
Defines functions read.arff read_arff_internal parse_attributes read_xml read_header detect_sparsity parse_nonsparse_data parse_sparse_data

Documented in read.arff

# Contains necessary functions to read ARFF files in
# different formats (MULAN/MEKA, sparse, nonsparse...)

#' @title Read an ARFF file
#' @description Reads a multilabel dataset from an ARFF file in Mulan or MEKA
#' and retrieves instances distinguishing attributes corresponding to labels
#' @param filename Name of the dataset
#' @param use_xml Specifies whether to use an
#'  associated XML file to identify the labels. Defaults to TRUE
#' @param auto_extension Specifies whether to add
#'  the '.arff' and '.xml' extensions to the filename
#'  where appropriate. Defaults to TRUE
#' @param xml_file Path to the XML file. If not
#'  provided, the filename ending in ".xml" will be
#'  assumed
#' @param label_indices Optional vector containing the indices of the attributes
#'  that should be read as labels
#' @param label_names Optional vector containing the names of the attributes
#'  that should be read as labels
#' @param label_amount Optional parameter indicating the number of labels in the
#'  dataset, which will be taken from the last attributes of the dataset
#' @param ... Extra parameters that will be passed to the parsers. Currently
#'  only the option \code{stringsAsFactors} is available
#' @return A list containing four members: \code{dataframe} containing the dataset,
#'  \code{labelIndices} specifying the indices of the attributes that correspond to
#'  labels, \code{attributes} containing name and type of each attribute and \code{name} of
#'  the dataset.
#' @seealso \code{\link{mldr_from_dataframe}}, \code{\link{mldr}}
#' @examples
#' library(mldr)
#' # Read "yeast.arff" and labels from "yeast.xml"
#' mymld <- read.arff("yeast")
#' @export
read.arff <- function(filename,
                      use_xml = TRUE,
                      auto_extension = TRUE,
                      label_amount, ...) {

  no_filename <- missing(filename)
  no_xml_file <- missing(xml_file)
  no_label_indices <- missing(label_indices)
  no_label_names <- missing(label_names)
  no_label_amount <- missing(label_amount)

  if (!no_filename) {
    # Parameter check
    if (!is.character(filename))
      stop("Argument 'filename' must be a character string.")
    if (!no_xml_file && !is.character(xml_file))
      stop("Argument 'xml_file' must be a character string.")

    # Calculate names of files
    arff_file <- if (auto_extension)
      paste(filename, ".arff", sep="")

    if (no_xml_file)
      xml_file <- if (auto_extension)
        paste(filename, ".xml", sep = "")
    else {
      noext <- unlist(strsplit(filename, ".", fixed = TRUE))
      paste(noext[1:length(noext)], ".xml", sep = "")

    # Get file contents
    relation <- NULL
    attrs <- NULL
    contents <- read_arff_internal(arff_file, ...)
    relation <- contents$relation
    attrs <- contents$attributes
    dataset <- contents$dataset

    header <- read_header(relation)

    # Finding label indices. Priorities:
    #  - label_indices
    #  - label_names
    #  - label_amount
    #  - xml_file
    #  - MEKA header

    if (no_label_indices) {
      if (use_xml && no_label_amount && no_label_names) {
        # Read labels from XML file
        label_names <- read_xml(xml_file)

      if ((use_xml && no_label_amount) || !no_label_names) {
        label_indices <- which(names(attrs) %in% label_names)
      } else {
        if (no_label_amount) {
          # Read label amount from Meka parameters, from the end
          # if the amount is negative
          if (header$toplabel < 0) {
            label_amount <- -header$toplabel
            no_label_amount <- FALSE
          } else {
            label_indices <- 1:header$toplabel

        if (!no_label_amount) {
          label_indices <- (ncol(dataset) - label_amount + 1):ncol(dataset)

    # Convert labels to numeric
    dataset[, label_indices] <- lapply(dataset[, label_indices],
                                       function(col) as.numeric(!is.na(as.numeric(col) | NA)))

    # Adjust type of numeric attributes
    dataset[, which(attrs == "numeric")] <-
      lapply(dataset[, which(attrs == "numeric")], as.numeric)

      dataframe = dataset,
      labelIndices = label_indices,
      attributes = attrs,
      name = header$name
  } else {

# Extracts all useful data from an ARFF file in
# R objects
# @param arff_file Path to the file
# @return List containing the relation string,
#  a named vector for attributes and a data.frame
#  for the data section
read_arff_internal <- function(arff_file, ...) {
  file_con <- file(arff_file, "rb")

  if (!isOpen(file_con))
    open(file_con, "rb")

  # Read whole file
  file_data <- strsplit(readChar(file_con, nchars = file.info(arff_file)$size, useBytes = TRUE),
                        "\\\r\n|\\\r|\\\n", fixed = FALSE, useBytes = TRUE)[[1]]


  # Split into relation, attributes and data
  relation_at <- grep("@relation", file_data, ignore.case = TRUE)
  data_start <- grep("@data", file_data, ignore.case = TRUE)

  if (is.na(relation_at)) stop("Missing @relation or not unique.")
  if (is.na(data_start)) stop("Missing @data mark or not unique.")

  relation <- file_data[relation_at]

  # Get attribute vector
  attributes <- parse_attributes(file_data[(relation_at + 1):(data_start - 1)])
  num_attrs <- length(attributes)

  # Ignore blank lines before data
  data_start <- data_start + 1
  while (grepl("^\\s*$", file_data[data_start]))
    data_start <- data_start + 1

  # Build data.frame with @data section
  rawdata <- file_data[data_start:length(file_data)]
  dataset <- if (detect_sparsity(rawdata))
    parse_sparse_data(rawdata, num_attrs, ...)
    parse_nonsparse_data(rawdata, num_attrs, ...)

  names(dataset) <- names(attributes)

    relation = relation,
    attributes = attributes,
    dataset = dataset

# Reads the attributes section of an ARFF file
# @param arff_attrs Lines containing the attributes
# @return A vector containing, for each
#  attribute, its name and its type
parse_attributes <- function(arff_attrs) {
  # Extract attribute definitions

  # Finding adequate spaces to split the attribute definition into 3 parts:
  #    @attribute attr_name {0, 1}   -> c("@attribute", "attr_name", "{0, 1}")
  #    @attribute 'Attr. name' {0,1} -> c("@attribute", "'Attr. name'", "{0,1}")
  #    @attribute 'David\'s attribute' {0,1} -> c("@attribute", "'David\'s attribute'", "{0,1}")
  # Using the technique described under "Perl/PCRE Variation" in this StackOverflow answer:
  #    (Regex Pattern to Match, Excluding when...) http://stackoverflow.com/a/23589204/5306389
  # We capture any spacing character ignoring those within braces or single quotes,
  # allowing the appearance of escaped single quotes (\').
  # Regex tested in https://regex101.com/r/tE5mP1/20

  rgx <- "(?:{(?:.*?)}\\s*$|(?<!\\\\)'[^'\\\\]*(?:.*?)(?<!\\\\)'|(?<!\\\\)\"(?:.*?)(?<!\\\\)\"|(\\s*?)@)(*SKIP)(*F)|\\s+"
  att_list <- strsplit(arff_attrs, rgx, perl = TRUE)

  # Structure by rows
  att_mat <- matrix(unlist(att_list[sapply(att_list, function(row){length(row) == 3})]),
                    ncol = 3, byrow = T)
  # Filter any data that is not an attribute
  att_mat <- att_mat[grepl("\\s*@attribute", att_mat[, 1], ignore.case = TRUE), 2:3]
  att_mat <- gsub("^'(.*?)'$", "\\1", att_mat, perl = T)
  att_mat <- gsub('^"(.*?)"$', "\\1", att_mat, perl = T)
  att_mat[, 1] <- gsub("\\'", "'", att_mat[, 1], fixed = T)
  att_mat[, 1] <- gsub('\\"', '"', att_mat[, 1], fixed = T)

  # Create the named vector
  att_v <- att_mat[, 2]
  names(att_v) <- att_mat[, 1]


# Reads the associated XML file for a ML dataset
# @param xml_file Path to the XMl file
# @return A vector of strings containing the name
#  of each label
#' @import XML
read_xml <- function(xml_file) {
  parsed_xml <- xmlParse(xml_file)
  label_list <- xmlToList(parsed_xml, simplify = T)

  # Extract label names
  labelnames <- unname(unlist(label_list[names(label_list) == "label.name"]))
  # Ignore escaped apostrophes in strings to match behavior of 'parse_attributes'
  gsub("\\'", "'", labelnames, fixed = T)

# Reads the name and Meka parameters in the header of an
# ARFF file
# @param arff_relation "relation" line of the ARFF file
# @return Number of labels in the dataset
read_header <- function(arff_relation) {
  rgx <- regexpr("[\\w\\-\\._]+\\s*:\\s*-[Cc]\\s*-?\\d+", arff_relation, perl = TRUE)
  hdr <- strsplit(regmatches(arff_relation, rgx), "\\s*:\\s*-[Cc]\\s*")

  if (length(hdr) > 0) {
    # Meka header
      name = hdr[[1]][1],
      toplabel = as.numeric(hdr[[1]][2])
  } else {
    # Mulan header
    nm <- regmatches(arff_relation, regexpr("(?<=\\s)'?[\\w\\-\\._]+'?", arff_relation, perl = TRUE))
      name = nm

# Detects whether an ARFF file is in sparse format
# @param arff_data Content of the data section
# @return Boolean, TRUE when the file is sparse
detect_sparsity <- function(arff_data) {
  grepl("^\\s*\\{", arff_data[1])

# Builds a data.frame out of non-sparse ARFF data
# @param arff_data Content of the data section
# @return data.frame containing data values
parse_nonsparse_data <- function(arff_data, num_attrs, stringsAsFactors = F) {
    unlist(strsplit(arff_data, ",", fixed = T)),
    ncol = num_attrs,
    byrow = T
  ), stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors)

# Builds a data.frame out of sparse ARFF data
# @param arff_data Content of the data section
# @return data.frame containing data values
parse_sparse_data <- function(arff_data, num_attrs, stringsAsFactors = F) {
  # Extract data items
  arff_data <- strsplit(gsub("[\\{\\}]", "", arff_data), ",")
  arff_data <- lapply(arff_data, function(item) {
    unlist(strsplit(gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", item), " "))

  # Build complete matrix with data
  dataset <- sapply(arff_data, function(row) {
    complete <- rep(0, num_attrs)
    complete[as.integer(row[c(T, F)]) + 1] <- row[c(F, T)]

  # Create and return data.frame
  data.frame(t(dataset), stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors)

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mldr documentation built on Jan. 11, 2020, 9:18 a.m.