
Defines functions h_mmrm_tmb_data h_mmrm_tmb_formula_parts

Documented in h_mmrm_tmb_data h_mmrm_tmb_formula_parts

#' Processing the Formula for `TMB` Fit
#' @param formula (`formula`)\cr Original formula.
#' @param covariance (`cov_struct`)\cr A covariance structure from which
#'   additional formula parts should be added.
#' @return List of class `mmrm_tmb_formula_parts` with elements:
#' - `formula`: the original input.
#' - `model_formula`: `formula` with the covariance term is removed.
#' - `model_formula`: `formula` with the covariance term removed.
#' - `full_formula`: same as `model_formula` but includes the covariance
#'   structure's subject, visit and (optionally) group variables.
#' - `cov_type`: `string` with covariance term type (e.g. `"us"`).
#' - `is_spatial`: `flag` indicator of whether the covariance structure is
#'   spatial
#' - `visit_var`: `character` with the visit variable name.
#' - `subject_var`: `string` with the subject variable name.
#' - `group_var`: `string` with the group variable name. If no group specified,
#'   this element is `NULL`.
#' - `model_var`: `character` with the variables names of the formula, except `subject_var`.
#' @keywords internal
h_mmrm_tmb_formula_parts <- function(
    covariance = as.cov_struct(formula, warn_partial = FALSE)) {
  assert_true(identical(length(formula), 3L))

  model_formula <- h_drop_covariance_terms(formula)

      formula = formula,
      model_formula = model_formula,
      full_formula = h_add_covariance_terms(model_formula, covariance),
      cov_type = tmb_cov_type(covariance),
      is_spatial = covariance$type == "sp_exp",
      visit_var = covariance$visits,
      subject_var = covariance$subject,
      group_var = if (length(covariance$group) < 1) NULL else covariance$group,
      model_var = setdiff(all.vars(formula[[3]]), covariance$subject)
    class = "mmrm_tmb_formula_parts"

#' Data for `TMB` Fit
#' @param formula_parts (`mmrm_tmb_formula_parts`)\cr list with formula parts
#'   from [h_mmrm_tmb_formula_parts()].
#' @param data (`data.frame`)\cr which contains variables used in `formula_parts`.
#' @param weights (`vector`)\cr weights to be used in the fitting process.
#' @param reml (`flag`)\cr whether restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimation is used,
#'   otherwise maximum likelihood (ML) is used.
#' @param singular (`string`)\cr choices of method deal with rank-deficient matrices. "error" to
#'   stop the function return the error, "drop" to drop these columns, and "keep" to keep all the columns.
#' @param drop_visit_levels (`flag`)\cr whether to drop levels for visit variable, if visit variable is a factor.
#' @param allow_na_response (`flag`)\cr whether NA in response is allowed.
#' @param drop_levels (`flag`)\cr whether drop levels for covariates. If not dropped could lead to singular matrix.
#' @return List of class `mmrm_tmb_data` with elements:
#' - `full_frame`: `data.frame` with `n` rows containing all variables needed in the model.
#' - `data`: `data.frame` of input dataset.
#' - `x_matrix`: `matrix` with `n` rows and `p` columns specifying the overall design matrix.
#' - `x_cols_aliased`: `logical` with potentially more than `p` elements indicating which
#'      columns in the original design matrix have been left out to obtain a full rank
#'      `x_matrix`.
#' - `y_vector`: length `n` `numeric` specifying the overall response vector.
#' - `weights_vector`: length `n` `numeric` specifying the weights vector.
#' - `n_visits`: `int` with the number of visits, which is the dimension of the
#'      covariance matrix.
#' - `n_subjects`: `int` with the number of subjects.
#' - `subject_zero_inds`: length `n_subjects` `integer` containing the zero-based start
#'     indices for each subject.
#' - `subject_n_visits`: length `n_subjects` `integer` containing the number of
#'     observed visits for each subjects. So the sum of this vector equals `n`.
#' - `cov_type`: `string` value specifying the covariance type.
#' - `is_spatial_int`: `int` specifying whether the covariance structure is spatial(1) or not(0).
#' - `reml`: `int` specifying whether REML estimation is used (1), otherwise ML (0).
#' - `subject_groups`: `factor` specifying the grouping for each subject.
#' - `n_groups`: `int` with the number of total groups
#' @details Note that the `subject_var` must not be factor but can also be character.
#'   If it is character, then it will be converted to factor internally. Here
#'   the levels will be the unique values, sorted alphabetically and numerically if there
#'   is a common string prefix of numbers in the character elements. For full control
#'   on the order please use a factor.
#' @keywords internal
h_mmrm_tmb_data <- function(formula_parts,
                            singular = c("drop", "error", "keep"),
                            allow_na_response = FALSE,
                            drop_levels = TRUE,
                            xlev = NULL,
                            contrasts = NULL) {
  assert_class(formula_parts, "mmrm_tmb_formula_parts")
  varname <- formula_parts[grepl("_var", names(formula_parts))]
    must.include = unlist(varname, use.names = FALSE)
  assert_true(is.factor(data[[formula_parts$subject_var]]) || is.character(data[[formula_parts$subject_var]]))
  assert_numeric(weights, len = nrow(data))
  singular <- match.arg(singular)

  if (is.character(data[[formula_parts$subject_var]])) {
    data[[formula_parts$subject_var]] <- factor(
      levels = stringr::str_sort(unique(data[[formula_parts$subject_var]]), numeric = TRUE)
  data_order <- if (formula_parts$is_spatial) {
  } else {
    subject_visit_data <- data[, c(formula_parts$subject_var, formula_parts$visit_var)]
    is_duplicated <- duplicated(subject_visit_data)
    if (any(is_duplicated)) {
        "time points have to be unique for each subject, detected following duplicates in data:\n",
        paste(utils::capture.output(print(subject_visit_data[is_duplicated, ])), collapse = "\n")
    order(data[[formula_parts$subject_var]], data[[formula_parts$visit_var]])
  if (identical(formula_parts$is_spatial, FALSE)) {
  data <- data[data_order, ]
  weights <- weights[data_order]
  data <- data.frame(data, weights)
  # Weights is always the last column.
  weights_name <- colnames(data)[ncol(data)]
  # If `y` is allowed to be NA, then first replace y with 1:n, then replace it with original y.
  if (!allow_na_response) {
  full_frame <- eval(
      data = data,
      weights = .(as.symbol(weights_name)),
      na.action = "na.pass",
      xlev = xlev
  if (drop_levels) {
    full_frame <- h_drop_levels(full_frame, formula_parts$subject_var, formula_parts$visit_var, names(xlev))
  has_response <- !identical(attr(attr(full_frame, "terms"), "response"), 0L)
  keep_ind <- if (allow_na_response && has_response) {
    # Note that response is always the first column if there is response.
    stats::complete.cases(full_frame[, -1L, drop = FALSE])
  } else {
  full_frame <- full_frame[keep_ind, ]
  if (drop_visit_levels && !formula_parts$is_spatial && h_extra_levels(full_frame[[formula_parts$visit_var]])) {
    visit_vec <- full_frame[[formula_parts$visit_var]]
    old_levels <- levels(visit_vec)
    full_frame[[formula_parts$visit_var]] <- droplevels(visit_vec)
    new_levels <- levels(full_frame[[formula_parts$visit_var]])
    dropped <- setdiff(old_levels, new_levels)
      "In ", formula_parts$visit_var, " there are dropped visits: ", toString(dropped),
      ".\n Additional attributes including contrasts are lost.\n",
      "To avoid this behavior, make sure use `drop_visit_levels = FALSE`."
  is_factor_col <- vapply(full_frame, is.factor, FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
  is_factor_col <- intersect(names(is_factor_col)[is_factor_col], all.vars(formula_parts$model_formula))
  x_matrix <- stats::model.matrix(
    data = full_frame,
    contrasts.arg = h_default_value(contrasts, lapply(full_frame[is_factor_col], contrasts))
  x_cols_aliased <- stats::setNames(rep(FALSE, ncol(x_matrix)), nm = colnames(x_matrix))
  qr_x_mat <- qr(x_matrix)
  if (qr_x_mat$rank < ncol(x_matrix)) {
    cols_to_drop <- utils::tail(qr_x_mat$pivot, ncol(x_matrix) - qr_x_mat$rank)
    if (identical(singular, "error")) {
        "design matrix only has rank ", qr_x_mat$rank, " and ", length(cols_to_drop),
        " columns (", toString(colnames(x_matrix)[cols_to_drop]), ") could be dropped",
        " to achieve full rank ", ncol(x_matrix), " by using `accept_singular = TRUE`"
    } else if (identical(singular, "drop")) {
      assign_attr <- attr(x_matrix, "assign")
      contrasts_attr <- attr(x_matrix, "contrasts")
      x_matrix <- x_matrix[, -cols_to_drop, drop = FALSE]
      x_cols_aliased[cols_to_drop] <- TRUE
      attr(x_matrix, "assign") <- assign_attr[-cols_to_drop]
      attr(x_matrix, "contrasts") <- contrasts_attr
  y_vector <- if (has_response) {
  } else {
    rep(NA_real_, nrow(full_frame))
  weights_vector <- as.numeric(stats::model.weights(full_frame))
  n_subjects <- length(unique(full_frame[[formula_parts$subject_var]]))
  subject_zero_inds <- which(!duplicated(full_frame[[formula_parts$subject_var]])) - 1L
  subject_n_visits <- c(utils::tail(subject_zero_inds, -1L), nrow(full_frame)) - subject_zero_inds
  # It is possible that `subject_var` is factor with more levels (and this does not affect fit)
  # so no check is needed for `subject_visits`.
  assert_true(all(subject_n_visits > 0))
  if (!is.null(formula_parts$group_var)) {
    subject_groups <- full_frame[[formula_parts$group_var]][subject_zero_inds + 1L]
    n_groups <- nlevels(subject_groups)
  } else {
    subject_groups <- factor(rep(0L, n_subjects))
    n_groups <- 1L
  coordinates <- full_frame[, formula_parts$visit_var, drop = FALSE]
  if (formula_parts$is_spatial) {
    lapply(coordinates, assert_numeric)
    coordinates_matrix <- as.matrix(coordinates)
    n_visits <- max(subject_n_visits)
  } else {
    assert(identical(ncol(coordinates), 1L))
    coordinates_matrix <- as.matrix(as.integer(coordinates[[1L]]) - 1, ncol = 1)
    n_visits <- nlevels(coordinates[[1L]])
    assert_true(all(subject_n_visits <= n_visits))
      full_frame = full_frame,
      data = data,
      x_matrix = x_matrix,
      x_cols_aliased = x_cols_aliased,
      coordinates = coordinates_matrix,
      y_vector = y_vector,
      weights_vector = weights_vector,
      n_visits = n_visits,
      n_subjects = n_subjects,
      subject_zero_inds = subject_zero_inds,
      subject_n_visits = subject_n_visits,
      cov_type = formula_parts$cov_type,
      is_spatial_int = as.integer(formula_parts$is_spatial),
      reml = as.integer(reml),
      subject_groups = subject_groups,
      n_groups = n_groups
    class = "mmrm_tmb_data"

#' Start Parameters for `TMB` Fit
#' @param formula_parts (`mmrm_tmb_formula_parts`)\cr produced by
#'  [h_mmrm_tmb_formula_parts()].
#' @param tmb_data (`mmrm_tmb_data`)\cr produced by [h_mmrm_tmb_data()].
#' @param start (`numeric` or `NULL`)\cr optional start values for variance
#'   parameters.
#' @param n_groups (`int`)\cr number of groups.
#' @return List with element `theta` containing the start values for the variance
#'   parameters.
#' @keywords internal
h_mmrm_tmb_parameters <- function(formula_parts,
                                  n_groups = 1L) {
  assert_class(formula_parts, "mmrm_tmb_formula_parts")
  assert_class(tmb_data, "mmrm_tmb_data")

  m <- tmb_data$n_visits
  start_value0 <- std_start(formula_parts$cov_type, m, n_groups)
  theta_dim <- length(start_value0)
  start_values <- if (is.null(start)) {
  } else if (test_function(start)) {
    do.call(start, utils::modifyList(formula_parts, tmb_data))
  } else {
  assert_numeric(start_values, len = theta_dim, any.missing = FALSE, finite = TRUE)
  list(theta = start_values)

#' Asserting Sane Start Values for `TMB` Fit
#' @param tmb_object (`list`)\cr created with [TMB::MakeADFun()].
#' @return Nothing, only used for assertions.
#' @keywords internal
h_mmrm_tmb_assert_start <- function(tmb_object) {
  assert_subset(c("fn", "gr", "par"), names(tmb_object))

  if (is.na(tmb_object$fn(tmb_object$par))) {
    stop("negative log-likelihood is NaN at starting parameter values")
  if (any(is.na(tmb_object$gr(tmb_object$par)))) {
    stop("some elements of gradient are NaN at starting parameter values")

#' Checking the `TMB` Optimization Result
#' @param tmb_opt (`list`)\cr optimization result.
#' @param mmrm_tmb (`mmrm_tmb`)\cr result from [h_mmrm_tmb_fit()].
#' @return Nothing, only used to generate warnings in case that the model
#' did not converge.
#' @keywords internal
h_mmrm_tmb_check_conv <- function(tmb_opt, mmrm_tmb) {
  assert_subset(c("par", "objective", "convergence", "message"), names(tmb_opt))
  assert_class(mmrm_tmb, "mmrm_tmb")

  if (!is.null(tmb_opt$convergence) && tmb_opt$convergence != 0) {
    warning("Model convergence problem: ", tmb_opt$message, ".")
  theta_vcov <- mmrm_tmb$theta_vcov
  if (is(theta_vcov, "try-error")) {
    warning("Model convergence problem: hessian is singular, theta_vcov not available.")
  if (!all(is.finite(theta_vcov))) {
    warning("Model convergence problem: theta_vcov contains non-finite values.")
  eigen_vals <- eigen(theta_vcov, only.values = TRUE)$values
  if (mode(eigen_vals) == "complex" || any(eigen_vals <= 0)) {
    # Note: complex eigen values signal that the matrix is not symmetric, therefore not positive definite.
    warning("Model convergence problem: theta_vcov is not positive definite.")
  qr_rank <- qr(theta_vcov)$rank
  if (qr_rank < ncol(theta_vcov)) {
    warning("Model convergence problem: theta_vcov is numerically singular.")

#' Extract covariance matrix from `TMB` report and input data
#' This helper does some simple post-processing to extract covariance matrix or named
#' list of covariance matrices if the fitting is using grouped covariance matrices.
#' @param tmb_report (`list`)\cr report created with [TMB::MakeADFun()] report function.
#' @param tmb_data (`mmrm_tmb_data`)\cr produced by [h_mmrm_tmb_data()].
#' @param visit_var (`character`)\cr character vector of the visit variable
#' @param is_spatial (`flag`)\cr indicator whether the covariance structure is spatial.
#' @return Return a simple covariance matrix if there is no grouping, or a named
#' list of estimated grouped covariance matrices,
#' with its name equal to the group levels.
#' @keywords internal
h_mmrm_tmb_extract_cov <- function(tmb_report, tmb_data, visit_var, is_spatial) {
  d <- dim(tmb_report$covariance_lower_chol)
  visit_names <- if (!is_spatial) {
  } else {
    c(0, 1)
  cov <- lapply(
    seq_len(d[1] / d[2]),
    function(i) {
      ret <- tcrossprod(tmb_report$covariance_lower_chol[seq(1 + (i - 1) * d[2], i * d[2]), ])
      dimnames(ret) <- list(visit_names, visit_names)
  if (identical(tmb_data$n_groups, 1L)) {
    cov <- cov[[1]]
  } else {
    names(cov) <- levels(tmb_data$subject_groups)

#' Build `TMB` Fit Result List
#' This helper does some simple post-processing of the `TMB` object and
#' optimization results, including setting names, inverting matrices etc.
#' @param tmb_object (`list`)\cr created with [TMB::MakeADFun()].
#' @param tmb_opt (`list`)\cr optimization result.
#' @param formula_parts (`mmrm_tmb_formula_parts`)\cr produced by
#'  [h_mmrm_tmb_formula_parts()].
#' @param tmb_data (`mmrm_tmb_data`)\cr produced by [h_mmrm_tmb_data()].
#' @return List of class `mmrm_tmb` with:
#'   - `cov`: estimated covariance matrix, or named list of estimated group specific covariance matrices.
#'   - `beta_est`: vector of coefficient estimates.
#'   - `beta_vcov`: Variance-covariance matrix for coefficient estimates.
#'   - `beta_vcov_inv_L`: Lower triangular matrix `L` of the inverse variance-covariance matrix decomposition.
#'   - `beta_vcov_inv_D`: vector of diagonal matrix `D` of the inverse variance-covariance matrix decomposition.
#'   - `theta_est`: vector of variance parameter estimates.
#'   - `theta_vcov`: variance-covariance matrix for variance parameter estimates.
#'   - `neg_log_lik`: obtained negative log-likelihood.
#'   - `formula_parts`: input.
#'   - `data`: input.
#'   - `weights`: input.
#'   - `reml`: input as a flag.
#'   - `opt_details`: list with optimization details including convergence code.
#'   - `tmb_object`: original `TMB` object created with [TMB::MakeADFun()].
#'   - `tmb_data`: input.
#' @details Instead of inverting or decomposing `beta_vcov`, it can be more efficient to use its robust
#'   Cholesky decomposition `LDL^T`, therefore we return the corresponding two components `L` and `D`
#'   as well since they have been available on the `C++` side already.
#' @keywords internal
h_mmrm_tmb_fit <- function(tmb_object,
                           tmb_data) {
  assert_subset(c("fn", "gr", "par", "he"), names(tmb_object))
  assert_subset(c("par", "objective", "convergence", "message"), names(tmb_opt))
  assert_class(formula_parts, "mmrm_tmb_formula_parts")
  assert_class(tmb_data, "mmrm_tmb_data")

  tmb_report <- tmb_object$report(par = tmb_opt$par)
  x_matrix_cols <- colnames(tmb_data$x_matrix)
  cov <- h_mmrm_tmb_extract_cov(tmb_report, tmb_data, formula_parts$visit_var, formula_parts$is_spatial)
  beta_est <- tmb_report$beta
  names(beta_est) <- x_matrix_cols
  beta_vcov <- tmb_report$beta_vcov
  dimnames(beta_vcov) <- list(x_matrix_cols, x_matrix_cols)
  beta_vcov_inv_L <- tmb_report$XtWX_L # nolint
  beta_vcov_inv_D <- tmb_report$XtWX_D # nolint
  theta_est <- tmb_opt$par
  names(theta_est) <- NULL
  theta_vcov <- try(solve(tmb_object$he(tmb_opt$par)), silent = TRUE)
  opt_details_names <- setdiff(
    c("par", "objective")
      cov = cov,
      beta_est = beta_est,
      beta_vcov = beta_vcov,
      beta_vcov_inv_L = beta_vcov_inv_L,
      beta_vcov_inv_D = beta_vcov_inv_D,
      theta_est = theta_est,
      theta_vcov = theta_vcov,
      neg_log_lik = tmb_opt$objective,
      formula_parts = formula_parts,
      data = tmb_data$data,
      weights = tmb_data$weights_vector,
      reml = as.logical(tmb_data$reml),
      opt_details = tmb_opt[opt_details_names],
      tmb_object = tmb_object,
      tmb_data = tmb_data
    class = "mmrm_tmb"

#' Low-Level Fitting Function for MMRM
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This is the low-level function to fit an MMRM. Note that this does not
#' try different optimizers or adds Jacobian information etc. in contrast to
#' [mmrm()].
#' @param formula (`formula`)\cr model formula with exactly one special term
#'   specifying the visits within subjects, see details.
#' @param data (`data.frame`)\cr input data containing the variables used in
#'   `formula`.
#' @param weights (`vector`)\cr input vector containing the weights.
#' @inheritParams h_mmrm_tmb_data
#' @param covariance (`cov_struct`)\cr A covariance structure type definition,
#'   or value that can be coerced to a covariance structure using
#'   [as.cov_struct()]. If no value is provided, a structure is derived from
#'   the provided formula.
#' @param control (`mmrm_control`)\cr list of control options produced by
#'   [mmrm_control()].
#' @inheritParams fit_single_optimizer
#' @return List of class `mmrm_tmb`, see [h_mmrm_tmb_fit()] for details.
#'   In addition, it contains elements `call` and `optimizer`.
#' @details
#' The `formula` typically looks like:
#' which specifies response and covariates as usual, and exactly one special term
#' defines which covariance structure is used and what are the visit and
#' subject variables.
#' Always use only the first optimizer if multiple optimizers are provided.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' formula <- FEV1 ~ RACE + SEX + ARMCD * AVISIT + us(AVISIT | USUBJID)
#' data <- fev_data
#' system.time(result <- fit_mmrm(formula, data, rep(1, nrow(fev_data))))
fit_mmrm <- function(formula,
                     reml = TRUE,
                     covariance = NULL,
                     control = mmrm_control()) {
  if (missing(formula_parts) || missing(tmb_data)) {
    covariance <- h_reconcile_cov_struct(formula, covariance)
    formula_parts <- h_mmrm_tmb_formula_parts(formula, covariance)

    if (!formula_parts$is_spatial && !is.factor(data[[formula_parts$visit_var]])) {
      stop("Time variable must be a factor for non-spatial covariance structures")

    assert_class(control, "mmrm_control")
    assert_list(control$optimizers, min.len = 1)
    assert_numeric(weights, any.missing = FALSE)
    assert_true(all(weights > 0))
    tmb_data <- h_mmrm_tmb_data(
      formula_parts, data, weights, reml,
      singular = if (control$accept_singular) "drop" else "error", drop_visit_levels = control$drop_visit_levels
  } else {
    assert_class(tmb_data, "mmrm_tmb_data")
    assert_class(formula_parts, "mmrm_tmb_formula_parts")
  tmb_parameters <- h_mmrm_tmb_parameters(formula_parts, tmb_data, start = control$start, n_groups = tmb_data$n_groups)

  tmb_object <- TMB::MakeADFun(
    data = tmb_data,
    parameters = tmb_parameters,
    hessian = TRUE,
    DLL = "mmrm",
    silent = TRUE
  used_optimizer <- control$optimizers[[1L]]
  used_optimizer_name <- names(control$optimizers)[1L]
  args <- with(
      list(par, fn, gr),
      attr(used_optimizer, "args")
  if (identical(attr(used_optimizer, "use_hessian"), TRUE)) {
    args$hessian <- tmb_object$he
  tmb_opt <- do.call(
    what = used_optimizer,
    args = args
  # Ensure negative log likelihood is stored in `objective` element of list.
  if ("value" %in% names(tmb_opt)) {
    tmb_opt$objective <- tmb_opt$value
    tmb_opt$value <- NULL
  fit <- h_mmrm_tmb_fit(tmb_object, tmb_opt, formula_parts, tmb_data)
  h_mmrm_tmb_check_conv(tmb_opt, fit)
  fit$call <- match.call()
  fit$call$formula <- formula_parts$formula
  fit$optimizer <- used_optimizer_name

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