test_that("CnfFormula Regression Tests", {
testfile = xzfile(test_path("testdata", "cnf.xz"))
testcases = readLines(testfile)
u = CnfUniverse()
W = CnfSymbol(u, "W", c("p", "q", "r"))
X = CnfSymbol(u, "X", c("s", "t", "u"))
Y = CnfSymbol(u, "Y", c("v", "w", "x"))
Z = CnfSymbol(u, "Z", c("y", "z", "a"))
formula_to_expression = function(formula) {
if (is.logical(formula)) return(c(formula))
clause_exprs = lapply(as.CnfFormula(formula), function(clause) {
atom_exprs = lapply(clause, function(atom) {
substitute(symbol %among% values, list(symbol =$symbol), values = atom$values))
Reduce(function(x, y) substitute(x | y, list(x = x, y = y)), atom_exprs)
Reduce(function(x, y) substitute(x & y, list(x = x, y = y)), clause_exprs)
evaluate_expression = function(expression, assignment) {
substituted =, list(expression, c(list("%among%" = quote(`%in%`)), assignment)))
eval(substituted, envir = baseenv())
expression_weight = function(expression) {
if (is.logical(expression)) return(0)
sum(all.names(expression) %in% c("|", "&")) + 1
varnames = names(u)
assignments = expand.grid(lapply(varnames, function(var) u[[var]]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(assignments) = varnames
stats = list(expweight = numeric(0), simpweight = numeric(0), was_tautology = logical(0), was_contradiction = logical(0))
for (line in testcases) {
expression = parse(text = line)[[1]]
simplified = formula_to_expression(eval(expression))
stats$expweight[[length(stats$expweight) + 1]] = expression_weight(expression)
stats$simpweight[[length(stats$simpweight) + 1]] = expression_weight(simplified)
truevals = evaluate_expression(expression, assignments)
simpvals = evaluate_expression(simplified, assignments)
stats$was_tautology[[length(stats$was_tautology) + 1]] = all(truevals)
stats$was_contradiction[[length(stats$was_contradiction) + 1]] = all(!truevals)
if (!all(truevals == simpvals)) {
trueval = truevals[[which(!truevals == simpvals)[1]]]
simpval = simpvals[[which(!truevals == simpvals)[1]]]
assignment = assignments[which(!truevals == simpvals)[1], , drop = FALSE]
} else {
# alibi
trueval = simpval = TRUE
assignment = NULL
expect_equal(trueval, simpval,
info = sprintf("Expression: %s\nAssignment:\n%s\nSimplified to: %s",
paste(capture.output(print(assignment)), collapse = "\n"),
dti <-
dti[, .(
ew = mean(expweight), sw = mean(simpweight),
etriv = mean(expweight == 0),
striv = mean(simpweight == 0),
could_simplify = mean(expweight > simpweight),
was_tautology = mean(was_tautology),
was_contradiction = mean(was_contradiction),
tautologies_not_recognized = mean(was_tautology & simpweight > 0),
contradictions_not_recognized = mean(was_contradiction & simpweight > 0)
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