
Defines functions makeColorscheme panel.levelcontourplot inferArgs .getColor panel.plotFun panel.plotFun1a panel.plotFun1 branch_lengths contintuous_components discontinuity_at guess_discontinuities plotFun

Documented in inferArgs makeColorscheme panel.levelcontourplot panel.plotFun panel.plotFun1 plotFun

         error=function(e) message('Looks like you should update R.'))

#' Plotting mathematical expressions
#' Plots mathematical expressions in one and two variables.  
#' @rdname plotFun
#' @name plotFun
#' @aliases plotFun
#' @param object a mathematical expression or a function "of one variable" which will
#' converted to something intuitively equivalent to `object(x) ~ x`. (See examples)
#' @param plot a trellis object; by default, the most recently created trellis plot.  
#' When `add` is `TRUE`, the new function will
#' be plotted into a layer added to this object.
#' @param add if `TRUE`, then add a layer to an existing plot rather than creating a new plot.  
#' If `NULL`, this will be determined by the value of `under`.
#' @param under if `TRUE`, then new layer is added beneath existing layers
#' @param xlim limits for x axis (or use variable names, see examples)
#' @param ylim limits for y axis (or use variable names, see examples)
#' @param npts number of points for plotting. 
#' @param xlab label for x axis
#' @param ylab label for y axis
#' @param zlab label for z axis (when in surface-plot mode)
#' @param col vector of colors for line graphs and contours
#' @param lwd vector of line widths for line graphs
#' @param lty vector of line types for line graphs
#' @param filled fill with color between the contours (`TRUE` by default)
#' @param levels levels at which to draw contours
#' @param nlevels number of contours to draw (if `levels` not specified)
#' @param labels if `FALSE`, don't label contours
#' @param surface draw a surface plot rather than a contour plot
#' @param col.regions  a vector of colors or a function (`topo.colors` by default) for generating such
#' @param type type of plot (`"l"` by default)
#' @param alpha number from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque) for the fill colors 
#' @param groups grouping argument ala lattice graphics
#' @param discontinuities a vector of input values at which a function is 
#'   discontinuous or `NULL` to use
#'   a heuristic to auto-detect.
#' @param discontinuity a positive number determining how sensitive the plot is to 
#'   potential discontinuity.  Larger values result in less sensitivity.  The default is 1. 
#'   Use `discontinuity = Inf` to disable discontinuity detection.  Discontinuity detection
#'   uses a crude numerical heuristic and may not give the desired results in all cases.
#' @param interactive a logical indicating whether the surface plot should be 
#'   interactive.
#' @param ... additional parameters, typically processed by `lattice` functions such as 
#' [lattice::xyplot()], [lattice::levelplot()] or their panel functions.  
#' Frequently used parameters include 
#' \describe{ 
#' \item{`main`}{main title for plot }
#' \item{`sub`}{subtitle for plot }
#' \item{`lwd`}{line width }
#' \item{`lty`}{line type }
#' \item{`col`}{a color or a (small) integer indicating which color in the current
#' color scheme is desired.} 
#' }
#' Additionally, these arguments can be used to specify parameters for the function being 
#' plotted and to specify the plotting window with natural names.  See the examples for such usage.
#' @return a `trellis` object
#' @details
#' makes plots of mathematical expressions using the formula syntax.  Will
#' draw both line plots and contour/surface plots (for functions of two variables).
#' In RStudio, the surface plot comes with sliders to set orientation.
#' If the colors in filled surface plots are too blocky, increase `npts` 
#' beyond the default of 50, though `npts=300` is as much as you're likely to ever need.
#' See examples for overplotting a constraint function on an objective function.
#' @examples
#' plotFun( a*sin(x^2)~x, xlim=range(-5,5), a=2 )  # setting parameter value
#' plotFun( u^2 ~ u, ulim=c(-4,4) )                # limits in terms of u
#' # Note roles of ylim and y.lim in this example
#' plotFun( y^2 ~ y, ylim=c(-2,20), y.lim=c(-4,4) )    
#' # Combining plot elements to show the solution to an inequality
#' plotFun( x^2 -3 ~ x, xlim=c(-4,4), grid=TRUE )
#' ladd( panel.abline(h=0,v=0,col='gray50') )
#' plotFun( (x^2 -3) * (x^2 > 3) ~ x, type='h', alpha=.1, lwd=4, col='lightblue', add=TRUE )
#' plotFun( sin(x) ~ x, 
#'    groups=cut(x, findZeros(sin(x) ~ x, within=10)$x), 
#'    col=c('blue','green'), lty=2, lwd=3, xlim=c(-10,10) )
#' plotFun( sin(x) ~ x, 
#'    groups=cut(x, findZeros(sin(x) ~ x, within=10)$x), 
#'    col=c(1,2), lty=2, lwd=3, xlim=c(-10,10) )
#' ## plotFun( sin(2*pi*x/P)*exp(-k*t)~x+t, k=2, P=.3)
#' f <- rfun( ~ u & v )
#' plotFun( f(u=u,v=v) ~ u & v, u.lim=range(-3,3), v.lim=range(-3,3) )
#' plotFun( u^2 + v < 3 ~ u & v, add=TRUE, npts=200 )
#' if (require(mosaicData)) {
#' # display a linear model using a formula interface
#' model <- lm(wage ~ poly(exper,degree=2), data=CPS85)
#' fit <- makeFun(model)
#' xyplot(wage ~ exper, data=CPS85)
#' plotFun(fit(exper) ~ exper, add=TRUE, lwd=3, col="red")
#' # Can also just give fit since it is a "function of one variable"
#' plotFun(fit, add=TRUE, lwd=2, col='white')
#' }
#' # Attempts to find sensible axis limits by default
#' plotFun( sin(k*x)~x, k=0.01 )
#' # Plotting a linear model with multiple predictors.
#' mod <- lm(length ~ width * sex, data=KidsFeet)
#' fitted.length <- makeFun(mod)
#' xyplot(length ~ width, groups=sex, data=KidsFeet, auto.key=TRUE)
#' plotFun(fitted.length(width, sex="B") ~ width, add=TRUE, col=1)
#' plotFun(fitted.length(width, sex="G") ~ width, add=TRUE, col=2)
#' @export

plotFun <- function(object, ..., 
                    xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, npts=NULL,
                    ylab=NULL, xlab=NULL, zlab=NULL, 
                    levels=NULL, nlevels=10,labels=TRUE,
                    col = trellis.par.get('superpose.line')$col,
                    lwd = trellis.par.get("superpose.line")$lwd,
                    lty = trellis.par.get("superpose.line")$lty,
                    discontinuities = NULL,
                    discontinuity = 1,
                    interactive = rstudio_is_available()
  if ( is.function(object) ) { 
    formula <- f(x) ~ x 
    formula[[2]] <- as.call( list(substitute(object), quote(x)))
    object <- formula
  if(is.null(add)) add <- under
  if (discontinuity <= 0 | length(discontinuity) != 1) 
    stop("discontinuity should be a positive number or Inf.")
  dots <- list(...)
  # dots[['type']] <- type
  # dots[['alpha']] <- alpha
  ..f.. <- do.call( "makeFun", c(object, dots, strict.declaration=FALSE), envir= parent.frame()) 
  if ( is.vector(col.regions ) ) col.regions  <- makeColorscheme(col.regions )
  if (length(unique(levels))==1) levels = c(levels,Inf) # make sure there's a range
  # funny names (like ..f..) are to avoid names that might be used by the user
  # not sure whether this precaution is necessary in current implementation
  vars <- formals(..f..)
  # print(formals(..f..))
  # print(..f..)
  rhsVars <- all.vars(rhs(object))
  otherVars <- setdiff(names(vars), rhsVars)
  ndims <- length(rhsVars)
  cleanDots <- dots
  for (v in otherVars) {
    cleanDots[[v]] <- NULL
  pgArgs <- list()
  # print(otherVars)
  otherGroups <- if (length(otherVars) > 0 ) paste(otherVars,"",sep="") else c()
  if (length( setdiff( otherGroups, names(dots) ) ) > 0 ) {
    # print(list(otherGroups=otherGroups, dots=names(dots)) )
    stop(paste("Cannot plot with free parameters; try setting", 
               paste( setdiff(otherGroups, names(dots)), collapse=", " ) ))
  for (param in otherVars) pgArgs[[param]] <- dots[[paste(param,"",sep="")]]
  paramGrid <- do.call( "expand.grid", pgArgs )
  fList <- if (nrow(paramGrid) < 1) list(..f..) else list()
  for (r in rows(paramGrid) ) {
    rowAsList <- as.list( paramGrid[r,])
    names(rowAsList) <- otherVars
    # print( c( object, c(dots, rowAsList, strict.declaration=FALSE) ) )
    fList <- c( fList, do.call ( "makeFun", 
                                 c( object, c(dots, rowAsList,
                                              strict.declaration=FALSE, envir= parent.frame()) ) 
  if (add) { 
    if (ndims==1) {
        plot + 
                    c( list(..f..=fList,  
                            discontinuity = discontinuity,
                            discontinuities = discontinuities,
                            filled=filled, levels=levels, 
                            nlevels=nlevels, surface=surface, 
                            type=type, alpha=alpha, col=col,
                            lty = lty, lwd = lwd), 
                       dots )), 
            under=under )
    # message("2-D adding temporarily un-discontinued.")
    return( plot + latticeExtra::layer(
      do.call( panel.plotFun,
               c(list( object=object, npts=npts, 
                       discontinuity = discontinuity, discontinuities = discontinuities,
                       filled=filled, levels=levels, nlevels=nlevels, suface=surface,
                       col.regions=col.regions, type=type, alpha=alpha,
                       lwd = lwd, lty = lty),
                 dots) ),
      under=under )
    # 		return( ladd( panel.plotFun( object, npts=npts, # lwd=lwd, #col=col, 
    # 		                     filled=filled, levels=levels, nlevels=nlevels, surface=surface, 
    # 		                     col.regions=col.regions, type=type, alpha=alpha, ...)) )
    # 		# return(invisible(NULL))
  }   # end if(add)
  limits <- inferArgs( dots=dots, vars=rhsVars, defaults=list(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) )
  if( ndims == 1 ){
    # message("One Dimension.")
    npts <- ifelse( is.null(npts), 500, npts)
    # Set the axis labels
    # deparse needed for lattice (not originally for plot)
    if( is.null(ylab) ) ylab <- deparse( lhs(object) ) # deparse(..f..$sexpr)
    if( is.null(xlab) ) xlab <- rhsVars
    # need to handle range detection for list of functions
    if (is.null(limits$xlim) || length(limits$xlim) < 2 ) {
      zeros <- c() #empty
      tryCatch( zeros <- findZeros( object, nearest=6, ... )[[1]], 
                error=function(e){e},warning=function(e){} )
      limits$xlim <- switch(as.character(length(zeros)), 
                            "0" = c(0,1),
                            "1" = c(-1.5,1.5) * (zeros+ifelse(zeros==0,1,0)),
                            c(-.1,.1) * diff(range(zeros)) + range(zeros)
    limits$xlim <- range(limits$xlim)
    if (length(limits$xlim) !=2) stop ("Invalid limits.")
    # Evaluate the function on appropriate inputs.
    .f. <- fList[[1]]
    .xvals <- 
      if ('h' %in% type)  
        seq(base::min(limits$xlim), base::max(limits$xlim), length.out=npts)
      adapt_seq(base::min(limits$xlim), base::max(limits$xlim), 
                f=function(xxqq){ .f.(xxqq) }, 
    .yvals <- c()
    for ( .f. in fList ) .yvals <- c( .yvals, sapply( .xvals, .f. ) )
    localData <- data.frame(x = .xvals, y = .yvals, component = contintuous_components(.xvals, .yvals, adjust=discontinuity))
    localData$alone <- ediff(localData$component) * ediff(localData$component, pad="tail") != 0
    # don't let points that are not connected to neighbors affect default plot widnow.
    localData <- localData[!localData$alone, ]
    localData <- data.frame(x = range(localData$x, na.rm=TRUE, fintie=TRUE), 
                            y = range(localData$y, na.rm=TRUE, finite=TRUE))
    # note: passing ... through to the lattice functions currently conflicts with
    # using ... to set values of "co-variates" of the function.
    if( length(limits$ylim) != 2 ) {
      thePlot <- do.call(lattice::xyplot,
                         c( list(y ~ x, 
                                 ..f.. = fList,
                                 # groups=eval(substitute(groups),localData),
                                 xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
                                 npts = npts, 
                                 discontinuity = discontinuity,
                                 discontinuities = discontinuities,
                                 lwd = lwd, lty = lty),
    } else { 
      thePlot <- do.call(lattice::xyplot, c(list(
        y ~ x,
        ..f.. = fList,
        # groups=eval(substitute(groups),localData),
        discontinuity = discontinuity,
        discontinuities = discontinuities,
        col=col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, alpha = alpha),
  }  # end ndims == 1
  if (ndims == 2 ) {
    # message("Two Dimensions.")
    npts <- ifelse( is.null(npts), 40, npts)
    if( length(ylab) == 0 ) ylab <- rhsVars[2]
    if( length(xlab) == 0 ) xlab <- rhsVars[1]
    if( length(zlab) == 0 ) zlab <- deparse(lhs(object))
    if (is.null(limits$xlim) || length(limits$xlim) < 2 ) 
      limits$xlim <- c(0,1)  # temporary default
      limits$xlim <- range(limits$xlim)
    if (is.null(limits$ylim) || length(limits$ylim) < 2 ) 
      limits$ylim <- c(0,1)  # temporary default
      limits$ylim <- range(limits$ylim)
    .xvals <- seq(base::min(limits$xlim),base::max(limits$xlim),length=npts)
    .yvals <- seq(base::min(limits$ylim),base::max(limits$ylim),length=npts)
    zvals <- tryCatch(
      outer(.xvals, .yvals, function(x,y){..f..(x,y)} ),
      warning = function(w) {} )
    grid <- expand.grid( .xvals, .yvals )
    grid$height <- c(zvals)
    localData <- grid
    names(localData) <- c(rhsVars, '.height')
    if( surface ) { 
      if (add) {
        stop('Should not get here, but no add option for surface plots yet anyway.')
      zcuts = pretty(grid$height, 50)
      zcolors = col.regions (length(zcuts),alpha=.5*alpha)
      if(interactive && rstudio_is_available()) {
          wireframe(height ~ Var1 + Var2, 
                    xlab = xlab,ylab = ylab,
                    zlab = list(zlab, rot = 90),
                    data = grid,
                    groups = eval(substitute(groups), localData),
                    drape = filled,
                    shade = FALSE, colorkey = FALSE,
                    scales = list(arrows = FALSE),
                    screen = c(z = rot,x = elev - 90),
                    distance = dist,
                    at = zcuts, #col=rgb(1,1,1,0),
                    col.regions = zcolors
      } else {  # without manipulate
        return((wireframe(height ~ Var1 + Var2, 
                          xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, zlab = list(zlab, rot = 90),
                          data = grid,
                          groups = eval(substitute(groups), localData),
                          drape = filled, shade=FALSE, colorkey=FALSE,
                          # scales = list(arrows = FALSE),
                          col.regions = zcolors,
                          # col=rgb(1,1,1,0),
                          at = zcuts,
        ) ) )
    } else {  # i.e., surface==FALSE
      # a convenience wrapper around levelplot when a contour plot
      # is being drawn de novo
      funPlot.draw.contour <- function(x,y,z,ncontours=6,at=NULL,
                                       filled=TRUE, col.regions=topo.colors,labels=TRUE,
                                       showlabels=TRUE, contours=TRUE, groups=NULL, label=TRUE,
                                       xlab="",ylab="", ...){
        if (is.null(at)) at = pretty(z,ncontours)
        argsToPass <- list(z~x*y,at=at, xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,
                           contour=contours, labels=labels, colorkey=FALSE,
                           retion=TRUE, filled=filled, ...)
        # kill off arguments we don't want going to levelplot:
        argsToPass[["k"]] <- NULL
        return(( do.call( levelplot, argsToPass) ))                                                           
      if( is.null(alpha) ) alpha <- 1
      fillcolors <- col.regions (length(levels)+2, alpha=alpha)
      if( all (is.logical(zvals) ) ){  # it's a constraint function
        fillcolors <- col.regions (4, alpha=alpha)
        nlevels <- 2
      if (add) {
        return( ladd( 
          panel.levelcontourplot(grid$Var1, grid$Var2, grid$height, subscripts=1, 
                                 at = levels, labels = labels, 
                                 groups=eval(substitute(groups), localData),
                                 col.regions = col.regions ,
                                 contour = TRUE, 
                                 region = FALSE, 
        ) )
      return((funPlot.draw.contour(grid$Var1, grid$Var2, grid$height, 
                                   xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, at=levels,
                                   filled=filled, labels=labels,
                                   col.regions = col.regions ,
                                   ...) ) )
  stop("Bug alert: You should not get here.  Please report.")

guess_discontinuities <- function( f, xlim, ..., resolution = 10000, adjust = 1) {
  x <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length.out = resolution)
  F <- Vectorize(f)
  y <- F(x, ...)
  discontinuity_at(x, y, adjust = adjust)

discontinuity_at <- function(x, y, adjust = 1) {
  y[!is.finite(y)] <- NA
  y_scaled <- (y - base::min(y, na.rm = TRUE)) / diff(range(y[is.finite(y)]))
  x_scaled <- (x - base::min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / diff(range(x[is.finite(x)]))
  slope  <- diff(y_scaled) / diff(x_scaled)
  jump <- diff(y_scaled)
  left_jump <- c(0, jump)
  right_jump <- c(jump, 0)
  left_slope  <- c(slope[1], slope) 
  right_slope  <- c(slope, slope[length(slope)]) 
  x[which( is.na(y) | 
             !is.finite(y) | 
               (abs(atan(left_slope) - atan(right_slope)) > adjust / 2) & 
                 (abs(atan(left_slope)) > adjust/2 | abs(atan(right_slope)) > adjust/2)

contintuous_components <- function(x, y, adjust = 1) {
  y[!is.finite(y)] <- NA
  y_scaled <- (y - base::min(y, na.rm = TRUE)) / diff(range(y[is.finite(y)]))
  x_scaled <- (x - base::min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / diff(range(x[is.finite(x)]))
  slope  <- diff(y_scaled) / diff(x_scaled)
  jump <- diff(y_scaled)
  left_jump <- c(0, jump)
  right_jump <- c(jump, 0)
  left_slope  <- c(slope[1], slope) 
  right_slope  <- c(slope, slope[length(slope)]) 
  discontinuities <- x[which( is.na(y) | 
                                !is.finite(y) | 
                                  (abs(atan(left_slope) - atan(right_slope)) > adjust /2) & 
                                    (abs(atan(left_slope)) > adjust /2 | abs(atan(right_slope)) > adjust /2)
  j <- sapply(x, function(x) sum(x > discontinuities))
  k <- sapply(x, function(x) sum(x >= discontinuities))
  j + k

# lengths of points on one continuous branch of a function.

branch_lengths <- function(x, y, discontinuities = NULL, discontinuity = 1) {
  if (is.null(discontinuities)) discontinuities <- discontinuity_at(x, y, adjust = discontinuity) 
  if (length(discontinuities) < 1L) return( length(x) )
  # check <  and <= in case a grid point is exactly a discontinuity.
  j <- sapply(x, function(x) sum(x > discontinuities))
  k <- sapply(x, function(x) sum(x >= discontinuities))
  diff( c( 0, which(diff(j+k) > 0), length(x) ) )

#' Panel function for plotting functions
#' @seealso plotFun
#' @param ..f.. an object (e.g., a formula) describing a function
#' @param x,y ignored, but there for compatibility with other lattice panel functions
#' @param col a vector of colors
#' @param lwd width of the line
#' @param lty line type
#' @param npts an integer giving the number of points (in each dimension) to sample the function
#' @param zlab label for z axis (when in surface-plot mode)
#' @param filled fill with color between the contours (`TRUE` by default)
#' @param levels levels at which to draw contours
#' @param nlevels number of contours to draw (if `levels` not specified)
#' @param surface a logical indicating whether to draw a surface plot rather than a contour plot
#' @param type type of plot (`"l"` by default)
#' @param alpha number from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque) for the fill colors 
#' @param discontinuities a vector of input values at which a function is 
#'   discontinuous or `NULL` to use
#'   a heuristic to auto-detect.
#' @param discontinuity a positive number determining how sensitive the plot is to 
#'   potential discontinuity.  Larger values result in less sensitivity.  The default is 1. 
#'   Use `discontinuity = Inf` to disable discontinuity detection.  Discontinuity detection
#'   uses a crude numerical heuristic and may not give the desired results in all cases.
#' @param ... additional arguments, typically processed by `lattice` panel functions
#'        such as [lattice::panel.xyplot()] or [lattice::panel.levelplot()].
#'        Frequently used arguments include
#'        \describe{
#'          \item{`lwd`}{line width}
#'        	\item{`lty`}{line type}
#'        	\item{`col`}{a color}
#'        }
#' @examples
#' x <- runif(30,0,2*pi) 
#' d <- data.frame( x = x,  y = sin(x) + rnorm(30,sd=.2) )
#' xyplot( y ~ x, data=d )
#' ladd(panel.plotFun1( sin, col='red' ) )
#' xyplot( y ~ x | rbinom(30,1,.5), data=d )
#' ladd(panel.plotFun1( sin, col='red', lty=2 ) )    # plots sin(x) in each panel
#' @export

panel.plotFun1 <- function( ..f.., ...,
                            x, y,
                            lwd = trellis.par.get("superpose.line")$lwd,
                            lty = trellis.par.get("superpose.line")$lty,
                            col = trellis.par.get('superpose.line')$col,
                            discontinuity = NULL,
                            discontinuities = NULL) { 
  dots <- list(...)
  if (is.function(..f..) ) ..f.. <- list(..f..)
  if (! is.list(..f..) || length(..f..) < 1) {
    stop("Empty or malformed list of functions.")
  if (is.numeric(col)) {
    message('converting numerical color value into a color using lattice settings')
    col <- trellis.par.get('superpose.line')$col[col]
  # funny names (like ..f..) are to avoid names that might be used by the user
  # not sure whether this precaution is necessary in current implementation
  # perhaps use environment(object)?
  # ..f.. <- do.call( "makeFun", c(object, dots, strict.declaration=FALSE), envir= parent.frame())  
  idx <- 0
  for ( .f. in ..f..) {  
    idx <- idx + 1
    # print(.f.)
    vars <- formals(.f.)
    #  rhsVars <- all.vars(rhs(object))
    #  ndims <- length(rhsVars)
    parent.xlim <- current.panel.limits()$xlim
    parent.ylim <- current.panel.limits()$ylim
    npts <- ifelse( is.null(npts), 200, npts)
    if (! missing(x) && !missing(y) && length(x) >= npts && length(y) == length(x)) {
      .xvals <- x
      .yvals <- y
    } else {
      # Evaluate the function on appropriate inputs to help figure out y limits.
      .xvals <-  if ('h' %in% type)  
        seq(base::min(parent.xlim), base::max(parent.xlim), length.out=npts)
        adapt_seq(base::min(parent.xlim), base::max(parent.xlim), 
                  f=function(xxqq){ .f.(xxqq) }, 
      .yvals <- suppressWarnings( sapply( .xvals, .f. ) )
    # need to strip out any components of ... that are in the object so they
    # don't get passed to the panel function.
    cleandots = list(...)
    # cleandots[ intersect(names(cleandots), all.vars(object)) ] <- NULL
    cleandots[c('x','y','type','alpha','col')] <- NULL
    # use do.call to call the panel function so that the cleandots can be put back in
    if (type == "l") {
      if (is.null(discontinuities)) 
        discontinuities <- discontinuity_at(.xvals, .yvals, adjust = discontinuity)
        c(list(x=.xvals, y=.yvals, default.units = "native",
                 c(list(alpha=alpha, col=.getColor(idx, col), 
                   lty = lty, lwd = lwd),
               id.lengths = branch_lengths(.xvals, .yvals, discontinuities)  
    } else {
        c(list(x=.xvals, y=.yvals, type=type,  alpha=alpha, 
               lwd = lwd, lty = lty, col=.getColor(idx,col)),  cleandots)

panel.plotFun1a <- function( ..f.., ...,
                             x, y,
                             col = trellis.par.get('superpose.line')$col,
                             lwd = trellis.par.get("superpose.line")$lwd,
                             lty = trellis.par.get("superpose.line")$lty,
                             discontinuity = NULL,
                             discontinuities = NULL) { 
  dots <- list(...)
  if (is.function(..f..) ) ..f.. <- list(..f..)
  if (! is.list(..f..) || length(..f..) < 1) {
    stop("Empty or malformed list of functions.")
  if (is.numeric(col)) {
    message('converting numerical color value into a color using lattice settings')
    col <- trellis.par.get('superpose.line')$col[col]
  # funny names (like ..f..) are to avoid names that might be used by the user
  # not sure whether this precaution is necessary in current implementation
  # perhaps use environment(object)?
  # ..f.. <- do.call( "makeFun", c(object, dots, strict.declaration=FALSE), envir= parent.frame())  
  parent.xlim <- current.panel.limits()$xlim
  parent.ylim <- current.panel.limits()$ylim
  points_data <- data.frame() 
  groups_data <- data.frame()
  id_lengths <- integer(0)
  idx <- 0L
  for (.f. in ..f..) {
    idx <- idx + 1
    # print(.f.)
    vars <- formals(.f.)
    #  rhsVars <- all.vars(rhs(object))
    #  ndims <- length(rhsVars)
    npts <- ifelse( is.null(npts), 200, npts)
    if (! missing(x) && !missing(y) && length(x) >= npts && length(y) == length(x)) {
      .xvals <- x
      .yvals <- y
    } else {
      # Evaluate the function on appropriate inputs to get y values.
      .xvals <-  if ('h' %in% type)  
        seq(base::min(parent.xlim), base::max(parent.xlim), length.out=npts)
        adapt_seq(base::min(parent.xlim), base::max(parent.xlim), 
                  f=function(xxqq){ .f.(xxqq) }, 
      tryCatch(.yvals <- sapply( .xvals, .f. ), warning=function(w) {} )
    if (is.null(discontinuities)) 
      discontinuities <- discontinuity_at(.xvals, .yvals, adjust = discontinuity)
    groups_data <-
          length = branch_lengths(.xvals, .yvals, discontinuities),
          id = idx
    points_data <- 
                       data.frame(x = .xvals, y = .yvals, id=idx))
  # points_data is now a data frame with x, y, and an id showing which function
  # is being described.
  # need to strip out any components of ... that are in the object so they
  # don't get passed to the panel function.
  cleandots = list(...)
  # cleandots[ intersect(names(cleandots), all.vars(object)) ] <- NULL
  cleandots[c('x','y','type','alpha','col')] <- NULL
  # use do.call to call the panel function so that the cleandots can be put back in
  if (type == "l") {
      c(list(x=points_data$x, y=points_data$y, default.units = "native",
               c(list(alpha=alpha, col=.getColor(groups_data$id, col),
                      lwd = lwd, lty = lty), cleandots)
             id.lengths = groups_data$length
  } else {
      c(list(x=points_data$x, y=points_data$y, type=type,  
             lwd = lwd, lty = lty,
             alpha=alpha, col=.getColor(points_data$id, col)),  cleandots)

#' Panel function for plotting functions
#' @seealso plotFun
#' @param object an object (e.g., a formula) describing a function
#' @param npts an integer giving the number of points (in each dimension) to sample the function
#' @param zlab label for z axis (when in surface-plot mode)
#' @param lwd width of the line
#' @param lty line type
#' @param filled fill with color between the contours (`TRUE` by default)
#' @param levels levels at which to draw contours
#' @param nlevels number of contours to draw (if `levels` not specified)
#' @param surface a logical indicating whether to draw a surface plot rather than a contour plot
#' @param col.regions  a vector of colors or a function (`topo.colors` by default) for generating such
#' @param type type of plot (`"l"` by default)
#' @param alpha number from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque) for the fill colors 
#' @param discontinuities a vector of input values at which a function is 
#'   discontinuous or `NULL` to use
#'   a heuristic to auto-detect.
#' @param discontinuity a positive number determining how sensitive the plot is to 
#'   potential discontinuity.  Larger values result in less sensitivity.  The default is 1. 
#'   Use `discontinuity = Inf` to disable discontinuity detection.  Discontinuity detection
#'   uses a crude numerical heuristic and may not give the desired results in all cases.
#' @param ... additional arguments, typically processed by `lattice` panel functions
#'        such as [lattice::panel.xyplot()] or [lattice::panel.levelplot()].
#'        Frequently used arguments include
#'        \describe{
#'          \item{`lwd`}{line width}
#'        	\item{`lty`}{line type}
#'        	\item{`col`}{a color}
#'        }
#' @examples
#' x <- runif(30,0,2*pi) 
#' d <- data.frame( x = x,  y = sin(x) + rnorm(30,sd=.2) )
#' xyplot( y ~ x, data=d )
#' ladd(panel.plotFun( sin(x) ~ x, col='red' ) )
#' xyplot( y ~ x | rbinom(30,1,.5), data=d )
#' ladd(panel.plotFun( sin(x) ~ x, col='red', lty=2 ) )    # plots sin(x) in each panel
#' @export

panel.plotFun <- function( object, ..., 
                           col.regions =topo.colors, 
                           lwd = trellis.par.get("superpose.line")$lwd,
                           lty = trellis.par.get("superpose.line")$lty,
                           discontinuity = NULL,
                           discontinuities = NULL ) { 
  dots <- list(...)
  if ( is.function(object) ) { 
    formula <- f(x) ~ x 
    formula[[2]] <- as.call( list(substitute(object), quote(x)))
    object <- formula
  if ( is.vector(col.regions ) ) col.regions  <- makeColorscheme(col.regions )
  plot.line <- trellis.par.get('plot.line')
  superpose.line <- trellis.par.get('superpose.line')
  # funny names (like ..f..) are to avoid names that might be used by the user
  # not sure whether this precaution is necessary in current implementation
  # perhaps use environment(object)?
  ..f.. <- do.call( "makeFun", c(object, dots, strict.declaration=FALSE), envir= parent.frame())  
  vars <- formals(..f..)
  rhsVars <- all.vars(rhs(object))
  ndims <- length(rhsVars)
  parent.xlim <- current.panel.limits()$xlim
  parent.ylim <- current.panel.limits()$ylim
  if( ndims > 2 || ndims < 1 ) 
    stop("Formula must provide 1 or 2 independent variables (right hand side).")
  if( ndims == 1 ){
    npts <- ifelse( is.null(npts), 200, npts)
    # Evaluate the function on appropriate inputs.
    .xvals <- 
      if ('h' %in% type)  
        seq(base::min(parent.xlim), base::max(parent.xlim), length.out=npts)
      adapt_seq(base::min(parent.xlim), base::max(parent.xlim), 
                f=function(xxqq){ ..f..(xxqq) }, 
    .yvals <- tryCatch( sapply( .xvals, ..f.. ), 
                        warning=function(w) {} )
    # need to strip out any components of ... that are in the object so they
    # don't get passed to the panel function.
    cleandots = list(...)
    cleandots[ names(cleandots) %in% all.vars(object) ] <- NULL
    # use do.call to call the panel function so that the cleandots can be put back in
    if (type == "l") {
      idx <- 1
          c(list(x=.xvals, y=.yvals, default.units = "native",
                   c(list(alpha=alpha, col=.getColor(idx, col),
                          lty = lty, lwd = lwd), cleandots)
                 id.lengths = branch_lengths(.xvals, .yvals, discontinuities) 
    } else {
        c(list(x=.xvals, y=.yvals, type=type, alpha=alpha, lty = lty, lwd = lwd), 
  if (ndims == 2 ) {
    if( surface ) { 
      stop('no add option for surface plots yet.')
    # if we get here, surface == FALSE & ndims=2
    npts <- ifelse( is.null(npts), 40, npts)
    # create a function of those two variables
    if( length(zlab) == 0 ) zlab <- deparse(lhs(object) )
    .xvals <- seq(base::min(parent.xlim),base::max(parent.xlim),length=npts)
    .yvals <- seq(base::min(parent.ylim),base::max(parent.ylim),length=npts)
    zvals <- tryCatch( 
      outer(.xvals, .yvals, function(x,y){..f..(x,y)} ),
      warning=function(w) {} )
    grid <- expand.grid( .xvals, .yvals )
    grid$height <- c(zvals)
    zcuts <- pretty(grid$height,50)
    zcolors <- col.regions (length(zcuts),alpha=.5)
    # print(zcolors)
    if( is.null(alpha) ) alpha<-.4
    if( all(is.logical(zvals)) ) {  # it's a constraint function
      #nlevels <- 2
      levels <- c(0.0,Inf) 
    fillcolors <- col.regions (length(levels) + 2, alpha=alpha)
    if(is.null(levels)) levels=pretty(grid$height, nlevels)
    return( panel.levelcontourplot(x = grid$Var1, y = grid$Var2, z = grid$height,
                                   subscripts = 1:nrow(grid),
                                   at = levels,
                                   col.regions = fillcolors,
                                   #col=col, lwd = lwd, lty = 1,
  stop("Bug alert: You should not get here.  Please report.")

.getColor <- function( n=1, col=trellis.par.get('superpose.line')$col) {
  if (length(col) < n) col <- rep(col, length.out=n)
#' Infer arguments 
#' The primary purpose is for inferring argument settings from names derived from variables
#' occurring in a formula.  For example, the default use is to infer limits for variables
#' without having to call them `xlim` and `ylim` when the variables in the formula
#' have other names.  Other uses could easily be devised by specifying different `variants`.
#' @param vars a vector of variable names to look for
#' @param dots a named list of argument values
#' @param defaults named list or alist of default values for limits
#' @param variants a vector of optional postfixes for limit-specifying variable names
#' @return a named list or alist of limits.  The names are determined by the names in `defaults`.
#' If multiple `variants` are matched, the first is used.
#' @examples
#' inferArgs(c('x','u','t'), list(t=c(1,3), x.lim=c(1,10), u=c(1,3), u.lim=c(2,4)))
#' inferArgs(c('x','u'), list(u=c(1,3)), defaults=list(xlim=c(0,1), ylim=NULL)) 
#' @export

inferArgs <- function( vars, dots, defaults=alist(xlim=, ylim=, zlim=), variants=c('.lim','lim') ) {
  limNames <- names(defaults)
  if (length(vars) > length(limNames)) 
    stop( paste("Can only infer", 
                paste(limNames, sep=""), 
                "; but you provided", 
          " variables to search for.", 
  result <-defaults
  for (slot in 1:length(vars)) {
    for (variant in rev(variants)){
      var.lim <- paste(vars[slot],variant,sep="")
      if (! is.null(dots[[var.lim]]) ) {
        result[[limNames[slot]]] <- dots[[var.lim]]

# =============================
# Create an environment for storing axis limits, etc.
.plotFun.envir = new.env(parent=baseenv())
# =====
#' Lattice plot that draws a filled contour plot
#' Used within plotFun
#' @param x x on a grid
#' @param y y on a grid
#' @param z zvalues for the x and y
#' @param subscripts which points to plot
#' @param at cuts for the contours
#' @param shrink what does this do?
#' @param labels draw the contour labels
#' @param label.style where to put the labels
#' @param contour logical draw the contours
#' @param region logical color the regions
#' @param col color for contours
#' @param lty type for contours
#' @param lwd width for contour
#' @param border type of border
#' @param ... dots additional arguments
#' @param col.regions  a vector of colors or a function (`topo.colors` by default) for generating such
#' @param filled whether to fill the contours with color
#' @param alpha.regions transparency of regions
#' @export

panel.levelcontourplot <- function(x, y, z, subscripts=1, 
                                   at, shrink, labels = TRUE, 
                                   label.style = c("mixed","flat","align"), 
                                   contour = FALSE, 
                                   region = TRUE,
                                   col = add.line$col, 
                                   lty = add.line$lty,
                                   lwd = add.line$lwd, 
                                   border = "transparent", ...,
                                   col.regions = regions$col,
                                   alpha.regions = regions$alpha
  add.line <- trellis.par.get('add.line')
  regions <- trellis.par.get('regions')
  if(filled) panel.levelplot(x, y, z, subscripts, 
                             at = pretty(z,5*length(at)), shrink, 
                             labels = FALSE, 
                             label.style = label.style, 
                             contour = FALSE, 
                             region = TRUE,  
                             border = border, ..., 
                             col.regions = col.regions #, 
                             #                  alpha.regions = regions$alpha
  if( all(is.logical(z)) ) {  # it's a constraint function
    at <- c(0,1) 
    labels <- FALSE
  panel.levelplot(x, y, z, subscripts, 
                  at = at, shrink, labels = labels, 
                  label.style = label.style, 
                  contour = TRUE, 
                  region = FALSE, lty=lty, 
                  col = col, lwd=lwd,
                  border = border, ...)

#' Create a color generating function from a vector of colors
#' @param col a vector of colors
#' @return a function that generates a vector of colors interpolated among the colors in `col`
#' @examples
#' cs <- makeColorscheme( c('red','white','blue') )
#' cs(10)
#' cs(10, alpha=.5)
#' @export

makeColorscheme <- function(col) {
  result <- function(n, alpha=1, ...)  {
    idx <-  0.5 + (0:n)/(n+0.001) * (length(colorList))  
    return( apply(col2rgb(col[ round(idx) ]), 2, 
                  function(x) { rgb(x[1],x[2],x[3], alpha=round(alpha*255), maxColorValue=255) } ) )
  e <- new.env()
  e[['colorList']] <- col
  environment(result) <- e

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mosaic documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:27 a.m.