
Defines functions plotDist

Documented in plotDist

#' @importFrom mosaicCore named named_among unnamed

#' Plots of Discrete and Continuous Distributions
#' Provides a simple way to generate plots of pdfs, probability mass functions,
#' cdfs, probability histograms, and normal-quantile plots for distributions
#' known to R.
#' @param dist 
#' 	  A string identifying the distribution.  This should work
#' 	  with any distribution that has associated functions beginning
#' 	  with 'd', 'p', and 'q' (e.g, 
#' 	  [dnorm()],
#' 	  [pnorm()], and 
#' 	  [qnorm()]).  `dist` should match the name of the 
#' 	  distribution with the initial 'd', 'p', or 'q' removed.
#' @param xlim a numeric vector of length 2 or `NULL`, in which case
#'   the central 99.8 of the distribution is used.
#' @param ylim a numeric vector of length 2 or `NULL`, in which case
#'   a heuristic is used to avoid chasing asymptotes in distributions like
#'   the F distributions with 1 numerator degree of freedom.
#' @param add a logical indicating whether the plot should be added to the previous lattice plot.
#'   If missing, it will be set to match `under`.
#' @param under a logical indicating whether adding should be done in a layer under or over the existing 
#'   layers when `add = TRUE`.
#' @param packets,rows,columns specification of which panels will be added to when 
#'   `add` is `TRUE`.  See [latticeExtra::layer()].
#' @param params a list containing parameters for the distribution.  If `NULL` (the default), 
#'   this list is created from elements of `\dots` that are either unnamed or have names among
#'   the formals of the appropriate distribution function.  See the examples.
#' @param kind one of "density", "cdf", "qq", or "histogram" (or prefix 
#' 	 of any of these)
#' @param xlab,ylab as per other lattice functions
#' @param breaks  a vector of break points for bins of histograms,
#'   as in [histogram()] 
#' @param type  passed along to various lattice graphing functions 
#' @param resolution  number of points to sample when generating the plots
#' @param ...  other arguments passed along to lattice graphing routines
#' @seealso [ggformula::gf_dist()]
#' @details `plotDist()` determines whether the distribution 
#' 	is continuous or discrete by seeing if all the sampled quantiles are 
#' 	unique.  A discrete random variable with many possible values could 
#' 	fool this algorithm and be considered continuous.
#' The plots are done referencing a data frame with variables
#' `x` and `y` giving points on the graph of the 
#' pdf, pmf, or cdf for the distribution.  This can be useful in conjunction
#' with the `groups` argument.  See the examples.
#' @examples
#' plotDist('norm')
#' plotDist('norm', type='h')
#' plotDist('norm', kind='cdf')
#' plotDist('exp',  kind='histogram')
#' plotDist('binom', params=list( 25, .25))       # explicit params
#' plotDist('binom', 25, .25)                     # params inferred
#' plotDist('norm', mean=100, sd=10, kind='cdf')  # params inferred
#' plotDist('binom', 25, .25, xlim=c(-1,26) )     # params inferred
#' plotDist('binom', params=list( 25, .25), kind='cdf')
#' plotDist('beta', params=list( 3, 10), kind='density')
#' plotDist('beta', params=list( 3, 10), kind='cdf')
#' plotDist( "binom", params=list(35,.25), 
#'            groups= y < dbinom(qbinom(0.05, 35, .25), 35,.25) )
#' plotDist( "binom", params=list(35,.25), 
#'            groups= y < dbinom(qbinom(0.05, 35, .25), 35,.25), 
#'            kind='hist')
#' plotDist("norm", mean=10, sd=2, col="blue", type="h")
#' plotDist("norm", mean=12, sd=2, col="red", type="h", under=TRUE)
#' plotDist("binom", size=100, prob=.30) +
#'   plotDist("norm", mean=30, sd=sqrt(100 * .3 * .7))
#' plotDist("chisq", df=4, groups = x > 6, type="h")
#' plotDist("f", df1=1, df2 = 99)
#' if (require(mosaicData)) {
#' histogram( ~age|sex, data=HELPrct)
#' m <- mean( ~age|sex, data=HELPrct)
#' s <- sd(~age|sex, data=HELPrct)
#' plotDist( "norm", mean=m[1], sd=s[1], col="red", add=TRUE, packets=1)
#' plotDist( "norm", mean=m[2], sd=s[2], col="blue", under=TRUE, packets=2)
#' }
#' @keywords graphics 
#' @keywords stats 
#' @export

plotDist <- function( 
  dist, ...,
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  under = FALSE,
  kind = c('density','cdf','qq','histogram'), 
  xlab = "", ylab = "", breaks = NULL, type, 
  resolution = 5000L,  params = NULL ) {
  kind = match.arg(kind)
  if (missing(add)) add <- under
  ddist = paste('d', dist, sep='')
  qdist = paste('q', dist, sep='')
  pdist = paste('p', dist, sep='')
  original_call <- match.call()  
  dots <- original_call
  dots[[1]] <- NULL
  unnamed_dots <- original_call
  named_dots <- original_call
  unnamed_dots[[1]] <- NULL
  named_dots[[1]] <- NULL
  groupless_dots <- original_call
  groupless_dots[[1]] <- NULL
  for (i in length(unnamed_dots):1) {
    if (names(unnamed_dots)[i] != "") {
      unnamed_dots[i] <- NULL
    } else {
      named_dots[i] <- NULL
  if (is.null(params)) {
    params <- original_call
    params[[1]] <- NULL
    for (item in names(formals()) ) {
      if (item %in% names(params)) params[[item]] <- NULL
    dparams <- c(unnamed(params) , named_among( params, names(formals(ddist))) )
    pparams <- c(unnamed(params) , named_among( params, names(formals(pdist))) )
    qparams <- c(unnamed(params) , named_among( params, names(formals(qdist))) )
  } else {
    dparams <- params
    pparams <- params
    qparams <- params
  # attempting to make evaluation of these arguments more intuitive 
  env <- parent.frame()
  dparams <- lapply(dparams, function(x) eval(x, env))
  pparams <- lapply(pparams, function(x) eval(x, env))
  qparams <- lapply(qparams, function(x) eval(x, env))
  values = do.call(qdist, c(p=list(ppoints(resolution)), qparams)) 

  fewerValues <- unique(values)
  discrete = length(fewerValues) < length(values) 
  if (! discrete) {
    values = seq(
      do.call(qdist, c(p = list(0.001), qparams)),
      do.call(qdist, c(p = list(0.999), qparams)),
      length.out = resolution
    fewerValues <- values
  if ( is.null(breaks) && discrete ){
    step = min(diff(fewerValues))
    breaks = seq( min(fewerValues) -.5 * step , max(fewerValues) + .5*step, step)
  if (kind=='cdf') {
    if (discrete) {
      step = min(diff(fewerValues))
      cdfx <- seq( min(fewerValues) -1.5 * step , max(fewerValues) + 1.5*step, length.out=resolution)
      cdfx <- sort(unique( c(fewerValues, cdfx) ) )
      cdfy <- approxfun( fewerValues, do.call(pdist, c(list(q=fewerValues),pparams)), method='constant', 
                         f=0, yleft=0, yright=1 ) (cdfx)
    } else {
      cdfx <- values
      cdfy <- do.call( pdist, c(list(q=values), pparams) ) 
  if (missing(type)) {
    if (discrete) {
      type = switch(kind,
                    density = c('p','h'),
                    cdf = 'p',
                    histogram = 'density',
                    qq = 'l')  
    } else {
      type = switch(kind,
                    density = 'l',
                    cdf = 'l',
                    histogram = 'density',
                    qq = 'l')
  if (add) {
    call_without_add <- original_call
    call_without_add["add"] <- FALSE
      trellis.last.object() + 
  } else { # not adding
    if (is.null(xlim)) {
      xlim <- do.call(qdist, c(list(p=c(0.001, .999)), qparams))
    ydata <- 
             density = do.call(ddist, c(list(x=fewerValues), dparams)),
             cdf = cdfy,
             qq = do.call( ddist, c(list(x=values), dparams)),
             histogram = do.call(ddist, c(list(x=values), dparams))
    if (is.null(ylim)) {
      ymax <- 
          1.6 * quantile(ydata, 0.90, na.rm=TRUE),
          1.1 * max(ydata, na.rm=TRUE),
          na.rm = TRUE)
      ylim = c(0, ymax)  
           density = 
             lattice::xyplot( y ~ x, 
                              data=data.frame(y = ydata, x = fewerValues), 
                              xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
                              type=type, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...),
           cdf = 
             lattice::xyplot( y ~ x, 
                              data=data.frame(y = ydata, x = cdfx), 
                              xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
                              type=type, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...),
           qq = 
             lattice::qqmath( ~ x, 
                              data = data.frame(x = values, y = ydata),
                              xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
                              type = type, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...),
           histogram = 
             histogram( ~ x,
                        data = data.frame(x = values,  y = ydata),
                        xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
                        type = type, xlab = xlab, breaks = breaks, ...)

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mosaic documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:27 a.m.