
Defines functions .uniplotString .doUniplot mUniplot .scatterString name2string .doScatter mScatter .mapString .doMap mMap mPlot .v2list .NAprepend .varsByType getVarFormula ggdir2pos system_choices

Documented in getVarFormula mMap mPlot mScatter mUniplot

# #' @importFrom glue glue

  c('picker', 'button', 'slider', 'checkbox', 'x', 'y', 'color', 'size', 
    'logScales', 'key', 'nbins',  'plotType', '.scatterString',
    'flipCoords', 'group', 'projection', 'facet', 'N'))

system_choices <- function() {
  choices <- c("ggformula", "ggplot2", "lattice")
  available <- sapply(choices, isNamespaceLoaded)

ggdir2pos <- function(x) {
  switch(EXPR = x,
    'N'  = 'c(0.5, 0.9)', 
    'NE' = 'c(0.9, 0.9)', 
    'E'  = 'c(0.9, 0.5)', 
    'SE' = 'c(0.9, 0.1)', 
    'S'  = 'c(0.5, 0.1)', 
    'SW' = 'c(0.1, 0.1)', 
    'W'  = 'c(0.1, 0.5)', 
    'NW' = 'c(0.1, 0.9)',
    "none" = '"none"',
    "top" = '"top"',
    "bottom" = '"bottom"',
    "left" = '"left"',
    "right" = '"right"'

#' Extract data from a data frame using a formula interface
#' Uses the full model syntax.
#' @param data a data frame
#' @param formula a formula. 
#'   The right-hand side selects variables;  
#'   the left-hand side, if present, is used to set row names. 
#'   A `.` on the right-hand side
#'   indicates to use all variables not in the LHS.
#' @param intercept a logical indicating whether to include the intercept in the
#'   model default: FALSE (no intercept)
#' @examples
#' getVarFormula( ~ wt + mpg, data = mtcars)
#' @export

getVarFormula <- function(formula, data = parent.frame(), intercept = FALSE){
  x <- model.matrix(formula, data = data)
  attr(x, "assign") <- NULL
  attr(x, "contrasts") <- NULL
  kill.ind <- which( colnames(x)=="(Intercept)")
  if ( !intercept & length(kill.ind) > 0 ) x <- x[, -kill.ind]
  if ( length(formula) > 2 ) {
    lhsvar <- all.vars( formula[[2]] )
    rnames <- as.character( data[[lhsvar]] )
    rownames(x) <- rnames

# Utilities
# Pull out the names of the quantitative and categorical variables in a data frame

.varsByType = function(data) {
  vnames = names(data)
  type = vnames
  numberNames <- .v2list(vnames[sapply(data, function(x) inherits(x, c("integer", "numeric", "POSIXct")))])
  factorNames <- .v2list(vnames[sapply(data, function(x) inherits(x, c("factor", "character", "logical", "ordered")))])
  return( list( c = factorNames, q = numberNames, all = .v2list(vnames) ) )
# Prepend a list with NA for optional items
.NAprepend <- function(L) {
  c(list(`none ` = NA), L)

# Converting a vector of names into a list.
.v2list <- function(names) {
  res = list()
  res[names] <- names

#' Interactive plotting 
#' These functions provide a menu selection system (via \pkg{manipulate}) so that 
#' different aspects of a plot can be selected interactively.  
#' The \pkg{ggplot2} or \pkg{lattice}
#' command for generating the plot currently being displayed can be copied to the 
#' console, whence it can be copied to a document for later direct, non-interactive 
#' use.
#' Only `mPlot` is required by end users.  The other plotting functions 
#' are dispatched based on the value of `default`.  Furthermore, [mplot()] 
#' will dispatch `mPlot` when provided a data frame.
#' Currently maps are only supported in \pkg{ggplot2} and not in \pkg{lattice}.
#' Due to an unresolved issue with RStudio, the first time this function is called, and additional
#' plot is created to correctily initialize the mainipulate frameowrk.
#' @rdname mPlotting
#' @aliases mPlot
#' @param data a data frame containing the variables that might be used in the plot.
#' Note that for maps, the data frame must contain coordinates of the polygons 
#' comprising the map and a variable for determining which coordinates are part
#' of the same region.  See [sp2df()] for one way to create such
#' a data frame.  Typically [merge()] will be used to combine the map
#' data with some auxiliary data to be displayed as fill color on the map, although
#' this is not necessary if all one wants is a map.
#' @param format a synonym for `default`.
#' @param default default type of plot to create; one of 
#' `"scatter"`,
#' `"jitter"`,
#' `"boxplot"`,
#' `"violin"`,
#' `"sina"`,
#' `"histogram"`,
#' `"density"`,
#' `"density (contours)"`,
#' `"density (filled)"`,
#' `"frequency polygon"`,
#' `"xyplot"`, 
#' or
#' `"map"`.  Unique prefixes suffice.
#' @param system which graphics system to use (initially) for plotting (\pkg{ggplot2} 
#' or \pkg{lattice}).  A check box will allow on the fly change of plotting system.
#' @param show a logical, if `TRUE`, the code will be displayed each time the plot is 
#' changed.
#' @param title a title for the plot
#' @param \dots additional arguments 
#' @param data_text A text string describing the data.  It must be possible to recover the data
#' from this string using [eval()].  Typically users will not need to
#' modify this from the default value.
#' @section Note:
#' Due to an unresolved issue with RStudio, the first time this function is called, and additional
#' plot is created to correctily initialize the mainipulate frameowrk.
#' @return Nothing.  Just for side effects.  
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mPlot(HELPrct, format = "scatter")
#' mPlot(HELPrct, format = "density")
#' }
#' @export

mPlot <- function(data, 
                  default = format,
                  system = system_choices()[1],
                  show = FALSE, 
                  title = "",
                  data_text = rlang::expr_deparse(substitute(data)),
                  # data_text = substitute(data), 

  plotTypes <- 
    c('scatter', 'jitter', 'boxplot', 'violin', 'sina', 'density (contours)', 'density (filled)',
      'histogram', 'density', 'frequency polygon', 'ASH plot', 'xyplot', 'map')
  if (missing(default) & missing(format)) {
    choice <- 
      menu(title = "Choose a plot type.",
           choices = c(
             "1-variable (histogram, density plot, etc.)",
             "2-variable (scatter, boxplot, etc.)", 
    if (choice == 0L) return(invisible(NULL))
    default <- c("histogram", "scatter", "map") [choice]
  default <- match.arg(default, plotTypes)
  system <- match.arg(system, system_choices())
  if (default == 'xyplot') default <- 'scatter'
  if (default %in% c('scatter','jitter','boxplot','violin', 'sina', 'density (contours)', 'density (filled)')) {
      mScatter(data, default = default, system = system, show = show, 
               title = title, data_text = data_text)
  if (default == "map") {
    system <- "ggplot2"
    if (! requireNamespace("ggplot2")) stop("ggplot2 is required.  Please install.")
      mMap(data, default = default, system = system, show = show, title = title,
           data_text = data_text)
    mUniplot(data, default = default, system = system, show = show, title = title, 
             data_text = data_text)

#' Interactively design plots
#' Proves a simple interface to let users interactively design plots in \pkg{ggformula}, \pkg{lattice}, or \pkg{ggplot2}.
#' An option is available to show the code used to create the plot. 
#' This can be copied and pasted elsewhere to (into an RMarkdown document, for example) to recreate the plot.
#' Only works in RStudio. Requires the \pkg{manipulate} package.
#' Currently maps are only supported in \pkg{ggplot2} and not in \pkg{lattice}.
#' Due to an unresolved issue with RStudio, the first time this function is called, and additional
#' plot is created to correctily initialize the mainipulate frameowrk.
#' @inheritParams mPlot
#' @return Nothing.  Used for side effects.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#'   mtcars2 <- 
#'     mtcars |> 
#'       mutate(
#'         cyl2 = factor(cyl), 
#'         carb2 = factor(carb),
#'         shape = c("V-shaped", "straight")[1 + vs], 
#'         gear2 = factor(gear), 
#'         transmission = c("automatic", "manual")[1 + am])
#'   design_plot(mtcars2)
#' }
#' @export
design_plot <- mPlot

#' @rdname mPlotting
#' @export
mMap <- function(data, default = 'map',
                 system = "ggplot2",
                 show = FALSE, title = title, data_text = rlang::expr_deparse(substitute(data)), ...) {
  # system <- "ggplot2" # only handling ggplot2 for now.
  system <- match.arg(system, "ggplot2")
  keyDefault <- ifelse ( system == "lattice", "none", "right" )
  variables <- .varsByType(head(data))
  latid <- min(c(grep("lat", names(variables$q)), length(variables$q)))
  longid <- min(c(grep("lon", names(variables$q)), length(variables$q)))
  groupid <- min(c(grep("group", names(variables$all)), length(variables$all)))
  snames <- .NAprepend(variables$all)
  cnames <- .NAprepend(variables$c)
  pnames <- list("mercator", 
                 "cylequalarea, lat0=0", 
                 "rectangular, lat0=0", 
                 "gall, lat0=0", 
                 "perspective, dist=5", 
                 "fisheye, n=5", 
                 "newyorker, r=5", 
                 "conic, lat0=0", 
                 "simpleconic, lat0=-20, lat1=20", 
                 "lambert, lat=-20, lat1=20",
                 "albers, lat=-20, lat1=20", 
                 "bonne, lat0=0", 
                 "bicentric, lon0=30",
                 "elliptic, lon0=-90", 
                 # "eisenlohr", 
                 "harrison, dist=5, angle=0", 
                 "trapezoidal, lat0=-50, lat1=50", 
                 "lune, lat=60, angle=30", 
                 "mecca, lat0=0",
                 "homing, lat0=0", 
                 "sp_albers, lat0=-50, lat1=50")
  lnames <- list("none","top","right","left",
                 "N" = "N", "NE" = "NE", 
                 "E" = "E", "SE" = "SE", 
                 "S" = "S", "SW" = "SW", 
                 "W" = "W", "NW" = "NW")
  manipulate::manipulate( { .doMap(data, variables, show = show, system = system, 
                                   x = x, y = y, 
                                   color = color, 
                                   group = group,
                                   projection = projection,
                                   facet = facet, 
                                   key = key,
                                   title = title, 
                                   data_text = data_text) },
                          show = manipulate::button("Show Expression"),
                          # system = manipulate::picker(as.list(system_choices()), initial = system, label = "Graphics System"),
                          x = manipulate::picker(variables$q, initial = variables$q[[longid]], label = "longitude (x)"),
                          y = manipulate::picker(variables$q, initial = variables$q[[latid]], label = "latitude (y)"),
                          group = manipulate::picker(variables$all, initial = variables$all[[groupid]], label = "region"),
                          color = manipulate::picker(snames, initial = "none ", label = "Color"),
                          facet = manipulate::picker(cnames, initial = "none ", label = "Facets"),
                          projection = manipulate::picker(pnames, initial = "mercator", label = "Projection"),
                          key = manipulate::picker(lnames, label = "Key", initial = keyDefault)

.doMap<- function(data, variables, show = FALSE, 
                  system = "ggplot2", 
                  x = NA, y = NA, 
                  color = NA, 
                  group = group,
                  projection = projection,
                  facet = NA,
                  key = "right",
                  title = "",
                  data_text = rlang::expr_deparse(substitute(data)))
  system <- match.arg(system, "ggplot2")
  if (regexpr(",", projection) > 0) {
    projection <- sub(",", '", ', projection)
  } else {
    projection <- paste(projection, '"', sep = "")
  projection <- paste('"',projection, sep = "")
  vals <- list(dataName = rlang::expr_deparse(substitute(data)), 
               x = x, y = y, 
               color = color, 
               group = group,
               facet = facet, 
               projection = projection,
               key = key,
               title = title)
  s <- .mapString(vals, system, variables = variables)
  if (show) cat(paste0("\n", s, "\n"))
  p <- eval(parse(text = s))

# maps 
.mapString <- function(s, system = system_choices()[1], variables)
  # s$dataName <- name2string(s$dataName)
  #  res <- paste("ggplot(data = ", s$data, ")", sep = "")
  #    res<-paste(res, "+geom_point(aes(x = ", s$x, ", y = ", s$y, "))", sep = "")
  geom <- "geom_polygon()"
  system <- match.arg(system, system_choices())
  if (system == "ggplot2" || TRUE) {
    res <- paste("ggplot(data = ", s$dataName, 
                 ",  aes(x = ", s$x, ", y = ", s$y, 
                 ", group = ",  s$group, "))", sep = "")
    res <- paste(res, " + ", geom, " ", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(s$color) && !is.na(s$color))
      res<-paste(res, " + aes(fill = ", s$color, ")", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(s$facet) && !is.na(s$facet)) # why do I need both?
      res<-paste(res, " + facet_wrap(~", s$facet, ", ncol = 4)", sep = "")
    res <- paste( res, '+ coord_map(', s$projection, ')', sep = "" )
    if (!is.null(s$color) && !is.na(s$color)) {
      res <- paste(res, ' + theme(legend.position = ', ggdir2pos(s$key), ')', sep = "")
    res <- paste( res, '+ labs(title = "', s$title, '")', sep = "")
    res <- paste( res, '+ theme(',
                  'panel.background = element_rect("transparent"),',
                  'plot.background = element_rect("transparent"),',
                  'panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0),',
                  'panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 0),',
                  'axis.title = element_blank(),',
                  'axis.line = element_blank(),', 
                  'axis.text = element_blank(),',
                  'axis.ticks = element_blank() )'

#' @rdname mPlotting
#' @export

mScatter <- 
    default = c('scatter','jitter','boxplot','violin','line', 'sina', 
                'density (contours)', 'density (filled)'),
    system = "ggformula", show = FALSE, title = "",
    data_text = rlang::expr_deparse(substitute(data))) {
  system <- match.arg(system, system_choices())
  default <- match.arg(default)
  keyDefault <- ifelse ( system == "lattice", "none", "right" )
  variables <- .varsByType(head(data))
  # variables$q is the quantitative variables.
  plotnames <- 
    list("scatter", "jitter","boxplot", "violin", "line", "sina", "density (contours)", "density (filled)")
  snames <- .NAprepend(variables$all)
  if (length(variables$all) < 2 || length(variables$q) < 1) {
    stop("data must have at least 2 variables, at least one of which is quantitative")
  cnames <- .NAprepend(variables$c)
  mnames <- list("none", linear = "linear", "smooth", "spline")
  lnames <- list("none","top","right","left",
                 "N" = "N", "NE" = "NE", 
                 "E" = "E", "SE" = "SE", 
                 "S" = "S", "SW" = "SW", 
                 "W" = "W", "NW" = "NW")
  # print(list(system, system_choices()))
  manipulate::manipulate( { 
    .doScatter(data, data_text = data_text, variables, show = show, system = system, x = x, y = y, plotType = plotType, 
               flipCoords = flipCoords, color = color, size = size, facet = facet, 
               logScales = logScales, model = model, key = key, title = title) },
    show = manipulate::button("Show Expression"),
    system = manipulate::picker(as.list(system_choices()), initial = system, label = "Graphics System"),
    plotType = manipulate::picker(plotnames, initial = default, label = "Type of plot      "),
    x = if (length(variables$q) >= 2) 
      manipulate::picker(variables$all, initial = variables$q[[2]], label = "   Any variable (x)   ")
      manipulate::picker(variables$all, initial = variables$c[[1]], label = "   Any variable (x)   ")
    y = manipulate::picker(variables$q, initial = variables$q[[1]],   label = "   Quant. variable (y)"),
    color = manipulate::picker(snames, initial = "none ", label = "Color"),
    facet = manipulate::picker(cnames, initial = "none ", label = "Facets"),
    model = manipulate::picker(mnames, initial = "none", label = "Model"),
    key = manipulate::picker(lnames, label = "Key", initial = keyDefault),
    size = manipulate::picker(snames, initial = "none ", label = "Size (gg only)"),
    logScales = manipulate::picker(list("none","x","y","both"), initial = "none", label = "log scales"),
    flipCoords = manipulate::checkbox(label = "Flip coordinates")

.doScatter <- function(data, variables, show = FALSE, 
                       system = system_choices()[1],
                       plotType = 
                         c("scatter", "jitter", "boxplot", "violin", "line", "sina", "density (contours)", "density (filled)"),
                       x = NA, y = NA, color = NA, 
                       size = NA, facet = NA, logScales = "none", flipCoords = FALSE,
                       model = "", key = "right", title = title, data_text  =  rlang::expr_deparse(substitute(data)))
  system <- match.arg(system, system_choices())
  plotType <- match.arg(plotType)
  if (system == "lattice" && plotType %in% c("sina", "density (contours)", "density (filled)")) {
    message('plot type ', plotType, ' unavailable in lattice.')
    return(gf_text(0 ~ 0, label = paste0("plot type ", plotType, " unavailable in lattice.")) |>
  vals <- list(dataName = data_text, x = x, y = y, color = color, size = size, 
               plotType = plotType, flipCoords = flipCoords, facet = facet, 
               logScales = logScales , model = model, key = key, title = title)
  s <- .scatterString(vals, system, variables = variables)
  if (show) cat(paste0("\n", s, "\n"))
  p <- eval(parse(text = s))

# This is not currently in use -- was used as POC for a brief period

name2string <- function(x) {
  if (is.call(x)) {
    x <- deparse(x)
  if (is.character(x)) {
  message('returning `x` as is (', class(x), ')')

.scatterString <- 
  function(s, system = system_choices()[1], variables) {
    # s$dataName <- name2string(s$dataName)
    gf_fun <- c(scatter = "gf_point", jitter = "gf_jitter", boxplot = "gf_boxplot", 
                violin = "gf_violin", line = "gf_line", sina = "gf_sina", 
                'density (contours)' = "gf_density_2d", 
                'density (filled)' = 'gf_density_2d_filled')
    geom <- c(scatter = "geom_point()", jitter = "geom_jitter()", boxplot = "geom_boxplot()", 
              violin = "geom_violin()", line = "geom_line()",
                'density (contours)' = "geom_density_2d()", 
                'density (filled)' = 'geom_density_2d_filled()'
    system <- match.arg(system, system_choices())
    s$logx <- s$logScales %in% c("both","x")
    s$logy <- s$logScales %in% c("both","y")
    if (s$plotType %in% c("boxplot", "violin", "sina") &&  (s$x %in% variables$q) ) {
      s$x <- glue::glue(.trim = FALSE, "ntiles({s$x})")
    if (system == "ggformula") {
      if (!is.null(s$color) && !is.na(s$color)) {
        color_chunk <- glue::glue(.trim = FALSE, ", color = ~ {s$color}")
      } else {
        color_chunk <- ""
      if (!is.null(s$size) && !is.na(s$size)) {
        size_chunk <-  glue::glue(.trim = FALSE, ", size = ~ {s$size}") 
      } else {
        size_chunk <- ""
      res <- glue::glue(.trim = FALSE, 
        "{gf_fun[s$plotType]}({s$y} ~ {s$x}, data = {s$dataName}{color_chunk}{size_chunk})")
      if (s$model == "spline") res <- glue::glue(.trim = FALSE, "{res} |>\n  gf_spline()")
      if (s$model == "linear") res <- glue::glue(.trim = FALSE, "{res} |>\n  gf_lm()")
      if (s$model == "smooth") res <- glue::glue(.trim = FALSE, "{res} |>\n  gf_smooth()")
      if (s$logx) res <- glue::glue(.trim = FALSE, "{res} |>\n   gf_refine(scale_x_log10())")
      if (s$logy) res <- glue::glue(.trim = FALSE, "{res} |>\n   gf_refine(scale_y_log10())")
      if (!is.null(s$facet) && !is.na(s$facet)) # why do I need both?
        res <- glue::glue(.trim = FALSE, "{res} |>\n  gf_facet_wrap(~ {s$facet}, ncol = 4)")
      if ((!is.null(s$color) && !is.na(s$color)) || 
          (!is.null(s$size)  && !is.na(s$size))) {
        res <- glue::glue(.trim = FALSE, '{res} |> \n  gf_theme(legend.position = {ggdir2pos(s$key)})')
      res <- glue::glue(.trim = FALSE, '{res} |> \n  gf_labs(title = "{s$title}", caption = "")')
      if ( s$flipCoords) {
        res <- glue::glue(.trim = FALSE, "{res} |> \n  gf_refine(coord_flip())")
    } else if (system == "ggplot2") {
      res <- paste("ggplot(data = ", s$dataName, ", aes(x = ", s$x, ", y = ", s$y, "))", sep = "")
      res <- paste(res, " + ", geom[s$plotType], " ", sep = "")
      if (!is.null(s$color) && !is.na(s$color))
        res<-paste(res, " + aes(colour = ", s$color, ")", sep = "")
      if (!is.null(s$size) && !is.na(s$size))
        res<-paste(res, " + aes(size = ", s$size, ")", sep = "")
      if (s$logx) res <- paste(res, " + scale_x_log10()", sep = "")
      if (s$logy) res <- paste(res, " + scale_y_log10()", sep = "")
      if (!is.null(s$facet) && !is.na(s$facet)) # why do I need both?
        res<-paste(res, " + facet_wrap(~", s$facet, ", ncol = 4)", sep = "")
      if (s$model=="spline") res <- paste(res, " + stat_spline()")
      if (s$model=="linear") res <- paste(res, " + stat_smooth(method = lm)")
      if (s$model=="smooth") res <- paste(res, " + stat_smooth(method = loess)") 
      if ((!is.null(s$color) && !is.na(s$color)) || (!is.null(s$size) && !is.na(s$size))){
        res <- paste(res, ' + theme(legend.position = ', ggdir2pos(s$key), ')', sep = "")
      res <- paste(res, ' + labs(title = "', s$title, '")', sep = "")
      if ( s$flipCoords) {
        res <- paste(res, ' + coord_flip()', sep = "")
    } else {
      plotname <- 
        c(scatter = 'xyplot', jitter = 'xyplot', boxplot = 'bwplot', violin = 'bwplot', line = "xyplot")
      if (s$flipCoords) {
        res <- paste( plotname[s$plotType], "( ", s$x , " ~ ", s$y, sep = "")
      } else {
        res <- paste( plotname[s$plotType], "( ", s$y , " ~ ", s$x, sep = "")
      if (!is.null(s$facet) && !is.na(s$facet)) # why do I need both?
        res <- paste(res, " | ", s$facet)
      res <- paste(res, ", data = ", s$dataName, sep = "")
      if (s$plotType == 'violin')
        res <- paste(res, ", panel = panel.violin", sep = "")
      if (!is.null(s$color) && !is.na(s$color))
        res<-paste(res, ", groups = ", s$color, sep = "")
      res <- paste(res, ', main = "', s$title, '"', sep = "")
      if (s$plotType == "jitter") {
        res <- paste(res, ', jitter.x = TRUE, jitter.y = TRUE', sep = "")
      if (s$plotType == "line" && ! s$model %in% c("linear", "smooth", "spline")) {
        res <- paste(res, ', type = "l"', sep = "")
      scales <- character(0)
      if (s$logx)
        scales <- "x = list(log = TRUE)"
      if (s$logy)
        scales <- c(scales, "y = list(log = TRUE)")
      scales <- paste(scales, collapse = ", ")
      if (nchar(scales) > 0) {
        scales <- paste(", scales = list(", scales, ")", sep = "")
        res <- paste( res, scales, sep = "" )
      if (s$model=="linear")
        res <- paste(res, if (s$plotType == "line") ', type = c("l","r")' else ', type = c("p","r")', sep  = "")
      if (s$model %in% c("smooth", "spline")) {
        pt <- if (s$plotType == "line") "l" else "p"
        res <- paste0(res, ', type = c("', pt, '", "', s$model, '")')
      if (s$key %in% c('top','bottom','left','right')) {
        res <- paste(res, 
                     ', auto.key = list(space = "', s$key, '"',
                     if (s$plotType == "line") ", lines = TRUE, points = FALSE" else "",
                     if (s$key %in% c("top")) ", columns = 3" else "",
                     ')', sep = "")
      if (s$key %in% c('N','NE','E','SE','S','SW','W','NW')) {
        dir2pos <- list(
          'N'  = 'c(.5,1)', 
          'NE' = 'c(1,1)', 
          'E'  = 'c(1,.5)', 
          'SE' = 'c(1,0)', 
          'S'  = 'c(.5,0)', 
          'SW' = 'c(0,0)', 
          'W'  = 'c(0,.5)', 
          'NW' = 'c(0,1)'
        res <- paste(res, ', auto.key = list(',
                     'corner = ', dir2pos[[s$key]], 
                     if (s$plotType == "line") ", lines = TRUE, points = FALSE" else "",
                     if (s$key %in% c("N", "S")) ", columns = 3" else "",
                     sep = "")
      res <- paste(res, ")", sep = "")
#' @rdname mPlotting  
#' @export

mUniplot <- function(data, default = c("histogram","density", "frequency polygon", "ASH plot"),
                     system = system_choices()[1], show = FALSE, title = "", 
                     data_text = rlang::expr_deparse(substitute(data))) {
  system <- match.arg(system, system_choices())
  default <- match.arg(default)
  keyDefault <- ifelse ( system == "lattice", "none", "right" )
  plotnames <- list("histogram", "density", "frequency polygon", "ASH plot")
  variables <- .varsByType(head(data))
  # variables$q is the quantitative variables.
  snames <- .NAprepend(variables$all)
  cnames <- .NAprepend(variables$c)
  if (length(variables$q) < 1) stop("data must have at least 1 quantitative variable")
  lnames <- list("none","top","right","left",
                 "N" = "N", "NE" = "NE", 
                 "E" = "E", "SE" = "SE", 
                 "S" = "S", "SW" = "SW", 
                 "W" = "W", "NW" = "NW")
    { .doUniplot(data, variables = variables, show = show, system = system, plotType = plotType, x = x, 
                 nbins = nbins, color = color, 
                 facet = facet, 
                 model = model, key = key, title = title, data_text = data_text) },
    show = manipulate::button("Show Expression"),
    system = manipulate::picker(as.list(system_choices()), initial = system, label = "Graphics system"),
    plotType = manipulate::picker(plotnames, initial = default, label = "Plot type"),
    x = manipulate::picker(variables$q, initial = variables$q[[1]], label = "x axis"),
    # y = manipulate::picker(variables$q, initial = variables$q[[2]], label = "y axis"),
    nbins = manipulate::slider(2, 100, initial = 25, label = "Number of bins"),
    color = manipulate::picker(snames, initial = "none ", label = "Color"),
    #              size = manipulate::picker(snames, initial = "none ", label = "Size (gg only)"),
    facet = manipulate::picker(cnames, initial = "none ", label = "Facets"),
    #              logx = manipulate::checkbox(label = "log x-axis"),
    #              logy = manipulate::checkbox(label = "log y-axis"),
    key = manipulate::picker(lnames, label = "Key", initial = keyDefault)

.doUniplot <- function(data, variables = variables, show = FALSE, 
                       system = system_choices()[1],
                       plotType = c("histogram", "densityplot", "frequency polygon", "ASH plot"),
                       x = NA, 
                       nbins = nbins, color = NA, 
                       # size = NA, 
                       facet = NA, 
                       # logx = FALSE, logy = FALSE, 
                       model = "", key = "right",
                       title = "", data_text = rlang::expr_deparse(substitute(data)))
  system <- match.arg(system, system_choices())
  plotType <- match.arg(plotType)
  vals <- list(dataName = data_text, plotType = plotType, x = x, nbins = nbins, 
               color = color, 
               # size = size, 
               facet = facet, 
               # logx = logx, logy = logy, 
               key = key,
               title = title)
  s <- .uniplotString(vals, system, variables)
  if (show) cat(paste("\n", s, "\n"))
  p <- eval(parse(text = s))

# 1-variable plots
.uniplotString <- function(s, system = system_choices()[1], variables)
  # s$dataName <- name2string(s$dataName)
  geom <- c(`histogram` = '', `densityplot` = ', geom = "line"',    
            `frequency polygon` = ', geom = "line"', `ASH plot` = ', geom = "blank"')
  stat <- c(`histogram` = '', `densityplot` = ', stat = "density"', 
            `frequency polygon` = ', stat = "bin"', `ASH plot` = ', stat = "bin"')
  gggeoms <- c(`histogram` = 'geom_histogram', 
               `densityplot` = 'geom_density',    
               `frequency polygon` = 'geom_freqpoly',
               `ASH plot` = 'geom_ash')
  system = match.arg(system, system_choices())
  adjust <- 10 / s$nbins
  binwidth <- eval( parse( text = paste("diff(range( ~", s$x, ", data = ", s$dataName,", na.rm = TRUE))"))) / s$nbins
  if ( any(is.na(binwidth)) || any(is.nan(binwidth)) ) binwidth <- NULL
  if (system == "ggformula") {
    gf_fun <- c(`histogram` = 'gf_histogram', 
                `densityplot` = 'gf_dens',    
                `frequency polygon` = 'gf_freqpoly',
                `ASH plot` = 'gf_ash')
    if (!is.null(s$color) && !is.na(s$color)) {
      color_chunk <- glue::glue(.trim = FALSE, ", color = ~ {s$color}")
    } else {
      color_chunk <- ""
    params <- if (s$plotType %in% c('histogram', 'frequency polygon', 'ASH plot')) {
      paste(", binwidth = ", signif(binwidth,2), sep = "")
    } else {
      paste(", adjust = ", signif(adjust,2), sep = "")
    res <- glue::glue(.trim = FALSE, '{gf_fun[s$plotType]}(~ {s$x}, data = {s$dataName}{color_chunk}{params})')
    if (!is.null(s$facet) && !is.na(s$facet)) # why do I need both?
      res <- glue::glue(.trim = FALSE, "{res} |>\n   gf_facet_wrap(~ {s$facet})")
    res <- glue::glue(.trim = FALSE, '{res} |>\n   gf_labs(title = "{s$title}")')
    if (!is.null(s$color) && !is.na(s$color)){
      res <- glue::glue(.trim = FALSE, '{res} |> \n  gf_theme(legend.position = {ggdir2pos(s$key)})')
  } else if (system == "ggplot2") {
    res <- paste0("ggplot( data = ", s$dataName, ", aes(x = ", s$x, "))", sep = "")
    params <- if (s$plotType %in% c('histogram', 'frequency polygon', 'ASH plot')) {
      paste("binwidth = ", signif(binwidth,2), sep = "")
    } else {
      paste("adjust = ", signif(adjust,2), sep = "")
    res <- paste0(res, " + " , gggeoms[s$plotType], "(", params, ")")
    if (!is.null(s$color) && !is.na(s$color))
      res<-paste(res, " + aes(colour = ", s$color, ")", sep = "")
    #    if (!is.null(s$size) && !is.na(s$size))
    #      res<-paste(res, " + aes(size = ", s$size, ")", sep = "")
    #    if (s$logx)
    #      res <- paste(res, " + scale_x_log10()", sep = "")
    #    if (s$logy)
    #      res <- paste(res, " + scale_y_log10()", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(s$facet) && !is.na(s$facet)) # why do I need both?
      res<-paste(res, " + facet_wrap(~", s$facet, ", ncol = 4)", sep = "")
    res <- paste(res, ' + labs(title = "', s$title, '")', sep = "")
    if (!is.null(s$color) && !is.na(s$color)){
      res <- paste(res, ' + theme(legend.position = ', ggdir2pos(s$key), ')', sep = "")
  } else {
    plotName <- c(`histogram` = 'histogram', `densityplot` = 'densityplot', 
                  `frequency polygon` = 'freqpolygon', `ASH plot` = 'ashplot')
    res <- paste( plotName[s$plotType], "( ", " ~ ", s$x, sep = "")
    if (!is.null(s$facet) && !is.na(s$facet)) # why do I need both?
      res <- paste(res, " | ", s$facet)
    res <- paste(res, ", data = ", s$dataName, sep = "")
    if (!is.null(s$color) && !is.na(s$color))
      res<-paste(res, ", groups = ", s$color, sep = "")
    res <- paste(res, ', main = "', s$title, '"', sep = "")
    if (s$plotType %in% c('histogram', 'frequency polygon', 'ASH plot')) {
      res <- paste(res, ", width  = ", signif(binwidth,2), sep = "")
    } else {
      res <- paste(res, ", adjust = ", signif(adjust,2), sep = "")
    scales <- character(0)
    #    if (s$logx)
    #      scales <- "x = list(log = TRUE)"
    #    if (s$logy)
    #      scales <- c(scales, "y = list(log = TRUE)")
    #    scales <- paste(scales, collapse = ", ")
    #    if (nchar(scales) > 0) {
    #      scales <- paste(", scales = list(", scales, ")", sep = "")
    #      res <- paste( res, scales, sep = "" )
    #    }
    if (s$key %in% c('top','bottom','left','right')) {
      res <- paste(res, ', auto.key = list(space = "', s$key, '")', sep = "")
    if (s$key %in% c('N','NE','E','SE','S','SW','W','NW')) {
      dir2pos <- list(
        'N'  = 'c(.5,1)', 
        'NE' = 'c(1,1)', 
        'E'  = 'c(1,.5)', 
        'SE' = 'c(1,0)', 
        'S'  = 'c(.5,0)', 
        'SW' = 'c(0,0)', 
        'W'  = 'c(0,.5)', 
        'NW' = 'c(0,1)'
      res <- paste(res, ', auto.key = list(corner = ', dir2pos[[s$key]], ')', sep = "")
    res <- paste(res, ")", sep = "")

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mosaic documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:27 a.m.