <- NA

		stop("error: no models estimated.")

	# get best_model index.
	bm_index <- try(match(try(max(gpcm_model$info_BIC,na.rm = TRUE)), gpcm_model$info_BIC))

	# get G
	lexicon_best <- strsplit(gpcm_model$lexicon[bm_index]," ")[[1]]
	G_best <- as.numeric(lexicon_best[5])
	Cov_type <- lexicon_best[2]

	status <- gpcm_model$model_objs[[bm_index]]$status
	# construct best model
	best_model <- list(model_type=gpcm_model$lexicon[bm_index], # what the call is.
					   model_obj=gpcm_model$model_objs[bm_index], # return model objects for the best model.
					   BIC=gpcm_model$info_BIC[bm_index], loglik=gpcm_model$info_loglik[bm_index], # get best BIC and loglik.
					   nparam=gpcm_model$info_npar[bm_index],startobject=gpcm_model$startobject, G=G_best,cov_type=Cov_type ,# number of parameters and G.
					   status=status) # convergence status

	best_model$map <- MAP(best_model$model_obj[[1]]$zigs)

	class(best_model) <- "gpcm_best"



construct_BIC_3D <-  function(gpcm_model)
  # get BIC and row col names vector
  BICs <- gpcm_model$info_BIC
  LOGLIKs <- gpcm_model$info_loglik
  NPARs <- gpcm_model$info_npar
  lexicon <- gpcm_model$lexicon

  # header names and such/
  unique_cov_types <- c()
  unique_Gs <- c()
  # go through and get unique Gs
  for(i in lexicon){
	lexicon_i <- strsplit(i," ")[[1]]
	G_i <- as.numeric(lexicon_i[5])
	Cov_type_i <- lexicon_i[2]
	unique_cov_types <- unique(append(unique_cov_types,Cov_type_i))
	unique_Gs <- sort(unique(append(unique_Gs,G_i)))

	# construct bic_matrix.
	bic_matrix <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(unique_Gs),ncol=length(unique_cov_types))
	rownames(bic_matrix) <- as.character(unique_Gs)
	colnames(bic_matrix) <- unique_cov_types

	# construct LOGLIK matrix
	loglik_matrix <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(unique_Gs),ncol=length(unique_cov_types))
	rownames(loglik_matrix) <- as.character(unique_Gs)
	colnames(loglik_matrix) <- unique_cov_types

	# construct NPAR matrix.
	npar_matrix <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(unique_Gs),ncol=length(unique_cov_types))
	rownames(npar_matrix) <- as.character(unique_Gs)
	colnames(npar_matrix) <- unique_cov_types

	for(i in 1:length(lexicon))
		# current lexicon and BIC.
		lexicon_i <- lexicon[i]
		BIC_i <- BICs[i]
		LOGLIK_i <- LOGLIKs[i]
		NPAR_i <- NPARs[i]

		# extract lexicon
		lex_strip <- strsplit(lexicon_i," ")[[1]]
		G_i <- as.numeric(lex_strip[5])
		Cov_type_i <- lex_strip[2]

		index_cov_type_i <- match(Cov_type_i,colnames(bic_matrix))
		index_g_i <- match(G_i,rownames(bic_matrix))

		bic_matrix[index_g_i,index_cov_type_i] <- BIC_i
		loglik_matrix[index_g_i,index_cov_type_i] <- LOGLIK_i
		npar_matrix[index_g_i,index_cov_type_i] <- NPAR_i

	bic_matrix[!is.finite(bic_matrix)] <- NA
	loglik_matrix[!is.finite(loglik_matrix)] <- NA

	# get massive matrix.

	return_var_mat = array(0,c(dim(npar_matrix),3))
	return_var_mat[,,1] = loglik_matrix
	return_var_mat[,,2] = npar_matrix
	return_var_mat[,,3] = bic_matrix

	row_column_names = dimnames(bic_matrix)
	row_column_names[[3]] = c("loglik","npar","BIC")
	dimnames(return_var_mat) <- row_column_names


# Gets full dataset, if NA's were passed in,it was imputed.
get_data <- function(gpcm_best_model){

# take in zi_gs.
MAP <- function(z_ig) {
	n <- dim(z_ig)[1]
	g <- dim(z_ig)[2]
	labs <- rep(0,n)
	labs <- t(apply(z_ig,1,function(x) {
								ind <- match(max(x),x)


# Matrices are in row vector when they come out of C++, so this one converts them to the proper format.
convert_matrices <- function(internal_model,G,p){

  temp_sigs <- internal_model$sigs
  sigs <- internal_model$sigs

  for(g in 1:G){
    sigs[g][[1]] <- matrix(unlist(temp_sigs[g]),nrow=p,ncol=p)

# Rcpp::List e_step_internal(arma::mat X, // data
                        #    int G, int model_id, // number of groups and model id (id is for parrallel use)
                        #    int model_type,  // covariance model type
                        #    Rcpp::List in_m_obj, // internal object from output
                        #    arma::mat init_zigs,
                        #    double in_nu = 1.0)

#  expect <- e_step_internal(x2NA,2,13,13,best$model_obj[[1]],init_zigs = init_zi,in_nu=1.0 )
# Function e_step:
# Imputes and calculates the a posterori of a
e_step <- function(data, # matrix data, G integer, number of groups
					model_obj, # intake model parameters.
					start=0, nu = 1.0) # start is same as gpcm, 0 - soft, 1 hard, 2 kmeans, matrix. own function. , nu is deterministic annealing.
	# check if data is in matrix form.
	if (is.null(data)) stop('Hey, we need some data, please! data is null')
	if (!is.matrix(data)) stop('The data needs to be in matrix form')
	if (!is.numeric(data)) stop('The data is required to be numeric')
	if (nrow(data) == 1) stop('nrow(data) is equal to 1')
	if (ncol(data) == 1) stop('ncol(data) is equal to 1; This function currently only works with multivariate data p > 1')
	# check for full NAs vector. as mixture version 1.6+ can handle missing data.

	G <- model_obj$G
	# some more sanity checks for integer.
	if (is.null(G)) stop('G is NULL')
	G = as.integer(ceiling(G))
	if (!is.integer(G)) stop('G is not a integer')
	if ( any(G < 1)) stop('G is not a positive integer')
	n <- dim(data)[1]
	p <- dim(data)[2]

	row_tags <- c()
	# grab row_tags if na
		for(i in 1:n){
				row_tags <- append(i + 1,row_tags)

	# check start value and calculate z_ig.
	if ( is.matrix(start)){
		if(length(G) != 1){
			stop("Initialization z matrix should only be for a single G")
		if(dim(start)[1] != dim(data)[1]){
			stop("Initialization z matrix should have the same number of rows as data")
		if(dim(start)[2] != G){
			stop("Initialization z matrix should have G number of columns")
	}else if ( start == 0){
		startobject <- "random_soft" # check for validity of start object.
	}else if ( start == 1){
		startobject <- "random_hard"
	}else if ( start == 2){
		startobject <- "kmeans"
		stop("start setting is not valid")
	# check startup.
	in_zigs <- switch(startobject,

	# convert model_name to id.
	model_name_id <- model_to_id(model_obj$cov_type)

	# pass into C++ call and return results. , one e_step functions the same for all models.
	return_val <- switch(class(model_obj),
							"ghpcm_best" = gh_e_step_internal(X=data,G=G,
							"stpcm_best" = st_e_step_internal(X=data,G=G,
							"tpcm_best" = t_e_step_internal(X=data,G=G,
							"vgpcm_best" = vg_e_step_internal(X=data,G=G,
							"gpcm_best" = e_step_internal(X=data,G=G,

	return_val$map = MAP(return_val$zigs)
	return_val$z <- return_val$zigs
	return_val$zigs <- NULL

# adjusted rand index similar to mclusts adjustedRandIndex
ARI <- function (x, y)

  # attempt to cast as x and y
    x <- as.vector(x)
    y <- as.vector(y)
    both <- c(x,y)
      stop("There are NAS in the labels you have inputted.")
    if (length(y) != length(x)){
      stop("labels you have inputted are of different lengths")

  if( length(x)==1){
    if(x == y){
      return (1)

  xy <- table(x, y)
  A <- sum(choose(xy, 2))
  B <- sum(choose(rowSums(xy), 2)) - A
  C <- sum(choose(colSums(xy), 2)) - A
  D <- choose(sum(xy), 2) - sum(A,B,C)
  numerator <- A - sum(A,B) * sum(A,C)/sum(A,B,C,D)
  denominator <- sum(2*A,B,C)/2 - sum(A,B)*sum(A,C)/sum(A,B,C,D)
  ari <- numerator/denominator


# Must provide either xs and ys (two partitions), or agree.tab (contingency table)
# If hard2soft = TRUE, then xs is a vector (hard assignment) and ys is a matrix (soft assignment)
# If hard2soft = FALSE, then xs and ys are both matrices (soft assignments)
# The contigency table can be provided with agree.tab instead of the two partitions.

sARI <- function(X = NULL, Y = NULL)
  # get type for X as it is pivotal for which calculation of sARI to use.
    # case of vector in X
    Xn <- length(X)
      stop("Error: Xn was evaluated to be a vector, and no length was calculated, please put X as either a vector or matrix. ")
    hard2soft <- TRUE;
  } else {
    # X must be a matrix.
    Xdd <- dim(X)
    Xn <- Xdd[1]
    Xg <- Xdd[2]
    hard2soft <- FALSE;

  # now check Y
    stop("Error Y must be a posterori table, i.e. an N times G matrix")
  } else {
    Ydd <- dim(Y)
    Yn <- Ydd[1]
    Yg <- Ydd[2]

  if(Xn != Yn) {
    stop("Error: number of observations n for X and Y differ")

  xs = X;
  ys = Y;

  if(hard2soft == TRUE){
    xs = as.vector(xs)
    ys = as.matrix(ys)

    # Creating the contingency table
    # Rows are hard, Columns are soft
    sum.by.assn = function(hard, soft){aggregate(soft, list(hard), sum)}
    agree.tab = as.matrix(sum.by.assn(xs, ys))[,-1]
    N = sum(agree.tab)
    if(is(agree.tab, "numeric")) agree.tab = as.matrix(agree.tab, ncol = unique(xs))
  } else {
    xs = as.matrix(xs)
    ys = as.matrix(ys)

    agree.tab = matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(xs), ncol = ncol(ys))
    for(i in 1:ncol(xs)){
      temp.mat = xs[,i]*ys
      agree.tab[i,] = apply(temp.mat, 2, sum)
    N = sum(agree.tab)

  if(all(dim(agree.tab) == c(1, 1)))

  a <- (sum(agree.tab^2) - N)/2
  b <- (sum(apply(agree.tab, 1, sum)^2) - sum(agree.tab^2))/2
  c <- (sum(apply(agree.tab, 2, sum)^2) - sum(agree.tab^2))/2
  d <- (sum(agree.tab^2) + N^2 - sum(apply(agree.tab, 1, sum)^2) - sum(apply(agree.tab, 2, sum)^2))/2

  s_ret <- (choose(N, 2)*(a + d)-(((a + b)*(a + c))+(c + d)*(b + d)))/(choose(N, 2)^2 - (((a + b)*(a + c))+(c + d)*(b + d)))


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